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Week1: Summary Writing

Lesson1-Writing Skill: Summary Writing随堂测验

1、尔雅What does a summary look like?学术写作学习
A、summary sentence
B、英语业答summary paragraph
C、基础summary essay
D、答案答案all of them

2、章节In the process of summary writing,通课 a lot of language skills are involved. It includes
A、comprehension of the original text
B、后作memorizing new vocabulary
C、尔雅sorting out information
D、学术写作学习organizing information

3、英语业答In this 基础course, we write summary sentences instead of summary essays.

Lesson2-Article Analysis: A Job or an Education随堂测验

1、Some factors contribute to the dissatisfaction of students,答案答案 parents and employers who all think colleges fail to provide students with enough skills that are needed at the job market. They are:
A、high expectations
B、章节high tuition fees
C、通课sluggish economy
D、all of them

2、This passage follows the problem-analysis-solution pattern.

Test-1 for Lecture 1

1、Which of the following is NOT from the checklist for a summary?
A、Identify the title and author of the work
B、State the thesis of the original article
C、Include your own opinion in your summary
D、Summarize the key supporting details

2、You need to put "" wherever you quote more than ___ words from the text.

3、There is a wide gap between_________ according to a series of monthly surveys.
A、what employers want and what schools are producing
B、what college students want and what schools are producing
C、what employers want and what job market is offering
D、what college students want and what job market is offering

4、According to an annual UC survey of first-year students, freshmen now list ____ as the most important reason to go to college.
A、getting promotion easily
B、learning about things that interest them
C、getting a better job
D、learning vocational skills

5、When you are writing a summary you may do all of the following except___________.
A、identify the author and the title of the essay that you are summarizing
B、summarize the key supporting detail of the original essay
C、include your comment on the essay
D、state the thesis of the original essay

6、Colleges worried about filling seats have accommodated them by rolling out a bevy of practical majors, such as a bachelor’s degree in ____.
A、Western Civilization
C、Chinese Philosophy
D、History of Rome in 18th century

7、Michael Roth, president of Wesleyan University, who is interested in making more fundamental changes to what happens in the classroom, wants more courses to be _____.

8、According to Michael Roth the universities can serve better if they _____.
A、cooperate more with companies to provide students with opportunities to solve real problems
B、cut the tuition fees and lower parents’ expectations
C、prepare students for the job market with more vocational education
D、prepare students for the job market without abandoning their traditional role to provide a broad education

9、A summary is an account in a reader’s words that gives the main points of a piece of writing.

10、If someone has a sense of entitlement, that means the person has a title acknowledged by others.

Week2: Paragraph Construction

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Paragraph Construction随堂测验

1、The academic writing includes:
A、CET Band-4/6 writing section
C、term paper
D、research paper

2、First-things-first means we write the topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph. Likewise, we write our thesis statement at the very beginning of an essay.

3、Academic writing is most likely to be hierarchically organized, at the bottom of which is the thesis statement.

4、In our writing practice, apart from the prototypical construction, that is, a topic sentence + 3 supporting details + a concluding sentence, we can also use "PEE" pattern.

Lesson 2-Article Analysis: Is College Worth It随堂测验

1、According to the study by PayScale, the financial returns of ______ can be a good bet wherever you study it.
B、computer science

Test-2 for Lecture 2

1、In order to make your point clear as soon as possible, we’d better put the topic sentence ______ the paragraph.
A、in the middle of
B、in the end of
C、at any place in
D、at the beginning of

2、Colleges that score badly in PayScale’s rankings argue that __________.
A、all schools are from places with a promising job market
B、the rankings are based on relatively small numbers of graduates from each institution
C、universities that set out to serve everyone need not compete with selective institutions.
D、poor colleges have been measured by the same standards as rich ones that offer lots of financial aid

3、Why does this course suggest student writers to put a topic sentence at the very beginning of a paragraph?
A、Because it is wise to make your point clear as soon as possible in this age of information explosion.
B、Because a topic sentence should not be at the end of a paragraph.
C、Because a topic sentence should not be in the middle of a paragraph.
D、Because if you put it at the end of paragraph it becomes a thesis statement.

4、The factors that force many colleges to cut costs and raise quality are ____.
A、technology and inflation
B、transparency and technology
C、job market and inflation
D、transparency and inflation

5、In a PEE structure you use explanations or examples to support your topic sentence.

6、According to the passage, although college graduates earn much more than their peers with only a high school diploma, some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t.

7、According to the passage, although college graduates earn much more than their peers with only a high school diploma, some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t.

