
分类: 政治习题发布于:2024-06-02 17:07:46ė63240次浏览695条评论


Week1 Speaking as who you are

Test 1

1、超星Which of the following is 英语演讲the most effective way to establish a trust bond with your audience?
A、Telling your audience you are nervous
B、道整答Trying to be yourself
C、答案Flattering your audience
D、学习Telling your audience you are happy

2、通完Which of the following is 超星the first step that helps establish your own style of public speaking?
A、To be aware of your natural style of communication
B、英语演讲To learn as many public speaking skills as you can
C、道整答To watch famous speeches
D、答案To imitate famous speakers

3、学习According to Kathryn,通完 which of the following is NOT the reason that makes us fear being wrong?
A、The超星 cultural reason.
B、The英语演讲 structural reason.
C、The道整答 feeling of correctness.
D、Our pursuit of perfection.

4、Why does This American Life tell stories that are full of plot twists, red herrings and surprise endings?
A、The host wishes to draw more audience's attention.
B、It reveals the true side of what life is like in many ways.
C、It is purely out of the filmmaker's imagination.
D、The host thinks it's a result of Kathryn's misunderstanding.

5、Before you decide on the style of your speech, you should consider all of the following except_______.
A、the occasion you are speaking on
B、your style of communication
C、your personality type
D、your mood and feelings

6、How do we think of people around when they think or act differently from us?
A、We think they are ignorant of the information that we've got.
B、We think they are not as smart as we are.
C、We think they are purposefully unkind to us.
D、All of the above.

7、You should always use the styles you have learned instead of building your own style.

8、According to the website, the sage is the hero of information.

9、The wizard speakers are very often full of power and passion.

10、'The jesters' are natural born humorists.

11、Speaking as who you are means you can say whatever you like in your speech without any preparation.

12、The four speaker personality types we have discussed are: the sage, the wizard, the monarch and the jester.

13、Speaking as who you are is the best policy.

14、Speaking as who you are means you know your personality type and the situation that you speak in.

15、The four speaker personality types are fit for all occasions and situations.

Week 2 Deciding the purpose and the central idea of your speech

Test 2

1、When the general purpose of a speech is to inform, your aim is to ________.
A、enhance the knowledge and understanding of your audience
B、change the attitude of your audience
C、change the actions of your audience
D、win over your audience to your point of view

2、When you need to decide the topic by yourself, you may brainstorm from the following categories except _____.
C、natural phenomena

3、Which of the following is suggested to use to specify the specific purpose in the outline of your speech?
A、A declarative sentence
B、An interrogative phrase
C、An imperative sentence
D、A single infinitive phrase

4、The central idea is __________.
A、A declarative sentence that tells what you hope to accomplish with your speech
B、A declarative phrase you want your audience to remember in your speech
C、A single infinitive phrase that indicate what you want to accomplish with your speech
D、An interrogative sentence that provokes the audience's curiosity and interest

5、Your speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience and the speaker's qualifications.

6、The general purpose of a speech is either to inform or to encourage.

7、Most of the time the central idea will encapsulate the main points to be developed in the body of the speech.

8、According to Robert Waldinger, the key to happiness is wealth and fame.

9、Good relationships keep us both physically and mentally healthy.

10、People tend to ignore maintaining close relationships because it's considered negative.

Week 3 Organizing your speech

Test 3

1、A speech is often composed of three basic parts and they are all of the following except ______.

2、The body of your speech contains _________ main points.
A、two to three
B、two to five
C、one to two
D、one to three

3、According to Grant, what is the key to Warby Parker's success?

4、In what way are original thinkers different from the average minds?
A、They procrastinate.
B、They have doubts.
C、They fear failure.
D、They are nonconformists and ready to act, though not first-movers.

5、The most often used connectives include: transitions, internal previews, internal summaries and signposts.

6、Questions are particularly effective as internal summaries because they get the audience involved with the speech.

7、According to Grant, self-doubt drives originals to energize themselves and motivates them to test, to experiment and to refine.

8、Originals feel fear more of failing to try than of failing, and regret not of actions but of inactions.

9、Internal summaries summarize the point(s) the listeners have just heard.

10、According to Grant, there are two kinds of doubt, self-doubt and idea-doubt.

Week 4 Supporting your ideas

Test 4

1、We can use all of the following to support our main point except ______.
A、Topic sentences

2、The most important thing to consider when we are using quotes as support is ______.
A、whether it is said by a celebrity
B、whether it is said by a person of wealth
C、whether it is said by a person who knows about the topic at hand
D、whether it is said by a team leader

3、You make the statistics meaningful to the audience by the following ways except ______.
A、You make sure your statistics are from reliable sources.
B、You explain your statistics.
C、You may use visual aids to clarify your statistics.
D、You frighten your audience with statistics.

