



26 min read



1、尔雅【单选题】In countries like China,英美 Russia and Japan, English is treated as __________.
A、a foreign language
B、国家概况a second language
C、期末the national language
D、答案a second foreign language

2、学习【单选题】_____ is 通完generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.
A、Ben Jonson
B、整答William Shakespeare
C、尔雅Edmund Marlowe C. John Donne

3、英美【单选题】In Middle English period,国家概况 ________ replaced English as the official language in England.
B、期末Old Norse
D、学习Old French

4、通完【单选题】The Old English is derived from__________.
A、Old Norse
D、Latin and Greek

5、【单选题】In the period of _________, English had its spelling and grammar fixed.
A、Old English
B、Middle English
C、Modern English

6、【判断题】English is a universal lingua franca.

7、【判断题】The development of English can be divided into Old English, Middle English and Modern English.

8、【判断题】The works of Geoffrey Chaucer were written in Old English.

1、【单选题】Which of the following is American English?

2、【单选题】The term of American English was coined by______
A、Samuel Johnson
B、Noah Webster
C、William Caxton

3、【单选题】RP is __________.
A、American English
B、Standard British English
C、Canadian English
D、Australian English

4、【单选题】The first American dictionary is ________
A、An American Dictionary of the English Language
B、Oxford Dictionary of English
C、The American Heritage Dictionary
D、the Merriam Webster Dictionary

5、【单选题】Which of following statements is British English?
A、on the week end
B、Monday through Friday
C、I rent a Flat.
D、go on vacation

6、【判断题】English has developed many varieties around the world.

7、【判断题】British English and American English are largely different.

8、【判断题】In American English, “r”sound is rhotic both in front of a vowel sound and a consonant sound.

1、【单选题】The largest part of Great Britain is _____.
D、Northern Ireland

2、【单选题】The largest lake in Britain is ______.
A、Loch Lomond
B、the Lough Neagh

3、【单选题】Which statement is NOT the principal feature of British climate?
A、The frequent fog occurs in winter.
B、There are a large number of rainy days every year.
C、The climate is instable and changeable.
D、The summer is hot, and the winter is cold.

4、【单选题】The majority of British people are descendents of _______

5、【单选题】The longest river in Britain is _______.
A、River Thames
B、Severn River
C、Clyde River
D、the Nile

6、【单选题】The UK is separated from the rest of Europe by the ____
A、English Channel
B、North Sea
C、Irish Sea
D、Atlantic Ocean

7、【单选题】_______is called “the Athens of North”

8、【判断题】The official name of UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

9、【判断题】The immigrants make Britain one of the most culturally diverse countries in Europe.

10、【判断题】On the island of Great Britain, there are four political divisions-England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.


1、【单选题】_______ is Known as “the father of the British navy”.

2、【单选题】Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from___ .

3、【单选题】Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC____?
A、Emperor Claudius
B、Julius Caesar
C、King Alfred
D、King Ethelred

4、【单选题】____was above all responsible for the religious reform of the Church.
B、Henry Ⅳ
D、Henry Ⅷ

5、【单选题】British recorded history begins with the ____ Invasion
D、Viking and Danish

6、【单选题】When did the Hundred Years’ War start?

7、【判断题】It was the Angles who gave their name to England and the English people.

8、【判断题】The Anglo-Saxon Conquest was important in English history because it laid the foundation on which the English nation was to be formed.

9、【判断题】The Great Charter was signed in 1215 by HenryⅡ.

10、【判断题】Acturally, the 1990s were a period of tragedy, transition, controversy, and continuity in the UK.

1、【单选题】The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ____.
B、C. B. 55 B.
C、C. 55 A.
D、D. 410 A.D

2、【单选题】Under William the Conqueror, the _____ were at the bottom of the feudal scale.
B、lesser nobles

3、【单选题】Under _____, the feudal system in England was completely established.
B、William Ⅰ
C、Richard Ⅰ
D、Henry Ⅴ

4、【单选题】The feudalism was ended by ______
A、the Wars of Roses
B、the Hundred Years War
C、the English Civil War
D、the Glorious Revolution

5、【单选题】The Romanization was not so successful in _________

6、【判断题】Caesar’s death is still a mystery today.

7、【判断题】Roman Civilization influenced Britain slightly.

8、【判断题】British Feudalism lasted much longer than that of China.