Week3: Support

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Support随堂测验

1、Who is an authority?
A、An authority is a celebrity.
B、An authority is a person of very high social status.
C、An authority is a person who is in a position to know about a subject.
D、None of them

2、We should document our source as long as we are not using ___________ as support.
A、our own observations
B、our experimental results
C、our own experience
D、None of them

3、Quick examples are a list of things, instances or occurrences that exemplify the topic you are talking about.

Lesson 2-Article Analysis: Women Earning More随堂测验

1、The essay “Women Earning More” points out that the still prevalent social norm that men should be the breadwinner of a family not only puts a glass ceiling to women’s careers, but also hurts the social economy as a whole.

2、Ronald Reagan thought we needed to invest more in intellectual curiosity.

Test-3 for Lecture 3

1、The following methods can serve as support when you write a paragraph except for ______.
C、statements by authorities

2、According to the research, women who could outearn their husbands choose not to work at all, or to work less because _____.
A、they think husbands should give more financial support to the family.
B、they still need to take more responsibilities at home to soothe their husbands’ unease at earning less
C、they need to take care of the children and household chores
D、they don’t like competition in companies

3、The marriage market clears much less often in regions in which _________.
A、more women choose not to work at all
B、more women choose to take more responsibilities at home
C、more women have the potential to outearn men
D、more men have the potential to outearn women

4、Marriage difficulties jump and divorce rates increase if the wife ____.
A、earns more
B、doesn’t work at all
C、earns less
D、doesn’t take care of the household and their children

5、The writer suggests that government should take targeted policies to _________.
A、give a parental leave exclusively for fathers
B、break the glass ceiling for women at work
C、shift focus away from the male bread-winner model
D、advocate gender inequality

6、Researcher only used couples around the time of first marriage (22-34) for the study of income patterns of couples because they wanted to know whether or not the progress in economy has changed the social norm "men should earn more than their wives".

7、According to The Practical Writer, an authority is a person who is in the position to know about a subject.

Week4: Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement随堂测验

1、What is a topic sentence or a thesis statement? A topic sentence or a thesis statement includes a topic and a controlling idea.

2、A topic sentence controls a paragraph and a thesis statement controls the whole essay.

Lesson 2-Article Analysis: Women in Leadership & Why Men Fail随堂测验

1、The writer of the second essay "Why Men Fail" gives some reasons for why men fail on one hand and why women succeed on the other hand, the major factors including:
A、being adaptability
C、both of them
D、neither of them

2、The first essay “Women in Leadership” is a talk given by Sheryl Sandburg, the Facebook COO, to the Harvard 2013 graduates on their commencement, where she encourages women students to strive for a more equal world by taking more important places in the leadership and not to succumb to the gender biases that are still prevailing in the current world.

Test-4 for Lecture 4

1、Which of the following is NOT included in an introduction?
D、topic sentence

2、The thesis statement together with a blueprint is most often _____ the introduction.
A、at the beginning of
B、in the middle of
C、at any place in
D、at the end of

3、According to Sheryl Sandburg, Millennial women are less ambitious than their male peers because______.
A、they do not want to get too much attention
B、they are afraid of failures more than men are
C、gender biases in our society have already started to affect the way young women view themselves
D、they do not want to work hard

4、Who are more likely to cling to the old order in times of drastic social change?
A、Those who used to be on the top of the old order.
B、Those who were on the bottom of the old order.
C、Those who want to explore their new surroundings.
D、Those who follow the new mores.

5、A topic sentence includes_______________.
A、a topic and a thesis statement
B、a topic and a controlling idea
C、an opinion and a thesis statement
D、a subject and a supporting detail

6、According to New York Times columnist David Brooks, men are lagging behind in almost all areas except______.
A、in the leadership roles
B、in academic performance
C、in learning new skills to adapt to the changing labour market
D、in recovering from last economic recession during 2007-2009

7、A topic sentence controls a paragraph and a thesis controls the whole essay.

8、The topic sentence of each body paragraph supports the thesis statement of the essay.


