中国大学[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II(原明明)课后答案(慕课2023完整答案)

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中国大学[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II(原明明)课后答案(慕课2023完整答案)

unit1 E-business

1.1.2 Text A BizTrumpet---Better Your Online Presence随堂测验

1、中国整答Now let’s watch its commercial and get more information. Choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频5 1. What does BizTrumpet provide?大学
D、后答Marketing tools.

2、案慕案Which is 课完the best word to describe tools provided by BizTrumpet?

3、明课You are going to watch an ad. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注:用一个空格分开每个答案 音频4 An Ad If there is 后答one thing you do today, get your (1)__business online.

4、50 million businesses don’t have a website,案慕案 that’s (2)__ of all US businesses.

5、For more businesses we get online,课完 the more (3)__ we create. What if every business can hire just one person, that’s a lot in new jobs.

6、I went from one employee to (4) __. The中国整答 web took us from a local shop to a global business.

7、Over (5) ___ of our students come from the web.

8、You can (6) __ in a big way. In a big way. You might own a business, or a friend or a family member who does. There’s one thing you do today.

9、Tell your mother, your brother, sister, your (7)__, your uncle, a friend. If there is one thing you do today, just one thing, get a business online.

1.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Listen to the commercial once again and complete the chart about the old process of starting Internet business. The following is an example of good notes. It keeps the essential information and presents the relationship in a highly visualized way. 注:用一个空格分隔答案 音频5










1.2.2 Text B E-commerce Challenges Traditional Stores随堂测验

1、Listen to the text for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频7 1.What are traditional stores worried about?
A、They worry that they are not good at using the computer.
B、They worry that e-commerce will completely take place of traditional stores.
C、They worry that growing e-commerce will shrink their share of market.
D、They worry that they have to change their jobs.

2、Which of the following is not true about traditional stores?
A、They can offer items which are difficult to ship.
B、They can offer services, such as repairing electronics.
C、They can offer a social experience.
D、They cannot deliver goods more quickly than online retailers.

3、How many temporary workers are hired by UPS during the holiday season to deliver gifts?
A、28 million
B、20 million

4、Listen to the news report once again and decide whether the following statements are true (T),false(F),or not given (NG). 音频7 1. Lynne Shaner purchases everything online.

5、Online shopping can provide a better selection according to Lynne Shaner.

6、Cornell University Marketing professor Ed McLaughlin thinks anything that cannot move online, will.

7、Ed McLaughlin says traditional stores can provide better services.

8、Bill Martin thinks we can always have the feeling of “boy, this is exactly what I want” when we shop online.

1.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now in Exercise 1, you will watch two speakers talking about the impact of e-commerce on traditional stores. Watch carefully and try to identify how they show interests in the conversation and get to know the opinions about online shopping and shopping in person from the other. 音频8 (1)Which one is not one of the ways for them to show interests in the conversation?
A、Hand gestures
B、Eye contact
C、Asking questions
D、Clarifying misunderstanding

2、How does Ella (the 2nd speaker) continue the conversation on hearing her partner’s opinion that shopping in person is more friendly and a nicer experience for old people and mothers with small children?
A、She asks the reason why her partner thinks so.
B、She asks a follow-up question and gives comments about these people if shops are closing down.
C、She changes the topic.
D、She totally disagrees with her partner.

Homework: Unit1 test

1、Section B: Directions: Listen to a talk about taking notes and choose the best answer. 音频9 Which of the following presents the best way to take notes as far as the part about business and marketing mentioned by the professor?
A、We’re doing the module on marketing. Business and marketing go hand in hand. Any business in a marketplace is likely to be in competition with other firms offering similar products.
B、Doing the module on marketing. Business and marketing, in competition with other firms
C、Module on MKG biz & MKG (HIH) Biz competition w/ others ( similar products)
D、Module on MKG, biz & MKG (HIH), biz competition w/ others (similar products)

2、What trouble does Mary have?
A、She hasn’t previewed the lesson.
B、She hasn’t reviewed the lesson.
C、She cannot catch up with the professor.
D、She has failed the business exam.

3、What’s the professor’s attitude towards writing things down?
A、It is more useful than a voice recorder.
B、It’s less useful than a voice recorder.
C、It cannot give you a chance for clarification.
D、It’s too complicated and difficult to take notes.

4、How to take notes according to the professor?
A、Jot down important bits.
B、Write down the quotes.
C、Use words, abbreviations, symbols and pictures to summarize what he says
D、All of the above.

5、If we miss something, how can we deal with it according to the professor?
A、Think hard.
B、Guess it.
C、Ask classmates for help.
D、Leave a gap and get information from him later.

6、Section A Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. To help us understand what we are listening to, it is better to write every word.

7、It is not necessary to leave space when taking notes.

8、We can even use Chinese to take notes when listening to an English lecture.

9、We can also create our own system of symbols and abbreviations.

10、Structure words are usually the key information we need to write down.

11、Section C Rearrange the order of the following questions / statements according to the conversation you hear and try to identify how the speakers extend the conversation and get more information. 注:用一个空格分开大写字母的答案 音频10 A.That isn’t right at all. Many people would see it. B.What’s e-commerce? C.Have you posted anything about your business online? D.This is wonderful. I can use e-commerce to reach customers that are not in my town. E.What do I do after I have my website?

12、Section D Directions: Listen to a piece of news and fill in the blanks with what you hear. (完成1-10的填空) 音频11 Yiwu, in east China's Zhejiang Province, has made a name for producing competitively-priced consumer goods. With convenient 1) _____to an endless supply of products,

13、the town has also become a 2)____ for e-commerce. Here is Hao Dilong again.

14、These unassuming houses in the village of Qingyanliu are the headquarters of many Taobao traders. They rent office space from the villagers. Some are even doing a 3) ____________ underground.

15、“In July 2008, I rented three rooms. Two months later, that became four. And after another two months, I finally moved to the basement. In fact, it's much more 4) ______ to carry packages from the basement than from upstairs.”

