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1. General Introduction

1.1 What is 超星Literature?随堂测验

1、1. The美国目答re seems to be no universally satisfying answer to the question “what is literature”. Any definition of “literature” can be highly subjective, which reveals about the definer’s attitudes, beliefs, values, training, or socialization.

2、2. Language in literature should always be beautiful and refined. The文学 sentence, “This is awfully squiggly handwriting!” is not literary language.

1.2 Course Orientation随堂测验

1、Literature will help us to locate a sense of identification with the people from a different space and time.

2、选读学习Robert Frost argues that all of literature,章节 quality literature especially, resolves around two central issues: who are we and how shall we live?

3、Transcendentalists always depicted the beautiful natural scenes in their literary creations.

4、答案The通题 history of American literature can be roughly divided into seven periods.

5、The超星 literary arena after the civil war was dominated mainly by some realists and naturalists.

6、After American Revolution,美国目答 America got its political and literary independence successfully.

7、In the early stage,文学 American literature consists of two parts: the _______ tradition of the native Americans and the recording of the experiences of colonial expansion.

8、________,选读学习 Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson were largely influenced by the Enlightenment and political writings after American Revolution.

9、_______,章节 as a very important thought in the colonial period, influences the development of American literature and contributes to the shaping of its style and the national character.

10、The答案 origin of American literature is humble due to its lack of _______, since the early stage of it is occupied by letters, sermons, diaries, ship logs, travel journals and reports to the financial supporters etc.

2. American Literature in the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods

2.1 An Overview of American Literature in the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods随堂测验

1、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “___________” who appeared in America.
A、通题Ninth Muse
B、超星Tenth Muse
C、Best Muse
D、First Muse

2.2 American Puritanism随堂测验

1、Puritans are groups of Reformed or Calvinist Christians in England, believing that the Church of England had betrayed the spirit of the Reformation.

2、In order to escape English persecution, Puritans emigrated to Plymouth, America directly.

3、For Puritans, God’s choice to save people is unconditionally grounded on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith in those people.

4、According to the Puritan definition of good writing, whatever the style or genre, certain themes remained constant.

5、The Puritans had already drawn lines of distinction between the secular and religious spheres.

6、To Puritans, _____is a matter of primary importance.

7、Puritans hold several distinct doctrines: ______, Original Sin and Total depravity, and Limited Atonement.

8、The Puritan definition of good writing emphasizes the importance of worshipping ______.

9、Scholars have long pointed out the link between Puritanism and capitalism: Both rest on ambition, _________, and an intense striving for success.

10、Puritans tended to feel that earthly success was a sign of ______.

2.3 Philip Freneau and “The Wild Honey Suckle”随堂测验

1、Freneau has been called the “______ of American Poetry”, and it is ultimately in a historical estimate that Freneau is important.

2、Freneau was _______ by training and taste yet romantic in essential spirit.


1、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “_______” who appeared in America.
A、Ninth Muse
B、Tenth Muse
C、Best Muse
D、First Muse

2、The Puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with indomitable courage and confident hope toward building a new _____ in America.
D、Garden of Eden

3、What are the influences of Puritanism on American Literature?
D、Black Humor

4、What are the two features of American Puritans?

5、In the 16th century, many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England.

6、Without some understanding of Puritanism, there can be no real understanding of American culture and literature.

7、According to the Puritan definition of good writing, whatever the style or genre, certain themes remained constant.

8、Puritanism refers to the beliefs and practices characteristic of _______.

9、The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the _______ Beliefs.

10、Freneau was _______ by training and taste yet romantic in essential spirit.

3. American Romantic Literature (1)

3.2 Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle随堂测验

1、Rip Van Winkle enjoyed great popularity among the villagers and his families.

2、In order to escape his nagging wife, Rip Van Winkle took his gun and his dog wolf with him to enter the forests in the Catskills.

3、For Plato, art or poetry not only means a copy, but also represents reality.

4、The story is “Rip Van Winkle”, written by Washington Irving, who is generally regarded as the first internationally recognized American author.

5、In the early 1800’s America was an increasingly industrious, mercantile, and profit-driven culture. The cultural emphasis on ______ was ever-present.

6、After Rip entered the forest, he met a group of strange people, who were actually the _____of his ancestors.

7、Irving attached a note by Knickerbocker, because he wanted to emphasize the______of the story.

8、The whole story reflects the psychological truth of the American people before and after the______.

9、According to Plato, the only true reality is the unchanging world of the_____, created by God.

3.3 Edgar Allan Poe随堂测验

1、Edgar Allan Poe has often been considered as the father of the modern __________.
B、short story

2、Poe believes that poetry must concern itself only with “__________ beauty,” not with the narration of the story, nor even with the beauty of particular things.

3、“To My Mother” is written in a/an ________ sonnet with its typical rhyme scheme of ababcdcdefefgg.

