


moocElectronic Commerce章节答案(mooc完整答案)

45 min read

moocElectronic Commerce章节答案(mooc完整答案)

Week 1 First look of E-commerce

1.1 What is 章节E-commerce?随堂测验

1、"Electronics" in the term e-commerce refers to_________
A、答案答案World Wide Web
C、章节the technical basis 答案答案on which e-commerce implementation depends
D、specifically means that e-commerce must rely on the Internet

2、完整After two decades of development,章节 people have established a sufficiently clear understanding of e-commerce.

3、The答案答案 "Commerce" in the term e-commerce includes both external transaction activities and internal activities.

1.2 The past and present of e-commerce随堂测验

1、E-commerce met its__________ period from 2003 to 2008.

2、章节When ARPAnet was established in 1969,答案答案 it was a complete military network but also the initial prototype of the Internet today.

3、In 1983,完整 ARPAnet was divided into two, one part remained in military use, whereas the other part was converted to__________ .

1.3 The story behind e-commerce classification随堂测验

1、The classification of B2C and B2B was proposed at the World E-Commerce Conference in Paris, France in 1997.

2、In B2C, B refers to_________ , and C refers to consumer.

1.4 Introduction to e-commerce in China随堂测验

1、In all e-commerce-related industries, China's and industries are particularly eye-catching
A、online retail
B、social network
C、mobile payment
D、online game

2、The digital infrastructure of e-commerce in China is just on par with the world average.

Unit Test

1、From the micro level, e-commerce .
A、adds a new sales channel
B、is a combination of “electronic” and “commerce”
C、is about moving old business processes to the Internet
D、is beyond the combination of “electronic” and “commerce”

2、From the industry level, the development of e-commerce , as the saying goes, “it's none of your business, though I destroy you.”
A、will completely overturn the traditional commercial circulation format
B、will lead to the blurring of the boundary between industries
C、will facilitate the comprehensive integration of business models of different industries in the short term
D、will completely change the original business model of all industries

3、Which of the following statements is not true about the impact of the wave of new technological revolution centered on Internet technology?
A、It will lead mankind into a new era of information economy
B、It will lead to a second industrial revolution
C、It’s likely to lead to fundamental changes in the infrastructure of human society
D、It has spawned e-commerce which has "a profound impact on human society as the industrial revolution"

4、Jack Ma said that the term "e-commerce" may soon be phased out, which means .
A、with the development of mobile Internet, e-commerce will be replaced by mobile commerce and new retail
B、e-commerce is no longer important in the information era
C、all business applications must rely on the Internet in carrying out transactions, and the term "e-commerce" will lose its meaning
D、the expression "electronic" is inaccurate; so, the term "electronic commerce" can no longer be used

5、Domestic traditional enterprises began to attach importance to e-commerce, indicating that .
A、e-commerce in China has entered an outbreak period
B、China's e-commerce development has entered an embryonic stage
C、China's e-commerce development has reached a peak
D、traditional enterprises which move to the e-commerce field will certainly do better than pure e-commerce enterprises

6、The higher the proportion of B2B e-commerce in a country, , and the application of electronic commerce will certainly deepen.
A、the better the country's B2C e-commerce does
B、the higher the popularity of informatization in the entire society
C、means that only enterprises in the country are highly informatized
D、means that the government has played a leading role in the development of e-commerce

7、After more than 20 years of development, e-commerce has not been disintermediated as originally designed, but different e-commerce enterprises have .
A、undertaken B2B or B2C transaction functions
B、played the role of new intermediary
C、undertaken an omni-channel function
D、undertaken function of interest flow, capital flow, business flow, and logistics

8、With the development of e-commerce, which one of the following statements is incorrect from the perspective of the relationship between enterprises and consumers?
A、In the future, e-commerce between enterprises and consumers should be C2B and not B2C
B、Additional control power is transferred to enterprises
C、B2C has been split into a complete online channel system instead of a single online channel
D、Consumers have other opportunities to participate in product design, production, and brand communication

9、Thanks to , its mobile payment can achieve the world's stunning performance in only a few years.
A、China's originally good credit card development foundation
B、the weak foundation of China's traditional payment industry so that mobile payment can make a difference
C、China's good development foundation of traditional payment industry
D、China's high POS penetration rate

10、Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the development of China’s e-commerce?
A、The overall volume of China's market capacity is very large
B、China has a large number of Internet users
C、Compared with developed countries, China's digital infrastructure has developed very well
D、China also has a group of world-renowned e-commerce companies

11、Electronic commerce is a business activity that conducts and on the bases of the effective use of information technologies (computer network and modern information communication tools).
A、electronic trade
B、external transaction
C、cross-border trade
D、internal management

12、The years from 2003 to 2008 are the development period of e-commerce in China, the primary characteristics of which are as follows:______.
A、the business model adopts the doctrine of "adopt" and imitates the typical foreign enterprises
B、it focused on consumption e-commerce for online shopping
C、the information infrastructure has largely improved
D、e-commerce enterprises have found diversified profit model, and various industries have begun to try out the online retail industry

13、The development of e-commerce in China can be roughly divided into three periods which are___.
A、outbreak period
B、budding period
C、development period
D、application maturity period

