
化学答案2024-05-19 06:50:1765942抢沙发
尔雅口语与演讲章节答案(学习通2023题目答案)摘要: Chapter 1:Introduction to Public SpeakingDecide whether the following statements are True or False:1 ...


Chapter 1:Introduction to Public Speaking

Decide whether the following statements are True or False:

1、尔雅The口语 need for public speaking is only for national leaders and great people.

2、The演讲 Book of History(Shangshu), exemplifies two types of speech: taking oath(shi) and imperial mandate(gao).

3、3. The章节re is inherent conflict between being a competent English public speaker and being fully Chinese.

4、The答案 greatest thinkers, scientist, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available and put it together differently to produce new insight. That is critical thinking.

5、In public speaking,学习 we should avoid slang, jargon, and bad grammar.

6、Distracting mannerism and verbal habits are acceptable in public speaking.

7、通题Vocal variety are the changes in a speaker’s rate,目答 pitch, and volume that give the voice interest and expressiveness.

8、Articulation and pronunciation are identical.

9、尔雅Statues,口语 standing rigid and expressionless from beginning to the end stem from nervousness or inexperience.

10、Posture,演讲 personal appearance, facial expression, gestures, and eye contact affect the way listeners respond to speakers.

Chapter 2: Speaking Confidently and Ethically

Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

1、Stage fright is 章节a common occurrence that some of the greatest public speakers in history have suffered from it.

2、Nervousness almost kills me and I can never be a confident public speaker.

3、答案Practice makes perfect. As long as I am fully prepared,学习 I won’t make any mistakes during my speech.

4、A fluent and attractive introduction will help me grasp the audience’s attention and thus reduces my anxiety.

5、通题Using positive thoughts to encourage myself will help me control my stage fright.

6、The spoken words could be really powerful and thus need to be guided with a strong sense of ethical integrity.

7、I can never be accused of plagiarism if I use quotation or paraphrase in my public speaking or writing.

8、There are three types of plagiarism: global plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism and incremental plagiarism.

9、To make my speech more persuasive, it’s ok for me to provide dishonest data.

10、It is important to put ethical principles into practice during my preparation of my speech.

Chapter 3: Speech Preparation

Multiple Choices (多选题)

1、How to make our speech a success?
A、choose an attractive topic
B、practice a lot
C、good delivery
D、be audience-centered

2、When do we analyze the audience?
A、before the speech
B、during the speech
C、after the speech
D、no need to analyze the audience

3、How to analyze the audience?
A、guess relevant information about the audience
B、ask the person who invites you to deliver the speech
C、conduct a questionnaire
D、do nothing

4、How to select a topic for public speaking?
A、choose among topics you are familiar with
B、choose among topics you are interested in
C、choose among topics your audience cares about
D、use Internet for help

5、To analyze the audience’s demographic traits, what factors do we need to consider?
C、economic level

6、What types of questions are there in a questionnaire?
A、fixed-alternative question
B、filling the blanks
C、scale questions
D、open-ended questions

7、What are the general purpose of a speech?
A、to inform
B、to entertain
C、to persuade
D、to instruct

8、How to make a specific purpose specific and clear?
A、express the specific purpose as a statement
B、express the specific purpose as a question
C、put the specific purpose as a full infinitive phrase
D、put the specific purpose as a full declarative sentence

9、The language for the specific purpose and the central idea should be ()

10、Which of the following statement are correct as a specific purpose?
A、donate blood.
B、to persuade my audience to donate blood.
C、to inform my audience about Guilin.
D、to inform my audience about the major tourist attractions in Guilin.

Chapter 4: Organizing the Speech

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、To prepare a speech, the more main points you prepare, the better your speech would like to be.

2、You can project the main points based on the specific purpose and the central idea.

3、Each main point should be seperate and independent of the others.

4、When phrasing the main points, you should follow a consistent pattern of wording so that they can be easily remembered and understood.

5、There are only four methods to arrange the main points, namely the chronological order, the spatial order, the problem-solution order and the topical order.

6、Both the chronological order and the spatial order are most suitable for informative speech.

7、Suppose you are to prepare a speech, introducing the Terra Cotta Warriors (兵马俑), you can only follow the chronological order.

8、The topical order is suitable to almost any kind of speech and is thus most widely used.

9、There are 4 types of connectives, namely transitions, signposts, internal previews and internal summaries.

