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Chapter Nine Intercultrural Adaptation

Test of Chapter NINE

1、尔雅The大学答案 strategies and skills to acquire intercultural communication competence do NOT include __________.
A、acquiring enough knowledge about the target culture
B、英语adjusting our own feelings
C、跨文traveling around the world
D、化交acting out the knowledge we master

2、际期The末答 previous learning is to prepare for the acquiring of intercultural communication competence.

3、According to the video,案学 everyone can easily meet the Pope in Vatican.

4、According to the video,习通 the beach volleyball players are eagerly to see the Pope.

5、According to the video,题目 people need to dress properly to meet the Pope.

6、In an intercultural communication we should make our verbal messages consistent with our nonverbal messages.

Chapter Eight Cultural Influences on Contexts

Test of Chapter EIGHT

1、尔雅Communication is 大学答案influenced by external environment: all human interaction is NOT influenced to some degree by the __________ settings in which it occurs.

2、Which is NOT the three assumptions about human communication?
A、Communication is everywhere.
B、Communication is rule governed.
C、Contexts specify the appropriate rules.
D、Rules are culturally diverse.

3、Communication is any process in which people share information, ideas and emotions.

4、Even the same sentences spoken in different contexts may produce totally different effects.

5、Context is supposed to play a more accurate and central role in communication of our daily life.

6、For a successful conversation, one needs not have a good understanding of context.

7、Chinese business values focus on intership.

8、U.S. people tend to regard their managers as cultural heroes.

9、Germans tend to pay high values on the people who possesses high qualifications.

10、Japanese peole will value the worker group.

Chapter Ten Intercultural Communication Competence

Test of Chapter TEN

1、The strategies and skills to acquire intercultural communication competence do NOT include __________.
A、acquiring enough knowledge about the target culture
B、adjusting our own feelings
C、traveling around the world
D、acting out the knowledge we master

2、The previous learning is to prepare for the acquiring of intercultural communication competence.

3、According to the video, everyone can easily meet the Pope in Vatican.

4、According to the video, the beach volleyball players are eagerly to see the Pope.

5、According to the video, people need to dress properly to meet the Pope.

6、In an intercultural communication we should make our verbal messages consistent with our nonverbal messages.

Chapter One Culture

Test of Chapter One

1、What kinds of things cannot be noticed by a fish in the sea?
A、The water.
B、The food.
C、The climate and the environment.
D、The danger and the natural enemy.

2、Human beings also have hardware and software. __________ is to human beings what software is to computer.
A、Body size

3、“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.” It defines culture from ________ perspective.

4、American scholars Daniel Bates and Fred Plog define culture from intercultural perspective which reflects the role of _________.

5、Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people, regardless of their culture, share common _______.

6、Art is a symbolic way to communicate. One of the most important functions of art is to communicate, display, and reinforce important cultural ________ and _______.
A、themes, behaviors
B、beliefs, attitudes
C、attitudes, behaviors
D、themes, values

7、Italian pizza and Chinese egg rolls have become popular dishes in America. Also American fast food and pop culture have greatly changed the way Asian people live. So ________ can change our culture.
A、technological invention
B、cultural contact
D、environmental factors

8、Like the air we breathe, culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influences the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we _______.

9、We understand two characteristics of subgroups as ________ label and temporality.

10、__________ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It means one’s sense of the culture to which one belongs.
A、Cultural feature
B、Cultural identity
C、Cultural search
D、Cultural achievement

11、The nature of culture refers ___________.
A、Culture is like an iceberg.
B、Culture is our hardware.
C、Culture is like the water a fish swims in.
D、Culture is the grammar of our behavior.

12、Some abstract things that you cannot see directly in culture, such as ________.
A、the ideas of social roles and functions
B、moral, belief and value
C、attitude and relationships
D、food and music

13、The aspects that can account for the changes of cultures, they are: __________.
B、environmental factors
C、technological invention
D、cultural contact

14、When we distinguish the two different cultures, some things are obvious, like architecture, language, clothes, customs, etc. From these elements we can easily find out the differences between the two cultures.

15、An iceberg also has two parts. The smaller part is the foundation and supports the larger part beneath the water.

16、When you talk about Picasso, Beethoven, you are talking about culture from anthropological perspective.

17、Geert Hofstede defines culture from the psychological perspective as “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another”.

18、We learn our culture through proverbs, folklore, art and mass media.

19、The destruction of Pompeii in Italy was due to the eruption of the Vesuvius. This example belongs to the natural disaster.

20、Culture is isolated and separated into different parts.

21、The stories are all intended to transmit the culture from person to person and from generation to generation.

22、The power of mass media is that it helps constitute our daily lives by create our experiences and providing the content for much of what we talk about.

23、When they are young, people have little interest in exploring cultural issues, because they have achieved their cultural identity.

Chapter Two Communication and Intercultural Communication

Test of Chapter TWO

1、Eastern cultures’ understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a(n) ___________.
A、individual identity
B、individual achievement
C、social status
D、social relationship

2、The _________ (sometimes called the medium) is the method used to deliver a message.

