



21 min read


第四周学习内容 英语科技文献介绍 (四)


1、中国Which of the following is 大学答案答案not categorized as scientific literature?
B、工程Academic journals
C、英语阅读Movie comments
D、完整Product specifications

2、中国Which of the following is 大学答案答案defined as tertiary literature?
A、Research articles
B、工程Science news
C、英语阅读Graduation papers

3、中国Which type of the following international conferences is 大学答案答案listed as Number one conference in the world?
A、Conference A
B、工程Conference A +
C、英语阅读Top conference
D、完整Conference C

4、The followings are published in academic journals except for:
A、Research articles
B、Book reviews
C、Review articles
D、Science fictions

5、There are differences between a journal research article and a graduation paper. They are different in the following aspects except for:
A、They can be both focusing on some unknown problems.
B、They can be both primary research.
C、They can be both written by one researcher.
D、They can be written both by university students.

6、Which is not the feature of product specification?
A、Being genuine
B、Being scientific
C、Being costly
D、Being popular

7、Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?
A、Industrial product specification
B、Agricultural product specification
C、Publishing product specification
D、Financial product specification

8、The classification of standard documents can be drawn according to the range of their application, thus they are classified in terms of the followings except for:
A、Technical standards
B、National standards
C、Regional standards
D、International standards

9、Which of the following criteria is not the criterion used to classify technical reports?
A、In terms of contents
B、In terms of scope of circulation
C、In terms of progress of research
D、In terms of amount of money

10、Which of the following is not one of the four well-known American technical reports?
A、AD reports
B、DOE reports
C、NASA reports
D、INTERIM reports

11、How many years would a patent be protected?

第二章 学术期刊相关信息学术期刊简介为了解和查找高质量学术期刊文章提供了有效的方法。期刊文章是十大科技文献中最重要、最常见的。本章分别介绍期刊文章的分类、学术期刊的评价指标、学术期刊的识别代码、学术期刊的引用索引和学术期刊常用的缩略词。此外,本章还介绍查找顶级期刊、顶级会议和顶级学者的方法。


1、Which of the following scientists should be listed as the top one?
A、Scientist whose h-index is 780
B、Scientist whose h-index is 60
C、Scientist whose h-index is 39
D、Scientist whose h-index is 90

2、The intentions of academic journals are the followings except for:
A、To help researchers get promoted
B、To lead the research directions
C、To disseminate academic information
D、To cultivate talents

3、Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.
A、evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality
B、reflect the place of a journal within its field
C、measure the prestige associated with the journal
D、all of the other three

4、Which metric is used to measure the productivity and impact of an author?
B、Cited Half-life

5、How many digits does ISBN have after 1st January 2007?

6、Which of the following citation indexes was not originally published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)?

7、Generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?
A、Initials and acronyms
B、Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations
C、Contractions and short forms
D、Single-letter abbreviations and multiple-letter abbreviations

8、Which of the following abbreviations is not correct?

9、Which of the following is not the suitable tool for you to search for the top journals, top conferences and top authors?
A、Microsoft academic search
C、Web of Science

10、The influence of an author’s journal articles can be evaluated by the following factors except for ______.
C、Citation index

11、Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.
A、evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality
B、reflect the place of a journal within its field
C、measure the prestige associated with the journal
D、all of the other three

第三章 文献管理和学习软件 信息素养主要体现在运用信息工具;获取信息;处理信息。本章为大家介绍两类软件:Noteexpress,它可以用来搜索、下载和管理网络文献和本地文献,在写作中可以直接插入引文,并生成某种固定格式的文内和文后参考文献。另一个是读书笔记管理软件:EverNote等。这类软件可以用来在各种学习场合以多种模态的形式记录下重要信息,并同步与几种版本的笔记中,也可用来进行主体构思、规划制定的写作等。


1、What do you use the software of Note-express for?
A、for reading novels
B、for listening to lectures
C、for literature searching and management
D、for calculating

