



68 min read


Unit 1 Man and Nature

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、中国综合We have played a tremendous role in the evolution of the Earth’s natural systems.

2、大学答案答案We have an obligation to maintain the environment,高级 as we depend on the resources and services it provides.

3、Natural resources are materials made right from nature and then turned into products that we use in our manufacturing.

4、英语Non-renewable resources are capable of re-growing or renewing themselves quickly.

5、课后Natural forces are beyond human control.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、慕课Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: fail deep hearts mind accord advance Look _____________ into nature,完整 and then you will understand everything better.

2、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: fail deep hearts mind accord advance Study nature,中国综合 love nature, stay close to nature. It will never _____________ you.

3、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: fail deep hearts mind accord advance The大学答案答案 highest purpose is to have no purpose at all. This puts one in _____________ with nature, in her manner of operation.

4、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: fail deep hearts mind accord advance We do not see nature with our eyes,高级 but with our understandings and _____________.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、The英语 Chinese idiom “天人合一” means man is an integral part of nature.

2、Compared with our ancestors,课后 we tend to become more dependent on nature directly.

3、The慕课 balanced relationship between man and nature and between nature and society is now on the verge of collapse.

4、One of the most distinct features of modern technology is 完整the upgraded cycle of natural processes.

5、Enterprises and countries should be more responsible for the solution to the man-nature relationship problems than should individuals.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、中国综合Such images ____________ social and cultural constructions, and at the same time, may serve tointerpret the relationships of the human realm.

2、The new haircut completely ____________ her.

3、John advised him to ____________ from Rome airport to the railroad station.

4、George Conway called for Congress to _____________ President Donald Trump from office.

5、Snaking her upper torso over the back of the seat, she began to _____________ her weight toward the back of the car.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、You’d better write your summary no longer than the half the length of the original.

2、Your summary can contain some of the viewpoints of your own.

3、When writing a summary, you should never copy from the original.

4、When writing a summary, you can collapse lists and paragraphs.

5、Try to get rid of unimportant or trivial details in your summary.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、An effective paragraph includes a well-focused topic sentence, specific supporting details and examples.

2、Topic sentences identify what a paragraph is about and always appear at the beginning of the paragraph.

3、Concluding or transitional sentences only serve as the the function of closing the paragraph.

4、Supporting details include evidences which support the topic sentences, including examples, facts, statistics, personal experience, definitions and so on.

5、The criteria for an effective paragraph consist of unity, coherence and transition.

Unit 1 单元测验

1、_____________ is a situation where resource use has outpaced the sustainable capacity of the ecosystem.
C、Coal mining
D、Burning of fossil energy sources

2、_____________ is the process of extracting coal from the ground.
C、Coal mining
D、Burning of fossil energy sources

3、Sustained _____________ can lead to critical depensation, where the fish population is no longer able to sustain itself.
C、coal mining
D、burning of fossil sources

4、The license is non-exclusive, non-_____________ and time limited.

5、You can _____________ information on any subject through meditation.

6、Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to _____________ it.

7、The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositional phrases work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. There are lots of birds nesting _____________________.
C、for fun
D、under the eaves

8、The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositional phrases work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. After school, the children played tag ________________.
B、and baseball
C、at the park
D、with each other

9、The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositional phrases work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. __________________ the chair sat mouldering in the attic.
A、For one hundred years
B、Sad to say

10、The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositional phrases work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. I gave the children pizza ______________ pancakes for breakfast today.
B、any more
C、instead of
D、because of

11、Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable It was totally __________ to think that we could finish the job in two months.

12、Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable We all have our own life, learning to be __________.

13、Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable You are __________, the one and the only.

14、Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable We are not alone in the world so that it is __________ to make connection with each other.

15、Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable In the enterprise, inventory is a “reservoir”, regulating the __________ between the production and demand.

16、The following are steps of writing a summary. Some important information is missing. Please fill in the blanks to complete these steps. important shorter summarized language major points introduced facts interesting Reading the text to be __________ and making sure you understand it.

