超星人人会写作——Write with Me_2章节答案(学习通2023完整答案)

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超星人人会写作——Write with Me_2章节答案(学习通2023完整答案)

1. Introduction

单元测验 1

1、超星Formal language means we need to write in precise and impersonal language.

2、人人The作W章节整答 cohesive marker "so" in the following sentence is "ellipsis". --John cheated on the exam last week. --I believe so.

2.Thinking Skills in Writing

单元测验 2

1、Thinking independently,答案 you need to go beyond the observation of facts and explore the underlying cause.

2、Thinking critically,学习 one needs to identify the key arguments of a piece of writing.

3. Paragraph Writing 1: Paragraph Organization

单元测验 3

1、The通完 topic sentence invovles two parts: the topic and ___________.
A、The超星 details.
B、The人人 controlling idea.
C、The作W章节整答 evidence.
D、The答案 supporting ideas.

2、The学习 concluding sentence usually has three parts: the signal word, the restatement of the topic and the ________ of the main ideas.

4. Paragraph Writing 2: Paragraph Development

单元测验 4

1、作W章节整答Relevance serves as a bridge between details/ideas and the claim/topic.

2、The author's responsibility means that the author is only responsble for writing his/her ideas down and does not have to make everything clear to the reader.

5. Paragraph Writing 3: Different Paragraphs

单元作业 1

1、What has caused the pressure of modern people? Write a paragraph of about 200 words to explain the causes of modern people's pressure.

6. Essay Writing 1: Introductory Paragraph

单元测验 5

1、Which one of the following is NOT a purpose of the general statement?
A、To arouse the readers' interest in the essay.
B、To provide some background information.
C、To orient your readers to your thesis.
D、To proposal your thesis statement.

2、A thesis statement does not have to be arguable.

8. Essay Writing 3: Counterargument

单元测验 6

1、Which of the following statement is correct?
A、Opinions are something objective.
B、Facts are your judgment of something.
C、Facts are something that can be proved to be true.
D、Opinions are something that is unbiased.

2、A rebuttal can help you convince the fencesitters, and strengthen your own point.

语言与思维 测试 1

语言与思维 测试 1

1、Which of the folowing theories about the origin of language emphasize the function of humanly procuded sounds?
A、The yo-he-ho theory
B、The bow-wow theory
C、The natural sound theory
D、The divine theory

2、Which of the following statements is true about the tool-making theory of language origin?
A、Language and tool-making have been developing independently.
B、Human beings' language using and tool-using ability are connected evolutionarily.
C、Language ability paved the way for human beings' tool making ability.
D、Both hemispheres in human brains are responsible for language production.

3、Although there are some words in language which imitate natural sounds, we cannot say that language comes from onomatopeia.

4、The physical structure of human makes it extremely difficult for human beings to develop language.

语言与思维 Sound of Language

Sound of Language Quiz

1、Which of the following sounds is a bilabial nasal?

2、Which of the following sounds is a back, high, round sound?

3、Articulatory phonetics studies how the sounds of a language are procuded by the vocal organs.

4、The criteria to describe vowels include the height of the tongue raising and the extent to which the tongue is raising to the palate.

5、A syllable is composed of an onset and a rhyme, while the rhyme may have a nucleus and a coda.

语言与思维 Sound pattern of language

Quiz for Sound Pattern of Language

1、Who invented the cardinal reference points in vowels?
A、Daniel Jones
B、Henry Sweet
C、N. Trubetzkoy
D、Otto Jesperson

2、[p] and [p ? ] are the ________ of the same /p/.
C、distinctive features

3、The words pen and pat are minimal paris.

4、In terms of writing system, Chinese is a syllabic system of writing.

5、The phonological process involved in the following sound change is nasalization. ?five past, love to ?[faif-p?st?], [l?f-t?]

语言与思维 Word formation

Quiz for Word Formation

1、Which of the following is a free morpheme?

2、Which of the following morphological processes is clipping?

