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2. Fashion and Health (时尚和养生)

2.1 Fashion and Health in the Past随堂测验

1、尔雅Sun Simiao’s famous ________ formula for health caring can not only prevent diseases and cure diseases,中国 but also keep fit and prolong life.

2.2 Fashion and Health at Present随堂测验

1、全民健身热 can be translated into__________ in English.

2.3 Fashion and Health in the West随堂测验

1、文化It is 个新performed in ____-person formations composed of four couples, with each couple taking a side of the square to start.

Test(Fashion and Health)

1、Which of the following is 世界not a Chinese medicinal food?
A、Beijing Roast Duck
B、期末Soup of Fragrance with plum blossom
C、答案Syrup of almond
D、学习Sanchi Powder with coix seed

2、通题Which of the following exercise can most represent Chinese National Fitness Craze?目答
A、Playing table-tennis
C、中国Square Dancing
D、文化Going to the gym

3、个新Choose the one that is 世界NOT the most popular ways of staying active in the U.S.:
A、Walking for Fitness
B、Running/Jogging outside
C、Running on Treadmill
D、Playing golf

4、Which of the following statements about Chinese square dancing are true?
A、There are square dancers in every square, including some young people.
B、Square dancing in China has been spreading worldwide.
C、It originates from social life and is generated among the masses.
D、“Dancing grannies” refers to those middle-aged or retired women who love square dancing.

5、Hua Tuo’s six-word formula for health caring not only prevent diseases and cure diseases, but also keep fit and prolong life, and is still in fashion today.

6、Marathon has sweeping across China; in addition, there are half-marathon and micro-marathon, which are also popular among the pubic.

7、For modern people, working out is a popular way of life, so it is not just for exercising.

8、American square dance is similar to Chinese square dancing.

9、Almost half of American adults aged 20 and above are obese.

10、Fashion in this unit refers to people’s intense consciousness of__________.

Assignment (Fashion and Health)

1、What are the new elements concernig health in Chinese culture? Illustrate your points with examples.

1. Gathering and Food(聚会和饮食)

1.1 Gathering and Food in the Past随堂测验

1、Banquet is also called “雅集” in Chinese.

1.2 Gathering and Food at Present随堂测验

1、1. What are the functions of gatherings today in China?
A、To promote the relationship among families.
B、To promote the relationship between the employer and employees.
C、To simulate the workers to work harder.
D、To realize how one is ineffective in work.

1.3 Gathering and Food in the West随堂测验

1、Now more and more young Chinese people choose western food and party for their gathering.

Test (Gathering and Food)

1、What dish is served for President Trump in the State Banquet in GHP?
A、Kung Pao chicken
B、Noodles with Superior Soup
C、Fried Meat with vegetables
D、Steamed fish

2、Which of the following is not included in the Eight Cuisines in China?
A、Sichuan Cuisine
B、Zhejiang Cuisine
C、Fujian Cuisine
D、Hong kong Cuisine

3、What are the functions of gatherings today in China?
A、To promote the relationship among families.
B、To promote the relationship between the employer and employees.
C、To simulate the workers to work harder.
D、To realize how one is ineffective in work.

4、Which of the following are correct about globalization of food culture?
A、Today, more Chinese cuisines are accepted by foreigners.
B、Today, more Western cuisines are accepted by Chinese people.
C、Globalization is helpful for people to choose style of their gatherings.
D、Globalization is not so important for communication between different cultures.

5、Food is not as important as wine in a social banquet.

6、Banquet is also called “雅集” in Chinese.

7、Now more and more young Chinese people choose western food and party for their gathering.

8、There is no necessary and importance to have a dinner with business partners because business is just business.

9、1. Banquets, synonym of “燕会”、“____”、“酒会”in Chinese, are the combination of having dinner and gathering in need of custom and social etiquette.

10、The anthropologist James J. Watson took the example of Mcdonald’s changing running strategies in Eastern Asia in his book _______.

Assignment (Gathing and Food )

1、What effect do you think about the globalization of food culture?

3. Travel and Life(旅游和生活)

3.2 Travel and Life at Present随堂测验

1、1. When going traveling, we Chinese like to take adventures.

