
分类: 生物答案发布于:2024-06-02 14:18:38ė53814次浏览627条评论


Lesson One Campus Life

Quiz for Unit One

1、中国作业When you are interacting with people from the West,大学答案答案 you should probably start with talking about______.
A、weather in that day
B、交际marriage status
C、英语personal income
D、课后课后political stance

2、慕课Complete the given short conversation. Mike: Hi Katie,中国作业 how is everything? Kate: _________.
A、It’s ok.
B、大学答案答案Well done
D、英语Pretty good.

3、课后课后Which of the following does not describe features of sorority or fraternity in Western campus ?慕课
A、Single-sex membership.
B、中国作业Similar family background.
C、大学答案答案Strict selection of new members.
D、交际Live together in a house.

4、During your presentation, you notice that some of the audience are starting to lose interest. Which of the following lines has the best chance of getting their interest back?
A、“Guys, listen up!”
B、“Excuse me, please pay attention.”
C、“With a show of hands, who here has watched a foreign film?”
D、“Hi, please stay focused.”

5、Why is effective use of gestures important when giving presentations?
A、To complement verbal communication.
B、To provide a calming, repetitive atmosphere.
C、To give time to the audience to take notes.
D、To make sure the audience members in the last rows are able to hear the presenter.

6、Which of the following is not the reason why we should establish eye contact with audience in presentation?
A、Looking at audience will establish bond with the speaker.
B、Looking at audience will show respect and politeness of the speaker.
C、Looking at audience will make the audience better understand the message delivered.
D、Looking at audience will help the speaker to adjust the message to the audience through observing their reactions.

7、Which is NOT a tip for you to overcome campus culture shock while studying abroad?
A、Open up your mind to new experiences.
B、Take this opportunity to meet interesting people.
C、Take advantage of multicultural activities and events.
D、Stay together with groups of people from your cultural background to reduce homesickness.

8、Please decide whether the following expressions are for formal and informal occasions. 1) Good morning, Alice. It is a pleasure to meet you.

9、2) Hi, how is your life?

10、3) Hi, what is up?

11、4) John, please allow me to introduce Simon.

12、5) Derek, come to meet Sara.

Homework for unit One

1、To be your university’s spokesman: Prepare a 2-3 min. presentation to introduce your university’s features by integrating ideas you have gained and submit your recording to the platform.

Lesson Two Food Culture

Quiz for Unit Two

1、Which of the following best describes the flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine?
A、Pungent and spicy.
B、Fresh and salty.
C、Light and sweet.
D、Greasy and salty.

2、Which of the following dishes successfully joined the World Non-material Cultural Heritage?
A、Confucian Dishes
B、Tan-family Dishes
C、Medicinal Dishes
D、Lion’s Headv

3、What is the typical feature of Chinese Cuisine according to the Introduction of Chinese, French and Indian cuisines?
A、Dishes are always cooked with butter, cheese and cream.
B、Spices are popularly used to enhance the flavor of foods.
C、Fish is used as staple food.
D、The art of swift cooking at very high temperature is supreme.

4、Which of the following is a behavioral mistake according to the western dining etiquette?
A、After cutting the food, Americans would place the knife at the top of the plate, blade facing in and switch the fork to the right hand and eat with it.
B、Right-handed, one takes the fork with the right hand, and the knife with the left.
C、When leaving the table permanently, one puts his napkin to the left of the dinner plate.
D、When having soup, one always uses a spoon to pick up the soup from

5、Fast food began firstly in _____.

6、Which of the following statements is not true for “drive-through” service?
A、It lets customers order and pick up food from their vehicle. Such service was first popularized in the 1950s.
B、Such service was first popularized in the 1950s.
C、It was the United States that the service was developed.
D、It was the fish and chip shops in Britain that popularized the service.

7、In formal discussion, we sometimes make a concession when ______.
A、we try to make a conclusion
B、we try to give reasons
C、we try to reply somebody who disagrees with us
D、we try to show our agreement with somebody

8、1. Please match each Chinese dish with its English name. 1) 鱼香肉丝 A. Fried Prawns 2) 辣子鸡丁 B. Scrambled Egg with Tomato 3) 北京烤鸭 C. Home-style Tofu 4) 软炸虾仁 D. Yangzhou Fried Rice 5) 蚝油生菜 E. Peking Roast Duck 6) 扬州炒饭 F. Lettuce with Oyster Sauce 7) 番茄炒蛋 G. Fish-flavored Pork Slices 8) 家常豆腐 H. Spicy Deep-fried Chicken Dice 答案举例:ABECDFHG

