
电子产品2024-05-19 06:51:0542109抢沙发
中国大学翻译理论与实践_3章节答案(慕课2023完整答案)摘要: Week 1 A Brief Introduction to TranslationWeek 2 Chinese translation1、酒醉智昏。 选项: a、When wine is in , ...


Week 1 A Brief Introduction to Translation

Week 2 Chinese translation

1、中国章节酒醉智昏。大学答案答案 选项: a、翻译When wine is 理论in , wit is out. b、When wine is 实践drunk,wit is out.

2、杰克与老板争吵之后便辞职了。慕课 选项: a、完整After he had a quarrel with his 中国章节boss,Jack quit. b、大学答案答案After he quarreled his 翻译boss, Jack quit.

3、理论他不停地来回走着,实践激动得说不出话来。慕课 选项: a、完整He kept on walking back and forth,中国章节 being too excited to say a single word. b、He kept on walking back and forth,too excited to say a single word.

4、玩火自焚。 选项: a、Who plays with fire will perish by fire. b、Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.

5、不到黄河心不死。 选项: a、Until all is over, ambition dies. b、Until all is over , ambition never dies.

Week 3 Translation in Progress (1)

Quiz for Translation in Progress

1、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 他们患得患失,生怕丢掉这些东西。

2、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 树林能为野生动物提供栖息之所,野生动物也能使树林茂盛起来。

3、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 外面雨下得很大,我们只好呆在家里。

4、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 只有缺乏经验的人才会犯这样的错误。

5、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 简单来说,市计划强化这一地区的综合功能,弱化居住功能,把这里建成一个现代化大都会。

Quiz for Translation in Progress

1、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 他们宁愿呆在家里也不愿意去观光。

2、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 对于拾贝壳,我发生了莫大的兴趣,每天回来,袋子里都装得满满的。

3、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白。

4、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和幸福。在春节和其他喜庆场所,红色到处可见。

5、please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 已经有数千人在持续了一年的内战中丧生。

Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1)

Identify and Translate Specialized Vocabulary

1、Please translate the following Chinese sentences into English. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentences. 柴油机零部件维修和强化的方法—电刷镀(electrobrush plating process)

2、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary. 那台设备是该公司为我们工厂定制的。

3、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentence. 我校目前尚未设博士点。

Analyzing Grammar and Logic

1、Analyze the grammar and/or logic of the following sentence and translate it into English. 甲:这一点小意思,请务必收下! 乙:你这个人真有意思。怎么也来这一套? 甲:唉,只是意思意思。 乙:啊,真是不好意思!

Week 5 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (1)

Week 5 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (1)

1、Analyze the following sentence structure, whether change or keep the word order, and translate it into English. 世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。

2、Analyze the following sentence structure, whether change or keep the word order, and translate it into English. 钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。

3、Analyze the following sentence structure, whether change or keep the word order, and translate it into English. 脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是传自明朝的故事。

Week 6 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (2)

Dividing a Sentence

1、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Divide the sentence if necessary. 他像大海捞针一样在茫茫黑夜里寻找金色的梦。

2、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Divide the sentence if necessary. 明永乐帝1412年敕建琉璃塔,耗时17年。 [提示:“琉璃塔”译为“The Glazed Pagoda of the Grand Baoen Temple”]

3、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Divide the sentence if necessary. 他出生在中国北方一个沿海的小镇。

Combining Sentences

1、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Combine the sentences if necessary. 讲动武,祥子不能打个老人, 也不能打个姑娘。他的力量没地方用。

2、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 赵朴初先生曾言,“在中国成立的大小乘各宗派,无不和南京有关”。 [大乘:Mahayana;小乘:Hinayana]

3、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Combine the sentencse if necessary. 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有12把。五颜六色,大小不一。

Week 7 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (3)

Long Sentence Translation

1、Please translate the following Chinese underlined sentence into English. Pay attention to the sentence structure. 杨芽儿和柳叶儿刚过,榆钱儿又露面了。 村前村后,河滩坟圈子里,一棵棵老榆树耸入云霄,一串串榆钱儿挂满枝头,就像一串串霜凌冰挂,看花了人眼,馋得人淌口水。丫姑野性,胆子比人的个儿还大;她把黑油油的大辫子七缠八绕地盘在脖子上,雪白的牙齿咬着辫梢儿,光了脚丫子,双手合抱比她的腰还粗的树身,哧溜溜,哧溜溜,一直爬到树梢,岔开腿骑在树杈上。 我站在榆树下,是个小跟班,眯起眼睛仰着脸儿,身边一只大荆条筐。