3、__________ is the setting or situation within which communication takes place.

4、Western cultures emphasize the __________ function of communication; that is, ___________. So they will utilize a __________ communication style.
A、instrumental, harmony, direct
B、instrumental, effectiveness, direct
C、harmonious, effectiveness, indirect
D、communicative, harmony, indirect

5、The characteristics of communication are: communication is contextual, __________, transactional, __________ and irreversible.
A、one-way, signal
B、dynamic, symbolic
C、setting, thinking
D、receiving, shared

6、Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the __________ meanings that are communicated.

7、Communication does not happen in isolation and it must happen in a setting or context. Therefore, communication is __________.

8、A word or action does not stay frozen when we communicate; it is immediately replaced with another word or action in the communication process. So communication is __________.

9、___________ is communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.
A、Intracultural communication
B、Intercultural communication
C、International communication
D、Interracial communication

10、__________ takes place between nations and governments rather than individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized.
A、Intracultural communication
B、Intercultural communication
C、International communication
D、Interracial communication

11、Definitions of communication from many Western countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Christianity tradition.

12、According to Eastern cultures, respecting the relationship through communication is more important than exchanging information.

13、Decoding refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message.

14、Communication is a one-way process. All participants in a communication process work together to create and sustain the meanings.

15、A symbol is a word, action, or object that stands for or represents all of meanings.

16、Once a message has been sent and received, it cannot be reversed no matter how hard we try to qualify or negate it to reduce its effects.

17、A transactional view holds that communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversations.

18、Culture is like a map filled with different places, in which there are different traditions, customs, conventions, rules, etc.

19、Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies besides using correct symbols, appropriate communication style should be applied in the occasion.

20、The dialogue at the United Nations, for example, would be termed intracultural communication.

Chapter Three Culture's Influence on Perception

Test of Chapter THREE

1、How many barriers contribute to inaccurate perceptions?

2、Which of the following is not caused by genetic difference?
A、alchoholic flush
B、red-green color-blindness
C、taste blindness
D、slow dark adaptation

3、Which one is not the process of perception?

4、which one is not the psychological factors?

5、We must ready to accept alternative explanations to avoid____________.
A、ignoring details
C、imposing consistency
D、preconnecting causes and effects

6、Why do we need the feedback from others to help us with our self-perception?
A、Because we can always perceive ourselves objectiveiy.
B、Because it is difficult to be objective about our own behavior.
C、Because it is difficult to be subjective about our own behavior.
D、Because it is a way to show modesty.

7、What are the senses of human beings?

8、Perception is the process by which we become aware of ______, ______,and specially_______and their_______though our various senses and involves higher-order cognition in the interpretation of the sensory information.

9、How do people perceive the world around them?

10、Which of the following are barriers to intercultural perception?
A、ignoring details
C、imposing consistency
D、preconnecting causes and effects
E、preferring simple explanations
F、crediting irrelevant information

11、it took shorter for the eyes of black miners to adapt to the dark conditions than for white miners.

12、Sensation is the neurological process by which people become aware of their environment.

13、People in more industralized areas are more acute in their hearing ability.

14、We give more weight to positive information than negetive information.

15、The meanings people attach to their perceptions are greatly determined by their cultural background.

16、People of different cultures may perceive the same scene in different ways.

17、People behave consistently and will never change.

18、If someone has a positive attitude about a professor, he or she may perceive that class as especially boring or uninformative.

19、It is very likely that any two people will possess the same sense of the same smell.

20、We treat irrelevant information as if it were relevant.

Chapter Four Intercultural Communication Barriers

Test of Chapter FOUR

1、Which one is not the aspect of the lock of vacabulary equivalence?
A、There is no direct translation between the two language.
B、The terms have different connotations.
C、The terms are not exact equivalents.
D、The terms are not used frequently.

2、The _____ could be stereotyped as disciplinary.

3、What emotional barriers do you think the Danish woman have?
C、assuming similarity instead of differences

4、Idioms and proverbs are culturallly specific because people ofte use ___________ in daily conversation.

5、It is difficult for foreigners to understand Chinese traditional medical treatment, because they don't___________________.
A、share the same idioms
B、share the same experience
C、share the same ideas
D、share the same information

6、The Chinese professor refered to the university female students as "girls". This is a problem of ____________ inequivalence.
D、grammar and syntax

7、Racism is any _____, ______, _______, or ______ that attritubes characteristics or status to individuals on their race.

8、What can lead to translation problems?
A、lack of vacabulary equivalence
B、lack of idiomatic equivalence
C、lack of grammatical equivalence
D、lack of experiential equivalence

9、There are four attitudinal Problems in intercultural communication, including _____, _____, _____ and _____.

10、What are the emotional problems in intercultural communication?
B、assuming similarity instead of differences

11、Anxiety refers to the feeling and foucsing on that feeling and not be totally present in the communication transaction.

12、Anxiety and uncertainty are always inextricably bound up with each other.

13、Assuming similarity instead of difference can always result in disrupted communication and even conflict.

