
益智问答2024-05-19 06:51:3292302抢沙发
超星英语演讲课后答案(学习通2023题目答案)摘要: 第一周 Meeting Public Speaking 演讲基础知识Quiz 1 Meeting public speaking1、This course believes public speaki ...


第一周 Meeting Public Speaking 演讲基础知识

Quiz 1 Meeting public speaking

1、超星This 英语演讲course believes public speaking is for everyone. By this we mean ____.
A、Public speaking is 课后done for the profit of everyone.
B、Speakers must consider the needs of everyone when preparing a speech.
C、答案Public speaking is 学习nature, not nurture.
D、We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached "as public speaking."

2、通题Which of the following is 目答the most communication-style?
A、Presidential candidates doing a TV debate.
B、超星Giving a speech at TED.
C、英语演讲Taking a job interview.
D、课后Discussing a research topic with teammates.

3、答案Which of the following TED talks is 学习more likely to be persuasive?
A、“Why doesn’t the leaning tower of Pisa fall over?通题”
B、“The目答 secret language of the trees”
C、“The超星 Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”
D、"Ten ways to have a better conversation”

4、Please take a quick look at the beginning 1 minute of a video clip featuring Chinese scientist Tu Yoyo’s (屠呦呦)Nobel lecture “Discovery of Artemisinin - A gift from traditional Chinese medicine to the world." The video clip is also available under 1.3.3. The male voice at the very beginning of the video clip was from Professor Jan Andersson, Adjunct Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. His was a speech of _____.
D、Anniversary celebration

5、By calling public speaking skills "a man's best suit and a woman's most handy handbag," we mean _____.
A、Public speaking skills can bring you material benefits.
B、Public speaking can spice up your life, making it more fun.
C、Public speaking increases your social attractiveness, especially on important occasions.
D、When it comes to public speaking, men and women need different skill sets!

6、Which of the following sentences would be typically found in a speech of presentation?
A、Welcome to this special event in which we greet (Title and name) and welcome him/her to (Place).
B、I'd like you to please extend a warmest welcome to (Title and name).
C、And the (Name of prize) goes to (Name of prize winner).
D、Thank you all so much for sharing this incredible journey with me.

7、Imagine a guest speaker is to give a lecture and you're the one to make the speech of introduction. Which of the following goes first?
A、Welcoming the audience
B、Welcoming guest speaker
C、Introducing yourself
D、Introducing guest speaker

8、Volunteering means working without pay. It doesn't involve public speaking.

9、In TED talk "Your body language may shape who you are," by saying "I don't have ego involved in this," Amy Cuddy tries to persuade us that we need to let ourselves go when doing power posing.

10、This course will be fun! :)

第二周 No Fear Public Speaking 克服演讲恐惧

Quiz 2 No fear public speaking

1、The “I” in the NIPP+ anti-stage fright recipe stands for ___:

2、The 5P principle tells us to ____:
A、just relax
B、research well
C、prepare fully
D、stay hungry, stay foolish

3、The ultimate cure for stage fright, according to this week's lectures, is _____.
B、deep breathing
C、active gestures
D、focusing on what you say

4、Which of the following statements is false regarding the "fight-or-flight response" in TED talk "The science of stage fright"?
A、It is a threat reaction.
B、It's a self-protective process.
C、It's easy to overcome.
D、It can be seen in a number of animals, humans included.

5、What has made public speaking particularly fearsome for Megan Washington?
C、Time shortage
D、Lack of creativity

6、"It just means I now have a better understanding of what's _____ stake, and how giving up is not an option." (Saflem: Why I keep speaking up even when people mock my accent)

7、Can our NIPP+ solution help you cope fear in other areas?
B、Please choose A :))
C、Please choose A :))
D、Please choose A :))

8、Which of the following constitutes the three elements for successful speechmaking?

9、In a modern society, people are no longer afraid of public speaking. If I'm afraid of it, I'm a weirdo and should be ashamed of myself.

