



83 min read


Module 2 The影视英语 Devil Wears Prada

Quiz 2

1、Which statement about fashion is 期末NOT true?
A、Fashion is 答案答案a way of showing one's personality and individuality.
B、Fashion is 慕课not only about beautiful clothes, costumes and accessories.
C、Fashion is 完整defined by fashion designers.
D、People can know about new fashion trends from websites.

2、影视英语Why does Miranda look hard at Andrea's shoes?期末
A、Because the shoes come from a top fashion brand.
B、答案答案Because it's a pair of shoes Nigel offers Andrea.
C、慕课Because Andrea wears a pair of unconventional high heels.
D、完整Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.

3、影视英语Why does Andrea choose to leave Runway?期末
A、Andrea chooses to leave Runway because there is 答案答案a better offer.
B、Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.
C、慕课Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she has had enough of Miranda.
D、完整Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she wants to win her boyfriend back.

4、Which statement is the most appropriate?
A、Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she quit her job.
B、Andrea goes to Nigel to quit her job.
C、Andrea goes to Nigel to slander Miranda.
D、Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.

5、Which statement is TRUE?
A、Anne Hathaway is lauded as the "best actress of her generation".
B、A trident is a spear for hunting and also a military weapon.
C、Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.
D、When analyzing a film character, detailed information can be ignored.

6、Having no interest in the fashion industry, why does Andrea still want to work for Miranda?
A、Because it's a job millions of girls kill for.
B、Because she wants to become a dragon lady like Miranda.
C、Because she needs money for rent.
D、Because if she sticks it out for one year, she can do what she came to New York to do.

7、Which is NOT one of Andrea's sacrifices for working at Runway?
D、The time devoted to more meaningful things.

8、Whom is Miranda Priestley said to be based on in reality?
A、Melinda Gates
B、Vera Wang
C、Oprah Winfrey
D、Anna Wintour

9、Which statement is NOT true?
A、The reason why Miranda hires Andrea as her second assistant is because she thinks highly of Andrea.
B、Andrea believes that the fashion industry is a waste of time, money and energy.
C、Andrea's job is the one that millions of girls kill for.
D、The word lapis is originated from French.

10、Which phrase can best describe Miranda?
A、Vicious tongue
B、Vicious witch
C、Dragon Lady
D、Snow Queen

Module 4 The Divine Michelangelo

Quiz 4

1、What is Michelangelo known as?
A、a painter
B、a sculptor
C、an architect
D、all of the above

2、One of the Michelangelo’s world famous sculptures is ____________.
A、the Pieta
B、the Sistine church
C、the Pope’s tomb
D、the St Peter’s Dome

3、Which of the following statements about Florence is true? 1) It is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance. 2) It is called the Athens of the Middle Ages. 3) It is known for its importance in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. 4) It has a major impact on music, architecture, philosophy and religion.

4、Which of the following artists is not the Renaissance man?
A、Leonardo da Vinci
D、Van Gogh

5、Which of the following statements about the Renaissance is not correct?
A、It started from Italy and spread to the rest of the Europe.
B、It was a cultural movement which profoundly affected European intellectual life.
C、It was a continuum of the Middle Ages.
D、Florence was home to the Renaissance.

6、What are the features of The Renaissance art?
A、It broke away from the domination of the Church.
B、Themes of painting changed from purely religious subjects to an appreciation of nature and man.
C、New theories of anatomy and perspective were introduced into it.
D、All of the above.

7、Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A、Michelangelo put his signature on the Pietà.
B、Michelangelo himself designed an indigenous vehicle to transport the David.
C、Michelangelo was confident to take on the challenge of painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
D、St. Peter’s dome is a perfect indication of Michelangelo’s talent in architecture.

8、Which of the following statements about the David is not correct?
A、The figure of David was a popular theme among Renaissance artists.
B、It is over five-meter tall and more than a hundred times the weight of a man.
C、It was carved out of one slender, flawed block.
D、It showed the courage of David after his clash with his enemy.

9、Which of the following statements about the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is true?
A、It took Michelangelo five years to accomplish the daunting task.
B、Being soundly taught in different workshops Michelangelo barely had any setbacks.
C、Painting the ceiling was a massive struggle that stretched Michelangelo technically, physically and emotionally.
D、Michelangelo painted scenes from the New Testament.

10、In terms of movie genres, The Divine Michelangelo made by BBC is a

Module 5 Freaky Friday

Quiz 5

1、Which of the following statements about fortune cookies is not true?
A、It is made by fortune tellers.
B、It is usually served with Chinese food in Chinese restaurants as a dessert.
C、It is a cookie with a “fortune” wrapped inside.
D、It tells fortune of a vague prophecy.