16、Employees working for Taobao traders are busy all day long, 5) _____ goods and packing deliveries. At the end of the day, the postal workers come and collect the deliveries to send them all around China.

17、“The working day starts at eight thirty and ends at six in the evening. By then we've sent out all the 6) ______orders.”

18、“I come here at two o'clock in the afternoon and leave at eight. I'm here to 7) _______ the deliveries. Traders in this village send around 10 thousand pieces of mail everyday. It brings them wealth.”

19、Booming e-commerce benefits not only Taobao traders, but also landlords. They're seeing a boom in 8) _____ prices.

20、“To rent three rooms, the cost was around 8 thousand yuan. But now it's climbed to between 9) ___ yuan per month.”

21、In addition to rental profits, e-commerce has also created many job opportunities. Many villagers are now working for Taobao traders. A local e-commerce association says the Taobao traders have brought 10)_____________ to the village. Hao Dilong CCTV.

unit2 Environment

2.1.2 Text A Global Warming随堂测验

1、Now let’s watch a clip from this film An Inconvenient Truth, and try to get a global understanding about global warming. After watching the video, choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 视频5 1. What is the main idea of the video clip?
A、The cause of global warming.
B、How to deal with global warming.
C、Who are to blame for global warming.
D、Problems caused by global warming.

2、2. What causes the Earth to be warmer according to the video clip?
A、The atmosphere.
B、The greenhouse gases.
C、The sunbeams.
D、The radiation from the outer space.

3、You are going to hear a passage about some studies of global warming. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注意:如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开每个答案。 音频4 During the last thirty years, the (1) ________ of the world has increased sharply, so it is the same with the (2) ________.

4、Global warming is an (3) ________ serious problem facing the world today.

5、As we all know that there is atmosphere around the earth, which is mainly (4) ________ of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

6、More and more carbon dioxide from burning the coal and oil is (5) ________ into the air every year. The carbon dioxide can absorb the heat from the earth. The more carbon dioxide in the air, the more heat it will absorb, and the warmer the earth will be.

7、Since the (6) ________ revolution, coal and fossil oil have been wildly used.

8、However, this kind of energy will (7) ________ plenty of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, (8) ________ vapor and so on.

9、That’s maybe one of the reasons (9) ________ the earth to be warmer.

10、Ruining the forest is also accelerating the (10) ________ of the global warming.

2.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Please fill in the blanks 1 to 8. 注意: 如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开答案。 Topic: The cause of (1) ________

2、Supporting details: The most (2) ________ part of the Earth’s ecological system is the atmosphere, because it’s so (3) ________.

3、The sun’s radiation comes in the form of (4) ________waves and that heats up the Earth.

4、And then some of the radiation is (5) ________back into space.

5、And some of the outgoing infrared radiation is (6) ________by atmosphere.

6、This layer of atmosphere is being (7) ________by all of the global warming pollution.

7、So more of the outgoing infrared remains in the atmosphere. As a result the atmosphere heats up (8) ________.

2.2.2 Text B: Plastic Pollution—The Story of Three Plastic Bottles随堂测验

1、Watch the lecture for the first time and choose the right answer to the each question. 视频8 1. What is plastic made from?
A、Oil refinery.
B、Oil and gas.
C、Bubbly liquid.
D、Toxic materials.

2、2. What can we learn from the passage?
A、We shouldn’t use plastic bottles so as to protect our environment.
B、We should bury used plastic bottles under the ground so that they can be bio-degraded slowly.
C、We should find ways to prevent plastic bottles from drifting into oceans.
D、We should recycle used plastic bottles so that they can be reused.

3、Now let’s watch the video again to get more detailed information. Listen to the first part again and decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given. 音频9 1. The three plastic bottles were produced in different ways, which lead to their different fates.

4、2. The birthplace of plastic is the oil refinery.

5、3. After a series of manufactory processes, oil and gas molecules become plastic products.

6、4. It takes a long time for plastic bottles to be manufactured, consumed and discarded.

2.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now in Exercise 1, you will listen to the British student’s talk about the comparison between green energy and fossil fuels. Exercise 1 音频10 (1) What is majorly talked about in the clip?
A、The similarities between green energy and fossil fuels.
B、The differences between green energy and fossil fuels.
C、The similarities and differences between green energy and fossil fuels.
D、The similarities and differences between solar energy and wind energy.

2、(2) What method of patterns is used by the speaker?
A、Subject-by-subject pattern.
B、Point-by-point pattern.
C、Sim-diff pattern.
D、None of the above.

Unit2 test

1、Section A Directions: In this part, you will read five paragraphs. Choose the right topic for each paragraph. Paragraph 1 People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than you think, because in addition to the federal income tax we are now studying, there are many other Federal, State, and local taxes, including sales taxes, inheritance taxes, state income taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and others. These are just some of the most obvious ones.
A、Taxes are much too high.
B、We pay more taxes than we may realize.
C、Inheritance taxes and real estate taxes are unfair.
D、Some taxes are hidden.

2、Paragraph 2 The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the general public to believe that it is a mysterious, complicated science and that the computers are giant brains. Both of these ideas are false. A computer is basically just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to. If the input data are varied even a little, the computer is unable to operate until it is programmed to accept the variations. The business operations it performs are impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation, but most of these operations have been used for decades. Unlike man, the computer performs repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored.
A、A computer is a high-speed adding machine.
B、A computer is a mysterious giant brain.
C、A computer is impressive because of its high speed.
D、A computer is superior to man in many ways.

