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1.child growth & development child health care

Unit test

1、尔雅Infant age records should be detailed to_?章节
A、Months of age
B、答案Years of age
C、学习Number of days
D、通课Nominal age

2、后作An infant can regard his 业答parent’s face, follow to the midline, lift his head from the examining table, smile spontaneously, and respond to a bell. He does not yet regard his own hand, follow past the midline, nor lift his head to a 45o angle off the examining table. Which of the following is the most likely age of the infant?
A、1 month
B、尔雅3 months
C、章节6 months
D、答案9 months

3、学习About the average weight of a child,通课 which one of the following may not true?
A、3.5 kg at birth
B、后作5 kg at 6 m
C、业答10 kg at 1 yr
D、尔雅20 kg at 5 yr

4、If a child is 1 year old, his body weight should be_?
A、3.5 kg
B、5 kg
C、10 kg
D、20 kg

5、About the rules of motor development in child, which one is not true?
A、upper and lower
B、extremity to center
C、dyssynchrony to synchrony
D、gross to fine

Try to state the characteristics of Pediatrics?

1、Try to state the characteristics of Pediatrics?

Age Stages of Children?

1、Age Stages of Children?

To state the rules and effect factors for pediatric growth and development

1、To state the rules and effect factors for pediatric growth and development

If a child is 6 months old, what can he do?

1、If a child is 6 months old, what can he do?

2.childhood nutrition

Unit test

1、Which one is NOT the indicators for evaluation of nutritional status?
A、Weight for age
B、Height for age
C、Weight for height
D、24hr creatinine excretion

2、What is the meaning of “Underweight”?
A、Weight/age <median-2SD
B、Weight/age <median -1SD
C、Weight/height < median-2SD

3、What is the meaning of “Stunting”?
A、Weight/age <median-2SD
B、Weight/age <median -1SD
C、Height/age <median -1SD

What are the five energy requirements of children, and which of them is unique to children?

1、What are the five energy requirements of children, and which of them is unique to children?

What is the daily energy and fluid required by the infant?

1、What is the daily energy and fluid required by the infant?

Energy production and supply ratio of three macro nutrients in daily diet? Energy supply ratio of three meals a day?

1、Energy production and supply ratio of three macro nutrients in daily diet? Energy supply ratio of three meals a day?

The calculation of milk for artificial feeding?

1、The calculation of milk for artificial feeding?

Methods for evaluating children's nutritional status?

1、Methods for evaluating children's nutritional status?


Unit test

1、Three boys in a family with hypodense calcification of their bones and a history of fractures; their condition has been unresponsive to dietary changes or vitamin supplementation ,which it is most likely to be associated(SELECT 1 FINDING)
A、Low PO4, normal Ca
B、Low PO4, high Ca
C、Normal PO4, low Ca
D、Normal PO4, normal Ca

2、What is the meaning of “Underweight”?
A、Weight/age < median-2SD
B、Weight/age < median-1SD
C、Weight/height < median-2SD
D、Weight/height < median-2SD

3、What is the meaning of “Overweight”?
A、P100≥ BMI ≥ P90
B、P75≥ BMI ≥ P50
C、P95≥ BMI ≥ P85
D、P95≥ BMI ≥ P05

4、A very upset mother brings her 8-month-old child to the emergency room because he will not move his leg. She reports that she was carrying him to the car about 1/2 hour prior, slipped on some ice, and fell on top of him. The mother, an 18-year-old African American woman, has been exclusively breast-feeding her child. She has only just recently started him on cereals, and has not supplemented his diet with vitamins. Which of the following laboratory findings would be expected?
C、Reduced serum alkaline phosphatase

What are clinical manifestations of malnutrition?

1、What are clinical manifestations of malnutrition?

4.vitamin D deficiency

What’s the clinical manifestations of the rickets of vitamin D deficiency ?

1、What’s the clinical manifestations of the rickets of vitamin D deficiency ?

How to treat the rickets of vitamin D deficiency ?

1、How to treat the rickets of vitamin D deficiency ?

5.newborn,full term & premature infants

Unit test

1、What's the definition of a newborn baby?
A、from birth to 28 days old
B、from first cry to 30 days old
C、from birth to 30 days old
D、from first cry to 40 days old

2、What is the normal birth weight range?
A、BW≥2000g and ≤4000g
B、BW≥3000g and ≤4500g
C、BW≥3000g and ≤4200g
D、BW≥2500g and ≤4000g

3、Which of the following indicates pathological?
B、Yellowish eruptions on the gum of the newborn
D、Erythema toxicum

4、A 2-week-old infant has had no immunizations, sleeps 18 h a day,weighs 3.5 kg, and takes 60ml of standard infant formula four times a day,but no solid food and no iron or vitamin supplements. which of the following should we concern mostly?
A、Immunization status
B、Caloric intake
C、Iron levels
D、Circadian rhythm

5、A previously healthy full-term infant has several episodes of duskiness and apnea during the second day of life. Diagnostic considerations should include which of the following?
A、Hemolytic anemia
B、Congenital heart disease
C、Idiopathic apnea
D、Harlequin syndrome

what's the "birth"?

1、what's the "birth"?

what's the gestational age?

1、what's the gestational age?

How can we distinguish full term infant and preterm infant

1、How can we distinguish full term infant and preterm infant

can we feed the neonates starch?

1、can we feed the neonates starch?

6.perinatal asphyxia

Unit test

1、A term, 4200-g female infant is delivered via cesarean section because of cephalopelvic disproportion.The amniotic fluid was clear, and the infant cried almost immediately after birth. Within the first 15 min of life, however,the infant’s respiratory rate increased to 80 breaths per min, and she began to have intermittent grunting respirations. The infant was transferred to the level 2 nursery and was noted to have an oxygen saturation of 94%. The chest radiograph showed fluid in the fissure, overaeration, and prominent pulmonary vascular markings. The most likely diagnosis in this infant is
A、Diaphragmatic hernia
B、Meconium aspiration
C、Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome
D、Transient tachypnea of the newborn

2、A mother delivers a neonate with meconium staining and Apgar scores of 3 at 1 and 5 min of life. She had no prenatal care and the delivery was by emergency cesarean section for severe fetal bradycardia. Which of the following sequelae could be expected to develop in this intubated neonate with respiratory distress?
A、Sustained rise in pulmonary arterial pressure
B、Hyperactive bowel sounds
C、Microcephaly with micrognathia

The baby was 41 weeks' gestation,vaginal delivery,single birth,birth weight:4000g,meconium-stained PE:36.8C,HR 86bpm,RR 71bpm,crackle in both lungs,no cardiac murmur,abdomen was soft,no distension How to deal with the baby afer birth?

