中国大学Functional Experiments期末答案(慕课2023完整答案)

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中国大学Functional Experiments期末答案(慕课2023完整答案)

The中国整答 role of imbalance of intra- and extravascular fluid exchange in the development of edema. (Experiment Demonstration)


1、Edema is
A、大学Excessive intracellular fluid
B、末答Excess extracellular fluid
C、案慕案Excessive fluid in tissue spaces or body cavity
D、课完Excessive intravascular fluid

2、中国整答Among the following statements of pathogenesis 大学of imbalance of internal and external vascular fluid exchange, which one is incorrect?
A、Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
B、末答Increased crystal osmolality in plasma
C、案慕案Increased microvascular permeability
D、课完Decreased colloid osmotic pressure in plasma

3、中国整答The大学 common cause of reduced colloid osmotic pressure in plasma is
B、末答Severe malnutrition
C、案慕案Nephrotic syndrome
D、课完Above all

4、Among the mechanisms of the imbalance of fluid exchange, Vivo-sodium and water retention, which is incorrect?
A、GFR decreases
B、Decreases in atrial natriuretic peptide secretion
C、A low level of glomerular filtration fraction
D、Increased aldosterone secretion

5、Which of the following alterations can appear after ligating the torso?
A、Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
B、Increased crystal osmolality in plasma
C、Increased microvascular permeability
D、Obstruction of lymphatic drainage

Replication of hypoxia mouse models


1、What are the characteristics of blood oxygen in hypotonic hypoxia?
A、PaO2 decreases
B、PaO2 increases
C、SaO2 decreases
D、CaO2 increases

2、About cyanosis, which of the following is false?
A、Hypoxia may not cause cyanosis
B、The patient with cyanosis may not have hypoxia
C、All patients of hypoxia have cyanosis
D、Cyanosis appears when the deoxyhemoglobin concentration of the blood is more than 5g/dl

3、About the experiment of Carbon monoxide poisoning, which of the following is right?
A、pour methanoic acid into the tube firstly
B、drop concentrated sulfuric acid into the tube firstly
C、keep the door and windows close
D、The skin and mucosa is pale

4、The most common hemic hypoxia clinically caused by
B、Carbon monoxide poisoning
D、Hemoglobin disease

5、The body's major compensatory response in acute hypotonic hypoxia is
A、Heart rate increases
B、Myocardial contractility increases
C、Alveolar ventilation increase
D、Red cell and Hb increase

Demonstration of hemorrhagic shock in rabbits


1、In the progressive stage of shock, the microcirculation was mainly presented
A、microcirculation ischemia
B、microcirculation Congestion
C、microcirculation Blood coagulation
D、microcirculation Failure

2、The main mechanism of early shock induced microcirculatory ischemia is
A、Hypersecretion of Angiotensinogen II
B、TXA2 is increase
C、Hypersecretion of catecholamine
D、Hypersecretion of ADH

3、Which is the general anesthetic used in this experiment
C、20%Pentobarbital sodium

4、Which of the following is the indication for stopping arterial bleeding in this experiment
A、the blood flow become granule flow or subcritical flow
B、Amount of bleeding up to 30ml
C、BP's dropping
D、No blood flow at all

5、During neck surgery,the first intubation is
A、Vein Intubation
B、Artery Intubation
C、Trachea Incubation

Acute Heart Failure inToad


1、Which of the following statements is the most consistent with the definition of heart failure?
A、Stroke volume is decreased
B、The volume of venous return is greater than that of cardiac output
C、Cardiac output cannot meet body’s requirement for metabolism
D、Heart dysfunction results in congestion in pulmonary and systemic circulation

2、Which of the following alteration cannot appear in acute heart failure?
A、Increased heart rate
B、Decreased blood pressure
C、Pale skin
D、Myocardial hypertrophy

3、Aortic regurgitation results in ?
A、Volume overload of the left ventricle
B、Volume overload of the right ventricle
C、Pressure overload of the right ventricle
D、Pressure overload of the left ventricle