17、The following are steps of writing a summary. Some important information is missing. Please fill in the blanks to complete these steps. important shorter summarized language major points introduced facts interesting Outlining the text and noting the__________.

18、The following are steps of writing a summary. Some important information is missing. Please fill in the blanks to complete these steps. important shorter summarized language major points introduced facts interesting Selecting the most __________ ideas or facts from the text.

19、The following are steps of writing a summary. Some important information is missing. Please fill in the blanks to complete these steps. important shorter summarized language major points introduced facts interesting Rewriting those ideas/facts in a short, concise form, using your own __________.

20、The following are steps of writing a summary. Some important information is missing. Please fill in the blanks to complete these steps. important shorter summarized language major points introduced facts interesting Producing a text which is __________ than the original.

Unit 1 单元作业


Unit 2 Man and Technology

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、The word Technology comes from the Arabic word, techne, meaning “science of production”.

2、Technology is in general the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of tangible goods only.

3、Technology can also be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like.

4、The development and use of advanced tools is the simplest form of technology.

5、The "New Stone Age" around 10,000 years ago saw the invention of metal tools and the wheel.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: education training possibilities realities wisdom useless It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today, and the _____________ of tomorrow.

2、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: education training possibilities realities wisdom useless _____________ makes machines which act like men and produces men who act like machines .

3、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: education training possibilities realities wisdom useless The production of too many useful things results in too many _____________ people .

4、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: education training possibilities realities wisdom useless The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers _____________.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to Text A. Material and technological advances do not really bring happiness to people in the developing countries.

2、Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to Text A. Technology and happiness are not necessarily closely correlated.

3、Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to Text A. Currently people mostly center on the negative effects of technology on human relations.

4、Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to Text A. The most prominent impact of technology on humans is in the field of transportation.

5、Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to Text A. The relationship between technology and happiness is paradoxical.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: medical health care is a part of care.

2、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: medical health care is a broader umbrella that covers every aspect of care and allied services.

3、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: medical health care is the service offered by medical professionals such as physicians, surgeons to individuals.

4、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: medical health Physicians deliver care to their patients. They do not deliver “ ” to patients.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、An introductory paragraph attracts the reader’s interest, encouraging him or her to continue reading the essay.

2、An introductory paragraph supplies some key information that the reader may need to solve a problem in an essay.

3、An introductory paragraph presents a topic which usually appears near the end of the introductory paragraph.

4、An introductory paragraph must indicate a plan of development.

5、A concluding paragraph reminds the reader of your thesis idea and brings the paper to a natural and graceful end.

Unit 2 单元测验

1、Advances in __________ have improved crop yields by over 30%.

2、Her husband is a good __________, so he likes fixing old computers.

3、She’s a wonderful skater, her __________ is superb.

4、This __________ method has been introduced in every factory.

5、According to nationwide salary polls, the average pay for a criminal __________ is $65,000.

6、Expensive restaurants aren’t __________ the best.

7、Well, all of us want to be rich like him to enjoy __________, leisure and loftiness .

8、Her boyfriend is a distant __________ of mine.

9、Introductory paragraph encourages readers to continue reading the essay.

10、Introductory paragraph doesn’t need to present a thesis statement.

11、Introductory paragraph can start with idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop.

12、A quotation in an introductory or concluding paragraph should be a popular saying rather than something said by your friends or family.

13、A concluding paragraph reminds the reader of your thesis idea.

14、In the summary of a concluding paragraph, you can use the exact wording you used before.

15、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read I know one thing: that I know __________.

16、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read I can resist anything but __________.

17、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read Some of the biggest failures I ever had were __________.

18、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read What a pity that youth must be wasted on the __________.

19、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read I only message those who do not __________.

20、Direction: Fill in the blanks with the following words to create paradoxes: nothing message failures successes young bitter butter temptation read Truth is honey, which is __________.

Unit 2 单元作业


Unit 6 Attitudes to Life

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、Directions:According to the video clip, there are five keys to happiness. Please fill in the missing words given in the box. gratitude state happy attitudes mindset 1. Choose to be ___________!