1、The baby was 41 weeks' gestation,vaginal delivery,single birth,birth weight:4000g,meconium-stained PE:36.8C,HR 86bpm,RR 71bpm,crackle in both lungs,no cardiac murmur,abdomen was soft,no distension How to deal with the baby afer birth?

This is the patient's chest X ray,what's the diagnosis?

1、This is the patient's chest X ray,what's the diagnosis?

7.hyaline membrane disease

What is the meaning of NRDS?

1、What is the meaning of NRDS?

Can you write the clinical manifestations of NRDS?

1、Can you write the clinical manifestations of NRDS?

How to treat the NRDS case?

1、How to treat the NRDS case?

What are the complications of NRDS?

1、What are the complications of NRDS?

8.neonatal jaundice

Unit test

1、A newborn is noted to be quite jaundiced at 3 days of age. Which of the following factor is associated with an increased risk of neurologic damage in a jaundiced newborn?
A、Metabolic alkalosis
B、Increased attachment of bilirubin to binding sites caused by drugs such as sulfisoxazole
D、Neonatal sepsis

2、A primiparous woman whose blood type is O positive gives birth at term to an infant who has A-positive blood and a hematocrit of 55%. A serum bilirubin level obtained at 36 h of age is 12 mg/dL. Which of the following laboratory findings predicts ABO hemolytic disease?
A、A normal reticulocyte count
B、A positive direct Coombs test
C、Crescent-shaped red blood cells in the blood smear
D、Elevated hemoglobin

what are the forms of bilirubin,and which form of bilirubin is toxic to brain?

1、what are the forms of bilirubin,and which form of bilirubin is toxic to brain?

the characteristics of physiologic jaundice and pathological jaundice

1、the characteristics of physiologic jaundice and pathological jaundice

9.cerebral palsy

Unit test

1、Which of following is the high risk factor of cerebral palsy?
D、above all

2、The is the most common type cerebral palsy?
B、athetoid or dyskinetic

3、Which of the following is the principle of cerebral palsy therapy?
A、Encourage children to be trained actively
B、Early diagnosis and treatment
C、Treatment with multiple methods
D、Above all

4、What is the goal of treatment for cerebral palsy?
A、To improve functionality
B、To improve capabilities of activity daily living
C、To improve quality of life
D、To improve capabilities toward independence.
E、Above all

5、Which of the following is not the diagnostic criteria of cerebral palsy?
A、Backward or abnormal motor development
B、Dystonia and abnormal muscle strength
C、Abnormal reflex development and abnormal accessory examination
D、More serious backward motor development more old age

What is CP?

1、What is CP?

10.congenital heart disease

Unit test

1、During a regular checkup of an 8-year-old child, you note a loud first heart sound with a fixed and widely split second heart sound at the upper left sternal border that does not change with respirations. The patient is otherwise active and healthy. Which of the following heart lesions most likely explains these findings?
A、Atrial septal defect (ASD)
B、Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
C、Isolated tricuspid regurgitation
D、Tetralogy of Fallot

2、A 2-year-old boy has been doing well despite his diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. He presented to an outside ER a few days ago with a complaint of an acute febrile illness for which he was started on a “pink antibiotic.” His mother reports that for the past 12 hours or so he has had a headache and is more lethargic than normal. On your examination he seems to have a severe headache, nystagmus眼球震颤, and ataxia运动失调. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first test to order?
A、Urine drug screen
B、Blood culture
C、Lumbar puncture
D、CT or MRI of the brain

3、The atrial septal defect (ASD) most commonly associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) is:
A、Secundum defect
B、Sinus venosus defect
C、Ostium primum defect.
D、Coronary sinus defect.

4、The direction of an intracardiac shunt at the atrial level is controlled by:
A、The size of the defect
B、The compliance of the right and left ventricles
C、The systemic oxygen saturation.
D、Right atrial pressure.

5、An infant with a ventricular septal defect has been maintained on digoxin for congestive heart failure. The loop diuretic furosemide (Lasix) was recently added to the pharmacologic regimen to treat symptoms of increasing congestive heart failure. What diseases must we watch out for?

6、A patient with systolic ejection murmur, and his electrocardiogram (ECG) shows an incomplete right bundle branch block in the precordial lead. The most likely problem with this patient is _?
A、A secundum ASD.
B、A sinus venosus ASD with PAPVR.
C、An ostium primum ASD
D、A complete AV canal defect.

7、A mother brings her 11-year-old son to your office because he easily becomes short of breath while running. She states that he does not seem to be able to play as long a period of time as his friends. The patient’s blood pressure is 140/60 mmHg and he has bounding peripheral pulses. On auscultation of the heart, you detect a harsh, loud continuous murmur heard best below the left clavicle. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Cervical venous hum
B、Hepatic venous hum
C、Coarctation of the aorta
D、Patent ductus arteriosus

8、A cardiologist is called to consult on the care of a 2-day-old girl delivered at 33 weeks’ gestation. The infant is lying supine in her isolette. She is acyanotic, but has a heart rate of 192/ min and a respiratory rate of 60/min. She has a nonradiating continuous machinery murmur at the left upper sternal border that remains the same with compression of the ipsilateral, then contralateral jugular veins. S1 and S2 are normal. Her peripheral pulses are bounding. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Aortic stenosis with aortic regurgitation
B、Patent ductus arteriosus
C、Systemic arteriovenous fistula
D、Venous hum

9、A 3-month-old infant is evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist. The infant was noted at birth to have an upper left sternal border ejection murmur. The infant developed cyanosis slowly over the past two months. ECG showed right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy. A chest X-ray showed a small heart with a concave main pulmonary artery segment and diminished pulmonary blood flow. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Complete atrioventricular canal defect
B、Hypoplastic left ventricle
C、Isolated atrial septal defect
D、Tetralogy of Fallot

10、A 2-year-old boy has been doing well despite his diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. He presented to an outside ER a few days ago with a complaint of an acute febrile illness for which he was started on a “pink antibiotic.” His mother reports that for the past 12 hours or so he has had a headache and is more lethargic than normal. On your examination he seems to have a severe headache, nystagmus, and ataxy. Which of the following would be the most urgently required test for him?
A、Urine drug screen
B、Blood culture
C、Lumbar puncture
D、CT or MRI of the brain

Do you know the general categories of congenital heart disease? Try to give an example to explain.