10、To prepare a speech, you need to establish the main points first, then add supporting materials under each main point and use connectives to make the speech more unified and coherent.

Speech topic:The Importance of Reading Chinese Classics

1、Speech topic:The Importance of Reading Chinese Classics Write a 3-minute speech draft on the importance of reading Chinese Classics, recite it, submit the draft and the audio. 请提交一个3分钟的英文演讲,演讲题目为:阅读国学经典的重要性。 请提交演讲稿和演讲音频。

chapter 5: Supporting Your Ideas

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、Examples are to clarify, personalize, and reinforce a speaker’s ideas, however, they do not appeal powerfully to our emotions.

2、Extended example is a story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point.

3、In hypothetical examples, the speaker often creates an imaginary or fictitious situation, and relates it directly to his listeners, and gets them involved in the speech.

4、It's not necessary for the speaker to reinforce examples with statistics or testimony.

5、It's not necessary for the speaker to seek figures gathered by reliable, unbiased sources.

6、Statistics speak for themselves

7、Unless there is an important reason to give exact numbers, you should round off most statistics.

8、If you use another person’s word or ideas without giving credit to that person, you will be guilty of plagiarism.

9、In applying testimony, accurate quotation involves three things: making sure you do not misquote; making sure you do not violate the meaning of statements you paraphrase; making sure you do not quote out of context.

10、Listeners will find speeches much more credible if speaker use testimony from sources qualified either from recognized experts or ordinary citizens with special experience on the topic at hand.

Chapter 6: Using Visual Aids

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、Visual heighten audience interest, shift attention away from the speaker, and give the speaker greater confidence in the presentation as a whole.

2、Charts are often used to show the statistical trends and patterns, which can be divided into line graph, pie graph and bar graph.

3、Line graph is to illustrate simple distribution patterns.

4、Graphs and charts are to demonstrate, interpret statistics. They are more dramatic and more emotional.

5、When using PowerPoint, it’s not necessary to limit the bullet points and texts, or limit animations.

6、We should avoid using PowerPoint templates.

7、The major types of visual aids are: Objects and models, photos and drawings, graphs, charts, videos, PowerPoint and the speaker.

8、Only when visual aids are used to dominate, can you succeed in your speech.

9、We should explain visual aids rather than read them.

10、When presenting visual aids, we should always develop a backup plan.

Chapter 7: Using Language

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、Denotative meaning of a word usually refers to what the word suggests or implies, which is more variable, figurative and subjective

2、Generally speaking, complicated, abstract and unfamiliar words sound more impressive to the listeners.

3、Alliteration refers to the repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words, such as saints and sinners, weal and woe.

4、When referring to both females and males, it is better to use the word “man”.

5、Profound implications usually should be presented in neat, simple, and familiar words rather than big, bloated and unfamiliar words.

6、Parallelism, antithesis, repetition and alliteration are the four basic stylistic devices which help to create imagery to the audience.

7、Using language inclusively means that speakers should choose inclusive language to show respect for the diversity of the world.

8、Philosophy, drama, car, golf, Mona Lisa, humility, progress and creative activity are all abstract words.

9、Simile, metaphor and abstract words help to generate imagery successfully.

10、The language you select in your speech should be appropriate to the audience, the occasion , and your specific topic, but most importantly to yourself.

Chapter 8: Beginning and Endinig the Speech

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、In most speech situations, the introduction has five objectives: get the attention and interest of the audience; create a positive relationship with the audience; establish credibility; make the speaker more at ease; preview the body of the speech.

2、No matter what interest-arousing lures you might apply, you should always relate your topic to the audience.

3、Opening your speech with a lengthy quotation is a sure way to set your audience exited.

4、One effective way of beginning a speech is telling a story, especially if it is provocative, amusing, dramatic, or suspenseful.

5、If you begin your speech with a story, make sure you can deliver it with strong eye contact and expressive vocal variety.

6、It’s effective to begin your speech with an apology like “I’m sorry to be nervous,” or “I wish I had done a better job preparing”.

7、Under normal circumstances speech opening should constitute more than 10-20 percent of your speech.

8、A crescendo ending is a combination of many things, including vocal pitch, choice of words, dramatic content, gesture, pauses --- and possibly loudness.

9、The dissolve ending of a speech seldom evokes deep emotions.

10、Summarizing the speech, ending with a quotation, making a dramatic statement, referring to the introduction--- all these techniques can only be used separately.

