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第八篇 宏观经济学概论

8.1 宏观经济学的尔雅研究内容随堂测验

1、Which of the following topics are more likely to be studied by a macroeconomist than by a microeconomist?经济节答
A、the effect of taxes on the prices of airline tickets,学I习通 the profitability of automobile-manufacturing firms, and employment trends in the food-service industry
B、the price of beef,章作业 wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws
C、how consumers maximize utility,案学 and how prices are established in markets for agricultural products
D、the percentage of the labor force that is 课后out of work, and differences in average income from country to country

2、We would expect a macroeconomist,答案 as opposed to a microeconomist, to be particularly interested in( )
A、explaining how economic changes affect prices of particular goods.
B、尔雅devising policies to deal with market failures such as externalities and market power.
C、经济节答devising policies to promote low inflation.
D、学I习通identifying those markets that are competitive and those that are not competitive.

3、章作业GDP is 案学the most closely watched economic statistic because it is thought to be the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being.

8.2 如何衡量国民收入随堂测验

1、1.For an economy as a whole,课后 income must equal expenditure because ( )
A、the number of firms is 答案equal to the number of households in an economy.
B、international law requires that income equal expenditure.
C、尔雅every dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller.
D、every dollar of saving by some consumer is a dollar of spending by some other consumer.

2、2. In a simple circular-flow diagram, ( )
A、households spend all of their income.
B、all goods and services are bought by households.
C、expenditures flow through the markets for goods and services, while income flows through the markets for the factors of production.
D、All of the above are correct.

3、3.Which of the following statements about GDP is correct? ( )
A、GDP measures two things at once: the total income of everyone in the economy and the unemployment rate of the economy’s labor force.
B、Money continuously flows from households to government and then back to households, and GDP measures this flow of money.
C、GDP is to a nation’s economy as household income is to a household.
D、All of the above are correct.

4、4. ( ) An economy’s income is the same as its expenditure because every transaction has a buyer and a seller.

8.3 GDP支出的组成部分随堂测验

1、1. ( ) Expenditures by households on education are included in the consumption component of GDP.

2、2.( ) New home construction is included in the consumption component of GDP.

3、3. ( ) The government purchases component of GDP includes salaries paid to soldiers but not Social Security benefits paid to the elderly.

4、4. ( ) If the value of an economy’s imports exceeds the value of that economy’s exports, then net exports is a negative number.

8.4 实际GDP与名义GDP随堂测验

1、1. ( )Nominal GDP uses constant base-year prices to place a value on the economy’s production of goods and services, while real GDP uses current prices to place a value on the economy’s production of goods and services.

2、2. ( )If the GDP deflator in 2006 was 160 and the GDP deflator in 2007 was 180, then the inflation rate in 2007 was 12.5%.

3、3. ( ) The GDP deflator can be used to take inflation out of nominal GDP.

4、4. ( ) If nominal GDP is $12,000 and the GDP deflator is 80, then real GDP is $15,000.


1、Macroeconomists study
A、the decisions of households and firms.
B、the interaction between households and firms.
C、economy-wide phenomena.
D、regulations on firms and unions.

2、Which of the following is not a question that macroeconomists address?
A、Why is average income high in some countries while it is low in others?
B、Why does the price of oil rise when war erupts in the Middle East?
C、Why do production and employment expand in some years and contract in others?
D、Why do prices rise rapidly in some periods of time while they are more stable in other periods?

3、Which of the following statistic is usually regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being?
A、the unemployment rate
B、the inflation rate
C、gross domestic product
D、the trade deficit

4、Gross domestic product measures two things at once: ( )
A、the total spending of everyone in the economy and the total saving of everyone in the economy.
B、the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy's output of goods and services.
C、the value of the economy's output of goods and services for domestic citizens and the value of the economy's output of goods and services for the rest of the world.
D、the total income of households in the economy and the total profit of firms in the economy.

5、Which of the following items is included in U.S. GDP?
A、final goods and services that are purchased by the U.S. federal government
B、intermediate goods that are produced in the U.S. but that are unsold at the end of the GDP accounting period
C、goods and services produced by foreign citizens working in the U.S.
D、All the answers are correct.