1、1. 中国千年传统社会,女性一直在隐秘而有力地行使家族权力。很多时候中国女性也许不像李清照那么有名,她们多以“某某氏”作为代称,但是她们的重要性不比男人逊色。小说《红楼梦》真实而形象地表现了这一点。在贾家权力谱系中,居于金字塔顶端的是贾母,维系贾府繁荣和命脉的是贾史王薛家族网,王夫人、薛姨妈这些名字模糊的女性勾连着整个网络。人们低估了中国古代妇女的地位。(Beverly Bossler 美国加州大学历史系教授) https://hb.qq.com/a/20150825/025572.htm 2. 根据盖洛普2009-2012年的调查,中国妇女和印度妇女比起来就业率高很多。整体上,70%的中国妇女在工作,而印度妇女只有25%就业。就业方面的性别差异在中国也比印度小很多,尤其是拥有大学学历的男性和女性在就业率方面几乎没有差异。受过大学学教育的印度妇女比没有受过大学教育的印度妇女就业率高很多,但,即便如此,有大学文凭的印度妇女也只有大约三分之一(34%)在工作。

Week5: Conciseness and Emphasis

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Conciseness and Emphasis随堂测验

1、Which one of the following sentneces is not correct?
A、Concise writing makes every word count.
B、Emphatic writing leads your readers to see your main ideas both within and among sentencs.
C、Conciseness means being short.
D、The opposite of conciseness is wordness.

2、In this lecture, you have learned many ways to make your writing concise and emphatic. They are:
A、Focusing on the subject and verb
B、Avoiding using nouns derived from verbs
C、Avoiding using weak verbs
D、Avoiding using passive voice

3、In the following sentence "Tony Blair will make a speech on global warming at a business and environment conference hosted by Prince Charles on Tuesday," we can replace the phrase "make a speech" with "speak" to achieve conciseness and emhphasis.

Test-5 for Lecture 5

1、The fact that Al Bean has never complained about the weather after coming back from the Moon reveals that________.
A、the weather on the Earth is much better than that on the Moon
B、the weather on the Earth has been very good after human moon landing journeys
C、a journey into the unknown had confused the traveler's mind
D、a journey into the Moon had revealed more about the Earth

2、Mark Mason says that" life is one long 'wet paint' sign" because______.
A、life is full of risks
B、life is full of surprises
C、one is very much likely to mess up with wet paint every now and then in one's life time
D、humans do not tend to believe what they are told until they experience in person

3、If a piece of writing is concise, it____________.
A、does not have unnecessary words
B、is short
C、is wordy
D、is emphatic

4、Pete Conrad, the third moonwalker, is one of famous Americans nobody recognised because__________.
A、he is not a naturally gifted astronaut
B、he threw his silver NASA badge into the distance on Moon
C、people have lost interest in any more moonwalkers after Neil Armstrong had "claimed the prize."
D、he dampened people's excitement about moon walking by admitting his disappointment in the Moon.

5、When Al Bean, the fourth moonwalker returned to Earth he would sit in shopping malls________.
A、to marvel at the variety of human life
B、to paint lunar landscape
C、to contemplate environmental problems
D、to listen to Bob Dylan's songs played in the mall

6、By saying "T minus zero for Apollo was T plus one for globalization", Mark Mason means__________.
A、the Apollo missions started the globalization.
B、the Apollo missions were promoted by globalization.
C、the Apollo missions had nothing to do with globalization.
D、the Apollo missions had slowed down globalization.

7、We usually use verbs like ‘be’, ‘make’ or ‘have’ to achieve conciseness.

8、Arrange sentences in a paragraph to form a chain that begins with old information and end with new.

9、In English writing, we prefer the passive voice in which the subject performs the verb’s action.

Week6: Unity

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Unity随堂测验

1、The following sentences help you to decide whether a passage has achieved unity or not. Which one of them is not correct?
A、An essay has one main idea and this main idea is expressed in a thesis statement.
B、A paragraph has one main idea and this main idea is expressed in a topic sentence.
C、The topic sentence of each body paragraph supports the thesis statement of the essay.
D、Each sentence in a paragraph supports the thesis statement.

2、The conclusion should restate the thesis statement of the essay.

Test-6 for Lecture 6

1、Kate Chopin is an American__________.

2、Why does the author of A Visit to the Setting of The Awakening say “Grand Isle and Chopin are synonymous?
A、Grand Isle is the furthest edge of land so too did Chopin and Edna take their position in society.
B、Grand Isle is the place where Kate Chopin was born and grew up.
C、Grand Isle is the place where Kate Chopin wrote most about.
D、Grand Isle is the place where Kate Chopin lost her husband and family.

