



64 min read


Plagiarism & Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism test

1、学术写作Tom finds an article written in Chinese that fits his 英语topic well, then he translates it to English and turns it in to his American teacher without citing the Chinese author. His teacher does not speak Chinese and does not know it’s a translated essay, and thus gives him an “A” for that essay. This is not plagiarism.

2、Tom copied a paragraph from an essay he wrote in a previous semester into another essay. Thinking he wrote that paragraph,章节作业 Tom didn’t cite himself. This is plagiarism.

3、When writing about the Belt and Road initiative,答案答案 Tom searches information from Wikipedia and uses that information in his paper without citing Wikipedia. This is plagiarism.

4、Tom copies a paragraph from a book into his 慕课essay. He cites the book, but doesn’t use quotation marks for the paragraph. This is not plagiarism.

5、When writing an argument,课后 Tom could not find a source that supports his argument, so he made one up in his essay. This is not plagiarism.

Reference List

Reference list测试

1、Bond,学术写作 T., & Fox, C. M. (2015). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences. New York, NY: Routledge. 可以判断这个reference是一篇期刊文章。

2、英语Brown,章节作业 J. D., & Bailey, K. M. (2008). Language testing courses: What are they in 2007? Language Testing, 25, 349–384. 可以判断这个reference是一篇期刊文章。

3、答案答案Crusan,慕课 D., Plakans, L., & Gebril, A. (2016). Writing assessment literacy: Surveying second language teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Assessing Writing, 28, 43-56. 根据APA格式要求,这个reference list有问题,课后其中的学术写作Assessing Writing不应该斜体。

4、英语Davies,章节作业 A. Textbook trends in teaching language testing. Language Testing, 25(3), 327–347.根据APA格式要求,这个reference list有问题,缺少了发表年份。

5、Ding, W., & Lehrer, S. F. (2007). Do peers affect student achievement in China's secondary schools? The Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(2), 300-312. Davies, A. (2008). Textbook trends in teaching language testing. Language Testing, 25(3), 327–347. Crusan, D., Plakans, L., & Gebril, A. (2016). Writing assessment literacy: Surveying second language teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Assessing Writing, 28, 43-56. 根据APA格式要求,该排序方式是正确的。

Presenting Your Research

Argumentative Essay Quiz

1、The thesis statement of an argumentative essay can be vague.

2、When the opponents' opinion is too strong, the author can choose to ignore that counterargument and avoid writing a rebuttal section in the argumentative essay.

3、In the conclusion, the author should avoid writing new ideas that have not been mentioned previously.

4、The body section can only contain three paragraphs.

5、In the introduction, the author needs to set the context of the essay.

Argumentative Essay