1、Do you know the general categories of congenital heart disease? Try to give an example to explain.

What is Eisenmenger Syndrome?

1、What is Eisenmenger Syndrome?

What is Differential cyanosis?

1、What is Differential cyanosis?

What is TOF?

1、What is TOF?

What are the complications of TOF?

1、What are the complications of TOF?

Do you know the cause of the second heart sound split in ASD?

1、Do you know the cause of the second heart sound split in ASD?


Unit test

1、Which of the following can be described as the “strong positive” result of PPD test?
A、10-20 mm induration
B、>20 mm induration, blister and necrosis
C、≧20 mm induration
D、≧15 mm induration

2、Which one of the following conditions about latent tuberculosis infection need anti-tuberculosis therapy?
A、Infants (≤ 3 years, especially ≤1 year) who have not received BCG vaccination, PPD test is positive
B、Children suffering from pertussis, PPD test is positive.
C、Infants (≤ 3 years, especially ≤ 1 year) who have received a BCG vaccine, PPD test is ≥ 3+.
D、All of above.

3、Which one of the following statements is not the basic principles of chemotherapy for TB?
A、Early treatment
B、Combination: Several drugs are used
D、Enough dose

Please state the common anti-tuberculosis drugs

1、Please state the common anti-tuberculosis drugs

12.Upper Airway Obstruction

Unit test

1、A previously well 1-year-old infant has had a runny nose and has been sneezing and coughing for 2 days. Two other members of the family had similar symptoms. Four hours ago, his cough became much worse. On physical examination, he is in moderate respiratory distress with nasal flaring, hyperexpansion of the chest, and easily audible wheezing without rales. What The most likely diagnosis?
B、Viral croup

2、Which is not the etiology of bronchiolitis
A、Respiratory syncytial virus
B、Parainfluenza virus

To read the reference books to know more about bacterial tracheitis.

1、To read the reference books to know more about bacterial tracheitis.

To figure out the similarities and differences of croup and acute infectious laryngitis.

1、To figure out the similarities and differences of croup and acute infectious laryngitis


Unit test

1、Which one of the following is the most common cause of community acquired pneumonia in child?
A、Streptococcus pneumoniae
B、Staphylococcus Aureus
C、Haemophilus Influenzae
D、Group A streptococcus

2、A 5-yr old male, previously healthy, 5 days fever, 2 days cough and tachypnea, highest T 40℃, inspiratory retraction (3 depress sign), fine crackles in both lungs. What is the most likely cause for his condition?
A、Streptococcus peneumoniae
B、Chlamydia pneumoniae
C、Respiratory syncytial virus
D、Haemophilus influenzae

3、Which of the following is the specific feature of pneumonia?

4、Which of the following does not predict the increased work of breathing?
A、nasal flaring
B、prolonged inspiration
D、use of accessory muscles

5、Adenovirus pneumonia usually occurs in the following patients
A、<6 months
B、6 months to 2 years
C、6 months to 3 years
D、1 year to 3 years

6、Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of staphylococci aureus pneumonia
A、high fever, most of them are remittent fever
B、scarlatnifoml rash or urticaria
C、physical signs of the lung appear late
D、formation of subcutaneous

7、A 4-year-old boy, who presented with cough, fever, and mild hypoxia, had evidence of a right upper lobe consolidation on his chest radiograph. A blood culture has become positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 24 h into his hospitalization, the child has acutely worsened with markedly increased work of breathing and increasing oxygen requirement. The doctor order
A、Aspiration of a probable tension pneumothorax
B、A sedative to treat the child’s attack of severe anxiety
C、Chest radiograph
D、A change in antibiotic

8、The <5 years old child pneumonia mortality rate in our country accounts for the world child pneumonia mortality rate every year is

9、The course of persisting pneumonia is
A、<1 month
B、1-2 months
C、1-3 months
D、>3 months

10、Which of the following is the appropriate antibiotic choice for a child with Chlamydia pneumonia?

Try to figure out the clinic characteristics of viral pneumonia

1、Try to figure out the clinic characteristics of viral pneumonia

Try to state the differences between bacterial pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumonia

1、Try to state the differences between bacterial pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumonia

14.fluid therapy

Unit test

1、A 6-Month-old boy presents with 3 days history of vomiting, diarrhea and fever. PE: skin turgor absent,Fontanel and eyes deeply sunken, Urine flow was anuria, with disturbance of peripheral circulation. Na+ 140 mmol/L, Blood gas analysis: pH 7.25, HCO3- -14 mmol/L. What is the most urgent therapy for this boy?
A、3:2:1 iv st
B、25% GS iv st
C、lasix iv st
D、0.9% NS iv st

2、A 6-Month-old boy presents with a history of 3 days vomiting, diarrhea and fever. PE: T 38.0℃, skin turgor absent, Fontanel and eyes deeply sunken, with disturbance of peripheral circulation. Na+ 140mmol/L, Blood gas analysis: PH 7.2, HCO3- 14 mmol/L. Which of the following we should do firstly?
A、Gieve a bolus of 100 ml 25% GS.
B、lasix iv st
C、Give a bolus of 3:2:1
D、Give a bolus of 0.9% NS (within 1/2 - 1h)

3、What's the definition of hypokalemia?
A、The serum [K+] <5.5 mmol/L
B、The serum [K+] <3.0 mmol/L
C、The serum [K+] <3.5 mmol/L
D、The serum [K+] >3.5 mmol/L

How to estimated the degree of dehydration in children ?

1、How to estimated the degree of dehydration in children ?

How to distinguish the types of dehydration in children ?

1、How to distinguish the types of dehydration in children ?

How to Supplement Potassium in children ?

1、How to Supplement Potassium in children ?

How to correct metabolic acidosis in children ?

1、How to correct metabolic acidosis in children ?


