
分类: 驾校问答发布于:2024-06-02 13:23:28ė31763次浏览694条评论




1、英语Which way is 新闻写作not effective to learn English news reporting and writing?
A、Learning from mistakes made in writing practice.
B、采访Learning basic English news writing skills without writing practice.
C、章节作业Acquiring cross-cultural communication competence and audience-oriented awareness.
D、答案答案Reading English news reports extensively.

2、慕课Which news agency is 课后not among the so-called “the world’s most influential three news agencies”?

3、章节作业Which element is 答案答案not one of the criteria of news values?

4、Which statement is false?
A、News is information about current events that the public wants or needs to know.
B、The purpose of journalism is to provide people with verified information they can use to make better decisions.
C、Journalists need to find not just the facts, but also the “truth about the facts.”
D、News values are the only factor that influence news treatment.

5、How do you understand currency as one of the elements of news values?
A、Something that has financial significance.
B、Something that is fresh and news.
C、Something that has been long simmering suddenly sparks heated discussion.
D、Something that has high social responsibility.



1、Which news story on the following websites is not a hard news?

2、Which of the following news media organizations has the longest history?
A、Xinhua News Agency.
D、China Daily

3、Which of the following news media organizations uses the most languages in its news coverage?
A、Xinhua News Agency.
D、China Daily

4、Timeliness is very important for hard news story writing.

5、Objectiveness is very important for commentary writing.



1、Replace the phrases by a single word make a motion____

2、Replace the phrases by a single word in the event that____

3、Inverted pyramid structure has the advantage to offer readers the sense of suspense.

4、Inverted pyramid structure stories are written in order of descending importance.



1、Which kind of lead is the most frequently used in hard news writing?
A、Summary lead
B、Descriptive lead
C、Quotation lead
D、Question lead

2、Functions of news headlines include:
A、A headline summarizes a news story.
B、A headline grabs the readers’ attention.
C、Headlines sparkle the whole page.
D、Headlines index the news.

3、In general, English news headlines carry more information than Chinese news headlines.

4、Articles, possessive pronouns and auxiliary verbs are often omitted in English news headlines.

5、A good lead grabs the readers’ attention, and entice them to continue reading.

6、Journalists should be ambitious to tell the readers everything in a summery lead.



1、“If you are one of 30 million Americans working for a company with a private pension plan, Congress has given you a new bill of rights. “ The lead here is a ( ).
A、direct address lead
B、descriptive lead
C、quotation lead
D、question lead

2、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、11 cents
B、Eleven cents
C、0.11 dollar
D、$ 0.11

3、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、10 A.M.
B、10 a.m.
C、10:00 a.m.
D、10:00 a m

4、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、a 10 year old girl
B、a 10-year old girl
C、a 10 year-old girl
D、a 10-year-old girl

5、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、December 15
B、Dec. 15
C、Dec. 15th
D、December 15th

6、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、May 1--5
B、May 1 to May 5
C、May 1-5
D、May 1st to 5th



1、Choose the correct style in English news writing.

2、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、10 per cent
C、10 %
D、10 percent (not in headlines)

3、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、“Rub my shoulder, ” Miss Cawley said.
B、“Rub my shoulder. ” Miss Cawley said.
C、“Rub my shoulder, ” miss Cawley said.
D、“Rub my shoulder. ” miss Cawley said.

4、Choose the correct style in English news writing.
A、“Why should I?” He asked.
B、“Why should I?” he asked.
C、“Why should I” ? He asked.
D、“Why should I” ? he asked.

5、My birthday is Aug. 17, 1989.

6、They were married in Sept. 2005.

7、The President lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

8、They greeted former president Bill Clinton.

9、Here comes the hotel Manger Kent Kitchell.

10、He promised this:The company will make good all the losses.

11、There were three considerations: Expense, time and feasibility.



1、Choose the correct style.
A、9:02 am
B、9:02 a.m.
C、nine zero two a.m.
D、nine: two am








1、一些观察家认为Trump的声明是一个推动中俄两国顺从合作的策略,而其他观察家则猜测中俄两国可能会从放弃协议中获利。 Some observers said Trump's announcement could be a move to push Russia and China into compliance, but others suggest both countries may have something to gain by ditching the agreement. 此句英语表达采用了哪种方式来避免重复?