2、Which function of the below is not listed as one of the functions of Endnote?
A、taking a note in the form of a photo
B、supporting downloading overseas literature
C、inserting references in word editor
D、linking to many databases

3、Zotero is similar to EndNote in some aspects, but different in that
A、it is used for collecting scientific documents
B、it is inserted in internet surfer
C、it is used for managing scientific documents
D、it is used for exporting references

第四章 科技文献语言和语篇特点本章从词汇特征、句法特征、修辞特征这三个层面来分析科技文献的文体特征,其中包括词汇来源和分类,词汇构成和词形构成,词汇特点,时态、语态、虚拟语气的句法特征,客观、准确、明晰、简洁、严整的修辞特征。通过把握这些文体特征,能够帮助学生快速掌握阅读要领,领略其所阅读的科技文献的独到之处。


1、The following words are regarded as derivation formation except for:

2、Which nominalization of the below is not listed as transforming a verb into a noun?

3、Which of the followings is not the morpheme or suffixation indicated as illness?

4、Which transitional word of the below is to interpret as the meaning of contrast?

5、Which of the followings is not the usage of lexical metaphor in scientific literature?
A、snail wheel
B、rail bed
C、output width
D、sunflower disk

第五章 研究性文章(四)


1、Which type of title does this title “Application of sliding mode in the construction of reinforced concrete” belong to?

2、When you read phrases in the introduction section of a research article, such as “little is, however, known about participants views of”, you will know that the following contents might possibly be about:
A、preparing for the present research problem by pointing out the research gap
B、what other researchers have already done
C、what the researcher has finished
D、the main theme of the paper

3、The following contents are the major contents in the research method section, except for:
A、materials used in the study
B、the procedure of the test or experiment
C、the analytical method of data
D、the data analysis

4、Based on purposes, research methods can be classified into the following categories except for:
A、basic research
B、statistical research
C、applied research
D、developmental research

5、Ethical issue will be involved if the research subjects are except for:
C、human tissues

6、The result section of a research article usually presents the research finding in form of non-verbal language which is:
A、tables and figures

7、Which move is not included in the discussion section of a research article?
A、interpreting the results of research
B、analyzing and discuss the results
C、answering the questions proposed in the study
D、discussing the rationale of doing the research

8、The major difference between fact description and opinion description is that an opinion is described by the following means except for:
A、modal adjectives
B、modal verbs
C、tentative verbs

9、The functions of references are the follows except for:
A、to help readers evaluate the level and quality of the paper
B、to help readers learn about the time range of the cited texts
C、to help readers learn about the importance of the journal
D、to help readers learn about the authors cited

10、In the acknowledgement section of a research paper, what was thanked usually include except for:
A、most important teachers
B、financial aids
C、financial support from a foundation
D、leaders of your school

第六章 综述文章 综述型文章是众学者和研究者们参考最多的一种科技文献形式。从词汇、句法和语篇,综述型文章都有其特殊的表达特点。本章从功能语言学和Swales 的话步分析理论角度对综述型文章的各个部分进行分析、总结,以帮助读者掌握快速有效阅读的技巧。


1、The differences between a research article and a review article mainly falls on:
A、the number of researches covered in the article
B、the difference between primary research and secondary research
C、the literature section
D、the conclusion section

2、Based on timeline, review articles are classified into retrospective review and prospective review, while the retrospective review focuses on the historical development of the research area, the prospective review focuses on:
A、the debates existing in a certain research area
B、new and future development in a certain research area
C、the results achieved in a certain researcharea
D、facts about a research

3、When we read a contentious review article, what is the focus of the review?
A、different stages of development of a technology
B、different properties of one technology
C、different studies conducted on one technology
D、different ideas and opinions towards one conduct

4、The differences between a macro-review and a micro-review are drawn based on:
A、the timeline of the reviewed contents
B、the scope of the reviewed contents
C、authors of the reviewed articles
D、number of articles reviewed

5、The section that follows the introduction section in a research article is the method section, but what follows the introduction section in a review article is often the:
A、main body section
B、discussion section
C、conclusion section