4、According to Lera Borodisky, languages differ from one another in the following ways except ______.
C、Color words

5、Brief examples are often called narratives, illustrations or anecdotes.

6、When we use testimony, the person we quote from should be an expert in a certain field.

7、Good speeches should not be full of personal opinions and hasty generalization.

8、All of the examples given by Lera Boroditsky are English, so she thinks the judgements of human mind may be narrow and biased.

9、Thought comes before language and determines what we say.

10、According to Boroditsky, language profoundly shapes the way we think.

Week 5 Beginning and Ending your speech

Test 5

1、The beginning of a speech serves all of the following purposes except __________.
A、getting the attention and interest of your audience
B、establishing your credibility
C、previewing the body of the speech
D、tying up everything and alert listeners

2、In order to get attention from the audience you can do all of the following except ____________.
A、relating the topic to the audience
B、telling a story
C、questioning the audience
D、shaking hands with the audience

3、The reason why Suzanne went back to school is that __________.
A、she found it too dangerous to work in the forest
B、her family didn't allow her to practice forestry
C、she wanted to do more scientific research on forests
D、she found it too complicated to practice forestry

4、Which of the following does a mother tree NOT do to the younger trees?
A、She teaches them how to make conversations.
B、She sends them defense signals.
C、She sends them nutrients they need.
D、She passes onto them wisdom of survival in the forest.

5、The beginning prepares listeners for what is to come.

6、The conclusion ties up everything and alerts listeners that the speech is going to end.

7、Keeping the attention of your audience is easy once you start talking.

8、Credibility means whether the speaker is a scientist to speak on a given topic.

9、At the beginning of Suzanne's talk, she relates the topic to her audience by asking them to imagine being a tree.

10、We need to consider the sustainability of forests and take a more holistic veiw towards them.

Week 6 Speaking to inform

Test 6

1、Which of the following kind of informative speech explains the meaning, theory or philosophy of a specific topic?
A、A definition speech
B、An explanation speech
C、A description speech
D、A persuasive speech

2、Making comparison or contrast, or using simile, metaphor or analogy is a very good way to avoid ______ in an informative speech.

3、According to Amy Cuddy, which of the following accounts for the largest proportion of an effective communication?
B、Body language
C、Sound system
D、Written signs

4、What is Amy Cuddy's response to the public's viewing her findings as being 'fake'?
A、She suggests that the public shouldn't be skeptical.
B、She decided to give up her ground on the power of gesture.
C、She did another experiment to support her findings.
D、She told her own story to illustrate her point.

5、When you speak to inform, your aim is to win your audience over.

6、There are four types of subjects in informative speeches: objects, processes, events and concepts.

7、The most often used methods in informative speeches are description, explanation, definition and demonstration.

8、A concept is a systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product.

9、Processes include beliefs, theories, ideas, principles and the like.

10、A demonstration speech creates a vivid picture in your audience's mind regarding a person, an animal or a place, etc.

Week 7 Speaking to persuade

Test 7

1、Which of the following is an argumentation device that shows if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways as well?
A、Analogical reasoning.
B、Causal reasoning.
C、Reasoning from principle.
D、Reasoning from instances.

2、Credibility means the audience's perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic. It is mainly affected which of the following two factors of the speaker?
A、Character and competence.
B、Social status and job titles.
C、Wealth and fame.
D、Eloquence and fluency.

3、In the talk 'How Great Leaders Inspire Action', Simon Sinek wants to ________.
A、change people's common beliefs and persuade his audience to accept his innovative ideas
B、give causal reasoning about how great leaders inspire actions
C、give analogical reasoning about his golden circle
D、reason from the general to the specific to persuade his audience

4、When you ________, you progress from a number of particular facts to a general conclusion.
A、reason from principles
B、reason from instances
C、make causal reasoning
D、make analogical reasoning

5、Sometimes in order to move listeners to action, we can substitute emotional appeals for evidence and reasoning.

6、Reasoning from principle moves from the general to the specific.

7、When reasoning from principle, you do not need to care whether listeners will accept your general principle without evidence at all.

8、When both the general principle and minor premise are soundly based, your audience will be more likely to accept your conclusion.

9、Reasoning is the process of drawing a logical conclusion on the basis of evidence.