14、The main reason for promoting our country traditional enterprise to touch the net are as follows: _______.
A、The development of online retail in China, especially the demonstration effect of the rapid growth of "double 11" e-commerce sales since 2009
B、The Chinese government began to implement the "Internet plus" action plan
C、The development of e-commerce has been included in the national economic development strategy
D、Affected by the global financial crisis in 2008, some enterprises which were forced to turn to the domestic market had to choose online retail in the absence of brands and channels

15、When an enterprise engages in B2B e-commerce activities, it not only can set up a website by itself but also choose a third-party _______which concentrates multiple industries on one website or a ________which gathers together the upstream and downstream manufacturers of a specific industry to carry out business activities.
A、a new type of electronic intermediary
B、B2B portal
C、Online direct channel
D、B2B industry vertical web

16、China is a big country in the development of e-commerce but still not a strong country in the development of e-commerce because______.
A、China's Internet user penetration rate and e-commerce digital infrastructure have only reached the world average level
B、China's e-commerce is B2C consumption e-commerce, whereas the real embodiment of the development level of e-commerce is B2B-based industrial e-commerce
C、China's e-commerce business model is to imitate the typical foreign e-commerce enterprises
D、China's online retailing has accounted for 20% of the total social retail products and is at an absolute leading level in the world

17、To measure the overall development level of a country's e-commerce, we should rely on B2B rather than B2C because_____.
A、in the overall transaction volume of e-commerce, the volume of B2B e-commerce is much larger than that of B2C e-commerce
B、to carry out B2B e-commerce, higher degrees of enterprise information and overall quality of personnel are required
C、to carry out B2C e-commerce, enterprises can conduct transactions with the help of third-party e-commerce platforms, which do not require a high level of informatization
D、the high proportion of B2B e-commerce in a country indicates that the application of e-commerce in that country will deepen

18、Jack Ma once said that the Internet is a "dessert" for the US but a real "staple food" for China, which means_______.
A、the information level of American enterprises has been very high, and the Internet can only play a role as an "icing on the cake" for the development of enterprises
B、for developed countries such as America, the Internet serves as a "gradual upgrade" for mature industries
C、the application of the Internet is an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of China's traditional industries
D、in China, the emergence of the Internet has solved the pain point of the industry, with the function of helping the industry "overtake the car on the curve, jump, and grow."

19、When China entered the Internet era, the market maturity of the two industries, e.g., _____ and ______, was very low which leaves a large number of market gaps. Therefore, with the development of e-commerce, these two industries developed particularly rapidly.
A、Third-Part Logistics
C、Cross-Border e-commerce
D、payment industry

20、Which of the following can respectively account for the fact that China's e-commerce market is particularly competitive and the pursuit of market hot-spots has reached a fever pitch?
A、Compared with other countries, Chinese users are more likely to like new ones than the old ones; so, they are more willing to accept various Internet innovation tools.
B、The innovation of Chinese Internet enterprises is more based on the innovation driven by original technology, which easily forms technical barriers.
C、China's information technology is developing faster than foreign countries; so, e-commerce enterprises are more competitive.
D、Most of the innovations of Chinese Internet enterprises are application-driven innovations closer to the market.

Week 2 Ways to Accomplish E-commerce

2.1 Nonnegligible user terminal随堂测验

1、The relationship between PC terminal and mobile terminal is _________.
D、mutually exclusive

2、In 2017, mobile transactions accounted for _______of online retail transactions.

3、Wearable devices, such as Google glasses, Apple Watch, and various sports bracelets can be regarded as user terminals.

2.2 Unequal Internet continent随堂测验

1、The computer used by network users is called the client, which is in an active position and can send various requests to the server.

2、The current working mode on the Internet has transitioned from the file server mode to the mode.

2.3 The technology of e-commerce随堂测验

1、What is the relationship between electronics and commerce in e-commerce?
A、Focus on electronics, business is an important support.
B、Focus on business, electronics is an important support.
C、Electronics is the essence, business is the appearance.
D、No connection exists between electronics and commerce.

2、From a user's point of view, what is the difference between a search engine and intelligent recommendation?
A、Search engine belongs to information pull, intelligent recommendation belongs to information push.
B、Search engine belongs to information push, intelligent recommendation belongs to information pull.
C、Search engines and smart recommendations are information push.
D、Search engines and smart recommendations are information pull.

3、Which of the following is not the main feature of blockchain?
B、Digital currency
D、Smart contracts

2.4 Joint policies of mobile e-commerce随堂测验

1、Compared with other modes, the App mode
A、easily cultivates customer loyalty
B、seizes customer fragmentation time
C、is convenient for customers to make fission
D、has interoperability among customers of different categories

2、Which of the following models is a refined operation?
A、Fight for traffic
B、Fight for speed
C、Location-based marketing

2.5 Social e-commerce involving everyone随堂测验

1、What is the feature of Pinduoduo(拼多多)?
A、traditional retailer
B、consumer word-of-mouth database
C、social e-commerce platform of C2B Groupon
D、B2B enterprise

2、What is the feature of Xiaohongshu(小红书)?
A、B2B enterprise
B、traditional retailer
C、consumer word-of-mouth database
D、social e-commerce platform of C2B Groupon

