
专升本习题2024-05-19 07:59:3360613抢沙发
中国大学英语时文阅读课后答案(慕课2023课后作业答案)摘要: Unit 1 Men and Women's Prejudices1.1 Lead-in随堂测验1、Which 1970 law passed in the United Kingdom made i ...


Unit 1 Men and Women's Prejudices

1.1 Lead-in随堂测验

1、中国作业Which 1970 law passed in the United Kingdom made it illegal to pay people of different sexes differently for the same job?大学答案答案
A、The英语阅读 Equal Gender Law
B、The时文 Equal Gender Act
C、The课后课后 Equal Pay Bill
D、The慕课 Equal Pay Act

2、Why must businesses work hard to broaden their appeal?中国作业
A、It will be increasingly difficult to attract investment.
B、大学答案答案It will be increasingly difficult to attract the best talent.
C、英语阅读It will be increasingly difficult to achieve gender equality.
D、时文It will be increasingly difficult to succeed in such a competitive environment.

3、课后课后According to the Government Equalities Office (GEO),慕课 what can be done by companies to address their gender pay gaps?
A、Have multiple women in shortlists for recruitment and promotions.
B、中国作业Have all men and women in shortlists for recruitment and promotions.
C、大学答案答案Report their gender pay gaps to the GEO.
D、英语阅读Hire more women.

1.2 Unit Overview随堂测验

1、According to the video, fathers are not important in a family.

2、The writer of the Unsung Heroes doesn’t like the movie Toy Story.

3、Working mothers are highly recognized by media.

4、The role of man are changing owing to the collapse of the sexual division of labor.

Unit 2 Culture

2.1 Lead-in随堂测验

1、According to the article, what accusations have marred the development of this upcoming CBBC sitcom?
A、Accusations of racism toward British East Asians.
B、Accusations of gender inequality.
C、Accusations of not paying their staff.
D、Accusations of not hiring more writers.

2、British East Asian writers were told they were too ________ to be involved in the show.

3、British East Asians want to see a show that is
A、Truly modern in its representation of British East Asian family life.
B、Truly progressive in its representation of British East Asian family life.
C、Truly accurate in its representation of British East Asian family life.
D、Truly humanizing in its representation of British East Asian family life.

2.3 Passage A: One Question You Should Ask About Every Job随堂测验

1、According to the passage, when one is seeking for a job, what question will he ask about the job?
A、The salary
B、The roles and position
C、The opportunity for advancement
D、The workplace culture such as values,norms and attitudes toward employee

2、Find and write down the words or expressions in Passage A, which accord with the statements below. For example: Statement: The researchers found that people might have a prejudiced tendency of their own corporate culture which they regarded as having distinctive characteristics from others. However, this is not the fact because there are many common fundamental parts of culture. (Para. 3) (Para. 3 means you can find the answer in paragraph 3 of Passage A) Answer: an organizational uniqueness bias The job hunters focus on considering the important questions about culture. (Para. 4 )

3、In order to show that he is superior to others in status, the senior manager doesn’t allow others to use his parking spot even when he is out for holiday. (Para. 5 )

4、Did Steven Jobs feel so self-absorbed that he thought he had a right to enjoy some special treatment in the company? (Para. 5 )

5、Jim Ziemer began his work in Harley-Davidson as an operator for a freight lift, but finally rose to the top position as CEO and moved into the best office of the company. (Para. 6 )

6、Can I have control of my careers future and grow up to be sb. in the organization? (Para. 9)

7、They refer to how people talk, look, and act in a particular community. They can reflect people’s communication style, work mode, office setup and rules of the organization. (Para. 10 )

2.4 Passage A: Language Support随堂测验

1、1. How do you feel after reading the stories of Horatio Alger and Jim Ziemer as an employee?

2、Which boss can give employees more fairness, security and control according to the passage?
A、Steven Jobs
B、Charles Schwab's exectives
C、Michael Duke
D、Joanne Martin

2.5 Passage B: Cultural Differences随堂测验

1、If one encounters some culture shock, which of the following feeling can he not have?

2.6 Passage B: Language Support随堂测验

1、What a cultural blunder did the author make in Russia?
A、He peeled a banana for a lady in front of her husband.
B、He wanted to show courtesies to his Russia friends.
C、He has been proudly telling others his tidbit of Russian culture.
D、He couldn’t understand why women often walk arm in arm with women in Russia.

2、Why does the author think generalizations are often dangerous when accompanied by some recommendations?
A、Because they are not easily distorted.
B、Because cultural blunders are not unavoidable.
C、Because they have a potential to do more good than harm.
D、Because differences between people within given nation are bigger than those between groups.

Unit 3 Business Ethics

3.1 Lead-in随堂测验

1、1.Family members of those who perished in the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 tragedy are suing Boeing due to:
A、Poor aircraft design
B、Technical negligence
C、Technical limitations
D、Being manufacturers of the plane

2、2.The largest single nationality of passengers lost in the Ethiopian crash was:

3、3.According to family members, Boeing is mainly concerned with:

3.3 Passage A:Dirty Secrets随堂测验

1、American authorities will be fair to both home and foreign car makers

2、Europe’s testing regime is stringent except for VW’s case.

3、The author feels sad for the death of diesel.

3.5 Passage B : Honesty in Business随堂测验

1、Choose the best answer to each question with information from the passage B<Honesty in Business>. 1. Why did the author and her husband decide to help the young buyers?
A、Because they were afraid they would be punished by law.
B、Because they and the young couple were friends.
C、Because they and the young couple were co-workers.
D、Because they decided they should be honest and not lose their soul.