2、We Chinese don’t travel for travel’s sake, even nowadays.

3、Information technology has changed people's travelling life greatly.

3.3 Travel and Life in the West随堂测验

1、UNWTO stands for _____________________.

2、According to the UNWTO report 2018 edition, tourism means _______% of world’s job opportunities! (填写百分比值)

3、_________ is the top one in both terms of arrivals and receipts of international tourism.(填写某地区名)

Travel and life quiz

1、The key concept in Confucianism, ___________ , discourages ancient Chinese people to travel afar.
A、filial piety
D、family duty

2、In 2016, ______________ was the main motive of Chinese urban residents for traveling. .
A、leisure, recreation and holiday

3、_____________ is the 1st favorite outbound destination of Chinese.

4、We can use mobile apps to do a lot except _________.
A、booking tickets
B、booking hotel rooms
C、reading travel tips and so on
D、truly experiencing the local life

5、The year __________ witnessed the highest growth in international tourist arrivals since 2010.

6、As for international tourist arrivals, China ranked No. _______.

7、__________ ranked No. 1 in international tourism receipts.
A、The US.

8、___________ ranked the 1st position as international tourism spender.
A、The US.

9、__________ means 孔子 in English.

10、__________ means 道家学说in English.

11、__________ trip means 境内旅游in English.

12、We used to travel by using maps, but now, we tend to use ___________ to find out the information we need when traveling.

13、Besides meaning World Trade Organization, WTO can also mean _____________, a United Nations’ specialized agency.

14、In Europe, international tourism arrivals and receipts both increased a lot. The most remarkable growth are led by the __________________ destinations.

Essay writing

1、Write a short essay of about 200 words concerning one of the 3 topics: Xu Xiake; Traveling life of today's Chinese people; The relationship between travel and life

4. Socializing and Internet(社交和网络)

4.1 Socializing and Internet in the Past随堂测验

1、“醉别复几日,登临遍池台。” is a farewell poem written by to Du Fu.

4.2 Socializing and Internet at Present随堂测验

1、"people who play mobile phone with head down" are .

4.3 Socializing and Internet in the West随堂测验

1、According to Nat Eliason,the 2006 Internet was dominated by function.

Test (Socializing and Internet)

1、According to Nat Eliason,the 2006 Internet was dominated by function.

2、usually turn a blind eye to the people around them, but are cold about the virtual world.

3、The most commonly used social apps in the west include:

4、Phubbing does a lot of harm to health: .
A、rough and wrinkled skin
B、reduced response speed
D、neck/shoulder disease

5、We Media is also known as "citizen media" or "personal media".

6、By accessing Internet, people can do a lot online, for example, learning, chatting, messaging, and Googling.

7、“醉别复几日,登临遍池台。” is a farewell poem written by Li Bai to .

8、"people who play mobile phone with head down" are .

9、In fact, in the era of underdeveloped network in the past, letters were actually the only means of remote for people.

10、WeChat is China's leading messaging and social media app from Holdings Limited.

Assignment (Socializing and Internet)

1、Write a short paragraph to introduce one of the most commonly used social apps in the west.

6. Money and Consumption(金钱和消费)

6.1 Money and Consumption in the Past随堂测验

1、What are the main functions of money?
A、a medium of exchange
B、a unit of account
C、a store of value
D、a standard of deferred payment

2、In Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin unified the currency, named “Ban Liang半两”.

6.2 Money and Consumption at Present随堂测验

1、Only cash payments are accepted by consumers nowadays because mobile payments are not safe.

2、Traditional store shopping (transfer) to online shopping for the sake of convenience. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

6.3 Money and Consumption in the West随堂测验

1、What are the main features of consumption in western countries presently?
A、The concept of hedonism and consumerism is widely advocated.
B、The relationship between consumption and personality is becoming closer and closer.
C、The meaning of consumption is only to meet the practical needs of living.
D、Consumers pay more and more attention to the improvement of life quality and the symbolic meaning of consumption in a certain society.

2、Nowadays, the meaning of consumption is not only to meet the practical needs of living, but also to indicate the symbolic characteristics of consumption, that is, the social functions of consumption.

