
分类: 司法习题发布于:2024-06-02 13:34:07ė88934次浏览671条评论


第一单元 口译概述

第一单元 单元测试

1、尔雅An interpreter’s major competencies include the following elements except _____.
A、英汉language proficiency
B、交替encyclopedic knowledge
D、期末martial arts

2、答案Based on the interpretive theory,学习 there are two phases of interpreting which are comprehension and reformulation.

3、The通完 two basic modes of interpreting are simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting.

4、The整答 formula proposed by Daniel Gile describing different phases of interpreting is known as _____.

5、Memory and _____ are the two basic skills for interpreting training.

第二单元 口译听辨

第二单元 单元测试

1、尔雅The英汉 two ways of logic analysis include vertical analysis and _____.
C、传译horizontal analysis
D、期末comprehensive analysis

2、答案Interpreters are supposed to record every single word when listening for key information.

3、Keywords recognition is the second step of listening and analysis.

4、Gist delivery should be_____, objective, balanced and holistic.

5、The process of gist interpretation falls into ______ stages.

第三单元 口译记忆

第三单元 单元测试

1、It is undeniable that a better LTM can _____ STM processing thus improve interpreting performances.

2、Psychological studies of human memory agree that there are two types of memory: short-term memory and long-term memory.

3、Most of the information kept in short-term memory will be stored for approximately 20 to 30 seconds, but it can be just seconds if rehearsal of the information is prevented.

4、_____ into small groups makes it easier to remember more items for a short period.

5、_____ can turn short-term memory into long-term memory.

第四单元 记忆技巧

第四单元 单元测试

1、When dealing with _____ speech, it is easier for interpreters to get the layers of information.

2、The two basic information analysis techniques are logic-based memorization and visualization.

3、Vertical analysis means distinguishing the key information and the supplementary information.

4、During the production process, interpreters just need the key words, _____ and clues to activate the information.

5、Visual system uses _____ to store information while verbal system uses words to store information.

第五单元 口译笔记

第五单元 单元测试

1、What should be noted down in notes?
D、All of the above

2、The beginners should always use target language when taking down notes.

3、The functions of notes are to relieve and jog

4、The first principle of note-taking is that it should be done on the basis of good and effective memorization of the source text.

第六单元 笔记技巧

第六单元 单元测试

1、Which symbol does the following statement refer to? “it is frequently used with slight variation to show different types of movement, increase or decrease (vertically or sloping), in particular for reporting economic trends.”

2、When lists are noted down, they should be stacked vertically instead of being indented.

3、As the first principle of note-taking, __________ means noting down the page or arranging the notes vertically from top to bottom, rather than horizontally from left to right.

4、The interpreter will use such devices as simplification, abbreviation and _______ to improve the efficiency of note-taking,

第七单元 数字口译

第七单元 单元测试

1、454.3 billion and 1.35 trillion can be interpreted into ______ and _____ respectively in Chinese.

2、We should pay attention to the translation of the Chinese expression “翻番“. ”翻一番“means twice sth, ”翻两番“means four times sth, “ 翻三番”means 6 times sth.

3、English and Chinese have great differences in the expression of numbers, which is mainly reflected in their different ways of segmentation. In English every ______ single digit is put in a segment, and each segment is denoted by words like "thousand", "million", "billion" and "trillion" from low to high. In Chinese, every four single digit is put in a segment.

4、“1500万微信用户”can be interpreted into “fifteen ______ Wechat users “ in English.

第八单元 口译语块

第八单元 单元测试

1、Speakers’ attitudes can be expressed by using the following lexical bundles except _____.
A、I don’t know if
B、in the case of
C、are more likely to
D、I was going to

2、We may regard any continuous or discontinuous multi-word units as lexical bundles that are, rarely or frequently, used in natural language.

3、Interpreters tend to use lexical bundles in both simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting because of the easy access to them in their memory.

4、_____ bundles serve the functions of topic introduction and topic clarification.

5、The referential bundle ‘have a lot of’ can specify specific attributes of the following nouns in terms of _____.