Unit test

1、An awake, alert infant with a 2-day history of diarrhea presents with a depressed fontanelle, tachycardia, sunken eyes, and the loss of skin elasticity. Which of the following is the correct percentage of dehydration ?
A、Less than 1%
B、1% to 5%
C、5% to 9%
D、10% to 15%

2、A 10-Month-old boy presents with 5 days history of fever and Diarrhea, the stool was bloody and with mucus. PE: T 39.0℃, restless, skin Turgor normal. Stool routine test: large amount of WBC and RBC. What is the Pathophysiological Mechanisms of this patient’s Diarrhea?
B、Bacteria invades the intestinal mucosa and than leads to Extensive destruction of the epithelial layer of the bowel
C、Viral injury leads to Malabsorption of water and electrolytes.
D、cAMP and cGMP increased inside the bowel epithelium

3、About the diet for children with acute diarrhea, which one is not correct?
A、Continue normal feeding as usual.
B、Eat much less food
C、Avoid foods containing a high fiber content
D、stop giving food

4、Which one of the following is not necessary for management of viral enteritis?
A、Appropriate feeding
B、Fluid therapy
C、Antidiarrheal agents

5、What is the definition of “Chronic Diarrhea”?
A、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 2 months
B、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 2 weeks
C、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 1 month
D、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 1 week

6、Which of the following is the correct pathophysiologic type of rotavirus enteritis?
A、Osmotic diarrhea
B、Secretory diarrhea
C、Inflammatory diarrhea
D、Malabsorptional diarrhea

7、Which one of the following is NOT the common complications of diarrhea?
B、electrolyte imbalance
C、respiratory acidosis
D、metabolic acidosis

8、Which one of the following is hypotonic dehydration?
A、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] <130 mmol/L
B、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] >150 mmol/L
C、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] <135 mmol/L
D、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] >145 mmol/L

9、A 3-year-old boy presents with 2 days history of high fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. He defecated more than 10 times a day. The stool was stained with blood occasionally. Stool test: large amount of WBC, pus cell, and RBC;Stool culture:Shigella. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Enterotoxigenic Enteritis
C、Viral Enteritis
D、Fungus Enteritis

10、Which one of the following is not necessary for management of viral enteritis?
A、Appropriate feeding
B、Fluid therapy
C、Antidiarrheal agents

A 2-year-old gril presents with a history of passing 10-15 water stools and has vomited at least four times in the last 24 hours. She appears distressed but otherwise cooperative and drinks thirstily from a glass of fruit juice but then vomits. The nurse informs you that her pulse is 96 beats/minute, temperature 37.9 and blood pressure 100/60mmHg. Please discuss the management of this child.

1、A 2-year-old gril presents with a history of passing 10-15 water stools and has vomited at least four times in the last 24 hours. She appears distressed but otherwise cooperative and drinks thirstily from a glass of fruit juice but then vomits. The nurse informs you that her pulse is 96 beats/minute, temperature 37.9 and blood pressure 100/60mmHg. Please discuss the management of this child.


Unit test

1、In a child with Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis, when will the increased complement C3 level return to normal?
A、6-8 weeks
B、6 -8 days
C、6 -8 months
D、4-6 months

2、What is the significant finding in the urine in APSGN?
A、transparent cell casts
B、white cell casts
C、red cell casts

3、What is the significant finding in the urine in patient with APSGN?
A、transparent cell casts
B、white cell casts
C、red cell casts

4、The purpose of application of penicillin in acute glomerulonephritis is?
A、Control renal inflammation
B、Prevent the further development of kidney inflammation
C、Prevent other complications
D、Rid of residual bacterial infection bacterium

What are the typical clinical manifestation of APSGN?

1、What are the typical clinical manifestation of APSGN?

What is the most important pathological change in APSGN?

1、What is the most important pathological change in APSGN?

17.nephrotic syndrome

Unit test

1、What is the most fundamental pathophysiologic changes of nephrotic syndrome in child?

What are the principal clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome?

1、What are the principal clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome?

How is nephrotic syndrome treated by Corticosteroid?

1、How is nephrotic syndrome treated by Corticosteroid?


Unit test

1、An 11-month-old African American boy has a hematocrit of 24% on a screening laboratory done at his well-child checkup. Further testing demonstrates: hemoglobin 7.8 g/dL; hematocrit 22.9%; leukocyte count 12,200 /μL with 39% neutrophils, 6% bands, 55% lymphocytes; hypochromia on smear; free erythrocyte protoporphyrin(FEP) 114 μg/dL; lead level 6μg/dL whole blood; platelet count 175,000/μL; reticulocyte count 0.2%; sickle-cell preparation negative; stool guaiac-negative; and mean corpuscular volume(MCV) 64fL. Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation?
A、Blood transfusion
B、Oral ferrous sulfate
C、Intramuscular iron dextran
D、An iron-fortified cereal

2、On a routine well-child examination, a 1-year-old boy is noted to be pale. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for length. Results of physical examination are otherwise normal. His hematocrit is 24%. The answer to which of the following questions is most likely to be helpful in making a diagnosis?
A、What is the child’s usual daily diet ?
B、Did the child receive phototherapy for neonatal jaundice ?
C、Has anyone in the family received a blood transfusion ?
D、Is the child on any medications ?

3、An ten-month-old patient was hospitalized because of face pallor for twenty days. The diagnosis was Iron deficiency anemia. Then the patient was given iron therapy. If the treatment is efficient, which will increase firstly?
C、serum ferritin

4、A fourteen-month-old baby is still under breast feeding. His mother finds that his face has been pallor for almost one month and the baby is like to eat mud. The blood test reveals Hb 70 g/L,RBC 3.05×1012/L,WBC 8×109/L,PLT 225×109/L,MCV 74 pg MCH 26 fl,MCHC 28%. What is the best treatment for this baby?
C、Iron+folic acid

5、A boy who is four years old just has a special appetite for vegetable, and he doesn’t like fish and meat. The blood test shows Hb 60g/L,RBC 2.90×10 12/L. The blood smear shows microcyte and the center zone is enlarged. On this condition, to confirm the diagnosis, the most sensitive index is_?
A、serum iron
B、serum ferritin
D、serum folic acid

6、An eleven-month-old patient was hospitalized because of face pallor for one month. The patient was a full-term vaginal labored baby. His growth and development is normal. He has been fed by breast milk and his mother was healthy during pregnancy period. Now the patient is diagnosed of Iron deficiency anemia. What is the main reason for his iron deficiency?
A、congenital iron deficiency
B、inadequate intake of iron
D、iron absorption disorder

7、During the physiological anemia period, when will the hemoglobin level reach the lowest point?
A、one month after birth
B、two-three months after birth
C、six months after birth
D、ten months after birth

The peak age of IDA?