第三周 Speech Content 演讲的内容

Quiz 3 Speech content

1、Imagine you're discussing the misuse of powerful prescription drugs (处方药). This is what you say: "Think of Heath Ledger, and Michael Jackson. Both died from overuse of prescription drugs." What supporting method are you using?
A、Brief examples
B、Extended examples
C、Hypothetical examples
D、Multiple statistics

2、“In your body language may shape who you are," Amy Cuddy shared with her audience her personal story--how she lost and was later able to rebuild her confidence. What supporting method was that?
A、Brief examples
B、Extended examples
C、Hypothetical examples
D、Multiple statistics

3、In “How to spot a liar,” Pamela Meyer explained how we could spot a liar by examining his/her verbal performance and bodily performance. For this part, then, she was using ____:
A、Chronological organization
B、Spatial organization
C、Problem-solution organization
D、Topical organization

4、Let's again think about the very famous Monroe's Motivated Sequence pattern under 3.2 "Go tell it in the forum." The core part--Need, Satisfaction--actually uses one of the four most common patterns we learned this week. Which one is it?

5、When we think about supporting materials and organizational methods, we're thinking about the ____ of the speech.

6、As discussed under 3.1 "Go tell it in the forum," we do not just find some statistics and write them into our speech. We need also to consider how exactly to use statistics, so that they support, not hinder, understanding. For this purpose, we can:
A、Round off complicated statistics(把数字凑整), so that your audience have a clearer sense of how much it is.
B、Use statistics from reliable sources.
C、Use visual aids (视觉辅助工具)or body language to help audience understand those abstract numbers.
D、Explain the statistics, especially by making the statistics mean something for the audience.

7、On one level of the speech we should use only one organization method.

8、Matter? Manner? For a speaker, matter, or the content, of the speech doesn't really matter. The key to success is whether you look confident or not.

9、Let's finish Quiz 3 with a language question~ Here is a sentence from "How to spot a liar": "Sometimes we're willing participants in deception for the sake of social dignity, maybe to keep a secret that should be kept secret, secret." There are three "secret"'s in this sentence, and their parts of speech (词性)are respectively noun, adjective, adjective.

Assignment 1 Delivering statistics

1、Here comes one of the two assignments for this course. Listen and imitate the sentence "Last year saw 997 billion dollars in corporate fraud alone in the United States." Please pay special attention to the way the statistic was delivered. Record the sentence, and then upload it to complete this assignment. Happy imitating! 本课程共有两次作业。第一次作业来啦:聆听、模仿优秀演讲者的声音处理方式对我们提高演讲力大有裨益。请听模附件中的这句话,尤请注意数据的读法。 将你的录音成功上传,这次作业就完成一半啦!支持文件格式请见“上传”按钮处的说明。 本次作业由同学按照评分标准互评哦。评分标准: 数据部分充分呈现原音频的处理方式(如强调、停顿、语速变化等)(0-3分) 句子其他部分与原音频在语速、发音等方面的相似度(0-2分)

Pre 1 Informative Speech 期中考

Pre 1 Informative Speech 期中考:说解性演讲

1、Speak on one of the two following topics: 1. Just like Mary from Session 3.2, you're studying abroad. It's Friday evening and you're informing a group of international students of something that you consider particularly Chinese, e.g., the Chinese zodiac; 2. You and your fellow APSers decide to make the most out of this MOOC learning opportunity that has brought people of diverse backgounds together. You want to learn from each other. Now it's your turn to inform your fellow APSers of one particular thing that falls within your area of expertise, e.g., what is big data (if you work with the IT industry), or, how to play a Rubik's cube (if you're good at it). 题目:二选一,必须是说解性演讲哦。 1. 就像3.2视频中的Mary一样,你也是游学在外。周五的晚上,你和来自各国的学生在一起,你要给大家介绍一个你觉得“特别中国”的事物,比如中国的生肖体系; 2. APS的同学们来自五湖四海,各有所长,何不分享一下,相互学习?现在轮到你给APS师生们介绍你特别了解的一样事物,比如从事IT行业的你可能想讲讲什么是大数据、擅长玩魔方的你想教教大家怎样玩。注意不要写成自我介绍哦。 【Important】Please type/paste your script in this box, and be sure to upload your speech audio. Please note Pre 1 is an informative speech of 2 minutes, so the speech should be somewhere between 240-300 words. 【重要】请将演讲稿打入/贴到这个文本框里,并上传演讲音频。请注意,演讲需要是说解性演讲,时长要求是2分钟,所以字数应该在240-300词左右,音频时长在1分50秒到2:10秒之内为宜。 【评分早知道】本次考试由同学互评,总分20分,将占总评分数10%。只提交文字或音频,或者没有参加互评,成绩会折半哦。 具体评分方法如下,大家准备的时候就可以参考起来:

