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Unit 1 Food & Drinks(饮食文化)

Unit 1 Test

1、尔雅Which of the following is 中西整答a signature dish of Cantonese Cuisine?
A、Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Hot Chili
B、文化Fish-flavored Shredded Pork
C、鉴赏Steamed Sea Bass
D、答案West Lake Vinegar Fish

2、学习Which is 通完not a typical feature of western cuisine?
A、big chunks of meat
B、尔雅use of fresh herbs
C、中西整答use of complex spices
D、文化sauce or gravy based on butter and cream

3、鉴赏Which of the following is 答案not a variant of pasta?

4、Which of the following is not a type of wine?
A、red wine
B、white wine

5、Which of the following is good table manner?
A、to put the napkin around one’s neck
B、to use knife to lift food to one’s mouth
C、to put the tea spoon on the saucer after stirring one’s tea
D、to stick chopsticks at the center of rice

6、Which of the following are typical food and drinks in Tibet?
A、roasted whole lamb
C、milk tea
D、buttered tea

7、Modern day drinking games in China include
A、dice playing
B、finger guessing
C、drumming and blossom-passing
D、composing poems

8、Which of the statements about drinking etiquette are correct?
A、The host usually makes the first toast.
B、Seniors, superiors, and guests are served first.
C、Liquor glasses are filled three quarters full.
D、To show respect and humility, keep your liquor glass lower than others’ when cheering.

9、The factors that define the quality of wine are

10、What does a formal meal in China usually include?
A、cold dishes
B、hot dishes
D、staple food like rice or noodle

11、Beijing Roast Duck is a good example of the combination of color, aroma, taste and form.

12、General Tso’s Chicken was created by General Zuo Zongtang.

13、The most typical American food is apple pie.

14、The Full English Breakfast is served throughout the day in some restaurants in UK.

15、Luyu was called Tea Saint for compiling Tea Classics.

16、Tea originated in China and then spread to other parts of the world.

17、Americano is the base for making other varieties of coffee drinks.

18、Napa Valley in the US is a famous wine region in the “New World”.

19、In China, all dishes are placed on a round table for everyone to share.

20、The correct way to handle your utensils is to hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand.

Unit 2 Clothing & Fashion(服装与时尚)

Unit 2 Test

1、Which dynasty created the most brilliant time in the history of Chinese clothing?
A、The Tang Dynasty
B、The Song Dyansty
C、The Qing Dynasty
D、The Ming Dynasty

2、One of the common clothing styles during the Song Dynasty was
A、Ao qun (袄裙)
B、Beizi (褙子)

3、Which one of the statements is NOT true?
A、The Renaissance period witnessed an extreme emphasis on gender differentiation in clothing.
B、The earliest jeans were not blue but brown.
C、Originally, tailcoat was created for the equestrians to ride conveniently.
D、Formal dress code emphasizes comfort and personal expression.

4、About the Fashion Weeks, which one is NOT true?
A、They are held once in September annually.
B、The yearly Fashion Weeks usually begins with New York.
C、During the Fashion Weeks, fashion designers display their latest collections to buyers and the media.
D、Celebrities like models, musicians and actors will be invited.

5、What cause(s) the diversity of the ethnic minority’s clothes?
A、Different economic lives
B、Natural environments
C、Geographical and climatic conditions
D、Designers from different backgrounds

6、The clothes deliver the personal information of the wearer, such as:
D、Personal tastes

7、What are the remarkable features of Zhongshan suit?
A、The turn-down collar
B、Central buttons
C、Four outside pockets with flaps
D、Traditional Chinese auspicious embroidery

8、Two renowned silk producing regions are ___ and ____.

9、What are the features of the Renaissance Clothing?
A、The square-necked bodices
B、The stiff and tall collar
C、The slender waist
D、The natural and unrestrained style

10、The fashion show has become
A、the international ceremony
B、the multi-sensory experience
C、the activity to enhance people’s confidence and fascinating spirit
D、the performance to help people improve their aesthetic and appreciative ability

11、The Miao ethnic minority people mainly make a living by fishing and they used to make clothes with fish-skin.

12、Clothing may serve as a symbol of times or an era.

13、According to Zuozhuan(《左传》), the “real” clothes were invented by the Yellow Emperor.