Test (Money and Consumption)

1、This town is a lovely place to ______ the pressures of everyday life.
A、get away from
B、build up
C、get into
D、think about

2、Don’t think that the challenge of new thinking will be limited only ______ the area of new words.

3、Since she hasn’t achieved her goal set by the company yet, she knew that a holiday this year is ______.
A、out of the question
B、out of question
C、without the question
D、without question

4、I don’t think it wise for Judy to lose weight by substituting fruit ______ meals.

5、I didn’t lie, Mom. Roger ______ take a knife to school yesterday.

6、This artist is much looked up to for his oil paintings. Here “looked up to” means “ ”.
A、look at
B、hold up one’s head
C、respect or admire sb.
D、look for

7、When Wilma Rudolph was four years old, she had a disease ______ polio which causes people to be crippled and unable to walk.

8、Nowadays technologies have advanced so much that a drop of blood will help the child find his ______ father.

9、The operation was _____ success. Mr. Odek is now able to move around.
A、a quite
B、some quite
C、quite a

10、Pasteur, Edison, Darwin and lots more were far from being geniuses in their teens. Here “far from” means “ ”.
A、very far
B、not at all

11、What are the main functions of money?
A、the medium of exchange
B、the unit of account
C、the store of value
D、the root of evil

12、What are the main features of consumption in western countries presently?
A、Consumers pay more and more attention to the improvement of life quality and the symbolic meaning of consumption in a certain society.
B、The meaning of consumption is only to meet the practical needs of living.
C、The relationship between consumption and personality is becoming closer and closer.
D、The concept of hedonism and consumerism is widely advocated.

13、What are the limitations of barter?
A、inefficiencies in facilitating exchange in comparison to money
B、no common measure of value
C、lack of standards for deferred payments
D、difficulty in storing wealth

14、What are the functions of the Silk Road in ancient time?
A、a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations between the east and the west
B、a popular traveling route for ancient consumers
C、a test for ancient merchants
D、a channel to promote the exchange of science, technology and cultures between the east and the west

15、What goods were served as exchanging mediums in ancient time?

16、The act of trading a good or service for another good or service without the use of money is called barter, or bartering.

17、Nowadays, the meaning of consumption is only to meet the practical needs of living.

18、An Emperor in Zhou Dynasty unified the currency which was called “Ban Liang半两”.

19、Nowadays materials are so abundant that there is no need to advocate frugality.

20、Spade money first appeared in Zhou Dynasty.

Assignment (Money and Consumption)

1、Essay Writing Title: The Role of the Silk Road Played in Ancient Time

5. Affection and Festivals(情感和节日)

5.1 Affection and Festivals in the Past随堂测验

1、Some traditional practices in Spring Festival include:
A、ancestor worship
B、paper-cutting for window decoration
C、sweeping the dust
D、hanging calamus and moxa

2、The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) formally approved the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival as one of the world’s intangible cultural heritage.

5.2 Affection and Festivals at Present随堂测验

1、Qixi, known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, falls on the first day of the seventh lunar month.

2、“520 (521) 1314” means I ________ (I do) for a lifetime in network language.

5.3 Affection and Festivals in the West随堂测验

1、Chrismas message is a speech delivered by the British Queen/King on Christmas Day,and this tradition started from_______.
A、Queen Elizabeth I
B、Queen Elizabeth II
C、King George V
D、Queen Victoria

2、Many festivals and holidays are becoming popular globally, though there might be some differences in customs among those festivals, the feeling people want to express is the same.

Test (Affection and Festivals)

1、The custom of lantern watching is typical in which of the following festivals?
A、Spring Festival
B、Mid-autumn Festival
C、Shang Yuan Festival
D、Dragon-boat Festival

2、Mother’s Day falls on ________of May.
A、the 2nd Sunday
B、the 3rd Sunday
C、the 2nd Saturday
D、the 10th day

3、It wasn’t until 1863, after independence, that President _______ declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in the US.