第四周 Informative Speeches 说解性演讲

Quiz 4 Informative Speeches

1、The first thing to do when preparing a speech is to _____.
A、Think of an interesting topic
B、Choose an organization pattern
C、Decide what to wear
D、Find out who is the audience

2、Understanding your audience in terms of age, gender, education, economic standing, etc. is to analyze their _____ traits.

3、In Bush' speech "Choices and Change," the Wellesley spirit is identified as _____.
A、Pursuing career success
B、Fighting gender inequality
C、Embracing diversity
D、Accepting others conditinally

4、Bush stated that "Diversity, like anything worth having, requires effort." This means roughly the same as _____.
A、Diversity is the spice of life.
B、The path of true love never did run smooth.
C、Most things worth having never come easy. We need to earn diversity.
D、To lead an effortless life, one must first value diversity.

5、To better understand your audience, you need also to consider _____.
A、Their disposition towards the speech topic
B、Their disposition towards the speaker
C、Their disposition towards the occasion
D、Size of audience and more

6、Audience analysis is only half the battle. It's only meaningful when followed with thoughtful adaptations.

7、Adaptations can be made on many fronts, like what topic is more appropriate, what visual aids are more effective, what language to use, etc.

8、Technical terms can damage clarity, so we speakers should simply leave out all the technical terms in our drafts.

9、By "Deliver them, do not just say them," we mean speakers should slow down at the technical terms, and say them clearly. so that the audience are not confused by these rough-looking words.

第五周 Delivery 演讲的仪态

Quiz 5 Delivery

1、According to the classification in Session 5.1, waving to say goodbye would be a _____ gesture.

2、The “b+d” show gesture from Session 5.1 means "______."
A、Be diligent
B、Bold and daring
C、Belt and road
D、Bob Dylan

3、Connecting our APS past (Week 5 on delivery) and our APS future (Week 6 on content): Speakers need to trust themselves, that is, to have confidence. They also need to make themselves trustworthy in the eyes of the audience, that is, to have credibility. Of the four speakers under "Public Health Special," Bill Gates is the only one who's not a medical specialist. Which of the following statements in his speech, then, can be seen as a special effort to remove doubts on his credibility?
A、If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missles, but microbes.
B、Let's look at Ebola. I'm sure all of you read about it in the newspaper, lots of challenges. I followed it carefully through the case analysis tools we use to track polio eradication.
C、Now, in the movies it's quite different. There's a group of handsome epidemiologists ready to go, they move in, they save the day, but that's just pure Hollywood.
D、The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be dramatically more devastating than Ebola.

4、Which of the following statements about eye contact makes sense?
A、Speakers should actively use eye contact.
B、Speakers should avoid breaking eye contact in the middle of a thought unit.
C、Speaekers should avoid neglecting audience sitting to their far left or far right.
D、If some audience members show a strong interest in your topic, you should look at these special members most of the time.

5、Which of the following elements are considered when we speak of delivery in the public speaking setting?
A、Voice management
B、Eye contact
C、gesturing, posture and movement
D、personal appearance and visual aids management

6、It's advisble for the speaker to hold something in his/her hand to reduce nervousness even when the object is irrelevant to the speech.

