
云课堂答案2024-05-19 08:48:3238704抢沙发
mooc专门用途英语课程群(化学工程英语)期末答案(mooc2023课后作业答案)摘要: Unit 1 The History of Chemistry判断正误1、Antoine Lavoisier developed a law of conservation of mass that ...


Unit 1 The专门 History of Chemistry


1、Antoine Lavoisier developed a law of conservation of mass that demanded careful measurement and quantiative observation of chemical phenomena.

2、用途英语语期业答Georgius Agricola described the highly developed and complex processes of mining metal ores,课程c课metal extraction and metallurgy of the time in his great work De re metallica, he has been described as the" father of metallurgy".

3、Michael Faraday was famous for creating the theory of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

4、群化Fritz haber and Carl Bosch developed the Haber process for making ammonia in 1905,学工 a milestone in industrial chemistry with deep consequences in agriculture.

5、In 1991,程英Sumio Iijima used electron microscopy to discover a type of cylindrical fullerene known as a carbon nanotube.

Unit 4 Organic chemistry

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon随堂测验

1、Study the prefixes below and choose a proper word from the italicized words to complete each of the sentences. carb(o)- means "carbon",末答 e.g. carbamide,carbonation de- means "to remove" something", e.g. deforest, delocalized, debug hydro-means "water or hydrogen", e.g. hydrocarbon,hydrokineitcs, hydrogenize poly- means "many", e.g. polynuclear, polythylene, polyolefin The influence of _________ glycol(乙二醇) on the aluminium hydroxide product in the process of ion-exchange membrance electrolysis was studied.

2、The案m案 unsaturated fatty acids were separated by the method of _________ package.

3、It is 后作generally accepted that the _________ electrons can exist only in the state that they have specific energy levels.

4、According to a system adopted at the Geneva Convention,专门 fatty acids are named in accord with the parent ___________.

5、Forecasting of concrete ___________ depth is 用途英语语期业答an important part of the structural durability assessment.

Lecture 2 Organic chemistry: definition and application随堂测验

1、Read the list of common organic chemicals below and try to put them in the right categories. Write its number in the right place. shampoo gasoline perfume drug paint plastic paper fertilizer wood coal cleaning solvent vitamin soap natural gas moth ball insect repellent nail polish remover Category 1 insectifuge _____________________.

2、课程c课Category 2 fuel _____________________

3、群化Category 3 home maintenance _____________________

4、学工Category 4 health product ___________________

5、程英Category 5 personal care ______________________

6、Category 6 others ______________________

Lecture 3 Organic chemistry brief history and relation with petrochemistry and biochemistry随堂测验

1、Read Text A and complete the table with the brief information in Text A. Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) 1823 Michel Chevreul ( )

2、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) Friedrich W?hler ( )

3、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) 1856 ( )

4、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) 1858 developed the concept of chemical structure

5、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) Felix Hoffmann ( ) ( )

6、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) 2005 Robert Grubbs, Richard Schrock and Yves Chauvin ( )

7、Time Chemist(s) Major achievement(s) / developed synthetic methods ( )

Lecture 4 Critical thinking随堂测验

1、Organic chemistry is closely conncected with biochemistry.

2、In 19th century, people began to adopt the term biochemistry in their studies.

3、The creation of Vitamin B12 was an siginificant event in the history of organic chemistry.

4、Synthetic methods gained huge progress and made it possible to increase the production of indigo.

5、According to the author, petroleum was demonstrated to have a botanic origin.

Unit 5 Chemical reaction

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon随堂测验

1、Chemical reactions can be classified into different categories according to different criteria.

2、Factors that influence the rate of chemical reaction include time, place, people and temperature.

3、Write the Chinese meaning of "reaction" in general English.

4、Write the Chinese meaning of "reaction" in English for Chemical Engineering.

5、Write the Chinese meaning of "equation" in English for Chemical Engineering.

6、Write the Chinese meaning of "base" in English for Chemical Engineering.

7、Write the Chinese meaning of "catalyst" in English for Chemical Engineering.

8、Write the Chinese meaning of "product" in English for Chemical Engineering.

9、Write the Chinese meaning of " neutralization " in English for Chemical Engineering.

Lecture 2 Chemical reaction随堂测验

1、The factors that affect reaction rates are:

2、The changes of chemical reactions include:

Lecture 3 Chemical sentences: equations随堂测验

1、What is a reactant?

2、What is a product?

3、What is a coefficient?

4、What does the plus sign + mean in chemical equations?

5、What does an arrow ? mean in chemical equations?

Lecture 4 Critical thinking随堂测验

1、What are the steps of using curiosity skill in critical thinking?

Unit 6 Chemical Thermodynamics

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon随堂测验

1、What is the Chinese meaning of "work" in English for Chemical Engineering?

2、What is the Chinese meaning of "law" in English for Chemical Engineering?

3、What is the Chinese meaning of "internal energy" in English for Chemical Engineering?

4、What is the Chinese meaning of "entropy" ?

5、What is the Chinese meaning of" potential energy" ?

6、What is the Chinese meaning of"kinetic energy"?

7、What is the Chinese meaning of"spontaneous process "?

8、What is the Chinese meaning of" photon"?

9、What is the Chinese meaning of"closed system"?

10、What is the Chinese meaning of"isolated system"?

11、What is the Chinese meaning of"open system"?

Lecture 2 Chemical thermodynamics随堂测验

1、What is chemical thermodynamics?

2、How many kinds of systems are there in chemical thermodynamics? And what are they?

