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Unit 1 Mechanics

Unit 1 Mechanics Exercise

1、尔雅For these reasons,生物 it is crucial to have tight control of the plasma dose (It has been proven by numerous previous studies) during clinical plasma treatments.

2、our innovation to the standard plasma reactor design is 医学英语a ring electrode, which is placed on the outer wall of the glass tube.

3、The写作学习 treatments by low-ultraviolet plasma resulted in a long term post irradiation inhibition of bacterial growth.

4、Two typical spectra which recorded the two characteristic positions of the ring electrode with a He flux of 1,课后000 sccm are shown in Fig. 2.

5、Helium plasma is 答案injected from this channel with a jet length of 1 to 10 millimeters, depending on the working gas flow ranging from two hundred to one thousand fifty hundred standard cubic centimeters per minute.

Unit 2 Easily misused punctuation marks

Unit 2 Easily misused punctuation marks Exercise

1、This 通完graph indicates that the cellular mortality rates after 420、520、整答and 720 seconds of radiation were 55%、尔雅58%、生物and 77%,医学英语 respectively.

2、Mechanical stress plays an important role in the cell proliferation,写作学习 differentiation, apoptosis, gene expression and tissue growth.

3、Cell death is 课后a gene-controlled form of programmed death, it is closely related with oral mucosa carcinogenesis.

4、Torii et al. found out that “the impact of plasma onto liver cancer cells led to death through apoptosis.”

5、答案A 2010 survey published in《Dermatologic Surgery》revealed that both men and women deemed tanned individuals much more attractive.

Unit 3 Common grammatical mistake: faulty parallelism

Unit 3 Common grammatical mistake: faulty parallelism Exercise

1、通完The mode, methods, and how to address the problems of bilingual teaching of burn surgery for the seven-year medical program students are discussed in this paper.

2、They have been conned by big business into believing that they need the protein in meat and the milky calcium in order to thrive.

3、Spine surgery is a sub-specialty of orthopedics that has been developing rapidly in recent years and important.

4、The two spans of 420 and 720 seconds were selected for apoptosis assessment and to observe the cell viability.

5、Astragalus could inhibit the expression of proapoptotic genes and enhance that of inhibiting-apoptotic genes in ischemia area after cerebral ischemia.

Unit 4 Common grammatical mistake: dangling modifiers

Unit 4 Common Grammatical Mistake: Dangling Modifiers Exercise

1、Checked with MRI, their history of intramuscular injection was routinely inquired.

2、Presenting as mean ± standard deviation, the results were analyzed with SPSS 23.

3、Compared with the control group, the effective rate was significantly higher in the experimental group.

4、Crouching from the standing position, gluteal muscle contracture may make them unable to bring both knees together.

5、To investigate the patients’ satisfaction after surgery, we carried out a self-designed questionnaire survey.

Unit 5 Overuse of nominalization

Unit 5 Overuse of nominalization Exercise

1、Their animal fat consumption is less than that of other Americans.

2、An increase in the patient’s estrogen level occurred.

3、Twenty-four significant asthma exacerbations occurred during the treatment period.

4、The serum vitamin12 concentration correlated directly with mean nerve conduction velocity.

5、Infusion of tyramine produced a decrease in cutaneous blood flow.

Unit 6 Writing effective sentences

Unit 6 Writing effective sentences Exercise

1、Graves' disease (GD) is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in areas with sufficient iodine intake, where its prevalence is about 0.5%, and its incidence is around 21 per 100,000 per year.

2、Patients with ovarian cancer experience a high rate of anemia throughout their treatment course, with rates in different studies ranging from 19% to 95%.

3、The rates and reasons for losing to follow-up were checked.

4、The infection rate in the vaccine group increased to 7.8%, and was not significantly different from 13.2% in the controls (P>0.1).

5、Aspirin is used for temporary relief of pain. It can also be used to treat arthritic or rheumatologic diseases. It has antipyretic effects, too.

Unit 7 Title writing: functions and key elements

Unit 7 Title writing: functions and key elements Exercise

1、The independent variable in the title “Long-term use of aspirin and age-related macular degeneration” is ________.
A、long-term use of aspirin
C、age-related macular degeneration

2、The title “Treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis with oral steroids followed by topical steroids: A randomized trial” indicates that the paper is ________.
A、a review article
B、a method paper
C、a result paper

3、If the research was to estimate quality-adjusted life-years lost due to obesity and knee osteoarthritis among Americans aged 50 to 84 years, the best title of the paper would be ________.
A、quality-adjusted life-years lost and obesity and knee osteoarthritis in older Americans
B、effects of obesity and knee osteoarthritis on life quality of older Americans
C、effects of obesity and knee osteoarthritis on morbidity and mortality in older Americans

