



87 min read


1 Introduction

Test for Unit 1

1、超星What is 应用语applied linguistics in a broad sense?
A、to study languages and linguistics in relation to real problems
B、学入习通to apply linguistic findings to language teaching and learning
C、门期末答to use information from psychology and sociology to solve real problems
D、案学to study syllabus design,课后 material development, assessment and testing, etc.

2、Which of the following is 作业NOT the feature of applied linguistics?
A、basically problem-solving
B、答案principally analytical
C、超星inherently interdisciplinary
D、应用语mainly empirical

3、学入习通Which of the following is 门期末答not included in the scope of applied linguistics?
A、language policy
D、作业second language acquisition

4、When was the first World Congress of Applied Linguistics held?

5、In what period of time did the study of applied linguistics develop in China?

6、Generally speaking, applied linguistics means the application of linguistic findings to language teaching and learning.

7、Applied linguistics is inherently interdisciplinary.

8、The first journal to have the term--applied linguistics in its title was published in Edinburgh in 1956.

9、The establishment of the Institute of Applied Linguistics in 1984 and the publication of “Applied Linguistics” in 1992 marks the beginning of applied linguistics as an independent discipline in China.

10、TESOL stands for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

2 Second Language Acquisition

Test for Unit 2

1、For behaviorists, children learn their first language through ___
B、Comprehensive listening
D、Immediate correction

2、The researchers holding an innatist perspective hypothesize that children’s first language learning ability is ___
A、Based on their cognitive development
B、A biological function
C、A supernatural ability
D、A result of social interaction

3、The best known application of innatist perspective to explain SLA is Krashen’s ___
A、Output Hypothesis
B、Noticing Hypothesis
C、Monitor Model
D、Involvement Load Hypothesis

4、When people use the dichotomous terms L1 and L2 in language acquisition research, the ideological root is ____
D、All of the above

5、Which theories are proposed from the cognitive perspective in SLA research field?
A、Input Processing
B、Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
C、Interaction Hypothesis
D、Noticing Hypothesis

6、The researchers holding a sociocultural perspective in SLA argue that ___.
A、Language learners co-construct knowledge together
B、Language learners could develop their language proficiency through focusing on accuracy instead of fluency
C、Language leaners could learn a language through using the language for meaningful communication
D、Language learners could learn a language only if they were given comprehensive input.

7、Babies make vowel sounds earlier than consonants. ( )

8、Babies at age two usually understand different word orders would mean different meanings. ( )

9、Babies at three years old usually have developed metalinguistic awareness. ( )

10、What are the three main perspectives to explain how people acquire their first language?

11、In SLA field, the proponents of linguistic-cognitive SLA take ________ as the ideological root while the socioculturally oriented SLA researchers prefer ________ as the implied norm.

12、For the motivation study in SLA, please give the major theory/model in the three stages respectively. 1) The first stage, _____________ 2) The second stage, _____________ 3) The third stage, _______________

3 Psychological Aspects of Learners

Test for Unit 3

1、An extravert does better than an introvert in learning a second language, since such learning requires public performances.

2、A reflexive learner would consider all the details of a question before he/she gives an answer, while an impulsive learner is likely to be quick in making a response without caring whether it is flawless or not.

3、Field independent learners are likely to be more reflexive than impulsive in learning, and field dependent learners are likely to be the opposite.

4、Motivation and performance are necessarily related positively; i.e. the higher the level of motivation is, the better the performance is, which is always the case.

5、If a learner learns a second language for the love of it, he/she would learn better than who learns the same language for certain practical purposes.

6、Instrumental motivation for L2 learning may be less long-lasting than integrative motivation, but the former can change into the latter in the course of the learning and usually not vice versa.

7、High achievers attribute their success to their ability and their failure to chance factors, while low achievers do just the opposite.

8、Serial-position effect shows that in reciting a text, human beings tend to remember very well the beginning and the end of the text, but do poorly the middle parts.

9、When learners read through a text, they would find that remembering the meaning of the text is no less easy than remembering the structure of the expressions.

10、Doing massed exercises right after a learning task, followed by distributed exercises, is likely to be a desirable pattern of studying, because it is consistent with Ebbinghaus retention curve.