2、What may students not do during detention?
A、Write lines or a punishment essay
B、Listen to music or sleep
C、Pick up trash or mop floors
D、Stand in the corner and face the wall

3、Why did Anna go to detention for the second time?
A、She was late for school.
B、She spoke ill of her English teacher.
C、She hit Stacey’s head with a volleyball as a tit-for-tat.
D、She did not finish her homework.

4、How come Anna got a F in the English test?
A、She cheated in the exam.
B、Her answer was not to the point.
C、The English teacher gave her the failing grade intentionally.
D、She did not finish the test.

5、In what ways do Tess and Anna come into conflicts?
A、Anna’s performance at school
B、Rock music band
C、Readings about each other’s life
D、All of the above

6、What are the crises Anna has to cope with after body switch? ① desperate patients ② a parent-teacher conference ③ a surprise television talk appearance ④ Ryan’s efforts to kiss her

7、What truth does Tess find when she is in her daughter’s body?
A、Anna’s English teacher is fair.
B、Her daughter’s classmate Stacey is friendly to her.
C、Jake loves her daughter for her mind.
D、Rock music is terrible.

8、“Because I said so” probably comes from a(an) _________ parent.

9、What is the right attitude towards mood?
A、It is quite natural that we may have any kind of mood, good or bad.
B、We can resort to punishment.
C、We should try to ignore our bad mood.
D、We can reinforce our mood by flying into a rage.

10、What is the moral of the movie?
A、Learn to communicate.
B、Mommy’s love is the greatest love of all.
C、Put yourself into other’s shoes.
D、Love yourself.

Module 6 Pride and Prejudice

Quiz 6

1、Which of the following statement is not correct?
A、Six of Jane Austen’s novels were published anonymously.
B、Jane Austen is an English novelist whose works are notable for their social observation and insights into the lives of women in the early 18th century.
C、Jane Austen wrote six novels during the Regency period.
D、In Austen’s time, married women had no rights over their property.

2、How does Mr. Darcy offend Elizabeth at the first ball?
A、He insults her mother.
B、He dances with Jane too often.
C、He laughs at her dress.
D、He refuses to dance with her.

3、Why does Jane’s visit to the Bingleys end up lasting for days?
A、Mr. Bingley proposes to her.
B、She gets soaked in a rainstorm and becomes ill.
C、Mrs. Bennet forgets to send a carriage to bring her home.
D、Jane is hoping to make Mr. Darcy fall in love with her.

4、Why does Mr. Collins come to Longbourn?
A、He wants to become acquainted with his relatives.
B、He is passing through town.
C、He wants to redecorate it.
D、He is looking for a wife.

5、Why does Miss Bingley dislike Elizabeth?
A、She is jealous of Darcy’s growing attraction to Elizabeth.
B、Elizabeth insulted Miss Bingley at the ball.
C、Wickham has told Miss Bingley lies about Elizabeth’s character.
D、Darcy is constantly speaking ill of Elizabeth.

6、When Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth, he spends most of the proposal dwelling on_____.
A、Her beauty
B、How socially unsuitable a match she is for him
C、How much he adores her family
D、How much money he will lavish on her

7、What reason does Wickham give Elizabeth for his dislike of Darcy?
A、Darcy killed his cousin in a duel.
B、Darcy wouldn’t let Wickham marry his sister.
C、Darcy betrayed his country.
D、Darcy cheated him out of an inheritance.

8、Elizabeth’s feelings toward Darcy begin to change when he______.
A、fights a duel with Wickham
B、sends her a letter explaining his actions
C、sends money to Jane
D、marries Miss Bingley

9、What event interrupts Elizabeth's vacation with the Gardiners?
A、The death of Mr. Collins.
B、The news of Jane's engagement to Bingley.
C、Darcy's second proposal.
D、Lydia's elopement with Wickham.

10、Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
A、Lydia’s marriage to Wickham is based entirely on impulsive attraction and appearance.
B、Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship is a comfortable fusion of romance and realism.
C、Charlotte marries Mr. Collins as she wants solely to secure financial and social security
D、Jane and Bingley’s love is a dynamic relationship in which both of them grow and improve and become better people because of each other.

Module 7 The Martian

Quiz 7

1、There is virtually no wind on Mars, so______ is (are) the best energy solution.
A、solar panels
C、tidal power
D、manual powe

2、What's the first reaction when the authority on earth is informed that there is reliable evidence of Mark's survival on Mars?
A、Inform the world of his survival immediately.
B、Inform his colleagues of his survival immediately.
C、Try to conceal the truth that he is still alive.
D、Try to conceal the truth that he is unable to come back.