10、According to Simon, when making a decision, the inspiring leaders progress from 'why' to 'how' to 'what' while ordinary people starts from outside in.

Week 8 Using language

Test 8

1、A speaker can make his/her meaning comprehensible by doing all of the following except __________.
A、using familiar words
B、using short sentences
C、eliminating verbal clutter
D、using a lot of technical words

2、If a speaker wants to move people with vivid, animated language, he/she can do all of the following except __________.
A、using rhetorical devices such as simile
B、using rhetorical devices such as metaphor
C、using imagery to paint word pictures
D、using audio clips from his/her earlier talks

3、A good speaker uses language that is appropriate to _______________________.
A、the occasion, the topic and the audience
B、the audience, the time and the place
C、the stage, the room and the number of audience
D、the mood, the audience and the occasion

4、In order to make language vivid, we often use rhetorical devices like the following except __________.
D、causal reasoning

5、In order to make clear speeches, we need to use big words at all time instead of short ones.

6、When used with proper pauses and repetition, simple words and short sentences can be very powerful.

7、If your want to move people with your speeches, try to use vivid, animated language.

8、Simile is an implicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

9、Garry Kasparov competed with IBM super computer, Deep Blue, twice and won the first match.

10、Garry took machine's triumph as 'a human triumph', and believed 'The world of chess still wanted to have a human chess champion'.

Week 9 Using visual aids

Test 9

1、The one thing that you can NOT do when using PowerPoint slide is __________.
A、putting everything you say on it
B、putting only key words on it
C、putting a video on it
D、putting photos on it

2、When you are preparing visual aids for your speech, you had better do all of the following except __________.
A、keeping visual aids simple
B、making sure visual aids are large enough
C、using expensive and rare objects as your video aids
D、using fonts that are easy to read

3、Which of the following statement is NOT true about procrastinators?
A、Procrastinators spend a lot of time in the 'Dark Playground'.
B、Procrastinators postpone the work until it is too late.
C、Procrastinators delay or put off things that should be done in a timely manner.
D、Procrastinators always finish their tasks on time.

4、The Panic Monster will suddenly wake up and start to panic when __________.
A、a deadline gets too close
B、there is no deadline for your work
C、you are satisfied with your work
D、it is too late at night

5、Both of procrastinators and non-procrastinators have a Rational Decision Maker, which is responsible for making the rational decision.

6、Presentation programs like PowerPoint allow you to integrate a variety of visual aids in the same talk such as videos, pictures, graphs, key words and so on.

7、If you are going to use PowerPoint effectively, you need a clear idea of exactly why, how and when you are going to use it in your speech.

8、As long as the video you present can explain the point you make, it doesn't matter how long the video lasts.

9、When you use your own body as a visual aid, it requires special practice to coordinate your actions with your words and to maintain eye contact with the audience.

10、Procrastinators enjoy the leisure activities that are not supposed to be happening, not feeling guilty and anxiety at all.

Week 10 Delivering your speech

Test 10

1、__________ is the highness or lowness of the speaker's voice.

2、__________signals the end of a thought unit, give an idea time to sink in, and lend dramatic impact to a statement.

3、The rules of using gestures include all of the following except that the gestures you make__________.
A、should appear natural and spontaneous
B、should be as funny as possible
C、help clarify or reinforce your ideas
D、should be suited to the audience and the occasion

4、According to Kelly Mcgonigal, which of the following statement is true?
A、Stress makes people sick.
B、Stress increases the risk of a wide variety of illnesses and diseases.
C、Stress is bad for our health.
D、People died not from stress, but from the belief that stress was harmful.

5、Good delivery usually contains two parts, your voice and your body.

6、The aspects of voice you should work on include volume, pitch, rate, pause, pronunciation and articulation.

7、The aspects of body you should work on are eye contact, posture, facial expression and gestures.

8、If you are too nervous when you speak, you may look at the ceiling of the room instead of looking at your audience.

9、When your body language is consistent with your words, you are most likely to convey your ideas to the audience successfully.

10、When you choose to view your stress as positive and helpful, you build your self-confidence to cope with it better.



1、UNESCO hosts Creative Cities Summit in Beijing during Sept. 17-18, 2020. The theme of this summit-- Creativity empowers cities, technology creates the future-is of great interest and fascination. As UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said “Cities are unique spaces for solidarity, cooperation, and innovation. They are where the future of our societies will be defined”. What will the future cities be like in your eyes? Answer this question in your speech.You should write about 200 words. Try to create an interesting beginning and pay special attention to your main points and the supporting materials. Bear in mind the principles we have learned in the whole course.
































