4、Choose customs related to Mid-autumn Festival.
A、burning dou xiang
B、lightening the Mid-Autumn tree
C、worship of the moon
D、walking under the moon

5、The Day of the Dead in Mexico, on October 31, having similarities with the western “Halloween”, shows the strong characteristics of native Indian culture, in which family and reunion is an ever-lasting element.

6、The poem “Prelude To Water Melody” is about the Double Ninth Festival.

7、Easter is an important western holiday, celebrated on the second Sunday following the vernal equinox and the full moon. It symbolizes rebirth and hope, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

8、China’s holiday system has undergone several major adjustments and reforms. Nowadays we get __________ days off in National Day.

9、We’ve known The Day of the Dead in Mexico from the 3D animated film ________ , in which the ultimate goal, be the living Migge or the dead Hector, is to go home.

10、In September 2009, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) formally approved Chinese Dragon Boat Festival as one of the world’s________

Assignment (Affection and Festivals)

1、Tell us a special festival around the world.

7. Media and Literature(媒体和文学)

7.1 Media and Literature in the Past随堂测验

1、What do The Four Books include?
A、The Great Learning
B、The Doctrine of the Mean
C、The Analects of Confucius
D、The Mencius

2、What do Four Great Works of Classic Literature include?
A、Pilgrimage to the West
B、Water Margin or Heroes of the Marshes
C、The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
D、A Dream in Red Mansions

3、What novels does Su Tong write?
A、Wives and Concubines
B、Petulia's Rouge Tin
C、The Boat to Redemption
D、Yellowbird Story

7.2 Media and Literature at Present随堂测验

1、Which film is a big-budget one based on her work set during the 1937 Rape of Nanking?
B、Mei Lanfang
C、Fang Hua
D、The Flower of War

2、Which novel is China’s bestselling literary work in the last 20 years?
A、The Flower of War
B、Triple Door
C、To Live
D、Tiny Times

3、Who was the youngest member in China’s Writers Association when he was just 23 years old?
A、Han Han
B、Yu Hua
C、Mo Yan
D、Guo Jingming

7.3 Media and Literature in the West随堂测验

1、Which is the second best-selling book in history?
A、Harry Potter
B、Secret Garden
C、Xinhua Dictionary
D、Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

2、Which is the largest Chinese web fiction translation forum in the world?
B、Wuxia World

3、What are the most popular comments of foreign readers on Chinese web fictions?

Test (Media and Literature)

1、Who wrote The Legend of Condor Heroes, The Return of Condor Heroes and Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber?
A、Gu Long
B、Jin Yong
C、Su Tong
D、Mo Yan

2、which won the Golden Bear Award at Berlin Film Festival in 1988?
A、Red Sorghum
B、The Republic of Wine: A Novel

3、Which one does NOT belong to The Five Classics?
A、The Classic of Poetry
B、The Classic of History or Book of Documents
C、The Classic of Rites
D、The Great Learning

4、Which is the Chinese name of Nirvana in Fire?

5、Which is the Chinese name of The Journey of Flower?

6、Which is the English name of 三生三世十里桃花?
A、Startling by Each Step
B、Fighter of the Destiny
C、To the Sky Kingdom
D、The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles

7、What novels does Mo Yan write?
A、Red Sorghum
B、The Republic of Wine: A Novel
C、Big Breasts & Wide Hips
D、Sandalwood Death

8、Which is the web fiction written by foreign writers?
A、Harry Potter
B、Dark Matter
D、Fifty Shads of Grey

9、Wives and Concubines was adapted for the film _______, which was directed by Zhang Yimou.

10、__________directed her novel Fang Hua (the English title is Youth).

8. Education and Success(教育和成功)

8.1 Education and Success in the Past随堂测验

1、Who is now regarded as the pioneer founder of family education. A Mencius B Confucius C Lao-tzu D Zhuang Zhou
D、Zhuang Zhou

2、Which is the correct translation of the sentence: Learning without thought is labor,; thought without learning is perilous. A 有教无类 B 学而时习之,不亦说乎? C 温故知新 D 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

3、When did the Imperial Examination come into being? A In the Shang Dynasty B In the Tang Dynasty C In the Sui Dynasty D In the Han Dynasty
A、In the Shang Dynasty
B、In the Tang Dynasty
C、In the Sui Dynasty
D、In the Han Dynasty

4、What were the six arts?