4 Phonetics, Phonology and Language Teaching

Test for Unit 4

1、Phonetics is the science of speech sounds. It studies how the speech sounds are produced, transmitted and perceived. It is language specific.

2、A phoneme is the smallest or minimal contrastive unit which may bring about a change of meaning in a given language.

3、When two phones are in complementary distribution, they are to be taken as allophones of the same phoneme.

4、The difference between the initial sounds of Chinese <pà> (怕) and <bà> (爸)is whether it is voiced.

5、In both Chinese and English, /h/ is a voiceless velar fricative consonant.

6、In communication, what decides which tone to use in a specific context is the sentence pattern.

7、Chinese and English differ only in the rhythm pattern.

8、As the rhythm pattern differs, the prosodic features of the languages concerned differ as well.

9、In English, the prominence of words with sentence stress is realized by lengthening the accented words only.

10、Imitation is the only and most effective way to learn the pronunciation and intonation of a foreign language well.

5 Pragmatics and L2 Teaching

Test for Unit 5

1、Speech act excludes:

2、Which is not one of the three major questions required in order to investigate how the learning of L2 is shaped by instructional context and activities?
A、What opportunities for developing L2 pragmatic ability are offered in language classrooms;
B、Whether pragmatic ability develops in a classroom setting without instruction in pragmatics;
C、What effects various approaches to instruction have on pragmatic development;
D、How to develop grammatical competence in L2 classroom setting.

3、Comparing to correcting pragma-linguistic failure, correcting pragmatic failure stemming from socio-pragmatic miscalculation is a far more delicate matter.
A、interpersonal disharmony
B、interpersonal misunderstanding
C、socio-pragmatic miscalculation
D、gramatical mistake

4、Canale & Swain (1980) identified pragmatic competence as ( ) competence.

5、Leech (1983) and Thomas (1983) divided pragmatics into two components:
C、communicative componence
D、L2 learning

6、Bringing pragmatics into the L2 classroom is associated with two main goals:
A、the level of grammatical competence;
B、the development of pragmatic awareness;
C、the communicative abilites;
D、practicing pragmatic abilities.

7、The notion of pragmatic competence was early on defined by Chomsky as the "knowledge of conditions and manner of appropriate use (of the language), in conformity with various purposes".

8、A speaker's 'linguistic competence' would be made up of pragmatic competence.

9、Taboos is a topic closely related to the concept of 'free' and 'non-free' information.

10、Socio-pragmatics has been described by Leech as “the sociological interface of pragmatics,” referring to the social perceptions underlying participants’ interpretation and performance of communicative action.

6 Anthropological Linguistics and Language Teaching

Test for Unit 6

1、Anthropological Linguistics is a sub-field of linguistics which is concerned with the place of language in its wider social and cultural context, its role in forging and sustaining cultural practices and social structures.

2、Linguistic signs as representations of the world and connections to the world are neutral.

3、Linguistic relativism suggested that each language had to be studied in and for itself, and it was not to be forced into a mold that was more appropriate to some other language.

4、Language as cultural resource means that we use language to create a certain culture.

5、Speech as cultural practice means we can find origin, development and future of a certain culture.

6、Chomsky’s notion of performance is connected with “doing things with words.”

7、To be a competent speaker of a language means then to be able to do things with that language as part of larger social activities which are culturally organized and must be culturally interpreted.

8、Participation stresses the inherently social, collective, and distributed quality of any act of speaking.

9、Code switching is not an index .

10、The same color word can have quite the same associations in different cultures.

7 Sociolinguistics

Test for Unit 7

1、If we want to know more about a given society or community by examining the linguistic behavior of its members, we are doing sociolinguistic study of society. That is, we are doing sociolinguistics on a level of investigation.

2、Linguistic variations include:
A、social difference
B、contextual differences
C、regional difference
D、above all

3、refers to the phenomenon that those who do not share a first language communicate with each other in a language that they know.
A、national language
B、lingua franca
C、official language
D、world language

4、From a sociolinguistic perspective, can all influence an individual's use of particular phonological, structural, lexical, and discourse features of a language.
A、geographical location
B、ethnic background
C、social class

5、Interference of code may happen at the .
A、phonetic level
B、lexical level
C、syntactical level
D、textual level

6、Sociolinguistics will focus on the studies of the social factors which influence the use of human language.

