
分类: 大学专科题库发布于:2024-06-02 11:53:55ė02279次浏览660条评论


第一周 旅游翻译:导游词的中国作业翻译


1、请翻译下文: Good morning! Welcome to the Tower of London. As Henry the Helpless,大学答案答案 a guard here at the lovely Tower of London, I will be your tour guide for today. I hope you’re here for a short visit to learn a little about the history of this amazing structure, not for an extended stay behind our prison walls.


1、翻译下文: Castles of this 翻译time period are very large and complex, with many parts to them, and are usually occupied by the lords and ladies, important guests and their families, servants and workers, and prisoners of the town. During your tour, I will include brief information on six basic parts of the castle, the hall, the kitchen, the living quarters, the chapel, the garrison, and the hearth.


1、Ramses Ⅱ built this 实践Ancient Egyptian Obelisk as the primary entrance to his temple at Luxor in Thebes. The obelisk describes his achievements. It stands 82 feet tall and weighs about 250 tons. The top was capped with a pyramidion which flashed in the sun. Obelisks were considered idols of jealousy in the Bible and were cursed by God. This ancient Egyptian Obelisk confirms the Bible and is important in the study of Biblical Archaeology.


1、Suntan tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your travel plans. We have golf packages,期末 as well as guided whaleboat tours, and fishing charters. There will be a short information session at 1pm in the lobby of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these offers. We recommend that you do not purchase packages from street vendors as they are not always 100 percent reliable. They also may charge you more than what they say. Please take my advice and allow Suntan tours to book all of your day trips and activities while you are here.



第二周 旅游翻译:景点介绍的翻译




1、Out of all of America’s symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This 46-meter-tall bronze statue, torch in hand, clutching a stone tablet and looking over America’s largest city, has acted as a figurehead for the American Dream for well over a hundred years, and each year tens of thousands of tourists are attracted to the small island that the statue calls home.


1、翻译练习(一) 巫峡两岸, 群山相拥, 云遮雾绕, 奇峰异岭隐没其间, 宛如仙境。景色最妙处要数巫山十二峰, 而尤以神女峰独具神韵。巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊, 美不胜收。


1、翻译练习(二) For decades the kingdom of Bhutan has nurtured its image as the world’s last Shangri-La. Nestled in the Himalayas, it is a jewel of environmental preservation. Its pristine forests, sparkling, icy peaks and rare flora and fauna have caused the World Wildlife Fund to dub Bhutan “one of the ecological wonders of the world”.


1、翻译练习(三) A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.

第三周 商务翻译:企业外宣资料的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 上海自行车三厂 上海自行车三厂,生产驰名中外的凤凰牌自行车。年产335万辆,年出口122.万辆,畅销全国和世界上80多个国家和地区。凤凰牌自行车有16、20、24、26、27、28英寸六大系列,分为普通、轻便、运动、赛车、特种车等类型140余种花色品种。凤凰牌自行车七次荣获全国第一,PA18型和26英寸系列荣获国家银质奖。凤凰牌自行车是中国自行车行业中唯一荣获国际明星奖的产品。上海自行车三厂也是国内自行车行列中第一个国家级企业。凤凰将更好地为您服务。


1、翻译练习(二) Black & Decker Black & Decker is a global marketer and manufacturer of quality power tools, hardware, household appliances, plumbing and building products used in and around homes and for commercial applications after 90 years efforts. Our products and services are marketed in more than 100 countries, and we have manufacturing operations in eleven countries, including three in China. Throughout our businesses, we have established a reputation for product innovation, quality, design and value. Our strong brand names and new product development capabilities enjoy worldwide recognition. Our distribution is unsurpassed in our industries and our globally recognized brands include Black & Decker, Dewalt, Kwikset, Delta, Porter Cable and Price Pfister, among others.