3、Paragraph 3 There is a common belief that while the dog is man’s best friend, the coyote is his worst enemy. The bad reputation of the coyote traces back to his fondness for small animals; he hunts at night and is particularly destructive to sheep, young pigs, and poultry. Yet it is sometimes wise to encourage coyotes. Provided valuable farm animals are protected, the coyote will often free the property of other animals, like rabbits, which are ruinous to crops and certain trees. He is especially beneficial in keeping down the rodent population. Where coyotes have been allowed to do their work without molestation, ranchers and fruit growers have found them so valuable that they would no more shoot them than they would shoot their dogs.
A、Under certain conditions the coyote is helpful to man.
B、The coyote is feared because of his fondness for small animals
C、Modern ranchers would no sooner shoot coyotes than they would shoot dogs.
D、The coyote usually prefers rabbits and other rodents to sheep and poultry.

4、Paragraph 4 In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or conducting government business. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together in the most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.
A、Overseas telephone service today is ruling out all need for overseas travel.
B、Nothing can take the place of person-to-person conversation in settling business, social, and government problems.
C、Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephone.
D、Even with modern overseas telephone service people continue to travel abroad by ship or by plane.

5、Paragraph 5 The attitudes of Americans toward gambling are amazingly contradictory. You may find, for example, that horse racing is legal in your state, but that you cannot legally play poker for money on your front porch; bookies may be prosecuted by state law, but they are supposed to purchase a federal license nonetheless; one church condemns gambling, while another raises money by sponsoring Bingo games. Gambling laws are inconsistent from state to state or even from town to town and are very difficult to enforce.
A、Americans have negative attitudes toward gambling.
B、Gambling laws are difficult to enforce.
C、Gambling laws are inconsistent from community to community.
D、Churches do not have uniform ideas about gambling.

6、Section B Directions: In this part, you will read a passage about the similarity and differences between the twin brothers George and Paul. Fill in the blanks with the correct joining words that show comparison and contrast. A. in contrast to B. although C. but D. however E. both George and Paul are twin brothers. They are twenty years old and study in the same college. (1) ________ George and Paul have blue eyes and brown hair, and they are tall and slim. Many people say they are identical at the first sight. (2) ________ if you are their close friends, you will notice many differences between them. George likes to read science fiction, (3) _________ Paul likes to read poetry. (4) _________ George is an engineering major, Paul still hasn't found a major. (5) __________ George’s outgoing personality, Paul is much shier and quieter. 注意:请按题目顺序填入大写字母,字母之间空一格。

7、Section C Directions: Listen to the passage twice more and fill in the blanks 1 to 15 with what you hear. 音频11 注意:若一题多空,请用空格将答案隔开。 I, like many of you, am one of the two billion people on Earth who live in cities. And there are days -- I don't know about the rest of you guys -- but there are days when I palpably feel how much I rely on other people for pretty much everything in my life. And some days, that can even be a little 1) ________.

8、But what I'm here to talk to you about today is how that same interdependence is actually an extremely 2) ________social infrastructure that we can actually harness to help heal some of our deepest 3) ________issues, if we apply open source collaboration.

9、A couple of years ago, I read an article by New York Times writer Michael Pollan in which he 4) ________that growing even some of our own food is one of the best things that we can do for the environment.

10、Now at the time that I was reading this, it was the middle of the winter and I 5) ________did not have room for a lot of dirt in my New York City apartment.

11、So I was 6) ________just willing to settle for just reading the next Wired magazine and finding out how the 7) ________were going to figure out how to solve all these problems for us in the future.

12、But that was actually exactly the point that Michael Pollan was making in this article -- was it's precisely when we hand over the 8) ________for all these things to specialists that we cause the kind of messes that we see with the food system.

13、So, I happen to know a little bit from my own work about how NASA has been using hydroponics to explore growing food in space. And you can actually get optimal 9) ________yield by running a kind of high-quality liquid soil over plants' root systems.

14、Now to a vegetable plant, my apartment has got to be about as foreign as outer space. But I can offer some natural light and year-round10) ________control.

15、Fast-forward two years later: we now have window farms, which are vertical, hydroponic platforms for food-growing 11) ________.

16、And the way it works is that there's a pump at the bottom, which 12) ________sends some of this liquid nutrient solution up to the top, which then trickles down through plants' root systems that are suspended in clay pellets -- so there's no dirt involved.

17、Now light and temperature vary with each window's13) ________, so a window farm requires a farmer, and she must decide what kind of crops she is going to put in her window farm, and whether she is going to feed her food 14) ________.

18、Back at the time, a window farm was no more than a technically complex idea that was going to require a lot of testing. And then we invited people all over the world to build them and 15) ________with us. So actually now on this website, we have 18,000 people. And we have window farms all over the world.

unit3 Language and Culture

3.1.2 Text A How a Baby Learns a Language随堂测验

1、Choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频7 1. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A、A baby’s eyes and skin.
B、A baby’s mind in the writing of a romantic poet
C、How babies learn sounds that are used in their language.
D、How babies learn words and sentences in their language.

2、2. Why did the speaker show the video about a woman speaking Koro to her baby?
A、To show that Koro is a newly discovered language.
B、To show that to preserve this language, they need to speak it to the babies.
C、To show what it is like to speak Koro to babies.
D、To teach this rare language so as to preserve it.

3、3. Which of the following is true, according to the text?
A、Babies and children are geniuses at acquiring a second language until they turn seven.
B、Critical periods exist in childhood for social, emotional and cognitive development.
C、We can discriminate the sounds of our own language and those of foreign languages.
D、All six-monthers like the head-turn game because they love to see the panda-bear pounding the drum.

4、You are going to hear a passage three times. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information 1 to 8. 音频6 注意:如果一题多空,请用空格分隔答案。 Culture Notes The critical period hypothesis (假说) is the subject of debate in linguistics and language acquisition.The hypothesis claims that there is an (1)________time window to acquire language in a linguistically rich environment, after which further language acquisition becomes much more difficult and effortful.

5、The critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the(2)_______time in which an individual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli.

6、If language input doesn't occur until after this time, the individual will never achieve a full(3)___________ of language—especially(4)___________systems.

7、The nature of such a critical period, however, has been one of the most fiercely debated issues in psycholinguistics and cognitive science in general for decades. Some writers have suggested a(5) "_________" or "optimal" period rather than a critical one; others dispute the causes (physical maturation, cognitive factors).