14、People always mention more about their own contribution to the world civilization.

15、Ethnocentrism refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one's own culture.

16、Stereotyping is more broadly used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.

17、The same word does not always have the same connotation in the different culture.

18、The lack of conceptual equivalence refers to abstract ideas that may not exist in the same fashion in different languages.

19、People who have the ethnocentric problems usually believe their own culture is superior to other cultures.

20、People who have the ethnocentric problems usually believe their own culture is superior to other cultures.

Chapter Five Verbal Intercultural Communication

Test of Chapter FIVE

1、As people say goodbye, what people will place the palm of the right hand down, extend the fingers, and move the fingers up and down.
A、North Americans
C、West Africans
D、Central Americans

2、People from Polychromic time cultures live their lives quite differently and they believe time is__________.

3、Time driven countries include __________, Austria, Switzerland and the United States.
D、Latin America

4、In the traditional wedding ceremony, western brides always wear in __________.

5、In the following cultures, which culture will prefer not using the thumb-up sign?

6、Besides pitch, intonation and stress, paralanguage also includes speech __________and volume.

7、Your __________ is unique, just like your fingerprints or your DNA, and it says a lot about you and your personality.

8、Please translate the following proves “Out of the mouth comes evil” into Chinese.

9、Proxemics includes three aspects of space__________.
A、fixed features of space
B、semi fixed features
C、total sum features
D、personal space

10、Hall reports that psychologists have identified four zones from which U.S. people interact__________.
A、the intimate zone
B、the personal zone
C、the social zone
D、the public zone
E、the openness zone

11、Time is one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

12、Space is one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

13、People from the United States, who are used to wide open spaces, often feel uneasy at the closeness of people in China.

14、A person’s smell can have a positive or negative effect on the oral message.

15、People often identify national colors such as Chinese Blue or British Royal Red.

16、Misuse or misunderstanding of kinesic communication behavior never cause consequences.

17、The six universal emotions: sadness, happiness, disgust, anger, surprise and fear who are based primarily on facial expressions.

18、Paralanguage is one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

19、In spoken language, the words significance varies if the stress or the intonation is different.

20、Silence is not one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

Chapter Six Nonverbal Intercultural Communication

Test of Chapter SIX

1、Besides pitch, intonation and stress, paralanguage also includes speech __________and volume.

2、Your __________ is unique, just like your fingerprints or your DNA, and it says a lot about you and your personality.

3、Please translate the following proves “Out of the mouth comes evil” into Chinese.

4、People from Jewish, Italian or Arab cultures, stress social interaction among friends and family, there is often very __________ silence.

5、Please translate the following proves “Silence is golden” into Chinese.

6、Time is one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

7、Space is one of the significant categories of nonverbal communication.

8、Americans value time highly.

9、Americans eat KFC & McDonalds to save time.

10、In North America, lateness for a business appointment communicates full of interest.

11、Oculesics is a major source of misunderstanding and ineffective intercultural communication.

12、A person’s smell can have a positive or negative effect on the oral message.

13、As for the American interaction patterns, males are inhibited from touching other males because of cultural taboos.

14、People often identify national colors such as Chinese Blue or British Royal Red.

15、Some people start speaking slower whenever they are interested in the topic or they are urgent to express something.