第四周 商务翻译:产品说明书的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 虎标万金油说明书 虎标万金油的药方是起源于古代中国宫廷的草药秘方,之后由胡文虎及胡文豹的父亲传授给兄弟两人。文虎凭他精明的市场策略,把虎标万金油开拓为家喻户晓的良药。近百年来,虎标万金油的显著疗效,已为超过75个国家的广大民众所确认。虎标万金油是依照特别配方和精选的原料精心配制,它符合严格的制药及质量标准。 主治:能有效地解除头痛、鼻塞、瘙痒、筋肉疼痛、劳损扭伤、肚痛、肠胃气胀及蚊虫可咬所引起之不适。 注意:只限外用,并远离儿童。两岁以下儿童、怀孕及授乳的妇女,用前宜遵医嘱,切勿涂搓于眼部、黏膜及伤口。对外用药物有敏感者,需先涂抹微量于局部患处,如皮肤出现刺激现象,即刻停用就医。红色虎标万金油可能会污染衣物。 用法:将本品接在患处。 储藏:密闭,置阴凉处。


1、翻译练习(二) Replacement Procedure Turn the power off by pressing 2ndF OFF. Remove the 4 screws of the back and remove the back cover. Remove the used batteries. Install two new batteries. Replace the back cover and screw. Press the RESET switch located on the back of the calculator. Make sure that the display appears as shown below and then press ON/C. If the display does not appear as shown, remove the batteries, reinstall them and check the display once again.

第五周 商务翻译:商务信函的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 22 May 2020 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of the 20th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please Email or fax us. Yours sincerely, Tony Smith Chief Seller


1、翻译练习(二) 尊敬的先生: 关于火焰牌扣火机的供应事宜,本公司曾于五月十日报价,并于五月二十日邮寄报盘。现特此通知,该报盘的有效期在本月底结束。该货品市场需求量很大,供货有限。宜从速接受该报价为荷。 销售部主任 托尼?斯密思谨上 2020年5月26日

第六周 新闻翻译:标题和导语的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 标题翻译: 南京今年反腐聚焦教育医疗 新疆女干部达已达33万人 接近新疆干部总数一半 上海一工厂发生大火 3名消防队员牺牲9人伤 导语翻译: 国内黑客第5大高手编盗号木马 南京玩家报案后他栽了 龙虎网讯 计算机程序员关雷(化名)号称国内黑客第5大高手,有着一份外人羡慕的高薪工作。可他居然鬼使神差地答应了“朋友”的邀请,编写并发布盗号木马,供盗号团伙盗取“传奇世界”、“冒险岛”、“永恒之塔”等游戏里玩家的账号密码,他则从中收取维护升级木马的劳务费。南京几个玩家失窃后向警方报了案,经侦查,公安网监部门抓获了关雷、孙立光,以及购买木马并实施盗号的李骏等8个下家。将这个网络犯罪团伙,从木马程序作者到批发商,再到盗号实施者以及挂网流量商来了个“一锅端”。


1、翻译练习(二) 标题翻译: 李刚: 就读香港高校的内地学生已超过2万人 百年罕见暴风雨重创台湾,16人死亡、8人受伤、8人失踪 专家谈中美对优秀学生的理解标准有何不同点 导语翻译: 辐射尘抵美 纽约也掀抢盐潮 (联合早报网讯)香港大公网报道,美国环保署证实日本福岛核电站泄漏的辐射物质,已经飘抵美国本土,加州辐射监测站侦测到极微量的辐射,但未达到令人担心的程度。与此同时,辐射云本周末抵达纽约地区,在中国刮起的抢盐风潮亦席卷纽约华人社区。连日来,纽约几大华人社区超市里的盐,每天都被抢购一空,有人甚至到曼哈顿美国人的社区里抢购碘盐。