1、【单选题】The First Industrial Revolution is marked with_______
A、steam power

2、【单选题】Britain’s dominance in economy was challenged for the first time in ______.
A、The First Industrial Revolution
B、The Second Industrial Revolution
C、The Third Industrial Revolution
D、After World War Ⅱ

3、【单选题】The Third Industrial Revolution began in ________
A、the USA
B、the UK
D、the Soviet Union

4、【单选题】Which statement is NOT the feature of the Second Revolution?
A、development of electricity
B、the use of chemicals and automobiles
C、mass production

5、【单选题】Britain declined in _________
A、The First Industrial Revolution
B、The Second Industrial Revolution
C、The Third Industrial Revolution
D、The Fourth Industrial Revolution

6、【判断题】Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishment of the British Empire.

7、【判断题】The Second Industrial Revolution turned Britain into the “workshop of the world”.

8、【判断题】The Third Industrial Revolution took place after World War Ⅰ.


1、【单选题】As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to ________ the House of Commons.

2、【单选题】Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a ________ system.

3、【单选题】The Party that wins the majority of ________ will form the government.
A、votes in Parliament
B、votes in the general election
C、seats in the House of Lords
D、seats in the House of Commons

4、【单选题】In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every ________ years.

5、【判断题】The Monarch has formal power but not real power while the Prime Minister does otherwise.

6、【判断题】The British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.

7、【判断题】Th Members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.

8、【判断题】The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.

1、【单选题】The current British Royal Family are members of the House of_______ .

2、【单选题】Nowadays the monarch of UK is _______ .
A、Elizabeth I
B、Elizabeth II
D、Mary I

3、【单选题】Margaret Thatcher was the _______ female Prime Minister in British history.

4、【单选题】Westminster Abbey is a church used by the English monarchs for the following occasions EXCEPT _______ .

5、【判断题】British royal family is one of the royal families which have the longest history in the world.

6、【判断题】Victoria is the longest-reigning monarch in British history.

7、【判断题】The role of the royal family is symbolic, ceremonial and unpolitical.

8、【判断题】The Buckingham Palace is forbidden to the public.


1、【单选题】Of the following practices, _______did not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.
A、reducing child benefits
B、shortening the period of employing benefits
C、reducing unemployment
D、lowering old age pensions

2、【单选题】The Blair government was successful in all the following aspects except________
A、limiting government spending
B、keeping inflation under control
C、reducing unemployment
D、reducing inequality

3、【单选题】Britain has devoted about ______of its land area to agriculture.

4、【单选题】The car industry in Britain is mostly ________.

5、【单选题】Of the following sectors in Britain, __________has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War Two.
B、The energy industry
C、The service sector
D、The manufacturing industry

6、【单选题】Coal mining industry in Britain provides _________of the energy consumed in the country.

7、【判断题】By the 19th century, the British economy had achieved global dominance, producing one-third of the world’s manufactured goods, half of its coal and iron.

8、【判断题】Britain's agricultureT is highly centralized, highly mechanized and highly efficient: 1% of the working population can meet about 60% of the food needs.

9、【判断题】There is an English idiom” to carry coal to Newcastle”, which means to help somebody in time.

10、【判断题】Thatcher’s revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British economic and social problems.

1、【单选题】The following are the reasons why Britain wants to exit from E.U EXCEPT___
A、Britain was the last world leader
B、Briain puts itself outside of the European continent.
C、The British think that they are British, not European
D、After joining the EU, the U.K. gets on well with theE.U

2、【单选题】Among the EU Member States, all the countries use the euro except Britain. Why?
A、The status of British pound is much higher than that of the new euro
B、The UK does not want to be integrated with the EU.
C、Both A and B
D、Euro was not launched officially.

3、【单选题】After the financial crisis in 2008, many EU member states are getting worse.Britain doesn’t help other smaller members, because____.
A、Briatin has its own difficulty
B、Britain does not use Euro
C、Britain is not a member of the organization
D、Britain is afraid to make mistakes

4、【判断题】Originally, E.U was only limited to coal and steel.

5、【判断题】On April 8, 1965, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg signed the Brussels treaty.

6、【判断题】April 18, 1951, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany signed the 50-year Treaty on the establishment of the European Coal and steel community.

7、【判断题】If Britain leaves the EU, it will not receive any bad effect on itself.

