
分类: 医卫类考试发布于:2024-06-02 16:48:28ė78503次浏览675条评论


Week 1 Unit One Live and Learn

Unit Test

1、大学答案答案Whose opinion does“though it should be”from“Thinking for yourself is 外语完整not a popular activity, though it should be"refer to?
A、The期末 organizations'
B、The慕课 writer's.
C、The大学答案答案 oil company president's.

2、外语完整How often,期末 in the opinion of the writer, are people interested in your ideas?
C、大学答案答案Hardly ever.

3、期末Who first made the writer realize thinking for oneself is 慕课important?
A、The大学答案答案 manager of an oil company.
B、The外语完整 writer's parents.
C、The期末 writer's math teacher.
D、The writer's friend Sarah.

4、How did the writer feel when she was asked to write "the sum of a number"?
A、Pleased, because it was an easy question to answer.
B、Bored, because she wasn't interested in math.
C、Worried, because she was the only one who didn't know the answer.
D、Confused, because she didn't understand the question.

5、What does the writer think of the teacher?
A、She was the best teacher she ever had.
B、She was the worst teacher she ever had.
C、She taught her an important lesson.
D、She valued the intelligence of her students.

6、Thinking for yourself is still a radical act.(注:11-15题Choose the appropriate meaning for the italicized word in each sentence.)
A、thoroughgoing or extreme
B、favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms
C、existing inherently in a thing or person
D、a person who advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices,conditions, or institutions

7、I don't recommend humiliating people into thinking for themselves as she had.
A、laughing at (someone)
B、making (someone) feel wet
C、making (someone) feel encouraged to do things that they dare not to do
D、making (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride

8、But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives- -families, schools and most workplaces- -thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion.
A、the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something
B、the structure or character of something
C、(to) have a very great influence on the way it develops
D、(to) give a particular shape or form to

9、We may have learned to revere thinkers like Socrates, but we also learned that the state poisoned him for thinking for himself.
A、a substance that is capable of causing the ilness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed
B、(to) kill or injure with or as if with poison
C、(to) spoil or destroy a good situation or relationship
D、Opium and the like

10、The teacher paced and rubbed the chalk between her fingers.
A、the speed at which something happens or is done.
B、a single step taken when walking or running
C、(to) walk at a steady and consistent speed, especially back and forth and as an expression of one's anxiety or annoyance
D、(to) change quickly in response to something else that is changing

11、“Thinking for oneself” in the West means considering facts and making decisions for oneself.

12、Even top people (such as the fourth-generation president of one of the largest oil companies) place a very high value on thinking for yourself.

13、The writer is planning to write a book to make thinking for oneself a popular activity.

14、Organizations have been interested in their staff thinking for themselves for a long time.

15、Individuals have hardly ever been interested in people’s own ideas for a long time.

Week 3 Unit Two A Sporting Chance


1、How many sports can you see in this video clip? Please note them down in English and then try to think about other sports as much as you can.

Active Reading One: Sport in Ancient Greece and China随堂测验

1、The Chinese may have known about the Olympic Games in ancient times.

2、The need for sport is present in all societies.

3、In ancient Greece people preferred sport to fighting.

4、Sport can replace conflict.

5、Sport is a human invention.

6、Sport in ancient China was similar to sport in ancient Greece.

7、Education in ancient China was totally different from education in ancient Greece.

8、Sport was part of military training in ancient China and ancient Greece.

9、Modern China has nothing in common with modern Greece.

Writing Strategy -- Writing a Sports Narrative随堂测验

1、A good sports narrative contains three elements: ________, ________ and __________.

Week 5 Unit Three Breaking News

重点阅读Active Reading: Hard News随堂测验

1、The Chinese meaning of "dilemma" is _____?

2、The Chinese meaning of "entitle" is _____?

3、We will save his life _____ all costs.

4、He is entitled _____ attend the conference.

5、If you do not pay up, I will take you _____ court.

Week 7 Unit Five Time off

小测验Unit Test

1、In the 19th century, British people had more time off than in previous times but ______.
A、they wanted to play sports
B、they didn’t want to do anything useful
C、it was important to do something useful and feel fulfilled
D、they enjoyed very complicated leisure activities

2、Leisure inactivities usually involve ______.
A、very little contact with other people or physical activity
B、watching sport on TV
C、taking a day off work and staying at home
D、excessive amounts of time in front of a computer

3、Even getting interested in a TV programme is unwise because ______.
A、you won’t be able to use the channel hopper enough
B、you may run out of snacks and drinks
C、it may be your only day off in the week
D、it’s important not to use too much intellectual effort

4、The risks of being a couch potato are ______.
A、minimal because potatoes are healthy  
B、putting on weight through lack of physical exercise
C、not as serious as the Oxford English Dictionary claims
D、likely to attract protests by British farmers

5、A mouse potato ______.
A、spends a lot of time threatening other mouse potatoes around the world
B、exchanges mouse miles for potato chips
C、replaces traditional leisure activities with computer-based entertainment
D、insults people and can’t spell

Week 9 Unit Eight What I wish I’d known

Unit Test

1、1. I’m only the _____-author of this book. Most of it was written by Anthony.

2、I’m afraid I acted out of _______-interest. I wasn’t thinking of you.

3、3. These two countries have _____-existed peacefully for centuries.

4、4. When the pilot had a heart attack during the flight, the _____-pilot took over.

5、5. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I was acting in _____-defence.

Finish the translation work on Page 169 of the book







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