4、If the research was to find out whether the drug sunitinib malate can treat pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, the best title of the paper would be ________.
A、effects of sunitinib malate on pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
B、sunitinib malate for the treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
C、relationship between sunitinib malate and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

5、If the research results showed that concomitant HIV-2 infection can inhibit HIV-1 disease progression, the best title of the paper would be ________.
A、inhibition of HIV-1 disease progression by concomitant HIV-2 infection
B、effects of concomitant HIV-2 infection on HIV-1 disease progression
C、relationship between concomitant HIV-2 infection and HIV-1 disease progression

Unit 8 Title writing: structure and capitalization

Unit 8 Title writing: structure and capitalization Exercise

1、In the title “Amoxicillin for acute rhinosinusitis: A randomized controlled trial,” the subtitle emphasizes the ________ of the research.

2、The error in capitalization in the title “Association between Treated and Untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Risk of Hypertension” is ________.

3、The error in capitalization in the title “Plasma clusterin and the risk of alzheimer disease” is ________.

4、The type of title capitalization that the journal American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology adopts is ________.
A、headline style
B、sentence style
C、all-capitalization style

5、The type of title capitalization that is seldom used in research article titles now is ________.
A、all-capitalization style
B、headline style
C、sentence style

Unit 9 Abstract: language feature-tense

Unit 9 Abstract: language feature-tense Exercise

1、We therefore hypothesized that TGF-? signally affected the induction of CD39 on Tregs.

2、Patient demographics and preoperative characteristics were shown in Table 1.

3、All statistical analysis was performed with SPSS statistics software (version 25; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).

4、Optical microscopy showed that lung tissue damage is milder in hyperoxia solution treatment group than in saline treatment group.

5、GD patients were diagnosed according to their clinical manifestations supplemented with the biochemical tests of thyroid function and thyroid ultrasound examination.

Unit 10 Abstract: language feature-voice

Unit 10 Abstract: language feature-voice Exercise

1、The Pagetic bone pain was significantly reduced by the end of pamidronate treatment in all patients.

2、The clinical manifestations of 45 cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by acinetobacter between 1995 and 2003 were analyzed.

3、Significant elevations of TGF-β and eNOS were seen in lung homogenates.

4、The regression equation was not found to be significantly different from the line of identity.

5、Better evidence is needed in view of the extent of illicit drug use.

Unit 11 Introduction

Unit 11 Introduction Exercise

1、An Introduction should include ________.

2、The main function of the Introduction section is to ________.
A、arouse the readers’ interests and curiosity
B、depict the significance and importance of the research
C、explain the results of the research
D、tell the readers what will be done in the future

3、A good Introduction should be intelligible for ________.
A、readers from various disciplines
B、experts from the specific field
C、general researchers from the specific field
D、everyone who reads it

4、An important feature of the Introduction section writing is that it should be _______.

5、The key terms of the study should be defined when _______.
A、they appear for the first time in the paper
B、they are likely to cause confusion among the readers
C、they may hinder the readers’ memory
D、they are very important to the study

Unit 12 Methods

Unit 12 Methods Exercise

1、The Methods section is often used by a journal’s editors to _________.
A、evaluate the quality of the paper
B、acquire background of the study
C、decide whether the topic is interesting
D、understand the purpose of the research

2、The Methods section mainly presents _________.
A、the purpose of the research
B、the researchers of previous studies
C、procedures of the experiment
D、prediction of possible results

3、Which of the following can be included in the Methods section?
A、The significance of the study.
B、The implications of the results.
C、The ethical issues involved.
D、The limitations of the research.

4、What tense should be used to report what was done in experiments?
A、The present tense.
B、The past tense.
C、The future tense.
D、The perfect tense.

5、In the section of Methods, the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria specifically belong to _________.
A、methods of manipulation
B、methods of measurement
C、methods of intervention
D、methods of grouping

Unit 13 Results

Unit 13 Results Exercise

1、In the Results section authors may include information like ________.
A、general background
B、comparison between their data and those of previous research
C、a brief conclusion
D、description of data

2、Data can be divided into the sub-category like _______.
A、modified data
B、transformed data
C、obsolete data
D、reliable data

3、For summarizing non-normally distributed data, it is better to use ________.
A、median and interquartile range
B、mean with standard deviation
C、standard error of the mean
D、two-sided tests

4、To make effective tables, you should _________.
A、arrange data of the shorter string into columns
B、use complete sentences as the table titles
C、use only three horizontal rules for the table
D、line up numbers on the left

5、In the Results section, it is recommended that you ________.
A、use the present tense to present the results
B、place the title of a table on its top
C、discuss the significance of your data
D、repeat the same information both in texts and figures

Unit 14 Discussion I

Unit 14 Discussion I Exercise

1、You should not refer to any other previous studies in the Discussion section.