3、Why do you think his colleagues take the risk of all their lives in the challenging attempt to bring Mark back to earth?
A、Because it's their last flight to the outer space.
B、Because it's their mistake to leave Mark alone on Mars.
C、Because it's part of their job.
D、Because it's out of their conscience and responsibility.

4、Which of the following do you think mainly contributes to the success of the rescue operation?
A、Belief in self-help and trust in cooperation.
B、American spirit of heroism.

5、What is implied in the lecture Mark delivered to his students after his survival?
A、It's pure luck that works in such a crisis.
B、It's mental strength that works in such a crisis.
C、It's friendship that works in such a crisis.
D、It's government power that works in such a crisis.

6、What sustains Mark's faith in survival when he regains his consciousness and finds he is left alone?
A、His faith in his growing his own food.
B、His faith in being rescued soon.
C、His faith in being the first settler on Mars.
D、His faith in survival with his strong will as well as his expertise.

7、Why do people have such a fancy for sci-fi films about outer space, like the Martian?
A、Because these films satisfy our curiosity.
B、Because we only want to kill some time.
C、Because we like watching monsters in such films.
D、Because we enjoy the horror of such films.

8、Different from the other two films directed by Ridley, "The Martian" mainly represents _______ .

9、What American spirit does Mark mainly demonstrate in his efforts to survive and determination to return home?

10、“At some point, everything’s going to go south on you.” The best paraphrase of the sentence is _______ .
A、At a certain moment, everything will go smoothly.
B、At a certain moment, everything will go sour.
C、Sometimes, everything will disappear.
D、Sometimes, everything will turn around.







  • 扩大词汇量:通过学习影视英语,可以认识和掌握更多的词汇和表达方式,同时也可以更好地理解英语的语境和用法。
  • 提高口语表达能力:通过模仿和学习影视中的对话和语调,可以提高我们的口语表达能力,让我们更自然、流畅地运用英语进行交流。
  • 了解文化差异:影视作品不仅仅是语言的表达方式,还包含了很多文化和社会的背景知识。通过学习影视英语,可以深入了解英语国家的文化和社会,培养跨文化交际的能力。
  • 提高听力理解能力:影视英语中的语言表达形式多种多样,包括了各种口音、方言和俚语等,通过学习和理解这些语言表达方式,可以提高我们的听力理解能力。



  • 选择适合自己的课程:学习通上有许多不同类型的影视英语课程,包括了入门课程、口语练习课程、电影解析课程等。根据自己的英语水平和学习需求,选择适合自己的课程。
  • 积极参与课程讨论:学习通上的影视英语课程都有相应的讨论区,可以与其他学习者进行交流和讨论。通过积极参与讨论,可以更好地理解和掌握课程内容。
  • 多看影视作品:学习通上的影视英语课程只是一种辅助学习的方式,更重要的是多看影视作品,学习其中的语言表达方式和文化背景知识。
  • 坚持练习口语:学习影视英语不仅仅是看电视剧、电影,还需要不断地练习口语表达。可以通过模仿影视作品中的对话,或者参加学习通上的口语练习课程,提高自己的口语表达能力。







  • 真实性强:影视作为语言学习的载体,其情境和内容都是真实的,大大增强了学习者的学习兴趣和参与度。
  • 生动形象:影视画面生动、形象,能够直观地呈现语言的语音、语调、语气等特点。同时,影视还能够通过人物角色和情节设置,传达人文、历史、社会、文化等方面的知识。
  • 多样性:不同类型的影视作品都可以作为教学材料,包括电影、电视剧、纪录片、动画片等。
  • 互动性强:影视英语教学可以通过分角色朗读、情景表演、分组讨论等方式,增强学习者与教师之间、学习者之间的互动。






  • 版权问题:影视作品的版权问题一直是一个难题,影视英语教学也不例外。如何在保护版权的前提下,为学习者提供优质的教学资源,需要教育机构和版权方共同探讨。
  • 教育资源不足:目前,中国大学影视英语的教育资源仍然不够丰富。尤其是高质量、适合教学的影视作品相对较少,需要教育机构在资源共享、资源开发等方面做出更多的努力。
  • 学生自主学习能力不足:中国大学影视英语的教学需要学习者具备一定的英语水平和自主学习能力。然而,在传统的教育模式下,学生往往习惯于被动接受教育,缺乏主动学习的能力。因此,需要教育机构和教师在教育理念和教学模式上做出转变。

