


中国大学The Mystery of TCM Diagnosis课后答案(mooc2023课后作业答案)

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中国大学The Mystery of TCM Diagnosis课后答案(mooc2023课后作业答案)

2 Diagnostic Methods

Diagnostic Methods

1、中国作业Redness of the whole face can be seen in ( )
A、大学答案答案Excessive heat
B、课后课后Deficient heat
C、中国作业Blood stasis
D、大学答案答案Qi deficiency

2、课后课后( ) is 中国作业often sticky and difficult to expectorate.
A、Cold phlegm
B、大学答案答案Heat phlegm
C、课后课后Damp phlegm
D、中国作业Dry phlegm

3、大学答案答案Diarrhea cannot be caused by ( )
A、课后课后Dampness-heat in the large intestine
B、中国作业Food stagnation in the stomach and intestines
C、大学答案答案Extreme heat in the intestines
D、课后课后Deficient cold of the spleen and stomach

4、Surging pulse are usually due to ( )
A、Extreme heat pattern
B、Dampness pattern
C、Qi collapse
D、Deficiency of qi and blood

5、Thready pulse usually indicates ( )
A、Deficiency of qi and blood
B、Qi stagnation
C、Blood Stasis
D、Qi collapse

3 Pattern Identification According to the Eight Principles

Pattern Identification According to the Eight Principles

1、Which one is not a manifestation of Yin deficiency pattern ( )
A、red tongue
B、night sweats
C、weak body shape
D、cold limbs

2、As for fever, an exterior pattern is characterized by ( ).
A、feverish sensations in the palms, soles and chest
B、a mild fever at night
C、a high-grade fever in the afternoon
D、chills (aversion to cold) and fever

3、A deep red and thin tongue with no coating can be seen in ( )
A、Excessive heat pattern
B、Yin deficiency pattern
C、Qi deficiency pattern
D、Yang deficiency pattern

4、Aversion to cold and fever should be seen in ( )
A、Interior cold pattern
B、Exterior pattern
C、Interior pattern
D、Interior heat pattern

5、Severe aversion to cold, light fever, pain of head and body, no sweating, stuffy and running nose, floating and tight pulse : ( )
A、Exterior heat pattern
B、Interior heat pattern
C、Exterior cold pattern
D、Interior cold pattern

4. Pattern Identification According to Qi, Blood and Body Fluids

Pattern Identification According to Qi, Blood and Body Fluids

1、( ) is the major cause of the prolapse of stomach.
A、Qi blocking
B、Qi counterflow
C、Qi sinking
D、Qi stagnation

2、( ) is the major contributing factor of bleeding.
A、Qi stagnation
B、Qi deficiency
C、Blood cold
D、Blood stasis

3、Dry mouth, nose, lips, tongue, throat and skin, thirst with a desire to drink water, scanty, dark yellow urine, constipation, a red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、Qi deficiency
B、Yang deficiency
C、Blood deficiency
D、Insufficiency of body fluids

4、Qi counterflow often involves the _____.
A、lung, stomach and liver
B、lung, heart and kidney
C、heart, spleen and kidney
D、lung, spleen and liver

5、A wiry pulse and migratory hypochondrium distension, fullness and pain that aggravate upon emotional changes and alleviate after belching, bowel sounds and flatus are manifestations of ____.
A、Qi insecurity
B、Qi stagnation
C、Yang deficiency
D、Yin deficiency

5. Pattern Identification According to Zang-Fu Organs

Pattern Identification According to Zang-Fu Organs

1、Mild or severe palpitations, chest tightness, intermittent stabbing chest pain that radiates towards the shoulder, back and arms, a dark, purple tongue and a thready, hesitant pulse are manifestations of ___.
A、blood stasis obstructing the heart
B、phlegm obstructing the heart
C、qi stagnation affecting the heart
D、cold retention affecting the heart

2、Cough with yellow, stick and profuse sputum, chest tightness, panting, rapid breathing, phlegm sounds in the throat, a red tongue with a yellow, greasy coating and a slippery, rapid pulse are manifestations of ___.
A、lung yin deficiency
B、pathogenic dryness affecting the lung
C、phlegm heat accumulating in the lung
D、wind heat affecting the lung