14、The clothing in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties featured a top-bottom style.

15、The origins of cheongsam date back to the Qing Dynasty.

16、Among the Big Four Fashion Weeks, China Fashion Week is widely considered.

17、Various forms of lighting and special effects are the indispensable elements of modern fashion shows.

18、Copper buttons originally were used for reinforcement and became a long-lasting iconic element in jeans.

19、Baroque and Rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual.

20、Nowadays, there are still remarkable differences between Chinese clothing and western clothing.

Unit 3 The Art of Architecture(建筑艺术)

Unit 3 Test

1、On July 6 2019, which Archaelogical Site of China was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO?
D、Ancient Liangzhu(良渚)

2、Which of the following styles belong to the eight famous architecturial styles in China?
A、Qiong Long architecture in Sichuan Province
B、Hui-style architecture in Anhui Province
C、Jiangnan Folk Houses in South of China
D、Courtyard buildings in North of China

3、The four famous ancient academies in Chinese history include
A、Yingtian Academy in Henan Province(应天书院)
B、Songyang Academy in Henan Province(嵩阳书院)
C、Bailudong Academy in Jiangxi Province(白鹿洞书院)
D、Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province(岳麓书院)

4、Which are the typical private gardens in Suzhou?
A、Humble Administrator’s Garden(拙政园)
B、Lion Grove Garden(狮子林)
C、Liuyuan Garden(留园)
D、Yuyuan Garden (豫园)

5、What are the Three Wonders in Huizhou?
A、Horse head wall 马头墙
B、Ancient civil residents 古民居
C、Ancient ancestral temples and 古祠堂
D、Ancient memorial archways 古牌坊

6、The Four Great Ancient Chinese Grottoes includes
A、Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Guansu Province (甘肃敦煌莫高窟)
B、Maijishan Grottoes in Tianshui Gansu Province(甘肃天水麦积山石窟)
C、Yungang Grottoes in Datong Shanxi Province(山西大同云冈石窟)
D、Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang Henan Province(河南洛阳龙门石窟)

7、The Four Great Ancient Academies in Chinese history include
A、Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province 湖南岳麓书院
B、Bailudong Academy in Jiangxi Province江西白鹿洞书院
C、Songyang Academy in Henan Province 河南嵩阳书院
D、Yingtian Academy in Henan Province 河南应天书院

8、The Greek orders of columns are used including

9、Renaissance architecture emphasizes on
D、pointed arch

10、What are the features of modern architecture ?
A、The building is getting higher and higher
B、Creative ideas and new concepts are embodied in modern architecture
C、The creative designs depend on the appearance of new materials
D、The creative designs depend on the support of new technology

11、Roman Aqueduct is a project for irrigation

12、Both the Temple of Zeus and the Parthenon are located in Rome.

13、The world famous Forbidden City is also known as the Palace Museum.

14、The Summer Palace was known as the “Garden of All Gardens”.

15、Tengwang Pavillion is located in Jiangxi Province.

16、Yungang Grottoes are situated at a strategic point along the Silk Route at the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and intellectual influences.

17、The Byzantine style has exotic domes and mosaics.

18、Cologne Cathedral in Germany and Milan Cathedral in Italy are representatives of Gothic architecture.

19、Petronas Twin Towers was the world’s tallest building from1998 to 2004.

20、China Zun Tower or CITIC Tower is the tallest building in Beijing now.

Unit 4 Painting,Calligraphy & Sculpture(绘画、书法与雕塑)

Unit 4 Test

1、The Six Principles of painting is raise by an art historian and critic, what is his name?
A、Wu Daozi (吴道子)
B、Zhang Zeduan (张择端)
C、Gu Kaizhi (顾恺之)
D、Xie He (谢赫)

2、Which is not included in the classical Six Arts of ancient China?

