
分类: 在线问答题库发布于:2024-06-02 16:54:38ė94029次浏览605条评论


01 Overview概述


1、中国Which symbol is 文化not on our national emblem?
C、后答后作ears of grain
D、案慕案five stars

2、课课When was the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held?业答
A、September 1949
B、中国October 1949
C、文化August 1949
D、概课July 1949

3、后答后作Who established the Tang dynasty?案慕案
A、Li Yuan
B、课课Zhu Yuanzhang
C、业答Zhao Kuangyin
D、中国Li Shimin

4、The Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou was firstly constructed in Spring and Autumn period in ancient China for the purpose of military action.

5、In ancient China, people paired items from Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches respectively to mark the year, and sixty years form a cycle.

6、In 1987, Deng Xiaoping proposed the policy of "Reform and Opening-up". In the next few years, China's economy has deceloped at an unprecedented rate.

02 Philosophy & Religion 哲学与宗教

Quiz 2

1、On Human Nature Mencius' philosophy about human nature improves upon Taoism and Confucianism in that it is more rational in concern with the human's development in relation to it's environment. Taoists believed that humans did not need cultural refinement, adjustment, or molding based on an external environment, but that it was only their pre-existing natural inborn goodness that needed to be tapped into. Confucians (like the Xunzi for example) thought that people were born innately evil. Mencius improved upon both of those by claiming the natural genetic state of humans is good only with the potential of the environment to develop that natural goodness. Mencius' message did not entail that all humans are born good, but that humans are born with certain positive instinctual temperaments that are made good by personal development and molding from interaction with the environment. Within the analogy of the four germ sprouts, Mencius states four potentials that are hardwired into human genes; “From the feeling of commiseration benevolence grows; from the feeling of shame righteousness grows; from the feeling of courtesy ritual grows; from a sense of right and wrong, wisdom grows. People have these four germs, just as they have four limbs”. These views on human behavior point more toward modern psychology/sociology because they accept that innate human states are less significant than their position within the context of an influence from their environment. The human nature aspect of Mencius philosophy made advancements in the efficiency of logic and it is easy to see how it's influence usurped that of Confucianism. According to Mencius’ opinion, which state below is correct?
A、Human beings are born evil, but good environment can convert people.
B、Human beings are born evil, and environment has little influences on human beings.
C、Human beings have good nature, but it requires a good environment to develop.
D、Human beings are genetically good, which is stable in any kind of environment.

2、“From the feeling of commiseration benevolence grows; from the feeling of shame righteousness grows” is a famous quote from ( ).
A、The Analects of Confucius
C、The Book of History
D、The Great Learning

3、Taoist religion is an indigenous religion in China.

4、The golden mean is the core doctrine of Mohism.

5、Traditional Chinese values attach importance to individualism.

6、Mohism cherishes universal love which states that if all people in the world loved one another, there would be no hatred.

7、Mencius was a staunch champion of the Confucian principle that human nature tends to what is morallygood, and only runs to evil by reason of the perverse influences of external enviroment.

8、Mencius’s view on human nature is similar to modern psychology’s view on human nature.

03 Literature 文学

Quiz 3

1、Tang Dynasty poets sang for about three centuries in different tones. There were many famous poets living in the Tang period such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin. Poems of the Tang Dynasty edited in the Qing Dynasty is a collection of about 48,900 poems that were written by over 2,200 poets. But it didn’t cover all the poems of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, poems were recited when lovers walked under the moonlight. Poems were also recited when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs. In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high social position but also common people. Poets recited poems; women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. As a result, Tang poetry was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam. Tang poetry is a most brilliant page in the history of ancient Chinese literature. It’s a miracle in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited Chinese civilization that went back to ancient times, and was combined with the best of other cultures and adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn’t the only spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest achievement. 5. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that .
A、there were more than 48,900 poems written in Tang Dynasty
B、in total there were four famous poets in the Tang Dynasty
C、only people in the Tang Dynasty created poems
D、in the Tang Dynasty most common people were poets

2、6. The underlined word “adjacent” in Paragraph 3 probably means .

3、7. What does the author really want to tell us in Paragraph 3?
A、In the Tang Dynasty all scholars were poets.
B、Tang Dynasty poems were quite popular.
C、Many foreigners came to our country during the Tang Dynasty.
D、In the Tang Dynasty many poems were sung by women singers.

4、8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A、Why the poets created poems.
B、Some other kinds of spiritual wealth in the Tang Dynasty.
C、The significance and influence of the Tang Dynasty.
D、The editors of Poems of the Tang Dynasty.

5、Chinese classical literature refers to literary works from the days before the Qin dynasty to the late Qing dynasty.