3、Chronic, recurrent diarrhea, rectal prolapse, a poor appetite, mental fatigue, a pale tongue with a white coating and a thready, weak pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、spleen failing to control the blood within the vessels
B、spleen deficiency and qi sinking
C、spleen qi deficiency
D、spleen yang deficiency

4、Dizziness, blurred vision, dry finger/toe nails, scanty menstruation, numbness of hands/feet, a pale complexion, a pale tongue with a white coating and a wiry, thready pulse are manifestations of _____.
A、liver yin deficiency
B、liver blood deficiency
C、hyperactivity of liver yang
D、internal stirring of liver wind

5、For children, delayed growth and development, a short body, delayed fontanel closure, mental retardation, a pale tongue and a weak pulse are manifestations of _____.
A、kidney yin deficiency
B、kidney yang deficiency
C、kidney essence insufficiency
D、kidney qi deficiency

TCM Diagnosis

TCM Diagnosis

1、A pale complexion is often associated with _________.
A、Yin deficiency
B、Yang deficiency
C、Qi stagnation
D、Blood stasis

2、Clinical manifestations of dull eyes, a low spirit, mental unconsciousness, indifferent facial expression, a lusterless facial complexion, a low voice, faint breathing, emaciation, reduced food intake, a slow reaction, and difficult movement indicate ______.
A、Presence of spirit
B、Loss of spirit
C、Lack of spirit
D、False spirit

3、For patients with chronic, severe medical conditions, a sudden change from a gray-dark complexion to flushed cheeks indicates _____.
A、Hyperactivity of pathogenic heat
B、Infantile malnutrition
C、Jaundice with edema
D、Floating yang pattern

4、For children, bluish-gray discolorations between the eyes, nasal bridge and around the lips indicate ______.
C、Cold pattern
D、Kidney deficiency

5、Jaundice with a bright color (like orange peel) is ______
A、Yang jaundice
B、Yin jaundice
C、Jaundice with edema
D、Infantile malnutrition

6、According to the associations between different tongue parts and zang-fu organs, the central part of the tongue is associated with _____.
A、heart and lung
C、liver and gallbladder
D、spleen and stomach

7、A pale tongue indicates _____.
A、Exterior heat
B、Interior heat
C、Blood deficiency
D、Yin deficiency

8、A tongue coating that covers the entire tongue and cannot be scraped off is called _______.
A、a curdy coating
B、a greasy coating
C、a peeled coating
D、a slippery coating

9、A bluish, purple tongue often indicates ______.
A、internal retention of water dampness
B、deficiency of qi and blood
C、stagnant blood
D、yin deficiency

10、Bluish, purple lips often indicate ____
A、yin deficiency
B、qi deficiency
C、blood stasis
D、excess heat

11、Nasal obstruction with clear discharges often indicates _____.
A、lung heat
B、external contraction of wind cold
C、external contraction of wind heat
D、damp heat in the spleen and stomach

12、____ is often sticky and difficult to expectorate.
A、Cold phlegm
B、Heat phlegm
C、Damp phlegm
D、Dry phlegm

13、A pale, swollen tongue with teeth marks indicates _____.
A、yin deficiency
B、damp heat in the urinary bladder
C、blood stasis
D、yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney

14、Frequent sighs are often associated with _____.
A、dampness obstructing the spleen
B、liver qi stagnation
C、deficiency/weakness of the spleen and stomach
D、exuberant stomach fire

15、A rough, coarse coughing sound indicates ______.
A、deficiency pattern
B、excess pattern
C、blood deficiency
D、yang deficiency

16、Excretions or discharges with a strong odor often indicate ____.
A、deficiency pattern
B、excess heat pattern
C、blood stasis
D、cold pattern

17、As for fever, an exterior pattern is characterized by _____.
A、feverish sensations in the palms, soles and chest
B、a mild fever at night
C、a high-grade fever in the afternoon
D、simultaneous chills (aversion to cold) and fever