4、“To My Mother” is written to Maria Clemm, Poe’s __________.
B、foster mother
C、birth mother

5、“Virginia” in Poe’s poem “To My Mother” is Poe’s __________.
A、birth mother
B、dead wife
C、foster mother

6、What does the word “barks” mean in Poe’s “To Helen”?
C、Dog barks

7、What did those “barks” do in Poe’s “To Helen”?
A、They didn’t do anything
B、Carried a weary, way-worn wanderer
C、Blew up
D、They carried the president home

8、Where was the wanderer’s final destination in Poe’s “To Helen”?
B、New York City
C、His native shore

3. American Romantic Literature (2)

3.4 American Transcendentalism随堂测验

1、From Henry David Thoreau’s jail experience came his famous essay, ______ which states Thoreau’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a government.
C、Civil Disobedience
D、Common Sense

2、Which of the following accounts are true for Ralph Waldo Emerson?
A、He is the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.
B、Emerson is generally known as a dramatist.
C、His works were usually derived from his journals or lectures he had already given.
D、In Nature, he employed “a transparent eye-ball” to illustrate his philosophical discussion.

3、Ralph Waldo Emerson regards nature as the purest and moral influence on man which can make people holy.

4、Transcendentalists believe that individual is less important than community.

5、Prominent transcendentalists included Ralph Waldo Emerson and _________.

6、The publication of ________ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.

3.5 Henry David Thoreau随堂测验

1、Walden is a novel written by famous American Transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau, in 1854.

2、The prefix “trans” indicates a kind of change.

3、In the 19th century, the interests of philosophical movement focus on the physical world.

4、In western culture, there has always been a conflict anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. The latter is a human centered system while the former is nature-centered.

5、Transcendentalism indicates is from the physical world to the______ world, from the reliance on reason to the reliance on intuition, and from the mind to the heart.

6、Transcendentalism shares some of the features of Romanticism: the importance of ______, the exultation of individual over society, the new and thrilling delight in nature etc.

7、The ecological thought revealed by Thoreau is that the relationship between man and nature should shift from the “I” vs. “you” conflict to the ______ of “part and whole”.

3. American Romantic Literature (3)

3.6 Nathaniel Hawthorne随堂测验

1、“There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity”, which of the following authors does the mention belong to?
A、Ralph Waldo Emerson
B、Walt Whitman
C、Nathaniel Hawthorne
D、Mark Twain

2、In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, “A” may stands for__________.

3、Hawthorne is a great allegorist and a master of symbolism.

4、Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Pearl are the names of the characters in ________________.

5、Nathaniel Hawthorne is known for his “black vision”. The term “black Vision” refers to ________.

3.7 Herman Melville随堂测验

1、The book Moby Dick is regarded as the first American _______.
A、prose epic
B、comic epic
C、dramatic fiction
D、poetic fiction

2、The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except __________.
A、mystery of the universe
B、sin of the whale
C、power of the grant nature
D、evil of the world

3、The experiences and adventures on the sea furnished Herman Melville with abundant material for fiction.

4、Moby Dick is the most important work by __________.

5、Themes of Moby Dick are searching for the truth; showing the conflicts between Good and Evil, __________.

3.8 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow随堂测验

1、Longfellow’s writings belong to the milder aspects of ____________.
A、the Revolution Movement
B、the Renaissance Movement
C、the New Criticism Movement
D、the Romantic Movement

2、A Psalm of Life was included in his early works__________.
A、Ballads and Other Poems
B、The Song of Hiawatha
C、Voices of the Night
D、Fireside Poems

3、The themes of A Psalm of Life can be concluded as__________.
A、Try to leave footmarks on history
B、Souls never die
C、Make the most of life
D、Be optimistic toward life

4、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow belongs to the groups of __________.
A、Boston Brahmins
B、Fireside Poets
C、New British Poets
D、New French Poets

5、In 1855, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow published a narrative poem, The Song of Hiawatha, the first American epic in ___________ about the American Indians, which gained immediate success.


1、Henry David Thoreau's work, ____________, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of the New England Transcendental Movement.
B、The Pioneers
D、Song of Myself

2、“Leaves of Grass” commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of _____________, which are written in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War and the American Civil War.
A、the democratic ideals
B、the romantic ideals
C、the self-reliance spirits
D、the religious ideals

3、According to Whitman, the genuine participation of a poet in a common cultural effort was to behave as a supreme _________.

4、The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as ___________.
A、The Naturalist Period
B、The Modern Period
C、The Romantic Period
D、The Realistic Period

5、________________ is the author of the work “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.
A、Washington Irving
B、James Joyce
C、Walt Whitman
D、William Butler Yeats

6、Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” is famous for_______________________.
A、Rip's escape into a mysterious
B、The story's German legendary source material
C、Rip's seeking for happiness
D、Rip's 20-years sleep

7、The Publication of ____________ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.
C、The American Scholar
D、The Over-Soul

8、The phrase “a transparent eye-ball” compares philosophical mentation of Emerson’s. It appears in______________.
A、The American Scholar
C、The over Soul
D、Essays: Second Series

9、In Hawthorne's novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as____________.

10、All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne except _____________.
A、The House of the Seven Gables
B、White Jacket
C、The Marble Faun
D、The Blithedale Romance

11、Walt Whitman is radically innovative in the form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subject is__________.
A、free verse
B、blank verse
C、lyric poem
D、heroic couplet

12、Which of the following features cannot characterize poems by Walt Whitman?
A、Lyrical and well-structured
C、Simple and rather crude
D、Conversational and casual

13、Moby Dick is regarded as the first American_________.
A、prose epic
B、comic epic
C、dramatic fiction
D、poetic fiction

14、The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT_____________.
A、mystery of the universe
B、sin of the whale
C、power of the great Nature
D、evil of the world

15、The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is __________, therefore, self-reliant.
B、vicious by nature

16、Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of the American Romantic writings?
A、A poem should be short, readable at one sitting.
B、The chief aim of a poem is to produce a feeling of beauty in the reader.
C、Melancholy is the most legitimate of all poetic tones.
D、Poets should emphasize on rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.