8、The duration of the period also(6)____________ greatly in different accounts.

9、In second-language acquisition, the strongest evidence for the critical period hypothesis is in the study of (7)_________, where most older learners do not reach a native-like level.

10、However, under certain conditions, native-like accent has been observed, suggesting that accent is affected by multiple factors, such as identity and (8)____________, rather than a critical period biological constraint.

3.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、You must be amazed at how children learn a language after listening to the speech. Listen to the part about the mother teaching her baby Koro again and take down the key words.

3.2.2 Text B Discovering EAP随堂测验

1、Listen to the text for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频9 1. What is not included in a good EAP course?
A、Various study skills.
B、General English.
C、Reading and writing in English.
D、Research in a special field.

2、2. What problem is not mentioned in the text to students studying EAP?
A、They can’t understand lectures.
B、They don’t take notes quickly enough.
C、They are unfamiliar with the systems in the new country.
D、They are not interested in the subject.

3、Now Listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true(T), false(F) or not given(NG). 音频9 1. During your university course, you’ll lead a double life.

4、2. EAP is actually studying English for Academic Purposes.

5、3. If you speak Academic English, you’ll know a special vocabulary associated with your subject, and you’ll be used to writing or speaking in a particular way.

6、4. A good EAP course can enable you to make friends easily.

7、5. Students often pay more attention to vehicles than to what they contain.

3.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Exercise 1 音频10 1. Becca thinks language learning Apps are very helpful.

2、2. Anna agrees with Becca in a sense that Apps can always make our learning accessible.

3、3. Becca completely agrees with Anna in a sense that no App could replace a good teacher.

4、4. Anna disagrees with Becca in a sense that sometimes Apps might be underdeveloped.

5、5. Both of them prefer to use a dictionary.

Unit3 test

1、Section C Directions: Listen to two speakers who are talking about company retreat and choose the best answer. 音频12 1. Where will they hold the company retreat?
A、By the seaside.
B、In the forest.
C、In the mountains.

2、2. What’s the second speaker’s reaction towards January?
A、She agrees with the first speaker.
B、She disagrees with the first speaker indirectly.
C、She disagrees with the first speaker directly.

3、3. What month do they agree upon?

4、4. What do they agree to do next?
A、Take a survey
B、Design a plan
C、Make a budget

5、Section A Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Function words can never be key words.

6、2. Words that have to do with the structure of the lecture need to be taken down.

7、3. We don’t need to identify digressions.

8、4. Words which are repeated or spelled out are usually key ones.

9、5. Key words may be content-related or directional.

10、Section B Directions: Listen to a piece of VOA news about “An Archive of English, Spoken in Many Different Accents” and put the key words in blanks 1 to 5. 音频11 A: common B: uniform C: compared D: three hundred fifty E: less-than-skilled 1. In order to study how non-native speakers pronounce different sounds, the students recorded non-native speakers, and _________those speakers to each other and to native speakers of English.

11、2. Professor Weinberger wrote a paragraph for all of the speakers to read. The paragraph uses ________ words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English.

12、3. The biggest benefit of the archive is that it is so ________that you can immediately compare a Kiswahili speaker to a native English speaker.

13、4. The weakness is that a ___________ reader will have difficulties with the paragraph that might not demonstrate their true phonetic abilities.

14、5. Right now they only have samples from about _______________ languages, including English.

15、Section D Directions: Listen to the passage about language experiments and fill in the blanks 1 to 11 with what you hear. 音频7 Bilinguals must keep two sets of (1)_____ in mind at once and flip between them, one after the other, depending on who they're speaking to.

16、So we asked ourselves, can the babies take statistics on a brand new language? And we tested this by(2) ______ American babies who'd never heard a second language to Mandarin for the first time during the (3)_____ period.

17、We knew that, when monolinguals were tested in Taipei and Seattle on the Mandarin sounds, they showed the same(4)______.

18、Six to eight months, they're totally (5)______. Two months later, something incredible happens. But the Taiwanese babies are getting better, not the American babies.

19、What we did was expose American babies during this period to Mandarin. It was like having Mandarin (6) _____ come and visit for a month and move into your house and talk to the babies for 12 sessions.

20、Here's what it looked like in the (7)______.

21、(Video) Mandarin Speaker: [Mandarin] PK: So what have we done to their little brains? (Laughter) We had to run a control group to make sure that just coming into the laboratory didn't improve your Mandarin skills. So a group of babies came in and listened to English. And we can see from the (8)______ that exposure to English didn't improve their Mandarin. But look at what happened to the babies exposed to Mandarin for 12 sessions. They were as good as the babies in Taiwan who'd been listening for 10-and-a-half months.

22、What it (9)_______ is that babies take statistics on a new language. Whatever you put in front of them, they'll take statistics on.

23、But we wondered what role the human being played in this learning exercise. So we ran another group of babies in which the kids got the same(10)______, the same 12 sessions, but over a television set and another group of babies who had just audio (11)______ and looked at a teddy bear on the screen. What did we do to their brains? What you see here is the audio result -- no learning whatsoever -- and the video result -- no learning whatsoever. It takes a human being for babies to take their statistics.

unit4 Starting up Business

4.1.2 Text A What Factors Matter Most for Startup Success?随堂测验

1、Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频6 1.Which of the following is not true according to the speech?
A、The speaker has been starting businesses since he was 12 years old.
B、The speaker make solar energy devices in high school.
C、The speaker made solar energy devices in high school.
D、The speaker make computers in college.

2、According to the speaker, among the five factors, which one is the least important for start-up success?
B、Business model.

3、How did the speaker come to the conclusion that timing is the most important for start-up business?
A、By looking across Idealab companies.
B、By looking across non-Idealab companies.
C、By looking across some successful companies.
D、By comparing Idealab companies with non-Idealab ones.

