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Chapter 1 Comprehensive Listening Skills and Listening Competence

Test for Chapter 1

1、英语Part I: Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

2、听力Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

3、答案答案Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

4、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

5、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

6、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

7、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

8、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

9、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

10、Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Each of the words will be read once only.

11、Part II: The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、How do you spell “believe”?
B、How do you spell “belief”?

12、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、They like all the food.
B、They liked all the food.

13、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、The car is missing.
B、B. The cart is missing.

14、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、They’ve already gone.
B、B. They’d already gone.

15、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、No one is going to watch all of it.
B、No one is going to wash all of it.

16、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、How did you like the peach?
B、How did you like the pitch?

17、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、Can you say something about the collar?
B、Can you say something about the caller?

18、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、When are you going to sell the boat?
B、When are you going to sail the boat?

19、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、We all saw the cop.
B、B. We all saw the cup.

20、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
A、Did you say “the lock” on the door?
B、Did you say “the knock” on the door?

21、Part III: The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group.
A、We want to buy a lot of apples.
B、We want to buy a lot of apples.

22、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group.
A、I think that animal is a big cat.
B、I think that animal is a big cat.

23、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group.
A、Frank wrote the report.
B、rank wrote the report.

24、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group.
A、Does she speak Italian?
B、Does she speak Italian?

25、The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group.
A、Judy wanted to go early.
B、Judy wanted to go early.

26、Part IV: Listening Comprehension: In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、I know John, who’s Bill’s son, and I know Harry.
B、I know Bill’s son, I know John, and I know Harry.
C、I know Bill, I know John, and I know Harry.

27、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、He was one of the people who translated the book.
B、He not only wrote the book but also translated it.
C、He not only translated the magazines but also the book.

28、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、He can see, but not very clearly.
B、It is clear that he can’t see at all.
C、The day is so clear that he can’t see anything.

29、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、I have no doubts about his competence, but I doubt his motivations.
B、I have no doubts about his competence or about him at all.
C、I don’t think he’s very competent.

30、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、The children have left.
B、Someone has left the children.
C、The children have left someone.

31、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、The speaker is offering tea, or coffee, or something else.
B、The speaker is offering either tea or coffee only.
C、The speaker wants to offer coffee instead of tea.

32、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、She gave dog biscuits to somebody
B、She gave biscuits to her dog
C、She gave dog biscuits to her dog

33、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、He should have told me, but he didn’t
B、It is possible that he has told me, but I forgot
C、He should have told me, and so he has.

34、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、Some children were playing and only they looked unhappy
B、All the children were playing and all looked unhappy
C、The children were playing because they looked unhappy

35、In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.
A、I’m sure I’ve seen you here before
B、You may have been here before, but I’m not sure about it
C、I’m disappointed that you’ve been here before

Chapter 3. TEM 4 Listening

Test for Chapter 3

1、Corporate Culture Corporate culture is described as the (1) _____________ of an organization, and guides how employees think, act, and feel.

2、It includes core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. It can be expressed in the company’s mission (2) _____________ and other communications,

3、in the architectural style or interior (3) _____________ of offices, and in the titles given to various employees. Corporate culture affects you in many ways.

4、For instance: l The (4) __________ __________ per day, per week.

5、The (5) __________ __________, including employee interaction, competition degree, etc.

6、The (6) __________ __________, including the accepted styles of attire, etc.

7、The (7) __________ __________ you get, including cubicles, window offices, etc.

8、The (8) __________ __________ development.

9、Onsite perks, such as break room, play room, etc. l The (9) __________ __________ outside the office.

10、(10) _____________ with other employers.

Chapter 2 Learning Strategies of Listening

Test for Chapter 2

1、Part II. Passage (Shadowing and Gist) Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What does the speaker really describe in the speech?
A、People can learn English well in their sleep.
B、People can learn English well while working.
C、People can learn English well through their talking (conversations).
D、People can learn English well by taking a systematic course.

2、irections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. How do specialists comment on this study method?
A、It shows the learning speed.
B、It exhilarates the learning speed
C、It worsens their memory
D、It enhances their abilities

3、Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. How effectively can the average person learn during sleep as in the same period during the day?
A、Almost the same.
B、Two times as much.
C、Three times as much.
D、Two or three times as much.

4、Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What does sleep-teaching do?
A、It hammers the new things into your head.
B、It hammers the interesting things into your mind.
C、It hammers the humorous things into your mind.
D、It hammers only what you have studied while being awake into your mind.