Lecture 3 The laws of thermodynamics随堂测验

1、Law of Conservation of Energy is the first law of thermodynamics.

2、Energy is not created or destroyed; it simply changes from one form to another.

3、The entropy of any isolated system sometimes increases

4、A perfect crystalline structure at absolute zero temperatures will not have zero disorder or entropy.

5、It is possible to reduce any system to absolute zero in a finite series of operations.

6、The entropy of a perfect crystal of an element in its most stable form tends to zero as the temperature approaches high temperature.

7、Energy is defined as( ).

Lecture 4 Critical thinking随堂测验

1、What is identification in critical thinking?

Unit 7 Chemical Equilibrium

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon随堂测验

1、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of condense in English for Chemical Engineering?

2、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of vessel in English for Chemical Engineering?

3、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of bond in English for Chemical Engineering?

4、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of release in English for Chemical Engineering?

5、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of endothermic reaction in English for Chemical Engineering?

6、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of exothermic reaction in English for Chemical Engineering?

7、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of replacement reaction in English for Chemical Engineering?

8、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of oxidation reaction in English for Chemical Engineering?

9、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of chemical equilibrium in English for Chemical Engineering?

10、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of activation energy in English for Chemical Engineering?

11、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of radioactive isotope in English for Chemical Engineering?

12、What is the Chinese meaning(s) of bond energy in English for Chemical Engineering?

Lecture 2 Chemical equilibrium随堂测验

1、When a liquid evaporates in a closed container, molecules with relatively higher kinetic energy remain in the liquid surface.

2、Equilibrium can be established for physical processes as well as chemical reactions.

3、The experiemental conditions affect the extent of a reaction in equilibrium.

4、Equilibrium in a physical or chemical system is static.

5、The equilibrium is dynamic in nature.

Lecture 3 Responsible paper production随堂测验

1、Wood pulp bleaching is not environment-friendly.

2、Chlorine is used in bleaching and brings pollution to the environment.

3、There is only one step in bleaching to remove ligin and brighten the cellulose pulp.

4、The oxidation of ligin will help chlorine dioxide remain unchanged in terms of chemical structure and physical properties.

5、All fragments containing color residues can be digested by the microorganisms.

6、TAMLs sufficiently speed up the hydrogen peroxide oxidation.

Lecture 4 Critical thinking随堂测验

1、Your understanding of inference.

Unit 8 Green Chemistry

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon随堂测验

1、What is the Chinese meaning of solvent in English for Chemical Enineering?

2、What is the Chinese meaning of agent in English for Chemical Enineering?

3、What is the Chinese meaning of degradation in English for Chemical Enineering?







  • 课程内容全面:课程涵盖了化学工程英语的各个方面,包括化学反应、能源、材料、环境等方面。
  • 教学方法灵活:课程采用了多种教学方法,如视频课程、在线讨论、教师答疑等方式,让学生更好地掌握知识。
  • 学习资源丰富:课程提供了大量的学习资源,如教材、课件、练习题等,让学生能够更好地掌握知识。
  • 学习氛围浓厚:课程允许学生之间进行交流和讨论,让学生能够分享经验和互相帮助。



  • 便捷:学生可以随时随地登陆学习通进行学习,不需要受时间和地域的限制。
  • 高效:学生可以通过多种方式学习和掌握知识,提高学习效率。
  • 实用:课程内容涵盖了化学工程英语的各个方面,让学生能够更好地掌握相关知识。
  • 经济:学习通专门用途英语课程群的费用相对较低,让更多的学生能够受益。



  1. 登陆学习通()。
  2. 搜索“专门用途英语课程群(化学工程英语)”,找到相应的课程群。
  3. 单击“加入”按钮即可。




B.规避市场风险可以从以下几方面入手( )。 *p=&i,i;
D.《泼墨仙人图》和《太白行吟图》的作者是宋代画家( )


B.要表示表格数据,需要继承下列( )类。

( )起源于母系氏族社会,是代表有共同血缘关系的族号,是氏族的标记。

C.由于系统经循环过程后回到始态,S = 0,所以一定是一个可逆循环过程。

界面友好,模块条理清晰的GNSS处理软件为( )。

D.以下不是构建用例图的基本元素的是( )

青铜一般是- 的合金

B.汽车停在不设超高的弯道外侧路面上,其横向力系数μ为( )。
D.王老师心里烦躁时,会把气撒在幼儿身上,随意批评或打骂幼儿,这表明王老师( )




A.煤、石油和( )是当今三大化石能源。
B.戊戌变法运动突出的历史功绩在于( )。




B.以下不是纳米材料的特点的有( )
D.CFR、CIF、CPT、和CIP等几个贸易术语的价格构成中,都包括( )。

“谁将倚天剑,削出倚天峰”描写的是长安八景中的( )。

A.下边属于正常商品的是(  )
B.所有图片类型不可以转换成( )格式。
C.人物的显著性体现在:( )
D.8255A的 一般用作控制或状态信息传输。

27. 未经同意替别人的咖啡加糖或奶是失礼的。

C.金属塑性成形的优点包括( )。


C.“小说界革命”是梁启超首倡的一种( )的尝试。

智慧职教: 下列分析方法按分析任务分类的是

A.设(x,y)的分布函数为F(x,y),则。( )
D.企业的利润总额就是企业的应纳税所得额( )


B.对于采用常见的组合和按标准选取尺寸的平键,,动链接的主要失效形式则是( )。
C.质点动力学的两类基本问题是( )


本文地址:发布于 2024-05-19 08:48:32

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