3、That the noun "guess" can be used as a verb is a process called _____________.

4、The meaning of a compound is always the sum of the meaning of its parts.

5、Inflectional morpheme can indicate the grammatical function of the word.

General linguistics

Testing for the link

1、Pls, write down an English sentence and submit it. Remember to use your real name.

Mid-term for Linguistic Studies

Mid-term for General Linguistics

1、Pls. submit your answer sheet.



1、The comparison-contrast paragraph could be organized in a point-to-point pattern or a _____________ pattern.

2、The concluding paragraph in an essay could signal the essay closure, leave the readers the final impression and let the readers feel ____________.

3、The controlling idea of the topic sentence tells the reader what the author believes.

4、Just as facts, opinions can also be used to support one'spoint of view.

5、When defining an item, one no longer needs to specify the features of the item as long as one has already explained what category the item belongs to.

6、The thesis statement in the introductory paragraph should not state the details in the body paragraphs.

7、In writing a counterargument paragraph for an essay, one does not need to report the opponent's view.


1、Read Albeit Einstein’s view on school education, and write a passage in response to the paragraph. You should state your view clearly and support it with solid evidence and sound reasoning. You should write about 500 words. Please remember that you should write in your OWN words. The school should always have as its aim that the young man leave it as a harmonious personality, not as a specialist…The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgment should always be placed foremost, not the acquisition of special knowledge. If a person masters the fundamentals of his subject and has learned to think and work independently, he will surely find his way and besides will better be able to adapt himself to progress and changes than the person whose training principally consists in the acquiring of detailed knowledge.”Albert EinsteinIdeas and Opinions (1954: 62)

语言与思维 Sentence structure

Quiz for Sentence Structure

1、Which of the following statements is an example of descriptive approach to grammar?
A、The black English uses double negation for negation, such as "You ain't going nowhere."
B、One should not start a sentence with a preposition as in the following sentence "With who are yo going to London?"
C、"Me and my family would come tonight" should not be allowed as it starts with a :me", not an "I".
D、We should not split infitive as in "I want desperately to go partying with my friends".

2、Which of the following statements is NOT an example of our "competence" in language?
A、Sometimes we do not follow the correct order in speaking. For example: To New York my mother has gone.
B、The sentence "saw a dog a cat road on" is not grammatical in English.
C、The order of "The green big apple" is not acceptable in English.
D、In English if you want to express something that happens in the past, you should use past tense.

3、Recursion means that we can make infinite use of finite means to expression an inifinite number of ideas.

4、The phrase structure rule for NP is NP → (D) (Adj P) (N) (PP)

5、With X' Theory we have not only binary branching, but also tripartite branching.

语言与思维 Meaning

Quiz for Meaning

1、What is the meaning relation between "hot" and "cold"?
A、Complementary antonymy
B、Gradable antonymy
C、Converse antonymy

2、How many arguments does "give" have?

3、Compositional semantics explain how the meanings of words are combined to form the meaning of a large syntactic unit such as phrases or sentences.

语言与思维 Meaning in Use

Quiz for Meaning in Use.

1、What of the following statements is NOT true about the sentence below? --Mary failed to contact her boyfriend John.
A、Mary tried to contact John.
B、Mary has a boyfriend.
C、The name of Mary's boyfirend is John.
D、Mary got in touch with John.

2、The following conversation violates the maxim of Quality. --Where is John? --He said he would go to the library.

3、The following sentence is a performative sentence. --I sentence you five years of imprisonment.

语言与思维 Second Language Acquisition

Question for Second Language Acquisition

1、What is the best way of second language teaching?

语言与思维 Language Acquisition

Question for Language Acquisition

1、In your understanding, how do children acquire their mother tongue?


Test for General Linguistics

1、What category does the following category belong to in Syntax? The very bright student

2、Ellipsis can be used to test constituency.

Quiz for General Linguistics

1、What schedule does children follow in language acquisition?