Lesson Three Family

Quiz for Unit Three

1、Choose the correct answer according to the picture.
A、He is overweighed and with round belly
B、He is skinny and with brown hair
C、He is muscular and with round eyes
D、He is fat and with big mouse

2、Choose the appropriate description for the picture.
A、She has blond hair and a freckled face
B、She has crystal clear eyes and fair complexion
C、She has wavy hair and pale skin color
D、She has a ruddy face and straight hair

3、Choose the correct answer according to the picture
A、This girl has curly hair and dark skin color
B、This girl has gray hair and fair skin color
C、This girl has straight hair and pale skin color
D、This girl has short hair and light skin color

4、Which of the following is a negative description of a person?
A、Maybe they think it is stubborn, but I like her persistence.
B、The chubby boy has a freckled face and curly hair.
C、Sometimes a person can be really mean and picky.
D、Lucy is a disciplined and straight A student in her class.

5、_________ family includes all relatives in close proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

6、________ family has a step-mon, a step-dad, and even step-siblings.

7、Which of the following words is NOT the word that is associating with women according to the conservative ideas?

8、Which of the following statements is NOT appropriate?
A、Women’s increasing participation in the work force triggered a shift in the division of labor in many households in the past a few decades.
B、The high-earning women often did less housework then those who earn lower wages because they are lack of time and energy to balance the work and life.
C、Based on the study made by the American researchers, many men of the two-earner families are still responsible for a substantially smaller share of household duties.
D、Women may do more housework willingly for they don’t want to give up their responsibility as a homemaker or may because they think it is a compensation.

Homework for Unit Three

1、Prepare a 2-3 min. presentation to express your opinion on gender roles in a family and submit your recording to the platform.

Lesson Four Festivals and Cultures

Quiz for Unit Four

1、Which of the following festivals is NOT a traditional Chinese one?
A、Tomb-sweeping Day
B、Valentine’s Day
C、Spring Festival
D、Double Ninth Festival

2、In terms of the origin, many important traditional Western festivals, like Christmas, are related to ________.
D、geographical locations

3、Please choose a proper word to complete the sentence: People in China eat dumplings and fish during Spring Festival ________ turkey is the typical food of Thanks-giving on a Western dinner table.

4、Which of the following customs of Spring Festival is NOT followed much by most people in China nowadays?
A、Not washing hair on New Year’s
B、Putting up the character of upside-down “Fu” on doors and windows.
C、Giving children red envelopes of money.
D、Having family gatherings.

5、Which of the following is the reason for people to celebrate festivals?
A、To learn about the “reasons” behind the festivals.
B、To protect the cultural heritage.
C、To get integrated with the rest of the world.
D、All of the above

6、II True or false questions 1. The tradition of “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of the house to sweep away bad luck in the past year.

7、2. Since Christmas carols are usually about eulogizing Jesus Christ, they can only be sung in a church on Christmas Eve.

8、3. None of Chinese festivals are celebrated for religious reasons.

9、4. As the world is developing, the reasons for people to celebrate festivals have transcended celebrating a season or commemorating a historical event, and become more diversified.

10、5. People travel and buy presents for their family and friends on festivals and holidays, so celebrating festivals might be good for the development of local tourism and business.

Lesson Five Leisure

Quiz for Unit Five

1、Identify the leisure activity associated with high physical speed.
D、Playing video games.

2、A healthy, active lifestyle helps to improve and maintain mental health. Which one of the following is an example of an improvement in mental health?
A、Better stamina to keep going.
B、More skills to carry out specific physical activities.
C、You live longer
D、More able to think positively

3、Which one of the following is the most popular in terms of participation for all age groups?

4、Which one of the following leisure activities are NOT probably preferred by western people?

5、Many people participate in physical activities and follow an active, healthy lifestyle. Which one of the following is a health reason for regular participation in physical activities?
A、To make friends
B、To have a job and earn money
C、To be a good role model
D、To manage stress more effectively

6、1. Provide the leisure activities in English according to the description with the help of the initial letter. 1) S_____ can be a means of transport, a recreational activity or a competitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow.

7、2) H_____ is intended for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails (footpaths).