6、Tyler and Camille both live in Oklahoma. A new-car dealer in Oklahoma bought a new car from the manufacturer for $18,000 and sold it to Tyler for $22,000. Later that year, Tyler sold the car to Camille for $17,000. By how much did these transactions contribute to U.S. GDP for the year? ( )

7、Which of the following examples of household spending is categorized as investment rather than consumption?
A、expenditures on durable goods such as automobiles and refrigerators
B、expenditures on intangibles items such as medical care.
C、expenditures on new housing.
D、All the answers are correct.

8、Suppose an economy produces only cheese and fish. In 2008, 20 units of cheese are sold at $5 each and 8 units of fish are sold at $50 each. In 2007, the base year, the price of cheese was $10 per unit and the price of fish was $75 per unit. For 2008, ( )
A、nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.
B、nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 160.
C、nominal GDP is $800, real GDP is $500, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.
D、nominal GDP is $800, real GDP is $500, and the GDP deflator is 160.

9、In the economy of Wrexington in 2008, real GDP was $25 billion and the GDP deflator was 68. What was Wrexington’s nominal GDP in 2008?
A、$2.72 billion
B、$17 billion
C、$36.8 billion
D、$43 billion

10、Government purchases include spending on goods and services by
A、federal governments, but not by state or local governments.
B、federal and state governments, but not by local governments.
C、federal, state, and local governments.
D、federal, state, and local governments, as well household spending by employees of those governments.

11、When markets fail, which of the following is true?
A、Government intervention can always improve outcomes.
B、Government intervention can potentially improve outcomes.
C、Government intervention can never improve outcomes.
D、Markets do not fail.

12、Which of the following is included in U.S. GDP?
A、The value of production by a Singaporean working in the U.S.
B、The value of production by an American working in Singapore
C、The value of production by a Singaporean working in Singapore.
D、The value of production by a Singaporean working in China.

13、George lived in a home that was newly constructed in 2005 for which he paid $200,000. In 2008 he sold the house for $225,000. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sale of the house?
A、The 2008 sale increased 2008 GDP by $225,000 and had no effect on 2005 GDP
B、The 2008 sale increased 2008 GDP by $25,000 and had no effect on 2005 GDP.
C、The 2008 sale increased 2008 GDP by $225,000; furthermore, the 2008 sale caused 2005 GDP to be revised upward by $25,000.
D、The 2008 sale affected neither 2008 GDP nor 2005 GDP.

14、Which of the following domestically produced items is not included in GDP?
A、A bottle of shampoo.
B、A hairdryer.
C、A haircut.
D、All the items are included in GDP.

15、Tim mows the yard for his neighbors. He spends $1 on gas and charges them $20 for each lawn he mows. What’s the total contribution to GDP each time Tim mows a yard?

16、Gasoline is considered a final good if it is sold by a
A、gasoline station to a bus company that operates a bus route between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
B、pipeline operator to a gasoline station in San Francisco
C、gasoline station to a motorist in Los Angeles.
D、All the answers are correct.

17、Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

18、Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market.

19、The goal of macroeconomics is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets simultaneously.

20、The basic tools of supply and demand are as central to macroeconomic analysis as they are to microeconomic analysis.

21、GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

22、GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced by a country’s citizens in a given period of time.

23、GDP includes only the value of final goods because the value of intermediate goods is already included in the prices of the final goods.

24、The government purchases component of GDP includes salaries paid to soldiers but not Social Security benefits paid to the elderly.

25、If the value of an economy’s imports exceeds the value of that economy’s exports, then net exports is a negative number.

26、If nominal GDP is $12,000 and the GDP deflator is 80, then real GDP is $15,000.

27、Macroeconomic statistics include GDP, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, retail sales, and the trade deficit.

28、Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market

29、Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole

30、The basic tools of supply and demand are central to microeconomic analysis but are of little use to macroeconomics

31、GDP is the most closely watched economic statistic because it is thought to be the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being.

32、GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

33、For an economy as a whole, income must exceed expenditure.