Final Examination for General Linguistics

Final Examination for General Linguistics

1、What category does the underlined part of the following sentence belong to? The cat would prefer for the dog to chase the mouse.

2、Which of the following phrases can NOT be regarded as a constituent of the following sentence? I ran a mile on crutches.
A、On crutches.
B、A mile.
C、Ran a mile.
D、A mile on crutches.

3、In Syntax, which of the following does NOT belong to the category complementizer?

4、Which of the following interpretations is NOT correct about “I saw the man with my binocular.”?
A、I saw the man who was wearing my binocular.
B、I used my binocular and saw the man.
C、I saw the man who was stealing my binocular.
D、The binocular could be the instrument I used to see the man.

5、Which of the following statements is correct based on the following sentence? We expect Henry to talk to Jo, and [VP talk to Jo], he will/can/should/would t.
A、Auxiliary is outside VP.
B、Only VP can be moved.
C、Auxiliary cannot be moved.
D、VP cannot coexist with auxiliaries.

6、What conclusion can be made based on the following observation? I did not go to New York. I will not go to New York. Did you go to New York? Will you go to New York? Why did you go to New York? Why will you go to New York?
A、Do operates like auxiliaries do, so it can be treated as auxiliary verbs.
B、Do is not as frequently used as auxiliary verbs do.
C、Though do behaves like auxiliaries, they do not perform the same function.
D、Auxiliary verbs can replace do in some cases.

7、How does Syntax explain the difference between the following two sentences? a) John is easy to please. b) John is eager to please.
A、They are derived from different positions in the deep structure.
B、Sentence a) means John is ready to please others, while b) means to please John is easy.
C、There is movement in a), but no movement takes place in b).
D、Sentence a) means to please John is easy, while b) means John is ready to please others.

8、What semantic relation exists between the words “answer-reply”?

9、What semantic relation exists between the words flower and rose?

10、What semantic relation exists in among the words “freezing, cold, cool, lukewarm, warm and hot” ?
B、Complementary antonymy
C、Gradable antonymy
D、Converse antonymy

11、Which of the following pairs demonstrates converse antonymy?

12、Which of the following bracketing is correct about the following sentence? The son of pharaoh's daughter is the daughter of pharaoh's son.
A、The son of [pharaoh's daughter] is the daughter of [pharaoh's son].
B、[The son of pharaoh's] daughter is [the daughter of pharaoh’s] son.
C、The son of [pharaoh's daughter] is [the daughter of pharaoh's] son.
D、[The son of pharaoh's] daughter is the [daughter of pharaoh's] son.

13、Which of the following statements is correct about idioms?
A、The meaning of idioms is the sum of the meaning of its components.
B、The meaning of idioms can be predicted from the meaning of its parts.
C、Kids do not have learn the meaning of idioms.
D、The meaning of idioms is fixed and has to be learned.

14、Which of the following is NOT involved in the relationship considered in pragmatics?
A、Word meaning
B、Sentence meaning
C、Context of use
D、Speaker’s meaning

15、Which of the following expressions are deictic expression?
A、A beautiful city
B、Last year
C、In 2019

16、In the following sentence, which of the proper nouns is the antecedent of himself? Bill heard from Don that John believed Tom has never respected himself.

17、Which of the following statements is NOT presupposed in the following sentence? Peter heard that Mary regretted following Bill's suggestions of going to New York.
A、Mary followed Bill's suggestions.
B、Bill offered Mary some suggestions.
C、Mary went to New York.
D、Mary is now in New York.

18、Who proposed the theory of Cooperative Principle?

19、Which feature of implicature does the following conversation exemplify? For a graduate student majoring in translation, courses about translation are very important, but I am not saying that the course of General Linguistics is not important.

20、Which maxim of Cooperative Principle is violated in the following conversation? --When are we going to have the final examination? --Dec. 31, 2020, I believe.