6、The Book of Songs is a collection of China’s 305 oldest poems written in the Spring and Autumn period.

7、Du Fu has long been considered the greatest realistic poet in Chinese literature.

8、Romance of the Three Kingdoms tells the story of the rebellion of the 108 heroes in the area of Liangshan at the end of the Northern Song dynasty.

04 Arts 艺术

Quiz 4

1、Which script is an ancient script that mainly appeared on the bronze vessels during the Warring States period and pre-Qin times?
A、the seal script
B、the official script
C、the regular script
D、the running script

2、Who was traditionally referred as the "sage of Chinese calligraphy"?
A、Wang Xizhi
B、Liu Gongquan
C、Yan Zhenqing
D、Ouyang Xun

3、Which opera is considered the "Mother of Chinese opera"?
A、Kunqu opera
B、Qinqiang opera
C、Beijing opera
D、Sichuan opera

4、What color of facial makeup does Guan Yu have in traditional Beijing opera?

5、Different from the alphabetic writing of English, Chinese characters are hieroglyphs, evolved from pictures and signs.

6、The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy is considered the masterpiece of cursive script in Chinese calligraphy history.

7、The special Hu brush, made of goat hair, is suitable for writing small characters.

8、The four artistic means and basic skills of Beijing opera are singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting.

05 Education 教育

Quiz 5

1、In the Spring and Autumn period, private schools prevailed. Among them, the private school run by ____ was the largest and most influential.

2、During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the civil examination featured _____, which involved the composing of an eight-part essay, in Chinese Baguwen , was designed to select Jinshi.

3、The law of compulsory education came into effect on _______, requiring each child to have nine years of formal education
A、1 July, 1975
B、1 July, 1986
C、1 July, 1978
D、1 July, 1966

4、________, which was launched in 1998 with the aim of building world-class universities in China, is another project to promote the development of the Chinese higher educational system.
A、Project 985
B、Project 211
C、“Double First-Class” Initiative
D、Project 986

5、The coronavirus pandemic is changing higher education. Campuses are closed, students are taking classes online, and the number of colleges announcing budget cuts and furloughs is growing. Students, faculty, staff, families and others are wondering what comes next. It’s a transformative moment for higher education. COVID-19 is accelerating the change at breath taking speed. The trends are speeding up rapidly and will cut deep and in unexpected ways. We will get a decade’s worth of change over the next six to 18 months. These five meta trends will re-shape the higher education landscape. ?Demonstrated value: Both students and their parents now pay far more attention to the value they receive from higher education as well as what it costs them. This will accelerate as more families either can't or won't pay the levels of tuition that a lot of colleges and universities charge now. The nuance here is important. It’s the intersection of value and price that matters. Often the public narrative focuses only on the price. When you talk to families, you hear something different. Families want to make sure the investment of time and precious financial resources are worth it as defined by outcomes.Colleges and universities will be forced to be more reflective about the quality a particular institution offers and what families will pay for that perceived value. ?Education on demand: Today’s prospective students are not confined by what we have historically offered or how we have offered it. They want education when they want it and delivered how they want it.They are much more open to online and in-person hybrid formats, blended learning, accelerated programs, part-time options and more. Pressure will grow to bend the model and to offer things like micro-credentials focused on narrow career goals and academic programs that are much more tailored to specific interests. Students will be much more vocal about the terms under which they are willing to invest the time and financial resources. ?A focus on life launch: We tend to reduce this to “getting a job,” but this misses the larger and more challenging point. Both parents (who often pay for higher education) and students (who invest their time and earnings and take on the debt) go to college because they want to do well in life.They want a good job, as part of a larger goal of being happy, secure and being the architect of their lives. Going forward, both parents and students will want to know how successful the university is at launching graduates into lives and careers. The questions will get harder and the “tires kicked more.” They also will want to know more about the risk factor — what percent of students fall through the cracks and how the college helps those students and alumni. ?Location matters more than ever: There is no clear pattern, but expect that location will move up on the list of things students use to decide college choice. Some students will choose to stay closer to home given the uncertainty of the pandemic.More students are likely to gravitate to colleges and universities in more dynamic urban areas. International students will select areas of the country that are open and friendly to people like themselves. More students attending college are attentive to their own needs — whether they’re health related, focused on entertainment, access to transportation — and they choose where to study and live with those factors in mind. ?Brand appeal: As people come to distrust institutions, they crave brands that add meaning and value to their life. That makes the brand of any particular institution much more important.Brand is different than marketing. Brand is the lived experience and what other people say about your institution. It’s reputation that develops as students and families tell stories about their experience with a particular university or college. Students will seek out brands that speak to the journey they hope to take. The impact that these trends will have on individual institutions will vary based on what sector they serve. What happens to public universities will be very different from what changes look like at private liberal arts colleges. 题目:Students nowadays are much more open to online and in-person hybrid formats.