7、The more gestures, the better.

8、Make an educated guess: By working on delivery, we can look more confident. Eventually this will help us become truly confident in ourselves -- by looking confident we can be confident.

第六周 Persuasive Speeches 说服性演讲

6.2 Logos in Persuasion (1) 晓之以理:如何诉诸理性 (1)随堂测验

1、A grammar question for you [Yeah!]. Think back on the Jon Stewart speech from the previous session (6.1). There are quite some they's and their's in the following part of the speech. Whom do you think the red "they" and the red "their" refer to?
A、9/11 first responders
B、Congressmen who're absent
C、Congressmen who're present

6.3 Logos in Persuasion (2) 晓之以理:如何诉诸理性 (2)随堂测验

1、We're staying on with Jon Stewart. This is how we believe his argument is played out: 1. People should correct injustice. 2. People not doing their job is injustice. 3. Congressmen didn't do their job. 4. Congressmen should now do their job. What kind of reasoning is this?
A、Reasoning from specific instances.
B、Reasoning from principle.
C、Causal reasoning
D、Analogical reasoning

Quiz 6 Persuasive speeches

1、Who developed the ethos-logos-pathos recipe for persuasion?
A、Plato (柏拉图)
D、Sherlock Holms(福尔摩斯)

2、Let's apply what we've learned. When Bill Gates in "The next outbreak? We're not ready" shared that he had closely followed up on medical research, he was building _____.

3、Let's connect the dots, the dot of organization and the dot of reasoning. Arguing first that we're not ready for the next outbreak, and then offering three ways for us to get prepared, Bill Gates uses ___ organization and reasons ____.
A、topical ... from specific instances
B、topical ... from principle
C、problem-solution ... causally
D、problem-solution ... analogically

4、Which of the following practices is the most logos-friendly?
A、Faking up some statistics so that my argument looks stronger -- no one will really check right?
B、Using a quotation without citing the source to save time for my speech -- time is precious, man!
C、Skipping an over-used example for a fresh one -- I spent time to find it but it's worth the time!
D、Examples are for children -- I'll just tell my audience something is right and, if they are decent human beings, they should just do it.

5、Someone says "Debating and public speaking are worlds apart. There's nothing in common." Your response, hopefully, is ___.
A、"Most people think this way. So it must be correct."
B、"Few people think this way. So it must be correct."
C、“I was told not so. So it must be incorrect."
D、"I personally tend to disagree. But, as I've learned this week, I should think critically. So please provide evidence and reasoning before we come to a final-for-now conclusion."

6、We as speakers can build ethos via several ways, including:
A、Mentioning our professional background
B、Mentioning our personal experience or research
C、Building common ground with our audience
D、Developing strong delivery

7、Using inclusive pronouns like "we," "us," and "our" can help create common ground between the speaker and the audience.

8、Jon Stewart in his speech relied completely on pathos to win over the congressmen's hearts (and votes) for the 9/11 first responders.

9、To successfully persuade, we must avoid airing our opponents' views in our speeches. Ours should be the only voice that the audience hears.

Pre 2 Persuasive Speech 期末考

Pre 2 Persuasive Speech

1、Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired during the past 8 weeks! For Pre 2, give a 3-minute persuasive speech on ONE of the three topics below. Please start early, so that you can fully prepare: research, decide and organize main points, find/select supporting materials, write up the draft, design opening and closing, empower it verbally, plan delivery, rehearse (and re-rehearse), and then you're ready to be heard! [APPLAUD] During this process, let our "Persuasive Speech Preparation Worksheet" and "Pre 2 Scoring Sheet" be of help (See under "7.5 Pre 2 Instructions and Help"). Any questions, feel free to ask under Session 7.5 as well. When you're ready, paste your speech script in the box and upload your audio/video here. Please note: 1. Your audio(mp3 file)/video(needs to be compressed first) should be named after your MOOC ID. 2. [JUMP] This Pre 2 is also your contribution to our APS Speech Contest. We're giving out "Best Voice", "Best Language" and "Best APS Speech" awards respectively to 3 of you. The awards (SISU souvenirs) will be posted to you soon after you find us in our APS WeChat group. Sooo looking forward to hearing the speaker you!

