超星Fieldwork of Human Geography课后答案(学习通2023题目答案)

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超星Fieldwork of Human Geography课后答案(学习通2023题目答案)


Unit test 1

1、超星Human Geography belongs to
A、后答Humanities and Social Sciences
C、习通Cross-discipline of Humanities and Engineering
D、题目Cross-discipline of Humanities and Sciences

2、答案The超星 information obtained from fieldwork must
A、support the view in textbooks
B、后答be consistent with the research hypothesis
C、案学show the diversity of the world
D、习通be consistent with previous investigation

3、题目Compared with classroom teaching,答案 the main characteristic of fieldwork is
A、students play the main role
B、超星no need to take notes
C、后答having many instructors
D、案学practice in the field

4、The most basic professional equipment for geographic fieldwork in the 1950s was
B、topographic map

5、The field survey method is
A、questionnaire, interview
B、recording, sketch
C、total station, eye tracker
D、camera, video recorder

6、The method of field information recording is
A、photo survey, interview
B、note, sketch
C、participatory observation
D、landscape observation

7、The purpose of this course is to replace
A、Human Geography Course
C、learning in classroom
D、teacher-student interaction

8、Yuanyang Hani Terraces shows that the locals
A、perfectly use of terrain and mountain springs to build terraces
B、do not pay much attention to the harmonious relationship between people
C、are more concerned about the problem of climate and precipitation
D、only loved planting rice and then built the terraces

9、The basis for judging the reasonable form of farmland is
A、consistent with the farmland form listed as a World Heritage
B、parallels to the local contour lines
C、good for large-scale mechanical farming
D、conducive to local harmony

10、The founder of geography mentioned in the video is
A、Alexander Humboldt
B、Carl Rittle
C、Zhu Kezhen

02Methods for Field Information Obtaining

Unit test 2

1、Which is NOT the human constraints that need to be considered in the route planning of the fieldwork?

2、By comparing, the least need to be considered in route planning is
A、not following the repeated route
B、whether to investigate in groups
C、the connection of routes
D、the start and end point of route

3、Why is it necessary to investigate the flow direction of the river in this case? ①small terrain undulations ② many rivers ③many lakes ④many underground pipelines ⑤seasonal change of the flow direction ⑥braided rivers

4、The sequence of the steps in route design is
A、field investigation-revision plan-field investigation
B、pre-design-interview correction-field investigation
C、interview design-field investigation-revision plan
D、computer design-field investigation-data collation

5、What does NOT belong to the principles of field route planning?

6、The first step in conducting a questionnaire survey is
A、data collection
B、to determine a research topic
C、to determine the type of sampling
D、to make an investigation plan

7、In this case, the survey item that reflects the spatial attributes of a participant is
A、where s/he lives
C、satisfaction with income
D、working hours per day

8、Closed question means
A、questions that must be answered
B、no options for choosing
C、the issue of confidentiality
D、with some fixed answers

9、Which of the following is NOT a principle of questionnaire design

10、The correct statement about open-ended questions is that
A、they are used to set up questions that do not know the answer in advance
B、open-ended questions can minimize irrelevant answers
C、they are easy to answer, even those with lower education level can complete
D、open-ended questions facilitate statistical analysis and processing

11、Which one is NOT correct about interview?
A、can obtain rich information
B、can obtain various data
C、is suitable for asking closed questions
D、is suitable for asking the questions about personal feelings or opinions

12、The skill used in this case to approach the interviewees is
A、natural approach
B、seeking common ground
C、straightforward approach
D、friendly approach

13、Which group of the interviewees that was NOT interviewed in this case
A、local entrepreneurs
B、outer investors
D、ordinary villagers without business

14、Which one is NOT correct concerning on-site interview skills?
A、asking clear questions
B、asking short questions
C、avoiding biased or induced questions
D、no more questioning

15、Which one is NOT mentioned concerning geographical factors that affect the reproduction of the creative village?
A、ecological environment
B、geographical location
C、local governance
D、fashion style

16、When the participant observation is carried out, what aspects of the researched person does the researcher need to integrate into ? ① life actions ② social relationships ③ custom and culture ④ environment of accommodation
B、① and ②
C、including ①②③
D、including all the points

17、What is the merit of participant observation?
A、It’s able to acquire the largest samples of statistics
B、It’s easy to make a quantification
C、It’s able to acquire the real images of social realities
D、The process of observation demonstrates a highly operable feature