Chapter 9: Informative Speeches

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、Informative speech can be basically grouped into 4 categories, namely speeches about objects, about events, about processes and about concepts.

2、You can deliver a successful speech as long as you cover every aspect of the topic you've seleced.

3、For a given topic, there's only one method to organize your speech.

4、For the preparation of a speech, it is always necessary to establish your specific purpose, central idea and main points first.

5、The usage of effective visual aids is essential to the effective delivery of an informative speech about processes.

6、Speeches about concepts are more abstract than objects, processes or events and are thus more complex and difficult to handle.

7、It's impossible to make an informative speech about concepts vivid and attractive due to its abstraction.

8、By using vivid language, it includes but not limited to accurate adjectives or adverbs, simile, metaphor, comparison and contrast.

9、The usage of pronouns can not only narrow the distance between the speaker and the audience, but also increase the audience's understanding of the speaker's ideas.

10、Don't overestimate what the audience knows, and be sure to define every special term, clarify every idea and illustrate every concept.

Chapter 10: Persuasive Speeches

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1、The theory of relativity is a topic for a persuasive speech.

2、Speeches on questions of policy deal with whether something should or should not be done.

3、Appealing to emotions is most appropriate in speeches on questions of fact.

4、To persuade your audience that more official measures should be taken to protect consumers’ right, you can put your speech in comparative advantages order.

5、The motivated sequence is tailor-made for policy speeches that seek immediate action.

6、There are five steps in motivated sequence

7、The quote “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” illustrates the importance of respect for listeners.

8、The most important question in assessing analogical reasoning is whether the two cases being compared are essentially alike.

9、“The manager’s proposal is not worthy of any consideration. After all, he doesn’t come from well-known family.” This statement commits the fallacy of ad hominem.

10、“If SAT works well as college entrance examination for America, it should also work well for China.” This statement commits the fallacy of false cause.

A persuasive speech

1、Speech topic: A persuasive speech : persuade your audience to provide volunteer service to rural education Write a 2-3 minute speech to persuade your audience to provide volunteer service to rural education. Submit the draft and audio. (请提交演讲稿和音频)

Final Test

Final Test

1、The difference between public speaking and conversation include
A、Public speaking is more highly structured
B、Public speaking requires more formal language
C、Public speaking requires a different method of delivery
D、All of the above

2、Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own is
A、Global plagiarism
B、Patchwork plagiarism
C、Incremental plagiarism

3、Wang Li has gathered a lot of compelling statistics for backing up her argument on the risks and dangers of plastic surgery. Which of the following guidelines for using statistics should Wang Li follow in her speech?
A、Use representative statistics
B、Identify the source of statistics
C、Round off complicated statistics
D、All of the above

4、All of the following are concrete words except

5、Studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they
A、Use evidence that is already familiar to the audience
B、Present evidence in specific rather than general terms
C、State evidence without drawing explicit conclusions from it
D、Avoid emotional appeals when seeking action from the audience

6、Which of the following is/are tip(s) for using examples in a speech?
A、Reinforce examples with statistics or testimony
B、Combine examples with casual reasoning
C、Make examples vivid and richly textured
D、A and C

7、Visual aids are most effective when they are
A、Presented early in the speech
B、Circulated among the audience
C、Explained clearly
D、All of the above

8、A speaking outline
A、includes a bibliography
B、is briefer than the preparation outline
C、contains delivery cues for the speaker
D、B and C only

9、Which of the following is not the tip for the specific purpose statement?
A、Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase
B、Express your purpose as a statement, not as a question
C、Use figurative language in your purpose statement
D、Make sure your specific purpose statement is not too vague or general

10、If you want to inform your audience about the achievements of Leonardo da Vinci’s achievements as a painter, an inventor, and an astronomer, you will probably organize your speech
D、None of the above

11、The major kinds questions to choose from when developing an audience-analysis questionnaire are
A、Fixed-alternative questions
B、Scale questions
C、Open-ended questions
D、All of the above

12、Factors in audience analysis include
A、Size and physical setting
B、Demographic traits
C、Disposition towards the topic, the speaker and the occasion
D、All of the above

13、Which of the criteria for effective supporting materials does the statement “According to a spokesperson for the video game industry, gaming is beneficial because it develops physical coordination in young children” violate?
A、Use testimony from qualified sources
B、Use testimony from unbiased sources
C、Identify the people you quote or paraphrase
D、None of the above