18、Yellow urine often indicates ____.
A、cold pattern
B、heat pattern
D、qi deficiency

19、As for fever, yin deficiency is characterized by ____.
A、inhibited body fever
B、a strong fever
C、a mild fever in the afternoon or at night
D、alternating chills (aversion to cold) and fever

20、____ means sweating during sleep only (the sweating stops after waking up).
A、Night sweats
B、Spontaneous sweating
C、Sweating upon shivering
D、Incessant, profuse sweating (in a critical condition)

21、____ is involved in forehead headache.
A、Yangming meridian
B、Taiyang meridian
C、Shaoyang meridian
D、Jueyin meridian

22、Pain due to dampness is _____.
A、dull pain
B、burning pain
C、heavy pain
D、stabbing pain

23、___ is the major contributing factor of increased (fast) hunger after eating food.
A、Dampness obstructing the spleen
B、Stomach yin deficiency
C、Deficiency/weakness of the spleen and stomach
D、Exuberant stomach fire

24、The condition of stools containing undigested food is called _____.
B、diarrhea with undigested food in stools
C、bowel incontinence
D、pus or blood in stools

25、According to the correspondence between three regions (Cun, Guan and Chi) and Zang-fu organs, the Guan region on the left hand corresponds to the ____.

26、A ____ has a superficial location.
A、soft pulse
B、weak pulse
C、slippery pulse
D、wiry pulse

27、A ___ is hesitant (unsmooth), like lightly scraping bamboo using a knife.
A、superficial pulse
B、wiry pulse
C、surging pulse
D、choppy (hesitant) pulse

28、A wiry pulse does NOT indicate _____.
A、liver/gallbladder problems
B、phlegm-fluid retention
C、blood stasis

29、A surging pulse indicates ____.
A、internal retention of phlegm-fluid
B、exuberance of internal heat
C、deficiency of qi and blood
D、food retention in the stomach

30、A slippery pulse often indicates ____.
A、qi deficiency
B、yang deficiency
C、deficiency heat
D、food retention

31、As for pattern differentiation of the eight principles, deficiency and excess are used to identify the ____.
A、pathogenic nature
B、struggle between anti-pathogenic qi and pathogenic factors
C、pathologic location
D、category of disease/pattern

32、The major point in differentiating an exterior pattern from an interior pattern is _____.
A、a superficial pulse for exterior pattern and a deep pulse for interior pattern
B、an acute condition for exterior pattern and a chronic condition for interior pattern
C、a superficial, mild condition for exterior pattern and a deep, severe condition for interior pattern
D、concurrent chills (aversion to cold) and fever for exterior pattern and either chills (aversion to cold) alone or fever alone for interior pattern

33、___ is NOT a clinical manifestation of cold pattern.
A、Cold intolerance and cold limbs
B、An absence of thirst
C、Scanty, dark yellow urine
D、A pale complexion and tongue

34、Dry mouth, nose, lips, tongue, throat and skin, thirst with a desire to drink water, scanty, dark yellow urine, constipation, a red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、qi deficiency
B、yang deficiency
C、blood deficiency
D、insufficiency of body fluids

35、Adverse qi flow often involves the _____.
A、lung, stomach and liver
B、lung, heart and kidney
C、heart, spleen and kidney
D、lung, spleen and liver

36、A wiry pulse and migratory subcostal distension, fullness and pain (sometimes worse, sometimes better) that aggravate upon emotions and alleviate after belching, bowel sounds and flatus are manifestations of _____.
A、qi insecurity
B、qi stagnation
C、yang deficiency
D、yin deficiency

37、Mental fatigue, lassitude, dizziness, blurred vision, spontaneous sweating, scanty menstruation, delayed (menstrual) period, a pale face and lips, a pale, small and thin tongue and a thready pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、qi deficiency
B、yang deficiency
C、deficiency of qi and blood
D、blood deficiency