3、During which period, western painting reached its zenith in Europe?
A、the Middle Ages
B、the Renaissance
C、the Baroque and Rococo Times
D、the Modern Times

4、Who firstly use the painting technique of perspective (透视法) in the period of the Renaissance.
A、Cimabue (契马布埃)
C、Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇)
D、Masaccio (马萨乔)

5、What kind of style does Bernini's sculptures belong to?
A、Baroque style
B、Rococo style
C、Gothic style
D、Modern style

6、Which are the basic tools of Chinese painting?
C、Ink stick
D、Ink stone

7、Which are the best three Running script works in the world?
A、Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavillion
B、Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew
C、The Cold Food Observance
D、The Stele in the Jiucheng Palace

8、Who are the Three Giant Renaissance Masters?
A、Verrocchio (韦罗基奥)
B、Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇)
C、Michelangelo (米开朗基罗)
D、Raphael (拉斐尔)

9、Who are the representative artists of the Impressionism?
A、Claude Monet (莫奈)
B、Pablo Picasso (毕加索)
C、Van Gogh (梵高)
D、Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇)

10、Which sculpture works belong to the Ancient Greek time?
A、Athena Parthenos
B、Venus de Milo

11、Ink and Wash Painting is one of the "Four Arts" of the Chinese Scholar-official class.

12、Wu Daozi (吴道子) used only black ink and freely painted brushstrokes to create ink paintings.

13、The earliest characters oracle bone inscriptions(甲骨文)belonged to the Zhou Dynasty.

14、One of the characteristics of Seal script is the “silkworm's head and swallow's tail”.

15、People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life during the Renaissance.

16、One of the most important discoveries during the Renaissance was how to draw things in perspective (透视法).

17、The masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇) include Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and The Creation of Adam.

18、The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors, who were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.

19、Venus de Milo (米洛斯的维纳斯) is believed to depict Aphrodite (阿芙洛狄忒), the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

20、Michelangelo (米开朗基罗) was an Italian sculptor, painter and architect of the Early Renaissance.

Unit 5 Music & Dance(音乐与舞蹈)

Unit 5 Test

1、The sequence of the different stage of Classical Music is:
A、Baroque Era, Classical Era, Romantic Era
B、Classical Era, Baroque Era, Romantic Era
C、Romantic Era, Classical Era, Baroque Era
D、Baroque Era, Romantic Era, Classical Era

2、Who was a crucial figure in the transition between classical and romantic eras in classical music?

3、Which one was later associated with “the Pear Garden (梨园)”?
A、Chinese education
B、Chinese painting
C、Chinese farming
D、Chinese opera

4、Which of the following is not ballroom dance
A、Cha Cha
C、Swing Dance

5、Who made great accomplishments in Chinese style pop music

6、Which television show contributed to the thriving of pop music in the 1980s
A、This is Street Dance
B、Super Girl
C、Voice of China
D、the Spring Festival Gala

7、Which song is considered America’s greatest war protest song
A、Hey Jude
B、Blowin’ in the Wind
D、Like a Prayer

8、According to different ways of performance, what categories can Chinese musical instruments be divided into?
A、Wind instrument (吹奏乐器)
B、Percussion instrument (打击乐器)
C、Bowed string instrument (拉奏乐器)
D、Plucked string instrument (弹拨乐器)

9、Who are the outstanding representatives of Classical Music Era?
A、Bach (巴赫)
B、Haydn (海顿)
C、Mozart (莫扎特)
D、Beethoven (贝多芬)

10、The basic types of ballet inclde
A、Romantic Ballet
B、Classical Ballet
C、Neoclassical Ballet
D、Contemporary Ballet

11、The three broad categories of hip pop dance are

12、Bone flutes (骨笛), which were found in Jiahu Village (贾湖) , Henan Province, was traced back to 8,000 years ago.

13、The basic collection of Chinese music notes are the same with Western music.

14、Compared with Baroque music, classical music has a lighter, clearer texture and is less complex. Composers began to strive for beauty through simplicity and balance.

15、The golden age of Chinese dance came in the Song Dynasty, when song and dance was at the highest level.

16、“Guo-Zhuang”(锅庄) is a Tibetan Dance, which is a form of circle dancing.

17、Isadora Duncan is the Mother of Modern Dance.

18、Pointe work became a norm of the ballerina during the Romantic Ballet period.

19、The most popular dance in China is street dance.

20、Li Yuchun was the first pop idol elected by fans instead of by record companies in China.

21、In swing dance, couples hold hands instead of placing hands on the shoulders or around the waist.

22、Taylor Swift is a prominent country music performer in the US.