8、【判断题】On January 1, 2000, the European Union officially launched the euro.


1、【单选题】In Britain, children between the ages of ____ to _____ must receive the compulsory education.
B、16, 5
C、6, 15
D、15, 6

2、【单选题】Which of the following statements is true?
A、The purpose of British education is only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills.
B、Independent schools get money mainly through the private sector ad tuition rates, with some government support.
C、Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education.
D、The state seldom interferes with the decision of when, where, how and what children are taught.

3、【单选题】All children in the UK should have at least ______ years of compulsory full-time education.

4、【单选题】The Advanced level of GCE examination is important because ________________.
A、it helps children to find a job
B、it helps children to enter an independent school
C、it enables children to pursue higher education
D、it enables children to graduate from middle school

5、【单选题】Which is NOT true about the British educational system?
A、It is funded by the state.
B、It is run by the state.
C、It is supervised by the state.
D、It is affected by state policy.

6、【单选题】__________ and __________ are the oldest and best universities in Britain and their two widely admired features are the college system and tutorial system.
A、Cambridge , Buckingham
B、Oxford , Loughborough
C、Oxford, Cambridge
D、Cranfield, Cambridge

7、【填空题】About six percent of the school population attend ____. Grammar schools B. comprehensive schools Public schools D. independent school

8、【简答题】To which university can people go without having any formal school qualifications? Polytechnic B. Open university College of education D. Modern univer

1、【单选题】Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?
A、The Telegraph.
B、The News of the World.
C、The Guardian.
D、The Times.

2、【单选题】Which of the following statements is TRUE about the British media?
A、They supply people with news, keeping them informed of what is happening in the world.
B、They are mainly interested in making huge profits by publishing advertisements.
C、They help little to shape British culture.
D、They provide no side effect.

3、【单选题】Which of the following about the BBC is TRUE?
A、There is no advertising on any of the BBC programmes.
B、The BBC is funded by license fees paid by the government.
C、The BBC has four channels.
D、The BBC have caused severe cultural conflicts in the world.

4、【单选题】The tabloids cover the following content EXCEPT?
A、Sports stars.
C、Junk food news.

5、【单选题】Which of the following is the world’s oldest national newspaper?
A、The Times.
B、The Guardian.
C、The Observer.
D、The Financial Times.

6、【单选题】Which of the following is a quality paper?
A、The Times.
C、Daily Mirror.
D、The Guardian.

7、【单选题】Which of the following about the tabloids is NOT true?
A、They are big format newspapers.
B、They are often called “ the gutter press”.
C、They mainly deal in scandals and gossip about famous people.
D、They carry stories with color photos and catchy headlines.

8、【单选题】Most advertising in Britain is carried _________.
A、in newspapers
B、in magazines
C、on television
D、on radio

1、【单选题】One of British tradition is celebrated in countries with British heritage, that is ___________.
A、Boxing Day
B、Bonfire Night
D、Queen’s Birthday

2、【单选题】Bonfire Night is also called __________.
B、Guy Fawkes Night
C、Boxing Day
D、St Patrick’s Day

3、【单选题】Christians go to church to commemorate Jesus’ _________ on Easter Day.

4、【单选题】What is the national flower of Northern Ireland?

5、【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A、Christianity came to Britain after the Roman conquest in the late 6th century
B、Religion is an important part of British life.
C、Easter an important Christian festival in the UK. It occurs in the winter.
D、Christmas is the biggest and best loved religious holiday in the United Kingdom.

6、【单选题】Two of the most important events in the Christian calendar, ________ and __________, are major public holidays in the United Kingdom.
A、Easter, Christmas
B、Halloween, Easter
C、Boxing Day, Christmas
D、St Patrick’s Day, Guy Fawkes Night

7、【单选题】Among these Christmas traditions particularly British, which one is NOT true?
A、To hear the Queen’s Christmas message over the television and radio.
B、Traditionally, people gave Christmas gifts to their staff or servants on Boxing Day.
C、On Boxing Day, people go out shopping, go to cinemas and theatres.
D、Boxing Day is related to the sports of Boxing.

8、【单选题】St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on _____________.
A、November 5th
B、December 25th
C、October 31st
D、March 17th


1、【单选题】Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer?
A、The Canterbury Tales.
C、King Lear.
D、Morte D’Arthur.