VOA Listening Practice

1、Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear. (每空2分) On this program we explore words and common expressions in American English. We communicate most commonly, of course, with our words. But we also speak with our bodies. We call it [Q1] . Sometimes, though, we need to describe our body language with words. That is what today's show is about - talking about body language. Two types of body language have made their way into [Q2] _________________________. The most common is LOL. If we are LOL-ing, we are [Q3] ____________________. That is what LOL stands for. And it is easy to know when to use this. If a friend writes something to you that is extremely funny—or hilarious—you can reply with a "LOL." In conversation, though, it sounds weird to say the letters "L-O-L." Here's another one you might see in a text message from a friend. So, when someone nods their head up and down, that means they are in agreement. And if they shake their heads back and forth, it means they are disagreeing. Well, sometimes it does. Sometimes shaking one's head means something completely different. For example, I might say I could only [Q4] at his arrogance. This means that I couldn't believe that he had said or done something so arrogant. In a text, email or social media post, you can simply type SMH. But just as with LOL, it doesn't sound right in spoken English. Here is an example of how to use the full phrase "shake my head" in a conversation. I can't believe how your friend acted at the funeral! When the preacher began speaking, she laughed out loud. It was so disrespectful. How do you think I felt? I was standing with her! I could only shake my head and cringe inside. It was so embarrassing! If your friend is always behaving badly, you may just have to [Q5] ___________________. This body language expression means that you realize that you cannot do anything to make a situation better. For example, let's say you are teaching a roomful of young children when suddenly a dog runs through the classroom! The children jump up and start laughing and chasing the dog. You can't do anything to quiet them down. So, you just throw your hands up and let them have fun. [Q6] ______________________________ is when you raise and lower them. As body language, it shows that you don't care about something. But it can also mean that you are uncertain or perhaps just bored. For example, let's say I am babysitting a friend's child. At dinnertime, I ask the child, "So, do you want pasta or rice for dinner?" He doesn't say anything. He just shrugs his shoulders. So, I made my favorite - pasta with tomato sauce! [Q7] ______________________________ is another way to show you don't care. This body language says that you don't care AT ALL about what someone is saying. Eye-rolling is even more disrespectful than shoulder-shrugging. So, teachers and parents often criticize children for eye-rolls by simply saying, "Don't roll your eyes at me!" Staying with the eyes, we come to [Q8] ____________________________. Usually when we raise our eyebrows, our faces look as if we are surprised or shocked by something. But raising your eyebrows can also show that you disapprove of something. There is a certain amount of judgement in eyebrow-raising. Let's hear it used in a short dialogue. Did you hear about Jack? During the weekly meeting with staff, he wore a head-to-toe clown costume. Oh, that's nothing. He lost a bet with his son and had to wear it. Well, it raised some eyebrows around the office. People are saying he isn't serious enough to be manager. Wearing a clown costume is nothing to raise your eyebrows at. People should really lighten up! Now, when some people are nervous, they [9] _________________________________. It may not be a good habit, but it has given us a useful word. Something, such as a game or a movie, that causes you to feel nervous because the ending is not known until the final moment is called a nail-biter! When talking about a sporting event, the opposite of a nail-biter is a blow-out. A blow-out is a game where one team outscores the other by a lot! Did you watch the basketball game last night? I did! What a great game. I know. I haven't seen a game that close in a long time. It was a real nail-biter! The score was tied until the last 10 minutes! It was a much better game than last week. That game was a blow-out. One team scored 68 points in the first quarter while the other didn't even score one. Boring. And that's all for this Words and Their Stories. Even though this program is not a nail-biter, we hope you're not rolling your eyes or shrugging your shoulders with boredom. And we certainly hope your eyebrows aren't raised in disapproval. But we do hope you give us a [10] ___________________________, which, of course, means "good job." I'm Anna Matteo.

Chapter Seven Cultural Patterns

Test of Chapter SEVEN

1、Cultural patterns embody the ways of thing and ways of acting.

2、Edward Hall was an American anthropologist and he is considered the founding father context-culture theory.

3、Context-Culture theory includes both high-context culture and low-context culture.

4、Primarily using non-verbal methods to relay meaningful information in conversations, such as facial expressions, is one of the characteristics of high-context cultures.

5、Chinese tea ceremony is a kind of high context example.

6、Human nature is inborn.

7、Human nature can be evil but changeable

8、In the collectivist culture, the interests of the individual prevail over the interests of the group.

9、In the individualist culture, people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families.

10、The Japanese culture is a typical feminine culture.

Test Paper1

Test Paper 1

1、Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. The Leaning Tower of Pisa has defied (违背) the laws of gravity for seven and a half centuries. Every year, on June 19th, a professor from the University of Pisa climbs to the bell tower and measures the increase in the slant with special instruments. And every year the professor makes the same report: the tower has leaned a fraction of an inch more. Last summer, the 125-foot-high tower was leaning an incredible 15 feet out of line. Scientists say that unless a way is found to stop the tilt, the tower will collapse in less than 80 years. The tower is leaning because the soft subsoil of Pisa will not support it. Its foundation is sinking into the soil at an angle, causing the tower to lean. Since a tremor could shake the foundation loose, the ringing of the tower’s bells was forbidden in 1959. Trucks are not allowed to pass in the neighborhood of the tower for this same reason. 1 The statement which best expresses the main idea of this passage is that ______
A、the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in increasing danger of collapsing
B、every year a professor measures the increase in the tower’s slant
C、the tower is leaning because the subsoil of Pisa will not support it
D、there is only one way to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa

2、It can be inferred from the passage that last summer the tower was found tilted further by _____
A、15 feet
B、more than one inch
C、a fraction of an inch
D、several inches

3、The tower tilts more and more because ________.
A、the ringing of the bells causes a tremor
B、there are passing trucks nearby
C、it is built on soft soil
D、its foundation has been shaken loose

4、Why is the tower described as defying the laws of gravity?
A、It had resisted shaking tremors for hundreds of years.
B、It was built on soft ground.
C、It leans a fraction of an inch more every year.
D、Scientists think that it should have collapsed long ago.

5、Truck traffic has been forbidden in the neighborhood of the tower ______.
A、to protect the drivers
B、to prevent accidents
C、as a precaution against shaking tremors
D、because trucks damage the foundation

6、Great Britain, actually ranked No.1 in terms of individualism, followed by U.S., Australia, Canada and the Netherlands.

7、Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.

8、A term or concept in one language may not have a counterpart in another language.

9、Addressing form like “Miss Mary”, “Brown” by the Chinese may be a form of cultural compromise.

10、In some cultures, eye contact should be avoided in order to show respect or obedience.

Test Paper1-2

1、Suppose you are the Chinese doctor, if you are communicating with the Canadian physiotherapist, how would you respond to the situation? What caused their communication conflicts? What do you think of the different communication styles of the two doctors?

