
分类: 求职面试发布于:2024-06-02 13:40:54ė64135次浏览602条评论



Unit 1 Testing

1、特长Which of the following item matters most to a public speaker?课堂课完
B、英语渊章Language proficiency.
C、杜文Critical thinking skill.
D、节答Inherent talent.

2、案慕案Fundamentally,整答 English public speaking skill will help you ____________________________________.
A、win an election by the prominent performance in an English debate of a campaign.
B、特长give an effective presentation in a product promotion in a company.
C、课堂课完stand out in the admission interview of a postgraduate education or in a job interview.
D、英语渊章transmit information,杜文 tell stories, motivate people to act or some combination of those in public occasions.

3、Both the speaker of a casual conversation and that of a public speech need to _________________________________.
A、节答use formal language.
B、案慕案organize their thoughts logically.
C、整答structure the content highly.
D、特长be self-centered.

4、Which of the following four items are the qualities a good public speaker should acquire?
A、Main idea, structure, language, delivery.
B、General idea, topic sentence, examples, gestures.
C、Main idea, gesture, eye contact, confidence.
D、General idea, language, pronunciation, mannerism.

5、Which of the following statement about English Public Speaking is TRUE?
A、One’s language competence decides the performance in a public speech.
B、Public speaking gives speakers the chance to exchange ideas.
C、Flowery language is more important than content in a public speech.
D、Public speech is a platform to voice out thoughts.

Unit 2 Testing

1、Public speaking anxiety is a sign of psychological weakness.

2、You look more nervous to your audience than you actually feel.

3、With proper training, public speaking anxiety can be reduced.

4、The more familiar you are with your speech, the less nervous you may feel.

5、One should memorize every sentence of his or her speech.


Unit 3 Testing

1、Choose a topic that you have been studying for years, one about which you could give a speech without any discomfort. This is the best way to acclimate yourself to public speaking within your moral and academic arena.

2、You may choose a topic which you have some knowledge but not enough to prepare a speech without further research.

3、Read and copy the Internet and professional publications to learn about the latest developments in the area you will discuss.

4、Most of the time, the best way to approach topic selection is to pick a single unifying message that you want to deliver and then scour your brain for amazing experiences that add emotional depth to the logical argument of your message.

5、When you have a real message in your head or heart – an inner urge to speak- you are almost sure to do yourself credit.

Unit 4 Testing

1、Which of the following features the most common structure of a speech?
A、Topic, theme and main points.
B、Concept, illustration and example.
C、Introduction, body and conclusion.
D、Beginning, climax and ending.

2、Which of the following is essential before you move into the body of your speech?
A、Amusing the audience.
B、Controlling your emotions.
C、Building suspense.
D、Previewing the main points.

3、Which of the following patterns is most frequently used to organize the main points in a speech?
A、Topical pattern.
B、Chronological pattern.
C、Spatial pattern.
D、Problem-solution pattern.

4、If you want to show how the occurrence of one thing is a direct result of another thing, which pattern is probably the most effective?
A、Problem-solution pattern.
B、Cause-and-effect pattern.
C、Topical pattern.
D、Chronological pattern.

5、Which of the following is essential before you end your speech?
A、To call for actions.
B、To appeal to audience’s emotions.
C、To review the main points or central idea.
D、To remind the audience the importance of the topic.


Unit 5 Testing

1、1. Gaining the audience attention is the most fundamental function of an introduction.

2、2. A speaker can establish his or her credibility by quoting from an expert.

3、3. A rhetorical question expects immediate verbal response from the audience.

4、4. A speaker needs to make an apology when he or she doesn’t behave very confidently.

5、5. Greeting the audience in the beginning of a speech may help the speaker release from stage fright.

Unit 6 Testing

1、Which of the following belongs to the general types of speech?
A、Persuasive speech
B、Argumentative speech
C、Descriptive speech
D、Expositive speech

2、Which of the following can be a good topic for an informative speech?
A、Benefits of Online Courses
B、Why should we study history?
C、The Life of Cicadas
D、Who is responsible for global warming?

3、Which one of the following speech topics belongs to a different type of speech from the others?
A、Communication Is A Wonderful Thing
B、10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stay up Late
C、Should we allow “Dog Meat Festival” in China?
D、Difference between the Chinese and British Math Classes

4、Causal order is often used to explain the _______ of something.

