
会计类习题2024-05-19 06:09:4895771抢沙发
mooc北京红色旅游文化章节答案(mooc完整答案)摘要: 第一章 北京历史文化遗产 I第一周 单元测试1、6. How old is the Place Museum?A、A. 600 years old in 2020B、B. 550 years old ...


第一章 北京历史文化遗产 I

第一周 单元测试

1、北京6. How old is 红色the Place Museum?
A、A. 600 years old in 2020
B、旅游B. 550 years old in 2020
C、文化完整C. 610 years old in 2020
D、章节D. 700 years old in 2020

2、答案答案2. With a total area of 72 hectares,北京 the Forbidden City can be divided into ___ parts?
A、A. two parts
B、红色B. three parts
C、旅游C. four parts
D、文化完整D. five parts

3、章节3. When was the Forbidden City converted from an imperial palace into a public museum?答案答案
A、A. 1900
B、北京B. 1919
C、红色C. 1925
D、旅游D. 1930

4、4. After entering the Meridian Gate, there are immediately ___ marble bridges on the Inner Golden Water River.
A、A. three
B、B. four
C、C. five
D、D. six

5、5. With no other choice, on ___, Empress Dowager Longyu, the Empress of second last Qing Emperor Guangxu, had to issue the imperial edict, declaring the abdication of the last emperor in the Forbidden City .
A、A. February 12th,1912
B、B. February 20th,1912
C、C. February 12th,1911
D、D. February 12th,1910

6、1. The Peking Man Site put into the list of World Cultural Heritages in 1987.

7、7. Mr. Pei Wenzhong , a famous Chinese Paleolithic archaeologist, discovered the first skull of a Peking man on December 2, 1929.

8、8. As far as paleo-anthropology and paleolithic archaeology are concerned, Zhoukoudian site bears incomparable significance in terms of the abundance and importance of its kind.

9、9. The earliest period of the Zhoukoudian’s cultural sequence could be dated from 500,000years.

10、10. They provide indispensable information and evidence, for study and understanding of Homo-erectus and Homo Sapiens evolution and cultural development.

第一周 单元作业

1、What do you think of the Forbidden City ? What kind of role does it play in Beijing culture?

第二章 北京历史文化遗产 II

第二周 单元测试

1、1. How many times a year did the Chinese emperors went to worship the God of Heaven and prayed for a good harvest 2 or 3 times a year.

2、2. In the Temple of Heaven, more than 3000 ancient cypress trees are surrounding the Heaven-worshiping.

3、3. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in the Temple of Heaven is one of the symbolic constructions in Beijing.

4、4. The function of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is praying for good harvests.

5、5. The Temple of Heaven was first built in 1420 in the Ming dynasty during the time when the Forbidden City and some other important imperial structures were constructed.

6、6. In the old time, the Great Wall was a military gigantic defensive project, kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic tribes.

7、7. Today, it is a famous historical scenic spot for tourists and it plays an important role in bridging the friendship between the Chinese people and the people in different parts of the world.

8、8. There were three times of large-scale construction of the Great Wall in the history of China: in Qin, Han and Ming dynasties.

9、9. People from different nationalities exchanged their products with each other, esp. between the nationality of southern farmers and northern nomadic tribes.

10、10. Simatai, Badaling and Mutianyu are the most attractive sections of the Great Wall in Beijing to the tourists.

第二周 单元作业

1、What are the functions of the Great Wall? What are the features of the bridges in the Summer Palace? Why is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest viewed as the symbol of Beijing tourism?

第三章 新中国革命运动的起源

第三周 单元测试


2、2. 北大红楼见证了中国新文化运动,新思想开始传播,马列主义传入中国,开启了中国新民主主义的一页。

3、3. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished。 不忘初心,牢记使命。

4、4. 俄国十月革命的一声炮响,为中国送来了马克思主义。北大红楼成为中国早期传播马克思主义的主阵地,从此马克思主义开始在中国传播。

5、5. 1921 年4 月李大钊和邓中夏、高君宇等在北京大学秘密发起了一个“马克思学说研究会”。


7、7. “在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。”这句话来自鲁迅的《野草》。


9、9. 1918年,37岁的周树人首次用“鲁迅”为笔名,在中国杂志《新青年》上发表中国现代文学史上第一篇用现代体式创作的短篇白话文小说《狂人日记》。


第三周 单元作业


第四章 抗日烽火中的北京

第四周 单元测试

1、1. 1894到1895年日本通过甲午战争,逼迫清签订《马关条约》。

2、2. 1931年9月18日,日军挑起九·一八事变,借机占领了中国东北,一手炮制了伪"满洲国"。


4、4. 29军副军长佟麟阁、132师师长赵登禹均壮烈殉国。

5、5. "卢沟桥事变"标志着中华民族全面抗战的开始,从此,中国人民团结起来,在中国倡导的抗日民族统一战线旗帜的指引下,历经磨难,前仆后继,英勇斗争,并最终打败了日本侵略者。


7、7. "巩固平西,坚持冀东,开辟平北"这三者无论是军事上还是政治上都是相互关联,相互依存,相互配合的一个不可分割的整体。

8、8. 萧克将军曾称该团“是一支已经革命化了的知识分子队伍”,而该团的团长就是素来有“小白龙”之称的白乙化将军。

9、9. 在白乙化将军牺牲后,八路军冀热察挺进军发表了《告全军同志书》,赞扬他是"优秀的指挥员、民族英雄、无产阶级的先锋"。彭德怀称赞白乙化"血沃幽燕,名垂千古" 。

10、10. 1945年8月,日本宣布无条件投降后,根据党中央做出的“分兵北上”决策, 冀,察军区奉命首先攻占张家口。

第四周 单元作业

1、中国人民抗日战争胜利的伟大意义是什么? 一二·九学生运动的历史意义是什么?对于今天的学生而言,应该怎样看待自己的担当与使命?

第五章 见证新中国的诞生 I

第五周 单元测试

1、6. Both the national emblem and National Flag serve as the symbol of the national ______.
A、A. image
B、B. power
C、C. sovereignty
D、D. history

2、7. _____ is the designer of the National Flag of new China.
A、A. Chairman Mao
B、B. Lin Huiyin
C、C. Liang Sicheng
D、D. Zeng Liansong

3、8. ____ raised up the first National Flag of new China on Oct. 1st, 1949.
A、A. Chairman Mao
B、B. Zhou Enlai
C、C. Zhu De
D、D. Song Qingling

4、9. The color of red with our National Flag symbolizes ______.
A、A. martyrs’ blood
B、B. the spirit of revolution
C、C. Chinese favorite color
D、D. fire

5、10. No damaged, defiled, faded or ____ National Flag shall be displayed.
A、A. old
B、B. folded
C、C. substandard
D、D. rolled

6、1. Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world.

7、2. Tian’anmen Rostrum is totally a symbolic building with rich Chinese traditional culture.

8、3. The socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party is the right path to develop China.

9、4. We are looking forward to the year of 2049 only because it is the year of 100 for the People’s Republic of China.

10、5. The Tian’anmen Rostrum used to be symbol of China in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

第五周 单元作业

1、Tian'anmen Tower and Tian'anmen Square have been viewed as the heart of China. What is the significance of it in the past and today?

第六章 见证新中国的诞生II

第六周 单元作业

1、The Monument to the People’s Heroes, standing on the Tian'anmen Square, is 37.94 meters high, higher than the Tian’anmen Rostrum, National Flagpole and Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum. What is the significance of it in Chinese history, especiallly upon the 100th Anniversary of Communist Party of China?


本文地址:发布于 2024-05-19 06:09:48

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