Test For ICC4 (2020-06-10)

Test For ICC4 (客观)

1、Part I Multiple Choices (2'×15=30’) Section A Cultures (2’×10=20’) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 1.Human beings also have hardware and software. __________ is to human beings what software is to computer.
B、Body size

2、2.Western cultures emphasize the __________ function of communication; that is, ___________. So they will utilize a __________ communication style.
A、instrumental, effectiveness, direct
B、instrumental, harmony, direct
C、harmonious, effectiveness, indirect
D、communicative, harmony, indirect

3、3. Time driven countries include __________, Austria, Switzerland and the United States.
D、Latin America

4、4. Besides pitch, intonation and stress, paralanguage also includes speech __________and volume.

5、5. In the following cultures, which culture will prefer not using the thumb-up sign?

6、6.Touch culture thrives on body touch. ______________ are typical touch cultures.
A、Cultures of Arabs
B、Cultures of Southern and Western Europeans
C、Cultures of Jews and Latins
D、All the above

7、7. Body language is a form of communication, which involves ________________________.
A、postures, gestures, facial expressions
B、eye contact and physical contact
C、both A & B
D、smell, silence, vocal pitch etc.

8、8. ______________ is NOT the characteristic of Collectivistic Culture.
A、The emphasis on egalitarianism(平等)
B、The value of loyalty (such as filial piety in Chinese culture)
C、The value of hierarchy (on the basis of age, education, gender etc.)
D、Both B & C

9、9. The continental U.S.A. consists of _____________ states.

10、10. Thomas Jefferson was the _____________ president of the U.S.A.

11、Section B Reading Comprehension (2’×5=10’) Directions: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 Passage Questions11 to 15 are based on the following passage. Henry Ford, the famous US inventor and car manufacturer, once said, “The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the US way of life is based on the values of the business world. Few would argue with Ford’s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as “the entertainment industry” or “show business”. The positive side of Henry Ford’s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to US life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the US economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life. The negative side of Henry Ford’s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business -- referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout US history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing -- the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high -- creates feelings of insecurity for many. 11. The United States is a typical country _____.
A、which encourages free trade at home and abroad
B、where people’s chief concern is how to make money
C、where all businesses are managed scientifically
D、which normally works according to the federal budget

12、12. The influence of business in the US is evidenced by the fact that _____.
A、most newspapers are run by big businesses
B、even public organizations concentrate on working for profits
C、Americans of all professions know how to do business
D、even arts and entertainment are regarded as business

13、13. According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the US, dreaming that _____.
A、they can start profitable businesses there
B、they can be more competitive in business
C、they will make a fortune overnight there
D、they will find better chances of employment

14、14. Henry Ford’s statement can be taken negatively because _____.
A、working people are discouraged to fight for their rights
B、there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists
C、there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor
D、public services are not run by the federal government

15、15. A company’s efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in _____.
A、reduction in the number of employees
B、Improvement of working conditions
C、fewer disputes between labor and management
D、a rise in workers’ wages

16、Part II Cultures and Intercultural communication (2'×10=20’) Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ones that best complete the sentence. There are more than one answers for each. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 16.What are the emotional problems in intercultural communication?
B、assuming similarity instead of differences

17、17.Cultural patterns include the following components: ________.
D、social practices

18、18. Succinct communication style is used by ________, _________ and ________ cultures.
C、Native Americans

19、19. Attitudinal Problems in intercultural communication include _____.

20、20. What can lead to translation problems?
A、lack of vocabulary equivalence
B、lack of idiomatic equivalence
C、lack of conceptual equivalence
D、lack of experiential equivalence

21、21. Some abstract things that you cannot see directly in culture, such as ________.
A、the ideas of social roles and functions
B、moral, belief and value
C、attitude and relationships
D、food and music

22、22. Which of the following are barriers to intercultural perception?
A、ignoring details
C、imposing consistency
D、preconnecting causes and effects; preferring simple explanations;crediting irrelevant information

23、23. The nature of culture refers ___________.
A、Culture is like an iceberg.
B、Culture is our hardware.
C、Culture is like the water a fish swims in.
D、Culture is the grammar of our behavior.

24、24.Proxemics includes three aspects of space__________.
A、fixed features of space
B、semi fixed features
C、personal space
D、total sum features

25、25.Hall reports that psychologists have identified four zones from which U.S. people interact__________.
A、the intimate zone
B、the personal zone
C、the social zone & the public zone
D、the openness zone

26、Part Ⅲ Social Cultural Test (1’×30=30’) Section A Intercultural communication (1’×20=20’) Directions: There are 20 questions in this part. Each question has a part underlined which is the product of verbal or nonverbal behavior. Read each question and decide whether the underlined part is appropriate or inappropriate. If appropriate, please choose A on the Answer Sheet; if inappropriate, please choose B on the Answer Sheet. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 26. In the English speaking countries you usually first introduce a man to a woman, not the other way around.

27、27. If you are invited to dinner by one of your English-speaking friends, you may bring the hostess some fruit as a present.