34、GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time

35、At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP

36、The government computes measures of income other than GDP because these other measures usually tell different stories about overall economic conditions

第九篇 国民收入的来源与分配

9.1 概述随堂测验

1、The relationship between the quantity of output created and the quantity of inputs needed to create it is called( )
A、the capital accumulation function.
B、technological knowledge.
C、the production function.
D、human capital.

2、In a particular production process, if the quantities of all inputs used are increased by 60 percent, then the quantity of output increases by 60 percent as well. This means that ( )
A、the production process cannot be enhanced by technological advances.
B、no mathematical representation of the relevant production function can be formulated.
C、the relevant production function has the limits-to-growth property.
D、the relevant production function has the constant-returns-to-scale property.

3、If per capita real income grows by 2 percent per year, then it will double in approximately 20 years.

4、If Country A produces 6,000 units of goods and services using 600 hours of labor, and if Country B produces 5,000 units of goods and services using 450 units of labor, then productivity is higher in Country B than in Country A.

5、Productivity can be computed as number of hours worked divided by output.

9.2 总产出的决定随堂测验

1、What term do economists use to describe the relationship between the quantity of inputs used and the quantity of output produced?
A、production function
B、input function
C、capital function
D、returns to scale

2、Technological knowledge
A、is the same thing as human capital.
B、can be discovered but it can never be kept secret.
C、is a determinant of productivity.
D、does not play a role in the relationship that economists call the production function.

3、The equipment and structures available to produce goods and services are called
A、physical capital.
B、human capital.
C、the production function.

9.3 总收入的分配随堂测验

1、According to the neoclassical theory of distribution, the real wage earned by any worker equals that worker’s marginal productivity.

2、Use the neoclassical theory of distribution, A wave of immigration increases the labor force. then, the real wage increase

3、Use the neoclassical theory of distribution, An earthquake destroys some of the capital stock. then, the real rental price rises.

4、Use the neoclassical theory of distribution, A technological advance improves the Production function. then, the real wage and the real rental price both increase.

9.4 总需求的决定随堂测验

1、In the small closed economy of San Lucretia, the currency is the denar. Statistics for last year show that private saving was 60 billion denars, taxes were 70 billion denars, government purchases of goods and services were 80 billion denars, there were no transfer payments by the government, and GDP was 400 billion denars. What were consumption and investment in San Lucretia? ( )
A、270 billion denars, 50 billion denars
B、260 billion denars, 60 billion denars
C、250 billion denars, 70 billion denars
D、None of the above is correct.

2、What makes the demand for the economy’s output of goods and services equal the supply? ( )
A、price of goods and services
C、Consumption, investment, and government purchases

9.5 商品市场均衡随堂测验

1、Which of the following would necessarily create a surplus at the original equilibrium interest rate in the loanable funds market? ( )
A、an increase in the supply of or a decrease in the demand for loanable funds
B、an increase in the supply of or an increase in the demand for loanable funds
C、a decrease in the supply of or a decrease in the demand for loanable funds
D、a decrease in the supply of or an increase in the demand for loanable funds

2、Which of the following would necessarily increase the equilibrium interest rate? ( )
A、The demand for and the supply of loanable funds shift right.
B、The demand for and the supply of loanable funds shift left.
C、The demand for loanable funds shifts right and the supply of loanable funds shifts left.
D、The demand for loanable funds shifts left and the supply of loanable funds shifts right.


1、If there are constant returns to scale, the production function can be written as( )
A、xY = 2xAF(L, K, H, N).
B、Y/L = A F(xL, xK, xH, xN).
C、Y/L = A F( 1, K/L, H/L, N/L).
D、L = AF(Y, K, H, N).

2、An economy’s production function has the constant-returns-to-scale property. If the economy’s labor force doubled and all other inputs stayed the same, then real GDP would( )
A、stay the same.
B、increase by exactly 50 percent.
C、increase by exactly 100 percent.
D、increase, but not necessarily by either 50 percent or 100 percent.

3、Given that a country’s real output has increased, in which of the following cases can we be sure that its productivity also has increased?
A、The total number of hours worked rose.
B、The total number of hours worked fell or stayed the same.?
C、The total number of hours worked stayed the same.
D、It is unable to judge.

