


Week 3 Translation in Progress (2)

Deciding on the Word Meaning

1、尔雅Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. In the negative,英汉 right and left, and black and white are reversed.

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. She tried to right her husband from the charge of bribery.

3、翻译Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the words in red. The章节整答 most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the e always marries Mr. Right.

4、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the words in red. 主席高度评价拉贝先生,答案认为他“对生命有大爱、学习对和平有追求”。通完

Looking for Appropriate Expression

1、尔雅Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. We had barely sat down before we heard guns firing outside.

2、英汉Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. The翻译 boy fell down from the ladder before he knew it.

3、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. I’ll do it now before I forget.

4、章节整答Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. We will die before we give in.

Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1)

Identify and Translate Specialized Vocabulary

1、答案Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentences. In the language of science,学习 a few words such as force, work and power, have definite meanings. They are different from the meanings that are given to them in everyday life.

2、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary. Posted on the dashboard were last minute to-dos,通完 handwritten cue cards, and the user’s guide for the rocket. Next to Armstrong’s chair was the most important tool of all: the abort lever, resembling a big oven dial on a pole.

3、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentence. 专家学者参与了青奥会物联网项目、尔雅交通保障项目、空气质量保障等大批技术项目的开发以及青奥文化教育活动的策划组织工作。

Analyzing Grammar and Logic

1、Analyze the grammar and/or logic of the following sentence and translate it into Chinese. Just as the haunted bedrooms are avoided for sleeping, the living room is avoided for conversation, being so huge that all talk evaporates into the air before it reaches the listener.

2、Analyze the grammar and/or logic of the following sentence and translate it into Chinese. A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who insists that women have outgrown the jumping-on-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a colonel who says that they haven’t.

3、Analyze the grammar and logic of the following sentence and tralsate it into Chinese: The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is here to serve you by providing benefits, compensation and return-to-work services as a result of a work-related injury or illness.

Week 8 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (2)

Dividing a Sentence

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary. It is customary for the Porters to send a postcard to say when they will be arriving.

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary. She eventually escaped her poverty and moved to New York City, where she became a successful gossip columnist.

3、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary. It once belonged to a Protestant landlord who sold up and moved away after a childless marriage.

4、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Divide the sentence if necessary. 明永乐帝1412年敕建琉璃塔,耗时17年。 [提示:“琉璃塔”译为“The Glazed Pagoda of the Grand Baoen Temple”]

Combining Sentences

1、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Combine the sentences if necessary. This is a land of beauty beyond comprehension. It is also a land of immense solitude and danger.

2、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Combine the sentences if necessary. We have so often seen exciting stories about gun battles in Chicago’s streets. We forget how frequently such crimes and disorders happen in cities that are as busy as Chicago.

3、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Combine the sentences if necessary. The truth about recycling is that it’s a giant waste of dollars and doesn’t help the environment. But don’t tell your kids. They won’t believe. They’ve been brainwashed.

4、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. 赵朴初先生曾言,“在中国成立的大小乘各宗派,无不和南京有关”。 [大乘:Mahayana;小乘:Hinayana]

Week 7 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (1)

Changing the Word Order

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Change the word order if necessary. That someone invented karaoke came as a shock to most.

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Change the word order if necessary. It takes an enviable lunacy to willingly place your trust in the hands of a land affectionately known as the Big Lonely.

3、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Change the word order if necessary. As I walked into the room to check on the patients, I heard the songs of darkness. The patients and their families sang songs of prayer for strength and courage to bear the burden of suffering through the night.

4、Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Change the word order if necessary. 7月2日,由哥廷根大学、北京外国语大学、南京大学三校合作共建的学术型孔子学院在德国哥廷根大学正式成立。

Week 6 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (3)

Considering Connotations and Tones

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the connotations and tones when doing translation. But there is good news for these thousands of sufferers: Treatment options—old, new and still being researched—are available.

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the connotations and tones when doing translation. When you educate a woman, the benefits cascade across society.

3、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Consider the connotations and tones when doing translation. The Case Manager has advised me that she spoke with you on November 1, 2018 and you reported to her that you found a new job. This letter will confirm the closure of your Work Transition plan as you are now employed as a driver.

Being Flexible in Translation

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: The sun rose thinly from the sea.

2、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Brown ducks flew across the water and landed in a nice skim on the moat.

3、Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese: Here it comes again. It starts with that telltale tickle in the throat. In a matter of a few hours you’ll be red-nosed and sneezy; within a day you’ll be snotty as well. Every year, Australian adults succumb to about two colds on average, while children come down with a whopping six to ten.

Week 5 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (2)

Making Conversions

1、Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. The judge sat in his dining room amid his morning mail.

2、Please translate the English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red. At last, he whispered a hurried good bye to his host and darted toward the door.

3、Please translate the English sentence into Chiense. Pay attention to the word in red. Carlistle Street runs Westward across a bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a lawn.