28、28. If you have a question to ask your foreign teacher of English, you may say goodbye to him and leave immediately after you have got the answer and expressed your gratitude.

29、29. Mary came to Zhang Mei’s birthday party and brought her a present wrapped in a nice box. Zhang Mei unwrapped the box in Mary’s presence and praised the present.

30、30. If you study as a graduate in the U.S.A., you should always try to avoid telephoning your American classmates at sometime later than 11 p.m. unless there is an urgency.

31、31. Many English houses are known only by a name. If you have difficulty in finding such a house, you may try asking the local shopkeepers.

32、32. You don’t need to tip the girl who shows you to your seat in a cinema or theatre in the U.K.

33、33. When you give your hostess the flowers you have brought her, you should remove the wrapping paper first.

34、34. It is more polite to type the letters of invitation or acknowledgement than to write them with a pen.

35、35. When you feel ill and want to go and see a doctor, it is a good idea to make an appointment before you go.

36、36. Li Xiaolan works as a secretary in an American company. One day she worked very late. Her boss said to her, “Thanks a lot. That’s a great help.” Li replied, “It’s my pleasure.”

37、37. On a cold winter day Wang Ping met Professor Briner on his way to the library,Wang said to him, “It’s rather cold. You’d better wear more clothes.”

38、38. Mrs. Brown, in her late forties, came to the lecture, wearing a new dress. One of her students said to her , “You look nice and younger wearing this dress.”

39、39. Wang Lin called at one of his foreign friends’ house. He was really impressed by the beautiful curtains made by his friend’s wife. He said to her, “Well. I didn’t expect you could make such pretty curtains.”

40、40. Dr. Jones, your supervisor, telephoned to invite you to have dinner with his family. You replied, “Thank you. All right. I’ll try to come”.

41、41. When you are eating with an English friend, you wish him, “Good appetite!”

42、42. The appropriate answer to the question “Who is that crossing the street?” is “She’s Mary.”

43、43. Betty is a foreign student in China. She met Ling and said to her, “I was told that you won the 100-meter race in the all-city track meet. Congratulations.” Ling replied, “Just lucky.”

44、44. When you break a plate in one of your friends’ house, you say, “I’m awfully sorry, but I seem to have broken a plate. ”

45、45. Mrs. Godwin was about the same age as Li Ming’s grandmother, so intimately Li called her “Grandma”.

46、Section B True or False (1'×10=10’) Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the texts we have learned in our textbook. If it is true, please choose A on the answer sheet; if it is false, please choose B on the Answer Sheet。 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 46. ( ) Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe.

47、47. ( ) Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process.

48、48. ( ) Ranks in the armed forces like Captain, Colonel can be used as titles.

49、49. ( ) “I’m sorry to have wasted your time” or “I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time” are usually appropriate for the business visit.

50、50. ( ) English compliments often begin with the word “you” while Chinese compliments often start with the word “I”.

51、51. ( ) The Chinese phrase “知识分子” has the same meaning as “intellectual”.

52、52. ( ) Much of our nonverbal behavior, like culture, tends to be elusive, spontaneous and frequently goes beyond our awareness.

53、53. ( ) Masculine socialization stresses doing things and regards action as primary ways to create and express closeness.

54、54. ( ) Germans prefer clear, firm, and assertive expression while the Japanese encourage covert, fragmented expressions.

55、55. ( ) The Eastern view of the universe is characteristically dualistic, materialistic, and lifeless while the Western view is profoundly holistic, dynamic, and spiritual.

ICC4 Case Analysis(6-10)

1、Part Ⅳ Communication Case Analysis (20’×1=20’) Directions: The following is a case of cross-cultural communication. In the case there is something to be improved upon. You should write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering the Questions. Your analysis of the case should be about 150-200 words. Bart Rapson had brought his family to the Philippines on a job assignment for a multinational corporation. While not particularly religious themselves, having largely abandoned the practice of Catholicism except for token appearances at Christmas and Easter, they still felt that their children might benefit from belonging to a church. They explained to friends that the church can give children a sense of belonging and can provide some moral and ethical guidance. Since the Philippines is largely Catholic, it was easy for Bart to place his 7-year-old daughter in a Sunday school class that would prepare her for her First Communion. As the day approached, Bart planned for an after-church party, inviting colleagues and their families from work. One Filipino colleague, Manuel, to whom Bart felt especially close, kept putting off an answer to Bart’s invitation, saying neither “yes” nor “no”. Finally, Bart said, “My wife needs to know how many people to cook for.” Still not giving a yes or no answer, Manuel later called and said that he would be attending a different party that would be attended by other Filipinos. Maneul said that he would try to stop by sometime during Bart’s party. Bart was quite upset. He complained, “If this is supposedly a Catholic country, why would they not place a value on this?” why would he turn down a once-in-a-lifetime gathering, my daughter’s Communion, to go to a party with friends he admits to seeing all the time? After the party, Bart was merely cordial to Manuel– there were no longer indications of friendliness. Manuel was puzzled, and had no idea what the problem was. The director of the organization, a sensitive person, picked up the cues and realized that there was a strained relationship. Questions: If you were the director and chosen to mediate this situation, what would you do to ensure not to offend either party? How would you explain Bart’s behavior to Maneul? How would you explain Maneul’s behavior to Bart?

