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Week 2 Act I Scene 1-2

Session 3 Act I Scene 1 The中国之仲之梦作业seus is going to marry.随堂测验

1、Four days will quickly steep themselves in night The大学答案答案 word "steep" here is used as a verb meaning to be absorbed in water, for example: steeped the tea bag in boiling water.

Session 4 Act I Scene 1 Egeus' Complaint随堂测验

1、What is 莎士the reason for Egeus to make a complaint?
A、He does not feel happy with his 比亚wife.
B、His 夏夜daughter Hermia does not listen to him.
C、He hates Demetrius very much.
D、课后课后He speaks highly of Lysander.

Session 4 Act I Scene 1 Egeus' Complaint随堂测验

1、中国之仲之梦作业After listening to the complaint made by Egeus,大学答案答案 Thesues, the duke of Athens, rules that if Hermia does not marry Demetrius she shall
A、leave Athens as soon as possible.
B、莎士or be put to death.
C、比亚or live a single life all her life
D、夏夜or marry anyone she likes.

Session 7 Act I Scene 2 The课后课后 Six Craftsmen随堂测验

1、The中国之仲之梦作业 names of the six craftsmen or treadesmen can tell their profession. The word "bottom" refers to the core of a shuttle used by a weaver. The word "snout" is the part of a kettle from which water can flow out, and he can be easily found out to be a tinker when his name is Snout. Flute is a part used in the bellow, so he is a bellow-mender when his name is Flute. The word "snug" means to join together closely when people build a house. The person with the name of Snug can be thought of as a builder. Starveling can suggest someone is starving.Tailors have an image of very slender body. In English, there is a proverb " Nine tailors make a man," which says that tailors are very thin in their body. Do you think the names very interesting?

Test 1

1、Hippolyta says in Act Scene 1 that Four days will quickly steep themselves in night; Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon,大学答案答案 like to a silver bow New bent in heaven, shall behold the night. She compares the moon to
A、a lady.
B、莎士a silver bow
C、a man
D、a rabbit.

2、Hermia says in Act I Scene 1 that I do entreat your grace to pardon me. I know not by what power I am made bold. Nor how it may concern my modesty In such a presence here to plead my thoughts; But I beseech your grace that I may know The worst that may befall me in this case, If I refuse to wed Demetrius. What meaning does she express by saying these words?
A、She wants to know more aboout the duke's decision.
B、Even if the worst befalls her, she still likes to marry Lysander.
C、She is timid.
D、She is very worried about her father.

3、Demetrius once loved Helena, but now he falls in love with Hermia.

Week 3 Act II Scene 1

Test 2

1、Puck says, The king doth keep his revels here tonight, Take heedd the Queen com not within his sight, For Oberon is passing fell and wrath, Because that she as her attendant hath A lovely boy stol'n from Indian king; She never had so sweet a changeling, And jealous Oberon would have the child Knight of his train, to trace the forests wild. The meaning of the above words is that
A、The king is going to find fun in the forest tonight, and please take care not to let the queen be here. The reason is that the king is very angry with her. The queen has an Indian boy stolen from an Indian king, and she likes him very much and does not like to hand over the boy to the fairy king who intends to make the child one of his knights together with him to wander in the wild forest.
B、The king is going to find fun in the forest tonight, and please make sure the queen does not come, because the king is very angry with her. She has a lovely boy coming from Indian who the king also likes and decides to make him one of his knights to be together with him in the forest.
C、The king is going to find fun in the forest together with the queen. Though the king is jealous that she has an indian boy, he hopes she can hand him over to him by making her happy.
D、The king is going to find fun in the forest, but he does not feel happy with the queen for she is such a miserly person that she wants to keep the boy stolen from Indian for her own only because she likes the boy very much, whereas the king is going to make the boy as his adopted son.

2、Puck is very mischievious, and the Fairy lists some wrongs Puck did to others
A、frighten the maidens of the villagery;
B、steal the cream of the milk;
C、tell the wrong direction to strangers
D、harass ladies

3、"Love-in-Idleness" is a kind of herb medicine which can cure every disease.

Week 4 Act II Scene 2

Session 13 Act II Scene 2 Lysander, Hermia and Puck随堂测验

1、The pun is a kind of rhetorical devices that Shkakesepear usually uses in his play. According to Wikipedia, "the pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. " Lysander says in his speech that "I do not lie." Do you think he has a double meaning in his word? On the one hand, he says he is not inclined to lie down close to Hermia; on the other hand, he means that he loves Hermia dearly, and he does not tell a lie.

Session 14 Act II Scene 2 Helena and Lysander随堂测验

1、What are the reasons for Lysander to change his love from Hermia to Helena?
A、He thinks Helena has a pair of beautiful eyes.
B、He does not think he was rational in love with Hermia when he fell in love with her.
C、He does not think Hermia kind.
D、He does not know Hermia.