3、Which of the following belongs to the social network of strong relationships?
C、customer service agent of Taobao and customer
D、customer service agent of JD.com and customer

Unit Test

1、Different user terminals present differences in user behavior, resulting in .
A、different user terminals developing separately
B、lower user satisfaction
C、different ways of e-commerce realization
D、compelling enterprises to provide the same products and services on the bases of user behavior

2、With the advancement of technology, user terminals are no longer limited to PCs, smartphones, tablets, and so on, but refer to .
A、all devices that can be carried around and keep users online at any time
B、all kinds of offline devices
C、mobile devices

3、The attributes of many things on the Internet are subject to , showing a high degree of inequality.
A、normal distribution
B、even distribution
C、probability distributions
D、power-law distribution

4、The hyperlink on the Internet can help users read .
A、non-sequential and skipping information within a web page
B、sequential and skipping information
C、non-sequential and skipping information
D、non-sequential and skipping information within a website

5、The search engines and smart recommendation technologies widely used in the e-commerce field are all for the purpose of .
A、improving users' ability to obtain information
B、solving the problem of information overload on the Internet
C、improving the ability of information publishers to spread information
D、improving the information dissemination efficiency of the Internet

6、Search engine technology uses to help users find information.
A、information "push"
B、information "pull"
C、keyword search
D、responding to user requests

7、Publishers use intelligent recommendation technology to recommend information to users, a process implemented on the basis of .
A、business need
B、user requests
C、user preferences
D、user browsing track

8、In the following options, the use of to carry out e-commerce is a mobile e-commerce service model based on a third-party platform.
A、WeChat and QQ
B、Smart phone
C、Blog and Weibo

9、In mobile e-commerce, the main feature of the O2O operating model is .
A、buying online only
B、providing information services and sharing online, whereas offline focuses on providing services to consumers
C、the absence of communication between online and offline
D、guiding online consumers to the real world, as much as possible, for the consumer experience

10、Social e-commerce combines social traffic with e-commerce, which not only can , so that information can reach users more quickly but also increase the trust of users and increase willingness to consume through the endorsement of people or friends.
A、be achieved through the information released by the company
B、use weak-relationship social networks
C、be achieved through the self-propagation function of social media
D、use the traffic fission of social relations

11、PC users use the entire period for immersive experiences in fixed locations; whereas mobile users mostly use fragmented time for interactive experiences in multiple scenarios. Thus, .
A、using customer service staff to provide services is more suitable
B、attracting users' attention is easier and suitable for advertising products
C、they are more willing to share the information they have obtained
D、putting promotional information is more suitable
E、they should pay extra attention to promotional information

12、From the technical roots, and are the two main causes of actual inequality on the Internet.
A、Hypertext and hyperlinks
B、TCP/ IP protocol
C、File server mode
D、Client/ server working mode

13、In the client/ server mode, and . When the client sends a request, the server responds to the client's request and provides related services.
A、the client is in a passive position
B、the client is always in an active position
C、the sever is in a passive position
D、the sever is always in an active position

14、With the help of cloud computing, enterprises can outsource some basic work to more professional cloud computing service providers, , .
A、to focus on core business
B、to improve work quality
C、to avoid waste of resources caused by various duplications
D、to cut on cost

15、The main features of the blockchain can be summarized as , .
A、distributed data storage structure
B、implementation of the underlying technology
D、network structure

16、Which of the following technologies can be used to implement personalized web-based services?
A、Intelligent recommendation
B、Cloud computing
D、Search engine

17、Currently, the mainstream models of mobile e-commerce are and .
B、WeChat public account
C、WeChat applet
D、Based on a third-party platform
E、WeChat Business

18、According to the characteristics of the App, this mobile e-commerce model is particularly suitable for________________, ______________.
A、simple marketing
B、collecting customer information to help achieve customer relationship management
C、different types of customer accommodation
D、consumer experience

19、The two types of social e-commerce are , .
A、based on social platforms such as forums and communities
B、based on weak relationships
C、based on WeChat and other self-media
D、based on strong relationship

20、Compared with traditional e-commerce, in social e-commerce, , .
A、trading platforms are not limited to traditional online retailers but also include social networks
B、content is not only company-generated information but also user-generated information
C、it achieves marketing promotion through communication and sharing among users
D、it takes the company's information as the main activity

Week 3 Online Marketing

3.1 My product is up to you!随堂测验

1、What does consumer discourse right mean?
A、Consumers’ right to speak
B、Consumers’ purchasing power
C、Embodiment of consumers' characteristics, opinions and preferences in product design
D、Consumers 'ability to design products imitating manufacturers' products

2、What does pre-sale mode mean?
A、Selling some samples first
B、Distributing products with a free price strategy
C、Convening consumers for product design
D、A way to solicit consumer opinions and information before formal sales

3.2 Perspective on the phenomenon of price discrimination随堂测验

1、What is differentiated pricing?
A、It is a way of extracting consumer surplus
B、It is wrong
C、It is irrational and should be banned
D、It sets a uniform price

2、What does psychologically perceived price means?
A、Product price
B、Product cost
C、The functions consumers think the product has
D、How much consumers think the product should be worth