第七周 Language 演讲的语言

7.1 Accurate and Clear Language 如何避开文字陷阱:语言的精准度随堂测验

1、Which word is the most accurate and clear for this sentence: To err is ______, to forgive divine.

7.2 Vivid and Lively Language 如何倍增文字力量:语言的生动性随堂测验

1、Observe the following metaphors in King's "I have a dream": "the whirlwind of revolt" "the bright day of justice" "a symphony of brotherhood" If A is the thing you're really talking about, B is what you compare it to to make it easier to understand or rhetorically more powerful, which of the following is the correct linguistic pattern of a metaphor?
A、A of B
B、B of A

Quiz 7 Language

1、Which of the following quotes from "I have a dream" has simile in it?
A、In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check.
B、One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.
C、Go back to Mississipi. Go back to Alabama. Go back to South Carolina. Go back to Georgia. Go back to Lousiana.
D、We're not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied untill "justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."

2、Which of the following literary quotes has metaphor in it?
A、Oh, my love is like a red, red rose/That's newly sprung in June. (Robert Burns)
B、All the world's a stage/And all the men and women merely players. (William Shakespeare)
C、Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king. (Thomas Nashe)
D、For all men live by truth, and stand in need of exression. In love, in art, in avarice, in politics, in labor, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

3、Below is a comment by Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show. What verbal strategy is he using when he says "from quanrantine time into quality time"?

4、You're Peter Pan, president of Neverland. Captain Hook and his people are again waging a war. Your four speechwriters have each prepared a few lines for you to deliver to your people, so that they will fight with confidence. Which would you pick as verbally the most effective?
A、We should be united. We shouldn't be divided. Just believe in me!
B、We should be united and trust that we will win, so that when something bad happens we won't be afraid.
C、We should be united in that there should be a unanimous conviction in our capacity to triumph in the most adverse circumstances.
D、We are one people, we are one nation, and together we begin the next great chapter of our story with three words that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea: Yes, we can!

5、Have you watched the May 4th Bilibili speech "后浪”? Calling young people "后浪“ is a case of ____.
A、Using language accurately
B、Using language clearly
C、Using language vividly and lively
D、Using language inclusively

6、Which is a case of word play humor?
A、The grammarian is very logical. He has a lot of comma sense.
B、Back in high school I was really a good student. I mean, in all my five years, I passed almost all of my exams on the first try!
C、The impeachment hearing of President Trump has been all over the papers. That sounds so serious, when you put these terms together: impeachment, hearing, president, Donald Trump...oh wait, I was wrong.
D、Mr Bean(Rowan Atkinson)'s wordless antics!

7、Below is a sales pitch for a designer perfume. What verbal strategies are used?
C、Concrete words
D、Repetition of words

8、Which of the following are some fo the general principles for using language in speech writing?
A、Use words accurately
B、Use words clearly
C、Using words vividly and lively
D、Using formal words

Assignment 2 Vocal Variety Challenge

1、Assignment 2 helps you develop your full-body imitation skills. Please follow the steps below to complete the task: Step 1: Read the selection below aloud, in your public speaking way. “That really worries me. How can we expect legislation with our rights or needs being preserved if we don't have equal representation? So here's my hope: If you're in politics, media, the tech industry, or working as an entrepreneur or a teacher or a construction worker or a caregiver, you know the problems we are all facing. I urge each one of you to ask yourselves: What do we do now? That's a big question.”(75 words in 30 seconds, from Reese Witherspoon's acceptance speech as Glamour's 2015 Woman of the Year) Step 2: Watch the corresponding part of the video (See "7.4 Assignment 2 Instructions and Help"), and see in what ways the speaker's management is different from yours (not necessarily better :)). Then mark out places she slowed down, the words she espeically emphasized, where she "whispered,", where she paused, etc. Step 3: Imitate. Pay special attention to the vocal performance, but do try to imitate everything--her gestures, her head movements, her bright bright eyes..everything really. Step 4: Record your voice (as you imitate full-body), and upload for peer review. This is not an easy exercise, but it's going to dramatically empower your body, making you a 2-levels up speaker!