7、An individual must therefore belong to various speech communities at the same time, but on any particular occasion will identify with one of them, the particular identification depending on what is especially important or contrastive in the circumstances.

8、Linguistic differences present greater obstacles to communication than cultural differences do.

9、Code-switching is a phenomenon in a conversation between multilinguals, who alternate from one language to the other out of communicational convenience or preference.

10、And male speakers are heard to use the low-rise intonation with statements much more frequently than female speakers.

8 Applied Linguistics in Systemic Functional Perspective

Test for Unit 8

1、In Discourse Semantics, on the clause level, there is Theme and New; on the paragraph level, there is ; on the text level, there is macroTheme and macroNew.
A、superTheme and superNew
B、hyperTheme and hyperNew
C、microTheme and microNew
D、maximalTheme and maximaNew

2、Context in SFL refers to .
A、Context of language
B、Context of culture
C、Context of society
D、Context of situation

3、According to Halliday, there are three motives behind SFL, which are .
A、the study of Literature
B、machine translation
C、foreign language teaching
D、discourse analysis

4、According to Systemic Functional Grammar, textual resources realizing textual function are of two kinds. They are .

5、A teaching-learning cycle designed by Rothery and her colleagues has several stages, including .
D、Individual Construction

6、In Systemic Functional Linguistics, there are three contextual variables for context of culture, namely field, tenor and mode.

7、Language has to provide for making links with itself and with features of the situation in which it is used.

8、Discourse analysis interfaces with the analysis of grammar and the analysis of social activity, somewhere at the work of grammarians on the one hand and social theorists on the other.

9、The initial aim of the Sydney School project was to design a reading pedagogy that could enable any student to succeed with the writing demands of the school.

10、The functional nature of language in Systemic Functional Linguistics is theorized in terms of three meta-functions: ideational, interpersonal and textual.

9 Cognitive Linguistics and L2 Learning

Test for Unit 9

1、Which of the following statements is NOT true in the enterprise of cognitive linguistics?
A、Since every grammatical element or grammatical construction imposes a particular construal on the situation being described, grammar can be presented as an array of meaningful options whose ranges of application are in large measure predictable.
B、Meaning representation is encyclopedic. That is, everything we know about an entity can be regarded as contributing to the meaning of an expression that designates it
C、Cognitive linguists often see language as growing out of an innate language faculty.
D、Cognitive linguistics focuses on meaning.

2、Choose the example(s) for instantiating the conceptual metaphor” TIME IS MONEY”.
A、You’re wasting my time.
B、That flat tire cost me an hour.
C、Time flies indeed.
D、He has invested much time in that girl.

3、What are the key claims of cognitive linguistics?
A、Language is not an autonomous cognitive faculty, and it reflects the cognitive process.
B、Grammar is conceptualization and meaning.
C、Knowledge of language emerges from language use, that is, language is usage-based.
D、A faculty for language acquisition is independent of the rest of cognition.

4、What events officially marked the birth of cognitive linguistics as a broadly grounded, self-conscious intellectual movement?
A、The first international conference on cognitive linguistics in Germany in 1989.
B、At the conference, the journal Cognitive Linguistics and the series of Cognitive Linguistic Research were founded.
C、The emergence of modern cognitive science in the 1960s and 1970s marked the birth of cognitive linguistics.
D、The book Metaphors we live by coauthored by Lakoff and Johnson was published.

5、Which of the following descriptions accounts for the different expressions “The cup is half full/The cup is half empty"
A、The perspective of observing the cup varies from person to person.
B、The meaning of full and empty is different.
C、There is no special reason for the two different expressions, and they are spoken purely by chance.
D、The two expressions reflect the way we perceive the world.

6、Cognitive linguistics is a cluster of overlapping approaches to the study of language as a mental phenomenon.