Test For ICC6 (2020-06-12)

Test For ICC6 (客观)(6-12)

1、Part I Multiple Choices (2'×15=30’) Section A Cultures (2’×10=20’) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 1. Communication does not happen in isolation and it must happen in a setting or context. Therefore, communication is __________.

2、2. Which one is not the psychological factors?

3、3. _________ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It means one’s sense of the culture to which one belongs.
A、Cultural feature
B、Cultural identity
C、Cultural search
D、Cultural achievement

4、4. Besides pitch, intonation and stress, paralanguage also includes speech __________and volume.

5、5. In the traditional wedding ceremony, western brides always wear in __________.

6、6. M-Time (Monochronic Time) cultures place great emphasis on schedules. ______________ are typical M-Time cultures.
A、Native American, Russian, Mexico cultures
B、Most Asian cultures
C、Latin American, African cultures
D、Northern American, Western and Northern European cultures

7、7. Body language is a form of communication, which involves ________________________.
A、postures, gestures, facial expressions
B、eye contact and physical contact
C、both A & B
D、smell, silence, vocal pitch etc

8、8. The Great Gatsby was written by________________.
A、Ernest Hemingway
B、Nathanial Hawthorne
C、Francis Fitzgerald
D、John Steinbeck

9、9. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608,including Hamlet ,King Lear, _____, and Macbeth ,considered some of the finest works in the English language .
A、Merchant of Venice
B、A Midsummer Night's Dream
D、The Taming of the Shrew

10、10. Who were the natives of America?
A、The Eskimo
B、The Maori
C、The Indians
D、The Aborigines

11、Section B Reading Comprehension (2’×5=10’) Directions: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are for choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 Passage Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. Halloween (October 31) is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries. Although it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States. It is now celebrated largely as a children’s day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand. The orange pumpkin is harvested at this time of year and is hollowed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as a decoration in the window. City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations. Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one’s neighbors and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the windowpanes, and in other ways making minor disturbances. More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and guess who they are behind the false faces and receive treats of candy, fruit or cookies. They say, “Trick or Treat,” meaning, “I will play a trick on you if you will not give me a treat.” This practice has even more recently developed into a significant international activity. Instead of or along with candy, the children collect money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund). This special collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as “UNICEF Trick of Treat”. Begun only recently, it results in several million dollars each year contributed to UNICEF. The collection box is orange, reminiscent of the pumpkin. 11. What does Halloween originate from?
A、A children’s day.
B、A trick or treat.
C、A religious day.
D、A day for UNICEF.

12、12. Which of the following is not mentioned on how the children celebrate the Halloween?
A、Dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one’s neighbors or friends.
B、Ringing door bells.
C、Throwing bits of corn on the windowpanes
D、Dressing up in the best holiday clothes.

13、13. Which of the following is NOT used in the Halloween celebration?

14、14. Why do the children collect money in the Halloween?
A、They love money.
B、They want to get enough money to buy themselves candy.
C、The adults are willing to give them money.
D、They want to help other children.

15、15. What is the symbol of Halloween?
A、Pumpkin .

16、Part II Cultures and Intercultural communication (2'×10=20’) Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONES that best complete the sentence. There are more than one answers for each. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 16. Some abstract things that you cannot see directly in culture, such as ________.
A、the ideas of social roles and functions
B、moral, belief and value
C、attitude and relationships
D、food and music

17、17. The aspects that can account for the changes of cultures, they are: __________.
B、environmental factors
C、technological invention
D、cultural contact

18、18. Succinct communication style is used by ________, _________ and ________ cultures.
C、Native Americans

19、19 Attitudinal Problems in intercultural communication include _____.

20、20.What can lead to translation problems?
A、lack of vocabulary equivalence
B、lack of idiomatic equivalence
C、lack of grammatical equivalence
D、lack of experiential equivalence

21、21. How do people perceive the world around them?

22、22. Which of the following are barriers to intercultural perception?
A、ignoring details
C、imposing consistency
D、preconnecting causes and effects

23、23. What are the senses of human beings?

24、24. Proxemics includes three aspects of space__________.
A、fixed features of space
B、semi fixed features
C、personal space
D、total sum features

25、25. What are the emotional problems in intercultural communication?
B、assuming similarity instead of differences

26、Part Ⅲ Social Cultural Test (1’×30=30’) Section A Intercultural communication (1’×20=20’) Directions: There are 20 questions in this part. Each question has a part underlined which is the product of verbal or nonverbal behavior. Read each question and decide whether the underlined part is appropriate or inappropriate. If appropriate, please choose A on the answer sheet; if inappropriate, please choose B on the Answer Sheet. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 26. In England you should remember drugs may not be available without a doctor’s prescription.

27、27. If you are a college student or a graduate student and meet during the break in an academic conference an American professor who is a friend of your supervisor’s, you can go over and have a talk with him as long as the break permits.