3、By saying “The artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies,” Kate Chopin may imply that________.
A、an artist has to be brave enough to fight against people who defy them
B、an artist has to be true him/herself even if doing so may defy social norms of his/her times
C、an artist has to create works that defy
D、an artist has to defy whatever they dislike

4、An essay is cohesive if it_____________.
A、is not unified
B、has only one controlling idea which is stated in the thesis statement
C、has many controlling ideas which are not developed sufficiently
D、is coherent

5、"I heard its language and it spoke deeply to me" is a sentence taken from the only travel essay that we have covered this semester. What does the underlined part mean?
A、it evokes a feeling of shared emotion and belief with me
B、it makes me think
C、it makes me speak
D、it makes me cry

6、Grand Isle is a place that __________.
A、is at the heart of the country
B、is at the margin of the world
C、has been created by Kate Chopin in her works
D、has been forgotten by people

7、There is only one main idea in a unified essay.

8、It doesn’t matter if some sentences in a paragraph don’t relate to the topic sentence.

9、There can be two or three topic sentences in one paragraph.

10、To achieve unity, we should round off all the off-topic sentences in the essay.

Week7: Coherence

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Coherence随堂测验

1、According to some linguistics, Chinese language is a reader responsible language while English is a writer responsible language.

2、‘Even though’ is a transitional phrase to show addition.

3、Between the topic sentence and the examples, we add an explanation to tell how the examples relate to the topic sentence.

Test-7 for Lecture 7

1、You can use the following techniques to achieve coherence in a paragraph except for ____.
B、a natural order
C、repetition of key words

2、People will need to top up their human capital throughout their lives because ________.
A、automation and AI are going to wipe out some jobs and change others
B、only doing so will they increase their wealth
C、they will not lose their jobs in the middle of their lives
D、they must earn a lot of many to keep learning lifelong

3、The reason why MOOCs have so far failed to live up to their promises are as follows except ___?
A、drop-out rate has been very high
B、there is not a formal accreditation system
C、many people who need to top up their skills do not have enough computer skills
D、they are too expensive

4、What kind of universities and professors will be victims when MOOCs are taking over higher education?
A、mediocre universities and less charismatic professors
B、top rank universities and very charismatic professors
C、mediocre universities and very charismatic professors
D、top rank universities and less charismatic professors

5、If an essay is coherent we say this essay___________.
C、is unified
D、is cohesive

6、We use the following devices to achieve coherence except_____________.
A、a natural and easily recognizable order
B、repetition of keyword
C、explanation of the support
D、using powerful verbs

7、Which of the following is true about future labour market?
A、Automation will replace all blue-collar jobs.
B、Automation will create more and more blue-collar jobs.
C、Automation will wipe out more and more white-collar jobs.
D、Automation will replace all white-collar jobs.

8、If a piece of writing is coherent, it flows and is very easy to follow because the sentences or ideas are well linked.

9、We sometimes use templates to make the essay easy to follow.

10、The reinvention of universities with MOOCs will benefit many more people than it hurts.

11、We may use the repetition of key words to make the ideas to be well linked.

12、Once the paragraph has achieved unity, it doesn’t matter whether it is coherent or not.

Week8: Five-paragraph Essay Layout

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: Five-paragraph Essay Layout随堂测验

1、A thesis statement is usually at the end of the introductory paragraph. It has some functions. Which of them is correct?
A、It specifies the specific topic and gives the reader a general idea of the contents of the essay.
B、It may list sub-topics or sub-divisions of the main topic.
C、It may indicate the pattern of organization of the essay.
D、All of them

2、Which of the following techniques can help you to write a memorable conclusion.
A、Make a prediction.
B、Suggest results or consequences.
C、Suggest a solution, make a recommendation, or call for action.
D、Quote an authority on the topic.

Test-8 for Lecture 8

1、Providers of MOOCs are innovating to offer worker more ways to learn skills. The innovations they have made are as follows except__________.
A、they grant microcredentials
B、they grant nanodegrees
C、they run long programmes about some very specific knowledge or skills
D、they veered away from lectures on Plato or black holes in favor of courses that make their students more employable

2、Lifelong learning that exists today mainly benefits_______.
A、high achievers
C、people who have not a degree
D、unemployed blue-collar workers

3、A hook of an essay is___________.
A、an attention grabber
B、a blueprint
C、a conclusion
D、a transition

4、Compared with people who have received general education, ________ tend to withdraw from the labour market earlier.
A、people who have obtained a master’s degree
B、people who have obtained a bachelor’s degree
C、people who have received vocational training before joining the work force
D、people who have obtained a doctoral degree

5、The conclusion is the final paragraph in an essay. Like the concluding sentence in a paragraph, it is a summary or review of the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. It has three purposes. Which one is not correct?
A、It signals the end of the essay.
B、It reminds your reader of your main points.
C、It leaves your reader with your final thoughts on the topic.
D、It gives some new information about the topic.