第九单元 口译员的跨文化交际能力

第九单元 单元测试

1、If the sentence “身正不怕影子斜,你不必太在意流言蜚语。” is interpreted into “ Don’t be bothered by the rumors. A clean hand wants no washing.”, what interpreting strategy is employed?
A、Literal translation
B、Free translation
C、Adding explanation

2、The essence of interpreting decides that the interpreter performs the dual roles of language transformation and cultural mediation. In terms of cultural mediation, interpreters should not only follow the conventions of a specific culture in words and behaviors, but also try their best to prevent, stop and eliminate the cultural friction and communication barriers that may occur due to the lack of understanding of the cultural customs of the other party, so as to help the two parties reach cross-cultural understanding.

3、Interpreting is a kind of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communicative activity. In other words, it is the communication and exchange not only between different languages but also between different__________.

4、To cultivate intercultural communication awareness, the interpreters should do the following things. First, accumulating cultural knowledge of SL and TL. Second, having cross-cultural ________, which is an ability to see others from their point of views which will help us to be familiar with others and adjust ourselves to a new environment. Third, having adequate interpreting practice.

第十单元 口译员的公共演讲能力

第十单元 单元测试

1、The following are the tricks an interpreter can do when dealing with nervousness except _____.
A、taking deep breath
B、dancing on the stage
C、sharing with other interpreters
D、taking mental relaxation

2、Though working as a bridge between speakers, an interpreter is generally considered as a secondary speaker.

3、Once you can have your tension under control, you can expect better performance in interpreting.

4、The interpreter should use _____ speed and should slow down appropriately at key information points.

5、A relaxed yet _____ posture makes an interpreter look confident, friendly, and energetic.

第十一单元 口译应对策略

第十一单元 单元测试

1、In the process of interpreting, if the interpreter can’t understand a word or several words of the speaker, he should not ________.
A、roughly convey the meaning in line with the speaker's intention and the logic of the context
B、interrupt the speaker immediately, but wait for more information to help with the understanding
C、omit the word (words) if it (they) doesn’t (don’t ) affect the meaning a lot
D、make logical guessing

2、The interpreter can seek help from others during interpreting. For example, he can ask the speaker to explain or rephrase the expression which he couldn’t understand or ask the audience to help. And the interpreter can use this tactic as frequently as possible without losing any credibility.

3、In the reproduction phase, for some words not clearly heard, or temporarily unable to interpret, especially some professional words, the interpreter can imitate the original pronunciation, and read it out. This coping tactic is called parrot _________.

4、When the interpreter cannot find an appropriate and corresponding expression in the target language, the meaning expressed by the word can be explained. Especially when the speaker cites classics or uses humorous words, it is difficult for interpreter to come up with an equally gentle, neat or humorous translation at once, and then he can adopt the tactic of __________ to deal with it.


英汉交替传译 期末考试

1、第一部分:英译汉 主题:手机礼仪

2、第二部分:汉译英 主题:元宵节

3、第三部分:英译汉 主题:城市改变气候

4、第四部分:汉译英 主题:中医的起源










  • 在线学习,无需出门,时间自由安排。
  • 丰富的学习资源,包括视频、课件、练习等多种形式,让学员更轻松地学习。
  • 专业的师资团队,由资深的英语教师和口译专家授课,为学员提供专业的指导。
  • 多维度的学习评估,通过考试、作业、评估等多种方式对学员进行全面的评估,帮助学员更好地掌握知识和技能。
  • 与学习通平台的良好结合,学员可以同时学习其他课程,提高综合学习能力。




  • 学习英汉交替传译需要大量的听力练习,建议多听英美电影、美剧、BBC新闻等英语素材,不仅有助于提高听力水平,还能够了解不同的语言表达方式。
  • 词汇是英汉交替传译的基础,需要通过阅读英文材料、背诵单词等方式进行练习。
  • 语法是英汉交替传译的关键,建议通过多看英文文本、翻译汉语成英语等方式进行练习。
  • 多进行练习,通过模拟考试、口语练习等方式进行反复练习,不断提高自己的语言表达能力。
  • 积极参与课堂讨论、与同学互动交流,可以帮助学员更好地理解知识,同时也能够提高自己的口语表达能力。