18、Which stage of participant observation needs high mental quality of researchers?
A、the first stage
B、the second stage
C、the third stage
D、one of the above

19、Which stage of participant observation can acquire the most real images of objects’ daily lives?
A、the first stage
B、the second stage
C、the third stage
D、none of the above

20、What should researchers do during the process of participant observation? ① participating into the lifeworld of the objects with presuppositions even prejudice ② writing filed dairy diligently ③ empathizing ④ to be an objective bystander

21、In this case, the following core functions that belong to the original core of the wharf area is
B、wholesale of goods
C、ship docking
D、ship maintenance

22、The landscape attribute that reflect the functional relationship between the wharf and the city is
A、road direction
B、wharf shape
C、land use
D、building density

23、The direct cause of the wharf commuting function shrinking is
A、urban space expansion
B、lifestyle changes
C、land use change
D、construction of new roads and bridges in the city

24、The fundamental reason for the wharf area changing into leisure space is
A、alternation between flood and dry seasons
B、changes in constructions
C、degradation of the commuter function of the wharf
D、urban renewal

25、In the following areas, which one is best scale to understand the change of Zheng Wharf function?
A、the wharf itself
B、wharf and its surrounding area
C、city district where the wharf is located
D、city where the wharf is located

26、The general choice of roof styles for traditional Han houses in Northeast China
A、overhanging gable roof
B、hip roof
C、gable and hip roof
D、grey gable roof

27、The traditional roof style of Korean Chinese in Northeast China is generally chosen
A、overhanging gable roof
B、gable and hip roof
C、grey gable roof
D、flush gable roof

28、In this case, which ethnic group has open kitchen in their houses?
A、Korean Chinese
B、Han people
C、Manchu people
D、Other ethnic groups

29、Among the four layers of human geography, dwelling belongs to
A、natural layer
B、social or institutional layer
C、ideological layer
D、livelihood layer

30、One of the major features of Korean Chinese dwellings is the front porch, which has different size in different places. What is the trend of the porch toward the north of the Korean Peninsula?
A、getting larger
B、getting smaller
C、no changes
D、no clear answer

31、Among the options below, the dwelling characteristics of Korean Chinese are ① outer wall is mostly white ② outer wall is mostly natural color ③ height of the fence is higher ④ height of the fence is lower ⑤ the height of the heatable brick bed is high ⑥ the height of the heatable brick bed is low
A、① ③ ⑤
B、② ③ ⑤
C、① ④ ⑤
D、① ④ ⑥

32、In this case, the preliminary steps of the photo survey method include
A、selecting photos
B、questionnaire design
C、having hypothesis
D、above three

33、The steps of using photo survey in the field include
A、a brief introduction to the survey
B、showing photos to interviewees
C、asking the interviewees questions and recording their answers
D、above three

34、The Italian Style Area in this case is planned as a
A、traditional cultural business district
B、commercial and entertainment zone
C、central business district
D、smart city

35、The sequence of steps for using the photo method in this case was : ① asking the interviewees’ understanding of European architecture with photos ② asking the interviewees in front of the construction which are with the elements of European architecture ③ interviewing different group of interviewees from which spatial scale they get the sense of building style

36、In this case, what is the spatial scale of the investigated objects?
A、building components
C、building complex
D、above three

03Methods for Field Information Recording

Unit test 3

1、What types of information can reflect location in the notes? ①longitude and latitude ②distance ③shape ④name of a building ⑤address ⑥area

2、In this case, the type of information that reflects the man-land relationship is
A、human landscape
B、natural lake
C、natural vegetation
D、terrain conditions

3、The form of notes used in this case is
B、investigator's directly records
C、Investigator’s view
D、Analysis notes

4、In this case, the students were asked to study four key points for taking notes. Which key point required to attach a map with the location where the notes was taken?
A、the first key point
B、the second key point
C、the third key point
D、the fourth key point

5、Which of the following four levels of perceptions of Shichahai Area is the highest?
A、knowing the name of Shichahai
B、knowing the history of Shichahai
C、living in Shichahai Area for the years
D、living in Shichahai Area happily

6、Compared with other recording methods, which one of the below characteristics that do NOT belong to the field recording is
A、convenient operation for collecting information
B、information record is complete immediately
C、more verifiable
D、no ethical issues

7、What element of soundscape does the lake in Shichahai Area belong to?
D、none of the elements