4、Aortic stenosis leads to of left ventricular?
A、Pressure overload
B、Volume overload
C、Chamber dilation
D、Evident increase of myocardial cellular length

5、The Frank-Starling law of the heart concerns the relationship between .
A、Stroke volume and arterial resistance
B、The length of the cardiac muscle fiber and the strength of contraction
C、The rapidity of nerve conduction and stroke volume
D、Systolic rate and cardiac output

Final Test

Final Test

1、Which of the following alteration result from perfusion the solution of medium molecular dextran?
A、Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
B、Increased crystal osmolality in plasma
C、Increased microvascular permeability
D、Increased colloid osmotic pressure in plasma
E、Obstruction of lymphatic drainage

2、Which of the following alteration result from perfusion the solution of histamine?
A、Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
B、Increased crystal osmolality in plasma
C、Increased microvascular permeability
D、Increased colloid osmotic pressure in plasma
E、Obstruction of lymphatic drainage

3、Which of the following space cardiac edema occur frequently?
A、Facial tissue
B、Abdominal cavity
C、Lower limbs
D、Thoracic cavity

4、Which of the following space hepatic edema occur frequently?
A、Facial tissue
B、Abdominal cavity
C、Lower limbs
D、Thoracic cavity

5、Which of the following space renal edema occur frequently?
A、Facial tissue
B、Abdominal cavity
C、Lower limbs
D、Thoracic cavity

6、About cyanosis, which of the following is false?
A、Hypoxia may not cause cyanosis
B、The patient with cyanosis may not have hypoxia
C、All patients of hypoxia have cyanosis
D、Cyanosis appears when the deoxyhemoglobin concentration of the blood is more than 5g/dl

7、About of hypoxia tolerance, which of the following is right?
A、Urethane group < Coramine group < Normal saline group
B、Coramine group < Normal saline group < Urethane group
C、Urethane group< Normal saline group < Coramine group
D、Normal saline group < Coramine group < Urethane group

8、The most common hemic hypoxia clinically caused by
B、Carbon monoxide poisoning
D、Hemoglobin disease

9、About the experiment of Carbon monoxide poisoning, which of the following is right?
A、pour methanoic acid into the tube firstly
B、drop concentrated sulfuric acid into the tube firstly
C、keep the door and windows close
D、The skin and mucosa is pale

10、About Nitrite poisoning, which of the following is false?
A、The oxygen capacity of blood decreases
B、O2 combined by Hb is difficult to release
C、High affinity of Hb for O2
D、The skin and mucosa are brown

11、Which of the following is not the Character of Microcirculation in Ischemic Hypoxia Stage?
A、precapillary resistance more than postcapillary resistance
B、Arteriovenous shunts opening
C、Many true capillary opening
D、perfusion output less than flow output

12、Which of the following is not the Character of Microcirculation in Stagnant Hypoxia Stage?
A、vasomotor response to catecholamines increased
B、locally produced vasodilator substances increased
C、precapillary resistance less than postcapillary resistance
D、inflow more than outflow of the Microcirculation

13、What is the essentials of shock?
A、blood pressure decrease
C、blood volume decrease
D、serious hypoperfusion in microcirculation of tissue and organs

14、Which of the following results is wrong in the rabbit hemorrhagic shock experiment?
A、Increased diastolic pressure
B、Pulse is thread
C、Increased CVP
D、Decreased pulse pressure

15、Which one is not the effective rescue measure of hemorrhagic shock?
A、Stop the bleeding
B、Blood transfusion and infusion
C、Use of vasoactive drugs
D、Correction of alkalosis

16、The main mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling dysfunction is
A、Decreased Na+ influx
B、Decreased Cl- influx
C、Decreased H+ outflow
D、Decreased K+ outflow
E、Depressed Ca2+ influx

17、Which of the following statements about compensation during cardiac insufficiency is correct?
A、Increased heart rate is an important compensation in chronic heart failure
B、When heart rate reaches 180/min, patient’s cardiac output can be increased effectively
C、Following the VEDP increase within a certain range, myocardial contractility increases
D、Myocardial contractility increases with the development of myocardial hypertrophy
E、Increased blood volume is an important compensation in acute heart failure