17、Edgar Allan Poe has often been considered as the father of the modern __________.
B、short story

18、Poe believes that poetry must concern itself only with “__________ beauty,” not with the narration of the story, nor even with the beauty of particular things.

19、To what does the speaker compare Helen’s beauty in the first stanza of Poe's “To Helen”?
A、Penelope Cruz
B、A bomb
C、Nicean barks

20、Emerson based his religion on an intuitive belief in an ultimate unity, which he called ________.
A、the Spirit
B、the Over-lord
C、the Oversoul
D、the Self

21、Which of the following writings are written by transcendentalists?
B、Self Reliance
C、The Over Soul
D、Of Studies

22、Which of the following accounts are true for Ralph Waldo Emerson?
A、He is the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.
B、Emerson is generally known as a dramatist.
C、His works were usually derived from his journals or lectures he had already given.
D、In Nature, he employed “a transparent eye-ball” to illustrate his philosophical discussion.

23、In Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, “A” may stands for__________.

24、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow belongs to the groups of __________.
A、Boston Brahmins
B、Fireside Poets
C、New British Poets
D、New French Poets

25、The themes of A Psalm of Life can be concluded as__________.
A、Try to leave footmarks on history
B、Souls never die
C、Make the most of life
D、Be optimistic toward life

26、The story “Rip Van Winkle” was written by Washington Irving, who is generally regarded as the first internationally recognized American author.

27、For Plato, art or poetry not only means a copy, but also represents reality.

28、Walden is a novel written by famous American Transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau, in 1854.

29、In Western culture, there has always been a conflict anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. The latter is a human centered system while the former is nature-centered.

30、Transcendentalism has three major concepts: Oversoul, nature and knowledge.

31、Transcendentalists believe that individual is less important than community.

32、Ralph Waldo Emerson regards nature as the purest and moral influence on man which can make people holy.

33、Thoreau was not escaping from society, as some Chinese poets like Tao Yuanming did. Instead, he was doing a social practice to explore other possible ways of life.

34、Hawthorne is a great allegorist and a master of symbolism.

35、The experiences and adventures on the sea furnished Herman Melville with abundant material for fiction.

36、The individuals can communicate with the ________ when they immerse themselves in nature and reach a state of perfection.

37、According to Plato, the only true reality is the unchanging world of the________, created by God.

38、Transcendentalism indicates is from the physical world to the ______ world, from the reliance on reason to the reliance on intuition, and from the mind to the heart.

39、Transcendentalism shares some of the features of Romanticism: the importance of ______, the exultation of individual over society, the new and thrilling delight in nature etc.

40、In 1855, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow published a narrative poem, The Song of Hiawatha, the first American epic in ___________ about the American Indians, which gained immediate success.

4. American Realistic Literature (1)

4.1 An Overview of American Realistic Literature随堂测验

1、After the American Civil War, the literary interest in the so-called "reality" of life started a new period in the American literary writings known as the Age of ____________.
B、Reason and Revolution

2、___________ explores the scrupulous individualism in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values, and gives its name to the get-rich-quick years of the post Civil War era.
A、Innocents Abroad
B、The Gilded Age
C、Roughing It
D、The Middle Years

3、Henry James experimented with many different themes in his literary career, the most influential one being _________.
C、international theme
D、relationship between men and women

4、Mark Twain shaped the world's view of America and made a combination of __________ and serious literature.
A、English folk lore
B、Funny jokes
C、American folk humor
D、American traditional values

5、The literary characters of the American type in the early 19th century are generally characterized by all the following features that they _________________.
A、speak local dialects
B、are polite and elegant gentlemen
C、are simple and crude farmers
D、are noble savages (red and white) untainted by society

4.2 Walt Whitman随堂测验

1、It was ____________ who made Free Verse accepted in America.
A、Emily Dickinson
B、Walt Whitman
C、Henry Wadsworth Longfello
D、Herman Melville

2、Walt Whitman, whose ___________ established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.
A、Leaves of Grass
B、Go Down, Moses
C、The Marble Faun
D、As I Lay Dying

3、In _____________, Whitman's own early experience might be identified with the childhood of a young growing America.
A、“There was a Child Went Forth”
B、“Song of Myself”
C、“A Pact”
D、“Mending the Wall”

4、By means of “free verse,” ___________ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.
A、Ezra Pound
B、Robert Frost
C、Emily Dickinson
D、Walt Whitman

5、Which one is NOT written by Walt Whitman?
B、“I Hear America Singing”
C、“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
D、“Song of of Myself”

6、Which of the following poems are by Walt Whitman?
A、“One's-self I Sing”
B、“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd”
C、“I Hear America Singing”
D、“I Sing the Body Electric”

7、In Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, ___________ are all that concerned him.

8、Once Leaves of Grass was published, it received great popularity and praise among Critics.

9、The important section “Song of Myself” is restricted to Walt Whitman to ego.

10、Whitman's poetry is filled with pessimistic views about new things and new epoch.


12、In 1855, Walt Whitman published the first edition of ___________ which was an astonishment at that time.

13、Whitman's originality was first in his use of the poetic form _____________.