8、Which one is beyond the subject ’s perception ways of soundscape
A、perceiving by five senses organs
B、by life experience
C、by friend recommendation
D、by institutional education

9、The mistake that is easy to make in the field recording is
A、selecting recording equipment
B、designing recording plan
C、distinguishing recording sound from recording data
D、recording without the consent of the person being recorded

10、The steps for organizing field recordings data mainly include six steps: ① audio file encoding ② audio data conversion and processing ③ audio data import into computer ④ analysis of the physical features of recording samples ⑤ audio sample text sorting and content analysis ⑥ analysis of social and cultural significance of recording samples. The correct sequence of recording steps is:

11、What can field sketches show whlie traditional photography and video can't?
A、what cannot be taken due to bad weather
B、what cannot be taken due to lighting problems
C、what cannot be taken due to too large scene or being covered by something
D、what cannot be taken due to seasonal situation

12、What are the basic tools for field sketching
A、paper, pen or pencil
D、measuring tool

13、What kinds of water forms in nature does the water fall at the back gate of Beihai Park simulate?
A、river and creek
B、lake and spring
C、stream and waterfall
D、pond and waterfall

14、What shortage of photo-taking had been overcome by the field sketch at Jingxinzhai? It is impossible to express the entity of landscape due to
A、sight blocking
B、size of landscape
C、light problems
D、weather situation

15、What is the major gardening technique used in the entrance design of Hao Pu Creek Garden?
A、the main scene is raised to highlight the main scene
B、spatial compress first and then spatial expanding
C、highlights the main scene by color contrast
D、highlight a theme scene by a rocky landscape

04Usage of Field Survey Maps and Equipment

Unit test 4

1、What information on a topographic map that can be used to calculate the gradient? ① Survey time ② Contour interval ③ Map scale ④ Slope scale ⑤ Object Annotation

2、Which are the contour intervals of the 1:50000 and 1:10000 topographic maps respectively used in this case?

3、Which of the constraints that must be considered in designing a survey route in mountain area? ① Time ② Road conditions ③ Survey content ④ Village size ⑤ Slope direction ⑥ Map date

4、What are the reasons for designing an investigation route following hill ridges in this case?
A、Less distance and dense vegetation
B、Wide road and more orchards
C、Away from stream and better safety
D、Gentle slopes and good view

5、Why is it necessary to combine topographic map with remote sensing images when designing a survey route? It is because
A、the information is NOT detailed enough on the topographic map
B、the remote sensing images provide more up-to-date information
C、the scale of topographic map is too small
D、remote sensing images have higher resolution

6、What function the total station does NOT have?
A、speed calculation
B、angle observation
C、height measurement
D、length measurement

7、Total station functions used in this case are ①measuring horizontal distance ②measuring angle ③determining coordinates ④ measuring vertical distance

8、The part marked in the figure is called
B、tube level

9、The first step in setting up the total station is
A、roughly leveling
B、exactly leveling
D、taking barometric pressure

10、In this case, the purpose of using total station is to measure the former main building’s
B、center point
D、four ends

11、Which function GNSS does NOT have?
D、Air pressure

12、Which function of GNSS was used in this case

13、The first step in this case was
A、finding the center of the former building
B、software processing
C、determining the reference point
D、measuring latitude and longitude of reference points

14、When using the GNSS,what should be paid attention to? ① exporting coordinate data in time ② using in outdoor open space ③ using on sunny day ④ using on the ground

15、The most serious impact on the accuracy of GNSS survey points in this case is
A、poor quality of handheld GNSS
B、reference points’ coordinates are not correct
C、the original drawing is inaccurate
D、no reference points found in the south of the former main building

16、Eye-tracker does NOT have
A、an optical system
B、a pupil center coordinate extraction system
C、pupil coordinate system
D、an image and data recording and analysis system

17、What kinds of eye movements does the eye tracker record? ① fixation ②saccades ③brightness change ④ color change ⑤ pursuit movement

18、Which function of the eye tracker in this experiment was NOT used?
A、total fixation time
B、time to first entry
C、eye track diagram
D、number of views

19、The experimental conditions considered in this experiment were ①good lighting ②replacing the laboratory ③curtaining windows ④playing quiet music ⑤good sound insulation

20、The conclusion of this experiment is
A、the participants prefer to look at the bright areas of the photo for a long time
B、the participant observation time of the photos has nothing to do with the significance of the landscape colors
C、most of the participants watched the same area
D、the heat map shows the interest area of most participants