6、Students are expecting job training in higher education to help them do well in life.

7、Since the pandemic, students tend to choose university of places where the pandemic is not so serious.

8、University should pay more attention to build its brand in the future

06 Science & Technology 科学技术

Quiz 6

1、Who invented the paper from worn fishnet, bark and cloth in ancient China?
A、Cai Lun
B、Bi Sheng
C、Li Shizhen
D、Zhang Heng

2、There were a large number of great men in medical science and materia medica(草药学) in ancient China. Bian Que was one of them. What was the most renowned invention of Bian Que?
A、Four methods of diagnosis
B、Five-Animal Exercises
C、On Diseases

3、There are many ways in which imbalances in qi can be corrected. Which one is not one of them?
B、Herbal medicine
C、Tai chi chuan

4、Which one of the following inventions in modern China has been branded as a "name card" of China?
A、High-speed rail
B、Dockless shared bicycle

5、The gunpowder was firstly invented by alchemists while attempting to make an elixir of immorality.

6、In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors would take the diet, age, emotions, lifestyle and living environment of the patient into consideration. They pay particular attention to the symptoms of sickness rather than the cause.

7、Qi, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a vital force of energy instrumental for the working of the human body and mind.

8、In modern China, the most-accepted four great inventions are dockless shared bicycles, high-speed rail, alipay, and e-commerce.

07 Sports 体育

Quiz 7

1、The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of their time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can earn a lot of money. For example, a professional footballer in England earns more than 30, 000 dollars a year. The stars earn a lot more. International golf and tennis champions can make more than 500, 000 dollars a year. Of course, only a few o sportsmen can earn as much money as that. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is that the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say “Buy our things”. It says “Buy the same shirt and shoes as...”. Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or a photograph of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people’s spare time. From the passage we can learn ________.
A、people spend too much money on sports
B、the development of sports is slower than any other activity
C、most people enjoy sports because they can earn money
D、nowadays sport is not merely a pastime for people

2、Nowadays, the word “sport” means________.
A、what people do in their spare time
B、hunting wild animals and birds
C、organized games
D、something people are paid to do

3、People play sports for ________.
B、different purposes
D、keeping fit

4、What surprises people most is that________.
A、the stars get more money from advertising
B、the word “sport” meant hunting animals
C、professional sportsmen are paid for what they do
D、only a few sportsmen can earn $ 500, 000 a year

5、In the Song dynasty, Chuiwan, a primitive soccer game using a leather ball filled with hair, etc. was very popular among people.

6、Tai Chi Chuan, also called deep breathing exercise, is practiced by the Chinese on a regular basis to keep fit.

7、The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens in 1896, and the Olympic motto is faster, higher, stronger.

8、Modern martial arts consist of five categories: boxing, weapon exercises, sparring exercises, actual combat and teamwork.

08 Traditional Festivals 传统节日

Quiz 8

1、China's major traditional festivals include _________.
A、National Day
B、Labour Day
C、Teachers' Day
D、Lantern Festival

2、Qingming Festival is in memory of __________ who lived in the Spring and Autumn period.
A、Qu Yuan
B、Chong Er
C、Jie Zitui

3、The Water-Splashing Festival is the _____________ New Year.
A、Miao people's
B、Dai people's
C、Bai people's
D、Hui people's

4、_________ is a traditional festival observed by the Mongolian people.
A、The Nadam Fair
B、Torch Festival
C、Danu Festival
D、Water-Splashing Festival

5、The Lantern Festival marks the end of the New Year celebrations.

6、The Dragon Boat Festiva falls on the third day of the fifth lunar monthe and is celebrated everywhere in China.

7、The first day of the Water-Splashing Festival is the eve.

8、The Torch Festival is a traditional festival of the Yao people.

09 Culinary Culture 饮食文化

Quiz 9

1、Which one is not the criterion of judging a Chinese dish?

2、According to the book Huang Di Nei Jing, the five main food colors go to the five internal organs of human body. Which one of the following expressions is wrong?
A、Red goes to heart.
B、Black goes to kidney.
C、Yellow goes to spleen.
D、White goes to lung.
E、Green goes to lung.