5、Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What did the student have to do for another three hours before having breakfast?
A、To prepare the new lessons
B、To review his lessons
C、To keep him thinking
D、To continue writing

6、Part III. News (Shadowing and Gist) A. Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary. This news item is about .
A、the local council election inYemen
B、the violent protest over voting problems inYemen
C、the people killed and injured during the voting inYemen
D、the ruling General People’s Congress Party in the lead

7、Directions: Listen to the news item and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Opposition parties are demanding after a violent protest over voting problems Tuesday.
A、a new election
B、a new selection
C、a new elector
D、a new selector

8、There were at least killed and injured during the voting.
A、six people … many
B、some people … many
C、six people … some
D、many people … some

9、People at more than 100 voting places .
A、were not able to vote Thursday
B、were not able to vote Tuesday
C、won’t be able to vote today
D、won’t be able to vote

10、show the ruling General People’s Congress Party in the lead.
A、Final election results
B、Final results
C、Early elections
D、Early election results

11、Part I (Note-taking) Directions: Listen to a talk about light and health. Take notes and complete the following summary. Can Light Affect Your Health? Many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your (1) .

12、From daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin D through the skin. Certain skin diseases also (2) from exposure to sunlight.

13、Light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn (3) our mood.

14、Some people become (4) in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air.

15、When spring comes, these (5) disappear. Researchers have called this condition SAD -- seasonal affective depression.

16、The condition can be (6) by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights.

17、This lighting has also been used to treat patients (7) from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in Russia and America,

18、and the (8) of Japanese factory workers

19、Young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in Summer (9) in winter.

20、Old people, who risk vitamin D deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to (10) daylight.

Chapter 4 Strategies of Dictation

Test of Chapter 4

1、Peak performances - moments when children (1) that's in them -

2、are the stuff of every parent's (2) .

3、And yet most of us have seen a report card or heard a trumpet solo that (3)

4、what our kids can (4) .

5、Why can some boys and girls repeatedly pull themselves to the (5)

6、while others of equal or (6) cannot?

7、Many parents assume skill is pretty much determined by (7)

8、the student with the highest I.Q. will get the best grades, or the athlete with the most prowess will (8) .

9、Genes (9) in determining performance, but they're not everything.

10、The edge comes from mental attitude, character and (10) .

11、There are some simple ways for parents to help their youngsters develop those (11)

12、Find something to praise. A child who feels good about himself (12)

13、Assess your child's (13)

14、Encourage self-applause. Knowing how to relax is key to (14) .

15、A good report card (15) near your daughter's mirror reminds

16、her that she can do well and (16) to repeat her success.

17、There are no (17) to bringing your child to do his best.

18、It's a (18) of support, encouragement and hard work.

19、And those efforts (19) not only in peak performance

20、not only in peak performance but also in (20) between parent and child.

Chapter 5 News Listening

Test of Chapter 5

1、News Item from VOA, BBC and CRI Part I Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the following passage. Creating a classroom environment that treats women and men equally is important for the educational success of students. However ____1______ equality does not stop with the teacher.

2、It is also important that the ____2______ used are supporting _____3_____ treatment.

3、In fact, many classroom materials, especially those that are older, may contain gender bias in _____4_____, photos, or words.

4、These materials can include textbooks, _____5_____, reading materials, written assignments, or even test materials.

5、Having students use materials like these in class can reinforce _____6_____ about gender roles in society.

6、Classroom materials that reinforce gender stereotypes can ____7______ students,

7、weaken their motivation and limit their overall _____8_____ performance.

8、This can result in fewer opportunities available to students when they finish their schooling. Research has found that stereotypes and gender bias in English language materials do _____9_____.

9、Several studies by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, have found that some texts ____10______ women, contain stereotypes about women or offensive comments about women.

10、In addition, research has found that _____11_____ in teaching materials

11、often show a male _____12_____.

12、One study on high school English language textbooks in Iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ of the time.

13、One study on high school English language textbooks in Iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ % of the time.(请填写数字)

14、The first step is to understand how to identify gender bias in textbooks. Examine the image below. These images were taken from an English language textbook. What do you notice about how the men and women are being _____14_____?

15、In this image there are six people, four men and two women, shown in different jobs. The men pictured include a construction worker, a doctor, a police officer, and a truck driver. The women shown include a farm worker and a food store employee. This image shows men and women in _____15____ jobs in two ways.

16、First, male representation is double that of female. Second, the men generally are working in higher-level, more economically powerful jobs. Now look at a short reading activity from an actual English language textbook. What do you notice about the ________ of men and women in the example?

17、Part II Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the following passage. A new report says about ___1__ people

18、a day have been forced to __2__ their homes in African conflict

19、and __3__ zones.

20、Figures show that more than __4__ people in Africa are internally displaced. (请填文字)

21、Nearly __5___left their homes last year.(请填文字)

22、Part III Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the following passage. Britain's most prestigious ___1___art award,

23、the Turner Prize have been won by an art professor who was born in Zanzibar, Lubaina Himid. Judges __2___ her work

24、which explored the African diaspora and black ___3__.