28、28. You think that John is a strange American because he takes cold bath and drinks boiled water.

29、29. When you have a conversation with your English teacher who is a native speaker of English, you mustn’t have a prolonged eye contact with him

30、30. Xu Yang happened to meet Jones at the bank when Jones was withdrawing money. Xu said jokingly to him, “You are really a millionaire.”

31、31. Dr. Smith, over 60, invited Li Bing to his birthday party. Li Bing brought him a china god of longevity as a present.

32、32. At a dinner you may begin to eat when the hostess pick up her own spoon or fork.

33、33. If you want to go and see one of your American or English friends, you can do it after lunch.

34、34. If you are a male and introduced to an English speaking lady, you do not take the initiative in shaking hands unless she holds out her hand first

35、35. If when you study at college in an English speaking country you feel ill and therefore cannot attend the class, you'd better go and see the doctor and ask him to write for you a certificate for sick leave.

36、36. On his way to the school cinema, Li Hong saw Professor Smith walking to the cinema, too. Li said, “You’re going to see the film, aren’t you?”

37、37. If you’re a man in the English-speaking countries, and a lady comes into the room, you must rise to your feet.

38、38. When you want to compliment your young English friend’s new coat, you can say, “I like your new coat”

39、39. Li Ming had something to tell Mr. Smith, the head of the department, so he went to his office, entered it and said to him, “Can I have a word with you, Mr. Smith?”

40、40. In New York Chen Ming called a taxi and said to the driver, “Would you mind taking me to the airport?”

41、41. If you do not quite understand a native speaker of English and therefore want him to repeat an utterance you say, “I beg your pardon, please.”

42、42. The best answer to the invitation “You really must come and see us one of these days.” may be “Thank you very much. I love meeting English people.”

43、43. If you want to borrow a typewriter from your English friend, you say, “Is there any chance of borrowing your typewriter?”

44、44. If a native speaker of English says to you “That’s a very nice coat you’re wearing”, you can answer it by saying, “Do you really like it?”

45、45. Jack, a foreign student in China, called at your house and asked if you minded him smoking. If you hate smell of tobacco, you may say, “Would you mind if I said no?”

46、Section B True or False (1'×10=10’) Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the texts we have learned in our textbook. If it is true, please choose A on the answer sheet; if it is false, please choose B on the Answer Sheet。 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC客观题部分作答。 46. ( )Great Britain, actually ranked No.1 in terms of individualism, followed by U.S., Australia, Canada and the Netherlands.

47、47. ( ) Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.

48、48. ( ) A term or concept in one language may not have a counterpart in another language.

49、49. ( ) Addressing form like “Miss Mary”, “Brown” by the Chinese may be a form of cultural compromise.

50、50. ( ) In some cultures, eye contact should be avoided in order to show respect or obedience.

51、51. ( ) Chinese hospitality toward the westerners is always greatly appreciated

52、52. ( ) Most men use communication to create connection or equality between people.

53、53. ( ) Americans tends to be self-effacing in their compliments responses.

54、54.( ) “Thank you for coming!” is a typical expression used by western hosts when the guests arrived.

55、55.( ) As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years.

ICC6 Case Analysis (6-12)

1、Part Ⅳ Communication Case Analysis (20’×1=20’) Directions: The following is a case of cross-cultural communication. In the case there is something to be improved upon. You should write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering the Questions. Your analysis of the case should be about 150-200 words. 注意:此部分试题请在MOOC主观题部分作答。 Case: Asian style of communication vs. American style of communication Mr. Philip: When can you finish the report? (Mr. Philip thinks: I need it for the meeting.) (Mr. Wang thinks: why did he ask me about it?) Mr. Wang: I am not sure. When do you need it? (Mr. Philip thinks: How could he not know? If he doesn’t know, who would?) (Mr. Wang thinks: He is the boss. He should tell me when he needs it. ) Mr. Philip: The sooner, the better. Could you have it ready in a couple of weeks? (Mr. Philip thinks: I’d better push him, otherwise I will never get it.) (Mr. Wang thinks: I have already tried my best. I am not sure when I can finish it. It depends. In addition, I have a heap of work to do.) Mr. Wang: OK. No problem. I’ll give it to you in two weeks’ time. (Mr. Philip thinks: Terrific! Now there’s a deadline. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.) (Mr. Wang thinks: He wants a deadline. Then I’ll just give it to him. I would rather not make him lose his temper. Anyway, I’ll just do as much as I can. ) In fact, it generally takes three weeks to finish that report. Therefore, Mr. Wang had to work overtime to meet the deadline. But by the last day of the second week, he still needed two working days to complete the report. Mr. Philip: Where’s the report? You have it ready, don’t you? (Mr. Philip thinks: He should keep his deadline. Otherwise, I can’t trust him in the future.) (Mr. Wang thinks: Didn’t he see how hard I have been working? What he required is not practical at all. What kind of boss is he?) Questions: What leads to the misunderstanding between Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang? What kind of advice would you give to them so that they could communicate more effectively?