4、The inputs used to produce goods and services are also called()
A、productivity indicators.
B、capitalization producers.
C、production functions.
D、factors of production.

5、The Peapod Restaurant uses all of the following to produce vegetarian meals. Which of them is an example of physical capital?
A、the owner's knowledge of how to prepare vegetarian entrees
B、the money in the owner's account at the bank from which she borrowed money
C、the tables and chairs in the restaurant
D、the land the restaurant was built on

6、Net exports must equal zero for any economy
A、that is closed.
B、for which Y = C + I + G.
C、for which S = Y - C - G.
D、All the answers are correct.

7、According to the definitions of private and public saving, if Y, C, and G remained the same, an increase in taxes would ( )
A、raise both private and public saving.
B、raise private saving and lower public saving.
C、lower private saving and raise public saving.
D、lower private and public saving.

8、A larger budget surplus
A、raises the interest rate and investment.
B、reduces the interest rate and investment.
C、raises the interest rate and reduces investment.
D、reduces the interest rate and raises investment.

9、Dilbert’s Incorporated produced 5,000,000 units of accounting software in 2004. At the start of 2005 the pointy-haired boss reduced total annual hours of employment from 10,000 to 8,000 and production was 4,800,000. These numbers indicate that productivity
A、fell by 4%.
B、fell by 20%.
C、rose by 12%.
D、rose by 20%.

10、In a closed economy, what does (Y - T - C) represent?
A、national saving
B、government tax revenue
C、public saving
D、private saving

11、The most important factors of production are capital and labor.

12、Like physical capital, human capital is a produced factor of production.

13、As capital per worker rises, output per worker rises. However, the increase in output per worker from an addition to capital is smaller, the larger is the existing amount of capital per worker.

14、Consumption depends positively on disposable income—the amount of income after all taxes have been paid. The higher disposable income is, the greater consumption is.

15、The quantity of investment goods demanded depends negatively on the real interest rate.

16、Government purchases are a measure of the dollar value of goods and services purchased indirectly by the government.

17、The financial system coordinates investment and saving, which are important determinants of long-run real GDP

18、National saving is equal to Y - T - C.

19、Public saving is equal to national saving minus private saving.

20、If, for an imaginary closed economy, investment amounts to $10,000 and the government is running a $2,500 deficit, then private saving must amount to $12,500.

第十篇 货币与通货膨胀

10.1 什么是货币随堂测验

1、Money( )
A、is a perfect store of value.
B、is the most liquid asset.
C、has intrinsic value, regardless of which form it takes.
D、All of the above are correct.

2、Which of the following is a store of value? ( )
B、U.S. government bonds
C、fine art
D、All of the above are correct.

3、The inflation rate is measured as the percentage change in a price index.

4、The price level is determined by the supply of, and demand for, money.

5、U.S. dollars are an example of commodity money and hides used to make trades are an example of fiat money.

10.2 货币数量论随堂测验

1、The velocity of money is( )
A、the rate at which the Fed puts money into the economy.
B、the same thing as the long-term growth rate of the money supply.
C、the money supply divided by nominal GDP.
D、the average number of times per year a dollar is spent.

2、Based on the quantity equation, if M = 100, V = 3, and Y = 200, then P =( )
D、None of the above is correct.

3、Suppose that velocity rises while the money supply stays the same. It follows that( )
A、P x Y must rise.
B、P x Y must fall.
C、P x Y must be unchanged.
D、the effects on P x Y are uncertain.

4、For a given level of money and real GDP, an increase in velocity would lead to an increase in the price level.

5、The quantity equation is M x V = P x Y.

10.3 通货膨胀与利率随堂测验

1、The nominal interest rate is 3 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent. What is the real interest rate? ( )
A、6 percent
B、5 percent
C、1.5 percent
D、1 percent

2、If a country experienced deflation, then ( )
A、the nominal interest rate would be greater than the real interest rate.
B、the real interest rate would be greater than the nominal interest rate.
C、the real interest rate would equal the nominal interest rate.
D、None of the above is necessarily correct.