3.3 The reconstruction of channels随堂测验

1、Which statement about channels is true?
A、Channels work together to produce, distribute and sell products or services
B、Channels are selected by consumers, and the selected channels are beneficial for consumers when buying products
C、With the development of channels, the boundaries among channels have become indistinct, and channel classification is not very important
D、Online channels are much more important than offline channels

2、What is beneficial to the omni-channel?
A、Data management in channel operation
B、Development of single channel
C、Set up offline retail stores as much as possible, pay extra attention to the offline channels
D、Decentralized inventory management

3.4 New forms of word of mouth随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements is false?
A、Word of mouth is generally refers to people's oral praise, comments and idioms
B、Word of mouth is helpful to the enterprises
C、Word of mouth is less and less in online marketing
D、Word of mouth includes both positive and negative aspects

2、Which of the following scenarios reflect the transmission mechanism of word of mouth which is based on the motivation, reasons and rules of products information?
A、Young mothers talk about baby and maternal products when they get together
B、Young people talk about cars when they get together
C、Recommend a product because it works well
D、Recommend a product because it might be useful to others

3.5 You have to listen to consumers!随堂测验

1、What does the success of KFC's chicken PK campaign tell us?
A、Consumers understand product design better than employees
B、The enterprise should leave the work of product design entirely to the consumers
C、Participatory marketing will become an important approach to marketing
D、The success of the KFC chicken PK campaign is only one example

2、What is the reason for the increase in consumer discourse right today?
A、The education level of consumers is getting higher and higher
B、The market environment has changed. Most of the former seller's markets are now transformed into buyer's markets
C、Enterprises no longer regard profit maximization as the most important goal, instead, they pay extra attention to the needs of consumers
D、Customer is God

3、With the arrival of the era of equal rights between enterprises and consumers, which of the following is not true?
A、Owing to the uncontrollable public opinion on the Internet, enterprises will face increased public opinion risk
B、The development of information technology and Internet has brought new opportunities for business management
C、Enterprises should try their best to strengthen their discourse right and avoid being led by consumers
D、Enterprises should strengthen customer relationship management and understand the needs of target customers more broadly and deeply

Unit Test

1、The C2M e-commerce model requires that the factory's production line is flexible, which is .
A、the prerequisite to realize consumer discourse right and ensure mass production
C、the prerequisite for industrial production
D、the basic condition to achieve scale production

2、Enterprises can provide information about all commodities on the Internet; then, they through users’ choices to implement differentiated pricing.
A、let users know more about products
B、automatically distinguish customers with different perceived values
C、let users purchase cheap products
D、automatically identify new and old customers

3、Actually, “big data-based price discrimination against old customers” means
A、that companies implement consistent pricing for different users through big data analysis
B、companies squeeze consumer surplus from old customers through big data analysis
C、a pricing strategy randomly implemented by enterprises through big data analysis
D、that enterprises use big data analysis to make new customers pay a high price

4、The fission and reconstruction of the channels have roughly gone through four stages which are
A、indirect distribution channel, online direct sales channel, online and offline cross-channel, and omni-channel
B、single channel, multi-channel, cross-channel, omni-channel
C、traditional distribution channel, company website, third-party e-commerce platform, O2O omni-channel
D、offline distribution channel, online distribution channel, online and offline cross-channel, and omni-channel

5、The omni-channel model integrates all the distribution channels including
A、direct and indirect distributions
B、online, offline, and mobile Internet
C、mouse + cement
D、website, social media, and application

6、Media that can achieve Internet word-of-mouth communication include
A、enterprise website, application, various social media, and we-media
B、all channels that can disseminate information
C、Email, various social media, and we-media
D、all Internet channels that can spread information

7、For inventory in omni-channel, refers to breaking up the inventory so that it is not only distributed in the warehouse but also in stores and transfers stations close to the demand point and the entire logistics system.
A、centralized layout and fragmented distribution
B、fragmented management and decentralized layout
C、centralized layout and centralized management
D、decentralized layout and centralized management

8、The emergence of social media,such as WeChat and MicroBlog, has not only strengthened the interaction between enterprises and customers but also enhanced
A、brand value
B、customer discourse right
C、customer satisfaction
D、the relationship between enterprises and customers

9、Through on the e-commerce platform, enterprises can master consumer's experience of buying and using goods.
A、users’ registration information
B、users’ searching keywords
C、users' purchase history
D、the comment area or user forum

10、The diversified network media provide enterprises with rich user data in multiple dimensions. They use various network resources and to enable enterprises to understand consumers effectively.
A、search engine technology
B、cloud computing technology
C、advanced big data technology
D、customer relationship management

11、Flexible production lines need C-side data as support. It can realize real-time, automated adjustment and management by analyzing the big data of consumer's , , and .
B、purchasing behavior

12、Flexible production lines can carry out multi-objective control and optimization for , , , and information.
B、energy consumption

13、On the Internet, enterprises can provide consumers with different prices of goods, through consumers' own choices, automatically distinguishing and
A、consumers with different needs
B、rich consumers
C、poor consumers
D、consumers with a different perceived value