2、Different studies may require different sequences in the writing of Discussion.

3、Authors should try to avoid analyzing the unanticipated findings.

4、In the Discussion section, you should answer all the research questions and underpin the problem(s) that you posed in the Introduction section.

5、In general, you can interpret and discuss the significance of your findings in the same sequence you described them in your Results section.

Unit 15 Discussion II

Unit 15 Discussion II Exercise

1、In the Discussion section, you are advised to ________.
A、introduce new results
B、restate the major results
C、adopt different narrative styles
D、use subheadings for organization

2、The possible limitation(s) of a study may often involve ________.
A、level of the hospital
B、size of the experiment samples
C、professionalism of researchers
D、version of software for statistics

3、In general, the past tense is often used for ________.
B、research background
C、introduction of other researches
D、comparison with other studies

4、While writing suggestions for future studies, you are advised to use _________.
A、the future tense
B、the past tense
C、the present tense
D、the progressive tense

5、When the authors use the sentence pattern like “A surprising finding was that,” they are most likely _________.
A、discussing the significance of the data
B、giving suggestions for further studies
C、analyzing the unanticipated findings
D、comparing with other similar studies

Final Examination

Final Examination

1、Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. If the research was to determine whether lenalidomide maintenance therapy prolongs the time to disease progression after stem-cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma, the best title of the paper would be _________.
A、“Lenalidomide therapy prolongs the progression of multiple myeloma”
B、“Lenalidomide after stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma”
C、“Lenalidomide for stem-cell transplantation in multiple myeloma patients”

2、If the research results showed that aspirin can prevent the recurrence of venous thromboembolism, the best title of the paper would be _________.
A、“Aspirin prevents the recurrence of venous thromboembolism”
B、“Aspirin and venous thromboembolism”
C、“Effect of aspirin on the recurrence of venous thromboembolism”

3、The most common structure of biomedical research paper titles is _________.
A、noun phrases
B、gerund phrases
C、declarative sentences

4、In the title “Ranking freshwater fish farms for the risk of pathogen introduction and spread”, _________ is emphasized.
A、freshwater fish farms
B、the action “rank”
C、pathogen introduction and spread

5、The title “Cell-to-cell contact induces mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into cardiomyocyte and smooth muscle cells” is a declarative sentence because the authors may ________.
A、want to state their findings as clearly and completely as possible
B、want to show the complexity of their research design and findings
C、have found strong evidence to prove that cell-to-cell contact induces the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

6、Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. “The purpose of this study was to produce a model of GVHB in rat pancreas-spleen transplantation and evaluating the effect of graft irradiation in preventing this complication.” The mistake in this sentence is ______.
A、The incorrect verb tense “was”
B、The faulty parallelism “evaluating”
C、The incorrect verb form “to produce”

7、“A patient with amyloidosis of renal pelvis and two patients with urinary bladder amyloidosis are described in this report.” The obvious problem in this sentence is ______.
A、The incorrect verb tense “are”
B、The incorrect subject-verb agreement “are”
C、The unbalanced sentence structure with a long subject

8、“Fig. 2 showed the correlation between AMH levels and hormonal parameters.” The mistake in this sentence is _______.
A、The incorrect verb tense “showed
B、The incorrect abbreviation “Fig.”
C、The incorrect abbreviation “AMH”

9、“Atrial fibrillation (AF) and chronic heart failure (HF) have been characterized as the twin epidemics of modern cardiovascular medicine, and rhythm control of AF is one of the most challenging tasks, and options for pharmacotherapy are very limited, one of the reasons being the complexity of atrial remodeling in chronic AF.” The main problem in this sentence is that ______.
A、the abbreviations are not corrected used
B、there are several ideas in it
C、the ideas are not expressed clearly

10、“Viral hepatitis is an important epidemiological factor, since chronic infection forces hepatocytes to regenerate with consequently excessive replication. Accumulation of viral products in hepatocytes and subsequent immune responses by lymphocytes are suspected of causing death of liver cells. Cirrhosis is the most important clinicopathological background of hepatocellular carcinomas, regardless of epidemiology.” The main problem in this paragraph is that ______.
A、there is lack of coherence between sentences
B、the sentences are too long
C、the ideas are not expressed clearly

11、Directions: Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Then write T for true and F for false in the brackets. In the Introduction section authors are supposed to write from the specific information to the general.

12、The present tense is used to describe the background and status quo, while the past tense is used to introduce what was done in previous reports and the current one.

13、The abbreviation of special terms should come with their full names at the first appearance in the paper.

14、You should use abbreviations and acronyms as many as possible to make the text concise.

15、To ensure that the references are up to date, authors should cite works published within recent 5 to 10 years.

16、In the Discussion section, use the same key terms and verb tenses that you used when describing the research question(s) in your Introduction section.