8、3) C_____, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, exercise or sport

9、Match the sports idioms with their meaning. 1) blow-by-blow account 2) be cricket 3) hit a home run 4) take a rain check 5) take sides A) accept at a later time B) a detailed description C) choose one side of an argument D) play fair E) be very successful 1) ______ 2) ______ 3) ______ 4) ______ 5) ______ 答案格式参考:ABCDE

10、1. Please categorize the three elements of persuasion “ethos, logos and pathos” correctly. See the example done for you. A) ethos B) logos C) pathos Example: As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results. (A) 1) The statistics support the claim that smoking is unhealthy. ( )

11、2) If you’re still unsure, please consider that my advanced degree and field work that speak for themselves. ( )

12、3) I’m not just invested in this community - I love every building, every business, every hard-working member of this town. ( )

Homework for Unit Five

1、To be a cultural ambassor: Describe and recommend one of leisure activities to international students or foreign visitors to Xi’an that you think is interesting and submit your recording to the platform.

Lesson Six Tourism

Quiz for Unit Six

1、When Nadir is comparing Hadrain’s Wall to Great Wall, which of the following aspects is mentioned?
A、The construction period
B、The length of the walls
C、The prestige of the walls
D、All of the above

2、Which one is not the function of comparison and contrast?
A、To observe two things or more in a better way to help the readers evaluate them
B、To show the superiority of one thing over another
C、To identify the similarities and differences between two things only
D、To explain something that is unfamiliar to the readers

3、Which of the following comes up with the definition of “refutation”?
A、Pointing out problems with an opposing view
B、Getting the weakness in the other side’s point
C、Fighting back directly by giving an opposite view
D、All of the above

4、Which of the following expressions is the example of “refutation”?
A、I cannot deny that ... but it doesn’t mean that ...
B、I don’t think this is the reason for ...
C、Admittedly, ...
D、It is popularly believed that ...

5、Which of the following does not come up with the definition of “concession”?
A、It is used when an opposing argument contains a point whose validity you cannot deny
B、Admitting the merit of one aspect of the argument
C、Fighting back directly by giving an opposite view
D、Making it clear that yours to be stronger.

6、Which of the following is an example of “concession”?
B、I cannot agree with you at all.
C、I would say ...
D、I argue that ...

7、When the four Chinese and foreign students are talking about the factors that make a university attractive, which of the following aspects is not mentioned?
A、The life.
B、The campus culture.
C、The teaching practice.
D、The resources.

8、1. Please match the questions with the answers. 1) What can I do for you? 2) What’s the rate? 3) How would you like to make payment? 4) Do you have any carry-ons? 5) What’s the weight limit? 6) May I confirm your departure date? A. It’s 27th. B. By Credit Card. C. It’s 120 US dollars per night. D. It’s 44 pounds. E. Yes, a small bag-pack and a laptop. F. I would like to book a room. 答案填写格式举例:FEDCBA

Lesson Seven Learning to Think

Quiz for Unit Seven

1、Auditory learners__________.
A、may find it hard to follow oral instructions.
B、may find written materials confusing or boring.
C、often benefit from graphic organizers.
D、like to use flashcards.

2、Visual learners ____________.
A、may benefit from saying things out-loud
B、find it difficult to sit still for a long time
C、like to use colored markers
D、often talk to themselves

3、Kinesthetic learners _____________.
A、like oral directions
B、often form images in their minds to learn concepts
C、like to listen to music as they work
D、want to walk around as they practice

4、Collectivist mindset focuses more on _____________.
A、separate elements
B、unchanging things
C、the context
D、personal preference

5、Chinese people are usually considered more ___________ .

6、Western society encourages people to be _________.

7、The left hemisphere controls the muscles on the left side of the body while the right hemisphere controls those on the right.

8、A person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.

Homework for Unit Seven

1、Describe and explain the difference of learning style between western and Chinese cultures you have observed in your daily life based on the knowledge you’ve learned in this unit and submit your recording to the platform.

Lesson Eight Job and Career

Quiz for Unit Eight

1、In order to plan for the future career, a student should have a good understanding of his/her ________.
D、all of the above

2、We can use the following words except “________” when discussing possibilities.

3、Which of the following is NOT a common kind of job interview?
A、Email interview
B、Telephone interview
C、Video interview
D、Face-to-face interview

4、What might be a proper answer when being asked about your weaknesses during a job interview?
A、My only weakness is that I am such a perfectionist
B、I am in lack of the desire to advance
C、I don’t have good communication skills
D、I am still learning to analyze cases from a grand perspective

5、During job interviews, men should wear a suit and tie and women should not wear make-up.

6、When introducing yourself in a job interview, you should be as comprehensive as possible.

7、During a job interview, the language should be straightforward and positive.

8、Volunteering has been enjoying great popularity among people all over the world due to the ideal of promoting goodness and mutual help among human beings.




1. 多听多说多模仿


2. 培养语言环境


3. 练习口语的技巧


4. 建立自信心















