


尔雅Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing章节答案(学习通2023题目答案)

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尔雅Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing章节答案(学习通2023题目答案)

Chapter 1 The尔雅 basic knowledge of projection theory

Week 1 Unit test

1、What is 章节the correct alignment of the three views of the third angle projection
A、The答案 top view is directly above the front view
B、The学习 top view is directly to the right of the front view
C、The通题 top view is directly below the front view
D、The目答 top view is directly to the left of the front view

2、What is 尔雅the correct alignment of the three views of the first angular projection
A、The章节 left view is directly to the left of the main view
B、The答案 left view is directly to the right of the main view
C、The学习 left view is directly below the main view
D、The通题 left view is directly above the main view

3、What kind of projection does elevation projection belong to
A、目答One side oblique projection
B、尔雅Polyhedral oblique projection
C、章节multiple-plane projection
D、答案Unilateral orthographic projection

4、What is the correct alignment of the three views of the first angular projection
A、The top view is directly to the left of the front view
B、The top view is to the right of the front view
C、The top view is directly below the front view
D、The top view is directly above the front view

5、Which of the following are the basic properties of parallel projectio

6、In the three views of the first angular projection, which corresponding relationship between the view and the object orientation is correct
A、In the top view, the side away from the main view is in front of the object
B、In the top view, the side away from the main view is behind the object
C、In the left view, the side away from the main view is in front of the object
D、In the left view, the side away from the main view is behind the object

7、What is the correct relationship between view and object orientation in three views
A、The left view reflects the left, right, up and down of the solid
B、The left view reflects the front, back, up and down of the solid
C、The top view shows the top, bottom, left and right of the solid
D、The top view shows the front, back, left and right of the solid

8、In the third angle projection of the three views, which corresponding relationships between the view and the object orientation are correct
A、In the right view, the side away from the front view is the back of the solid
B、In the right view, the side away from the front view is the front of the solid
C、In the top view, the side away from the front view is the front of the solid
D、In the top view, the side away from the front view is the back of the solid

Week 1 Unit activity

1、Please download the attachment and print it. Use pencil drawing to finish it, and take the photo and upload it back.

Chapter 2 Point, Line, Plane

Week 2 Unit test

1、Given the coordinates of C (0, 0, 10), the correct projection of C is

2、What is the correct projection of the following A and B?

3、If the coordinates of the point are known as (10, 20, 30), the position of the point is
A、30 from H-plane
B、20 from H-plane
C、10 from V-plane
D、30 from W-plane

4、It is known that among the four points A (30, 20, 15), B (40, 20, 15), C (30, 20, 10) and D (40, 10, 15), Which two points have the same projection on the W-plane?
A、Point A and point B (point A is not visible)
B、Point C and point D (point D is not visible)
C、Point A and point B (point B is not visible)
D、Point B and point D (point B is not visible)

5、It is known that A (50, 40, 15), B (20, 45, 30) and C (45, 15, 37),please sort the positions of the 3 points from back to front.

6、Given the point A (20, 25, 30), point B and point A are symmetric with respect to the V-plane. What are the coordinates of point B?

7、Given point A (25, 20, 45) and point B (30, 30, 35), the relative positions of these two points should be
A、Point A is on the right, back and top of point B
B、Point A is on the right, front and bottom of point B
C、Point B is on the left, front and top of point A
D、Point A is on the left, back and top of point B

8、Given points c (10, 0, 5) and D (10, 8, 5), the relative positions of these two points should be
A、Point D is in front of point C
B、Point C is in front of point D
C、Point D is to the right of point C
D、Point D is above point C

9、The name of line AB should be
A、W-perpendicular line
B、Line parallel to V-plane
C、Line parallel to H-plane
D、Line parallel to W-plane

10、The name of the line CD should be
A、H-perpendicular line
B、Line parallel to V-plane
C、Line parallel to H-plane
D、Line parallel to W-plane

11、Which of the following statements is correct?
A、AB is the line parallel to H-plane, CD is the line parallel to V-plane, EF is the line parallel to W-plane, GH is the W-perpendicular line
B、AB is the line parallel to H-plane, CD is the line parallel to V-plane, EF is the line parallel to V-plane, GH is the line parallel to H-plane
C、AB is the line parallel to V-plane, CD is the line parallel to H-plane, EF is the line parallel to V-plane, GH is the line parallel to V-plane
D、AB is the line parallel to H-plane, CD is the line parallel to H-plane, EF is the line parallel to V-plane, GH is the W-perpendicular line

12、13. Draw a line parallel to H-plane from point A to the front left. The length of the line is 10 mm, β= 30°. Which of the following is correct?

13、How many planes perpendicular to horizontal plane can be made including the line parallel to H-plane?

14、The edge of the line reflecting the maximum slope to the H-plane in the projection is

15、Which of the following points projection is correct?

16、Which of the following is correct for drawing the distance between point A and line EF?

Week 2 Unit activity

1、Please download the attachment and print it. Use pencil drawing to finish it, and take the photo and upload it back.

