



62 min read


1 学术论文的尔雅基本特点介绍 Introduction to Academic Writing

Test on the Features of Academic Writing

1、Long,学术写作学习 complex sentences are one of the main features of academic texts.

2、Dissertation utilizes outside information to support a thesis 论文or make an argument.

3、Academic writing can use both objective and subjective language.

4、期末All source materials should be cited and kept in the same style manual.

5、答案Rules of punctuation and grammar must be followed in academic writing.

1 学术论文的通题基本特点介绍 Introduction to Academic Writing

Test on the Process of Academic Writing

1、Please put the general steps in academic writing in a correct order. a:Write. b: Do Research c: Choose a Topic- Narrow Down the Topic. d: Proofread. e: Revise. f: Take notes g: Edit. h: Plan Your Essay (arguments,目答 thesis statement, outline).

2、期末To make research more effective and less time-consuming,答案 which one has not been mentioned?
A、Setup and follow a research schedule.
B、通题preliminary research.
C、目答Immediately record source information
D、尔雅Find sources as much as you can

3、When we start to do research, the topic we chose can both be specific or general.

4、The thesis statement is what your paper try to support.

5、Taking notes can help us plan arguments.

2 搜集资源 Finding Sources

Test on the Tools and Methods of Finding Resources

1、Which one is not an effective reading method?
A、Read intensively to make notes on key points
B、Scan text for the information you need (e.g., names)
C、Survey text features (e.g., abstract, contents, index)
D、Read extensively to grasp the main idea

2、Which one is not consistent with what we have introduced in this class?
A、References list shows all the sources used by the author and referred to in the text. It should give you some suggestions for future reading.
B、Introduction or preface is where the author often explains his/ her reasons for writing, and also how the text is organized.
C、Abstract tells you what proportion of the text is devoted to the topic you are researching.
D、Bibliography is the sources the author has used but not specifically referred to.

3、How to assess internet sources critically?
A、Is this a reputable website, for example with ac. (= academic) in the URL
B、Is the name of the author given and is he/she well-known in the field
C、Is the language of the text in a suitable academic style
D、All of them

4、Which one is not correct according to this lesson?
A、Examines common text features is important for effective reading.
B、Critical thinking is less important than examining common text features.
C、Learning to distinguish facts and opinions is good for effective reading.
D、Students are usually paying little attention to reading skills.

5、Which one is called critical thinking?
A、Does the argument of the writer develop logically, step by step?
B、Are the examples given helpful? Would other examples be better?
C、Does the author have any bias?
D、All of them.

2 搜集资源 Finding Sources

Test on the Finding Resources for Academic Writing

1、Which one is not a credible source?
C、Scholarly Journals
D、Opinion columns in newspapers.

2、When is the Latin term et al. required in a citation?
A、more than three authors
B、more than four authors
C、more than five authors
D、more than six authors

3、What is the difference between primary sources and second sources? a: Primary sources relate to publicly available data, like historical documents (e.g., a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data from an experiment, or demographic records. b: Second sources relate to publicly available data, like historical documents (e.g., a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data from an experiment, or demographic records. c: Secondary sources have been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or a chapter in an edited book. d:Primary sources have been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or a chapter in an edited book.

4、How to identify a credible source?
A、Peer-reviewed articles
B、The most recent information
C、Familiarizing yourself with the author.
D、All of them

5、Which one is not the thing to avoid?
A、Using any information that has an obvious bias.
B、Using material that is out of date.
C、Social media.
D、Using a first-hand quote.

6 写作技巧 Skills for Academic Writing

Test on the Abstract

1、The main components of the abstract include the following except
A、Background information of the research
C、Research methods

2、The main components of the paper include the following
C、Method, Results, Discussion
D、Findings, Conclusion

3、The Abstract can vary in word length from a minimum of 120 words through to 250 words.

4、An abstract includes a brief introduction to the background information of the research, the topic, the research methods (sometimes including the procedures) adopted in the paper, major results, major findings, and some suggestions or implications from the present paper.

5、Variations in abstracts occur from paper to paper: Some papers may contain all the six elements; others may omit one while focusing more on the rest.

5 学术论文基本架构 Basic Structure in Academic Writing

Test on the Structure of Dissertation

1、An outline can help the writer not only determine what to write but even control the length of the paper.