6、In the abstract of a review article, there are usually five moves, after the move of indicating the reviewed focus, what might follow closely is the move that describes:
A、the background
B、the conclusion
C、the reviewed details
D、the significance of the review

7、When the author wants to introduce some relevant studies that others have done, he or she would usually use the following phrases except for:
A、considerable researches were conducted
B、the focus of this review paper is on…
C、some research works published in the last years on this subject indicate…
D、contributions have been made by

8、The main body section of a review article usually does not have fixed moves, but rather indicate the reviewed details by use of:
A、some key words
B、some directions
C、sub-sections with sub-tiles
D、indicative words

9、When you read a review article, it is much easier to follow the subtitles of each section for reviewed contents, but also you can follow:
A、some lexical signals
B、each paragraph
C、the author’s writing style
D、the concluded contents

10、“To overcome these barriers, collaboration between research institutions, industry, government, and other stakeholders is essential.” In this sentence, the underlined phrases indicate:
A、what is needed to be done in the future
B、the reviewed focus
C、the reviewed problem
D、the review’s significance



1、Which of the following is defined as primary literature?
D、Review articles

2、Which of the following is the first scientific literature that you read as a student?
A、American technical reports
C、Text books
D、Review articles

3、What information can you read from product specification except for?
A、Information about the products
B、Information concerning the characteristics of the products
C、Information about the composition and the functions of the products
D、Information about the inventor of the products

4、Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?
A、Industrial product specification
B、Agricultural product specification
C、Publishing product specification
D、Financial product specification

5、Which of the following is not categorized as standard documents?
A、English text books

6、Which country has the largest amount of technical reports published annually?

7、Which of the following government publications does not belong to the administrative type?
A、Investigations and statistics
B、Rules and regulations
C、Judicial documents
D、Popular science materials

8、Which of the following is not the feature of government publications?
A、Having no copyright

9、What else can government publications be called?
A、Grey literature
B、Official publications
C、Scientific literature
D、Agency publications

10、Technical reports, one kind of government publications, are usually issued by one of the following agencies. What is it?

11、Which of the following is not the feature of technical reports?
D、Known to the public

12、Which of the following statements is not correct?
A、Government publications are non-commercial
B、Government publications are all made known to the public
C、Government publications are also called official publications
D、Government publications are usually divided into administrative and scientific ones

13、Reading an academic journal, you need to know the rank of it. By which of the followings can you know it except for:
A、Impact factor
C、Cite score

14、Which of the following academic journals are regarded as top journals in the world except for:
B、Materials and Materials Science

15、The advantages of academic journals are of the followings except for:
D、Easy understanding

16、Which of the followings is a numeric commercial book identifier?

17、Which of the following citation indexes is not for journal articles across natural sciences?

18、What is the original name of CPCI-S?
D、ISI Proceedings

19、Which of the following abbreviations did not originate from Latin words?
A、et al.

20、Which of the following conferences can be regarded as the top conference in a discipline?
A、A+ Conference
B、A Conferences
C、B Conferences
D、National Conference

21、Which of the following abbreviations can be classified into acronyms?

22、Which of the following is not the function of citation indexes?
A、Retrieving the latest literature of a given research problem
B、Evaluating the academic performance of a given scholar
C、Evaluating the financial performance of a given institute
D、Retrieving the development of a given academic area

23、How to achieve accuracy in scientific literature?
A、The concept should be accurate
B、The data should be accurate
C、The words should be appropriate
D、All the other three

24、The reason why the logo for EverNote is an elephant comes from a legend that
A、this software was developed by a person named Elephant
B、an elephant never forgets
C、it symbolizes one party in the US
D、an elephant is very clever

25、Which of the followings is not listed as one of the functions of mindmapping?
A、summarizing events
C、making list

26、What verb tenses are usually used in scientific literature?
A、past tense
B、present tense
C、present perfect tense
D、all of the above

27、How can conciseness be achieved?
A、by using clear structure
B、by ensuring word accuracy
C、by omitting illustrations and tables
D、by deleting extraneous expressions