3、The Fisher effect says that ( )
A、the nominal interest rate adjusts one for one with the inflation rate.
B、the growth rate of the money supply is negatively related to the velocity of money.
C、real variables are heavily influenced by the monetary system.
D、All of the above are correct.

4、Under the assumptions of the Fisher effect and monetary neutrality, if the money supply growth rate rises, then ( )
A、both the nominal and the real interest rate rise.
B、neither the nominal nor the real interest rate rise.
C、the nominal interest rate rises, but the real interest rate does not.
D、the real interest rate rises, but the nominal interest rate does not.

5、According to the Fisher effect, if inflation rises then the nominal interest rate rises.

6、Suppose the nominal interest rate is 10 percent; the tax rate on interest income is 28 percent, and the inflation rate is 6 percent. Then the after-tax real interest rate is -3.2 percent.

10.4 名义利率与货币需求随堂测验

1、Money demand depends on ( )
A、the price level and the interest rate.
B、the price level but not the interest rate.
C、the interest rate but not the price level.
D、neither the price level nor the interest rate.

2、The nominal interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding money. Thus, one might expect the demand for money to depend on the nominal interest rate.

3、The Money Demand Function is (M/P)d=L(i,Y)

10.5 通货膨胀的社会成本随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements about inflation is correct? ( )
A、Evidence from studies indicates that, in U.S. newspapers, inflation is mentioned less frequently than other economic terms, such as unemployment and productivity.
B、People believe the inflation fallacy because they tend to believe too strongly in the principle of monetary neutrality.
C、Nominal incomes are determined by nominal factors; they are not affected by real factors.
D、Inflation does not in itself reduce people’s real purchasing power.

2、The shoeleather cost of inflation refers to ( )
A、the redistributional effects of unexpected inflation.
B、the time spent searching for low prices when inflation rises.
C、the waste of resources used to maintain lower money holdings.
D、the increased cost to the government of printing more money.

3、When inflation rises, firms make ( )
A、more frequent price changes. This raises their menu costs.
B、more frequent price changes. This reduces their menu costs.
C、less frequent price changes. This raises their menu costs.
D、less frequent price changes. This reduces their menu costs.

4、Relative-price variability ( )
A、rises with inflation, leading to an improved allocation of resources.
B、rises with inflation, leading to a misallocation of resources.
C、falls with inflation, leading to an improved allocation of resources.
D、falls with inflation, leading to a misallocation of resources.

5、Shoeleather costs and menu costs are both costs of anticipated inflation.

6、Inflation induces people to spend more resources maintaining lower money holdings. The costs of doing this are called shoeleather costs.


1、Commodity money is( )
A、backed by gold.
B、the principal type of money in use today.
C、money with intrinsic value.
D、receipts created in international trade that are used as a medium of exchange.

2、Which of the following statements is correct? ( )
A、All items that are included in M1 are included also in M2.
B、All items that are included in M2 are included also in M1.
C、Credit cards are included in both M1 and M2.
D、Savings deposits are included in both M1 and M2.

3、Which of the following items is included in the M2 definition of the money supply? ( )
A、credit cards
B、money market mutual funds
C、corporate bonds
D、large time deposits

4、The money supply in Muckland is $100 billion. Nominal GDP is $800 billion and real GDP is $400 billion. What are the price level and velocity in Muckland? ( )
A、The price level and velocity are both 8.
B、The price level is 2 and velocity is 8.
C、The price level and velocity are both 4.
D、The price level is 4 and velocity is 8.

5、Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation? ( )
A、If velocity is stable, an increase in the money supply creates a proportional increase in nominal output.
B、If velocity is stable and money is neutral, an increase in the money supply creates a proportional increase in the price level.
C、With constant money supply and output, an increase in velocity creates an increase in the price level.
D、With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a proportional increase in the price level.

6、The Fisher effect ( )
A、says the government can generate revenue by printing money.
B、says there is a one for one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.
C、explains how higher money supply growth leads to higher inflation.
D、explains how prices adjust to obtain equilibrium in the money market.