4、You are going to hear a passage about two students in Britain starting up business. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频5 Bird feathers have long been used in clothing and in bedding. Manufacturers often use feathers because of their light 1________ and the warmth they provide in a cold room or climate.

5、Now, two students in Britain are studying how to use them in other ways, like keeping homes warm, for example. A student 2_________ has success.

6、Chicken is a popular food in many countries, and the number of poultry killed for their meat is rising. Britain alone processes more than 3 ________ white-feathered chickens every year, creating tons of leftover feathers.

7、Two students from Imperial College London want to turn these feathers into something 4 __________.

8、Elena Dieckman and Ryan Robinson are each working toward a Doctor of Philosophy degree, or PhD. They are the 5 _________ of a start-up company called Aeropowder.

9、The two had an idea to create useful materials from waste. They developed a biodegradable 6_________ that could replace man-made insulation. Biodegradable materials are capable of being slowly broken down through natural processes.

10、Builders usually add insulation to homes and offices. The insulation can reduce the 7________ demands of heating and cooling systems. Dieckman and Robinson won several awards for their prototype insulation, including the Mayor of London's Low Carbon Entrepreneur Challenge.

11、The $23,000 they won in the 8___________ helped them start their company, Aeropowder.

4.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Listen to the speech again and pay attention to these signal words. Then complete the following sentences with what those signal words want us to concentrate on so as to get the organization of the lecture. 音频6 Introducing the topic: I’m really excited to share with you some (1) _________ about what makes companies (2) __________ the most, what factors matter the most for startup success. (1)


3、Listing and making transition: First, the idea. I used to think that idea was (3) _________. But then over time I came to think that maybe the (4) _________, the execution, adaptability that mattered ever more than the idea. Then I started looking at the business (5) _________. Then I looked at the (6) _________. And then of course, the (7) _________. (3)





8、Making a conclusion: So I tried to look very carefully at these five factors across many companies. The number one thing was timing. Team and execution came in (8) ________ and the idea, the differentiability of the idea, the uniqueness of the idea, that came in third. (8)

4.2.2 Text B: College Entrepreneurs are Rare in China.随堂测验

1、Listen to the news report for the first time and choose the right answers to questions you hear. 音频8 What is the percentage of Chinese college graduates choosing to start their own business?

2、Which of the following is not the reason why college entrepreneurs are so rare in China?
A、It’s not easy for college students to start up a business.
B、Starting up a business is too risky for college students.
C、Many colleges don’t allow students to set up a business.
D、Many college students just want to find a job to ensure a stable life.

3、Now let’s listen to the report again and decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given.(用T,F,NG表示) 音频8 About 10 percent of American college students choose to start their own business.

4、Experts say China is the third best place for entrepreneurs.

5、The government tries to create a better environment for college students to start their own business.

6、Most parents don’t support their children to start their own business.

4.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now in Exercise 1, you will listen to the British student’s talk about why college students start their business and try to identify the signal words she uses to express cause and effect. Exercise 1 音频9 Which reason is not mentioned by the British student?
A、The students can get working experience.
B、The students can earn some money.
C、The students can apply what they have learned in the real world.
D、The students can learn communicating skills.

2、Which signal words are not used by the student to express causes?
A、One reason why...
B、One reason why...
C、The next reason is ...
D、A reason for her starting her own business is...

Unit4 test

1、Section B Directions: In this part, you are going to listen to a lecture about online education. Pay attention to the signal words the speaker uses to indicate structure and choose the right answer to the following questions. 音频10 1. How does the speaker introduce his topic?
A、By saying “In today's lecture, we will talk about online education".
B、By saying “Today, I want to talk about online education".
C、By saying "Today, my topic is online education".
D、By saying "Today, what I am going to cover is online education".

2、Which signal words does the speaker use to list the three components that go into online education?
A、firstly, secondly, thirdly
B、firstly, secondly, last
C、first, second, third
D、first, second, last

3、Which signal words does the speaker use to make a summary of his lecture?
A、in short
B、in a word
C、to sum up
D、in conclusion

4、How does the speaker try to move on to the next point?
A、By saying "Next time, I want to talk about ...”.
B、By saying “In the next lecture, we're going to learn...".
C、By saying “in the following part, we're going to learn...".
D、By saying “Next, we will move on to...".

5、Section A Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. 1. Which signal phrase can be used to introduce the transition to the next part? A. What I'm going to look at B. As a consequence C. We'll move on to D. As a result of E. To review

6、Which signal phrase can be used to express cause? A. What I'm going to look at B. As a consequence C. We'll move on to D. As a result of E. To review

7、Which signal phrase can be used to indicate the conclusion part? A. What I'm going to look at B. As a consequence C. We'll move on to D. As a result of E. To review

8、Which signal phrase can be used to introduce the topic? A. What I'm going to look at B. As a consequence C. We'll move on to D. As a result of E. To review

9、Which signal words can be used to express effect? A. What I'm going to look at B. As a consequence C. We'll move on to D. As a result of E. To review

10、Section C Directions: Read the passage below. Match the effects listed in the column on the right with their causes listed on the left by writing the appropriate letter in the space provided.(每个选项只能填一次) Tornadoes, or “twisters,” are among the smallest but most violent storms.They are caused by air masses that reach rotational speeds of about 300miles per hour. Tornadoes often occur in series, like the ones in April of 1965 that caused havoc in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, killing 271 people and damaging $300,000,000 worth of property. Forty years earlier, in March of 1925, another series had killed 740 persons in Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee.“Tornado Alley” is a belt that runs through the Great Plains and southeastern portion of the United States. The Chicago area holds the greatest potential for tornado damage because of the combination of its location, its density of population, and its development. However, less populated southwestern Oklahoma has the highest incidence of tornadoes. Though Chicago has only half the incidence of tornadoes as Oklahoma, the need for disaster aid in Chicago is greater than anywhere else. Cause ______ 1. tornado series of 1965 Effect A. 740 people killed in 5 states B. smallest but most violent storms C. the greatest potential for tornado D. $300,000,000 property damage

11、______ 2. the combination of its location, population density, and development in the Chicago area Effect A. 740 people killed in 5 states B. smallest but most violent storms C. the greatest potential for tornado D. $300,000,000 property damage

12、______ 3. rotating air masses of about 300 miles per hour Effect A. 740 people killed in 5 states B. smallest but most violent storms C. the greatest potential for tornado D. $300,000,000 property damage

13、______ 4. tornado series of 1925 Effect A. 740 people killed in 5 states B. smallest but most violent storms C. the greatest potential for tornado D. $300,000,000 property damage

14、Section D Directions: Listen to the passage twice more and fill in the blanks with what you hear. 音频11 So take a wild success like Airbnb that everybody knows that. Well, that company was famously passed on by many smart (1)_________ because people thought no one’s going to rent out a space in their home to a stranger.