第七周 新闻翻译:新闻文本的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 中国女性开始大肆花钱 意大利珠宝商宝格丽和运动汽车制造商玛莎拉蒂之所以在中国取得成功,很大程度上是将自己打造为男士身份的终极象征。但同越来越多的奢侈品牌商一样,最近他们也调整了市场策略,开始向白手起家的中国女企业家示好,同样希望拥有高档饰物和玩具的这些中国女人正形成快速增长的市场份额。 玛莎拉蒂公司称,去年在华销售的400辆车中有30%被女性购买,2005年时这一比例仅为7%。该公司表示,这种现象令女性购车者只占2%-5%的欧美市场相形见绌。“许多人认为中国男士在为女性购买礼物方面慷慨大方,但我们观察发现很大一部分购车者都是已取得巨大成功并开始用更精美物品‘犒赏’自己的女性”,该公司中国区负责人说。 麦肯锡调查表明,在中国去年约为150亿美元的奢侈品市场中,女性消费的比重占据一半以上,2008年时是45%。2010年中国女性奢侈品消费者的平均支出较2008年增长20%,而男性的只增长了10%。 过去10年来,在有望于2020年成为世界最大奢侈品市场的中国市场中,男性一直是主要推动力。他们不但经常为女性购买礼物,自身也是奢侈品消费者。但如今中国女性已崛起为一股逐渐壮大的力量,争取女性消费者青睐的商家也更加卖力。 麦肯锡公司称随着女性顾客的增多,中国将在未来两年内成为法国某品牌的最大市场,“中国的女性正变得更加独立、更具事业心,并在市场中表现得更为强大。” 中国经济的快速增长为男性和女性都提供了许多就业机会并助推收入增长。据调查,每年76%的中国女大学毕业生渴望获得管理职位,相比之下美国仅有52%。全球最富有的20位白手起家的女性中有11人来自中国,中国还拥有153位亿万女富豪。 像某跨国公司的销售经理孙宁宁(音)这样的消费者,正是众多国际奢侈品牌竞相追逐的对象。最近,这位32岁的北京女士就为自己购买了一个价值1.26万元的手包。“购买奢侈品让我感到很开心”,孙说,“但我还真说不清为什么会有这种感觉。”


1、翻译练习(二) Xi: Nation can limit impact of epidemic China can minimize the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, maintain the country’s momentum of economic development and work to achieve the goals and tasks for this year, President Xi Jinping said on Thursday evening. He made the remark in a phone conversation with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, whom Xi described as an “old friend of the Chinese people”. Mahathir’s phone call at such a critical period when the Chinese people are fighting the contagion shows Malaysia’s friendly feelings and support for China, Xi said. Xi stressed that the Chinese government has adopted the most comprehensive, strictest and most sweeping preventive measures since the outbreak of the epidemic. The fatality rate remains at a relatively low level, breakthroughs are being made in treatment methods and the recovery rate continues to rise, he said. Xi said that the Chinese government will lead its people to win the war of epidemic prevention and control with greater confidence, stronger resolve and more targeted measures.   Meanwhile, China will keep marching toward its long-term goals with determination, he added. Xi noted that China’s strong measures to curb the contagion not only show its responsibility for the health of its own people, but also its contribution to global public health. This has been fully affirmed by other countries and the World Health Organization, he said, adding that China will continue to strengthen cooperation with the international community to fight the epidemic. In particular, the governments and people in neighboring countries with friendly relations with China, including Malaysia, have taken positive steps to provide timely assistance to China, he said. This is a vivid example of how countries in the region help each other in times of need, Xi said. He said China will continue to enhance preventive cooperation with member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in a transparent and open way to jointly safeguard public health in the region. China will continue to treat citizens of Malaysia and other countries in China the same as Chinese citizens and take care of them, he added. Xi also said that the profound friendship between the people of China and Malaysia is unshakable although the epidemic has temporarily affected normal personnel exchanges between the two countries. While the two countries are joining hands to deal with the challenge, Xi called on the two sides to continue to deepen bilateral ties especially in cooperation on jointly building the Belt and Road to produce more outcomes that benefit both countries and peoples.

第八周 政治文本翻译:国家制度、政策的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) Deng Xiaoping’s scientific concept of “one country, two systems” was advanced in light of Taiwan’s realities. It both upholds China’s state sovereignty and takes into full account the specific conditions of Taiwan. According to the concept of “one country, two systems”, two systems will be practiced within the sovereign state of the People’s Republic of China. On the premise of one China, the main body of the country will practice the socialist system, while the existing capitalist system and way of life in Taiwan will remain unchanged for a long period of time. This concept is highly flexible in that it both gives full expression to the principle of bringing about China’s reunification and upholding its sovereignty and takes into full consideration the history and realities of Taiwan. To practice “one country, two systems” will facilitate the reunification of China, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and peace and development in the world. The concept has been warmly received by the Chinese people both in China and overseas and by the world public opinion. Guided by the basic guideline of “one country, two systems” and related policies, major progress has been made in the across strait relations. The across strait exchanges in personnel, scientific, cultural and sports fields have maintained a strong momentum, and the across strait economic exchange has greatly benefited both sides. All this shows the strong vitality of the concept of “one country, two systems”. Taiwan’s future lies in its reunification with the motherland, and attempt to split China will never be accepted as an alternative. Li Denghui and a small number of people in Taiwan who betray the principle of one China and advocate the creation of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” in an attempt to split China are doomed to failure as they will surely run into the firm opposition of the entire Chinese people including the people of Taiwan. To accomplish China's reunification is the trend of the time and common aspiration of the entire Chinese people across the Taiwan Strait. With the joint efforts of the entire Chinese people including the compatriots in Taiwan, the day will certainly come when China is reunified.