2、首先,中国对美国大豆加征了进口关税。现在,中国想让中国农民彻底戒掉使用大豆。 First, Beijing slapped tariffs on American soybeans. Now, it wants to wean its farmers off them together. 此句英语表达采用了哪种方式来避免重复?

3、他们在公寓里的对话很尴尬。这让他确认SiSi违反了法律,同时也让SiSi认识到,对方是个警察。 Their awkward conversation in her apartment convinces him that SiSi has broken the law, just as it convinces SiSi that he is a cop. 此句英语表达采用了哪种方式来避免重复?

4、During an interview, the journalist should avoid lecturing the source, arguing or debating.

5、Journalists should ask interviewers tough questions as soon as interviews start.



1、The most effective way to use quotations in a news story is to
A、paraphrase almost everything the speaker says.
B、combine quotations and paraphrases in a pleasing manner.
C、to quote exactly almost everything the speaker says.
D、use only those quotations that are unlikely to arouse anger or emotion in readers.

2、Which of the following is NOT a good reason for using a direct quotation?
A、The quotation ties a controversial statement to the source.
B、The editor tells you to have at least five quotations in every story.
C、The speaker says something with unusual emotion, wit, rhythm or color.
D、The quotation reveals something of the speaker’s character.

3、Reporters should use indirect quotations whenever the speaker
A、says something short and packed with emotion.
B、says something in a way no one else would.
C、is someone important and you don’t want to make him or her angry.
D、says something newsworthy in an unremarkable way.

4、If a source’s direct quotation contains an error of grammar, the appropriate thing for the reporter to do is
A、use the quotation if it is newsworthy and interesting but correct the grammar.
B、omit the quotation even if it is newsworthy and interesting.
C、paraphrase the quotation without correcting the grammar.
D、use the quotation if it is newsworthy and interesting without correcting the grammar.

5、Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for attributing information to a source?
A、It helps readers evaluate the credibility of the information.
B、It obscures the responsibility of reporters for the facts in the story.
C、It allows reporters to connect controversial statements to the person who made them.
D、It enables readers to know from whom the reporters obtained their information.

6、Which is the correct descrption of “partial quotation”?
A、It presents less than a full sentence of the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks.
B、It presents a single word used by the speaker and placed in quotation marks.
C、It presents the speaker’s ideas but in the reporter’s words.
D、It presents the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks.



1、Find the redundancies in the following sentence and choose the better words to replace it. —— He suffered the loss of his right eye.
A、He suffered from his right eye.
B、He lost his right eye.
C、He suffered a loss.
D、He is blind.

2、Find the redundancies in the following sentence and choose the better words to replace it. —— Filing the grievance was a history teacher.
A、A history teacher complained.
B、A history teacher grieved.
C、A history teacher filed some paper.
D、A history teacher filed a lawsuit.

3、Find the redundancies in the following sentence and choose the better words to replace it. —— They reached a settlement of the debt.
A、They reached some place.
B、They are burdened by some debt.
C、They settled the debt.
D、They found a place to escape debt.

4、“Reach an agreement” can be replaced by “agree” in news writing.

5、“Submit resignation” can be replaced by “submit” in news writing.



1、There is no difference between meeting reporting and reporting meeting.

2、In-depth reporting aims to persuade, not to inform.

3、Factual background is not an essential part of an in-depth story.

4、For interpretative reporting, the interpretation must be based on facts, and a balance should be kept between facts and opinions.



1、In digital age, people’s reading habit has changed from reading to scanning.

2、To make your writing scannable, the writer should always create some suspense in the very beginning of a hard news story.

3、Using statistics and data can establish trust as well as demonstrating your authority in digital writing.

4、The main purpose of opinion writing is to inform readers.

5、In opinion writing, in order to be convincing, an argument must be utterly comprehensive, addressing every possible issue that relates to it.



1、How do you put the sentence “去给我拿点水来” in English? Choose the correct sentence.
A、Go and fetch some water for me.
B、Go to fetch some water for me.
C、Fetch some water for me.
D、Fetch and bring some water for me.