4. American Realistic Literature (2): 4.3 Emily Dickinson

4.3.1 Dickinson's Life and Literary Status随堂测验

1、Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were contemporaries, but they were totally different. What might be the difference(s) between them?
A、Unlike Whitman who was “the father of modern American poetry,” Dickinson has been considered to be “the mother of modern American poetry.”
B、Unlike Walt Whitman who said that “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,” Dickinson said that “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”
C、Unlike Whitman who broke up the line limit of traditional English poetry, Dickinson, throughout her life, was working on a very small poetic form.
D、All the differences mentioned above.

2、How many poems by Emily Dickinson are collected into Ralph W. Franklin's edition of The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Cambridge & London: Harvard UP, 1998)?

3、Where was Emily Dickinson born?
A、Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
B、Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts.
C、Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Boston, Massachusetts.
D、Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts.

4、When was Emily Dickinson's life essentially withdrawn from society?
A、From age twenty on.
B、From age fourty on.
C、From age fifty on.
D、From age thirty on.

4.3.2 Works and Artistic Features of Dickinson随堂测验

1、“This is my letter to the World” is a poem expressing Emily Dickinson's ___________ about her communication with the outside world.

2、Though secluded herself in her own house, Emily Dickinson was never really indifferent of the outside world, as could be seen in her poems such as “I like to see it lap the Miles”, which describes a (n) ___________, an embodiment of modern civilization.

3、Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of poetic expression of Emily Dickinson's?
A、War and peace
C、Love and marriage
D、Life and death

4.3.3 Nature Poems: “I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed”随堂测验

1、More than five hundred poems that Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general _________ about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed.

4.3.4 Life Poems: “I am Nobody! Who are you?”随堂测验

1、In the poem “I’m Nobody, Who Are You?”, the speaker “I” addresses another imaginary “Nobody”. What is the poetic form that Dickinson used here in this poem?
A、Dramatic monologue.
B、Lyric poem.
C、Narrative poem.

4.3.5 Death Poems: “Because I could Not Stop for Death”/“I Died for Beauty-But Was Scarce”/“I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I Died”随堂测验

1、Emily Dickinson was sometimes curious about the feeling of speech of death and in one of her poems she wrote about the ___________ of death, the title of the poem is “I heard a Fly buzz when I died”.

4. American Realistic Literature (3): 4.4 Mark Twain

4.4.1 Mark Twain and Local Colorism随堂测验

1、Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his __________.
A、international theme
B、wasteland imagery
C、local color

2、__________ in the 1860s was the first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.
A、Harriet Beecher Stowe
B、William Dean Howells
C、Mark Twain
D、Bret Harte

3、_____________ is regarded by H. L. Menken as “the true father of American national literature.”
A、Emily Dickinson
B、Henry James
C、Theodore Dreiser
D、Mark Twain

4、________________ earned his very first national literary reputation with “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”.
A、William Dean Howells
B、Stephen Crane
C、Henry James
D、Mark Twain

5、With the end of Civil War, ____________ replaced romanticism to be the leading trend of American literature in the 19th century.
C、local colorism

4.4.2 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn随堂测验

1、______________ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience.”
A、Tom Sawyer
B、Huckleberry Finn

2、The book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to ______________.
A、The Great Gatsby
B、The Sun Also Rises
C、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
D、Moby Dick

4. American Realistic Literature (4): Jack London and Theodore Dreiser

4.5 American Naturalism随堂测验

1、__________________ put forward his theories of evolution and natural selection, insisting on the struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest.
A、Emile Zola
B、Charles Robert Darwin
C、Herbert Spencer
D、Friedrich Von Engels

2、________________ was called by critics as “the first dark flower of American Naturalism” for its distinctive elements of naturalistic fiction.
A、Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
B、The Octopus
C、The Red Badge of Courage
D、Sister Carrie

3、The major features of Naturalism include all except ____________________.
A、Human beings are controlled by laws of heredity and environment
B、The universe is cold, godless and indifferent to human desires
C、Naturalists are pessimistic
D、Naturalists are optimistic

4、Stephen Crane's stories include Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, The Open Boat and _______________.
A、Mc Teague
B、Martin Eden
C、The Call of the Wild
D、The Red Badge of Courage

5、The literary term “Naturalism” is mainly concerned with ____________________.
A、babbling brooks, pretty birdies and beautiful flowers
B、the description of natural landscape
C、the natural law that governs life
D、the natural manners of the characters

6、Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Naturalism?
A、French writer Emile Zola is the leading exponent of Naturalism.
B、As a literary movement, it was most active in the late 19th and early 20th century in France, America and Britain.
C、Naturalism is an intellectual trend that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings.
D、The central assumption of naturalism is that human beings have control over nature and their own lives.

7、Frank Norris was called by critics as the father of American Naturalism.

8、The French writer Emile Zola adapted Darwin's theory of evolution into the social system and then developed the social Darwinism.

9、Naturalism emphasizes the role of _____________ and environment upon human life and character development.

10、The core of Naturalism is ________________.

4.6 Jack London随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Jack London's life?
A、Jack London was born in San Francisco.
B、He lived a hard life in his youth.
C、He was an eager reader in public library.
D、He received good education at university.

2、What is an important source of inspiration for Jack London's writings?
A、The northern part of the United States of America.
B、The unexplored wild mountain regions.
C、The frozen land of Klondike in Canada.
D、The underground world of the city of San Francisco.