8.2 Education and Success at Present随堂测验

1、⑴ The teaching environment of the international schools is English.

2、⑵ International schools attempt to gear their educational mode only toward a global view.

3、⑶ In Sinology schools, students receive systematic training in sinology. They would also learn math and English lessons.

4、⑷ Home schools have been legally accepted in China.

5、⑸ The 12-year compulsory education covers 6-year primary schools, 3-year junior middle schools, and 3-year senior middle schools.

8.3 Education and Success in the West随堂测验

1、⑴ Generally, the class size in urban public schools can be as large as ______ students.

2、⑵ Which one is not the possible reason for the fact that more discipline issues such as violence and drugs in public schools than those in private schools?
A、Public schools are required to take every student who lives in their district and not to remove any student from the school.
B、Private schools tend to have more parental support.
C、A private school can end their relationship with a student who continuously refuses to follow their expected policies and procedures.
D、Public schools cannot punish the students who break the rules of the school.

3、⑶ Which is not the way the public schools are funded in the USA?
A、Local property taxes.
B、Tuition from students.
C、Donation form local businesses or individuals.
D、State education aid.

Test (Education and Success)

1、If parents seek to ready their kids for life in a more globalized atmosphere, they send their children to _______.
A、private schools
B、international schools
C、sinology schools
D、home schools

2、In ancient China, only _____ could be taught in government schools before private education began.
A、government officials
B、noblemen's children
C、Confucian scholars
D、children of the rich

3、Of the four types of schools, which one still falls in the legal gray area of the Chinese education system at present?
A、The international school
B、The private school
C、The home school
D、The Sinology school

4、Who had been reagrded as the pioneer founder of family education?

5、Which satatement is not correct about the Imperial Examination?
A、The Imperial Examination lasted more than 1300 years from the Tang Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty.
B、The examinations consisted of a battery of tests administered at the district, provincial, and imperial levels.
C、The examination system served to maintain cultural unity and consensus on basic values.
D、The Imperial Examination was an examination system in Imperial China designed to select talented people for future positions in civil service.

6、Sinology contains courtesy, music, archery, calligraphy, mathenatics, and also classical Chinese philosophy. So, English lessons are not provided in today's sinology schools.

7、Compulsory education in the USA begins at the age of eight, when a child enters the primary school.

8、As a rule, both public and private high schools require a certain number of credits in core subjects such as English, mathematics, and science in order to graduate.

9、In the USA, while public school teachers always need to be certified, private school teachers often don't need formal certification.

10、Mencius became the earliest founder for "Private Education" for the sake of his mother.

Assignment (Education and Success)

1、Nowadays more and more people tend to send their children to a private academy for a traditional education. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a private academy in your opinion? Write a composition of more than 150 words to state your point of view.

9. Men and Women(男人和女人)

9.1 Men and Women in the Past随堂测验

1、1. What conclusion we can get from the two legends, Hua Xu bore Fu Xi and An Deng bore Shen Nong?
A、male was superior to female in the matriarchal society.
B、female was superior to male in the matriarchal society.
C、male and female were equal in social status in the matriarchal society.
D、male and female were equal in social status in the patriarchal society.

2、5. Who made her journey to the Tubo Kingdom as the bride of Songtsan Gampo?
A、Princess Wencheng of the Tang
B、Princess Wencheng of the Song
C、Princess Wencheng of the Yuan
D、Princess Wencheng of the Ming

3、3. What are the so-called “three obediences ” in patriarchal society?
A、to obey their father before marriage
B、to obey their husband during married life
C、to obey their son in widowhood
D、to obey their parents-in-law during married life

4、2. The legends, Hua Xu bore Fu Xi and An Deng bore Shen Nong, happened in ______________.

5、4. _____________ wrote commentaries on Confucian classics and “Instructions for Women”

9.2 Men and Women at Present随堂测验

1、1. All the figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2016 proved that compared with women’s status in the past _______.
A、women’s education, social life, employment and health care have been greatly improved
B、great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and women's development
C、female are not inferior to men, they are independent and they can be themselves
D、female are still inferior to men and they can not be themselves.