2、Directions:According to the video clip, there are five keys to happiness. Please fill in the missing words given in the box。 gratitude state happy attitudes mindset 2. Have the right _______________!

3、Directions:According to the video clip, there are five keys to happiness. Please fill in the missing words given in the box。 gratitude state happy attitudes mindset 3 Happiness is simply a mental _______.

4、Directions:According to the video clip, there are five keys to happiness. Please fill in the missing words given in the box。 gratitude state happy attitudes mindset 4. Have a positive _____________.

5、Directions:According to the video clip, there are five keys to happiness. Please fill in the missing words given in the box。 gratitude state happy attitudes mindset 5. Show _____________.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、Directions: Please read the following quotes carefully and decide who said the following quote. Winston Churchill or Louis Leo Holtz 1. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

2、Directions: Please read the following quotes carefully and decide who said the following quote. William James or Helen Adams Keller 2. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、1. In author's opinion, the art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.

2、2. "Paradox" is a situation which is strange because it involves two qualities that could not be true at the same time.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、Directions: Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour 1. Columbus’s _____ led to the discovery of America.

2、Directions: Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour 2. Life’s ______ is about learning, growing, and changing.

3、Directions: Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour 3. My boss is often away on business _______.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、Directions: Please match the following statements with the famous persons who said them. 1. My only love sprung from my only hate!
C、Mother Teresa

2、Directions: Please match the following statements with the famous persons who said them. 2. “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”
C、Mother Teresa

Unit 6 单元测验

1、The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.

2、The second key to Happiness is to have the right attitude. Happiness is an attitude of mind. Happy people focus on what they have, unhappy people focus on what’s missing.

3、"A man comes to this world with his fist clenched" means that a man holds fast to the gift of life and never let it go.

4、Writers use sensory language as a means of making their writing more realistic and descriptive.

5、Most writers use sensory language to create an emotional connection between the reader and the characters in the story.

6、“Paint the town red” means the town is filled with violence and crimes.

7、I finally passed my driving test. I’m as happy as a dog with two tails!

8、A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

9、The statement "Less is more" is a paradox.

10、lbert Einstein said “I know one thing: that I know nothing.”

11、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 ____________.

12、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour Life’s ______ is about learning, growing, and changing.

13、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour He also made official _________ to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

14、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour It took me fourteen hours to _________ from Toronto to Beijing by plane.

15、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour We took a _______ of Italy, we visited Milan, Rome and Florence. It was great!

16、Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box. travel cruise journey trips voyages tour We took a luxury _______ to The Caribbean, it was amazing.

17、When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the ________ door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

18、Attitude is a little things that makes a big ________.

19、Life has two opposite poles: one is to hold fast to life and the other is to let ________of it.

20、Life will go on no matter what happens. We must look at it from a wider perspectives and learn to apply the two paradoxical ______to our everyday life.

Unit 6 单元作业


Unit 3 Fame and Success

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、Adolf Hitler initiated the First World War in Europe.

2、Deng Jiaxian is a Chinese nuclear physicist and regarded as the “Father of China’s nuclear Program”.

3、Sister Feng became an instant internet celebrity because of her special talents in singing.

4、Jakie Chen is an actor, director, singer as well as a philanthropist.

5、Michel Jackson is a music genius, but he was also a target of scandal-making.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: vanity burden whatever failure success purpose fame Fame is a heavy _______.

2、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: vanity burden whatever failure success purpose fame The highest form of ________ is love of fame.

3、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: vanity burden whatever failure success purpose fame Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to ________when they gave up.

4、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: vanity burden whatever failure success purpose fame The secret of success is constancy of ________.

5、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: vanity burden whatever failure success purpose fame The talent of success is nothing more than doing well _______ you do without a thought of fame.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、According to the author, it is fame and the publicity that may destroy the talent of a person.

2、For those who look for fame, failure is not necessarily a bad thing.

3、The author takes a positive attitude towards fame.

4、According to the author, people tend to seek fame only for wealth.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、Earthquakes commonly _________volcanic activity.