18、Individuals with only left heart failure would exhibit which of the following? (More than one answer may be correct.)
C、Ankle swelling
D、Pulmonary edema
E、Peripheral edema

19、The mechanism for acidosis causing dysfunction of excitation-contraction coupling includes . (More than one answer may be correct.)
A、H+ competes with Ca2+ for binding with troponin
B、H+ combines with actin
C、Release of Ca2+ by sarcoplasmic reticulum is reduced
D、Ca2+ influx is decreased
E、ATPase activity of myosin is increased

20、The dyspnea caused by left heart failure may present as .(More than one answer may be correct.)
A、Expiratory dyspnea
C、Inspiratory dyspnea
D、Exertional dyspnea
E、Paroxysmal dyspnea

学习通Functional Experiments

学习通是中国移动互联网有限公司下属的在线学习平台,为用户提供了丰富的课程和资源。其中,Functional Experiments课程是一门针对软件测试人员的课程,主要介绍了如何进行功能性测试。



  • 第一章:软件测试基础和测试用例设计
  • 第二章:黑盒测试技术
  • 第三章:白盒测试技术
  • 第四章:集成测试和系统测试
  • 第五章:软件测试管理和自动化测试




在Functional Experiments课程中,会使用到多个实验工具,以下是主要的几个工具:

  • Selenium:用于Web应用程序的自动化测试
  • JUnit:用于Java语言的单元测试框架
  • TestNG:用于Java语言的测试框架
  • Mockito:用于Java语言的模拟框架


以下是Functional Experiments课程中的一个实验案例,供读者参考:




  1. 在Eclipse中创建一个Java项目
  2. 在该项目中创建一个Java类,并在其中编写一个方法
  3. 使用JUnit创建一个测试类,并编写测试用例
  4. 运行测试,并查看测试结果



Functional Experiments课程是一门非常实用的课程,对于软件测试人员来说,是必修的课程之一。通过学习该课程,可以掌握软件测试的基本知识和技能,并能够熟练使用各种测试工具进行测试。希望更多的人能够加入这个行业,成为优秀的软件测试人员。

中国大学Functional Experiments

在中国的大学中,Functional Experiments 是一门非常重要的课程,它通常被放置在计算机科学、软件工程、信息技术等专业中。这门课程的目的是让学生掌握软件测试和验证的基础知识与技能,使其成为一名优秀的软件测试工程师。

Functional Experiments的重要性

随着信息技术的不断发展,软件在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。软件的质量直接关系到用户的体验和满意度,因此软件测试和验证显得尤为重要。Functional Experiments的教育目标是培养学生具备开展软件测试和验证工作所需的知识和技能,为学生未来的职业发展奠定坚实的基础。

Functional Experiments的课程设置

在中国大学中,Functional Experiments通常分为两个部分:理论课程和实践课程。




实践课程是Functional Experiments的重点,它旨在让学生掌握软件测试和验证的实践技能。实践课程通常包括以下内容:

  • 黑盒测试和白盒测试
  • 手工测试和自动化测试
  • 测试用例设计和执行
  • 缺陷管理和缺陷分析


Functional Experiments的实践意义

Functional Experiments不仅是一门理论课程,更是一门实践课程。学生通过实践课程,可以掌握软件测试和验证的实际技能,同时也可以提升自己的软件开发能力。通过不断地实践和探索,学生可以深入了解软件开发的各个环节和过程,为未来的职业生涯做好充分准备。


Functional Experiments是一门非常重要的课程,在中国的大学中得到了广泛的应用。学生通过这门课程,可以掌握软件测试和验证的基础知识和技能,为自己的职业发展打下坚实的基础。同时,Functional Experiments也是一门实践课程,通过实践和探索,学生可以提升自己的软件开发能力,为未来的职业发展做好充分准备。