21、What do you mean when you ask John “Could you pass me the salt” at the table?
A、You want to know whether John can move his hands.
B、You want to know whether John is helpful enough.
C、You want John to give you the salt.
D、You want John to add some salt.

22、What is the illocutionary act in the sentence“you have my words”?
A、You made a promise.
B、You uttered some words.
C、You are a reliable person.
D、You talked with the person.

23、What does Mary mean in the following conversation? Tom: Will you help me do this exercise? Mary: Our professor said this is independent work.
A、Mary hesitates to help Tom.
B、Mary refuses to help Tom.
C、Mary praises Tom.
D、Mary mocks at Tom.

24、Which of the following demonstrates the Right Ear Advantage?
A、What you hear in the left ear goes first to the right hemisphere of the brain.
B、What you hear in the right ear goes directly to the left hemisphere of the brain.
C、What you here is the right ear is processed more accurately.
D、What you hear in the left ear is processed more accurately.

25、What aphasia s the patient uttering the following sentence have? My cheek … very annoyance …main is my shoulder … achin’ all round here
A、Broca’s aphasia
B、Wernicke’s aphasia
C、Conduct aphasia

26、What aphasia does the patient in the following conversation have? Clinician: Now, I want you to say some words after me. Say ‘boy’. Patient: Boy. Clinician: Seventy-nine. Patient: Ninety-seven. No … sevinty-sine … siventy-nice….
A、Broca’s aphasia
B、Wernicke’s aphasia
C、Conduct aphasia

27、Which of the following statements is true about Wernicke’s aphasia?
A、The patient has difficulty producing natural sounding rhythm.
B、The patient has difficulty producing normal syntax.
C、The patient has difficulty understanding meaning.
D、The patient has some difficulty uttering speech.

28、Which of the following statements is true about language acquisition?
A、Kids acquire their mother tongue very slowly.
B、Kids cannot acquire their mother tongue with little instruction.
C、Kids become sophisticated language users before school.
D、Kids can acquire their mother tongue even without any input.

29、Which of the following is NOT the basic requirement to acquire a mother tongue?
A、Kids must have interactions with other language users.
B、Kids must be physically able to send and receive signals.
C、Kids must interact with others via language.
D、Kids must watch a lot of movies and listening frequently to radio.

30、Which of the following is NOT the feature of “babytalk”?
A、The frequent use of statements
B、Exaggerated intonation
C、Slower tempo with longer pauses
D、Simpler syllables and words

31、What can children accomplish in telegraphic speech?
A、To utter strings of words in sentences.
B、To produce complete sentences.
C、To build sentences with incorrect word order.
D、To produce sentences with auxiliaries.

32、What is the difference between foreign language and second language?
A、Foreign language is spoken in one's surrounding community.
B、Second language is spoken in one's surrounding community.
C、Foreign language is taught in the classroom.
D、Second language is taught in the classroom.

33、What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?
A、Acquisition means you need to use the language in your environment.
B、Learning means you know well about how to use the language.
C、Acquisition means you have the ability to communicate with native speakers.
D、Learning means you are able to use the language fluently with native speakers.

34、Which is more difficult to acquire in second language acquisition?

35、What is the problem in Grammar-translation method of teaching?
A、Students spend too much time memorizing a big vocabulary.
B、Students are ignorant of how important it is to use the language.
C、Students are unable to use the language in every day communication.
D、Students do not care about pronunciation or intonation of the language.

36、The Principle and Parameter captures only the universality , wihtout considering the variations among languages.

37、X’ theory is head-endocentric, involving three rules and binary branching.

38、Semantics involves the study of words, phrases and sentences.

39、Lexical semantics studies the meaning of words and the meaning relationships of words.

40、Compositional semantics studies how the meanings of words are combined to form the meaning of sentences.

41、Referential Theory will relate the meaning of the word chair to the real chair in the objective world.

42、Semantic Triangle believes that there is a direct relation between a word and the entity it refers to.

43、Words in complementary antonymy can be modified by “very”.