1、The peak age of IDA?


Unit test

1、Which one is the most common etiology of viral meningitis?
C、Mumps virus

2、A 2-year-old boy has been vomiting intermittently for 3 weeks and has been irritable, listless, and anorectic. His use of language has regressed to speaking single words. In your evaluation of this patient, which of the following is the most reasonable diagnosis to consider ?
A、Expanding epidural hematoma
B、Herpes simplex virus(HSV)encephalitis
C、Tuberculous meningitis
D、Food allergy

3、Purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion, the prefer therapy should be:
A、Increase the dosage of antibiotics
B、Intrathecal injection of antibiotics
C、Subdural puncture drainage
D、Dehydrating agent

4、Purulent meningitis in children with intracranial hypertension, hernia symptoms, the first medicine choice is :
A、20% Mannitol intravenous
B、50% Glucose intravenous
C、Furosemide intramuscular
D、50% Glycerol oral

5、The most common complication of Infantile purulent meningitis is:
B、Subdural effusion
C、Increased intracranial pressure
D、temporal lobe hernia

What is leukemia?

1、What is leukemia?

20.bacterial meningitis

Unit test

1、Which is the most important in differential diagnosing meningitis and encephalitis?
A、clinical manifestation
B、CSF routine test

2、How much is the WBC count in the CSF routine test of viral meningitis or encephalitis?

3、An inpatient child, 2 yrs old, chief complaint of 1 day fever and seizure 5 minutes, no neurologic sign found, CSF-Rt(-),the first diagnosis should be considered.
A、viral meningitis
B、viral encephalitis
C、pululent meningitis
D、febrile convulsion

How to diagnose viral meningitis or encephalitis?

1、How to diagnose viral meningitis or encephalitis?

21.viral infection of CNS

Unit test

1、the most common virus which cause viral meningitis or encephalitis is :
A、Varicella-zoster virus
C、Measles virus

2、Which one of them following is not the characteristic of CSF routine test result of viral encephalitis?
A、Lymphocytic pleocytosis in later stage
B、Granulocytic pleocytosis in later stage
C、Slight elevation in protein content
D、Normal glucose level

3、When bacterial meningitis is developing, entrance of bacterium into subchroniod space is the key point of pathogenesis, which of the followings is the most common pathway?
A、Hematogenous dissemination of microorganisms from a distant site of infection
B、Directly invasion of microorganism from body surface
C、Directly dissemination of microorganism from a nearly site of infection
D、Directly be planted in central nervous system of microorganisms through operating procedure

4、In some children with bacterial meningitis, particularly in those younger than 12-18 months, which one of the followings will not consistently present?
A、nausea and vomiting
B、Kernig and Brudzinski sign

5、Which one of the following is not suggested that the children with bacterial meningitis suffer from the condition of ACUTE elevated intracranial pressure?
A、Headache, emesis, bulging fontanel or widening of the sutures
B、Oculomotor (anisocoria, ptosis) or abducens nerve paralysis
C、hypertension with bradycardia
D、apnea or hyperventilation

6、When a child is suspected with bacterial meningitis, lumbar puncture and CSF test should be done to confirm the diagnosis. But there are some contraindications for an immediate puncture, which of the following is not the contraindication?
A、3rd or 6th cranial nerve palsy with a depressed level of consciousness, or hypertension and bradycardia with respiratory abnormalities
B、infection of the skin overlying the site of the LP
C、Thrombocytopenia is a relative contraindication
D、increased ICP has been treated

7、Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of an 8-year-old, mildly febrile child with nuchal rigidity and intermittent stupor shows the following: WBCs 85 /μL (all lymphocytes), negative Gram stain, protein 150 mg/dL, and glucose 15 mg/dL. A computed tomographic (CT) scan with contrast shows enhancement of the basal cisterns by the contrast material. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Tuberous sclerosis
B、Tuberculous meningitis
C、Acute bacterial meningitis
D、Pseudotumor cerebri

True/False: Antiviral therapy has decreased the morbidity and mortality for HSV encephalitis.

1、True/False: Antiviral therapy has decreased the morbidity and mortality for HSV encephalitis.

What are the endemic forms of encephalitis in the United States?

1、What are the endemic forms of encephalitis in the United States?


Unit test

1、Which of the following is DNA virus?
A、Influenza A virus
B、Rubella Virus
C、Hepatitis A Virus
D、Epstein-Barr virus

Please state the common complications of measles.

1、Please state the common complications of measles.

23.genetic and metabolic diseases

Unit test

1、Which of the following is true about congenital hypothyroidism?
A、It is an autosomal dominant disease
B、Can be rarely associated with development delay
C、Imaging study can be used as the primary screen test
D、The main clinical manifestations are mental retardation and growth delay

2、A 1-year-old boy presents with mental retardation, vacant expression, large tongue. He has pale, gray and dry skin, as well as short limbs and weakening of tendon reflexes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Down syndrome
C、Congenital hypothyroidism
D、Skeleton maldevelopment diseases

3、Which of the following is the manifestation of Down syndrome?
A、Mental retardation
B、Low muscle tone
C、Single palmar crease
D、All above

Bone age

1、Bone age

24.cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)

Unit test

1、What is the correct pediatric Chain of Surviva1?
A、Prevention, CPR, active EMS, PALS
B、Prevention, CPR, PALS, defibrillation
C、CPR, active EMS, PALS, defibrillation
D、Prevention, active EMS, PALS, defibrillation

2、If there is only one rescuer to do CPR for a school age child, what is the correct compression to breathing ratio?

3、What is the basic life support sequence for lay rescuers?
A、Give Rescue Breaths, Check for Response, Open the Airway, chest compressions
B、Check for Response, Open the Airway, Give Rescue Breaths, chest compressions
C、Check safety, assess need for CPR, Check for Response, Check for Breathing, Start CPR
D、Give Rescue Breaths, Check for Response, Open the Airway, get an AED

What is the survival chain?

1、What is the survival chain?

How to start CPR?

1、How to start CPR?

How to perform an effective bag-mask ventilation?