2、【单选题】Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th-century literature. Which of the following is an exception?
A、Virginia Woolf
B、Emily Bronte
C、Jane Austen
D、Charlotte Bronte

3、【单选题】Which of the following writers was NOT associated with Modernism?
A、D.H. Lawrence
B、E.M. Forster
C、Charles Dickens
D、Virginia Woolf.

4、【单选题】_______ is a representative of English Critical Realism in the 19th century.
A、Robert Louis Stevenson
B、John Milton
C、Joseph Conrad
D、Charles Dickens

5、【判断题】The Canterbury Tales is a representative work of the Old English period.

6、【判断题】Beowulf was sea monster killed by a Swedish warrior.

7、【判断题】Robinson Crusoe tells the story of a shipwreck and solitary survival.

8、【判断题】Virginia Woolf is a well-known novelist of the stream of consciousness school.

1、【单选题】Which literary form flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?

2、【单选题】Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?
A、Doctor Faustus
B、King Lear
D、The Tempest

3、【单选题】Which of the following is a comedy written by Shakespeare?
A、Pride and Prejudice
B、A Midsummer Night’s Dream
C、The Pickwick Papers.
D、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

4、【单选题】Shakespeare’s works cover the following EXCEPT _______.
C、history plays

5、【判断题】The Renaissance is characterized by admiration of the Greek and Latin.

6、【判断题】William Shakespeare is a great poet and much is known of his life.

7、【判断题】William Shakespeare and his business partner built their own theater on the south bank of the Thames River, which they called the King’s Men.

8、【判断题】Besides the influence on literature, Shakespeare also contributed a lot to the development of modern English.

1、【单选题】Which of the following did NOT belong to Romanticism?

2、【单选题】_______ is viewed as Romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.”
A、I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud
B、Don Juan
C、The Preface to Lyrical Ballads
D、Prometheus Unbound

3、【单选题】In 1798 Wordsworth published the “Lyrical Ballads” with _______.
D、Alexander Pope

4、【单选题】Wordsworth was at his best in description of the following EXCEPT _______.
A、mountains and rivers
B、flowers and birds.
C、children and peasants.
D、the royal family

5、【判断题】Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason.

6、【判断题】William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge brought the Romantic Movement to its height.

7、【判断题】William Wordsworth was a Poet Laureate of his times.

8、【判断题】The Poet Laureate is awarded the position for life.


1、【单选题】The United States is ________largest country in the world.
A、the first
B、the second
C、the third
D、the fourth

2、【单选题】Which city is the most populous city in the United States?
A、Washington D.C.
B、Los Angeles.
C、New York City.

3、【单选题】The official language of the US is ____, and the second most spoken language is ____.
A、English; French
B、English; German;
C、English; Spanish
D、French; English

4、【单选题】______ is known as the Father of Waters in the US.
A、The Missippi River
B、The Missouri River
C、The Ohio River
D、The Columbia River

5、【单选题】Some of the world-famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located in __________
A、the South
B、the West
C、New England
D、the Midwest

6、【单选题】_______ is the symbol of the US.
A、the Statue of Liberty
C、Wall Street
D、Golden Bridge

7、【单选题】The United States is a federal republic consisting of _______states.

8、【判断题】The United States is situated in the central part of North America, except Alaska and Hawaii.

9、【判断题】Hawaii is an island state of the United States.

10、【判断题】The climate of the United States is varied.

1、【单选题】_______ are making headway in areas such as business, and suffered from a higher poverty rate than the general population.
B、Asian America
C、African America
D、American Indians

2、【单选题】Among the Asian Americans, _________ have proved to be more industrious, intelligent and doing fine today.
A、Korean Americans
B、Indian Americans
C、Japanese Americans
D、Chinese Americans

3、【单选题】The United States is the _____ most populous nation in the world.

4、【单选题】______is the most populated region, with about half of the American population.
A、The Northeast
B、The Great Plains
C、The South
D、The West

5、【单选题】The first people on the American continent came from ______as early as 12,000 years ago.
D、South America

6、【判断题】In the United States, the dominant culture group is African American.

7、【判断题】The United States is used to be called a “melting pot”, but it is more recently called a “salad bowl”.

8、【判断题】Three Asian traditions best explain the success of Asian-Americans: education, hard work, and family.