2、We finally ________ them of our innocence.

3、A good relationship involves concern and ________________ for each other’s feeling.

4、The company’s position _________ overtime is made clear in their contracts.
A、in regard for
B、as regard to
C、with regard to
D、regardless of

5、Many shoppers _______ from products that were not environmentally friendly.
A、turned on
B、turned down
C、turned out
D、turned away

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、An effective paragraph includes a well-focused topic sentence, specific supporting details and examples.

2、Topic sentences identify what a paragraph is about and always appear at the beginning of the paragraph.

3、Concluding or transitional sentences only serve as the the function of closing the paragraph.

4、Supporting details include evidences which support the topic sentences, including examples, facts, statistics, personal experience, definitions and so on.

5、The criteria for an effective paragraph consist of unity, coherence and transition.

Unit 3 单元测验

1、The civil administration promises that they would not turn_________ anyone who comes to the relief center for help.

2、The masses are more likely to replace an unchanging ritual by _________which changes often as possible in the economic interest of certain people.

3、Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without _________ to color or sex.

4、My child __________ to my apron, and would not let go.
A、hung up
B、hung around
C、hung out
D、hung on

5、Her first novel was ________ by over 30 publishers.

6、Children under 14 years old must be _________ by adults.

7、He failed to convince the jury _________ his innocence.

8、The local policeman ________ the man to the FBI.
A、turned over
B、turned up
C、turned off
D、turned on

9、It was so dark and cold in the tunnel that Little Tom _________ his father’s hand in fear.

10、He was swimming ________ toward the sea shore.
A、for sake of
B、in vain
C、in order to
D、for dear life

11、Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase The local newspaper has _________ a compaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.

12、Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase A ________ may have to live in a goldfish bowl and can hardly have his or her privacy.

13、Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has become a frequent ________ of criticism from the public these days.

14、Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase The film star’s third marriage got a lot of _________.

15、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase His parents held him in high _______ and they supported his decision to be an actor.

16、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase Our new product enjoys ________ throughout the world.

17、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase Food is _________ provided for the refugees and free of charge.

18、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase If strangers should venture into that field, the bull will ______ them.

19、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase The _______ applauded at the end of the concert.

20、Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码) A. launched B. sufficiently C. celebrity D. popularity E. audience F. regard G. delighted H. target I. publicity J. chase My wife was very much ______ that all the things had returned to normal once more.

Unit 3 单元作业


Unit 4 Work and Career

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、According to the author, a man is a laborer if he is not interested in what he does but is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family.

2、According to the author, everyone can become a worker in a modern technological society.

3、To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently.

4、The development of technology and the division of labor have turned a large amount of boring labor into enjoyable work.

5、The author calls a laborer a wage slave because a laborer’s social value depends on the money he is paid.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、banishes perspiration deserts achieved worth Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent ____________.

2、banishes perspiration deserts achieved worth Work is something you can count on, a trusted, lifelong friend who never __________ you.

3、banishes perspiration deserts achieved worth Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work ________ doing.

4、banishes perspiration deserts achieved worth You’ve ___________success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.

5、banishes perspiration deserts achieved worth Work __________those three great evils : boredom , vice, and poverty.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、How can one feel free and important in his work?
A、One can feel free if he enjoys what he is doing and one can feel important if what he is doing is valued by society.
B、One can feel free if he enjoys what he is working and one can feel important if what he is doing is paid by society.
C、One can feel free if he enjoys what he is playing and one can feel important if what he is doing is compelled by society.
D、One can feel free if he is interested in what he is doing and one can feel important if what he is doing is valued by his boss.

2、What does “voluntary play” mean in this context (Para. 3)
A、It means the job one enjoys doing.
B、It means the payment one enjoys.
C、It means the society one enjoys.
D、It means the taste one enjoys.

3、What does the author say about workers in Para. 3?
A、They don’t view what they are doing as a burden.
B、They don’t need leisure and rest.
C、They regard a pastime job as a game.
D、They never forget their wives’ birthdays.