1、How to perform an effective bag-mask ventilation?


Examination of Pediatrics

1、Infant age records should be detailed to_?
A、Months of age
B、Years of age
C、Number of days
D、Nominal age

2、Drowning in a swimming pool is most likely to occur: (SELECT 1 AGE)
A、6 months
B、1 year
C、2 years
D、6 years

3、Pedestrian injury is most likely to occur: (SELECT 1 AGE)
A、6 months
B、1 year
C、2 years
D、6 years

4、New parents ask you how to reduce the chance of their baby suffering from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). You tell them to place the child in which of the following for sleep?
A、Supine position
B、Prone position
C、Seated position
D、Trendelenburg position

5、An infant can regard his parent’s face, follow to the midline, lift his head from the examining table, smile spontaneously, and respond to a bell. He does not yet regard his own hand, follow past the midline, nor lift his head to a 45o angle off the examining table. Which of the following is the most likely age of the infant?
A、1 month
B、3 months
C、6 months
D、9 months

6、About the average weight of a child, which one of the following may not true?
A、3.5 kg at birth
B、5 kg at 6 m
C、10 kg at 1 yr
D、20 kg at 5 yr

7、A 12 m old boy, he can_?
A、Run well
B、Walks alone
D、eat with spoon

8、If a child is 1 year old, his body weight should be_?
A、3.5 kg
B、5 kg
C、10 kg
D、20 kg

9、About the rules of motor development in child, which one is not true?
A、upper and lower
B、extremity to center
C、dyssynchrony to synchrony
D、gross to fine

10、A 15 months old boy, he commonly can_?
A、Run well
B、Walks alone well
C、Walks up stairs
D、Speak sentence

11、Asphyxiation or choking is most likely to occur in children at which of the following age?
A、6 months
B、1 year
C、2 years
D、6 years

12、What is the correct pediatric Chain of Surviva1?
A、Prevention, CPR, active EMS, PALS
B、Prevention, CPR, PALS, defibrillation
C、CPR, active EMS, PALS, defibrillation
D、Prevention, active EMS, PALS, defibrillation

13、If there is only one rescuer to do CPR for a school age child, what is the correct compression to breathing ratio?

14、What is the basic life support sequence for lay rescuers?
A、Give Rescue Breaths, Check for Response, Open the Airway, chest compressions
B、Check for Response, Open the Airway, Give Rescue Breaths, chest compressions
C、Check safety, assess need for CPR, Check for Response, Check for Breathing, Start CPR
D、Give Rescue Breaths, Check for Response, Open the Airway, get an AED

15、Which is the most common complication of measles?

16、Which one of the following is the most common cause of community acquired pneumonia in child?
A、Streptococcus pneumoniae
B、Staphylococcus Aureus
C、Haemophilus Influenzae
D、Group A streptococcus

17、A 5-yr old male, previously healthy, 5 days fever, 2 days cough and tachypnea, highest T 40℃, inspiratory retraction (3 depress sign), fine crackles in both lungs. What is the most likely cause for his condition?
A、Streptococcus peneumoniae
B、Chlamydia pneumoniae
C、Respiratory syncytial virus
D、Haemophilus influenzae

18、Which of the following is the specific feature of pneumonia?

19、Which of the following does not predict the increased work of breathing?
A、nasal flaring
B、prolonged inspiration
D、use of accessory muscles

20、If a 12 yo boy diagnosed of bacterial pneumonia, he would likely to have symptoms except which of the following?
A、Suddenly onset high fever
B、Shaking chill
C、Chest pain

21、Which one of the following is not the clinic feature of viral pneumonia in infant?
A、High fever
B、Unproductive cough
D、Respiratory distress

22、Which one is the most common bacterial cause of community acquired pneumonia?
A、Streptococcus pneumoniae
B、Group A streptococci
C、Moraxella catarrhalis
D、Haemophilus influenzae type B

23、Adenovirus pneumonia usually occurs in the following patients
A、<6 months
B、6 months to 2 years
C、6 months to 3 years
D、1 year to 3 years

24、Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of staphylococci aureus pneumonia
A、high fever, most of them are remittent fever
B、scarlatnifoml rash or urticaria
C、physical signs of the lung appear late
D、formation of subcutaneous

25、A 4-year-old boy, who presented with cough, fever, and mild hypoxia, had evidence of a right upper lobe consolidation on his chest radiograph. A blood culture has become positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 24 h into his hospitalization, the child has acutely worsened with markedly increased work of breathing and increasing oxygen requirement. The doctor order
A、Aspiration of a probable tension pneumothorax
B、A sedative to treat the child’s attack of severe anxiety
C、Chest radiograph
D、A thoracentesis kit to drain his probable pleural effusion s

26、Which of the following can be described as the “strong positive” result of PPD test?
A、10-20 mm induration
B、>20 mm induration, blister and necrosis
C、≧20 mm induration
D、≧15 mm induration

27、Which one of the following conditions about latent tuberculosis infection need anti-tuberculosis therapy?
A、Infants (≤ 3 years, especially ≤1 year) who have not received BCG vaccination, PPD test is positive
B、Children suffering from pertussis, PPD test is positive.
C、Children <6 years of age with a negative tuberculin skin test who have had recent exposure to an adult with infectious
D、All of above.

28、Which is not the etiology of bronchiolitis
A、Respiratory syncytial virus
B、Parainfluenza virus

29、The <5 years old child pneumonia mortality rate in our country accounts for the world child pneumonia mortality rate every year is

30、The course of persisting pneumonia is
A、<1 month
B、1-2 months
C、1-3 months
D、>3 months

31、Which one of the following statements is not the basic principles of chemotherapy for TB?
A、Early treatment
B、Combination: Several drugs are used
D、Enough dose

32、A previously well 1-year-old infant has had a runny nose and has been sneezing and coughing for 2 days. Two other members of the family had similar symptoms. Four hours ago, his cough became much worse. On physical examination, he is in moderate respiratory distress with nasal flaring, hyperexpansion of the chest, and easily audible wheezing without rales. What The most likely diagnosis?
B、Viral croup

33、Which of the following is the appropriate antibiotic choice for a child with Chlamydia pneumonia?

34、What is the most important viral pathogen of pneumonia in children?
A、Respiratory syncytial virus
C、Influenza virus

35、what most common type of pneumonia in young children?
A、Lobar pneumonia
C、Segmental pneumonia
D、Caseous pneumonia

36、What is the most fundamental pathophysiologic changes of nephrotic syndrome in child?