38、____distinguishes yang deficiency from qi deficiency.
A、Mental fatigue and lassitude
B、Cold intolerance and cold limbs
C、Palpitations and chest tightness
D、A pale tongue and a deficient pulse

39、Mild or severe palpitations, chest tightness, intermittent stabbing chest pain that radiates towards the shoulder, back and arms, a dark, purple tongue and a thready, hesitant pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、blood stasis obstructing the heart
B、phlegm obstructing the heart
C、qi stagnation affecting the heart
D、cold retention affecting the heart

40、A low, weak cough with thin, clear phlegm, panting, reluctant to talk, spontaneous sweating that aggravates upon physical exertion, fatigue and frequent common colds are manifestations of _____.
A、lung yin deficiency
B、wind heat affecting the lung
C、lung qi deficiency
D、wind cold affecting the lung

41、Cough with yellow, stick and profuse phlegm, chest tightness, panting, rapid breathing, phlegm sounds in the throat, a red tongue with a yellow, greasy coating and a slippery, rapid pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、lung yin deficiency
B、pathogenic dryness affecting the lung
C、phlegm heat accumulating in the lung
D、wind heat affecting the lung

42、Unproductive cough, a dry mouth and throat, hoarse voice, weight loss, feverish sensations in the palms, soles and chest, hot flushes, night sweats, flushed cheeks, a red tongue with a scanty coating and a thready, rapid pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、lung qi deficiency
B、lung yin deficiency
C、pathogenic dryness affecting the lung
D、yin deficiency of the lung and kidney

43、Abdominal distension that aggravate after eating food, a poor appetite, loose stools, mental fatigue, lassitude, shortness of breath, reluctance to talk, cold intolerance, cold limbs, a pale face, a pale, swollen tongue with teeth marks and a deep, slow and weak pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、spleen deficiency and qi sinking
B、stomach qi deficiency
C、spleen failing to control blood within the vessels
D、spleen yang deficiency

44、Chronic, recurrent diarrhea, rectal prolapse, a poor appetite, mental fatigue, a pale tongue with a white coating and a thready, weak pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、spleen failing to control the blood within the vessels
B、spleen deficiency and qi sinking
C、spleen qi deficiency
D、spleen yang deficiency

45、Dizziness, blurred vision, dry finger/toe nails, scanty menstruation with pale menstrual blood color, numbness of hands/feet, a pale face, a pale tongue with a white coating and a wiry, thready pulse are manifestations of _____.
A、liver yin deficiency
B、liver blood deficiency
C、hyperactivity of liver yang
D、internal stirring of liver wind

46、Dizziness, a distending sensation of the head, a red face and eyes, a dry, bitter mouth, restlessness, irritability, tinnitus (high-pitched ringing like tide), a burning pain in the subcostal region, scanty, dark yellow urine, constipation, a red tongue with a yellow coating and a wiry, rapid pulse are manifestations of _____.
A、liver yin deficiency
B、up-flame of liver fire
C、up-flame of heart fire
D、hyperactivity of liver yang

47、Hyperactivity of liver yang is diagnosed as _____.
A、deficiency pattern
B、excess pattern
C、mixed deficiency and excess pattern
D、true excess and false deficiency pattern

48、Soreness, pain and a cold sensation in the low back/knees, cold intolerance, cold limbs (especially the lower limbs), poor spirit, frequent urination at night, a pale tongue with a white coating and a deep, thready and weak pulse are manifestations of ______.
A、kidney essence insufficiency
B、kidney yang deficiency
C、kidney yin deficiency
D、kidney qi deficiency

49、In children, delayed growth and development, a short body, delayed fontanel closure, mental retardation, a pale tongue and a weak pulse are manifestations of _____.
A、kidney yin deficiency
B、kidney yang deficiency
C、kidney essence insufficiency
D、kidney qi deficiency

50、Frequent urination at night, frequent urinary incontinence, low back/knees soreness and weakness, tinnitus, a pale tongue with a white coating and a weak pulse are manifestations of ____.
A、kidney yang deficiency
B、kidney yin deficiency
C、kidney essence insufficiency
D、kidney qi deficiency