



76 min read


01 Greek Culture (希腊文化) ---- Troy《特洛伊:木马屠城》

Quiz 1

1、尔雅Metaphorically,英文 “_______ ” has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place.
A、a Trojan Horse
B、电影答案Helen of Troy
C、西方学习an Achilles’ Heel
D、文化a Golden Apple

2、通题In Greek mythology,目答 the king of the gods is_______ , who lives with the other gods on top of Mt. Olympus in Greece.

3、西方学习In Greek mythology,文化 _______ was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War.

4、_______is a weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall.
A、An Achilles’ Heel
B、The Trojan Horse
C、Helen of Troy
D、A Golden Apple

5、Homer is the name of the Greek poet who wrote the epic poems_______ and Odyssey.
A、Trojan War
B、Greek Myths

6、When Achilles was born, his mother tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx. However, his knee was left vulnerable.

7、Eris, the goddness of discord, threw a golden apple in front of the goddesses, with an inscription that read:" to the most beautiful". Three goddesses claimed the apple : Hera, Athena and Nike.

8、Linear B may have only been used by a guild of professional scribes who worked at different palaces. When the palaces were destroyed, the script disappeared.

9、In the Archaic Period, artists made larger free-standing sculptures in stiff poses, with the dreamlike" archaic smile".

10、Athens created the world's first known democracy, but women were not citizens in Athens, while in Sparta they were.

02 The Medieval Culture (中世纪文化) ---- Kingdom of Heaven 《天国王朝》

Quiz 2

1、By the end of 4th century,____ has become the official state church of Roman Empire and has played a prominent role in shaping Western civilization.

2、The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is said to have been built over the location____.
A、where Jesus was arrested and crucified
B、where Jesus was buried and resurrected
C、where Jesus was brought to as a child and where Jesus was resurrected
D、where Jesus was brought to as a child and where Jesus was crucified

3、____is influenced bu Byzantine Christian architecture.
A、The Jewish Temple
B、The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
C、The Dome of the Rock
D、Al-Aqsa Mosque

4、The code of chivalry having developed in medieval Europe had its roots in earlier centuries. It arose in the Holy Roman Empire from the idealsation of____involving military bravery, individual training and service to others.
A、the cavalryman
B、the lords
C、the soldiers
D、the peasants

5、In 1187, Saladim began a major campaign against the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. His troops virtually destroyed the Christian army at____,taking the city along with a large amount of territory.
A、the Battle of Arsuf
B、the Battle od Hattin
C、the Battle od Dorylaeum
D、the Battle of Mansura

6、The movie Kingdom of Heaven depicts an epic story that happens after the First Crusade.

7、In 1095, Byzantine Emperor Alexius I sent envoys to Pope Urban II asking for mercenary troops from the West to help confront the Turkish threat.

8、The Third Crusade, also known as the Byzantine Crusade, was originally designed to conquer Muslim Jerusalem through as invasion of Egypt.

9、Muslims regard Muhammad as the founder of Islam.

10、Christans believe the Holy Trinity; God teh Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit Actually, this is not a denial of monotheism but an affirmation of the complexity of the Divine Being.

03 British Culture(英国文化)----Elizabeth: The Golden Age《伊丽莎白:黄金时代》

Quiz 3

1、_______gave birth to Elizabeth I.
A、Catherine of Aragon
B、Jane Seymour
C、Catherine Howard
D、Anne Boleyn

2、Under Elizabeth I, _______ was restored, and she was declared “governor” of the church.
A、the Roman Church
B、the Catholic Church
C、the Anglican Church
D、the Spanish Church

3、Which of the following is the achievement of Henry VIII? _______.
A、In the military aspect, he set up the Star Chamber.
B、In the political aspect, he organised an efficient tax system and built up the Privy Council.
C、In the economic aspect, he encouraged the weaving industry, the ship-building and adventurous merchants.
D、All of the above.

4、Why did Elizabeth I choose to be single for her life? _______.
A、Because her religious belief went against her marriage.
B、Because the foreign power came in the way of her marriage.
C、Because her Mr. Right passed early.
D、Because she used her marriage prospects as a political tool in foreign and domestic policies.

5、Which of the following is Elizabeth I’s religious policy? _______.
A、Relatively tolerant.
B、Completely restricted
C、Totally indifferent.
D、Practically suppressed.

6、The religions settlement of Elizabeth I was acceptable to both the extreme Protestants known as Puritans and to ardent Catholics.

7、During Elizabeth’s region, crown, church and parliament had not worked in constitutional balance.

8、The English Renaissance is only a cultural movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century.

9、Sir Thomas More’s work Utopia became a humanistic classic in world literature.

10、Irish population adhered to Catholicism and was willing to defy the authority of Henry VII.

04 American Culture (美国文化) ---- The Patriot《爱国者》& Glory《光荣战役》

Quiz 4

1、The American War of Independence started in _______and ended in _______.
A、1776, 1784
B、1775, 1783
C、1706, 1714
D、1776, 1783

2、During the American Revolutionary War, there are_______ colonies on the mainland of America.

3、In the movie The Patriot, the soldiers lined in the square matrix and fired each other with guns in turn. This kind of fighting is the tradition from the_______period.
B、Ancient Greek
D、Middle Age

4、In the movie The Patriot, Benjamin Martin organised a/an _______with his sons, friends and other ordinary masses.

5、Generally speaking, Western people consider the consumption of _______as a taboo or a kind of immoral behaviour.
A、dog meat
C、horse meat

6、Public colleges and universities are supported by the States, municipal government or the federal government.

7、Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington.

8、In the movie The Patriot, some soldiers played drum and bagpipes in the process of marching. This unique way of fighting is not the tradition from the Roman period. }div.WordSection1 { }

9、Many Americans would not have difficulty drawing a map of Britain.

10、The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War, was fought from 1861 to 1865.







2.《教父》(The Godfather)







4.《海底总动员》(Finding Nemo)