3、Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the plot of “The Law of Life”?
A、Old Koskoosh is the former chief of an Eskimo tribe.
B、The tribe is preparing to leave Old Koskoosh alone in the snow to die.
C、Before the fire expires, wolves are approaching him in a circle.
D、Old Koskoosh fails to understand why the tribesmen should be so cruel.

4、What does “the law of life” in this short story imply?
A、Nature punishes those who disregard its force.
B、Nature governs man and animals in different ways.
C、Man should live in tune with nature.
D、Every living thing must eventually die.

5、The following statements all testify to the philosophy of Naturalism in the story except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A、Naturalists care little about moral issues in their judgment.
B、Man's existence is shaped by heredity and environment.
C、Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.
D、There is a strong sense of determinism in the story.

6、The Naturalist idea of “Nature is not kindly to the flesh” is shown through the following ideas EXCEPT _____________________.
A、Nature has no concern for individual feelings and sentiments.
B、Nature shows no mercy to anyone.
C、Natural disasters cause many human sufferings.
D、Man or beast, they all bend to the same law of life.

4.7 Theodore Dreiser随堂测验

1、Theodore Dreiser belonged to the school of literary ___________ which emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances.

2、The following titles are all related to the subject that escapes from the society and returns to nature except __________________.
A、Thoreau's Walden
B、Dreiser's Sister Carrie
C、Copper's Leather-Stocking Tales
D、Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

3、Which of the following is not the work of Dreiser?
A、The Financier
B、The Titan
C、The Call of the Wild
D、Jennie Gerhardt

4、Which of the following is not the character of the book Sister Carrie?

5、In his works, Dreiser's language tends to __________.
A、rely on over-long sentences and on vague pompous phrases
B、be often clumsy and plodding
C、be satirical or comic
D、be serious in tone

6、In his works, Dreiser _____________.
A、often describes the environmental settings and social background vividly
B、employs the journalistic method of repetition
C、develops the capacity for photographic and relentless observation
D、shapes a superman

7、Dreiser's novels are often full of comedies.

8、Sister Carrie can be read as a novel of desire and seduction.

9、With the publication of ____________, Theodore Dreiser was launching himself upon a long career that would ultimately make him one of the most significant American writers of the school later known as literary naturalism.

10、Dreiser writes from a philosophic doctrine known as “__________” which indicates that people are determined by inherited or environmental influences instead of their own actions. According to it, the two character’s destines have nothing to do with morals and they simply happen.

4. American Realistic Literature (5): O. Henry and Henry James

4.8 O. Henry随堂测验

1、Which statements about O. Henry are right?
A、He wrote about the poor people.
B、His stories are usually short and humorous.
C、The ends of his stories are always surprising.
D、Many of his stories contain a great deal of slang and colloquial expressions.

2、William Sidney Porter, whose pen name was _____________, was born in North Carolina, in 1862.

3、It is said that O. Henry invited the French writer _____________ as a model and there is indeed much in common between these two writers.

4、Many of O. Henry's stories tell about the life of poor people in ___________.

4.9 Henry James随堂测验

1、Stylistically, Henry James's fiction is characterized by ______________.
A、short, clear sentences
B、abundance of local image
C、ordinary American speech
D、highly refined language

2、The?Portrait?of?a?Lady?is?generally?considered?to?be the masterpiece of _________, which?describes?the?life?journey?of?an?American _________ in?Europe.?
A、Theodore?Dreiser, girl
B、Theodore?Dreiser, widow
C、William?James, widow
D、Henry?James, girl

3、____________ is?the?forerunner?of?the “stream?of?consciousness”.
A、O' Henry

4、Which of the following is written by Henry James?
A、The Marble Faun
C、The Awakening
D、Moby Dick



1、Emily Dickinson was sometimes curious about the feeling of speech of death and in one of her poems she wrote about the ___________ of death, the title of the poem is “I heard a Fly buzz when I died”.

2、Theodore Dreiser belonged to the school of literary ___________ which emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances.

3、More than five hundred poems that Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general _________ about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed.

4、“This is my letter to the World” is a poem expressing Emily Dickinson’s ___________ about her communication with the outside world.

5、Though secluded herself in her own house, Emily Dickinson was never really indifferent of the outside world, as could be seen in her poems such as “I like to see it lap the Miles”, which describes a (n) ______, an embodiment of modern civilization.

6、After The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Twain gives a literary independence to Tom's buddy Huck in a book called _______________, and the book from which “all modern American literature comes”.
A、Life on the Mississippi River
B、The Sun Also Rises
C、The Gilded Age
D、Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

7、Winterbourne is used as a ________________ in Henry James's Daisy Miller.
B、Narrator of the events
D、A character of central consciousness

8、The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _____________.
A、the Age of Modernism
B、the Age of Romanticism
C、the Age of Colonialism
D、the Age of Realism

9、Who exerts the simple most important influence on literary naturalism?
A、Jack London
B、Theodore Dreiser

10、One of the most familiar themes in American naturalism is the theme of human “___________”.

11、_______________ is considered by H.L. Mencken as “the true father of our national literature.”

12、Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _____________ language.