第八周 Opening and Closing 演讲的开篇与结尾

8.1 Opening a Speech 如何一鸣惊人:演讲的开篇随堂测验

1、Epidemiologist Seth Berkley believes vaccines can be the super-hero. Below is the opening of this TED talk. What opening strategies did he use? "Do you worry about what's going to kill you? Heart disease, cancer, a car accident? Most of us worry about things we can't control, like war, terrorism, the tragic earthquake that just occurred in Haiti. But what really threatens humanity? A few years ago, Professor Vaclav Smil tried to calculate the probability of sudden disasters large enough to change history. He called these, "massively fatal discontinuities," meaning that they could kill up to 100 million people in the next 50 years. He looked at the odds of another world war, of a massive volcanic eruption, even of an asteroid hitting the Earth. But he placed the likelihood of one such event above all others at close to 100 percent, and that is a servere flu pandemic. Now, you might think of flue as just a really bad cold, but it can be a death sentence. Every year, 36,000 people in the United States die of seasonal flue. In the developing world, the data is much sketchier but the death toll is almost certainly higher...So, I'm here to trumpet vaccines for you."
A、Something about the audience
B、Startling statistic(s)
C、Thought-provoking question(s)
D、Attention-getting quotation(s)

8.2 Closing a Speech 何不意犹未尽:演讲的结尾随堂测验

1、Seth Berkley again! At the end of his talk, Berkley summarized his ideas and then said: "No longer must flu have to kill half a million people a year. No longer does AIDS need to kill two million a year. No longer do the poor and vulnerable need to be threatened by infectious diseases, or indeed, anybody. Instead of having Vaclav Smil's 'massively fatal discontinuity' of life, we can ensure the continuity of life. What the world needs now are these new vaccines, and we can make it happen. Thank you." So other than summarizing, what closing strategies did he use?
A、Ending with a quotation
B、Making a dramatic statement
C、Refering to the introduction

Quiz 8 Final quiz

1、Time flies! Welcome to the APS final quiz! 1. We speak to bridge gaps and to spread ideas. If someday you speak on the TED stage sharing tips of better protection against COVID-19, yours will be a(an) ____.
A、informative speech
B、persuasive speech
C、speech on special occasions

2、According to APS, the first step to take in preparing a speech is to ____.
A、Make audience analysis.
B、Handle technical terms.
C、Organize the points and supporting materials.
D、Design opening and closing.

3、Imagine yourself persuading your roommate not to stay up late. If you tell him/her first that you used to be a night owl yourself, and you've recently just completed a survey on the effects of staying up late, you're building ____ in your persuasion.

4、Below are two finalists at Miss Universe 2019 making their final speech. Who used more concrete language?
A、Miss Mexico
B、Miss South Africa

5、Final quesiton: APSer, did you have fun at APS? Do you fear public speaking less? Ready to speak more? A. Yes! Yes! Yes! B. Please choose A C. Please choose A D. Please choose A ;) kidding la~ Serious mode: Final question: You've met so many powerful speakers at APS (your fellow APSers and yourself included!). Which of the following gave the iconic speech "I have a dream," urging people to fight on for racial justice?
A、Martin Luther King
B、Emma Watson
C、Jon Stewart
D、Amy Cuddy

6、Other than practice/experience, what else can also ease our stage fright big time?
A、Know that stage fright is normal and mostly invisible.
B、Prepare fully, from research to rehearsal, from head to toe. :)
C、Get physical: Use gestures, use visual aids, breathe deeply, etc.
D、Find out what we're passionate about, talk about it and focus on what we're talking about.