Chapter 3 The relative position relationship between line and plane

Week 3 Unit test

1、Distinguishing the relative position of plane ABCD and plane EFGH.

2、Distinguishing the relative position of plane ABCD and plane EFG.
C、Unable to distinguish

3、Which of the following is correct?
A、The line DK is perpendicular to Δ ABC. The K is the foot point.
B、The line DK is not perpendicular to Δ ABC. The K is the intersection point.
C、The line DK is perpendicular to Δ ABC. The K is not the foot point.
D、The line DK is not perpendicular to Δ ABC. The K is not the intersection point.

4、Which of the following are correct about the drawing of the plane parallel to line AB through point K?

5、Make the line DE through point D so that it is parallel to ABC and V plane. Which of the following judgements are correct?

6、Judge whether the drawing of line AB ⊥ plane CDE is correct?

7、Judge whether the drawing of line AB ⊥ plane BCD is correct?

8、Judge whether it is correct to draw a plane parallel to ABCD through H point.

9、Judge whether it is correct to draw a plane parallel to ABCD through H point.

Week 3 Unit activity

1、Please download the attachment and print it. Use pencil drawing to finish it, and take the photo and upload it back.

学习通Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing

Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing是一门重要的工程学科,是工程学的基础课程之一。学习该课程可以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握机械制图、建筑制图、工程制图等方面的知识,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。

Descriptive Geometry的概念

Descriptive Geometry(立体几何)是一门研究图形表达与空间关系的学科,它是三维立体图形与二维平面投影之间的转换关系的研究。通过学习Descriptive Geometry,可以将三维图形转换成二维平面上的投影,从而在二维平面上表达三维图形的形态和大小。

Engineering Drawing的重要性

Engineering Drawing(工程制图)是一门研究如何把设计图纸转化为机器制造、施工和管理所需的信息的学科。它是工程设计的基础,是工程师交流和沟通的重要手段。

Engineering Drawing在工程设计中扮演着重要的角色,它可以帮助工程师更好地理解和分析工程问题,使得工程设计更加准确和可靠。此外,Engineering Drawing还可以帮助工程师更好地与客户、制造商、承包商等沟通和交流,从而保证工程项目的顺利进行。

Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing的应用

Descriptive Geometry和Engineering Drawing被广泛应用于机械制图、建筑制图、工程制图等领域。通过学习Descriptive Geometry和Engineering Drawing,可以掌握图形表达和空间关系的基本方法和技巧,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。

如何学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing

学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing需要掌握一定的数学和几何知识,同时也需要具备一定的绘图技巧和经验。以下是一些学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing的建议:

  • 掌握数学和几何基础知识,包括向量、平面几何、立体几何等。
  • 多做练习题,不断提高绘图技巧和经验。
  • 了解各种绘图软件的使用方法,例如AutoCAD、SolidWorks等。
  • 关注工程设计和制图的最新技术和发展动态,保持学习和更新。


Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing是一门重要的工程学科,它在工程设计和制图中扮演着重要的角色。通过学习这门学科,可以掌握图形表达和空间关系的基本方法和技巧,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。

学习通Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing

Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing是一门重要的工程学科,是工程学的基础课程之一。学习该课程可以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握机械制图、建筑制图、工程制图等方面的知识,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。

Descriptive Geometry的概念

Descriptive Geometry(立体几何)是一门研究图形表达与空间关系的学科,它是三维立体图形与二维平面投影之间的转换关系的研究。通过学习Descriptive Geometry,可以将三维图形转换成二维平面上的投影,从而在二维平面上表达三维图形的形态和大小。

Engineering Drawing的重要性

Engineering Drawing(工程制图)是一门研究如何把设计图纸转化为机器制造、施工和管理所需的信息的学科。它是工程设计的基础,是工程师交流和沟通的重要手段。

Engineering Drawing在工程设计中扮演着重要的角色,它可以帮助工程师更好地理解和分析工程问题,使得工程设计更加准确和可靠。此外,Engineering Drawing还可以帮助工程师更好地与客户、制造商、承包商等沟通和交流,从而保证工程项目的顺利进行。

Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing的应用

Descriptive Geometry和Engineering Drawing被广泛应用于机械制图、建筑制图、工程制图等领域。通过学习Descriptive Geometry和Engineering Drawing,可以掌握图形表达和空间关系的基本方法和技巧,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。

如何学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing

学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing需要掌握一定的数学和几何知识,同时也需要具备一定的绘图技巧和经验。以下是一些学习Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing的建议:

  • 掌握数学和几何基础知识,包括向量、平面几何、立体几何等。
  • 多做练习题,不断提高绘图技巧和经验。
  • 了解各种绘图软件的使用方法,例如AutoCAD、SolidWorks等。
  • 关注工程设计和制图的最新技术和发展动态,保持学习和更新。


Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing是一门重要的工程学科,它在工程设计和制图中扮演着重要的角色。通过学习这门学科,可以掌握图形表达和空间关系的基本方法和技巧,为以后的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。