2、How do you put the sentence “登山者们继续前行,攀登大山的一面。” in English? Choose the correct sentence. The mountain climbers ______________ on their long trek up the side of the mountain.
A、proceeded forward
B、forward proceeded

3、Choose the redundant expression in this sentence: Looking back in retrospect, I can't remember a summer of my childhood when I didn't spend most of the day outdoors getting into trouble.
A、Looking back in retrospect
B、a summer of my childhood
C、outdoors getting into trouble
D、most of the day

4、Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence. Because our officer was stuck at the traffic jam, we postponed the meeting until later.
A、put the meeting off until later.
B、rescheduled the meeting for another time.
C、postponed the meeting.
D、postponed the meeting until a later date.

5、Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence: The inadequate supply of salad was not enough to feed the two hundred people who showed up to the meeting.
A、The salad, inadequately, did not provide enough
B、There was not enough salad
C、The insufficient bowl of salad did not provide enough food
D、There was not enough of the inadequate supply of salad



1、Long quotations are preferred in English news stories.

2、Editorializing should be avoided in news story writing, unless you are writing an editorial or personal-opinion column.

3、“Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen” is a proper expression in English news stories from Xinhua or China Daily.

4、“One Belt and One road Strategy” is a proper expression in English news stories from Xinhua or China Daily.



1、Which news agency is not among the so-called “the world’s most influential three news agencies”?

2、Which news story on the following websites is not a hard news?

3、Which of the following news media organizations was launched in 2016?
A、Xinhua News Agency
D、China Daily

4、Which statement is wrong about the inverted pyramid form?
A、The inverted pyramid form helps readers grasp facts very fast.
B、The inverted pyramid form helps reporter write news stories quickly and efficiently.
C、Inverted pyramid stories often end with blockbuster effects.
D、Summary leads are often used in inverted pyramid stories.

5、Which is not a good way to report meetings?
A、Journalists build connections with experts who may be future sources of reports.
B、Journalists only pay attention to what officials say publicly.
C、Journalists follow some important participants the meeting when they leave their seats and try to find chances for interview.
D、Journalists go to the meeting venue earlier.

6、Which of the following expressions should be avoided in news writing?
A、the Spratly Islands
B、the DPRK
D、the Nansha Islands

7、Which of the following statements should be attributed in news writing?
A、SISU’s history began in December 1949 with the establishment of the Shanghai Russian School affiliated to East China People’s Revolution University.
B、Trump will win the 2020 presidential election.
C、Taiwan is part of China.
D、China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao in 1999.

8、Which title is proper for “蔡英文” in English news stories by Xinhua or China Daily?
A、Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen
B、The Republic of China’s President Tsai Ing-wen
C、Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
D、President of the ROC (Taiwan), Tsai Ing-wen

9、Which Chinese-English translation is wrong?
A、德国总理:Chancellor of Germany
B、印度总理:Indian Prime Minister
C、国务院总理:Premier of the State Council
D、宣传部: the Propaganda Department

10、Which statement of quotation is wrong?
A、Vague quotations are preferred in news writing.
B、Don’t use quotations filled with commonly-known facts or insignificant information.
C、Don’t use direct quotations in news leads writing if the quotations don’t bear dramatic effects.
D、Long direct quotations are not preferred in news writing.

11、How do you understand currency as one of the elements of news values?
A、Something that has financial significance.
B、Something that is fresh and new.
C、Something that has been long simmering suddenly sparks heated discussion.
D、Something that has high social responsibility.

12、Which phrase in in correct AP style?
A、a 10 year old girl
B、a 10-year old girl
C、a 10 year-old girl
D、a 10-year-old girl

13、Which sentence is in correct AP style?
A、“Why should I?” He asked.
B、“Why should I?” he asked.
C、“Why should I” ? He asked.
D、“Why should I” ? he asked.

14、Reporters should use indirect quotations whenever the speaker
A、says something short and packed with emotion.
B、says something in a way no one else would.
C、is someone important and you don’t want to make him or her angry.
D、says something newsworthy in an unremarkable way.