14、Price discrimination against old customers leads to the situation that people who know you hurt you more deeply. It is because and
A、the price set by the merchant is too reasonable
B、a large proportion of consumers are reluctant to bear higher prices than others, even if they are willing to pay more
C、merchants take advantage of the convenience of information technology for non-public and mandatory differentiated pricing
D、merchants take advantage of the information asymmetry of the Internet

15、Omni-channel integrates all distribution channels including , , and .
A、direct distribution
B、online channel
C、offline channel
D、mobile Internet

16、To achieve omni-channel marketing, enterprises must make two strategic adjustments which are and
A、paying attention to data management in channel operation
B、abandoning the integration of offline channel
C、adjusting the existing centralized management inventory into fragmented and decentralized inventory management
D、online and offline prices are consistent

17、The four communication mechanisms for Internet word of mouth are , , , and
A、based on the explicitness of the product
B、related to self-interest
C、social-based information dissemination
D、related to others’ interest

18、The differences between traditional word of mouth and Internet word of mouth are reflected in four aspects: , , , .
A、The former is mostly carried out in a peer-to-peer manner; the latter can use social platforms to achieve large-scale community communication.
B、The former is a strong relationship spread, the latter is a weak relationship spread
C、For the former, consumers are only involved in the spread in the process of consumption; for the latter, customer discourse right can be reflected in the processes of product development and manufacturing
D、The former requires corporate promotions specialist to participate offline; the latter can create and utilize the power of influential intermediate roles-opinion leaders

19、In the Internet environment, the main reasons for enhancing customer discourse right are as follows: , , ,
A、The Internet media have broken the one-way information transmission model, and enterprises or consumers can use the network media for bidirectional interaction
B、Since the development of we-media, the consumer group itself has evolved into a powerful information dissemination network
C、the Internet has become the main channel for enterprises to listen to customers and have dialogues with them
D、consumers want to communicate with companies more than ever
E、the Internet provides a diversified platform for users to speak

20、Through the digital footprints left by consumers on the Internet (e.g., purchase behavior, search keywords, shopping cart information and online reviews, etc.), companies can understand consumer behavior patterns and personal preferences. Accordingly, they can implement
A、precision marketing
B、manufacturing management
C、after-sales service
D、personalized service

Assignment 1

1、Question 1: How can Ning Xiaomei', a virtual character IP, be used to strengthen the connection and interaction with consumers in future marketing activities? Question 2: In the context of social marketing, how can Ningmei effectively and warmly communicate with lemon fans online and offline? Requirement: 1. You can choose one of the above two questions to answer this part, that is, you need not complete both questions. Nonetheless, you can also answer both if you wish. 2. The two practical problems raised by enterprises are listening to the voices of young people and obtaining further suggestions. Therefore, you can open your mind and try but not be constrained by the following ways of exploring these issues: l Learn from the good practices of other companies at home and abroad; l Give suggestions on the bases of your feelings as consumers; l Propose ideas using your own creativity; l Give reasonable suggestions on the bases of the actual situation of the enterprise; l Analyze from the source of virtual IP and give comments. 3. Your answer should include but not be limited to the following elements: l Core recommendations; l Your reasons; l Feasible operation plan. Of course, providing practical operational strategy suggestions would be better. 4. Your report title is uniformly named: "Suggestions for Ning Xiaomei Virtual IP Application " (If you choose Question 1) "Suggestions for warm communication with Lemon fans" (If you choose Question 2) 5. The file name of the submitted work is: "Question 1 + your name" or "Question 2 + your name" 6. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you will get a "zero score". If you need to cite others' opinions, please clearly indicate the source. 7. For the purpose of fair evaluation, do not display your name or student ID in your homework nor provide any information suggesting your identity. Those who fail to follow this instruction will incur deductions. 8. After the deadline for submission, everyone should rate and evaluate the work of three other students. Please pay attention to the starting time and deadline. Additionally, note that the number of evaluations will affect your score. 9. The criteria for mutual evaluation are as follows: l Complete structural analysis, with clear logic, and clear analysis main line (20 points) l With focused and clear recommendations (20 points) l A compelling reason for your suggestion (20 points) l A feasible practical operation plan with rich and specific content (20 points) l Independent thinking and analysis (20 points) 10. After the results of the mutual evaluation are announced, the course team will contact you to send you the gift if you are in the list of final outstanding proposals.

Week 4 Innovative Payment and Finance

4.1 Crazy digital currency随堂测验

1、As regards the total number of Bitcoin, which one is correct?
A、Bitcoin will be released before 2140.
B、Bitcoin halves every four years.
C、It won't increase.
D、Only 21 million bitcoins exist.

2、Although experts have different opinions on Bitcoin, _________.
A、the emergence of bitcoin will challenge the existing central bank's monetary issuance system.
B、the blockchain technology that supports it will have broad application space in finance, economic, and societal fields.
C、bitcoin is fundamentally different from traditional currencies and digital currencies in use.
D、bitcoin is a variable factor for the traditional economic order and monetary system.

4.2 The battle of third-party payment随堂测验

1、The market equilibrium of network effect products presents different characteristics:
A、It has a stable equilibrium point.
B、It has two stable market equilibrium points.
C、It has two market equilibrium points, an unstable equilibrium point, N1, and another stable equilibrium point, N2.
D、It has no market equilibrium.