44、Broca's area is responsible for language production.

45、Language ability must be located in the right hemisphere

46、Localization View holds that Specific aspects of language ability can be accorded specific locations in the brain.

47、What the professor actually mean in the following slips of tongue is “You have missed all my history courses”. You have hissed all my mystery course.

48、Positive transfer means the feature of the native language can help learn the second language.

49、Interlanguage refers to some in-between system used in the L2 acquisition process containing aspects of both L1 and L2.

50、The phrase structure rule for NP is NP → (D) (Adj P) (N) (PP).

51、The following sentence is a performative sentence. --I sentence you five years of imprisonment.

52、Even though babies cannot talk, their care-giver still communicates with them as they are an interactive participant in the conversation.

53、In the one-word stage of language acquisition, a single form can function as a phrase or sentence.

54、The language acquisition schedule involves cooing-babbling stage, one word stage, two word stage and adult-like stage.

55、In the Focus on Leaner process of second language acquisition, errors are regarded as a hindrance to a student’s progress.

56、Communicative Competence refers to he general ability to use language accurately, appropriately, and flexibly.

57、Arcuate fasciculus forms a crucial connection between the right hemisphere of the brain and Broca’s areas.

58、Negation can alter the presupposition of a sentence.

59、Non-detachability means that the change of linguistic forms does not change the implicature of the sentence.

60、The following sentences can be examples of presupposition, not entailment. I saw a flower. I saw something.

61、Synonyms are all context dependent and differ in one way or another.

62、In X’ schema, non-heads are all phrases and obligatory.

63、In phrase structure rules, the heads and the phrase do not have to be of the same category.

64、In gradable antonymy, there can be a cover term for the words of opposite meaning.

65、Homophone refers to two or more different forms have the same pronunciation and the same spelling.

66、Homonyms are words that have separate histories and meanings.

67、To analyze the meaning of a word in terms of its semantic feature or semantic components is componential analysis.

68、Children acquire their native language as a result of adult correction.

69、The maxim of manner is violated in the following conversation. HER : That’s the telephone. HIM : I’m in the bath. HER : O.K.

70、To interpret deictic expressions we need to rely on knowledge of the immediate physical context.

Essay Questions for General Linguistics

1、Based on your experience of English learning and your knowledge of first and second language acquisition, explain in about 200 words what is the best method of second language teaching.

2、What is language? Based on your knowledge in linguistics, explain what language is in about 260 words.

Final Examination for Language and Thought

General Linguistics Part I

1、Which of the following morphemes is a free morpheme involved in the word “decentralization”?

2、What process of word formation is involved in “hard-working”?

3、Who invented the reference points for cardinal vowels?
A、Nikolai Trubetzkoy
B、Henry Sweet
C、Daniel Jones
D、Herbert Grice

4、Which of the following pairs of words form a minimal pair?

5、Which of the following sounds has a coda?

6、Which of the following words contains a syllable of CVC structure in Chinese?

7、Which of the following sounds is NOT a cardinal vowel?

8、Which of the following sound is a labiodental?

9、Which of the following sound is a fricative?

10、What is the difference between consonants and vowels?
A、Vowels have a longer duration in actual production.
B、Air stream is obstructed in producing consonants.
C、Consonants all involve the vibration of the vocal cords..
D、Vowels are louder than consonants.

11、Which of the following is NOT the basic requirement to acquire a mother tongue?
A、Kids must have interactions with other language users.
B、Kids must be physically able to send and receive signals.
C、Kids must watch a lot of movies and listening to radio.
D、Kids must interact with others via language.

12、What does Mary mean in the following conversation? Lily: Will you go shopping with me tomorrow? Mary: I am having an appointment with my professor.
A、Mary cannot go shopping with Lily.
B、Mary have an appointment with her professor.
C、Mary is glad that Lily regards her as a friend.
D、Mary regrets that she cannot go shopping with Lily.

