


mooc商务英语笔译 第四期章节答案(mooc完整答案)

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mooc商务英语笔译 第四期章节答案(mooc完整答案)

1.5Unit Test and Translation Practice & References

1、商务【单选题】Which of the following words in bold is 英语formal and acceptable in business English?
A、If the disputes cannot be settled through friendly negotiation or mediation,笔译 arbitration will be the next best choice, as the litigation is usually costly and time-consuming.
B、If the disputes cannot be settled through amicable negotiation or mediation,第期答案答案 arbitration will be the next best alternative, as the litigation is usually costly and time-consuming.

2、【单选题】What is 章节the proper Chinese translation for “A particular average”? 原文:A particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid.

3、【单选题】What is 第期答案答案the proper English translation for “共同抚养权”? 原文:声明表示,两人将对他们的章节两个儿子享有共同抚养权,但没有透露任务关于两人财产分割的完整细节
A、common rearing
B、商务sharing raising
C、英语collective fostering
D、笔译joint custody

4、【单选题】What is the proper Chinese translation for the following sentence with business formulas into consideration? This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts.

5、【填空题】The features of business English should be fully understood and exercised flexibly in the course of translation, which is the of a proper and good translation.

6、【填空题】Business English includes Ordinary Business English and Specialized Business English. Business English is what this course mainly focuses on.

7、【填空题】VAX is the abbreviation of .

8、【判断题】An abbreviation is usually written in capital letters and used in trade terms, cables and facsimile, business correspondence and advertisement.

9、【判断题】Business English employs a large number of technical words, which come from general words but have carried with them different meanings in business fields.

10、【判断题】Generally speaking, translators can’t change any word in the original text.

10.5Unit Test and Translation Practice & References

1、【填空题】The term“总则”should be translated into _____in English Articles of Association.注意首字母大写。

2、【填空题】The term“适用法律”should be translated into _____in English Articles of Association. 注意首字母大写。

3、【填空题】From the angle of business translation, the Articles of Association, by and large, is characterized by _______organization and _________sentence structures.

4、【填空题】Nominalization is a prevalent ________phenomenon in English, especially in written English. The frequent use of nominalization renders texts more f_____ and o________ 填写完整单词。

5、【填空题】A regular _______of relevant data about various versions of Articles can relieve the workforce of ________to some extent and accelerate the manipulating speed demonstrably.

6、【判断题】Articles of Association is the very term recognized and employed in the territory of China.

7、【判断题】Articles of association often identifies the manner in which a company will issue stock shares, pay dividends and audit financial records and power of voting rights.

8、【判断题】In corporate governance, a company's Articles of Association ( called Articles of incorporation in some jurisdictions) is a document which, along with the Memorandum of association (in cases where the memorandum exists) forms the company's constitution.

9、【判断题】The Memorandum of Association of a company should be within the scope of the Articles of Association.

10、【判断题】Ordinary words can not be specified technical terms in Articles of Association.

13.5Unit Test and Translation Practice & References

1、【单选题】Which one of the following is not the lexical feature of FTC ?
A、Formal words
C、Archaic Words

2、【单选题】Which one of the following is not the Syntactic Feature of Foreign Trade Correspondence?
A、Complex long sentence
B、Coordinative construction
C、Conditional sentence
D、Subjunctive mood

3、【填空题】The block format is the simplest format of FTC; all of the writing is flush against the ______margin.

4、【填空题】Chinese sentence structure is much different from English. Chinese sentences unite each other by meaning, whereas the English uses _______to link the sentence components.

5、【填空题】There are many short sentences in Chinese and long sentences in English which is because there are a lot of ________, conjuncts and phrases and ________ serving as the sentence components in English.

6、【判断题】FTC usually consists of establishing business relation, inquiry, offer, reply, affirming sales contract, packaging, insurance, compensation, arbitration, etc.

7、【判断题】Archaic words are rooted in the Old and Medieval Latin and are kept in the legal documents till now. Although they appeared old-looking and out-dated, they are indispensable in business English, especially in FTC.

8、【判断题】Translators should represent a complete version of the messages of the business correspondence in the translation of FTC.

9、【判断题】In the process of writing a foreign trade correspondence, there are seven C’s principles: courtesy, consideration, completeness, clarity, conciseness, cooperation, and correctness.

10、【判断题】An effective foreign trade correspondence can determine the success of a business transaction.

14.5Unit Test and Translation Practice & References

1、【单选题】Which one of the following is not the lexical feature of Financial English ?
A、Formal words
C、Technical Words

2、【单选题】Which one of the following is not the Syntactic Feature of Financial English?
A、Complex long sentence
B、Coordinative construction
C、The Frequent Use of Adverbial Clauses
D、Elliptical questions

3、【填空题】Financial English is the English used in the _____and ________of finance.

4、【填空题】An abbreviation is a ______form of a word or phrase that is used to save space in _______documents.

5、【判断题】Translators cannot inflexibly put the same part of speech of an English word into Chinese without considering the different idiomatic ways of expression in both the source and the target languages.

6、【判断题】By using active voice, ideas can be presented concisely, objectively, and accurately.

7、【判断题】A nominal structure means a structure of, relating to or being a word taking a noun construction.

8、【判断题】As a distinguished feature of Financial English, many prepositional phrases are used at the beginning of the sentences functioning as the adverbial clauses.

9、【判断题】In a broad sense, finance refers to the circulation and collection of credit currency.

10、【简答题】What is the English translation for the financial term “对冲基金”? (完整回答,2个单词,无句号) H

中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期

中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期是一门专业性强、实用性强的商务英语课程,主要面向大学生、翻译爱好者和英语工作者等群体,旨在提高学员的英语听、说、读、写和翻译能力,以满足中国经济发展和对外交流的需求。


中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期共分为三个模块,包括商务英语听力、商务英语口语和商务英语笔译。








中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期采用多种教学方法,包括教师授课、小组讨论、个人作业和课外阅读等。教师授课主要是为学员提供必要的商务英语知识,小组讨论和个人作业则是为了加深学员对所学知识的理解和掌握程度,课外阅读则是为了拓展学员的商务英语素材和提高学员的自学能力。


中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期采用多种形式进行学员评估,包括平时成绩、考试成绩、小组作业和翻译练习等。其中,平时成绩主要是指学员在课堂上的表现、参与度和课后作业完成情况,考试成绩则是指学员在期末考试中的成绩,小组作业和翻译练习则是为了加深学员对所学知识的理解和掌握程度,同时检验学员的实际能力。


中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期的学习将为学员提供以下收益:

  • 提高英语听、说、读、写和翻译能力
  • 熟悉商务英语的基本词汇、语法和表达方式
  • 掌握商务英语的常用口语表达方式、礼仪规范和文化差异
  • 加深对商务英语的理解和掌握程度,提高商务英语综合运用能力
  • 拓展商务英语素材,提高自学能力和应变能力


中国大学商务英语笔译 第四期是一门涵盖商务英语听、说、读、写和翻译等多个方面的课程,旨在为学员提供广泛的商务英语知识和实践机会,让学员能够在商务交流中游刃有余、自如应对。在日益开放的经济大环境下,我们相信这门课程将为学员的未来发展带来更广阔的空间和更多的机遇。