1、翻译练习(二) 改革开放是中国人民和中华民族发展史上一次伟大革命。正是这个伟大革命推动了中国特色社会主义事业的伟大飞跃!四十年来,我国贫困人口累计减少7.4亿人,贫困发生率下降94.4个百分点。我国建成了世界最大的社会保障体系,基本养老保险覆盖超过9亿人,医疗保险覆盖超过13亿人。常住人口城镇化率达到58.52%,上升40.6个百分点。我国社会大局保持长期稳定,成为世界上最有安全感的国家之一。忍饥挨饿、缺吃少穿、生活困顿这些几千年来困扰我国人民的问题总体上一去不复返了!中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃! 中国特色社会主义迎来了从创立、发展到完善的伟大飞跃! 中国人民迎来了从温饱不足到小康富裕的伟大飞跃!


1、翻译练习(三) (Please translate the underlined part.) The EU is China’s important strategic partner in China’s efforts to pursue peaceful development and multi-polarity of the world and a key party that China can work with to achieve industrialization, urbanization, IT application and agricultural modernization as well as its “two centenary goals”. To grow China-EU relations is an integral part of China's efforts to build long-term, steady and healthy relations with major powers and a priority in its foreign policy. The Chinese government places high importance on the status and role of the EU, and is committed to working with the EU and its member states to fully implement the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation in the course of comprehensive deepening of reform in China and economic recovery in Europe, build partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization and further increase the global impact of China-EU relations. —China-EU partnership for peace: China stands ready to work with the EU to bring the two major forces closer to pursue peaceful development in a multi-polar world, respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns, make the international order and international system more just and equitable, advocate democracy in international relations and create a peaceful, stable, equitable and orderly development environment for all countries. —China-EU partnership for growth: China stands ready to work with the EU to bring the two major markets closer to build a China-EU community of interests, strengthen the bond of interests between the two sides at the global strategic, regional and bilateral levels, carry out win-win cooperation at higher levels and contribute more to the building of an open world economy. —China-EU partnership for reform: China stands ready to work with the EU to better align China’s comprehensive deepening of reform with the EU’s reform and readjustment, draw upon each other’s reform experience, share reform dividends, jointly improve the ability of reform and governance, and actively participate in the formulation and reform of the rules of global governance. —China-EU partnership for civilization: China stands ready to work with the EU to bring the two major civilizations in the East and West closer and set an example of different civilizations seeking harmony without uniformity, promoting diversity, learning from each other and enjoying common prosperity.

第九周 政治文本翻译:政治声明的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The US side has signed into law the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. This is a severe interference in Hong Kong affairs, which are China’s internal affairs. It is also in serious violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations. The Chinese government and the people firmly oppose such stark hegemonic acts. Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, success of the “one country, two systems” principle has been universally recognized. Hong Kong residents enjoy unprecedented democratic rights in accordance with law. The US has been disregarding facts and distorting truth. It openly backed violent criminals who rampantly smashed facilities, set fire, assaulted innocent civilians, trampled on the rule of law, and jeopardized social order. The egregious and malicious nature of its intentions is fully revealed. Its very aim is to undermine Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity, sabotage the practice of “one country, two systems”, and disrupt the Chinese nation’s endeavor to realize the great renewal. We remind the US that Hong Kong is part of China and Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs where no foreign government or force shall interfere. This Act will only further expose the malicious and hegemonic nature of US intentions to the Chinese people, including our Hong Kong compatriots. And the Chinese people will only stand in greater solidarity. The US attempts are bound to fail. The Chinese government is determined in opposing foreign interference in Hong Kong affairs. We are determined in implementing the “one country, two systems” principle and safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests. We urge the US to not continue going down the wrong path, or China will take countermeasures, and the US must bear all consequences.