1、【单选题】4. Georgia, the last of the original 13 colonies, was settled in_______

2、【单选题】This first successful English colony in North America was found at_______ in _____.
A、Jamestown, Louisiana
B、Boston. Massachusetts
C、Jamestown, Virginia
D、Plymouth, Georgia

3、【单选题】The policy of the United States was______ at the beginning of the two World Wars.
B、fully involvement
C、partial involvement

4、【单选题】President _____ introduced the New Deal to deal with ? the problems of the Great Depression.

5、【单选题】Abraham Lincoln issued the ______ to grant freedom to all slaves.
A、Declaration of Independence
C、Emancipation Proclamation
D、Bill of Rights

6、【单选题】“No taxation without representation” was the slogan of _________.
A、the settlers of Virginia
B、the people of Pennsylvania
C、he colonists in New England
D、the people of the 13 colonies

7、【单选题】According to Truman Doctrine, the US aimed to establish its hegemony I the world, thus began __________ between America and the Soviet Union.
A、the Cold War
B、the Civil War
C、the War of Independence
D、the Korean War

8、【判断题】It is supposed that the first people to live on America were from Asia.

9、【判断题】America was named after Christopher Columbus.

10、【判断题】The Civil War in America abolished slavery and made America a single, indivisible nation.

1、【单选题】The term “the American Dream” was introduced in _____.

2、【单选题】________ granted the American Dream’s equal voting rights of women.
A、President Wilson
B、President Lincoln
C、President Roosevelt
D、President Johnson

3、【单选题】_________supported the legal benefits of the marriage contract regardless of sexual orientation.
A、President Wilson
B、President Obama
C、President Roosevelt
D、President Johnson

4、【单选题】In the 1920s, the American Dream started from the right to create a better life to the desire to acquire material things, which was described in the novel _______
A、Epic of America
B、The Great Gatsby
C、the American Dream

5、【判断题】The American Dream is achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance.

6、【判断题】The idea of American Dream was rooted from the Declaration of Independence.

7、【判断题】There is a particular definition of the American Dream in the United States.

8、【判断题】The American Dream never changed in American History.


1、【单选题】Presidents cannot .
A、serves as commander in chief of the country’s military forces
B、pass laws
C、appoint most of the country’s judges
D、negotiate and sign treaties

2、【单选题】The Constitution divides the government into three branches. Which one of these is not a branch?

3、【单选题】What is the Bill of Rights?
A、First Ten Amendments to the Constitution
B、Last Ten Amendments to the Constitution
C、The first paragraph of the Constitution
D、The main ideas in the Declaration of Independence

4、【单选题】What is the most important weapon in the hand of Supreme Court?
B、Overriding a veto.
D、Judicial review.

5、【单选题】Congress can override the president’s veto by a _____ vote.
C、single majority

6、【判断题】The United States has a federal system, in which power is shared between national government and state government.

7、【判断题】American president has no vote in congress.

8、【判断题】The number of senators from each state depends on the size of the state's population.

1、【单选题】Washington established many forms in government still used today, such as the ___________ and inaugural address.
A、military system
B、judicial system
C、legislative system
D、Cabinet system

2、【单选题】Belittle was first used by ____________.
A、Thomas Jefferson
B、George Washington
C、James Madison
D、Benjamin Franklin

3、【单选题】__________ is the only president that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.
A、George Bush
B、John F. Kennedy
C、Ronald Reagan
D、Barack Obama

4、【单选题】Before becoming president, Obama did several occupations EXCEPT _______.
A、a lawyer
B、a college professor
C、a writer
D、a dentist

5、【单选题】_________ is the youngest elected president in U.S..
A、George Washington
B、Franklin K. Roosevelt
C、John F. Kennedy
D、Jimmy Carter

6、【判断题】Thomas Jefferson was the Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

7、【判断题】George Washington has been widely hailed as the “ father of his country”--- even during his lifetime.

8、【判断题】Barack Obama established the Peace Corps, and masterminded the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis.


1、【单选题】Secondary industries developed in the colonial period. Which of the following did not appear in that time?
A、sawmills and gristmills
C、small iron forges.