4、Are there many workers in a modern technological society according to the author?
A、No. According to the author, not every one can become a worker.
B、No. According to the author, only sixty per cent of the population can be called workers.
C、No. According to the author, the figure of the workers is not big now, but it can become larger in the future.
D、Yes. According to the author, there are many workers in a modern society.

5、In making comments about laborers having too much leisure, why does the authors say “the prospect is not cheerful”?
A、Too much leisure time enables laborers follow fashions that change frequently in the economic interest of certain people.
B、Too much leisure time cannot make laborers follow fashions that change frequently in the economic interest of certain people.
C、Labors can spend their leisure time in the same way as the aristocracy did in the past.
D、Both A and B.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、For example, the shoe bucket has the ability to c______ (分类) all of the shoes by color and size as well as matching all of the left shoes with their corresponding right shoes.

2、The reason lies mostly in the relationship with the m_______ (大众) material interest and necessity.

3、Among all the voting people, the great majority agreed to a_____ (废除)this kind of cruel punishment as it is against morality.

4、Take out a blank sheet of paper, the “time budget” you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly w_______ (工资) you calculated earlier.

5、Mr. Jones has e________ (确立,确定)himself as one of the foremost doctors treating cancer patients.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、Listing is similar to making a shopping list where you put down all the items you want to purchase on a piece of paper, except that in making a list in prewriting you simply record any idea that comes to mind about the topic without organizing the listed items in any order.

2、Most often, a listing paragraph starts with a general statement and proceeds to details.

3、A list paragraph has 3 parts: paragraph introduces, supporting examples and a terminator sentence.

4、The example paragraph is different from the list paragraph , in which example sentences support the topic sentence disorderly.

5、In listing, we must have enough number of ideas (at least three) to be listed.

Unit 4 单元测试

1、They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make ___________ of them.

2、There is no sense ________ leaving inexperienced people to make important decisions.

3、His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any _______ of it at all.

4、He is still _______ after the accident, which made us all surprised.

5、David likes country life and has decided to ______ farming.
A、go in for
B、go back on
C、go through with
D、go along with

6、Only under special circumstances _______ to take make-up tests.
A、are freshmen permitted
B、freshmen are permitted
C、permitted are freshmen
D、are permitted freshmen

7、He reached the station exhausted, only ______ that the train had just left.
A、to learn
B、to have learnt
D、to have been learning

8、He was _____ willing to accept the proposal.
A、only too
D、too only

9、_________ I would say sixteen per cent, and I do not think that figure is likely to get bigger in the future.
A、At a guess
B、By the way
C、Take a guess
D、Make a guess

10、The table was very large and heavy. In fact it was so ______ that it could not be moved.

11、The only difference between them is a laborer is paid while a slave is not.

12、Play is a social activity that one can enjoy himself in it. The people around us like it very much.

13、A man is a worker if he is not interested in what he does but is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family.

14、They have made a very large number of paid occupations which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labor.

15、Because they can put their aggression into their work, workers seldom commit acts of violence according to the author.

16、efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression He cannot be really happy if he is____________ by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance.

17、efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to Work___________.

18、efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression The role of ___________ in mental work is aptly expressed by the phrase “getting one’s teeth into a problem”.

19、efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who ____________it.

20、efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the _________is not cheerful.

Unit 4 单元作业


Unit 5 Lifestyles

1. 背景知识随堂测验

1、1.A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without.

2、2.Name-brand clothes, fancy foods and drinks, and luxurious cars are needs.

3、3.An impulse purchase is a planned decision to buy a product or service.

4、4.The expression “keeping up with the Joneses” was created by a British writer.

5、5.Many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors.

2. 名人名言随堂测验

1、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: yield frugality irreplaceable luxury irresponsible manage 1. Without _____________ none can be rich, and with it very few would be poor.

2、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: yield frugality irreplaceable luxury irresponsible manage 2. Great things are not accomplished by those who _____________ to trends and fads and popular opinion.