15、Of course, people proved that (2)_______. But one of the reasons it succeeded, aside from a good business model, a good idea, great execution, is the timing.

16、That company came out right during the height of the recession when people really needed extra money and that maybe helped people (3)_________ their objection to renting out their own home to a stranger. Same thing with Uber.

17、Uber came out, incredible company, incredible business model, great execution, too. But the timing was so (4)_________ for their need to get drivers into the system.

18、Drivers were looking for extra money; it was very, very important. Some of our early successes, Citysearch, came out when people needed web pages., which we (5)_________ actually at TED in 1998 was when companies were looking for cost-effective ways to get traffic.

19、We thought the idea was so great, but actually, the timing was probably maybe more important. And then some of our (6)_________.

20、We started a company called It was an online (7)_________ company.

21、We were so excited about it. We raised enough money. We had a great business model. We even signed incredibly great Hollywood (8)_________ to join the company.

22、But broadband penetration was too low in 1999-2000. It was too hard to watch video content online. You have to put codecs in your (9)_________ and do all this stuff and the company eventually went out of ______ in 2003.

23、But broadband penetration was too low in 1999-2000. It was too hard to watch video content online. You have to put codecs in your _______ and do all this stuff and the company eventually went out of (10)_________ in 2003. Just 2 years later, when the codec problem was solved by AdobeFlash and when broadband penetration crossed 50% in America, YouTube was perfectly timed. Great idea, but unbelievable timing. In fact, YouTube didn’t even have a business model when it first started. It wasn’t even certain that that would work out. But that was beautifully, beautifully timed.

24、So what I would say, in summary, is execution definitely matters a lot, the idea matters a lot, but timing might matter even more. And the best way to really assess timing is to really look at whether consumers are really ready for what you have to offer them. And to be really, really honest about it, not be in (11)_________ about any results that you see,

25、because if you have something you love, you want to (12)_________ it forward, but you have to be very, very honest about that factor on timing. As I said earlier, I think startups can change the world and make the world a better place, I hope some of these insights can maybe help you have a slightly higher success ratio, thus make something great come to the world that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Thank you very much, you’ve been a great audience.

unit5 Personal Financial Management

5.1.2 Text A The Case forCollaborative Consumption随堂测验

1、Listen to the text for the first time and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频5(请将音频调至: 09:14---13:48 ) 1.What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A、Collaborative consumption is going to become a part of everyday life.
B、People need to learn how to cut down on their expenses in daily life.
C、Consumption can sometimes be a waste of time and money.
D、“reduce, reuse, recycle, repair and redistribute” must be the slogan in a modern society.

2、Which of the following can best explain the meaning of Collaborative consumption?
A、Saving is better than wasting.
B、Simplicity is better than luxury.
C、Access is better than ownership.
D、Producing is better than consuming.

3、Listen carefully and fill in the missing information. Culture Notes Rachel Botsman is the co-author, with Roo Rogers, of the book What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption, and she writes, consults and speaks on the(1) of collaboration and (2) through network technologies, and on how it will (3) business, consumerism and the way we live. Her new work (4) on trust and reputation (5) . (1)





8、She is the (6) of The Collaborative Lab, an innovation incubator(孵化器) that works with startups, big businesses and local governments to (7) innovative solutions based on the ideas of Collaborative Consumption. She has consulted to Fortune 500 companies and leading (8) organizations around the world on (9) and innovation (10) , and was a former director at the William J. Clinton Foundation. (6)





5.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now Listen to the part again and take notes using symbols and abbreviations. 音频5(请将音频调至 09:14----11:33)( 改写单词在括号内表示 eg. someplace(sp) ;若有多个答案,请用一个空格分隔) 1. The first is redistribution markets. Redistribution markets, just like Swaptree, is when you take a used or pre-owned item and move it from where it’s not needed to somewhere, or someone, where it is.

2、The second is collaborative lifestyles. This is the sharing of resources of things like money, skills and time.

3、Now, the third system is product-service systems. This is where you pay for the benefit of a product -- what it does for you – without needing to own the product outright.

5.2.2 Text B How to Protect Your Money随堂测验

1、Listen to the text for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频7 1。What is Les Conway mainly talking about?
A、How to make money.
B、How to save money.
C、How to protect money.
D、How to spend money.

2、How can you protect your money when making investment?
A、Learning much knowledge on financial planning.
B、Spreading the risks with different institutions.
C、Making sure that you select a very reliable institution.
D、Asking professionals to choose stocks for you.

3、Listen to the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). 音频7 1.Diversification means spreading the risk so as not to put all your eggs into one basket.

4、A very important thing for investment is to ensure the way to balance.

5、The asset allocation should be the purpose of making your investment.

6、The more risk you’d like to take, the more profit you’ll make.