21、Among the following geographic environments, which is NOT conducive to the use of unmanned aerial vehicle?
A、thick woods
B、open space
C、plain area
D、park with green land

22、Compared with general cameras, the biggest advantage of UAV to take photographs of the landscape is
B、wider range
C、bird view

23、The biggest advantage of using UAV for tourists and sightseeing is
A、seeing more scenery
B、using less time
C、low cost
D、having individual travel experience

24、Which statement is correct?
A、The UAV can be used in any weather conditions
B、The UAV can be used in any terrain conditions
C、The UAV can be used in any area of the city
D、The UAV can be used after real name registration

25、Which one is NOT in the fields of UAV’s application?
A、flood prevention warning
B、land inspection
D、aerial photography

05Survey Cases

Unit test 5

1、The villages in Dongshan are mostly located at ① fat terrain ② lake shore ③ areas above 10 meters ④ areas with rich groundwater ⑤ areas with convenient transportation

2、The total station was used in this case. What did it measure?
A、village altitude
B、the height difference between the two ends of the road
C、the distance between villages
D、the distance between village and road

3、The GNSS was used in this case to measure
A、the longitude and latitude of farmer’s house
B、the longitude and latitude of the village
C、the altitude of the wells
D、the longitude and latitude of the well

4、The main interviewees in this survey were
A、middle-aged man
B、young people
C、town leaders

5、The reason for completing the investigation before the rain was we
A、worried about investigators catching a cold
B、worried about traffic safety
C、worried that the groundwater level will rise
D、worried about poor eyesight

6、The January isotherm line in the Taihu Lake Area is along
A、the shore of the lake
B、the latitude
C、the terrain
D、iso-precipitation line

7、The reason why Dongshan people can plant some subtropical fruit trees that cannot grow in the same latitude is
A、The lowest temperature in January in Dongshan is obviously higher than that in other areas at the same latitude
B、Dongshan is located beside Taihu Lake, the peninsula is surrounded by the lake
C、Dongshan has mountainous area which is suitable for the growth of various fruit trees
D、Dongshan is close to Shanghai and some big cities. So that it closes to big market

8、The key habitat condition that affects the vertical distribution of the fruit trees in Dongshan is

9、The key economic factor that affects the vertical distribution of the fruit trees in Dongshan is
A、net income of land
B、farming cost
C、market price
D、transportation cost

10、The reason why the vertical distribution of the fruit trees in Dongshan is inconsistent with the current net land income is
A、fruit tree replacement cost
B、market price fluctuations
C、planting technology
D、planting habits

11、One of the factors that affect the change of land use pattern in this small town is
A、internet usage
B、improvement of residents' living standards
C、adjustment of agricultural production structure
D、the attractiveness of central cities

12、The ideal solution to verify whether settlement expansion in small towns is affected by traffic lines are by measuring ①traffic flow ②people flow ③one-way flow ④two-way flow ⑤at the intersection ⑥at the roadside

13、In this case, the phenomenon shows the expansion of the settlement is
A、changing of house number
B、new building
C、commercial facilities
D、family structure

14、The index reflecting the land use intensity of small towns is
A、types of infrastructure
B、building density
C、road conditions
D、employment structure

15、The indicator that can be used to distinguish between urban settlements and rural settlements is
A、proportion of land occupied by non-agricultural land
B、proportion of residential land
C、proportion of water area
D、green land rate

16、According to the actual situation, the index finally selected by this survey to measure the size of the store is
A、store width
B、store depth
C、store height
D、the above three

17、In this case, the main indicators of the CCQ are ①store size ②newness of the store ③type of commercial service ④class of commerce and service

18、Which one is NOT the factor influencing the CCQ to transfer?
A、spatial planning of the CORE DISTRICT
B、changes in the gravity center of local population distribution
C、changes in the traffic conditions
D、ld CCQ renovation

19、In addition to applying interview, this case study also used ①landscape observation ②measurement by GNSS ③remote sensing image interpretation ④ text analysis

20、Which one is INCORRECT about the evolution of the CCQ in Dongshan?
A、The business scale of the CCQ expands
B、The backward facilities of the old CCQ affect the shopping and cause its decline
C、The improvement of external traffic conditions has reduced the class of the CCQ
D、The CCQ has shifted from northwest to southeast