1、翻译练习(二) (Please translate the underlined part.) G20 OSAKA LEADERS’ STATEMENT ON PREVENTING EXPLOITATION OF THE INTERNET FOR TERRORISM AND VIOLENT EXTREMISM CONDUCIVE TO TERRORISM (VECT) As leaders, one of our greatest responsibilities is to ensure the security of our citizens. It is the state’s role, first and foremost, to prevent and combat terrorism. Here in Osaka, we reaffirm our commitment to act to protect our people from terrorist and VECT exploitation of the internet. We issue this statement to raise the bar of expectation for online platforms to do their part. We, the leaders of the G20, reaffirm our strongest condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The livestreamed Christchurch terrorist attacks, and other recent atrocities, demonstrate the urgency with which we must fully implement relevant UN resolutions, the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and other instruments, including the 2017 Hamburg G20 Leaders’ Statement on Countering Terrorism. For us all to reap the rewards of digitalisation, we are committed to realising an open, free and secure internet. The internet must not be a safe haven for terrorists to recruit, incite or prepare terrorist acts. To this end, we urge online platforms to adhere to the core principle, as affirmed in Hamburg, that the rule of law applies online as it does offline. This must be achieved in a way that is consistent with national and international law, including human rights and fundamental freedoms such as freedom of expression and access to information - we hold these in high regard. We commit to collaborate with states, international organisations, industry, and civil society in this endeavour. We urge online platforms to meet our citizens’ expectations that they must not allow use of their platforms to facilitate terrorism and VECT. Platforms have an important responsibility to protect their users. The complexity of the challenge - and increasing sophistication of the criminals who would misuse the internet - does not lessen the importance of platforms mitigating the proliferation of terrorist and VECT content, which harms society, via their platforms. We urge online platforms to step up the ambition and pace of their efforts to prevent terrorist and VECT content from being streamed, uploaded, or re-uploaded. We strongly encourage a concerted effort to set out, implement and enforce terms of service to detect and prevent terrorist and VECT content from appearing on their platforms. Amongst other measures, this may be achieved by developing technologies. Where terrorist content is uploaded or livestreamed, we underline the importance of online platforms addressing it, in a timely manner, to prevent proliferation, while ensuring that documentary evidence is preserved. We welcome online platforms’ commitment to provide regular and transparent public reporting, as set out in their policies and procedures. We note the ongoing work of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) to drive this important cross-industry agenda, including to respond to crises. However, further urgent action is needed. We encourage collaboration with industry, media outlets, researchers and civil society to strengthen GIFCT and expand its membership to be more inclusive. A strengthened GIFCT would enhance crossindustry understanding, collaboration and the capability of big and small companies to prevent terrorist and VECT exploitation of their platforms. We commit to continue working together to tackle this challenge—including by sharing our domestic experiences—in our countries and through international fora and initiatives. Positive narratives to counter terrorist propaganda will continue to be an important element of this effort. We will remain engaged with industry progress and urge civil society, consumers and investors to do the same.

第十周 科技翻译:自然科学文本的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) Plastics No other material in the history of the world has been used for so many different purposes. But what special qualities do plastics have? Why do countless people possess so many things made of plastics? They buy plastic articles because they are not only cheaper but also often much better than articles made of other materials, because their smooth surfaces are so easy to keep clean, because they will not catch fire, and because they are not damaged by water. It is quite extraordinary how many different kinds and qualities of plastics there are. They can be harder than wood or softer than rubber. They can be made so strong that they will last almost forever. They can be made as clean as glass or completely black. They can be made any color you like to choose. They can even be made to look like wood or rubber. The manufacture of plastics requires a large quantity of heavy machines as well as a knowledge of science. Today the greater part of plastics is manufactured by the world's great oil refineries and chemical works. Chemical works are factories which produce chemicals ― a man-made liquids, gases and solid materials. The refineries and chemical works produce many different kinds of raw plastics, which are then taken to the tens of thousands of factories which made plastic products. Machines for making plastic objects are very different from those used for manufacturing articles of wood or metal or other natural materials. For raw plastics must first be softened by heat and then pressed into moulds. It is the moulds which give plastic objects their shapes. These moulds can be of any shape or size. And the same mould can be used over and over again. In fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out. This is one of the reasons why plastic things are so cheap.