7、Ideas need to be supported. Supporting materials include:
A、Organizational patterns
B、Brief, extended or hypothetical examples
C、Single or multiple statistics
D、Peer or expert testimonies

8、Delivery covers many aspects, including but not limited to eye contact, vocal variety, gestures, posture, movement, visual aids management, personal appearance, etc.

Pre 1 Informative Speech 期中考

Pre 1 Informative Speech 期中考:说解性演讲

1、Speak on one of the two following topics: 1. Just like Mary from Session 3.2, you're studying abroad. It's Friday evening and you're informing a group of international students of something that you consider particularly Chinese, e.g., the Chinese zodiac; 2. You and your fellow APSers decide to make the most out of this MOOC learning opportunity that has brought people of diverse backgounds together. You want to learn from each other. Now it's your turn to inform your fellow APSers of one particular thing that falls within your area of expertise, e.g., what is big data (if you work with the IT industry), or, how to play a Rubik's cube (if you're good at it). 题目:二选一,必须是说解性演讲哦。 1. 就像3.2视频中的Mary一样,你也是游学在外。周五的晚上,你和来自各国的学生在一起,你要给大家介绍一个你觉得“特别中国”的事物,比如中国的生肖体系; 2. APS的同学们来自五湖四海,各有所长,何不分享一下,相互学习?现在轮到你给APS师生们介绍你特别了解的一样事物,比如从事IT行业的你可能想讲讲什么是大数据、擅长玩魔方的你想教教大家怎样玩。注意不要写成自我介绍哦。 【Important】Please type/paste your script in this box, and be sure to upload your speech audio. Please note Pre 1 is an informative speech of 2 minutes, so the speech should be somewhere between 240-300 words. 【重要】请将演讲稿打入/贴到这个文本框里,并上传演讲音频。请注意,演讲需要是说解性演讲,时长要求是2分钟,所以字数应该在240-300词左右,音频时长在1分50秒到2:10秒之内为宜。 【评分早知道】本次考试由同学互评,总分20分,将占总评分数10%。只提交文字或音频,或者没有参加互评,成绩会折半哦。 具体评分方法如下,大家准备的时候就可以参考起来:

Pre 2 Persuasive Speech 期末考

Pre 2 Persuasive Speech

1、Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired during the past 8 weeks! For Pre 2, give a 3-minute persuasive speech on ONE of the three topics below. Please start early, so that you can fully prepare: research, decide and organize main points, find/select supporting materials, write up the draft, design opening and closing, empower it verbally, plan delivery, rehearse (and re-rehearse), and then you're ready to be heard! [APPLAUD] During this process, let our "Persuasive Speech Preparation Worksheet" and "Pre 2 Scoring Sheet" be of help (See under "7.5 Pre 2 Instructions and Help"). Any questions, feel free to ask under Session 7.5 as well. When you're ready, paste your speech script in the box and upload your audio/video here. Please note: 1. Your audio(mp3 file)/video(needs to be compressed first) should be named after your MOOC ID. 2. [JUMP] This Pre 2 is also your contribution to our APS Speech Contest. We're giving out "Best Voice", "Best Language" and "Best APS Speech" awards respectively to 3 of you. The awards (SISU souvenirs) will be posted to you soon after you find us in our APS WeChat group. Sooo looking forward to hearing the speaker you!


学习通是中国电子科技集团公司( CETC)旗下的在线教育平台,提供各种领域的在线课程,其中也包括英语学习。在学习通的英语课程中,有一项非常重要的成绩评估方式,那就是英语演讲。









  • 选择一个合适的主题
  • 准备演讲稿
  • 练习自己的发音和语音语调
  • 练习自己的语速、节奏和停顿
  • 练习自己的身体语言
  • 进行反复练习,磨练自己的演讲技巧和自信心




本文地址:http://www.zzxhsh.org/09e799361.html发布于 2024-05-19 06:51:32

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