Unit 6 Sports & Sportsmanship (运动和体育精神)

Unit 6 Test

1、Which is NOT the typical and popular sports in Canada?
B、ice hockey

2、Which one is NOT among the connotations of the Olympic spirit given by the Olympic Charter:
A、mutual understanding
B、long-lasting friendship
C、world peace
D、fair competition

3、Which one is generally NOT regarded as the symbol of Britain?
A、The Beatles
B、Mr. Bean
C、Harry Potter
D、British coffee

4、About Tai Chi, which one is NOT true?
A、Tai Chi is associated with the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang.
B、Tai Chi is closely related to Buddhism.
C、Tai Chi features slow-motion, moving meditative exercise.
D、The primary goal of Tai Chi training is the balance of Yin and Yang.

5、Among the statements about Marathon, which one is NOT true?
A、The official distance of it is 42.195 kilometers.
B、The name of the sport came from the Battle between Athens and Persia in ancient Greece.
C、The vast majority of compes are professional athletes.
D、Marathon was established as one of the Olympic events at the 1896 Athens Olympic Games.

6、The typical and popular sports in America are:
A、American football

7、During the evolution of the Olympic Movement, there are some adjustments including the addition of:
A、the Summer Olympic Games
B、the Winter Olympic Games
C、the Paralympic Games
D、the Youth Olympic Games

8、The sacred flame of Olympics traveled from Greece to the host country in creative ways, such as:
B、under the water
C、via satellite
D、by dragon boat

9、Chinese Kung Fu includes hundreds of styles of Chinese martial arts, such as:

10、About football, which ones are true?
A、It flourished during the Song Dynasty.
B、The FIFA World Cup evokes the passion of millions of audiences in the world.
C、The World Cups are reported and transmitted through traditional and modern media.
D、Maradona and Messi are famous football stars in Brazil.

11、Sports are for competition and cannot serve as the national symbols.

12、Equestrian, fencing and golf enjoy long history in Britain.

13、Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the French educator who was revered as the "father of modern Olympics"

14、Gold medal and winning is the first principle of the Olympic spirit.

15、The modern Olympic torch relay began in 1896 the Athens Olympics.

16、The ignition design of the Olympic main torch and the person who light it remained the mystery until the opening ceremony.

17、The Shaolin style of Kung Fu include dragon, tiger, panther, snake, and crane styles of fighting.

18、Chinese Kung Fu has been known to the world via movies, books and TV shows since 1980s.

19、It is said that the earliest form of football was called Cuju in ancient China.

20、Basketball was created by a physical education professor and instructor named James Naismith.

Unit 7 Opera and Drama(戏曲与戏剧)

Unit 7 Test

1、Western opera is a combination of
D、dance and painting

2、Who are famous Chinese modern dramatists
A、Cao Yu (曹禺)
B、Lao She(老舍)
C、Guo Moruo(郭沫若)
D、Ma Zhiyuan (马致远)

3、Who are regarded as the Four Great Dramatists in the Yuan Dynasty?
A、Guan Hanqing
B、Wang Shifu
C、Bai Pu
D、Ma Zhiyuan

4、Which plays were written by Bai Pu?
A、Over the Wall
B、Rain on the Paulownia
C、Romance of the East Wall
D、The Orphan of Zhao

5、Which of the following statements are true?
A、Female roles are known as dan
B、Male ones are called sheng
C、Male clowns are known as chou
D、Crafty and dangerous roles are known as jing

6、The Cantonese opera is popular in
A、Hainan Province
B、Guangdong Province
C、Guangxi Province
D、Hong Kong and Macau

7、Which of the following works were written by Cao Yu
B、Camel Xiangzi

8、Which of the following works were written by Lao She
B、Camel Xiangzi
D、Si Shi Tong Tang

9、In the history of western opera, who were regarded as the Italian triumvirate?

10、Which of the following Operas belong to Mozart's German singspiel?
A、Thus Do All Women Behave
B、The Abduction from the Seraglio
C、The Magic Flute
D、Don Giovanni

11、The most famous playwrights of the Greek tragedy were__________.