17、Using effective transitional words can make the Discussion section unified and coherent.

18、Self-reported data refer to the data that can be independently verified.

19、For general conclusion, the present tense is often used.

20、A lack of data or reliable data is likely to require you to expand the scope of your analysis.

21、In the Methods section, authors should describe in a logical sequence on how the study was designed, carried out, and analyzed.

22、The concepts and terms mentioned, including names and capitalizations, should be identical and consistent throughout the whole article.

23、Enough details of the conditions and characteristics of your subjects should be given in the Methods section so that other scientists can believe the results of the experiments.

24、Authors should use the present tense when referring to some well-established methods of study, or when giving statistical significance.

25、Authors should describe the steps of the procedures according to the time order or the order of importance.

26、Confidence intervals (CI) and P-values are used to show the value of the data.

27、Researchers often use tables to present repetitive data in a precise and complete manner.

28、Illustrations refer to the collective term for all the accurate representations of the data.

29、As a type of illustration, line charts are most often used for showing steps of a process.

30、Tables and figures should be independent so that readers can understand without reading the text.

31、The Discussion section is considered the shortest part of a research paper but the hardest part to write.

32、In the Discussion section, you should develop various solutions to problems based on a logical synthesis of the findings.

33、Authors can show the significance of the results by commenting on their theoretical and practical implications.

34、Instead of simply repeating what has already been said in the Results section, you should try to present the principles, relationships and generalization of them in the Discussion section.

35、The title “An exploration of treatment of intractable ascites in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis by peritoneovenous shunting” is not concise enough.

36、Directions: Read the following sentences and decide whether they are correct or proper in language use. Then write Y for yes and N for no in the brackets. 11,000 MDA-MB-231 cells were cultured in each well for 24 hours.

37、Treated and control cancer cells were harvested by trypsinization and washed twice with ice cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).

38、Results were expressed as mean plus Standard Deviation (SD) of the indicated number of independent experiments.

39、In this work, we will propose the improved design of a non thermal plasma reactor with easily tunable plasma parameters.

40、The cells were Exposed to 5% carbon dioxide and 95% humidity at 37 °C, Then cultured in a 96-well plate.

41、Our finding indicates that ovarian grafts have no effects on the expression levels of spermatogenesis- or apoptosis-related genes in the mouse model with male and female gonads, further studies are still needed to confirm this.

42、NF-κB is related to the regulation of inflammation and immunity genes; in addition, it inhibits the apoptosis by adjusting the genes related to cell proliferation and cell death.

43、Just as Laroussi stated in a recent report, although we and many other researchers have conducted numerous experiments, the effects of plasma on the reversibility and metastasis of cancer cells are yet unknown.

44、Breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 was purchased from “Pasteur Institute of Iran.”

45、After 30 cycles, the amplified PCR products were segregated by electrophoresis, and we visualized them by ethidium bromid.

46、What can be seen in this graph clearly indicates that cellular mortality rate caused by plasma radiation within 48 hours is considerably higher than 24 hours.

47、This is the conclusion of a study tracing how we evolved a protein and the way it helps us respond to stress.

48、According to the report, if risk factors are appropriately addressed, liver transplantation is not only feasible but also effective for older patients.

49、The baseline urinary function in the experimental group was the same as that in the control group.

50、Choosing different surgical approaches according to patients’ specific conditions, we may achieve satisfactory results.

51、Evaluated the results, we observed no statistical difference between the two groups.

52、By comparing the effective rate, perioperative complications and survival rate, we found the new minimally invasive treatment was as effective as the conventional open surgery.

53、The clinical efficacy evaluated, this study enrolled 36 subjects and 40 controls.

54、To achieve rapid recovery and optimal therapeutic outcomes, the patients followed strict rehabilitation protocol.

55、These agents exert their action by inhibition of cholesterol synthesis by the liver.

56、The lack of definition of the underlying risks of breast cancer was proved.

57、The identification and classification of the various histologic types of lymphomas are vital steps toward the introduction of new therapies and the reduction of mortality.

58、Colorectal cancer has generally been thought of as a disease of elderly persons.

59、Investigators have reported improved outcomes for this patient population with the use of combined chemotherapy. (Introduction section of a paper)

60、Data presented here show that impairment in TGF-β signalling attenuated the induction of CD39 expression by TGF-β, leading to the reduction of CD39 expression on Tregs. (Discussion section of a paper)







1. 确定受众


2. 使用科学术语


3. 遵循科学论文的结构


4. 准确使用数据和图表


5. 审核和修改




1. 阅读和理解科学文献


2. 写作练习


3. 合作交流










1. 确定受众


2. 使用科学术语


3. 遵循科学论文的结构


4. 准确使用数据和图表


5. 审核和修改




1. 阅读和理解科学文献


2. 写作练习


3. 合作交流