2、The clarity and readability of an outline are improved if the entries are present in a similar grammatical form.

3、The three main categories of outlines are the topic outline, the word outline, and the paragraph outline.

4、The Roman Numeral outline is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people.

5、In drafting, it is easy to add some transitions and connectives to form a paper.

3 不同方向的选题 Topic Selection

Test on the Principles for Topic Selection

1、In the lists below, each group contains various concepts which contain a logical connection. Choose the right order of logical chain from the most general ones to the most specific ones. a) language b) borrowed words in the modern Chinese language c) Chinese language d) western influences on the borrowed words in modern Chinese words e) modern Chinese language
A、a) c) b) e) d)
B、a) c) e) b) d)
C、c) a) e) b) d)
D、a) c) d) b) e)

2、In the lists below, each group contains various concepts which contain a logical connection. Choose the right order of logical chain from the most general ones to the most specific ones. a) Thanksgiving food b) holiday traditions c) customs d) Turkey in Thanksgiving e) culture
A、e) c) b) d) a)
B、c) e) b) a) d)
C、e) c) b) a) d)
D、c) e) b) d) a)

3、In the lists below, each group contains various concepts which contain a logical connection. Choose the right order of logical chain from the most general ones to the most specific ones. a) second language learning b) English learning as second language c) Chinese primary students in English Class d) the participation of Chinese primary students in English oral class e) Chinese primary students in English oral class
A、a) b) c) e) d)
B、a) b) c) d) e)
C、a) b) d) c) e)
D、b) a) d) c) e)

4、Of the following subjects, which are consistent with requirements of the college English majors in choosing topics for their thesis? a) A philosophical view of China’s advanced culture b) An analysis of dog’s image in Oliver Twist. c) A contrastive study of food cultures between Chinese and American culture. d) Contextual restriction in translation and its strategies.
D、a) d)

5、Which one is wrong in the following statements?
A、You should be interested in the topics. .
B、You should find the originality of your research.
C、The research question should have a simple answer for the convenience of collecting data.
D、The research question can be borrowed from other research but use different samples.

Assignment 1. Library Research

1、Requirements: 1. Do a library research; 2. Write down a potential topic for your research; 3. Write down the theme of your research topic in one or two sentences 4. Write down a list of at least five references (in the APA or MLA style), which contain at least one book, one journal article and one online source. Please 1) go to the following website: www.pigai.org; 2) register, 3) search assignment number. 4) finish the assignment in one month. How to use it, SEE manual: https://wenku.baidu.com/view/a6232fd026fff705cc170a07.html Library Research作文号为:1328965

4 研究方法 Research Methods

Test on the Selecting Research Methods

1、According to the methods of research, the research can be classified either fundamental research or applied research.

2、Applied research is more important than the fundamental research for its practical use in real lives.

3、Secondary data can be divided into two categories: qualitative research and quantitative research.

4、Dissertations can be solely based on secondary data without the need for primary data.

5、Dissertations can be completed only using primary data.

4 研究方法 Research Methods

Test on the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

1、Qualitative research methods describe and measure the level of occurrences on the basis of numbers and calculations.

2、Quantitative data collections are based on the random sampling and structured data collection instruments.

3、Regression analysis is a quantitative method used to the nature of relationship between a dependant variable and one or more independent variables.

4、Qualitative research is based on the feelings, emotions, sounds and other non-numerical elements.

5、Qualitative research can be conducted through the way of case studies ,observation and other ways.

7 学术规范 Academic Formats

Test on the APA Format

1、When you reference a book, you need to write down the location in which the book was published.

2、When stating the same author twice in a single paragraph, the year only needs mentioning the first time in the paragraph.

3、APA follows a date-author style for listing references at the end of the paper.

4、When referencing journal articles, you only need to italicize or underline the journal title.

5、When formatting your reference list, the second line of each reference (and after that) is indented by about five spaces.

Assignment 3: Book Report

1、Choose a paper or a chapter of a book and write a book report. Please note you should have a focus on your report in about 1000 words and you need to use APA or MLA style in the in-text and after-text documentation in the book report. Please 1) go to the following website: www.pigai.org; 2) register, 3) search assignment number. 4) finish the assignment in one month. How to use it, SEE manual: https://wenku.baidu.com/view/a6232fd026fff705cc170a07.html Book report作文号为:1328971

3 不同方向的选题 Topic Selection

Test on the Topics for Language and Linguistic Research Essays

1、Researchers cannot conduct the qualitative study in the class-roomed based research.