12、The four masterpieces of Shakespeare's comedy are_______ in addition to The Twelfth Night .
A、A Midsummer Night’s Dream
B、The Merchant of Venice
D、As You Like it

13、In the following descriptions, which are true about Henrik Ibsen?
A、He is often referred to as "the father of realism" .
B、He is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre.
C、His drama A Doll's House exposed the conflict between the patriarchal society and women's liberation.
D、He is the most frequently performed dramatist in the world after Shakespeare.

14、Which of the following are true about Eugene O'Neill?
A、His main concern is the distortion of human nature and the process of personality splitting under external pressure.
B、His works are imprinted with the Freudian psychoanalysis.
C、His works are deeply permeated with the tragic consciousness of ancient Greece.
D、His plays followed the artistic styles of expressionism and psychological realism

15、Western opera originated in Italy during Renaissance.

16、The Modern Drama Movement started in 1907.

17、Wang Shifu’s masterpiece is Romance of the Western Chamber

18、Tang Xianzu was a famous dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty

19、In Peking opera, white masks symbolize evil craftiness and suspicion

20、Huangmei opera was also called the Tea-picking Opera

21、In opera,the singing style of actors is decided by character.

22、Turandot adopts a Chinese folk song, Jasmine Flower.

23、The first dramatic society in China is the Spring Willow Society

24、Sunrise was written by Guo Moruo

25、Renaissance originated in Florence, Italy.

26、In Hamlet, Hamlet killed his father and married his mother.

27、Modern western drama tends to be diversified with different thoughts and different writing techniques.

28、Long Day's Journey into Night is Eugene O'Neill 's autobiographic play.

Unit 8 Film & Film Festival(电影与电影节)

Unit 8 Test

1、Which of the following are characteristics of action films?
A、A. continuous high energy
B、B. lots of physical stunts
C、C. chase scenes
D、D. rescues, battles and escapes

2、Which of the following is the subject of disaster films?
A、A. natural disasters
B、B. man-made disasters
C、C. love
D、D. wars

3、Which of the following are characteristics of science fiction films?
A、A. imaginative settings
B、B. expert film production design
C、C. robots and spaceships
D、D. fantastic special effects

4、Who are the representatives of the 5th generation of Chinese directors?
A、A. Chen Kaige
B、B. Zhang Yimou
C、C. Wu Ziniu
D、D. Tian Zhuangzhuang

5、Which of the following actors made great contributions to Chinese martial arts action movies?
A、A. Bruce Li
B、B. Jackie Chen
C、C. Jet Li
D、D. Ge You

6、Which of the following are the characteristics of Hollywood blockbusters ?
A、A. high cost
B、B. big scenes
C、C. famous stars
D、D. romantic love

7、Charlie Chaplin’s representative fims include__.
A、A. The Gold Rush(淘金记)
B、B. Modern Times(摩登时代)
C、C. City Lights(城市之光)
D、D. The Great Dictator(大独裁者)

8、Three biggest international film festivals in Europe are__.
A、A. Venice International Film Festival
B、B. Cannes International Film Festival
C、C. Berlin International Film Festival
D、D. The Academy Awards

9、Three major Chinese-language Film Awards are __.
A、A. Huabiao Film Awards
B、B. Hong Kong Film Awards (HKFA)
C、C. Golden Horse Awards
D、D. Golden Rooster Awards

10、Which of the following films are Chinese New Year blockbusters?
A、A. The Wandering Earth
B、B. The Dream Factory
C、C. The Shaolin Temple
D、D. Red Sorghum

11、A film genre is a category of movies with a similar style or about a similar subject.

12、Comedy films are designed to elicit tears from the audience.

13、Famous “James Bond” – Agent 007 spy series are typical action films.

14、In western films, viewers can expect cowboys riding on horseback.

15、In 2002, Hero directed by Zhang Yimou opened the curtain for Chinese blockbusters.

16、A Trip to the Moon is considered “the birth of film”.

17、“The Tramp”, a little man in rags with baggy pants, is a classic figure Charlie Chaplin created .

18、The highest award, presented during Venice International Film Festival, is the Golden Palm Award.

19、The Academy Awards is regarded as the most influential film award in the world.

20、The Hong Kong Film Awards is regarded as Hong Kong’s version of the Oscar Awards.