14、Which method of using language vividly is applied in the statement “Art is the torch of a nation’s spirit”

15、A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of

16、The correct order of the four main parts of presenting is:
A、Introducing, Preparing, Delivering, Concluding
B、Introducing, Delivering, Concluding, Preparing
C、Preparing, Introducing, Delivering, Concluding
D、Preparing, Delivering, Introducing, Concluding

17、The theory of relativity is a topic for speeches about

18、A persuasive speech on questions of value is usually a speech about whether something is
A、should or should not
B、none of the above
C、right or wrong
D、true or not true

19、If you are going to give speeches on the following three topics, in which speech will you use problem-solution order?
A、Yoga----an effective way of relieving neck pain
B、The major stages of the May Fourth Movement
C、The major causes of airplane crashes
D、none of the above

20、The advantage(s) of effective public speaking is/are:
A、Motivating your audience to take a certain action.
B、Generating an understanding of your message.
C、Impacting and persuading your audience.
D、All of the above

Final Test

Final Test

1、The difference between public speaking and conversation include
A、Public speaking is more highly structured
B、Public speaking requires more formal language
C、Public speaking requires a different method of delivery
D、All of the above

2、Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own is
A、Global plagiarism
B、Patchwork plagiarism
C、Incremental plagiarism

3、Wang Li has gathered a lot of compelling statistics for backing up her argument on the risks and dangers of plastic surgery. Which of the following guidelines for using statistics should Wang Li follow in her speech?
A、Use representative statistics
B、Identify the source of statistics
C、Round off complicated statistics
D、All of the above

4、All of the following are concrete words except

5、Studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they
A、Use evidence that is already familiar to the audience
B、Present evidence in specific rather than general terms
C、State evidence without drawing explicit conclusions from it
D、Avoid emotional appeals when seeking action from the audience

6、Which of the following is/are tip(s) for using examples in a speech?
A、Reinforce examples with statistics or testimony
B、Combine examples with casual reasoning
C、Make examples vivid and richly textured
D、A and C

7、Visual aids are most effective when they are
A、Presented early in the speech
B、Circulated among the audience
C、Explained clearly
D、All of the above

8、A speaking outline
A、includes a bibliography
B、is briefer than the preparation outline
C、contains delivery cues for the speaker
D、B and C only

9、Which of the following is not the tip for the specific purpose statement?
A、Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase
B、Express your purpose as a statement, not as a question
C、Use figurative language in your purpose statement
D、Make sure your specific purpose statement is not too vague or general

10、If you want to inform your audience about the achievements of Leonardo da Vinci’s achievements as a painter, an inventor, and an astronomer, you will probably organize your speech
D、None of the above

11、The major kinds questions to choose from when developing an audience-analysis questionnaire are
A、Fixed-alternative questions
B、Scale questions
C、Open-ended questions
D、All of the above

12、Factors in audience analysis include
A、Size and physical setting
B、Demographic traits
C、Disposition towards the topic, the speaker and the occasion
D、All of the above

13、Which of the criteria for effective supporting materials does the statement “According to a spokesperson for the video game industry, gaming is beneficial because it develops physical coordination in young children” violate?
A、Use testimony from qualified sources
B、Use testimony from unbiased sources
C、Identify the people you quote or paraphrase
D、None of the above

14、Which method of using language vividly is applied in the statement “Art is the torch of a nation’s spirit”

15、A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of

16、The correct order of the four main parts of presenting is:
A、Introducing, Preparing, Delivering, Concluding
B、Introducing, Delivering, Concluding, Preparing
C、Preparing, Introducing, Delivering, Concluding
D、Preparing, Delivering, Introducing, Concluding

17、The theory of relativity is a topic for speeches about

18、A persuasive speech on questions of value is usually a speech about whether something is
A、should or should not
B、none of the above
C、right or wrong
D、true or not true

19、If you are going to give speeches on the following three topics, in which speech will you use problem-solution order?
A、Yoga----an effective way of relieving neck pain
B、The major stages of the May Fourth Movement
C、The major causes of airplane crashes
D、none of the above

20、The advantage(s) of effective public speaking is/are:
A、Motivating your audience to take a certain action.
B、Generating an understanding of your message.
C、Impacting and persuading your audience.
D、All of the above






















本文地址:http://www.zzxhsh.org/90d799342.html发布于 2024-05-19 06:50:17

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