21、Which famous mount does NOT at a similar latitude as Mount Lu?
A、Mount Huang
B、Mount Heng
C、Mount Hua
D、Mount Tianmu

22、What is the main reason that Rev. Edward Little chose to build the East Valley Villa in Mount Lu?
A、avoiding heat in summer
B、easy to do missionary work
C、avoid the war at that time
D、lower cost of construction

23、In this case, the geographical conditions that was NOT considered when selecting the location of the villa is
A、meteorology and climate

24、What is the main viewpoint of man-land relationship which is reflected in the location selection of the East Valley Villa in Mount Lu?
A、man can dominate nature
B、harmony between man and nature
C、environmental determinism
D、accept nature without effort

25、In this case, what were the preparations for the investigation of the villa site decision? ①checking the distribution and topographic maps of the villa area ②preparing a camera to photograph the facade of the villa ③ making a survey table for the investigation ④checking the climate data of Mount Lu ⑤preparing the geological hammer

26、The investigation method used in this case was
A、investigation the villas in field, coding them and adding in the original map
B、only investigated the villas that appear along the road and have distinctive characteristic
C、only concerned about the impact of physical geographical factors on the villa location
D、only concerned about the impact of human geographical factors on the villa location

27、In this case, what did the students measure with the compass?
A、street slope
B、street direction
C、geographical latitude
D、the intersection of the ecliptic and the equator

28、The number of villas in the East Valley presents that the farther away from the river, the lower the number is. The main reason is that ① water source ② land slope ③ temperature ④ precipitation ⑤ soil

29、The main source of water used by the residents in the East Valley is
A、well water dug in front of each house
B、rain water stored by reservoirs and underground aquifers
C、water suppled from the water company at mountain foot
D、water drawn from streams and rivers by pipes or ditches

30、The common feature of the site selection of the East Valley Villa, Donglin Temple and White Deer Cavern Academy introduced in this case is
A、the same altitude
B、the same temperature conditions
C、the same terrain feature of relatively flat
D、the similar geological condition

31、Among the elements of the Turpan Karez, which altitude is the lowest?
A、above-ground ditch
B、drainage outlet
C、under-ground ditch
D、dam/small reservoir

32、Which of the views on the origin of the Turpan Karez are coexisting? ①Introduction from foreign countries ②Enlightenment from Central China ③Local creation ④Three types are coexisting

33、What is the major local natural challenge that the Turpan Karez responses to?
A、geological and geomorphology features
B、low precipitation and drought
C、large evaporation
D、no groundwater

34、The livelihood culture influenced by the Turpan Karez includes ①village distribution ②transportation ③natural oasis location ④crop selection ⑤clothing habits

35、Will the livelihood culture in the Turpan Karez disappear?
C、will disappear after a while

学习通Fieldwork of Human Geography

学习通Fieldwork of Human Geography是一门专门研究人类地理学领域的课程。这门课程致力于培养学生的实地考察和研究能力,让学生通过对生活和自然环境的观察,深入了解人类活动与环境的相互关系。



  • 研究领域介绍:介绍人类地理学的研究领域和重要性。
  • 实地考察技巧:介绍实地考察的方法和技巧,培养学生的实地调查和采集数据的能力。
  • 案例分析:通过案例分析,让学生深入了解人类活动与环境的相互关系。
  • 论文撰写指导:帮助学生撰写一篇符合学术要求的论文,提高学生的研究能力和写作能力。


在学习通Fieldwork of Human Geography的课程中,实践教学是非常重要的一环。学生将会参加多次实地考察活动,比如到城市中心区域、生态保护区等地考察,对当地人类活动和环境进行观察和调查。



通过学习通Fieldwork of Human Geography的课程,学生将会得到以下几方面的收获:

  • 提高实地调查和采集数据的能力。
  • 深入了解人类活动与环境的相互关系,掌握一定的人类地理学知识。
  • 培养独立思考和分析问题的能力,并将所学知识应用到实践中。
  • 通过撰写论文,提高学生的写作能力和研究能力。


学习通Fieldwork of Human Geography是一门非常实用的课程,通过实地考察和研究,让学生深入了解人类活动与环境的相互关系,提高学生的实地调查和数据采集能力,同时也培养了学生独立思考和分析问题的能力。这门课程对于人类地理学专业的学生来说尤为重要,但也适用于对人类地理学感兴趣的任何人。