1、Which statement about tea sets is NOT correct?
A、British like porcelain china and sliver tea sets.
B、Oolong is best brewed in a clay pot.
C、Green tea is best enjoyed in a glass pot.
D、The most famous boccaro teapots are made in Jingdezhen in China.

2、About the Fashion Weeks, which one is NOT true?
A、They are held once in September annually.
B、The yearly Fashion Weeks usually begins with New York.
C、During the Fashion Weeks, fashion designers display their latest collections to buyers and the media.
D、Celebrities like models, musicians and actors will be invited.

3、Which dynasty created the most brilliant time in the history of Chinese clothing?
A、The Tang Dynasty
B、The Song Dyansty
C、The Qing Dynasty
D、The Ming Dynasty

4、The most famous monument of Renaissance architecture is______.
A、Basilica of St. Peter
B、Westminster Abbey
C、Hagia Sophia

5、Who is titled the Calligraphy Sage (书圣) in ancient China?
A、Wang Xizhi (王羲之)
B、Ouyang Xun (欧阳询)
C、Yan Zhenqing (颜真卿)
D、Liu Gongquan (柳公权)

6、Who composed the famous work A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains (千里江山图) ?
A、Wang Ximeng (王希孟)
B、Huang Gongwang (黄公望)
C、Zhang Zeduan (张择端)
D、Gu Kaizhi (顾恺之)

7、Who made great accomplishments in Chinese style pop music?
A、Li Yuchun (李宇春)
B、Zhou Jielun (周杰伦)
C、Zhang Xueyou (张学友)
D、Zhang Mingmin (张明敏)

8、The sequence of the different stage of Classical Music is:
A、Baroque Era, Classical Era, Romantic Era
B、Classical Era, Baroque Era, Romantic Era
C、Romantic Era, Classical Era, Baroque Era
D、Baroque Era, Romantic Era, Classical Era

9、Which one is NOT among the connotations of the Olympic spirit given by the Olympic Charter:
A、mutual understanding
B、long-lasting friendship
C、world peace
D、fair competition

10、Which of the following film awards in China is considered as audience award?
A、Golden Rooster Awards
B、Hundred Flowers Awards
C、Hong Kong Film Awards (HKFA)
D、Huabiao Film Awards

11、What does a formal meal in China usually include?
A、cold dishes
B、hot dishes
D、staple food like rice or noodle

12、What cause(s) the diversity of the ethnic minority’s clothes?
A、Different economic lives
B、Natural environments
C、Geographical and climatic conditions
D、Designers from different backgrounds

13、Which are the typical private gardens in Suzhou?
A、Humble Administrator’s Garden(拙政园)
B、Lion Grove Garden(狮子林)
C、Liuyuan Garden(留园)
D、Yuyuan Garden (豫园)

14、Which are the basic tools of Chinese painting?
C、Ink stick
D、Ink stone

15、Who are the Three Giant Renaissance Masters?
A、Verrocchio (韦罗基奥)
B、Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇)
C、Michelangelo (米开朗基罗)
D、Raphael (拉斐尔)

16、The three broad categories of hip pop dance are?

17、Who are the outstanding representatives of Classical Music Era?
A、Bach (巴赫)
B、Haydn (海顿)
C、Mozart (莫扎特)
D、Beethoven (贝多芬)

18、Chinese Kung Fu includes hundreds of styles of Chinese martial arts, such as:

19、Who are famous Chinese modern dramatists?
A、Cao Yu (曹禺)
B、Lao She(老舍)
C、Guo Moruo(郭沫若)
D、Ma Zhiyuan (马致远)

20、Which of the following films are typical disaster films?
C、After Shock

21、The correct way to handle your utensils is to hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand.

22、Wine can be classified into dry wine and sweet wine according to its sugar content.

23、The origins of cheongsam date back to the Qing Dynasty.

24、Cologne Cathedral in Germany and Milan Cathedral in Italy are representatives of Gothic architecture.

25、The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors, who were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.

26、Pointe work became a norm of the ballerina during the Romantic Ballet period.

27、Gold medal and winning is the first principle of the Olympic spirit.

28、Southern Opera is the earliest form of Chinese opera.

29、In Peking opera, white masks symbolize evil craftiness and suspicion.

30、AVATAR is considered as the beginning of a new era of 3D films.




