4、Please translate the Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the word in red. 梁武帝于大同年间命令住在长干寺旁的数百户人家献出宅地,用于扩建寺庙。

Adding or Omitting Words, Phrases and Clauses

1、Please translate the English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the words in red. The fight between the man and the fish became a tedious, tiring tug of war, compounded by rising temperatures. The excitement of the hook-up had long since been replaced by exhaustion. One hour passed, then two.

2、Please translate the Chinese sentence into English. 我在公园看见了迎春花,知道春天快要到了。

3、Please translate the English sentence into Chinese. They provide everything for themselves. They make their own electricity, they pump their own water, they cut the forest logs to build their cabins.

4、Please translate the Chinese sentence into English. 幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的烦恼。

English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation

Translation Test

1、Please translate the following into Chinese. Pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." These are trees of great age.

2、Please translate the following into Chinese. Pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." He is a great scoundrel.

3、Please translate the following into Chinese. Pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." We had a great time at the party.

4、Please translate the following into Chinese. Express the meaning of the word "fluid" appropriately. China is watching the fluid situation with concern in the Middle East.

5、Please translate the following into Chinese. Express the meaning of the word "thin" appropriately. The explanation about the plane crash is thin.

6、Please translate the following into Chinese. [Hint: the technique of addition may be necessary.] Western Europe has been hit harder than the United States, and Japan less.

7、Please translate the following into Chinese. [Hint: the technique of omission may be necessary.] He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.

8、Please translate the following into Chinese. (Hint: the technique of conversion may be necessary.) We drove home a bit after midnight, over the river and through the lovely old sleeping town.

9、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to change the word order.] Colds and flu are usually caused by viruses, so antibiotics - which work only on bacterial infections - won't help.

10、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to keep the word order.] So if they speak this way in public, in any language other than English, they will be jailed.

11、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to divide the sentence.] I explained that I couldn’t write down the sentences on the blackboard since my glasses had been taken away.

12、Please translate the following into Chinese. [Hint: you may need to combine the sentences.] They provide everything for themselves. They make their own electricity, they pump their own water, they cut the forest logs to build their cabins.

13、Please translate the following into English. Pay attention to the meaning of "年轻化". 目的是要使领导干部年轻化。

14、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: the technique of addition may be necessary.] 我把球扔给他,他接住了。

15、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: the technique of omission may be necessary.] 谷歌改变了整个世界获取信息和利用信息的方式,也改变了很多人的工作方式。

16、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: the technique of making conversions may be necessary.] 他好心帮助我,我很感激他。

17、Please translate the following into English. Pay attention to tone of the sentence. 由于双方的共同努力,合同执行得非常顺利。

18、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to change the word order.] 医生为救病人,尽到了一切必要的努力。

19、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to keep the word order.] 国家为国民提供一流的教育、医疗和儿童保育,而这一切几乎都是免费的。

20、Please translate the following into English. [Hint: you may need to divide the sentence.] 早期的电影是无声的,你既听不到演员的对话,也听不到动作发出的声响。





  • 英汉翻译的基本概念
  • 英汉翻译的方法和技巧
  • 英汉翻译的常用词汇
  • 英汉翻译的练习



  1. 课程内容简洁明了,易于理解
  2. 课程重点突出,让学生能够快速掌握英汉翻译的基本知识
  3. 课程练习丰富多样,让学生能够灵活运用所学知识



  • 想要学习英汉翻译的初学者
  • 正在备考英语翻译考试的学生
  • 需要进行英汉翻译工作的人员




  • 了解英汉翻译的基本概念和方法
  • 掌握英汉翻译的常用词汇和翻译技巧
  • 能够进行简单的英汉翻译工作




C.Sara would like to live in a

下列属于信用借贷型交换模式的特点的是( )

A.芳香烃分子中苯环上的氢原子被羟基取代后的化合物属于( )
B.Will you carry the ball this time
D.《金匮要略》中水气病分为哪几种( )

瓷器、化妆品、塑料产品一般可分为( )与半透明两种特性。



C.社会的基本单位是( )。




D.The word 'typical' means '形式的'.

会计估计变更的影响数,均应于当期及以后各期确认。( )

C.业务员以营销为目的的请客吃饭一般应该计入销售费用。( )


A.某水平分层的天然黏性土体,其竖向的渗透系数( )水平渗透系数。

( )的消费人员对价格因素不太敏感



A.下列建设市场主体中,其工作性质属于业主方项目管理范畴的是( )。
B.有“诗鬼”之称的唐代诗人是( )


B.64K * 4 存储器的地址线有______________条。
C.60Si2Mn钢的热处理工艺为淬火+中温回火,其使用状态下的组织为( )。
D.The meaning of “punch” is:


A.勃艮第葡萄酒杯杯身较矮,特征是杯肚比较大。( )


D.应收账款的入账价值不包括( )。


A.食品添加剂使用卫生标准规定了食品添加剂的( )。
C.加快形成军民融合深度发展格局,应当( )。
D.人力资源计划的任务包括( )