25、Professor Himid is the first black woman and the oldest person to win the__4__.

Chapter 6 Special means of listening

Test of Chapter 6

1、Part I Listening to a Song Directions: Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing information. Although (1) __________ has always been a friend of mine.

2、I'm leaving my life in your (2) __________.

3、People say I'm (3) __________

4、and that I am (4) __________.

5、Risking it (5) __________ in a glance. 

6、How you got me blind is still a (6) __________.

7、I can't get you out of my (7) __________

8、Don't care what is written in your (8) __________.

9、As long as you're (9) __________ with me. I don't care who you are. Where you're from. What you did.


Final-exam for online Listening course

1、Why did Mr. Power ask Mr. Hanson to call later?
A、Because he was attending a meeting
B、Because he was reading newspaper
C、Because he was having his breakfast
D、Because he was busy at the moment

2、Why should the report be photocopied in the morning?
A、Because Chris would have some other work to do in the afternoon.
B、Because Mr. Power would use it in the afternoon.
C、Because Miss Wright needed it in the afternoon.
D、Because the original copy was to be sent back to the director as soon as possible.

3、Why was Mr. Power especially displeased about Miss Davis’s call to her boyfriend?
A、Because the telephone line is busy during work hours.
B、Because employees are not supposed to do anything personal at work.
C、Because private conversation is not supposed to be heard in office.
D、Because the call would cost Mr. Power a lot of money.

4、What do you think of Miss Wright?
A、She is a domineering figure.
B、She is ready to help her colleagues.
C、She is an efficient and qualified secretary.
D、She knows how to please her boss.

5、What can you learn from the dialogue?
A、Office telephones are often used by employees for personal affairs.
B、Miss Wright runs the office well.
C、Mr. Power is a stingy(吝啬的)boss.
D、Miss Davis is not an efficient office worker.

6、(dialogue 2:6-10)Why has Laura come to the office?
A、She has come to get a reply to her job application.
B、She has come to apply for a place in the finance section.
C、She has come to work in the office.
D、She has come to have an interview with Mrs. Davis.

7、Who is Miss Davis?
A、Typist of the finance section.
B、Secretary of the finance section.
C、General manager of the company.
D、Director of the finance section.

8、When do people in the finance section start work?
A、At 8:30.
B、At 8:45.
C、At 9:00.
D、At 9:30.

9、What do you know about Linda?
A、She’s just lost her job.
B、She’s just got a promotion.
C、She’s just been appointed secretary to the general manager.
D、She’s just been transferred to another company.

10、Why does Linda feel a little nervous today?
A、Because she is starting a new job today.
B、Because she finds the job very difficult.
C、Because she doesn’t know how to deal with her new boss.
D、Because she doesn’t know how to find a good job.

11、(dialogue 3:11-15) Why did the woman come to complain to the manager?
A、Because the faucet in the lavatory was leaking the whole night.
B、Because the room was in very bad conditions when they moved in.
C、Because she doubted if the room had been checked before they moved in.
D、Because this was not the room she had reserved.

12、What excuse did the manager make for the problems?
A、They had been busy with a large conference.
B、They had been busy repairing the toilet facilities.
C、The previous guest had made the room a mess.
D、The housekeeper was not efficient enough.

13、What did the manager promise to do?
A、to pay the woman a sum of money for compensation.
B、to have every facility in the bathroom checked and fixed immediately.
C、to change the room and provide a compensation.
D、to ask the house keeper to see to the problems right away.

14、What do you know abut the hotel?
A、It’s a five-star hotel on the beach.
B、It’s a hotel facing the Pacific Ocean.
C、It’s a luxurious hotel in a big city.
D、It’s a small hotel near the sea.

15、What does the dialogue mainly tell us?
A、The manager is very helpful and efficient.
B、The hotel is old.
C、The hotel’s management is not without problems.
D、This is a busy season for the hotel.

16、Part II Passages Directions: You're going to hear three short passages. Each will be read twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Choose the best answer to each question. (2 points for each) Passage 1 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、North Americans value punctuality more than Latin Americans.
B、To be late for an appointment is not an appropriate behavior in a Latin American culture.
C、A North American tends to come for his / her appointments a little bit late.
D、There is a common standard to determine what is early and what is late.

17、Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A、Americans and Latin Americans.
C、Different Points of View on Appointments.
D、Different Attitudes towards Time.

18、Passage 2 (18-20)Why did the smartly dressed man come to the jewelry shop one day?
A、He wanted to buy his wife a black pearl necklace.
B、He wanted to buy his wife a birthday present.
C、He wanted to buy some jewels for his wife in celebration of his success in business.
D、He wanted to see what new jewelry the shop had got recently.