7、Shawn puts money into an account. One year later he sees that he has 5 percent more dollars and that his money will buy 6 percent more goods. ( )
A、The nominal interest rate was 11 percent and the inflation rate was 5 percent.
B、The nominal interest rate was 6 percent and the inflation rate was 5 percent.
C、The nominal interest rate was 5 percent and the inflation rate was -1 percent.
D、None of the answers is correct.

8、As the price level rises, the value of money ( )
A、falls, and people desire to hold less of it.
B、falls, and people desire to hold more of it.
C、rises, and people desire to hold less of it.
D、rises, and people desire to hold more of it.

9、People can reduce the inflation tax by( )
A、reducing savings.
B、increasing deductions on their income tax.
C、reducing cash holdings.
D、None of the answers is correct.

10、When the money supply and the price level in countries that experienced hyperinflation are plotted on a graph against time, we see that( )
A、the price level grew at about the same rate as the money supply.
B、the price level grew at a much faster rate than the money supply.
C、the price level grew at a much slower rate than the money supply.
D、the inflation rate and the money supply growth rate do not appear to be related.

11、People can reduce the inflation tax by
A、reducing savings.
B、increasing deductions on their income tax
C、reducing cash holdings.
D、None of the answers is correct

12、The shoeleather cost of inflation refers to
A、the redistributional effects of unexpected inflation
B、the time spent searching for low prices when inflation rises.
C、the waste of resources used to maintain lower money holdings
D、the increased cost to the government of printing more money.

13、Suppose one year ago the price index was 120 and Maria purchased $20,000 worth of bonds. One year later the price index is 126. Maria redeems his bonds for $22,250 and is in a 40 percent tax bracket. What is Maria’s real after-tax rate of interest to the nearest tenth of a percent?
A、4.3 percent
B、3.1 percent
C、1.8 percent
D、1.2 percent

14、Given a nominal interest rate of 6 percent, in which of the following cases would you earn the lowest after-tax real rate of interest?
A、Inflation is 4 percent; the tax rate is 5 percent
B、Inflation is 3 percent; the tax rate is 20 percen
C、Inflation is 2 percent; the tax rate is 30 percent.
D、The after-tax real interest rate is the same for all of the above

15、Which of the following are costs incurred by people trying to protect themselves from the effects of inflation?
A、menu costs and shoeleather costs
B、menu costs but not shoeleather costs
C、shoeleather costs but not menu costs
D、menu costs but not shoeleather costs

16、The data on hyperinflation show a clear link between the quantity of money and
A、unemployment rate
B、the price level.
C、growth rate of GDP.

17、Suppose that M is fixed but that P falls. According to the quantity equation which of the following could both by themselves explain the decrease in P?
A、Y rose, V rose
B、Y fell, V fell
C、Y rose, V fell
D、Y fell, V rose

18、If P = 4 and Y = 450, then which of the following pairs of values are possible?
A、M = 800, V = 4
B、M = 600, V =3
C、M = 400, V =2
D、M = 200, V =1

19、If velocity = 5, the price level = 1.5, and the real value of output is 2,500, then the quantity of money is

20、Which of the following is correct?
A、The classical dichotomy separates real and nominal variables.
B、Monetary neutrality is the proposition that changes in the money supply do not change real variables.
C、When studying long-run changes in the economy, the neutrality of money offers a good description of how the world works.
D、All the answers are correct.

21、M2 is both larger and more liquid than M1.

22、The Federal Reserve primarily uses open-market operations to change the money supply.

23、The quantity theory of money implies that if output and velocity are constant, then a 50 percent increase in the money supply would lead to less than a 50 percent increase in the price level.

24、When the value of money is on the vertical axis, an increase in the price level shifts money demand to the right.

25、Considering inflation, the nominal interest rate relevant for money demand is r + Ep.

26、The quantity theory of money implies that if output and velocity are constant, then a 50 percent increase in the money supply would lead to less than a 50 percent increase in the price level.

27、In the 1990s, U.S. prices rose at about the same rate as in the 1970s.

28、The Fisher effect says that increases in the inflation rate lead to one-to-one increases in nominal interest rates.

29、The quantity theory of money can explain hyperinflations but not moderate inflation.