5.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now in Exercise 1, you will watch two speakers talking about whether it is good or bad for students to make investments. Watch carefully and try to identify how they conduct the conversation. Exercise 1 音频8 (1)At the very beginning, how does speaker A encourage speaker B to speak?
A、Asking questions
B、Expressing her opinions first
C、Giving directions

2、When speaker B mentions that “If the investment goes well, then have a nice, nice security in the future”, how does Speaker A interrupt her?
A、Expressing strong disagreement
B、Appreciating her idea and adding more information
C、Expressing agreement

Unit5 test

1、Section C Listen to two conversations and choose the right answer. Conversation 1 音频10 1. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help _____ your conversation.

2、I’m sorry, but I have to _____ in here.

3、I’m really sorry for interrupting again, but ___ something?
A、will I just say
B、must I just say
C、could I just say

4、Conversation 2 音频11 4. How can the man afford the holiday?
A、His parents will pay for it.
B、He got prize money.
C、He's been saving up for it.

5、How does the woman encourage the man to speak?
A、Only by asking questions.
B、By expressing her opinions and asking questions.
C、Only by expressing her own opinions.

6、Section A Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Shorthand is a great way to take notes fast.

7、We can develop our own system of shorthand.

8、To take notes fast, we can use any symbols or abbreviations, even if they are not recognizable later.

9、It is not good to use Chinese characters to take notes.

10、There is no need to struggle with how to abbreviate a word if you are not familiar with its abbreviation while listening.

11、Section B Directions: Listen to a talk about using shorthand and fill in the blanks with the right words in the box. 音频9 1. The speaker thinks the suffix “tion” sounds like “_______”.

12、The speaker prefers to use the symbol _____ to stand for the suffix “tion” in such words as “allegation, procrastination and litigation”.

13、The speaker thinks of somebody who is _____ when he thinks of the suffix “able”.

14、The speaker prefers to use the symbol _____ to stand for the suffix “able”.

15、According to the speaker, prefixes, suffixes, and ________ are good targets for developing potential symbols.

16、Section D Directions:Listen to the passage about pawn shops and fill in the blanks with what you hear. 音频12 Pawn shops are businesses where people bring their possessions to sell or to get a short-term loan. The United States has about ten thousand of them. In the past few years, pawn shops have been doing (1) with more people than ever before.

17、That is because many lenders now do business only with individuals having good credit ratings or a (2) job. Often, the individuals most in need of a loan have poor credit ratings.

18、But they do not need a good job or credit rating to get a loan from a pawnbroker. They only need something of value. When a (3) _ lender approves a loan, it may be days or weeks before an individual receives the money.

19、But pawnbrokers will give a loan in just a few minutes based on the resale value of an (4) and without asking about the person’s job or credit history.

20、Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept almost anything of value, including computers, musical (5) _, guns, old coins and other .

21、Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept almost anything of value, including computers, musical , guns, old coins and other (6) .

22、The item itself acts as the security, or collateral, for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, the object can be sold. Customers can get the object back -- called redeeming it -- at any time by repaying the loan plus the interest and fees they agreed to pay. Or they can pay the interest and leave the (7) at the pawn shop for a while longer.

23、The National Pawnbrokers Association is a national trade group (8) pawnbrokers. The association calls pawn-brokering “one of humankind’s oldest financial institutions”.

24、It says pawnbrokers (9) three thousand years ago in China and in early Greek and Roman times. Pawn shops may be large or small, clean or dirty, but they are all full of stories. This may explain the popularity of television shows like “Pawn Stars” on the History Channel. The show is about a family of pawnbrokers in Las Vegas, Nevada.

25、It says pawnbrokers three thousand years ago in (10) China and in early Greek and Roman times. Pawn shops may be large or small, clean or dirty, but they are all full of stories. This may explain the popularity of television shows like “Pawn Stars” on the History Channel. The show is about a family of pawnbrokers in Las Vegas, Nevada.

unit6 Intercultural Communication

6.1.2 Text A Intercultural Communication随堂测验

1、Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频4 1. What is the text mainly about?
A、Different aspects of culture.
B、Cultural differences.
C、Cross-culture communication.
D、Definition of culture.

2、Which of the following is not mentioned in the lecture?
A、Gesture and food.
B、Space and time.
C、Body language.
D、Clothing and colors.

3、You are going to hear a passage about high-context culture and low-context culture. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频3(请将音频调至18秒开始,播放至结束) High-context culture refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many 1________ of cultural behavior are not made explicit(明确的) because most members know what to do and what to think from years of 2_________ with each other. High-context culture relies heavily on 3_________, often nonverbal 4________ to maintain social 5_________. It can be found in Asia, most of Latin America, Africa and Middle East countries. Low-context culture refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter 6________ or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be 7________ explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. Low-context culture uses language primarily to express 8________, feelings and ideas as directly as possible. The lowest context cultures are Germany, Britain, the United States, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries. 1.








6.1.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Listen to the part about non-verbal communication and complete the statements with details including explanations and examples. 音频4 1.Intercultural non-verbal communication manifests itself through body language, __________________________________.

2、Also space, and this refers to __________. In many high-context cultures, be 2 feet apart or less is definitely the way to conduct business and is very comfortable.

3、3.Time: and we can divide time into monochronic and polychronic. OK, so time. Monochronic refers to ________________________ and also refers to __________, so in other words, giving yourself 15 minutes to complete a task or 13 minutes to complete a task. Whereas polychronic refers to _____________ and also refers to _____________. So devoting one’s time to one’s family or perhaps talking about one’s family before business is completed, so things like that.(用回车分隔每个答案)

6.2.2 Text B: Individualism vs. Collectivism随堂测验

1、Listen to the text for the first time and choose the right answers to questions you hear. 音频6 1. What is the text mainly about?
A、Different ways of dancing.
B、Different cases of cheating in tests.
C、One aspect of cultural difference.
D、How to make effective intercultural communication.

2、Which of the following countries tend to “me” culture?

3、Now let’s listen to the text again and decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given.(用T,F,NG表示) 1.All Americans put strong emphasis on individuality.

4、The two basic types of culture mentioned in the text are individualistic culture and collectivistic culture.

5、China is the most “we” country on the planet.

6、People from different cultures are unable to dance together.