1、翻译练习(二) Instant Expert: Robots Ever since the Czech writer Karel Capek first coined the term “robot” in 1921, there has been an expectation that robots would someday deliver us from the drudgery of hard work. The word — from the Czech “robota”, for hard labour and servitude—described intelligent machines used as slaves in his play R. U. R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots). Today, over one million household robots, and a further 1.1 million industrial robots are operating worldwide. Robots are used to perform tasks that require great levels of precision or are simply repetitive and boring. Many also do jobs that are hazardous to people, such as exploring shipwrecks, helping out after disasters, studying other planets and defusing bombs or mines. Robots are increasingly marching into our lives. In the future, robots will act as our carers, medics, bionic enhancements, companions, entertainers, security guards, traffic police and even soldiers. A recent report published by the United Nations revealed that sales of domestic robots had tripled in a single year. What’s more, they were well on their way to outstripping their industrial cousins. While a large portion of the household robots were made up of robotic vacuum cleaners, mops, lawn mowers, pool cleaners, security bots and even robotic baby-rockers, the real boom was in entertainment robots. Suddenly people were happy to pay for robots that had no specific functional value. Instead these bots, such as Sony’s Aibo robotic dog and its robo-pups served as robo-pets and companions, rather than slaves.

第十一周 科技翻译:论文摘要的翻译


1、翻译练习(一) 摘 要 短篇小说《哺乳期的女人》是中国现当代作家毕飞宇的佳作之一,曾荣获首届“鲁迅文学奖(短篇小说奖)”。该小说的艺术魅力不仅来自情节的委婉曲折、引人人胜,还在于对琐碎的民间生活的真切描绘,从而表现丰富深邃的人性。小说中的人物细节和心理描写令人印象深刻,深有共鸣。 叙事学是文学研究与翻译研究的重要理论之一,本论文以叙事学理论为基础,从叙事结构,叙事话语以及叙事视角三个切入点着手,对毕飞宇的《哺乳期的女人》英译本进行相关研究,对比分析原语与目标语的表述特征,进而判别译文与原文是否达到叙事功能上的对等,是否发生语义上的缺失与歪曲。在经过一系列的分析之后发现,在叙事结构方面,该小说中所采取的倒叙结构并未在译文中有所体现,导致了语义缺省;叙事话语方面,译文中所选择的词语较好地达成了理想的叙事效果;而在叙事角度方面,译文中对于全知视角的诠释过于主观,因而导致语义偏离。针对上述出现的叙事偏离,本文均给出了相应的修改意见。可见,叙事学确实为文学翻译研究拓展了新的研究视角,对文学翻译的指导和评价有着其独特的优点和理据。 关键词:文学翻译;叙事学;叙事结构;叙事话语;叙事角度


1、翻译练习(二) 摘 要 作为维多利亚时期的文学天才,奥斯卡·王尔德因其特立独行的文学主张和生活方式一直备受关注和争议。其中篇小说《道连·格雷的画像》非常明显地展示了他的唯美主义的理念,并以其精巧的构思和生动的语言吸引着世人,同时也展示了作者矛盾的内心世界。 本文从弗洛伊德的心理分析学角度入手,分析了作者本人在小说创作中的自我投射。通过对三个主要人物性格思想的具体分析,找出了对应的投射关系:亨利勋爵代表王尔德的本我;霍尔华德代表王尔德的超我;而道连则代表王尔德的自我。然后论文进一步从人物间的冲突拉锯中分析了王尔德三面人格之间的冲突并探究了具体成因,认为王尔德的边缘人身份对其创作心理有重大影响。其边缘人的身份主要体现在:他是爱尔兰人并非英国本土人,同时也是一名维多利亚社会法律和道德所不容的同性恋者;此外,他的唯美主义的文学主张与当时社会克制隐忍的传统价值观冲突剧烈。这些都是造成他本我,自我和超我之间矛盾冲突的根源。 关键词:投射;心理冲突;精神分析理论;《道连·格雷的画像》;王尔德