7、The most important way in which cognitive linguistics differs from other approaches to the study of language, then, is that language is assumed to reflect certain fundamental properties and design features of the human mind.

8、Cognitive linguistics claims that linguistic knowledge is just the grammatical rules and separate from other types of knowledge of our experience of the world.

9、A conceptual metaphor, also known as a generative metaphor, is a metaphor in which one idea ( or conceptual domain ) is understood in terms of another.

10、There exists a clear-cut line between categories according to cognitive linguistics.

10 Foreign Language Pedagogy

Test for Unit 10

1、English is learned as a second language in schools in mainland China.

2、The Grammar-Translation Method was also called the classical method because it had been used to teach classical languages like Latin.

3、In foreign language classes taught through the Direct Method, both the students’ mother tongue and the target language are used.

4、The Silent Way to foreign language teaching proposes that learners are to discover and create in language learning.

5、According to Community Language Learning, learning is both cognitive and affective.

6、According to Multiple Intelligences Model, people’s intelligences exist in many different forms and are stable.

7、The lexical Approach holds that grammar and words are the focus of foreign language learning.

8、The key elements of communicative competence are linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence.

9、Content-based Instruction in foreign language teaching emphases learning about language instead of learning through language.

10、In real language teaching practice, both macro planning and micro planning are important.

11、According to the Monitor Model, language teachers should provide students with input which is slightly ahead of their current state of language proficiency.

12、In foreign language learning, output is more concerned with semantic processing than syntactic processing.

13、In foreign language learning, interaction can aid both the comprehension of input and the production of output.

14、In foreign language teaching, the only purpose of testing is to assess the students’ achievements in learning.

15、Norm-referenced tests are efficient in selecting students who are qualified for a certain program.

11 Research Methods in SLA

Test for Unit 11

1、Compared to natural science, the tools of measurement of social science are
A、More accurate
B、Very casual
C、More precise
D、Less accurate

2、Usually the nature of the collected data of quantitative research is:

3、What are the characteristics of scientific research?
A、It contributes to a body of science
B、It follows scientific methods
C、It finds out answers to questions
D、It has theoretical framework

4、What are the two essential components of scientific research?

5、What disciplines could be included in social science?

6、What are the two basic ways of research in scientific sense?
A、Primary research
B、Natural research
C、Social research
D、Secondary research

7、To differentiate qualitative and quantitative research, we could apply the following criteria:
A、The general ideological orientation
B、The method of data collection
C、The nature of the collected data
D、The method of data analysis and processing

8、What are the ways used for collecting quantitative data?
C、Eye-tracking technology

9、Language data is often treated as qualitative data in literatures.

10、In applied linguistic research we can find three main types of primary data, which are qualitative date, quantitative date, and mixed method data.

11、Primary research is employed by conducting one’s own data-based empirical investigation.

12、Language testing, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, and corpus linguistics are the particular ways to process language data.

13、There is an absolute boundary between qualitative data and quantitative data.

14、Participant observation means the participant observer becomes a full member of the group, taking part in all the activities.

15、Observers conducting unstructured classroom observation are less clear on what the observation is looking for.

16、The instructional classroom context deals with the factors of curriculum, power relationship, teaching methods, student identity etc.

Final Examination

Final Examination

1、Please choose one of the topics below and write a paper (in English) of about 800 words. (note: please use APA fomat.) 1. Language Differences between Males and Females: A Brief Analysis of English Language Features from the Perspective of Gender. 2. How has the “multilingual turn” in the research field of second language acquisition influenced the motivation study so far? (Please refer to the special edition of The Modern Language Journal, Edition 101, 2017) 3. What are the functions of output in foreign language learning? How can teachers design tasks which can elicit more output on the part of the students? 4. Can you apply cognitive linguistics to your English learning or teaching? Give one or more detailed examples based on your own knowledge or experience. 5. Please observe how Chinese English learners acquire culturally-loaded taboo language. Analyze your findings and generalize the main features. 6. Please choose one sample essay and apply the Reading to Learn Cycle to demonstrate how to teach students to write an essay by following the sample essay. Please specify the stages with necessary details. The sample essay can be a story, an explanation or an argument etc.