



33 min read


1. Introduction


1、超星春英春燕An academic writing style means your essay should follow a logical structure.

2、语写Writing formally means that the language should be objective and impersonal,作邵 but does not have to be very precise.


1、Write a paragraph describing your most embarrassed moment.

2. Key Elements of General Academic Writing 1

单元测验 2

1、期末Thinking independently,答案 you need to go beyond the observation of facts and explore the underlying cause.

2、The学习 primary/root cause can only explain some of the sufficient causes.

3、The通题 cohesive marker "so" in the following sentence is ellipsis. --John cheated on the exam last week. --I believe so.

单元作业 2

1、In the paragraph,目答 you need to explain: 1) why the U.S. blames China for COVID-19; 2) identify the root cause.

4. Paragraph Writing 1: Paragraph Organization

单元测验-Paragraph Organization

1、In the following topic sentence,超星春英春燕 the controlling idea is "Digitalization". Digitalization makes it easy for people to get access to the reading material.

2、You can start a new idea in the concluding sentence.

单元作业 Effect of Pressure

1、语写Write a paragraph explaining the effects of having too much pressure based on the following structure. Topic sentence: ______________________________________________. Explanation 1: ________________________________________________ Detail 1:_____________________________________________________ Explanation 2:________________________________________________ Detail 2:_____________________________________________________ Concluding paragraph__________________________________________

5. Paragraph Writing 2: Paragraph Development

单元测验 Paragraph Development

1、作邵Relevance serves as a bridge between details/ideas and the claim/topic.

2、期末The答案 author's responsibility means that the author is only responsble for writing his/her ideas down and does not have to make everything clear to the reader.

单元作业 Comparison-Contrast

1、Pls. write a paragraph comparing your hometown with the city of Jinan.

3. Key Elements of General Academic Writing 2

单元测验 3

1、学习The通题 fallacay of Appeal to Authority is commited in the following statement. About four fifths of our class believe doing part-time job is helpful for our communicative skills, so part-time job does assist us in bettering our skills in communicating with people. A.

2、Thinking critically, one needs to identify the key arguments of a piece of writing.

3、The fallacy of Hasty Generalilzation is committed by the following statement. Social apps can help us save much time in shopping and make long-distance communication more convenient. They can also enable us to learn online. Therefore, everyone should use social apps for both their life and study.

单元作业 3

1、Find a piece of writing, read it critically and write a counterargument against that piece of writing.

6. Paragraph Writing 3: Different Paragraphs (1)

单元作业 Definition Paragraph

1、Pls. write a definition paragraph of about 150 words to define National College Entrance Examination (NCEE).

7. Essay Writing1: Introduction

单元测验 Introduction to Essay Writing

1、The following sentence is a good argument. The purpose of this paper is to analyze William Jones' proposal of happiness.

2、Restricting words are the words that narrow the topic and make it specific.

3、Topic words can tell you about the subject matter.

4、In the essay question, the restricting words can tell you what your essay should do.

8. Essay Writing 2: Introductory Paragraph

单元测试 Introductory Paragraph

1、Which one of the following is NOT a purpose of the general statement?
A、To arouse the readers' interest in the essay.
B、To provide some background information.
C、To orient your readers to your thesis.
D、To proposal your thesis statement.

2、A thesis statement does not have to be arguable, as long as it is specific.

单元作业 Introductory Paragraph

1、Based on the topic you have decided for the semester, write an introductory paragraph of about 150 words.

9. Essay Writing 3: Body Paragraph

单元测试 6 Body paragraph

1、An opinion is a belief or judgment based on one's assumption or personal view.

2、As long as you can reach the logical conclusion, your premises do not have to be acceptable.

单元作业 7 Body paragraph writing

1、Based on the topic you have decided for the semester, write the body paragraphs of your essay. You could write about 500-600 words.

10. Essay Writing 4: Counterargument

单元测试 7 Rebuttal paragraph

1、A rebuttal can help you convince the fencesitters, and strengthen your own point.

2、The counterargument will reduce the persuasiveness of your own argument.

单元作业8 Rebuttal paragraph writing

1、Write a rebuttal paragraph based on your essay.

11. Essay Writing 5: Concluding Paragraph

单元作业 9 Concluding paragraph writing

1、Write a concluding paragraph based on your essay.

English Writing Examination

English Writing Final Examination

1、Pls. write an essay of about 700 words based on the topic you have selected for the semester.






  • 单元1:写作基础知识
  • 单元2:段落写作
  • 单元3:论文写作
  • 单元4:描述和表达
  • 单元5:文章结构
  • 单元6:故事写作
  • 单元7:信件和邮件写作
  • 单元8:口语和写作综合训练



  • 内容全面:涵盖英语写作的基础知识、写作技巧以及写作实践。
  • 教学实用:注重实践操作,帮助学生掌握写作技巧。
  • 学习资源丰富:配备课程录音、教材、练习册等多种学习资源。
  • 教学风格亲和:邵春燕老师讲解风格亲切,易于理解。


在学习本课程的过程中,我收获了很多宝贵的经验和技巧。在写作基础知识单元中,我学习了英语写作的准则、段落规范以及词汇运用等。在各个单元的实践操作中,我逐渐掌握了英语写作的技巧,并且能够灵活运用。邵春燕老师的风格亲切易懂,让我在学习过程中感到轻松愉悦。此外,本课程提供的丰富学习资源也为我巩固所学知识提供了很大的帮助。 总体来说,我认为本课程对我英语写作水平的提高有着很大的帮助。