37、In a child with Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis, when will the increased complement C3 level return to normal?
A、6-8 weeks
B、6 -8 days
C、6 -8 months
D、1-2 years

38、What is the significant finding in the urine in APSGN?
A、transparent cell casts
B、white cell casts
C、red cell casts

39、What is the significant finding in the urine in patient with APSGN?
A、transparent cell casts
B、white cell casts
C、red cell casts

40、The purpose of application of penicillin in acute glomerulonephritis is?
A、Control renal inflammation
B、Prevent the further development of kidney inflammation
C、Prevent other complications
D、Rid of residual bacterial infection bacterium

41、the most common virus which cause viral meningitis or encephalitis is
A、Varicella-zoster virus
C、Measles virus

42、Which is the most important in differential diagnosing meningitis and encephalitis?
A、clinical manifestation
B、CSF routine test

43、How much is the WBC count in the CSF routine test of viral meningitis or encephalitis?

44、An inpatient child, 2 yrs old, chief complaint of 1 day fever and seizure 5 minutes, no neurologic sign found, CSF-Rt(-),the first diagnosis should be considered.
A、viral meningitis
B、viral encephalitis
C、pululent meningitis
D、febrile convulsion

45、Which is not the characteristics of purulent meningitis?
A、Protein 60Omg/L
B、Glucose 4mmol/L
C、WBC 1000×106/L
D、Chloride 110mmol/L

46、Which one of them following is not the characteristic of CSF routine test result of viral encephalitis?
A、Lymphocytic pleocytosis in later stage
B、Granulocytic pleocytosis in later stage
C、Slight elevation in protein content
D、Normal glucose level

47、When bacterial meningitis is developing, entrance of bacterium into subchroniod space is the key point of pathogenesis, which of the followings is the most common pathway?
A、Hematogenous dissemination of microorganisms from a distant site of infection
B、Directly invasion of microorganism from body surface
C、Directly dissemination of microorganism from a nearly site of infection
D、Directly be planted in central nervous system of microorganisms through operating procedure

48、In some children with bacterial meningitis, particularly in those younger than 12-18 months, which one of the followings will not consistently present?
B、nausea and vomiting

49、Which one of the following is not suggested that the children with bacterial meningitis suffer from the condition of ACUTE elevated intracranial pressure?
A、Headache, emesis, bulging fontanel or widening of the sutures
B、Oculomotor (anisocoria, ptosis) or abducens nerve paralysis
C、hypertension with bradycardia
D、apnea or hyperventilation

50、When a child is suspected with bacterial meningitis, lumbar puncture and CSF test should be done to confirm the diagnosis. But there are some contraindications for an immediate puncture, which of the following is not the contraindication?
A、3rd or 6th cranial nerve palsy with a depressed level of consciousness, or hypertension and bradycardia with respiratory abnormalities
B、severe cardiopulmonary compromise requiring prompt resuscitative measures for shock or in patients in whom positioning for the LP would further compromise cardiopulmonary function
C、infection of the skin overlying the site of the LP
D、increased ICP has been treated

51、Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of an 8-year-old, mildly febrile child with nuchal rigidity and intermittent stupor shows the following: WBCs 85 /μL (all lymphocytes), negative Gram stain, protein 150 mg/dL, and glucose 15 mg/dL. A computed tomographic (CT) scan with contrast shows enhancement of the basal cisterns by the contrast material. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Tuberous sclerosis
B、Tuberculous meningitis
C、Acute bacterial meningitis
D、Pseudotumor cerebri

52、An awake, alert infant with a 2-day history of diarrhea presents with a depressed fontanelle, tachycardia, sunken eyes, and the loss of skin elasticity. Which of the following is the correct percentage of dehydration ?
A、Less than 1%
B、1% to 5%
C、5% to 9%
D、10% to 15%

53、A 9-month-old is brought to the emergency center by ambulance. The child had been having emesis and diarrhea with decreased urine output for several days, and the parents noted that she was hard to wake up this morning. Her weight is 9 kg, down from 11 kg the week prior at her 9-month checkup. You note her heart rate and blood pressure to be normal. She is lethargic, and her skin is noted to be “doughy.” After confirming that her respiratory status is stable, you send electrolytes, which you expect to be abnormal. You start an IV. Which of the following is the best solution for an initial IV bolus?
A、One-fourth normal saline (38.5 mEq sodium/L)
B、D10 water (100 g glucose/L)
C、Normal saline (154 mEq sodium/L)
D、3% saline (513 mEq sodium/L)

54、A 10-Month-old boy presents with 5 days history of fever and Diarrhea, the stool was bloody and with mucus. PE: T 39.0℃, restless, skin Turgor normal. Stool routine test: large amount of WBC and RBC. What is the Pathophysiological Mechanisms of this patient’s Diarrhea?
A、Bacteria invades the intestinal mucosa and than leads to Extensive destruction of the epithelial layer of the bowel
B、Viral injury leads to Malabsorption of water and electrolytes
C、cAMP and cGMP increased inside the bowel epithelium
D、lactose intolerance

55、About the diet for children with acute diarrhea, which one is not correct?
A、Continue normal feeding as usual.
B、Eat much less food
C、Avoid foods containing a high fiber content
D、stop giving food

56、A diagnosis of severe dehydration is made primarily based on ?
A、Sunken Eyes and Fontanel
C、With Shock
D、Decrease of Tear or Urine Flow

57、A 4-years-old boy presents with a history of diarrhea and fever since 3 days ago, bowel discharges were more than 10 times per day, there were bloody and mucus in stool. Stool regular test: WBC 2+, RBC 1+. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Rotavirus enteritis
B、Symptomatic diarrhea
C、Allergic diarrhea
D、Bacteria enteritis

58、Which one of the following is not necessary for management of viral enteritis?
A、Appropriate feeding
B、Fluid therapy
C、Antidiarrheal agents

59、What is the definition of “Chronic Diarrhea”?
A、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 2 months
B、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 2 weeks
C、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 1 month
D、The course of Diarrhea disease more than 1 week

60、Which of the following is the correct pathophysiologic type of rotavirus enteritis?
A、Osmotic diarrhea
B、Secretory diarrhea
C、Inflammatory diarrhea
D、Malabsorptional diarrhea