7、Cheating is acceptable in Middle East countries.

6.2.4 Practice随堂测验

1、Now in Exercise 1, you will listen to the British student’s talk about how to avoid miscommunication in a foreign city and try to identify the signal words she uses to give examples. Exercise 1 音频7 What is the example the student used to illustrate her point?
A、Her experience at a cafe.
B、Her experience at a restaurant.
C、Her experience at the school canteen.
D、Her experience at a supermarket

2、Which signal words are used by the student to give examples?
A、For instance...
B、For example...
C、Such as ...
D、Take...for example

Unit6 test

1、Section B Directions: In this part, you are going to listen to a lecture about depression. Pay attention to the signal words the speaker uses to give explanations and examples and choose the right answer to the following questions. 音频8 1. How does the speaker explain clinical depression?
A、By using the word “call”.
B、By using the word “define”.
C、By using the word “mean”.
D、By using the word “say”.

2、How does the speaker give the examples of different signs of depression?
A、By using the words “such as”.
B、By using the word “for example”.
C、By using the words “include”.
D、By using the word “including”.

3、How does the speaker illustrate his point—more depressed animals drank the least amount of water?
A、By using an example.
B、By using two examples.
C、By using an anecdote.
D、By using an experiment.

4、What are the signal words that the speaker uses to explain the word “nocturnal”?
A、in other words.
B、which means.
C、that is to say.
D、put it in another way.

5、Section A Directions: Read the following sentences, decide whether it’s an explanation or an example and circle the signals for them. (用一个空格分开explanation/example和signals eg.explanation or) 1. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain including libraries, the police and in school.

6、They’ll even control the way we live ---in “smart homes” or computer-controlled houses.

7、Many of them do this during a gap year between finishing school and starting in higher education.

8、The symptoms can range from slight nervousness with hand shaking or sweating to full-on panic, such as the heart beating very quickly, the body shaking, the inability to speak or move.

9、U.S. scientists have announced the discovery of gravitational waves, which are tiny waves produced by massive objects moving very quickly.

10、Section C Directions: Listen to the passage twice more and fill in the blanks with what you hear. 音频9 1.Intercultural communication is now taking place all over the world. We are 1) __________ people with different ways of communicating in every area of our lives including our careers and the business world,

11、our social lives and in our 2) ________ courses. This is an exciting moment but do you sometimes feel confused or lost in these encounters?

12、Culture is more 3) _________ than we realize! To be successful in intercultural communication, we need some knowledge and skills.

13、Be aware of your own culture: After my experiences living and working in Asia, Europe and Latin America, I have realized that 4) _________ is the first step to effective intercultural communication.

14、Step back and think about the way that you communicate. Are you direct or indirect? Do you use nonverbal gestures frequently or rarely and in what 5) _________?

15、Do you seek agreement from the people who are listening to you when you make a statement? Now think about how you developed your communication style. What aspects of your culture 6) ________ the way you interact with others?

16、Be a learner: When you are trying to solve a problem with people from all different parts of the world, you know that you have a rich opportunity for learning. Try to focus less on 7) _________ your own opinion or ideas and instead,

17、try to find out what other people's ideas are, how those ideas might 8) _________ their own culture and how various points of view could create a stronger solution to your problem.

18、Get curious: Curiosity is important when you are 9)_________ with different cultures.

19、If you aren't curious about other cultures, then you probably haven't had the chance to experience them. The 10)__________ and the exciting thing about intercultural communication is that everyone is operating on different __________ and values.

20、If you aren't curious about other cultures, then you probably haven't had the chance to experience them. The ______ and the exciting thing about intercultural communication is that everyone is operating on different 11) __________ and values. Traveling abroad is a great way to spark your curiosity about different cultures.

21、Listen and observe: You should put emphasis not only on the value of speaking and voicing your opinion but also on observing and listening. There is so much that you can 12) ________ if you are willing to listen more than you talk and watch how others communicate.

22、How do your international colleagues communicate nonverbally? How close do they stand to the people they are talking with? How do they change their 13) _________ or speaking rhythm and what purpose does that serve?

23、Experience different cultures regularly: Traveling is the best way to 14) ________ curiosity about other cultures

24、but you can also have 15) _________ to different cultures by visiting different kinds of restaurants or districts in your city.

25、You can also join social groups for international professionals or even attend plays, art 16) _________ or watch movies that are from another culture. Increase the v

学习通[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II(原明明)

掌握一门语言,不仅需要掌握其基本的语法和词汇,还需要有良好的听说能力。学习通[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II课程,正是为了帮助学生们提高英语听说能力而设计的。





  • 主题介绍和背景知识
  • 听力练习
  • 口语训练
  • 互动交流


  1. 介绍自己和交友
  2. 家庭和家庭生活
  3. 旅行和文化差异
  4. 工作和职业发展
  5. 娱乐和休闲活动
  6. 健康和生活方式
  7. 教育和学习
  8. 环境和社会问题




  1. 听力练习:学生们通过学习通平台上的录音材料进行英语听力练习。
  2. 口语训练:学生们通过课程的口语训练部分,学习如何正确地使用英语语音和语调。
  3. 互动交流:学生们可以通过在线互动交流平台,与老师和其他同学进行交流和互动。



学习通[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II课程的主要优点如下:

  • 主题丰富:本课程涵盖了多种主题,能够让学生们在不同情境下掌握英语听说能力。
  • 互动交流:本课程通过在线互动交流平台,让学生们能够与老师和其他同学进行交流和互动。
  • 听力练习:本课程的听力练习材料精选自真实场景,能够帮助学生们更好地了解英语的实际应用。
  • 口语训练:本课程的口语训练部分,能够帮助学生们正确地使用英语语音和语调。


学习通[ENG1302A]Listening and Speaking II课程是一门帮助学生们提高英语听说能力的优秀课程,通过多种学习方式,让学生们能够在不同情境下掌握英语听说能力,提高流利度和自信心。