13、Henry James's fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with ______________.
A、European theme
B、national theme
C、Regional theme
D、international theme

14、In the following writers, who is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th century “Stream-of-consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism ______________.
A、Mark Twain
B、Emily Dickinson
C、Henry James
D、Theodore Dreiser

15、In Henry James’ Daisy Miller, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ___________.
A、the decline of aristocracy
B、the force of convention
C、the corruption of the newly rich
D、the free spirit of the New World

16、Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of poetic expression of Emily Dickinson's?
A、War and peace
C、Love and marriage
D、Life and death

17、The following titles are all related to the subject that escapes from the society and returns to nature except __________________.
A、Thoreau's Walden
B、Dreiser's Sister Carrie
C、Copper's Leather-Stocking Tales
D、Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

18、With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene, ______________ became the major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.

19、Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _____________ language.

20、______________ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience”.
A、Tom Sawyer
B、Huckleberry Finn

21、While Mark Twain seemed to have paid more attention to the “life” of the Americans, __________ had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world” of man.
A、William Howells
B、Henry James
C、Bret Harte
D、Hamlin Garland

22、The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the Mississippi valley and it has moved millions of people of different ages and conditions all over the world about the _____________ American society.
A、early 16th century
B、late 16th century
C、post-Civil war
D、pre-Civil War

23、The major features of Naturalism include all except ____________________.
A、human beings are controlled by laws of heredity and environment
B、the universe is cold, godless and indifferent to human desires
C、naturalists are pessimistic
D、naturalists are optimistic

24、Which of the following is not the work of Dreiser?
A、The Financier
B、The Titan
C、The Call of the Wild
D、Jennie Gerhardt

25、________________ was called by critics as “the first dark flower of American Naturalism” for its distinctive elements of naturalistic fiction.
A、Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
B、The Octopus
C、The Red Badge of Courage
D、Sister Carrie

26、After the American Civil War, the literary interest in the so-called “reality” of life started a new period in the American literary writings known as the Age of ____________.
B、Reason and Revolution

27、___________ explores the scrupulous individualism in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values, and gives its name to the get-rich-quick years of the post Civil War era.
A、Innocents Abroad
B、The Gilded Age
C、Roughing It
D、The Middle Years

28、Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of __________ and serious literature.
A、English folk lore
B、Funny jokes
C、American folk humor
D、American traditional values

29、By means of “free verse,” ___________ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.
A、Ezra Pound
B、Robert Frost
C、Emily Dickinson
D、Walt Whitman

30、Which one is NOT written by Walt Whitman?
B、“I Hear America Singing”
C、“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”
D、“Song of of Myself”

31、Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were contemporaries, but they were totally different. What might be the difference(s) between them?
A、Unlike Whitman who was “the father of modern American poetry,” Dickinson has been considered to be “the mother of modern American poetry.”
B、Unlike Walt Whitman who said that “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,” Dickinson said that “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”
C、Unlike Whitman who broke up the line limit of traditional English poetry, Dickinson, throughout her life, was working on a very small poetic form.
D、All the differences mentioned above.

32、In the poem “I’m Nobody, Who Are You?”, the speaker “I” addresses another imaginary “Nobody”. What is the poetic form that Dickinson used here in this poem?
A、Dramatic monologue.
B、Lyric poem.
C、Narrative poem.

33、The book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to ______________.
A、The Great Gatsby
B、The Sun Also Rises
C、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
D、Moby Dick

34、The literary term “Naturalism” is mainly concerned with ____________________.
A、babbling brooks, pretty birdies and beautiful flowers
B、the description of natural landscape
C、the natural law that governs life
D、the natural manners of the characters

35、What is an important source of inspiration for Jack London's writings?
A、The northern part of the United States of America.
B、The unexplored wild mountain regions.
C、The frozen land of Klondike in Canada.
D、The underground world of the city of San Francisco.

36、The following statements all testify to the philosophy of Naturalism in the story except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A、Naturalists care little about moral issues in their judgment.
B、Man's existence is shaped by heredity and environment.
C、Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.
D、There is a strong sense of determinism in the story.

37、Which of the following is not the work of Dreiser?
A、The Financier
B、The Titan
C、The Call of the Wild
D、Jennie Gerhardt

38、The?Portrait?of?a?Lady?is?generally?considered?to?be the masterpiece of _________, which?describes?the?life?journey?of?an?American _________ in?Europe.?
A、Theodore?Dreiser, girl?
B、Theodore?Dreiser, widow
C、William?James, widow?
D、Henry?James, girl

39、Which statements about O. Henry are right?
A、He wrote about the poor people.
B、His stories are usually short and humorous.
C、The ends of his stories are always surprising.
D、Many of his stories contain a great deal of slang and colloquial expressions.

40、In his works, Dreiser's language tends to __________.
A、rely on over-long sentences and on vague pompous phrases
B、be often clumsy and plodding
C、be satirical or comic
D、be serious in tone

41、In Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, ___________ are all that concerned him.

42、Mark Twain's greatness lies in that his success in creating this plain but evocative language precipitated the end of American reverence for British and European culture and for the more formal language associated with those traditions.

43、The important section “Song of Myself” is restricted to Walt Whitman to ego.

44、Frank Norris was called by critics as the father of American Naturalism.

45、Sister Carrie can be read as a novel of desire and seduction.

46、With the publication of ____________, Theodore Dreiser was launching himself upon a long career that would ultimately make him one of the most significant American writers of the school later known as literary naturalism.

47、Naturalism emphasizes the role of _____________ and environment upon human life and character development.

48、Dreiser writes from a philosophic doctrine known as “__________” which indicates that people are determined by inherited or environmental influences instead of their own actions. According to it, the two character’s destines have nothing to do with morals and they simply happen.