30、The goal of the consumer price index is to gauge how much incomes must rise to maintain a constant standard of living.

31、The money demand curve shifts to the



  • 第一模块:市场经济体系
  • 第二模块:边际分析
  • 第三模块:生产和成本
  • 第四模块:市场结构
  • 第五模块:市场失灵
  • 第六模块:公共物品和公共选择
  • 第七模块:宏观经济学基础
  • 第八模块:货币和通货膨胀
  • 第九模块:国际贸易
  • 第十模块:经济增长和发展




  1. 理论与实践相结合:本课程既注重经济学理论的传授,又关注实践应用,通过案例分析和真实数据等方式,将理论与实践相结合。
  2. 多元化的学习环节:学习通经济学II包括多个学习环节,如视频讲解、课程笔记、练习题和讨论区等,从不同角度展示课程内容,帮助学习者更好地理解课程。
  3. 知识体系全面:本课程涵盖经济学的多个领域,包括市场经济体系、宏观经济学、国际贸易和经济增长等,构成了一个全面的知识体系。
  4. 学习方式灵活:学习者可以根据自己的时间和兴趣,自由选择学习方式和学习进度,提高学习效率。



  1. 了解经济学的基本理论和方法,掌握经济学家思考问题的方式。
  2. 了解市场经济体系的运行机制,了解市场竞争的基本规律,理解市场失灵的原因和解决方法。
  3. 了解宏观经济学的基本概念和指标,掌握宏观经济政策的制定和实施过程,理解通货膨胀和经济增长的原因和影响。
  4. 了解国际贸易的基本理论和政策,掌握国际贸易的基本规律和模式,了解贸易摩擦和保护主义的影响。
  5. 了解经济发展的基本概念和模式,掌握经济增长的基本原则和影响因素,了解发展中国家的经济现状和发展模式。



  1. 建立学习计划:制定一个合理的学习计划,安排好时间,合理分配每个学习环节的时间。
  2. 多元化学习:在学习过程中,多种学习方式相结合,如观看视频、阅读笔记、做练习题和参加讨论等。
  3. 注重实践:学习经济学不仅要掌握理论,还需要注重实践。通过案例分析和真实数据等方式,将理论与实践相结合。
  4. 理解核心概念:学习者要理解核心概念和基本原则,如供求关系、市场竞争、失灵和政策等,这是理解整个课程的基础。
  5. 与他人交流:通过参加讨论和与他人交流,学习者可以加深对课程内容的理解和认识,同时也可以结交志同道合的学习伙伴。




B.“末这个行当现在归在 行当中。




B.以下关于CSS+DIV布局中关于盒子模型说法错误的是( )
D.人体试验的对象包括( )


C.关于低音增强系统说法有误的是( )。


B.四谛说指出人生的烦恼是由于( )。
C.下列不属于网络红人历时发展审美标准的选项是( )。
D.自重应力不会引起土体的变形( )。


A.盈亏平衡点单位产品变动成本是根据( )设定的。
D.子体和母体之间、以及相邻子体之间存在的呼应关系有( )


C.英国是由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和( )组成的
D.it seems to me that you will switch to




A.信息主要具有哪些特点( )
C.《文学改良刍议》的作者是( )
D.语境就是语言使用的具体环境。( )


B.自体骨目前被视为是植骨材料的金标准,以下哪项不是自体骨的特性( )。
C.实验室中的交流电压表和电流表,其读值是交流电的( )

智慧职教: 奥氏体的强度、硬度低,但塑性好,适于塑性加工。

D.一个汉字的内码和它的国标码之间的差是( )。


C.若将男性比作阳离子,女性比作阴离子,则二者之间存在的作用力为 ( )
D.对组织资源进行计划、组织、领导、控制以有效地实现组织目标的过程称为( )


A.当人体处于亚健康状态时,宜采取比较好的措施是( )


A.人们常用“相敬如宾”、“琴瑟和谐”、“比翼鸟”、“连理枝”等来形容( )。
C.下列软件中,属于系统软件的是( )
D.掘开黄河以水代兵典型的战例有( )。