28、Which of the following does not belong to clarity?
A、avoiding jargons
B、avoiding ambiguity
C、using clear structure
D、having clear argument

29、Which of the following does not belong to objectivity?
A、without subjectivity
B、no unfounded claims
C、avoiding implicit expression
D、free from personal biases

30、How can neat formation be achieved in scientific literature?
A、by close reasoning
B、by using complete sentences
C、by using tight connection
D、all of the above

31、The titles of journal articles can be classified into the following types except for:
A、declarative title
B、single sentence title
C、descriptive or neutral title
D、interrogative title

32、Which of the following parts is not listed as the moves in an abstract?
D、author’s names

33、In the introduction section of a research article, we can read the following information except for:
A、rationale for undertaking the study
B、the research gap existing in the research area
C、author’s thanks to supporters
D、relevant researches in the area

34、When the author of a research article conducts the literature review part, he or she would likely use the past tense to indicate what others researchers:
A、are going to do
B、have already done
C、would like to do in the future
D、are doing then

35、The linguistic features of the research method section are one of the followings:
A、use of past tense and passive voice
B、use of subjunctive mood
C、use of first person
D、being subjective

36、Which of the following terms can not be used to describe the research method?

37、If ethical issue is involved in your study, usually you need to get approval from which of the following organizations?
A、Ethics Committee or some kind of institutions
B、the Students Union
C、the Medical club of your school
D、your department

38、When the research results are presented in the result section, following linguistic features can be found except for:
A、past tense
B、passive voice
C、subjunctive mood
D、present tense

39、In the conclusion section of a research article, the following moves are showing the main contents except for:
A、summarizing the study
B、presenting the data
C、evaluating the study
D、deductions from the research

40、An in-text reference, also called the in-text citation, can be in the form of indirect citation which is one of the followings:
A、to paraphrase or summarize texts from original writing
B、to quote word by word of what others said
C、to paraphrase other’s words using quotation marks
D、to explain others with no indication of citation

41、A review article’s contents focus on the following except for:
A、researches previously published by others
B、generalization of current situation
C、discussion of the development
D、the results of one particular research

42、Review articles cover many aspects of the researches, thus they are classified into the following categories except for:
A、developmental review
B、contentious review
C、result review
D、a research review

43、The key feature of a critical review article lies in that it:
A、analyzes and finally discusses the research findings which hopefully result in a critical evaluation
B、summarized the major findings in a research filed
C、points out the gaps existing in the research area
D、presents the author’s own research work

44、The introduction section of a research article and that of a review article are similar in that they both contains the following moves except for:
A、background information of the research area
B、relevant studies in the given research area
C、gaps in the given research area
D、what is to be researched in the article

45、The literature review also occurs in the research article, but it has to focus on:
A、the related works with the present research
B、what the author knows about
C、what the author likes
D、number of articles reviewed

46、Which of the following word will indicate the article might be a review article except for:
B、development of
C、new directions
D、properties of

47、Some very obvious lexical signals for a review article are the followings except for:
A、a review of
B、a survey of
C、a critical review of
D、a study of

48、The purposes of reading review articles are the follows except for:
A、to explain how the research was conducted
B、to examine the current state of the relevant publications on a given topic
C、to renew the knowledge of a certain area
D、to provide a comprehensive list of supporting references

49、One of the most important moves in the conclusion section of a review article is to point out:
A、the method of conducting this review
B、what the author’s conclusion about what he has reviewed
C、what others have done in the given research area
D、the gaps in the present research area and future research work

50、By the name of “book review”, can you make a guess what this article is about?
A、a review about an author
B、a review about a book
C、a review about an article
D、a review about a book by the author who wrote the ‘book review”







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  • 了解相关领域的专业知识
  • 切实了解所阅读的文本
  • 注重阅读速度和准确性
  • 多看相关的技术文献


  • 了解文本的背景和目的
  • 注意文本中的关键词汇
  • 注重学习文本中的句型和语法结构
  • 注意文本的逻辑结构和表达方式