15、Choose the redundant expression in this sentence: Looking back in retrospect, I can't remember a summer of my childhood when I didn't spend most of the day outdoors getting into trouble.
A、looking back in retrospect
B、a summer of my childhood
C、outdoors getting into trouble
D、most of the day

16、Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence: The inadequate supply of salad was not enough to feed the two hundred people who showed up to the meeting.
A、The salad, inadequately, did not provide enough
B、There was not enough salad
C、The insufficient bowl of salad did not provide enough food
D、There was not enough of the inadequate supply of salad

17、Reporters planning to cover a speech or meeting usually try to arrive ___
A、early so they can find seats that will allow them to see and hear everything.
B、just in time for the start of the speech or meeting so as to avoid wasting time.
C、late so they can interview people leaving the speech or meeting after it is over.
D、early so they can interview the people involved and skip the speech or meeting itself.

18、Which sentence is best in terms of using active voice?
A、The nation was into one of the worst political crises in its history because of the rebellion.
B、The nation entered its worst political crises in history after the rebellion.
C、The rebellion plunged the nation into one of the worst political crises in its history.
D、The worst political crises in the nation’s history was caused by the rebellion.

19、选出句子里冗余重复的部分 他们取得了农业大丰收。 They have good harvests in agriculture.
C、in agriculture
D、harvests in

20、Which does not belong to the 4U’s formula in online writing?

21、News information flow in Chinese occupies an overwhelming role in international communications.

22、Chinese language news reporting by domestic media outlets is the most important channel for China to enhance global understanding of China.

23、Cross-cultural communication competence should be developed for English news writing learners in China.

24、China Daily is the only English-language newspaper in China.

25、Straight news reporting should be intended to evoke emotion.

26、In-depth reporting goes beyond the basic facts of an event or topic to provide context, analysis, and possible consequences.

27、A good lead grabs the readers’ attention, and entice them to continue reading.

28、Past tense is often used in summary leads.

29、The time element should be placed before or after the verb in a lead. It may confuse the readers if the time element is too far from the verb.

30、A descriptive lead describes how an event happened rather than simply telling what the event is about.

31、Present tense is often used in headlines to describe past happenings.

32、Meeting reporting and reporting meeting are basically the same.

33、Interpretive (or interpretative) journalism goes beyond the basic facts of an event or topic to provide context, analysis, and possible consequences.

34、It is unnecessary to make the factual background a part of interpretative reporting.

35、Investigative journalism is a West-only profession.

36、When covering news events in China, reporters should always bear in mind that foreigners have limited knowledge of China.

37、The purpose of an editorial is not merely to inform the reader but to motivate him/her to take action.

38、The infinitives(不定式) are often used to describe future events in English news headlines.

39、Full names of the information sources should be given in English news leads.

40、In general, English news headlines carry more information than Chinese news headlines.

41、Journalists should try to report the information that matters to the public.



44、According to AP style, journalists don’t need to spell out numerals above 9 even if they are in the very beginning of a sentence.

45、To make your writing scannable, the writer should always create some suspense in the very beginning of a hard news story.

46、If a source’s direct quotation contains an error of grammar, the appropriate thing for the reporter to do is to use the quotation if it is newsworthy and interesting but correct the grammar.

47、It is a good way to start a speech story with a direct-quote lead.

48、The reporter should try to summarize the entire speech in the lead.

49、Online journalists should use subheads, paragraphs, and bullet points with information-carrying words that users will notice when scanning down the left side of your content in the final stem of their F-behavior.

50、Online news stories tend to be more conversational than that in print media.











  • 1. 培养对社会热点的敏锐度,关注国内外新闻事件,每天花一定时间阅读英语报纸或浏览英语新闻网站,了解新闻事件的来龙去脉、相关方面的观点和评论。
  • 2. 参加英语写作训练班或课程,学习英语新闻写作的规范和技巧,提高英语写作能力。
  • 3. 利用学习通英语自学平台,通过观看视频课程和听取英语新闻听力材料,提高英语听力和口语表达能力。
  • 4. 实践英语新闻采访和写作,可以选择自己感兴趣的主题或事件,进行采访、写作,并请老师或专业人员进行指导。