49、The Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to __________________.

50、The core of Naturalism is ________________.

5. American Modernist Literature (1): American Modernism and Ezra Pound

5.1 An Overview of American Modernist Literature随堂测验

1、In Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called __________ in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.
A、stream of consciousness

2、Which of the following is not Carl Sandburg's works?
A、Chicago Poems
B、Good Morning, America
C、The People, Yes

3、Who is the author of the work The Grapes of Wrath?
A、John Steinbeck.
B、Eugene O' Neil.
C、F. Scott Fitzgerald.
D、Theodore Dreiser.

4、The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except __________________.
A、William Faulkner
B、John Steinbeck
C、F. Scott Fitzgerald
D、Ernest Hemingway

5、________________ stands as a great dividing line between the nineteenth century and the contemporary American literature.

5.2 Ezra Pound随堂测验

1、In “In a Station of the Metro,” the faces in the crowd stand for human beings. This is a _________________.

2、In “In a Station of the Metro,” Pound uses an implicit metaphor to link the poem’s two major images, ____________________.
A、the faces and the crowd
B、the crowd and the petals
C、the petals and the black bough
D、the faces and the petals

3、Ezra Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the _________ movement.

4、Ezra Pound's major work of poetry is the long poem called The ________________.

5、The imagist poets approved the use of free verse, direct common speech, creation of new rhythms, absolute freedom in choice of subject matter, and the evocation of ____________ in hard, clear poetic works.

5.3 Imagism随堂测验

1、Early in his literary career, William Carlos Williams briefly became involved in the _____________ movement through his friendship with Ezra Pound.

2、Imagism flourished in Britain and the United States in the late 20th century.

3、Imagism originated from the philosophy of T. E. Hume, who insisted on the reformation of contemporary poetry through free verse and through the removal of all unnecessary verbiages from poems.

4、Williams wrote poems that captured ordinary moments and ordinary objects, such as “The Red Wheelbarrow”.

5、Imagism refers to a revolutionary movement of poetry, which favored precise images, clear and sharp language and _______________.

6、Williams presents a leisurely and fresh picture of an/a _____________ scene of American country life in his poem “The Red Wheel Barrow”.

7、Chinese poets instill ________________ in their poetry, whereas the imagists, as they advocated, try to avoid emotional attachment.

8、In “A Station of the Metro”, Pound uses a _________________ to construct the poem: he compares “faces” to “petals” and “crowd” to “a wet black bough”.

5. American Modernist Literature (2): Robert Frost

5.4.1 Robert Frost随堂测验

1、What is the first published book written by Robert Frost?
A、Mountain Interval
B、West-Running Brook
C、Boy's Will
D、New Hampshire

2、Robert Frost read his poem at an American president's inauguration. Who was that president?
A、Abraham Lincoln
B、John F. Kennedy
C、Gorge Washington
D、George W. Bush

5.4.2 “The Road Not Taken”随堂测验

1、“The Road Not Taken” written by Robert Frost, who has won four Pulitzer prizes and is known as the official poet Laureate of American literature.

2、When we may encounter many “roads” in reality, we could make a perfect choice to take all the interests into account.

3、As one of Frost's most popular works, “The Road Not Taken” has won chanting praise for its optimistic____________.

4、The theme of the poem “The Road Not Taken”is about ___________ and encourages people to live their individualism to the fullest.

5、The second stanza of the poem “The Road Not Taken” goes deep into the narrator’s psychological _______________.

5.4.3 “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”随堂测验

1、In which volume was “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” was written?
A、A Witness Tree
B、West-Running Brook
C、New Hampshire
D、A Further Range

2、How many stanzas are there in “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”? And which stanza is different from others in rhyming scheme?

3、What does “promises” in “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” imply?
A、the heavy burden of life
B、the unavoidable responsibilities
C、the obligation to his family
D、an appointment with friends

5. American Modernist Literature (3): T. S. Eliot

5.5.1 T. S. Eliot随堂测验

1、The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the _____ breakup of a modern civilization in which human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpose.

5.5.2 The Waste Land: “Preludes”随堂测验

1、Thomas Stearns Eliot's classic expression of the temper of his age is The Waste ____________.

2、Thomas Stearns Eliot's last important work was __________ Quartets, a profound meditation on time and timelessness, written in four parts.

3、The poem The Waste Land is broadly acknowledged as one of the most recognizable landmarks of ____________.

5. American Modernist Literature (4): Ernest Hemingway

5.6.1 Ernest Hemingway随堂测验

1、“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” This “iceberg” analogy about prose style was put forward by _______________.
A、William Faulkner
B、Henry James
C、Ernest Hemingway
D、F. Scott Fitzgerald

2、Hemingway's “Indian Camp” is one of the fourteen short stories collected under the title of ______________. This title is very ironic because there is no peace at all in the stories.
A、Three Stories and Ten Poems
B、Across the River and into the Trees
C、The Green Hills of Africa
D、In Our Time

5.6.3 Cat in the Rain随堂测验

1、In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?
A、The Green Hills of Africa
B、The Snows of Kilimanjaro
C、To have and Have Not
D、Death in the Afternoon

2、Which of the following novels did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for?
A、For whom the Bell Tolls
B、The Old and the Sea
C、A Farewell to Arms
D、The Sound and the Fury

3、Under the influence of ________________, Hemingway developed a new colloquial style.