61、A 6-Month-old boy presents with 3 days history of vomiting, diarrhea and fever. PE: skin turgor absent,Fontanel and eyes deeply sunken, Urine flow was anuria, with disturbance of peripheral circulation. Na+ 140 mmol/L, Blood gas analysis: pH 7.25, HCO3- -14 mmol/L. What is the most urgent therapy for this boy?
A、3:2:1 iv st
B、25% GS iv st
C、lasix iv st
D、0.9% NS iv st

62、A 6-Month-old boy presents with a history of 3 days vomiting, diarrhea and fever. PE: T 38.0℃, skin turgor absent, Fontanel and eyes deeply sunken, with disturbance of peripheral circulation. Na+ 140mmol/L, Blood gas analysis: PH 7.2, HCO3- 14 mmol/L. Which of the following we should do firstly?
A、Keep the patient fasting 6 hours, and then give milk.
B、Gieve a bolus of 100 ml 25% GS.
C、Give a bolus of 3:2:1
D、Give a bolus of 0.9% NS (within 1/2 - 1h)

63、A 14-year-old girl has a 9-month history of diarrhea, abdominal pain (usually periumbilical and postprandial), fever, and weight loss. She has had several episodes of blood in her stools. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A、Chronic appendicitis
B、Chronic pancreatitis
C、Crohn disease

64、Which one of the following is NOT the common complications of diarrhea?
B、electrolyte imbalance
C、respiratory acidosis
D、metabolic acidosis

65、Which one of the following is hypotonic dehydration?
A、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] <130 mmol/L
B、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] >150 mmol/L
C、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] <135 mmol/L
D、Water loss and the serum [Na+ ] >145 mmol/L

66、A 3-year-old boy presents with 2 days history of high fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. He defecated more than 10 times a day. The stool was stained with blood occasionally. Stool test: large amount of WBC, pus cell, and RBC;Stool culture:Shigella. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Enterotoxigenic Enteritis
C、Viral Enteritis
D、Fungus Enteritis

67、Which one of the following is not necessary for management of viral enteritis?
A、Appropriate feeding
B、Fluid therapy
C、Antidiarrheal agents

68、A 1-year-old boy presents with a history of fever, vomiting and diarrhea from 3 days ago in deep fall. He passed stool more than 10 times a day. And the stool was watery. Stool regular test:negative; Stool culture:negative; CBC: WBC 6.8×109/L. what is the most likely diagnosis is_?
A、Entero-Invasive Enteritis
C、Viral Enteritis
D、Fungus Enteritis

69、A 8-Month-old boy presents with a history of fever and Diarrhea since 2 days ago. He had more than ten bowel movements a day. The stool was watery, with mild dehydration. Stool routine test:normal;CBC: WBC 7.5×109/L. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Bacteria enteritis
B、Dietary diarrhea
C、Viral enteritis
D、Fungal enteritis

70、What's the definition of hypokalemia?
A、The serum [K+] <3.5 mmol/L
B、The serum [K+] <5.5 mmol/L
C、The serum [K+] <3.0 mmol/L
D、The serum [K+] >3.5 mmol/L

71、During a regular checkup of an 8-year-old child, you note a loud first heart sound with a fixed and widely split second heart sound at the upper left sternal border that does not change with respirations. The patient is otherwise active and healthy. Which of the following heart lesions most likely explains these findings?
A、Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
B、Atrial septal defect (ASD)
C、Isolated tricuspid regurgitation
D、Tetralogy of Fallot

72、A 2-year-old boy has been doing well despite his diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. He presented to an outside ER a few days ago with a complaint of an acute febrile illness for which he was started on a “pink antibiotic.” His mother reports that for the past 12 hours or so he has had a headache and is more lethargic than normal. On your examination he seems to have a severe headache, nystagmus眼球震颤, and ataxia运动失调. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first test to order?
A、Blood culture
B、Lumbar puncture
C、CT or MRI of the brain
D、Urine drug screen

73、The atrial septal defect (ASD) most commonly associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) is:
A、Secundum defect.
B、Sinus venosus defect.
C、Ostium primum defect.
D、Coronary sinus defect.

74、The direction of an intracardiac shunt at the atrial level is controlled by:
A、The size of the defect
B、The compliance of the right and left ventricles
C、The systemic oxygen saturation
D、Right atrial pressure

75、An infant with a ventricular septal defect has been maintained on digoxin for congestive heart failure. The loop diuretic furosemide (Lasix) was recently added to the pharmacologic regimen to treat symptoms of increasing congestive heart failure. What diseases must we watch out for?

76、A patient with systolic ejection murmur, and his electrocardiogram (ECG) shows an incomplete right bundle branch block in the precordial lead. The most likely problem with this patient is _?
A、A secundum ASD
B、A sinus venosus ASD with PAPVR
C、An ostium primum ASD
D、A complete AV canal defect

77、A mother brings her 11-year-old son to your office because he easily becomes short of breath while running. She states that he does not seem to be able to play as long a period of time as his friends. The patient’s blood pressure is 140/60 mmHg and he has bounding peripheral pulses. On auscultation of the heart, you detect a harsh, loud continuous murmur heard best below the left clavicle. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Cervical venous hum
B、Hepatic venous hum
C、Coarctation of the aorta
D、Patent ductus arteriosus

78、A cardiologist is called to consult on the care of a 2-day-old girl delivered at 33 weeks’ gestation. The infant is lying supine in her isolette. She is acyanotic, but has a heart rate of 192/ min and a respiratory rate of 60/min. She has a nonradiating continuous machinery murmur at the left upper sternal border that remains the same with compression of the ipsilateral, then contralateral jugular veins. S1 and S2 are normal. Her peripheral pulses are bounding. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A、Aortic stenosis with aortic regurgitation
B、Patent ductus arteriosus
C、Systemic arteriovenous fistula
D、Venous hum

79、A 3-month-old infant is evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist. The infant was noted at birth to have an upper left sternal border ejection murmur. The infant developed cyanosis slowly over the past two months. E


第一章 儿童生长发育及营养

1.1 儿童生长发育



1.2 儿童营养



第二章 儿童常见疾病

2.1 发热



2.2 呼吸道感染



第三章 儿童心理健康

3.1 儿童焦虑



3.2 儿童抑郁