2、2. According to the inaugural Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs ________, up to _______ of business owners in China are women, which gives the country _______ rank globally.
A、2016, 30.9%, 8th
B、2017, 30.9%, 9th
C、2016, 13.9%, 9th
D、2017, 30.9%, 8th

3、3. The "sheconomy" appeared as a new word in China in 2007 and refers to .

4、4. Today, quite a few female celebrities have made significant achievements in their fields. Their , and has led more females to pursue their dreams.

5、5. Tu Youyou was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in for her discoveries of a new therapy against malaria.

6、6. , professional writer, was named the winner of for best novelette for her short science fiction story, .

9.3 Men and Women in the West随堂测验

1、6. Mayer took over as in 2012, and since then she has become one of the world's most recognizable female CEOs.
A、CEO of Facebook
B、CEO of Apple
C、CEO of Yahoo
D、CEO of Twitter

2、4. The proverb, frailty, thin name is woman is based on characters and in it women are depicted as the weaker sex.

3、5. Elinor Ostrom was the first, and so far only, woman to win the Nobel prize in economics.

4、1. has greatly influenced the people’s worldview of those western counties.

5、2. Influenced by the story in the Old Testimony about human’s degeneration, women are seen as , as , as , and as in every way to men.

6、3. In the past, "Women's jobs" almost always had and than comparable male positions. Moreover, women's jobs also offered .

7、7. Today, women are also victims of less conspicuous forms of discrimination that are woven into the fabric of their daily life, such as _________, _________, _________ and _________.

Test (Men and Women)

1、All the figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2016 proved that compared with women’s status in the past _______.
A、women’s education, social life, employment and health care have been greatly improved
B、great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and women's development
C、female are not inferior to men, they are independent and they can be themselves
D、female are still inferior to men and they can not be themselves.

2、Which proverb is based on speech and in it women are portrayed garrulous and obsessed with trivial things by nature?
A、Frailty, thin name is woman.
B、A woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short.
C、Beauty and folly are often companions.
D、Words are women, deeds are men.

3、Which proverb is based on characters and in it women are depicted as the weaker sex?
A、Frailty, thin name is woman.
B、A woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short.
C、Beauty and folly are often companions.
D、Words are women, deeds are men.

4、Today, women are also victims of less conspicuous forms of discrimination that are woven into the fabric of their daily life, such as _________, _________, _________ and _________.
A、the devaluation of women
B、gender difference in language and communication
C、sexual harassment
D、domestic violence

5、Four virtues of traditional Chinese women refer to ____________________________.

6、Wu Zetian(624-705AD) might have shown her desire to get and keep power, but she just acted _____________ than most male emperors of her day to rule China.

7、Wu Zetian had raised the social status of women by ______________________.

8、Mencius’s achievement was to a large extent attributed to ________________________.

9、A major significance of Princess Wencheng marrying Songtsan Gampo was that she functioned as ____________________for Tang.

10、“Alpha wives beta husbands” mean __________________________________________.

Assignment (Men and Women)

1、1. Four virtues of traditional Chinese women refer to _________, _________, __________, and ____________.

2、2. Wu Zetian(624-705AD) might have shown her desire to get and keep power, but she just acted __________ than most male emperors of her day to rule China.

3、3. Wu Zetian had raised the social status of women by __________ and _________.

4、4. Mencius’s achievement was to a large extent attributed to _______________.

5、5. A major significance of Princess Wencheng marrying Songtsan Gampo was that she functioned as _________________ for Tang.

6、6. All the figures provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2016 proved that compared with women’s status in the past _______. A. women’s education, social life, employment and health care have been greatly improved B. great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and women's development C. female are not inferior to men, they are independent and they can be themselves D. female are still inferior to men and they can not be themselves.

7、7. Which proverb is based on speech and in it women are portrayed garrulous and obsessed with trivial things by nature? A. Frailty, thin name is woman. B. A woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short. C. Beauty and folly are often companions. D. Words are women, deeds are men.

8、8. What does “alpha wives beta husbands” mean?