3、Which one does not belong to the Eight Regional Cuisines?
A、Beijing cuisine
B、Shandong cuisine
C、Sichuan cuisine
D、Hunan cuisine

4、Green tea, which is unfermented, has the most medicinal value and the least caffeine content. Which one of the following tea types does not belong to green tea?
A、Longjing of the West Lake in Zhejiang province
B、Biluochun produced in Jiangsu province
C、Maojian produced in Xinyang, Henan province
D、Tieguanyin produced in Anxi, Fujian province

5、Yin foods are thin, cold and low in calories, such as cucumber.

6、Many kinds of Guangdong porridge and soups provide enough nutrients to make up for the water lost through perspiration during the long, hot summer.

7、Sichuan people like eating hot and spicy food, because by consuming more hot peppers it can help the local people fight dampness and cold.

8、When you pour tea for your guest, please remember the rule of "full cup for wine and half cup for tea".

10 Costume & Adornment 服装与饰品

Quiz 10

1、Chinese rules of etiquette regarding costumes and adornments started taking shape in the __________ dynasty, regualting from nobles down to commoners.

2、In the Qin dynasty, costumes and adornments were mostly of the colour __________.

3、___________ is a classic dress for Chinese women with the elaborate elegance of traditional Chinese style.
A、Tang Costume
B、Tunic Suit

4、____________ is a traditional Chinese handicraft featuring flowers, birds, scenery on silk or other cloth with coloured silk threads.

5、In the Tang dynasty, clothing was more varied than before because the state was more open to the outside world.

6、During Qing dynasty, it became fashionable for women to bind their feet in order to keep them small.

7、The Chinese tunic suit was a uniform that Dr. Sun Yat-san like to wear and also recmmended to the people of the country to wear.

8、The Dai people's penchant for silver jewelry stems from their respect for beauty and dignity.

11 Architecture 建筑

Quiz 11

1、Becasue the timber frame supported most of the weight of the house, windows , doors and walls were not restricted to certain locations.

2、Glazed tiles can be seen on palace buildings, the large mansions and the residences of some ordinary people.

3、There are nine mytholoigical animals on the ridges of Hall of Supreme Harmony.

4、Gable and hip roof has the highest ranking among all the roof styles of traditional architecture.

5、Cave dwellings are common on the loess Plateau or northwest China and in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

6、Felt is a convenient building material for Mongolians, and it can protect the family from both the heat in summer and cold in winter.

7、The fisrt storey of the stone chamber of the dwellings is often used for livestock and poultry.

12 Major Tourist Cities 主要旅游城市

Quiz 12

1、Which of the following cities were not once the ancient capitals?

2、Beijing is located in the _______ part of the North China Plain.

3、____________ stands at the center of Tian’anmen Square.
A、The Monument to the People’s Heroes
B、Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall
C、Great Hall of the People
D、National Museum of China

4、Fuzimiao in Nanjing is a memorial place for _________ .

5、In Su Dongpo’s poem, he compared the________ to Xi Zi, one of the four beauties in ancient China.

6、Xi’an has the longest history as China’s capital over 1,000 years and about 10 dynasties.It was then called _________ .

13 World Heritage Sites 世界遗产地

Quiz 13

1、Ancient rulers usually paid homage to Mount Huangshan, hoping that their reign would be blessed.

2、The World Heritage List was established under terms of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted in 1972 by UNESCO.

3、Up until 2020, there are 5 world cultural and natural heritages in China, which are all mountains.

4、Mount Taishan is the leader of the "Five Sacred Mountains" in China.

5、Mount Emei is known worldwide for its for wonders: the fantastic pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds, and the hot spring.

6、Cultural and natural heritage is the identity of a nation and the value of a society.

7、Mount Wuyi is one of the four Buddist mountains in China, with the other three being Mount Wutai, Mount Putuo, and Mount Jiuhua.


Final Examination

1、When was the People’s Republic of China (PRC) founded?
A、October 1, 1949
B、November 1, 1921
C、November 1, 1949
D、October 1, 1921

2、Among the five styles of Chinese scripts, which one is an ancient script that mainly appeared on the bronze vessels during the Warring States period and pre-Qin times?
A、The seal script
B、The regular script
C、The cursive script
D、The official script

3、Which one of the following foods belongs to yin(阴) food?
D、Green beans

4、Among the four great inventions in ancient China, which one was known as “mother of civilization”?

5、Of the following novels, which one is written by Luo Guanzhong?
A、Water Margin
B、Journey to the West
C、A Dream of the Red Mansions
D、Romance of the Three Kingdoms

6、Of the following sports, which one is very popular in the Song dynasty?
C、equestrian polo

7、____ takes the teachings of Confucius as its core of thought and regards the words and deeds of Confucius as its highest code of behavior.

8、Mount ______ is the leader of the “Five Sacred Mountains” in China.