2、2. What does the proverb mean: “Honesty is the best policy”?
A、It means honesty is a policy that the government should adopt.
B、It means honesty in business brings the biggest profit.
C、It means it is the very presence of honesty in business that affords success.
D、It means honesty is the policy that the most people believe is right.

3、3. Which argument does the author try to support with the example of an international food company dishonestly marketing in Africa?
A、The treatment we extend to others comes back to help or haunt us.
B、African babies were not used to infant formula.
C、African mothers did not know how to keep infant formula.
D、It is illegal to market infant formula in African countries.

Unit 4 Hopes and Fears for the Future

4.1 Lead-in随堂测验

1、Why did the article use the word 'gloomy' to describe the report by the Resolution Foundation?
A、Because a third of Britain's millennials will never own their home.
B、Because a third of Britons will never own their home.
C、Because rent is becoming more and more expensive in the UK.
D、Because house prices are becoming more and more expensive in the UK.

2、Once the millennial generation reaches retirement, there will be an explosion in:
A、Hospital bills
B、House prices
C、Cost of living
D、Housing benefits

3、What is vital for families who are renting?
A、Lower cost of rent
B、Lower cost of living
C、Greater security of tenancy
D、More housing benefits

4.4 Passage A : Language Support随堂测验

1、Who shares the opinion of " How to survive in the gig economy is the skill for future-proof college students' career"?
A、Julia Kirby
B、Joel Mokyr
C、Henry Siu
D、Richard and Daniel Susskind

2、Henry Siu responded that the thing to focus on in college is gaining experience in working with smart machines.

3、Julia Kirby suggested that the thing to focus on in college is gaining experience in learning what machines are capable of and what you're capable of.

4、Richard recommended students to be involved in the development and delivery of AI systems.

4.6 Passage B : Language Support随堂测验

1、What is the thing the author loved most about Bill? Is the thing just a tremendous excitement?
A、Bill's entrepreneurial spirit.
B、Bill's tremendous excitement.
C、Bill's love.
D、Bill's enthusiasm.

2、What is NOT the supporting details of "We were living the American Dream."?
A、We volunteered.
B、We bought art.
C、We were busy accumulating.
D、We sell the commodities in the garage.

3、What does ' new normal ' mean that "We actually lliked this 'new normal'."?
A、The new lifestyle with ordinary desire.
B、The new lifestyle with less desire of materials.
C、The new usual lifestyle.
D、The new lifestyle with more desire of commodities.

Unit 5 Globalization-One Belt One Road

5.1 Lead-in随堂测验

1、1.What is the goal of the Belt and Road Initiative?
A、To boost tourism and trade
B、To bring financial rewards to workers and businesses
C、To build new roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure
D、To establish more free trade zones

2、2.The new land port in Horgos links which two countries as part of the 5,250-mile transcontinental expressway?
A、China and Russia
B、China and Kazakhstan
C、China and the UK
D、China and Turkey

3、3.A zone that allows unrestricted movement of personnel, vehicles, and goods to travel between two countries is called a .
A、Open Trade Zone
B、Unrestricted Trade Zone
C、Free Trade Zone
D、Market Trade Zone

5.3 Passage A : The Silk Roads: Charismatic Spark随堂测验

1、The Silk Road or Silk Route is an ancient network of trade and cultural transmission routes.

2、The Silk Road is a Single Highway.

3、Frankopan’s study shows that one-way systems of Silk Road are a recent invention.

4、Neuroscientists think that the reason of travelling is that people’s minds crave disturbance.

5.5 Passage B : How to Raise a Global Kid随堂测验

1、According to Mr. Rogers, it is enough to who are brave, curious, hardworking, and compassionate. And it is sufficient to steer them toward the right sports, the right tutors, the right internships.

2、American parents have completely recovered from the anxiety attacks they suffered from Tiger Mom.

3、It has become a convention of pubic discourses to regard rapid globalization.

4、Wolf worries about pushing the kids out of their comfort zone since it is unlikely to build a compassionate child.

思维导图法有助于通过发散思维提升创新能力。( )

B.咖啡豆烘焙过程中,下列哪项不属于内部会发生的反应( )
C.阳明经脉在头部经过的部位是:( )

置信度越大,持有期越长,组合面临的风险就越小, VaR值也就越大。

A.标杆管理所存在的局限( )

我国“三会”成立的时间顺序是( )

A.根据渠道的给定视图,则5-5断面图是( )
C.不能作为资本金筹集渠道的是( )
D.负反馈放大电路就会产生自激振荡的条件( )

以下疾病不符合中医温病特征( )




物品的出库总的来说要做到“三不”,“三不“是指( )。

A.“祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏”是老子的一句名言,它所蕴含的的哲学道理是( )
C.“八德”是指“忠、孝、仁、爱、礼、义、廉、耻”。( )

苔质颗粒粗大疏松,形如腐渣者,属:( )

B.有抗震要求的砖砌体房屋,对构造有利的施工为( )
C.下列描述属于戊戌维新运动的背景的有( )。

一个人的价值观不需要体现在他的实际行动上,你认为这个说法( )

C.水流的流线稀疏,说明水流的流速( )。


B.下列动画效果能在多媒体对象上应用的是______。 not the function of language.
D.What does QUST stand for




C.血管的完整性与内皮细胞的连续性以及Vit C的含量相关。( )
D.对手足口病的叙述,正确的是( )。

禽肉的营养特点有( )。

A.下列属于创立大会职权的有( )。
B.What is the unit of toughness






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