10. Human and Nature(人和自然)

10.1 Human and Nature in the Past随堂测验

1、Tian (天) in Confucianism can refer to human society.

10.2 Human and Nature at Present随堂测验

1、From July 2019, residents in Shanghai must divide their waste into five categories.

10.3 Human and Nature in the West随堂测验

1、Nature is the masterpiece of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Test (Human and Nature)

1、Where does the saying "子钓而不纲,弋不射宿” come from?
A、Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals
B、the Tao Te Ching
C、The Analects
D、Luxuriant Gems of The Spring and Autumn Annals

2、According to the data from NASA, which two countries dominate the greening of the planet?
A、China and India
B、India and USA
C、China and USA
D、Japan and India

3、Where is UNEP based in?
A、Paris, France
B、Narobi, Kenya
C、Barcelona, Spain
D、New York, USA

4、What does "天” in Confucianism refer to?
A、the physical sky
B、the entirety of nature
C、human society
D、the operations of which manifest certain laws and order

5、World Enviroment day falls on July 5th.

6、Every year World Environment Day is celebrated in the same city.

7、"Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" reflects President Xi's concept of green development.

8、The theme of World Environment Day for 2019 is "Beat water pollution".

9、From July 1st, residents in Shanghai must divide their waste into four categories. They are: hazardous waste, ______ waste, household food waste and residual waste.

10、From July 1st, residents in Shanghai must divide their waste into four categories. They are: hazardous waste, recyclable waste, household food waste and ________ waste.

Assignment (Human and Nature)

1、How should we balance economic developmet and environmental protection to ensure sustainable environment?

Test (Chinese Culture: Another New World)

Test( Chinese Culture: Another New World)

1、Which of the following is not included in the Eight Cuisines in China?
A、Sichuan Cuisine
B、Zhejiang Cuisine
C、Fujian Cuisine
D、Hong kong Cuisine

2、Choose the one that is NOT the most popular ways of staying active in the U.S.
A、Walking for Fitness
B、Running/Jogging outside
C、Running on Treadmill
D、Playing golf

3、The key concept, ___________ , in Confucianism discourages ancient Chinese people to travel afar.
B、filial piety

4、The main feature of money is the change of ________ with the popularity of Internet.

5、It was not until 1863, after independence, that President _______ declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in the US.

6、______, a well-known Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature. He was also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in history.
A、Jin Yong
B、Mo Yan
C、Zhang Henshui
D、Qiong Yao

7、According to the data from NASA, which two countries dominate the greening of the planet?
A、China and Japan
B、the U.S. and the U.K.
C、Canada and China
D、China and India

8、Which proverb is based on speech and in it women are portrayed garrulous and obsessed with trivial things by nature?
A、Frailty, thin name is woman.
B、A woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short.
C、Beauty and folly are often companions.
D、Words are women, deeds are men.

9、Which proverb is based on characters and in it women are depicted as the weaker sex?
A、Frailty, thin name is woman.
B、A woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short.
C、Beauty and folly are often companions.
D、A. Words are women, deeds are men.

10、_______ is one of the major differences between public schools and private schools in the U.S.
A、Students' origin
B、Class size
C、Parents' job
D、Teachers' dipolma

11、What are the functions of the Silk Road in ancient time?
A、a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations between the east and the west
B、a channel to promote the exchange of science technology and cultures between the east and the west
C、just a road
D、a scenic spot

12、What does "天” in Confucianism refer to?
A、the physical sky
B、the entirety of nature
C、human society
D、the operations of which manifest certain laws and order

13、Nowadays, the meaning of consumption is only to meet the practical needs of living.

14、The poem “Prelude To Water Melody” is about the Double Ninth Festival.

15、There is no necessary and importance to have a dinner with business partners because business is just business.

16、__________ means "道家学说" in English.

17、__________directed her novel Fang Hua (the English title is Youth).

18、Four virtues of traditional Chinese women refer to_______.

19、China’s holiday system has undergone several major adjustments and reforms. Nowadays we get __________ days off in National Day.

20、From July 1st, residents in Shanghai must divide their waste into four categories. They are: hazardous waste, ______ waste, household food waste and residual waste.