2、【单选题】____________is the author of Declaration of Independence.
A、George Washington
B、Abraham Lincoln
C、Thomas Jefferson
D、Alexander Hamilton

3、【单选题】__________urged the federal government to create a national bank.
A、George Washington
B、President Roosevelt
C、Abraham Lincoln
D、Alexander Hamilton

4、【单选题】_______is not American foreign trade policy.
A、Employing a domestic-oriented trade pattern
B、Reducing trade barriers
C、Coordinating the world economic system
D、Promoting bilateral and regional trade

5、【单选题】The following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” EXCEPT____________
C、Electric light

6、【单选题】The American economy suffered the worst depression in American history with the Wall Street Crash in October, 1929. ___________introduced the New Deal to tackle the economic depression.
A、Abraham Lincoln
B、President Roosevelt
C、Alexander Hamilton
D、President Reagan

7、【判断题】America ranks first in computer technology, space technology, nuclear energy and electronics.

8、【判断题】Early settlers came to the US only for political reasons and they built their own lives, their own communities and their own economy.

9、【判断题】It is the U.S. Constitution that made the entire nation become a unified or “common” market.

10、【判断题】American agriculture is a great success, but there is no surplus in the agricultural balance of trade.

1、【单选题】The American poor can enjoy the following the state assistance benefits such as______
B、health care and food
C、various special allowances.
D、all the above

2、【单选题】The American poor include the following except__________
A、street tramps,
B、restaurant waiters,

3、【单选题】In the United States, it is often not the poor who are really in arrears with their health care, because___________
A、the government often pays for the poor's health care.
B、the poor have high credit.
C、the poor seldom need health care.
D、the poor don’t go to hospital.

4、【单选题】Nowadays, why there is an increasing number of poor poeple in America?
A、Because of the financial crisis in 2008.
B、American "social welfare" is too good.
C、Many people are in debt because they don't have enough income.
D、All the above.

5、【判断题】When it comes to American people, we always think of valuable dollars, cheap prices, prosperous cities and high-quality life.

6、【判断题】Poverty exists in every country , but the United States is an exception.

7、【判断题】To some degree, America is not only a paradise for the rich, but also a paradise for the poor.

8、【判断题】the American poor are relatively poor rather than really poor.


1、【单选题】in the American school system, there are twelve levels called _____.
D、high school.

2、【单选题】The combined elementary and high school levels of education last for _____.
A、8 years.
B、10 years.
C、12 years.
D、14 years.

3、【单选题】Among the following universities, which is not a member of Ivy League?
A、Columbia University.
B、Brown University.
C、University of Pennsylvania.
D、Massachusetts Institute of Technology

4、【单选题】Public and private colleges depend on three sources of income: student tuition, endowments and _________.
A、Government funding

5、【单选题】The following are all characteristics of American public schools EXCEPT ________.
A、religious teaching
B、locally controlled
D、publicly supported by taxes

6、【判断题】According to US laws, American children must go to school until they are at least 16 years old.

7、【判断题】Two-year colleges, or “junior” colleges, also grant bachelors’ degrees.

8、【判断题】American public schools are supported by taxes and controlled by the federal government.

1、【单选题】Television in the United States is regulated by ____________.
A、American Broadcasting Service
B、the Federal Communications Commission
C、Columbia Broadcasting system
D、Public Broadcasting Service

2、【单选题】_______ is the most famous radio station in the United States.

3、【单选题】________ is the first weekly news magazine in the United States.
B、National Geographic
C、Reader’s Digest
D、The Washington Post

4、【单选题】Which is NOT one of the largest newspapers in the United States ?
A、USA Today
B、the Washington Post
C、the New York Times

5、【单选题】Of the following, ___________ is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America.
A、the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
B、the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
C、the National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
D、the American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

6、【判断题】With a very few exceptions, all the newspapers in the US are state owned.

7、【判断题】No other country in the world has more daily newspapers than the U.S.

8、【判断题】CNN can be received on a television only after arranging for a subscription and paying a fee.

1、【单选题】In late September 1621 in order to celebrate , the Pilgrims wanted to thank God and the Native Indian.
A、their first harvest
B、tlement in the new
C、their friendship with the native Indians
D、the end of severe winter

2、【单选题】Each year huge crowds of people celebrate New Year’s Eve in __________ in New York City.
A、The Fifth Avenue
B、The Broadway
C、Times Square
D、The Wall Street

3、【单选题】The National Day of the United states falls on ______ each year.
A、June 4th
B、July 14th
C、July 4th
D、June 14th

4、【单选题】The Christian also celebrate ___________ ---two holidays of Easter Season.
A、Bad Friday and Good Sunday
B、Good Friday and Easter Saturday
C、Good Friday and Easter Sunday
D、Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday

5、【单选题】There are many traditions of Halloween EXCEPT ______.
A、Carving pumpkins
B、Making the jack-o-lantern
C、Bobbing for apples
D、Watching the “Ball Drop”

6、【判断题】People celebrate on the 3rd Monday in January to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King’s Death .