6、Automation and AI are not only taking over blue-collar jobs but also white-collar once. Many jobs are disappearing.

7、In the future careers and learning will be very much interleaving so that people need to boost and reboot careers every now and then.

8、A good paragraph has unity, coherence and cohesion; a good essay also has these features.

Week9: CET 4-6 Essays and IELTS & TOEFL Essays

Lesson 1-Writing Skill: CET 4-6 Essays随堂测验

1、There are mainly five types of essay questions in CET 4&6 writing test, including a given outline, an imaginary situation, a picture, a graph, or a topic. In these question types, you are supposed to be able to:
A、describe your own experiences, feelings, reflections and an event;
B、describe a simple graph or picture;
C、express personal opinions on a familiar topic;
D、write for everyday situations (advertisement or letter etc.)

2、While writing the supporting sentences, we must keep one thing in mind: Each sentence after the topic sentence should support the topic sentence.

Test-9 for Lecture 9

1、Which of the following is not a Western parents' feature according to Amy Chua?
A、Encouraging their children to pursue their true passions.
B、Respecting their children's individuality.
C、Supporting their children's choices.
D、Overriding their children's decisions.

2、Which of the following things does not Amy Chua do to her little daughter Lulu?
A、Yelling at Lulu.
B、Motivating Lulu.
C、Threatening Lulu.
D、Letting Lulu give up.

3、Which of the following shows Western parents' anxiety about their children's self-esteem?
A、They worry about how their children will feel if they fail at something.
B、They prepare their children for the future.
C、They assure strength in their children.
D、They believe that children are strong enough to taking shaming.

4、Which of the following might Chinese parents do if a child comes home with an A-minus on a test?
A、They are very likely to praise the child.
B、They might gasp in horror and ask what went wrong.
C、They are careful not to make their child feel inadequate.
D、They are careful not to make their child feel insecure.

5、Which of the following might be one of the reasons for Western parents to challenge the teacher's credentials?
A、Their child gets an A-minus on the test.
B、Their child's grades do not improve.
C、Their child feels inadequate.
D、Their child are not happy at school.

6、Why do Chinese parents demand perfect grades from their child?
A、Because they believe that their child can get them.
B、Because they respect their child self-esteem.
C、Because they do not want their child feel inferior.
D、Because they assume that their child does not work hard.

7、Why do not Western parents think their children owe them everything?
A、They do not care about Confucian filial piety.
B、They sacrifice themselves for their children.
C、They put in long hours in tutoring and training their children.
D、They believe that it is parents who foist life on their children.

Final Written Test

Final Written Test

1、Write an essay on the essence of human travel. ? First, limit the subject and develop a thesis, ? Then, support your thesis with your own ideas about the essence of human travel and the facts that you have read from the reading materials. You should write about 500 words.



第一章 学术写作简介

1. 学术写作的定义


2. 学术写作的目的


3. 学术写作的特点


第二章 学术写作规范

1. 学术写作中的文献引用


2. 学术写作中的格式规范


第三章 学术英语写作技巧

1. 学术英语写作的语法和词汇


2. 学术英语写作的段落结构


3. 学术英语写作的逻辑顺序


第四章 学术写作中的常见问题

1. 学术写作中的抄袭


2. 学术写作中的语言表达问题


3. 学术写作中的格式问题





A.能够饱含并透过相当数量重力水的岩层或土层称为( )
B.新法治十六字方针”:科学立法、( )、公正司法、全民守法。
D.不同时代面临着不同的历史课题,承担着不同的历史使命。历史使命是指( )。

RIP路由协议采用哪些方法来避免路由环路( )

C.20世纪90年代的机器人的发展方向( )


B.关于投标文件的递交与密封,下列措施正确的是( )。


A.砖墙一般采用( )的“三一砌法”。
C.创业的组织形式可以选择( )。


B.以下哪些特点不是高级成衣品牌的特点( )
C.下列化合物中,显蓝色的是( )


A.关于标定KMnO4溶液的说法错误的是( )


A.数组名存放在堆空间里( )
B.数控车床的主轴上没有安装主轴编码器,就不能进行螺纹切削。( )


A.. 以下实验属于信息性从众实验的是
B.天京事变中,率部出走后败亡的将领是( )。

大气稳定度的判别:当γ γd时,大气处于不稳定或递减层结状态。





B.摆动导杆机构,当导杆处于极限位置时,导杆 与曲柄垂直。


B.下列( )不属于专门的关系运算。


B.数据在传输过程中所出现差错的类型主要有突发差错和( )