2、The topic of “Sexism in English ” is a suitable title for the graduation dissertation.

3、The thesis entitled in “The Characteristic of Color Words in English proverbs” has the originality.

4、The choice of topics should take the social needs into consideration.

5、Researchers are encouraged to find the interdisciplinary topics.

6 写作技巧 Skills for Academic Writing

Test on the Introduction

1、The main components of the introduction include the following part except()
C、A review of previous research
D、Results and Discussion

2、For some academic writings, a literature review is included in the introduction section. The literature review differs from a research report because it does not pose and advance an original claim. Instead, it synthesizes various pieces of the literature by summarizing individual studies and demonstrating how they relate to each other.

3、Basically, we should consider the following components in the introduction. Background, Topic, A review of previous research, Organization, Research Hypotheses, Methods

6 写作技巧 Skills for Academic Writing

Test on the Body Paragraphs,Discussion, Conclusion

1、Using someone else’s exact words is called a “quotation.”

2、It is important to refer correctly to the work of other writers that you have used. You may present these sources as either a summary/ paraphrase or as a quotation. In each case, a citation is included to provide a link to the list of references at the end of your paper.

7 学术规范 Academic Formats

Test on the Steps to Publishing Paper

1、Submitting your manuscript for publication the moment you have crafted its conclusion.

2、Read the aims and scope and author guidelines of your target journal carefully.

3、It is important to address a cover letter to the editor or editor-in-chief of the target journal.

4、The title and abstract are important components of a manuscript.

5、It is proper to choose to submit their research work to two or more journals at the same time.

5 学术论文基本架构 Basic Structure in Academic Writing

Test on the Argumentation

1、Cheating on exams is hardly an issue because few people dispute cheating is wrong.

2、Preparing an argument essay only contains the following steps: Exploring both sides of an issue; Choosing a topic and planning an approach.

3、For developing the three-point plan, the writer’s “pro” and “con” in his original lists can be ignored.

4、If you are not ready to prove your points, you should explore your topic further, perhaps in a follow-up brainstorming session.

5、In choosing something to write about, you should find a subject that you care about rather than which you in your heart feel others should care about.

Assignment 2

1、Please write an argumentation on the following topic in about 400- 800 words: “In a free country, industry has the fight to develop any product that will sell, and industry can sell it to anyone who can pay for it.”Do you agree with this idea or do you think that the government should be able to control what is produced and sold? Please 1) go to the following website: www.pigai.org; 2) register, 3) search assignment number; 4) finish the assignment in two weeks. How to use it, SEE manual: https://wenku.baidu.com/view/a6232fd026fff705cc170a07.html Argumentation 作文号为:1328970


A.我国森林防火工作实行的方针是“预防为主,积极消灭”。( )
C.正确的坐姿应做到( )。
D.孔隙比的定义表达式是( )。




A.遗传性血管神经性水肿的原因是( )缺乏
C.下列关于财务报表附注表述不正确的是( )。


C.目标管理是由美国管理学家(  )首先提出的。


A.七情治病,引起气消的是( )。




A.以下不属于“三不朽”理论的是( )
B.志向高远,就是要放开眼界( )

信用标准过高的可能结果有( )。



C.在开标时,如果发现投标文件出现( )等情况,应按无效投标文件处理
D.下列选项中,符合称谓礼仪的是( )

汽车的布置形式中,发动机前置后轮驱动可表示为( )。


以下哪一项单元格引用能够使得单元格地址在复制到其他单元格时始终保持不变( )

A.不同时期不同形制的( ),都是古代留存至今的宝贵建筑实物资料。
C.《林海雪原》的红色主题为( )。

下面哪一项不属于“学院基本情况”这个专题讲授的主要内容 ()

B.Circle含义是( )。
D.森林的演替时间很长,有的需要跨越几个世纪,所以又称为世纪演替。( )

以下哪种生境下的树种易燃性高( )

A.接待区的地面( )材料更耐磨。
C.在测水中氯离子含量时,选用的参比电极是( )


B.心脏收缩能力增强时,静脉回心血量增加,是因为( )