19、Which of the following was of no importance to the man?
A、The quality of the pearl.
B、The size of the pearl.
C、The color of the pearl.
D、The price of the pearl.

20、What did the old lady take to the jewelry shop?
A、A family jewel.
B、An imitation of the original pearl.
C、The very pearl that the man had bought from the jewelry shop.
D、The pearl she inherited from her mother.

21、How much did the shop lose in the deal?

22、Passage 3 (22-25) Which of the following is NOT necessary for a young man who wants to drive alone?
A、He should pass a driving test.
B、He should get a full licence.
C、He should reach the age of 17.
D、He should learn to drive in a driving school.

23、What must a person do in the driving test?
A、Drive round for over an hour.
B、Be asked some questions about driving skills.
C、Drive a car fit for the road.
D、Be asked to drive in the driving school.

24、Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
A、In 1970 a 100-year-old woman passed her 40th test.
B、One has to take a driving test before he's allowed to have a full licence.
C、Everyone was allowed to drive in Britain before 1940.
D、One must drive alone for at least an hour before he's allowed to have a full licence.

25、What is this passage mainly about?
A、Driving licences in Britain.
B、Driving tests in Britain.
C、Driving lessons in Britain.
D、Driving schools in Britain.







  • 生动实用:听力材料来源于日常生活、学习和工作中的真实场景,涵盖了各个领域的话题,如旅游、餐饮、购物、文化、科技、商务等。
  • 多样化:听力材料包括短对话、长对话、访谈、新闻、演讲等不同类型,让学习者在听力训练中获取更多的语言信息。
  • 个性化:学习通英语听力II采用智能评测技术,能够根据学习者的个性化需求和水平进行听力练习和评测,为学习者提供更加贴近实际的听力训练。
  • 互动性:学习通英语听力II提供在线答疑、讨论、交流等功能,让学习者能够与教师和其他学习者互动,共同提高英语听力能力。
  • 灵活性:学习通英语听力II支持多种学习方式,包括在线听课、下载听课、离线听课等,让学习者能够根据自己的时间和地点选择合适的学习方式。



  • 提高学习者的听力水平,让他们能够听懂各种场景下的英语。
  • 提高学习者的听力速度和准确度,让他们能够在短时间内获取更多的语言信息。
  • 提高学习者的口语和发音能力,让他们能够更好地与外国人沟通。
  • 提高学习者的学习兴趣和动力,让他们更加热爱英语学习。



  • 想要提高英语听力水平的初学者。
  • 需要使用英语听力的学生、教师、职场人士等。
  • 想要备考英语考试(如托福、雅思、GRE等)的考生。



  • 每天至少听一次听力材料,并完成相应的听力练习。
  • 在听力材料中寻找关键信息,如主题、人物、时间、地点等。
  • 多听多练,不断提高听力速度和准确度。
  • 记录自己听力训练的进展和不足,及时跟进和调整。
  • 利用在线答疑、讨论、交流等功能,与教师和其他学习者互动,共同提高英语听力能力。



D.大量中华鳋寄生在鳃上时,称( )。

以下哪个不属于嵌入式系统硬件平台的组成部分( )。

D.在Word中,不能作为文本转换为表格的分隔符是( )。


D.“参与制”是指金融寡头( )。


A.新生代诗歌的主要特征是( )
B.火促进植物开花的机理有哪些( )
C.光绪皇帝变法措施包括:( )
D.下面关于水平运动与垂直运动描述正确的有( )


D.个案研究中资料收集的特点不包括( )。

掘开黄河以水代兵典型的战例有( )。

B.农产品电商在售后服务中要注意( )这些问题。
C.调整演员脸部轮廓包括哪些项目( )

凡是花瓣中没有油细胞的花朵,都不能产生香味。( )

A.放置电线、总线、多边形线时切换放置模式的按键是( )。
C.统计抽样不存在抽样风险。( )
D.晚期重商主义实施的限制输入政策有( )

乡村旅游促销方式下列选项较为合理的有 。

A.一个化学反应在电池中可逆地进行,其焓变为ΔH,热效应为Q, 则其熵变ΔS 。
B.智慧职教: RFID前端软件包括


B.花为白色的树种是( )。


A.与成本战略比较,差异化战略对组织的宽松气氛要求较高。(  )

交换机的基本原理是( )。(选两项)(2分)





D.下列哪一事项所形成的法律关系由劳动法调整( )


A.据《素问 五藏别论》,五脏六腑之气味皆出于胃,而变见于( )
C.Internet的核心内容是 ____ .