5.6.4 In Another Country随堂测验

1、What's NOT true about the narrative perspective of “In Another Country”?
A、the story is told by an external narrator
B、the story is told in an objective third person
C、the young American soldier is the narrator of the story
D、the story is told from the American's point of view

2、What does the image of the narrator walking through the dark, empty streets suggest?
A、fear of death
B、isolation and despair

3、What are the three major variations of the External Narrator?
A、Vision From Behind
B、Vision From Without
C、Vision From With
D、Vision From Within

4、Which of the following statements about “internal narrator” is/are true?
A、The story-world of characters and events is filtered through the narrator’s consciousness alone.
B、The Narrator can be the central character or a witness to what happens to the central character.
C、The narrator can go into the mind of other characters freely and describe how they think and feel directly.
D、Frequently it is called the First-Person Narrator because the story is told by a character who uses “I”.

5. American Modernist Literature (5): F. Scott Fitzgerald

5.7.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald随堂测验

1、Who is the author of The Great Gatsby?
A、Frederick Scott Fitzgerald
B、Francis Scott Fitzgerald
C、Frederick Sebastian Fitzgerald
D、Francis Sebastain Fitzgerald

2、Which of these things is NOT symbolized by the green light in The Great Gatsby?
C、The American Dream

3、In what time period does the story of The Great Gatsby take place?

5.7.3 Classicality of The Great Gatsby随堂测验

1、The term “unreliable narrator” was coined by the critic ____________ in 1961.
A、Harold Bloom
B、Fredric Jameson
C、Wayne Booth
D、René Wellek

2、When do the events described in this novel take place?
A、the World War I
B、the Great Depression
C、the early 1920s
D、the turn of the 20th century

3、The Great Gatsby is considered by many as a tale of _____________ in the 1920s.
A、Long Island
B、New York

5.7.4 Language and Subject of The Great Gatsby随堂测验

1、Which of the following is Gatsby's color?

2、What can Gatsby best be described as?
A、A pessimist
B、A dreamer
C、A sadis
D、A slacker

3、Because of the mystery of Gatsby's past, his identity always appears ___________.

5. American Modernist Literature (6): William Faulkner

5.8.1 William Faulkner and His “Yorknapatawpha”随堂测验

1、Among his major works are ______________.
A、Go Down, Moses
B、As I Lay Dying
C、A Rose for Emily
D、Light in August

2、_________ wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which represented different social forces; the old decaying upper class; the rising, ambitious unscrupulous class of the “Poor Whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them.

5.8.2 A Rose for Emily随堂测验

1、In A Rose for Emily, Emily is the symbol of modern way of life.

Suppliment and Conclusion

6. Suppliment: metrical and rhetorical devices of Poetry 诗歌音韵修辞随堂测验

1、Which of the following lines has the internal rhymes of both alliteration and consonance?
A、Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.
B、Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold.
C、Tyger! Tyger! burning bright.
D、He is meek, and he is mild.

2、Which of the following statements is not a correct description of allusion?
A、It may convey textual and cultural connotations.
B、It may explicitly refer to a literary or historical person.
C、Allusiveness might contribute to the forming and developing of poetic tradition.
D、Great poetry is very nearly as allusive as it is figurative.

7. Suppliment: Feminism and Women’s fiction女性主义与女性小说随堂测验

1、The following people are criticized for misunderstanding of women except ___________.
A、Sigmund Freud
C、the jury
D、Simone de Beauvoir

2、“Existence precedes essence” stresses ___________.
A、concreteness and fluidity of human existence
B、fixed and unchanging human nature
C、the fundamental quality which makes you what you are
D、the bourgeois social establishment

3、Simone de Beauvoir calls woman “Myth” to mean that ___________.
A、men have subjugated and stereotyped women
B、men have made women what they are by putting a “mystery” around them
C、men have organized society into a patriarchy
D、women are categorized as Reality

4、Beauvoir strongly opposes the idea of “femininity,” which stands for ___________.
A、female essence
B、unchangeably fixed entities
C、the female characteristics invented by men to turn women into a second sex
D、female existence

5、Susan Sontag is heavily influenced by the French feminist thinker ___________________.
A、Michel Foucault
B、Simon de Beauvoir
C、Albert Camus
D、None of the above

6、When Susan Sontag reminded female students at Vassar College to “tell the bastards off”, she wanted the students to _____________.
A、tell rude men to go away
B、curse the men whom they did not like
C、stand up against the men who bullied them
D、None of the above

7、What is probably UNTRUE of Hawthorne's attitude towards women's fiction?
A、He worried that women's fiction might corrupt the public taste.
B、He did not read and had no patience for women's fiction.
C、He suggested women writers go beyond the limitation of gender.
D、He felt jealous of women writers' success in the literary market.

8、Which of the following statements about “The Yellow Wallpaper” is NOT TRUE?
A、It's a first-person narration.
B、The protagonist is an unnamed woman.
C、The protagonist feels oppressed in a traditional marriage.
D、She disagrees with the diagnosis of her husband and resists openly.

9、In the late 1970s, the central issues of women’s liberation movement in the U.S. did NOT include __________.
C、body image
D、professional development

10、“Body Politics” can be applied to account for _______________.
A、the practices and policies through which the society regulates the human body
B、the practice and policies through which politicians struggle for power
C、the struggle between individual and society to control the body
D、the struggle between countries to control natural and economic resources

11、The first generation women writers are almost all novelists.


