2、Some products have both direct and indirect network effects.

3、The most common virtual network is a "system product" composed of many complementary compatible components; this type of virtual network is also called_______.

4.3 P2P on the way to advance随堂测验

1、P2P online loan refers to______
A、"Private lending" Implemented by the Internet.
B、"Internet Direct Financing" in which individuals or legal persons bypass banks and use the Internet to directly match small deposits and loans.
C、mutual borrowing which is implemented by individuals or legal persons through independent third-party network platforms.
D、a kind of self-service borrowing as borrowers and lenders can decide their own loan amount, interest, term, and so on, through a platform provided by a third party.

2、The operation modes of most P2P online loan companies in China are O2O, which is ______
A、to review the borrower's credit and repayment ability online; to raise funds and attract investors offline.
B、to raise funds and attract investors online; to review the borrower's credit and repayment ability offline.
C、to attract investors, review the borrowers' credit and repayment ability online; to raise funds offline.
D、to set up physical stores offline to enhance customer acquisition and raise funds offline; to review the borrowers’ credit and repayment ability online.

4.4 Trap about crowdfunding随堂测验

1、Reward-based crowdfunding, also known as product-based crowdfunding, means that supporters invest in projects that they are interested in. Its return is___
A、to obtain a share from the proceeds of the project.
B、to obtain equity in the project.
C、to obtain the creditor's rights of the project and the rights to recover the principal and interest.
D、to obtain the products or services of the project.

2、The risks that the sponsors of crowdfunding projects may face are _________and_________.
A、project selection risk.
B、follow-up management risk.
C、intellectual property risk.
D、product quality risk.

Unit Test

1、Bitcoin uses blockchain technology for distributed accounting, which we also call .
A、centralized distributed accounting
B、decentralized digital currency
C、citizen participation accounting
D、decentralized accounting system

2、Bitcoin system will generate a random code on the Bitcoin network node at set intervals, and all computers in the network can look for this code (mining). Whoever finds this code first will .
A、generate a new block
B、have the accounting right and generate a new block, which are equal to some digital currencies
C、obtain new bitcoins
D、have the accounting right, generate a new block, and obtain some bitcoins as a reward. That is how the new bitcoins are created

3、Although experts have different opinions on bitcoin, .
A、the block chain technology that supports it will be widely applied in financial and even economic and social fields
B、Bitcoin will challenge the existing central bank currency issue system
C、Bitcoin is a variable factor for traditional economic order and monetary system
D、fundamental differences exist between bitcoin and other digital currencies

4、As typical products with network effects, Alipay and WeChat payment .
A、only have direct network effects
B、have both direct network effects and indirect network effects
C、only have indirect network effects
D、are consistent with Metcalfe's law

5、Virtual networks means , and is also known as the "hardware–software paradigm."
A、a "system product" made up of many complementary compatible components
B、composed of many hardware facilities and application software
C、composed of intranet and Internet
D、a service system provided by different enterprises through the Internet

6、P2P online loan refers to individuals or legal persons borrowing from each other .
B、through self-help lending
C、through an independent third-party online platform
D、through the Internet

7、As the central bank's credit system is not open to the P2P platform, controlling the risk of online P2P in China is difficult. To solve this problem, most of China's P2P online lending companies turn to the combination of online and offline modes, also known as O2O mode, that is .
A、to raise funds online, to attract investors, and review the borrower's credit and repayment ability offline
B、to raise funds and attract investors online, to review the borrower's credit and repayment ability offline
C、to review the borrower's credit and repayment ability online, to raise funds and attract investors offline
D、to attract investors and review the borrower's credit and repayment ability online, to raise funds offline

8、The main reason for the market chaos in China's P2P in the past few years is that .
A、the online loan industry is in a state of “three No’s,” namely, no barriers to entry, no industry standards, and no regulatory agencies
B、supervision and constraints are lacking
C、mature credit investigation and credit system are absent
D、some individuals or institutions exploit the lack of policies and the lack of barriers to entry

9、Crowdfunding is the financing model in which the project sponsors use the Internet platform to raise small funds for a certain venture or activity, and .
A、investors can benefit from it
B、investors donate without any reward
C、all the profits from the project will be donated to public charity
D、the sponsors provide certain returns to the supporters or investors

10、The risks faced by the sponsors of crowdfunding projects are .
A、project selection risk, intellectual property risk, and management risk
B、intellectual property risk and management risk
C、the risk of the team’s development and execution capabilities
D、project selection risk and development risk

11、The main reasons for the sharp rise in bitcoin prices are , , and .
A、the widely recognized blockchain technology
B、the wide gap between supply and demand
C、the rise of its investment value
D、the investors’ approval of bitcoin

12、Some people consider bitcoin as "the most dangerous currency" because , .
A、its launching, circulation, and management rights belong to everyone involved, and it changed the traditional relationship between currency and credit
B、bitcoin is not a currency but a virtual good that cannot function as currency
C、its businesses cannot be effectively regulated
D、bitcoin has created a bubble, and it is only a matter of time before the bubble bursts for a digital currency without the support of central banks or other authorities.