Long sentence translation

1、please translate the following Chinese underlined sentences into English. 杨芽儿和柳叶儿刚过,榆钱儿又露面了。 村前村后,河滩坟圈子里,一棵棵老榆钱树耸入云霄,一串串榆钱儿挂满枝头,就像一串串霜凌冰挂,看花了人眼,馋得人淌口水。丫姑野性,担子比人的个儿还大;她把黑油油的大辫子七缠八绕地盘上脖子上,雪白的牙齿咬着辫梢儿,光了脚丫子,双手合抱比她的腰还粗的树身,哧溜溜 ,哧溜溜,一直爬到树梢,岔开腿骑在树杈上。 我站在榆树下,是个小跟班,眯起眼睛仰着脸儿,身边一只大荆条筐。 榆钱儿生吃很甜,越嚼越香。丫姑折几枝仍下来,边叫我的小名儿边说:“先喂饱你!”我接住这几大串榆钱儿,盘膝坐在树下吃起来,丫姑在树上也大把大把地揉进嘴里。

Week 8 Cultural Elements in Translation

translating Chinese slogans or Chinese brand names

1、please translate the following Chinese slogans into English. Try to use adaptation method while translating the underlined part. XXX电脑软件有限公司,成立于1996年7月,专业从事计算机软、硬件的设计、研发、销售、维护和系统集成的高科技企业。一步一步的悉心运作,我们收获了顾客的信任和同行的肯定。相信未来的我们会更强,更好! 宗旨:以诚助销,甄心服务 目标:“软硬”通吃,做最好的电脑产品 经营战略:紧跟市场,更新技术,提质保量,科学管理,理性监督。

2、please translate the following Chinese slogans into English. 环保,无毒,不含双酚A (楚城橡塑有限公司一款杯子)

3、please translate the following Chinese slogans into English. 青岛纯生, 鲜活人生 (青岛啤酒)

Week 9 News Translation

Translation of news headline

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the lexical,grammatical and rhetorical feathures when doing translation. 北京将取缔专家明星药效广告

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the lexical,grammatical and rhetorical feathures when doing translation. 聚焦养老金调整 (《人民日报》2007.8.11)

3、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the lexical,grammatical and rhetorical feathures when doing translation. 甘肃毒牛奶事件 15患者星期三治愈出院

Chinese-English Translation

Translation Test

1、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:他的名字叫罗宾。 误译:His name is called Robin.

2、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:想让他答应如此要求恐怕不大可能。 误译:I am afraid it is impossible for him to agree such a requirement.

3、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:她被评为“三好学生”。 误译:She was awarded as three good student.

4、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:宣传各个领域的先进模范人物。 误译:Advanced models from all the fields must be propagandized.

5、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:读书可以获得知识。 误译:Reading books can acquire knowledge.

6、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:我知道那座小镇,但从未去过。 误译:I know the small town but i've never been there.

7、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:太阳每天早晨从东方升起。 误译:The sun rises from the east every morning

8、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:过度饮酒会损害你的身体。 误译:Over-drinking may injure your body.

9、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:你参加那次考试了吗? 误译:Did you attend the examination?

10、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:这座桥的质量不好。 误译:The quality of the bridge is poor.

11、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:我们需要的是最新信息。 误译:What we need is the newest information.

12、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:这十年的工作经验告诉我:不劳无获。 误译:My working experience in the 10 years tells me that no pains no gains.

13、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:大雪纷飞,原野一片迷茫。 误译:The vast plain was confused by the falling flakes of snow.

14、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:你该吃午饭了。 误译:It's time for you to eat lunch.

15、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:被动吸烟同样危害健康。 误译:Passive smoking also harms the health.

16、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:绿草茵茵,空气清新。爱护绿化,严禁践踏。 误译:The grass is green and the air is fresh. Protect the environment and keep off the grass.

17、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:小心碰头。 误译:Attention to Your Head.

18、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:请勿忘随身物品。 误译:Don't forget your thing.

19、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:这里的房子将拆掉,建个地铁车站。 误译:The houses here will be pulled down to build a subway station.

20、Please improve the following incorrect or inadequate translation. 原文:听到他的死亡我很惊讶。 误译:I am surprised to hear his death.











本文地址:发布于 2024-05-19 06:51:05

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