3、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: yield frugality irreplaceable luxury irresponsible manage 3. We have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and _____________ resources without regard for the future.

4、Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: yield frugality irreplaceable luxury irresponsible manage 4. The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to _____________.

3. 课文分析随堂测验

1、1. The couple began to adopt a frugal lifestyle because they made less money now and couldn’t afford many things they had had before.

2、2. The birth of their daughter was the trigger for the couple to turn to a simple lifestyle.

3、3. After they had decided to change their lifestyle, the wife didn’t work any more and became a housewife.

4、4. In order to adjust to the new way of life, they spend money only on things that contributed to their major goal.

5、5. The author felt like a helpless child at the end of the shopping trip because she bought something on impulse and she regretted.

4. 词汇学习随堂测验

1、1. A right choice can bring about considerable ____________ of the process and make it easier to follow.

2、2. The Internet society, like a goldfish bowl, may ____________ anyone of his privacy.

3、3. The shop assistants had to have their days off _____________.
A、in return
B、in turn
C、by turns
D、on the turn

4、4. She tries to _____________ her ex-boyfriend over the Internet and wants to see who he is dating now.
A、track down
B、turn down
C、break down
D、settle down

5、5. People are more inclined to be emotionally unstable during the spring, which may lead to _____________ behavior.

5. 写作训练随堂测验

1、1. In writing, narration is the process of recounting a sequence of events, also called storytelling.

2、2. Narrative point of view describes the position of the narrator in relation to the story being told.

3、3. In a first-person narrative, the narrator tries to sound alienated from the events described.

4、4. In third-person narrative, the narrator is an uninvolved person and is not a character of any kind within the story.

5、5. The basic elements of narratives are who, what, when, where, and how of an occurrence.

Unit 5 单元测验

1、1. The climbers were__________ down to their basic outfit in order to ensure a perfect performance.

2、2.The style is obviously marked by __________, clarity, and straightforwardness.

3、3.For a couple of years I was working on a __________ basis; then I was hired by a big company in 1998 and have been working there ever since.

4、4.If we over-manage our children’s lives we __________ them of opportunities to learn and gain wisdom from their mistakes.

5、5.It is proved that making a mistake may __________ to be a good thing because you can learn something from the mistake.
A、turn down
B、turn in
C、turn out
D、turn over

6、6.We distribute the books to charities, and those organizations __________ give the books to needy children.
A、in turn
B、in return
C、by turns
D、on the turn

7、7.He tried to __________ his grandparents of the safety of travelling by airplane.

8、8.We offer __________ activities for students after class: sports and non-competitive games.

9、17.Sara and Michael used to be both busy with their respective work.

10、18.After Sara lost her job, they decided to change their lifestyle.

11、19.Michael kept his full-time job because he wanted to earn enough money for the family.

12、20. The couple gave up many things in order to adapt to the new lifestyle.

13、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant You can search through his __________ without finding a single reference to his first wife.

14、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant President Clinton met with his Mexican __________ before inauguration day in January of 1993.

15、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant Many people suffer from serious sleep __________ caused by long work hours.

16、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant The two communities are trying to learn how to __________ their dispute.

17、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant I had to __________ from my bicycle halfway up the hill. It’s just too difficult riding uphill.

18、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant His behavior was becoming increasingly __________. Was he crazy?

19、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart __________ surgery.

20、Fill in the blanks with the following words: deprivation raise dismount counterpart irrational resolve autobiography transplant I had asked everyone to __________ questions in advance of the meeting.

Unit 5 单元作业


















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  • 掌握大量高级词汇和语法知识
  • 提高英语综合素质,更好地应对各种英语应用场景
  • 加深对英语文化和文学的理解和体验
  • 增强自信心和表达能力,提高职业竞争力



  1. 合理安排学习时间,制定学习计划
  2. 多听多说多读多写,多练习多实践
  3. 注重词汇和语法的积累和复习
  4. 多阅读相关领域的英语材料,拓展英语知识面
  5. 尝试用英语思考和表达,提高英语思维方式