Test 3

1、Hermia does not agree with Lysander's proposal that they sleep on one pillow. Her reason is that
A、Lysander snorts when he sleeps.
B、She does not like Lysander.
C、She thinks Lysander should be her guard when she sleeps.
D、She does not believe in what Lysander says.
E、She hopes to keep her chasitity.

2、Lysander tells Helena that he feels very regretful of his love for Hermia, the reasons are
A、that Hermia is not pretty for she is as white as a dove.
B、that Hermia is not pretty for Helena is as dark as a raven.
C、that he thinks he is ripe now
D、that Helena is the worthier maid.

3、Lysander says that "Things growing are not ripe until their season:/ So being young, till now ripe not to reason." We find a metaphor in his words. He compares him to the fruit growing.

Week 5 Act III Scene 1-2

Session 16 Act III Scene 1 The Six Craftsmen随堂测验

1、You say "not a whit" or "no whit" to emphasize that something is___________
B、just the case .
C、not the case at all.

Session 18 Act III Scene 2 Oberon and Puck随堂测验

1、In English, people usually refer to one thing by means of speaking another thing but they are in the same category. For example, we can say "A young man feels sad about this accident," but we also can say "A young heart feels sad about this accident." " A young heart" heare refers to "the young man." This is one kind of metaphors used not only in daily speech but quite often in literary works. So is the case in Shakespeare's works. Rhetoricians call this kind of metaphor synecdoche. In Act Scene 2, Puck saysas The shallowest thick-skin of that barren sort, Who Pyramus presented in their sport, Forsook his scene and entered in a brake. "The shallowest thick skin" in this speech refers to
A、a cat.
B、a dog

Session 19 Act III Scene 2 Demetrius and Hermia随堂测验

1、When she hears Demetrius' words that he had rather give Lysander's carcase to his dogs, Hermia answers back, " Out, dog,! Out, cur! Thou drive me past the bounds of maiden patience." The phrase "maiden patience" means
A、that girls should have a virtue of patience.
B、that the virtue of patience belongs to girls.
C、that girls are likely to lose temper.
D、that girls are paitents.

Week 6 Act II Scene 2

Session 20 Act III Scene 2 Oberon and Robin or Puck随堂测验

1、Oberon says in Act III Scene 2 that "About the woods go swifter than the wind,/ and Helena of Athens look thou find." If we read these two lines closely, we may rearrange the sentence order of these two lines in this way,
A、You should go swifter than the wind around the forest, and make sure you find Helena of Athens.
B、I should go swifter than the wind around the forest, and make sure I find helena of Athens.
C、Helena of Athens should go swifter around the forest than the wind, and she looks to find you.
D、Nobody goes swifter than the wind in the forest, and you should make sure to find her.

Session 21 Act III Scene 2 Lysander, Helena and Demetrius随堂测验

1、In Act III Scene 2, Lysander says that "vows so born,/ In their nativity all truth appears." What he means is
A、that he vows in such way because he is true in his love for Helena at the very beginning.
B、that he comes from his hometown to love Helena.
C、that the truth begins when he vows.
D、that love shows truth when he vows.

Session 22 Act III Scene 2 Lysander, Helena, Demetrius and Hermia随堂测验

1、When she finds Lysander, Hermia says, " Dark night, that from the eye his function takes,/The ear more quick of apprehension makes;/Wherein it does impair the seeing sense,/ it pays the hearing double compense." In her speech, she compares the dark night to a man
A、who can blind people's eyes, but people's ears can work more efficiently.
B、who can pay people double money
C、who can enhance people's seeing sense.
D、who can mislead human beings.

Session 23 Act III Scene 2 Helena and Hermia随堂测验

1、Helena in this session speaks in the form of rhetorical question "Will you rent our ancient love asunder?" Here, love actually means friendship or the love between sisters. Then what does the word "ancient?"
A、Very old and never fresh.
B、Long time.
C、In the past.

Week 7 ActIII Scene 2

Session 24 ActIII Scene 2 Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena随堂测验

1、"Thy threats have no more strength than her week prayers. " This line means
A、Your words can threaten both her and me.
B、Your words can threaten me as little as her weak begging can persuade me.
C、Your words cannot threaten either of us.
D、Neither you nor her can stop me

Session 26 Act III Scene 2 Oberon and Robin or Puck随堂测验

1、Who is the king of shadows?

Session 27 Act III Scene 2 Puck, Lysander and Demetrius随堂测验

1、Lysander says that "the villain is much lighter-heeled than I." (Line442) "Lighter-heeled" here means
A、Demetrius' heel is very light, not heavy.
B、Demetrius' heel is vulnerable to damage.
C、Demetrius runs faster.
D、Demetrius usually has a light on his heel.