5、If you want to introduce the procedures of making a dish, you’d better choose _________ to organize your speech.
A、spatial order
B、chronological order
C、mixed order
D、topical order


Unit 7 Testing

1、Which is NOT the general steps of ending a speech?
A、Thank your audience
B、Let the audience know you are ending the speech
C、Enforce the central idea
D、Elaborate your key point

2、Which of the following is the method of ending your speech?
A、Using signpost language or signals
B、Listing related examples
C、Telling audience a story
D、Using only verbal signals

3、Which is correct about dramatic statement?
A、It is the same with quotation.
B、It is made by the speaker himself.
C、It is less effective compared with quotation
D、It always contains parallel sentences.

4、Which of the following statement is correct?
A、We’d better adopt the methods of reinforcing the central ideal separately.
B、We can elaborate a point in the conclusion if you feel it necessary.
C、It is inappropriate to end your speech by adding new material.
D、The criteria of choosing quotation is its popularity and novelty.

5、What is NOT the benefits of an effective ending in public speaking?
A、To activate your audience
B、To boost your credibility
C、To impress our audience again
D、To list the shortcoming of your point.

Unit 8 Testing

1、Which of the following is NOT categorized as factual statements?

2、What kinds of information do you need to support your points in a speech?
A、Main points and details.
B、Facts and expert opinions.
C、Statistics and examples.
D、Interpretation and judgments.

3、Which of the following printed sources is probably most useful for recent topics or latest information?

4、Which of the following is a concern when you use newspaper articles as references for your speech?
A、They tend to be specialized.
B、They may be biased.
C、They are likely to be out of date.
D、They seem to lack depth.

5、What are the criteria to evaluate the reliability of information for your research?
A、Sponsorship, recency and specialty.
B、Recency, accuracy and novelty.
C、Accuracy, novelty and specialty.
D、Authorship, sponsorship and recency.


Unit 9 Testing

1、Which of the following is NOT an informative speech?
A、Speeches about objects.
B、Speeches about processes.
C、Speeches about events.
D、Speeches of Oscar Best Actresses.

2、When you speak to inform, your aim is to _____ .
A、convey knowledge and understanding
B、urge the audience to take actions
C、establish the speaker’s authority
D、advocate a cause

3、Which one of the following criteria is NOT frequently used to judge informative speeches?
A、Is the information communicated accurately?
B、Is the information communicated clearly?
C、Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience?
D、Is the information persuasive?

4、Speeches about objects convey information about any nonhuman material things and about people, focusing on real or fictional individuals who are living or dead. Which one of the following is a speech about objects?
A、Mechanical process.
B、Conference agenda.
C、Commercial negotiation.

5、Which of the following is an informative speech ?
A、The insurance manager promoting an insurance package.
B、The politician advocating a new policy.
C、The professor encouraging a student at a lab.
D、The scientist presenting a paper at a conference.

Unit 10 Testing

1、Which of the following is the definition of events?
A、A solid thing that you can hold, touch, or see.
B、Anything that happens or is regarded as happening.
C、Something that is tangible and visible
D、A series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result.

2、Which of the following is NOT the principle of writing your purpose statement?
A、Express your purpose as a statement, not as a question
B、Choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience
C、Write the purpose statement as a participial phrase
D、Avoid figurative language in your purpose statement

3、Which of the following is INCORRECT about visual aids?
A、Visual aids include charts, pictures, videos and PPT.
B、We should keep visual aids simple.
C、Visual aids should be large enough.
D、Color and fronts are not important in visual aids.

4、Which of the following is rhetorical devices?
A、Repetition and infinite phrase
B、Metaphor and participle
C、Simile and parallelism
D、Visual aids

5、Which of the following is NOT the procedure of making an informative speech?
A、Narrow down the topic
B、List the main points
C、Organize the main points in order
D、Give the detailed examples


Public Speaking Examination

1、Choose ONE of the following topics and make a 3-minute (about 400 words) speech. Topic 1 We live in this information age in which people have easy access to cell phones equipped with social networking apps. Some question that it will deteriorate our ability to communicate, but others argue that social media could help those who lack interpersonal skills in real life and give them control over the communication process. What’s your opinion? Do you have any feasible suggestions to those who dread talking to others in public? Topic 2 “Chinese cooking and cuisine no longer serve only for nutrition. They have become an integral part of Chinese culture and civilization,” said Anna Louisa Thompson-Floris, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning. If you were the director of an episode of the show “A Bite of China”, how would you present a local dish from your hometown? And please explain how this dish could embody part of the cultural features of your hometown. Topic 3 Traditionally, graduating students at US universities have one last lecture – a commencement speech, often from a celebrity who used to go to their university – before they enter the “real world”. If you had the chance to pick one celebrity to deliver a speech at your university, who would that be? Why would you choose him/her?