7、【判断题】Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November.

8、【判断题】People commemorate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on Presidents Day.


1、【单选题】Of the following writers, ?? ? ? are from the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods.
A、Benjamin Franklin and Edgar Allan Poe
B、Edgar Allan Poe and Jonathan Edwards
C、Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson
D、Edgar Allan Poe and Washington Irving

2、【单选题】?? ? ? is regarded as the “father of American literature”.
A、James Fenimore Cooper
B、Ralph Waldo Emerson
C、Thomas Jefferson
D、Washington Irving

3、【单选题】Of the following, ?? ? ? is considered Herman Melvile’s masterpiece.
A、The Last of the Mohicans
B、The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
C、Moby Dick
D、Daisy Miller

4、【单选题】Of the following, ?? ? ? is NOT characteristic of Marktwain’s works.
A、colloquial speech
B、a sense of humor
C、a realistic view
D、an idealistic view

5、【单选题】Of the following, ?? ? ? is NOT included in the group of naturalists.
A、Stephen Crane
B、Frank Norris
C、Theodore Dreiser
D、Herman Melville

6、【单选题】F. Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is ?? ? ? , and its theme is about ?? ? ? .
A、The Great Gatsby, the American Dream
B、Tender is the Night, love
C、Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneself
D、The Beautiful and Damned, the evil of human nature

7、【单选题】Of the following writers, ?? ? ? is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.
A、Alice Walker
B、Ernest Hemingway
C、William Faulkner
D、Eugene O’Neil

8、【单选题】?? ? ? is the first African-American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
A、Ralph Ellison
B、Toni Morrison
C、Richard Wright
D、James Baldwin

1、【单选题】Which theme among the four was the LEAST relevant to Ernest Hemingway’s works?

2、【单选题】Which one among the following writers was an African American?
A、Arthur Miller
B、Toni Morrison
C、Mark Twain
D、J.D. Salinger

3、【单选题】Which of the following is NOT an African-American author?
A、Phillis Wheatley
B、Harriet Wilson
C、Toni Morrison
D、Alan Ginsberg

4、【单选题】The following writers represent new American voices except ?? ? ? .
A、Toni Morrison
B、Alice Walker
C、T. S. Eliot
D、Maxine Long Kingston

5、【判断题】In the 1920s Harlem in New York City became the center of black culture.

6、【判断题】The first African-American novel published in the United States was Richard Wright’s Native Son.

7、【判断题】Langston Hughes is known as the most important literary figure of the Harlem Renaissance.

8、【判断题】Jewish American Literature refer to literary works written by Jewish writers in America.

1、【单选题】Among the following Chinese American writers, whose publications are regarded as the Chinese American literature entering the American public’s eye?
A、Lin Yu-tang
B、Jade Snow Wong
C、Maxine Hong Kingston
D、Amy Tan

2、【单选题】Three of the following are characteristics of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Which one is NOT?
A、Her poems mix gaiety and gloom.
B、Her verses are filled with the name of faraway, exotic places.
C、Her poems are very long and powerful.
D、Her poems show that she was fascinated by both life and death.

3、【单选题】The following authors were women writers who wrote novels with exception of ?? ? ? .
A、Emily Dickinson
B、Louisa May Alcott
C、Pearl Buck
D、Alice Walker

4、【判断题】Emily Dickinson’s poems are usually long, exploring the inner life of the individual.

5、【判断题】Among the 2000 poems Emily Dickinson wrote, she seldom touched upon the subject of death.

6、【判断题】Toni Morrison’s works praise strong black women who carry on the fine traditions and preserve values in black culture.

7、【判断题】Alice Walker was passionate about the civil rights movement and the women’s movement of the 1960s, and The Color Purple is her masterpiece.

8、【判断题】Margaret Mitchell became the first American woman to be awarded the Noble Prize for Literature.