Session 28 Act III Scene 2 Helena, Puck and Hermia随堂测验

1、Puck says Yet but three? Come one more, Two of both kinds makes up four. Act III Scene 2 Line 436-7. "But" here means "only"

Week 8 Act IV- Act V

Session 29 Act IV Scene 1 Oberon and Titania随堂测验

1、In this session, Oberon is going to release Titania from the magic spell. He says, Be as thou wast wont to be See as thou wast wont to see. Dian's bud o'er Cupid's flower Has such force and blessed power. Cupid's flower is the medicine that can make a human being fall in love with any creature when waking up from sleep. And Dian's bud is the medicine that can release the human being from the magic spells.

Session 32 Act V Scene 1 The Play随堂测验

1、It is said that English language came into being around fifth century, which is termed to be "Old English." Old English period did not die away untill 11th century when William the Conqueror arrived in England and was crowned to be the King of England. Since then, Middle English has taken its shape and developed. Middle English gradually disappeared when the printing house started to publish books. People began to regulate the spelling and grammar rules for a wider readership. Since 1475 when the frist printing house was established, English has come into a period scholars called "Early Modern English." It is a historical period when great number of writers bloomed such as Christopher Marlow, Francis Bacon, Wyat, Shakespeare, Spencer. Also, in their works we still can find the traces of Middle English. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, when Quince says in his prologue that "This beauteous lady Thisby is certain" and that "This grisly beast which lion hight by name/ The trusty Thisbe coming first by night," the words "certain" and "hight" are used in meaning of Middle English which have the meaning "to be called" in Contemporary English. The Early Modern English fades away in the late 18th century when Modern English paved its way into social development. Contemporary English that we are using today did not come until after WW II.

Test 4

1、Among the people charmed by the medicine "Love-in-Idleness," who is not removed form the magic spells?

2、In Act IV Scene 1, Theseus talks about his dogs. Which of the following characters belong to his dogs?
A、The dogs were bred in Spart.
B、His dogs are like Sparta dogs.
C、The colour of his dogs in the yellow colour like the colour of sands.
D、His dogs have big ears.

3、When Theseus meets the four young lovers in the forest, he reminds Egeus that they should put Hermia to death for she has eloped with Lysander.

Essay Writing

Term Paper of A Midsummary Night's Dream

1、Topic Seclected 5 Points Work Load 2 Points Thesis Statement 2 Points Logic 3 Points Examples 3 Points Fluent English 3 Points Works Cited 1 Points Format 1 Point (MLA or APA) Plagarism is considered to be a kind of crime in academics, and when plagarism is found out, the paper or essay must be graded zero. Please note, 1 When you are writing a term paper or an essay about A Midsummer Night’s Dream, first of the first is to have a topic. Topic here refers to the interest you have in the play, or your focus on the play. It may be a character, or the theme of the play or the symbols used in the play, or the plot of the play, or the rhetorical devices used in the play. 2. Definitely, any paper or essay should have a title. The title here refers to the main idea you are going to present or discuss or illustrate. The title of your essay should be concise, clear and appealing. "To be concise" means that your title should be written in a phrase or in any possibel short combinations of words. "To be clear" means that your title should be to the point of the main idea you are illustrating in your essay, and it is hoped that your title should be attractive, or easy to catch the eyes of the readers. 3. The essay should have three parts in total. The first part should be the opening paragraph or paragraphs concerning your topic. In the opening paragraph or paragraphs, you are expected to have a start, which means that you should have sentences about the topic you are going to write for the sake of your essay, and then you are expected to have transitional sentences which are supposed to narrow down your topic. After that, you are supposed to present your thesis statement. Thesis statement is a sentence presenting the controlling idea in your essay. Your thesis statement should be clear and to the point. 4. The body parts of your essay should serve to develop your thesis statement. Usually, the body parts comprise two or more paragraphs depending on the number of your supporting ideas under the thesis statement. The paragraphs in the body parts of your essay should be written with the consideration of unity, coherence, and convincing evidence. Unity means that each paragraph should have one idea expressed at the beginning of the paragraph, or rather a topic sentence. Coherence means that all the sentences in that paragraph should be written around that idea or the topic sentence. Convincing evidence means that, along with your statement, you need to have examples or logical analysis for the sake of persuasion. 5. The last part of your essay should be the ending paragraph. In your ending paragraph, you need to summarize the ideas presented in your essay, as well as to carry a bit further what you have discussed in your essay. BEST WISHES AND GOOD LUCK .


1. 剧情介绍



2. 人物角色分析


2.1 赛普利斯公爵


2.2 赛义德


2.3 赫米娅


2.4 里奥


3. 感想与收获



4. 总结