9、During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the civil examination featured _____ , which involved the composing of an eight-part essay, in Chinese Baguwen , was designed to select Jinshi.

10、Of the following cities, which one was not once the ancient capital?

11、China is a multi-religion country, which has religions of foreign origin such as_________.

12、Colorful painting of traditional Chinese architecture is used for_________.
C、Warding off evil spirits
D、Showing the name of the house owner

13、Which places of the following places of interest are inscribed on the World Heritage List?
A、Yu Garden in Shanghai
B、Longmen Grottoes
C、Classical Garden of Suzhou
D、Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian

14、Which of the following books are included in the Four Books(四书)?
A、The Great Learning
B、The Analects of Confucius
D、The Book of Rites

15、Among the following works, which ones belong to historical prose?
A、The Spring and Autumn Annals
B、The Book of History
C、The Analects of Confucius
D、Zuo's Commentary

16、Among the following sports, which ones are distinguished forms of Chinese martial arts?
B、Tai Chi Chuan
D、Shaolin Boxing

17、_____ are the methods of diagnosis in TCM.
B、Auscultation and olfaction
D、Palpation and pulse feeling

18、The most famous among various types of green tea are _____.
A、Longjing of West Lake in Zhejiang province
B、Maofeng of Mount Huangshan in Anhui province
C、Biluochun produced in Jiangsu
D、Yunwu from Mount Lushan in Jiangxi province

19、China’s major traditional festivals include ________.
A、the Lantern Festival
B、the Qingming Festival
C、National Day
D、the Double Ninth Festival

20、The pockets in the front of Chinese Tunic Suit represent ____________.
D、a sense of shame

21、The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy by Wang Xizhi is considered the greatest masterpiece of Chinese calligraphy in history.

22、Hunan people eat hot peppers to help fight dampness and cold.

23、Gunpowder was invented in China, not by a alchemists seeking the elixir of immortality, but by people seeking better weapons or even explosives.

24、In the Song dynasty, clothing was more varied than before, because the sate was more open to the outside world.

25、Li Bai has long been considered the greatest realistic poet in Chinese literature.

26、Table tennis, also called ping-pong, is very popular throughout China and known as the “National Ball Game” of China.

27、Traditional Chinese values attach great importance to individual interest instead of collective interest.

28、Traditional Chinese architecture featured timber framework as the supporting structure.

29、Cultural and natural heritage is the identity of a nation and the value of a society. Therefore, we must preserve it for future generations.

30、By the year of 618, the Tang dynasty(618-907 A.D.), the commonly regarded glorious period in Chinese history, was founded by Li Yuan.

31、Yuefu folk songs are mostly written in five-character lines.

32、The Opium War was the turning point in Chinese history which marked the close of the ancient period and the beginning of the modern history.

33、Each year, on July 7th, 8th and 9th, senior middle school graduates across the country take the National College Entrance Examination simultaneously with 2020 an exception because of COVID-19.

34、Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre was built in 1985, to commemorate about 300,000 victims in the massacre launched by Japanese invaders in 1937.

35、In 1998, the Chinese government designated the Double Ninth Festival as “Senior Citizens’ Day”.

36、The Book of Songs and The Songs of ________ are regarded as the two peaks of China’s earlier literary history.

37、___________ , also called deep breathing exercise, is practised by the Chinese on a regular basis to keep fit.

38、China has one indigenous religion, which is______.

39、Mount _______ is famous for its four wonders: the fantastic pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds, and the hot springs.

40、The Spring Festival is China's most important festival that falls on the first day of the first ______ month each year.

41、The Water-Splashing Festival is the most solemn festival for _______ people in Yunnan Province in the southwest of China.

42、The Chinese ________ Suit is a uniform that Dr. Sun Yat-sen liked to wear and recommended to the people of the country to wear.

43、The Chinese Reform and Opening-up in _______ was led by the chief architect Deng Xiaoping.(请填哪一年)

44、The four major roles in Beijing Opera today are sheng, dan, jing, _____.

45、Generally speaking, there are three essential standards by which Chinese cooking is judged, namely, color, aroma, and taste, with ______ being the most important.

46、The monumental masterpiece Compendium of Meteria Medica was created by Li Shizhen of the ______ dynasty.

47、The history of Hakka earth buildings dates back to the _______ Dynasty.

48、Songyang Academy, one of four famous academies in ancient China, was located in ___________ province.

49、___________ Institutes are not universities of the general sense. They help to promote and disseminate Chinese culture and Chinese language education, and to deepen the friendship between China and the rest of the world.

50、Today's Great Wall was mostly built during the ________ dynasty, in order to protect people from raids by the northern tribes.




