第十二周 申请书翻译:个人简历的翻译


1、翻译练习 个人简历 基本信息 姓名:张明明 性别:女 出生年月:2000年5月16日 籍贯:江苏南京 联系电话:123456789 邮箱 教育背景 2017年9月-2021年6月 三江学院外国语学院英语专业 2014年9月-2017年6月 南京市第一高级中学 工作(实习)经历 2020年9月-2021年5月 新东方英语培训兼职教师 2019年7月-2019年8月 学而思网校暑期实习助理教师 2018年9月-2019年6月 三江学院学生会宣传部部长 专业技能 英语:英语专业八级,能够熟练运用英语进行写作、翻译、口语对话 日语:第二外语,能够进行日常基本会话 计算机:国家计算机二级,熟练操作OFFICE、PHOTO SHOP等软件 获奖经历 2020-2021学年 三江学院外国语学院一等奖学金 2019-2020学年 三江学院外国语学院二等奖学金 2019年8月 学而思网校暑期实习优秀助理教师 兴趣爱好 热爱唱歌、长跑,喜欢阅读、写作。

第十三周 申请书翻译:求职申请的翻译


1、翻译练习 敬启者: 顷阅今日《江南日报》,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应聘。 我三年前毕业于崇文大学外文系,符合贵公司“精通英文”的要求。除在大学主修英文外,本人在ABC贸易公司担任秘书工作三年。 此次应聘是希望能在如贵公司之较大规模的贸易公司工作,以获得更多的工作经验。以我所受的教育与工作经验,定能对贵公司有所益助。 兹随函附履历表和毕业证书各一件,倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感激。 此致 敬礼! 王萌

第十四周 申请书翻译:留学申请的翻译


1、翻译练习 十年前,一位叫亚当(Adam)的老师偶然充满自豪地跟我们说他来自乔治敦(Georgetown University)。 我懵然,他大叫起来:“你怎么可能不知道?那里出了克林顿!”那是我刚刚从英国参加一个月的交流活动回国的时候。 乔治敦这个名字从此深深印在我的脑海中。当说到外交和国际关系领域时,我自然而然地想到了这所学校,而它也无愧于它的盛名。所以今天,我特申请能够成为贵校的一名研究生。 我曾就读于北京外国语大学。北外作为中国“外交官的摇篮”已经培养出了250多名历任和在任大使以及 500多名参赞。在北外,每个月都会举行国家级别的讨论会。频繁地看着装配着不同国旗的使馆车辆,以及来自全世界的国际关系专家和官员,更让我感染到国际关系舞台的魅力。在这种魅力的感召下,2007年,我还是一名大一新生时,就提出举办了北京外国语大学的第一届大使论坛——亚非拉大使论坛。为了使论坛办得庄重、活跃、新颖,我将论坛设置为前半部分问答+讲座,后半部分论坛模式,大使们都感到十分灵活、有趣。而今我们已经成功举办了三届:亚非拉大使论坛、中东大使论坛、德法大使论坛,并从最初的学生活动发展为今天北外引以为豪的官方活动。在她的成长中,我通过与各国大使交流讨论军事、商贸、移民等领域的问题,对于国际关系的认识也在一步步的加深,更开扩了眼界和体会到了国际关系的重要性、艰难性、敏感性、复合性、学术性。 后来,我在中国最高的媒体平台新华社实习。实习期间,我负责大使的采访、节目的策划、后期编辑、整理书稿等。在新华社时刻都有最新的国际信息,这让我振奋。我希望在未来能够建立一个模型,将数个国家不同的文化模式、价值观、经济形势、历史、政治环境、军事环境等要素都考虑进去,让国际关系的政策能更合理有效地被拟定。 多年来,我游历了五大洲的二十多个国家,深深体会了不同地域的民族种族多样性、宗教多样性、文化多样性,深深地意识到各国在这些“不同”中都在寻找着一种“大同”来达到和谐。无论是商贸领域还是文化领域,国际关系在人与人的沟通方面起着至关重要的作用。我也亲眼目睹了一些国家之间,由于沟通不良会产生宗教、文化、习俗、价值认知等方面的误解、隔阂、甚至战争,我特别有兴趣,并且认为我有责任通过研究国际关系去减轻或消除这些误解,帮助解决国际冲突,将各国的关系变得更美好,让全世界能够达成互利共赢的局面。 贵校在国际关系方面卓越的师资、一流的学术水平、自由的学术氛围都非常吸引我。我是一个有强烈的独立思考习惯、独立思考能力的人,敢于实践,不畏挫折,坚持奋斗,不盲信,不盲从。我坚信在我诸多国际交流的经验和技能的辅助下,一定能凭我积极不懈的刻苦努力,取得一定的成绩,让贵校以我为荣!
