
分类: 学堂云答案发布于:2024-06-02 13:34:37ė27920次浏览633条评论


1. The超星 Wisdom of Confucius 智慧孔子

Unit 1 Quiz

1、For Confucius ren means all of the following EXCEPT________.

2、通题Li refers to all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A、目答norms of social life
D、英语good manners

3、耿珣Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 仁者,学习人也,通题亲亲为大。目答
A、超星Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.
B、The greate love for people is the love for parents.
C、Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy. They should feel concerned.
D、Nowadays, to provide parents with enough food is considered filial. But dogs and horses are also provided to that extent. Without reveence, what is the difference?

4、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。
A、Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.
B、The greate love for people is the love for parents
C、Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy. They should feel concerned.
D、Nowadays, to provide parents with enough food is considered filial. But dogs and horses are also provided to that extent. Without reveence, what is the difference?

5、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
A、Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.
B、The greate love for people is the love for parents.
C、Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy. They should feel concerned.
D、Nowadays, to provide parents with enough food is considered filial. But dogs and horses are also provided to that extent. Without reveence, what is the difference?

6、请将1.5.3 视频中的答案填写在1-10题中。 1)










Unit 1 Assignment

1、 扫描以上二维码,上传答案至批改网。 Translation 孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。中国人把孝视为人格之本、家庭和睦之本、国家安康之本。由于孝道是儒家伦理思想的核心,它成了中国社会千百年来维系家庭关系的道德准则。它毫无疑问是中华民族的一种传统美德。孝道文化是一个复合概念,内容丰富,涉及面广。它既有文化理念,又有制度礼仪(institutional etiquette)。一般来说,它指社会要求子女对父母应尽的义务,包括尊敬、关爱、赡养老人等等。孝道是古老的"东方文明"之根本。

Unit 2 The Wisdom of Laozi 智慧老子

Unit 2 Quiz

1、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 物极必反
A、Ill fortune contains good fortune; good fortune breeds ill fortune.
B、If the quality of a thing has developed to its highest pitch, then that quality inevitably changes and becomes its opposite.
C、Diminish a thing, and it will increase; increase a thing, and it will diminish.
D、The normal turns round and becomes abnormal; goodness turns round and becomes wickedness.

2、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。
A、Ill fortune contains good fortune; good fortune breeds ill fortune.
B、If the quality of a thing has developed to its highest pitch, then that quality inevitably changes and becomes its opposite.
C、Diminish a thing, and it will increase; increase a thing, and it will diminish.
D、The normal turns round and becomes abnormal; goodness turns round and becomes wickedness.

3、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 故物或损之而益,或益之而损。
A、Ill fortune contains good fortune; good fortune breeds ill fortune.
B、If the quality of a thing has developed to its highest pitch, then that quality inevitably changes and becomes its opposite.
C、Diminish a thing, and it will increase; increase a thing, and it will diminish.
D、The normal turns round and becomes abnormal; goodness turns round and becomes wickedness.

4、Choose the correct translation for the following sentence. 正复为奇,善复为妖。
A、Ill fortune contains good fortune; good fortune breeds ill fortune.
B、If the quality of a thing has developed to its highest pitch, then that quality inevitably changes and becomes its opposite.
C、Diminish a thing, and it will increase; increase a thing, and it will diminish.
D、The normal turns round and becomes abnormal; goodness turns round and becomes wickedness.

5、All of the following are paradoxical expressions EXCEPT that _________________.
A、"the most skillful may seem clumsy"
B、"Dao is the mother of heaven and earth"
C、"the softest thing in the world can penetrate the hardest"
D、"diminish a thing, and it will increase"

6、For Daoism, reversion (循环往复)is the way in which all things in the world develop.

7、The story of the frontiersman losing a horse (塞翁失马)explains the cyclical conception.

8、Laozi' paradoxical expressions abide by the principle of reversion which in turn reflects the conception of yin and yang.

Unit 3 Chinese Characters 笔尖文明

Unit 3 Quiz

1、_____mainly refer to those discovered in Yin Dynasty Ruins, that is, characters inscribed on bones or tortoise shells in the Shang Dynasty more than____ thousand years ago.
A、Regular Script…four
B、Bronze Inscriptions…six
C、Oracle Bone Scripts… three
D、Clerical Script…two

2、According to The Six Categories of Chinese Characters(六书),there are six rules of Chinese character conformation, including: pictographs, self-explanatory character, associative components, _______, phonetic loan characters and synonymous character.
A、picto-semantic characters
B、semantic characters
C、phonetic characters
D、picto-phonetic characters

3、According to what you have learned in the course, which one is NOT one of the various sayings concerning the origin of Chinese characters?
A、"Picture theory"
B、"Eight Trigrams"
D、The legendary story about Cang Jie





  • 语法:包括句子结构、动词时态、语态等
  • 词汇:包括常用词汇、熟词生义、词汇拓展等
  • 听力:包括听力技巧、听力训练等
  • 口语:包括口语练习、口语技巧、发音练习等
  • 阅读:包括阅读技巧、阅读理解等
  • 写作:包括写作技巧、写作练习等
  • 文化:包括西方文化、英美文学、习惯礼仪等






  • 语法:我们对英语的句子结构、动词时态等有了更深入的理解,对语言的运用更加得心应手。
  • 词汇:我们学习了许多常用词汇的用法和熟词生义,拓展了自己的词汇量。
  • 听力:我们通过大量的听力练习,提高了自己的听力水平,更加容易理解英语的口音和语速。
  • 口语:我们通过课堂上的口语练习和老师的指导,能够更加自信和流利地表达自己。
  • 阅读:我们通过阅读大量英文文章,提高了自己的阅读理解能力。
  • 写作:我们通过课上的写作练习,学习了不同类型的写作技巧,提高了自己的写作水平。
  • 文化:我们了解了许多西方文化和英美文学,更加深入地了解了英语国家的文化和习惯。