13、For a product with indirect network effect, , and .
A、the components that make up the network are provided by different companies and bought by consumers at different times
B、the effect is consistent with Metcalfe's law
C、the value of the core components depends on the availability of the dependent components
D、the complementary components that make up the network have a "dominant" and "subordinate" relationship

14、In the following functions of Alipay and WeChat, , , and are the subordinate components of the "hardware–software paradigm".
A、WeChat red packet
B、Yu'E Bao
C、Tencent finance
D、payment by scanning QR code

15、The purpose of Alipay and WeChat Pay's crazy competition in the past few years is to , and to .
A、promote the functions of subordinate components and enhance the value of dominant components
B、ensure future survival and the ultimate market monopoly
C、develop their market share beyond the critical capacity
D、develop their customers beyond the critical capacity to ensure ultimate market monopoly

16、P2P lending is actually and .
A、a loan with high risk
B、a loan limited to friends, relatives, and acquaintances
C、a new type of “Internet direct financing market”
D、a direct matching of small deposits and loans without banks

17、The emergence of crowdfunding , .
A、provides investors with new channels and other options
B、promotes the development of relevant laws, regulations, and systems
C、increases the risk of financing activities for SMEs and entrepreneurs
D、provides a more convenient financing platform for SMEs and entrepreneurs

18、In some western countries with good credit systems, the P2P platform generally does not provide a guarantee mechanism, and the investors take risks on their own. However, China's credit system remains imperfect. To attract users, various guarantee modes have appeared in P2P operations, such as the platform's own guarantee mode, the third-party guarantee mode, , , and .
A、risk reserve guarantee mode
B、mortgage guarantee mode
C、lien guarantee mode
D、guarantee company mode

19、Crowdfunding can be divided into equity-based crowdfunding, , , .
A、product-based crowdfunding
B、donate-based crowdfunding
C、lending-based crowdfunding
D、reward-based crowdfunding

20、The main risks faced by supporters or investors of crowdfunding projects are product quality risk, , , .
A、withdrawal and realization risk
B、project selection risk
C、intellectual property risk
D、the risk of after-sales rights protection

Week 5 Managing E-commerce Supply Chain

5.1 Platform operation: different models随堂测验

1、Supply chain refers to an entire functional network chain structure formed around ( )
A、core enterprises

2、The characteristics of "self-operated" or "reselling" platform operation model include
A、inviting the seller, which may be brands or brand sales agents to enter the platform for direct sales.
B、exclusive provision of e-commerce transaction services and marketing services not involved in any sales activities.
C、no ownership or pricing power for most products sold on the platform.
D、purchasing goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers and then setting retail prices to sell.

3、The characteristics of the agency operation model include
A、no ownership or pricing power for most products sold on the platform.
B、purchasing goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers and then setting retail prices to sell.
C、allowing a platform to implement commodity purchasing, inventory, sales, logistics, customer service, and other functions.
D、The main sources of profit are the difference between commodities’ wholesale prices and retail prices and marketing service fee.

5.2 Logistics: no limits of the speed随堂测验

1、Compared with barcode technology, which one of the following is not an advantage of RFID technology?
A、improving the efficiency of warehouse operation.
B、lower cost.
C、no need to hold a scanning gun manually to scan the items on the pallet package one by one and record them into the system.
D、storing further information.

2、Warehouse management system can be called _____ for short.

3、Which of the following is not included in the upgrade of warehousing hardware?
A、Automated Storage & Retrieval System
B、Automatic picking transmission line
C、Automatic guided carriage

5.3 Pricing: not just "fixed" prices随堂测验

1、Name your own price can be translated as
A、seller's independent pricing.
B、buyer's independent pricing.
C、reverse auction.
D、forward auction.

2、Jay Walker discovered the potential of combining e-commerce with reverse auctions before academics and founded the website .

3、Dutch auction belongs to ________.
A、forward auction
B、reverse auction
C、two-way auction
D、one-way auction

5.4 Marketing: know you better than yourself随堂测验

1、The merit of Item-based Recommendation is
A、not having the need for strict modeling of items or users.
B、a "cold start" problem for new items and new users.
C、sparse matrix problem.
D、recommending well for some users with a special taste.

2、Which one of the following is NOT the intelligent recommendation:
A、Cross-domain recommendation
B、User-based Recommendation
C、Context-aware recommendation
D、Socialization recommendation

3、Collaborative Filtering-based recommender systems include
A、User-based Recommendation
B、Hybrid Recommendation
C、Content-based Recommendation
D、Secondary Recommendation

Unit Test

1、The main source of profit of agency selling platform is .
A、the difference between commodities' wholesale prices and retail prices and marketing service fee
B、the difference between commodities' wholesale prices and retail prices
C、commission and marketing service fee

2、The main source of profit of reselling e-commerce platform is
A、marketing service fee and commission
C、the difference between commodities' wholesale prices and retail prices
D、marketing service fee and difference between commodities' wholesale prices and retail prices

3、In the construction of automated three-dimensional warehouse system, belongs to the upgrade of storage hardware.
A、UAV and unmanned delivery car
B、rail roadway stacking machine and automatic picking transmission line
C、in–out pallet conveyor system and warehouse management system
D、RFID equipment and electronic surface bill system