13、What is the illocutionary act in the sentence “you have my words”?
A、You talked with the person.
B、You made a promise.
C、You uttered some words.
D、You are a reliable person.

14、Which maxim of Cooperative Principle is violated in the following conversation? --Where are we going to have the final examination? --In Room 106 of Public Building. At least the professor said so last week.

15、What process of word formation is involved in TOEFL?

16、Which of the following statements describes the difference between derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme?
A、Inflectional morpheme indicates the grammatical function of a word.
B、Inflectional morpheme changes the meaning of a word.
C、Derivational morpheme indicates the grammatical class of a word.
D、Derivational morpheme does not change the word meaning.

17、What phonological process is involved in the assimilation of “five past” into [faif-p?st?]?

18、Which of the following describes the study of phonology?
A、It studies how a word is used to refer to things.
B、It studies how a language organizes its sounds.
C、It studies what unique features of sounds a language has.
D、It studies what influences the vocal organs in a language.

19、Which of the following words contains a syllable of CVCC structure?

20、Which of the following words contains a syllable of CCVVVCC structure?

21、Which of the following sound is a stop/plosive?

22、Which is more difficult to acquire in second language acquisition?

23、What process of word formation is involved in “Exam= Examination”?
D、Loan Translation

24、Which of the following sound is an affricate?

25、Which of the following statements describes the study of articulatory phonetics?
A、It studies the sound transmission in the air.
B、It studies how human beings perceive a sound.
C、It studies how human beings produce a sound.
D、It studies how human beings hear a sound.

26、In Syntax, which of the following expressions does NOT belong to the category complementizer?

27、What category does the underlined part of the following sentence belong to? The teacher would prefer for you to submit your paper tomorrow.

28、Which of the following statements is correct based on the following sentence? Henry has [vp entered the competition]. We know he has.
A、Auxiliary is outside VP.
B、Only VP can be moved.
C、Auxiliary cannot be moved.
D、VP cannot coexist with auxiliaries.

29、How does Syntax explain the difference between the following two sentences? a) John is easy to please. b) John is eager to please.
A、They are derived from different positions in the deep structure.
B、Sentence a) means John is ready to please others, while b) means to please John is easy.
C、There is movement in a), but no movement takes place in b).
D、Sentence a) means to please John is easy, while b) means John is ready to please others.

30、What semantic relation exists between the words universe and world?

31、What semantic relation exists between the words animal and cat?

32、What semantic relation exists in among the words “furious, angry, pleased, exhilarated” ?
B、Complementary antonymy
C、Gradable antonymy
D、Converse antonymy

33、Which of the following pairs demonstrates converse antonymy?

34、Which of the following bracketing is correct about the following sentence? The son of pharaoh’s daughter is the daughter of pharaoh’s son.
A、[The son of pharaoh’s] daughter is [the daughter of pharaoh’s] son.
B、The son of [pharaoh’s daughter] is the daughter of [pharaoh’s son].
C、The son of [pharaoh’s daughter] is [the daughter of pharaoh’s] son.
D、[The son of pharaoh’s] daughter is the [daughter of pharaoh’s] son.

35、In the following sentence, which of the proper nouns is the antecedent of themselves? The students heard from their teachers that the football players believed the audience never trusted themselves.
A、The students
B、Their teachers
C、The football players
D、The audience

36、Which of the following statements is NOT presupposed in the following sentence? Mary heard that Etan regretted following Maria’s suggestions of leaving the United States.
A、Etan followed Maria’s suggestions.
B、Maria offered Etan some suggestions.
C、Etan left the United States.
D、Etan was preparing for leaving the United States.

37、Which feature of implicature does the following conversation exemplify? As a student majoring in Politics, courses about Politics are very important, but I am not saying that the course of Language and Thought is not important.

38、Which of the following sound is a bilabial?

39、Which of the following is NOT the feature of “babytalk”?
A、The frequent use of statements.
B、Exaggerated intonation.
C、Slower tempo with longer pauses.
D、Simpler syllables and words.