4、RFID technology inserts into objects and uses the radio reading device to identify the object, store and transmit the relevant data, and locate the object.
A、IC chip
B、magnetic strip that stores the relevant data
C、QR code
D、electronic tags that contain chips and transmitting antennas

5、The application of electronic waybill system removes the link of , and it considerably reduces the error rate and improves sorting efficiency.
A、express mail recording
B、secondary sorting
C、matching of order and tracking
D、order allocation

6、Under the generalized second price sealed auction mechanism that Google proposed, the participants (advertisers) will pay for each online user’s click on the advertisement of their advertised ad space, and the rule of payment is, .
A、the highest bidder wins the AD space and pays the fee according to his bid
B、the advertiser who wins the i-th place bid will pay the bid price of the (i+1)-th place bid plus a minimum bid unit (e.g., $0.01)
C、only the highest bidder wins the Ad space, but it pays the second highest bidder's bid
D、the advertiser who wins the i-th place bid will pay the bid price of the (i+1)-th place bid

7、VCG is based on the overall interests of all bidders. The highest bidder wins, and the fee he pays is
A、at his bid
B、at the second bidder’s price
C、calculated according to the total loss caused by his participation to other bidders
D、calculated by the sum of the other bidders' bids

8、As for the mode, Name Your Own Price, .
A、the customer can set the price freely at will
B、it is a behavior of the goods/service provider to test the consumer's price psychology
C、the customer proposes the desired price of the product on the trading platform as well as the basic requirements for the product and then waits for the seller to decide whether to accept the price
D、it is a forward auction

9、The user-based recommendation mechanism is based on the basic assumption that
A、users have the same or similar preferences
B、the recommended item has similar properties
C、users who like similar items may have the same or similar preferences
D、user's educational level or lifestyle is similar

10、An important principle in implementing combining recommendations is to
A、achieve the recommendation effect of “what you need”
B、support users to discover potential interests and preferences
C、make recommendations according to the best matching results of item attributes and user interests and preferences
D、avoid the weaknesses of their respective technologies

11、The advantages of reselling platform are as follows: , , .
A、the benefits will not outflow
B、having ownership and pricing power over the goods
C、no need to work hard to organize the source of goods
D、enjoying absolute control over the supply chain to control the quality of goods and consumer experience

12、Among the following options, those with agency e-commerce platform properties are
D、Amazon China

13、Domestic and foreign studies find which of the following factors will influence the choice of reselling or agency selling mode:
A、the category of goods it deals in
B、the development stage of the e-commerce platform
C、the intensity of market competition
D、the interaction between online and offline channels

14、Intelligent warehousing is composed of , .
A、hardware facilities for warehouse automation
B、warehouse management system (WMS)
C、cold chain logistics distribution
D、UAV distribution

15、Warehouse management system (WMS) can realize the functions of , , , replenishment management, and so on.
A、picking operation
B、shelf management
C、distribution management
D、receiving management

16、In the following options, and are the social logistics resources to solve the "last mile" distribution problem.
A、"Crowdsourcing" logistics such as JD crowdsourcing
B、EMS post
C、self-lifting points in the community such as Cainiao Yizhan
D、JD's driverless cars, Rookie G, and so on

17、In addition to the traditional auction forms, online auction also adopts forms of , .
B、Online Ad bidding
D、buyer's independent pricing

18、The buyer's independent pricing is used for the sale of time-sensitive products such as hotels and air tickets. The reasons are that this mechanism , , .
A、helps the goods and services providers obtain maximum profit
B、somewhat protects the brand image of the service provider
C、fully helps the goods and service providers obtain the consumer surplus
D、solves the problem of how to fix the variable price according to the change in commodity value

19、At present, the most maturely used e-commerce recommender system are , , .
A、Hybrid recommender systems based on content and collaborative filtering
B、User-based recommender systems
C、Collaborative Filtering-based recommender systems
D、Content-based recommender systems

20、The advantages of Collaborative Filtering-based recommender mechanism are
A、the recommended results are accurate
B、no "cold start" problem occurs for new customers and new items
C、recommendations are open, sharing the experience of others and support users to discover potential interest preferences
D、does not require strict modeling of items or users and does not require descriptions of items to be machine understandable.

Week 6 E-commerce Security

6.1 Safe or not随堂测验

1、Which of the following companies have had security problems:

2、E-commerce security problems only exist in the Internet environment.

6.2 Invincible spear随堂测验

1、Which of the following is an external threat to e-commerce:
A、Denial of service attack
C、Poorly designed server and client software
D、Hacker attack

2、The threat of e-commerce security comes from the outside.

6.3 Unassailable shield随堂测验

1、Which of the following are included in the digital certificate:
A、Digital certificate serial number
B、Date of issue
C、Holder's public key
D、Public Key of CA (Certificate Authority)

2、The technology that digital certificates rely on is symmetric key encryption mechanism.

6.4 Do you really have privacy?随堂测验

1、Channels that endanger the privacy data of Internet users include
A、Real asset theft
B、Network virtual asset theft
C、Internet resource and service abuse
D、“Blackhat” industry

2、The root cause of Internet privacy data leakage is driven by economic benefits.

6.5 Roles and tasks of security management随堂测验

1、E-commerce security management includes
C、Effective management strategy
D、Law and active action