40、What aphasia does the patient in the following conversation have? Clinician: Now, I want you to say some words after me. Say ‘boy’. Patient: Boy. Clinician: Seventy-nine. Patient: Ninety-seven. No … sevinty-sine … siventy-nice….
A、Broca’s aphasia
B、Wernicke’s aphasia
C、Conduct aphasia

41、In the sentence “I chaired the meeting yesterday”, the word chair undergoes a process of noun-verb conversion.

42、The word “Blackboard” means a board which is black in nature.

43、Consonants can be described by manner of articulations and place of articulation.

44、Articulatory phonetics studies the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech.

45、There is evolutionary connection between the language-using and tool-using abilities of humans.

46、The following sentences can be examples of implicature, not entailment. I saw a flower. I saw something.

47、Bound morphemes can stand on their own though they can also be attached to other morphemes.

48、When you place stress onto different words of a sentence, the sentence meaning will be different.

49、A syllable must have a coda but it does not have to have an onset or nucleus.

50、The sound /i/ is a front high unrounded vowel.

51、The maxim of manner is violated in the following conversation. HER : That’s the telephone. HIM : I’m in the bath. HER : O.K.

52、The phrase structure rule for NP is NP → (D) (Adj P) (N) (PP).

53、Functional morphemes are closed class of words because they do not admit new expressions.

54、A morpheme refers to the unit of meaning or grammatical function.

55、Semi-vowels /w/ and /j/ are grouped among the consonants of language, rather than vowels, because they appear in the syllable-initial position and occupy the consonant position.

56、Narrow transcription refers to the use of a simple set of symbols in our description of a sound.

57、The height of the tongue and the position of the tongue that is raised are enough to describe a vowel.

58、The sound /u/ is a low back rounded vowel.

59、The physical features of human being prevent them from pronouncing words.

60、To interpret deictic expressions we need to rely on knowledge of the immediate physical context.

61、In phrase structure rules, the heads and the phrase do not have to be of the same category.

62、Non-detachability means that the change of linguistic forms does not change the implicature of the sentence.

63、Communicative Competence refers to the general ability to use language accurately, appropriately, and flexibly.

64、The language acquisition schedule involves cooing-babbling stage, one word stage, two word stage and adult-like stage.

65、Even though babies cannot talk, their care-giver still communicates with them as they are an interactive participant in the conversation.

66、Positive transfer means the feature of the native language can help learn the second language.

67、What the professor actually mean in the following slips of tongue is “You have missed all my history courses”. You have hissed all my mystery course.

68、Broca’s area is responsible for language understanding.

69、Words in complementary antonymy can NOT be modified by “very”

70、Semantic Triangle believes that the relation between a word and the entity it refers to is mediated by concept.

71、If you study the meaning of words and the meaning relationships of words, you are in compositional semantics.

72、The Principle and Parameter captures both the universality and variations among languages.

73、The process of word formation involved in “Telecast=television+broadcast” is blending.

74、The word “best” is monosyllabic.

75、Children acquire their native language as a result of adult correction.

General Linguistics Part II

1、Based on what you have learned about first and second language acquisition, explain in about 200 words how you would teach English to children if you are a language teacher.

2、Which part of linguistic study are you most interested in? Why? Write an essay of about 300 words to explain your favorite part of linguistic study.

Make-up for Language and Thought

Make-up for Language and Thought

1、Based on what you have learned about first and second language acquisition, explain in about 200 words how you would teach English to children if you are a language teacher.

2、Which part of linguistic study are you most interested in? Why? Write an essay of about 300 words to explain your favorite part of linguistic study.

Make-up for General Linguistics

Make-up for General Linguistics

1、Based on your experience of English learning and your knowledge of first and second language acquisition, explain in about 200 words what is the best method of second language teaching.

2、What is language? Based on your knowledge in linguistics, explain what language is in about 260 words.
