



36 min read


Unit Five Vegetables,超星餐饮 Fruits and Nuts

Test in Unit Five

1、What cannot be stored in the refrigerator?烹饪

2、学习What is 通完the best way to cook vegetables?
A、In small quantities in a steam pot.
B、超星餐饮Cutting them into small pieces.
D、专业整答Deep-frying in hot oil.

3、英语It’s better to soak the blueberries in the water before washing.

4、We should both ends of the onions before cutting them.
C、trim off

5、What is the flavor of lemon?

6、--We need fresh peas today. --I got it. So I should them first.
C、cut open

7、What makes vegetables lose their color?
A、Washing too long
B、Preserving too long
C、Overcooking or blanching too long
D、Rinsing too long

8、Remove the seeds the pumpkin.

9、What is the flavor of bitter gourd?

10、Which is the best version to translate“芫爆素鳝” into English?
A、Sautéed Eels with Coriander
B、Sautéed eels with coriander
C、Sautéed Black Mushrooms with Coriander
D、Sautéed black mushrooms with coriander

Unit Six Livestock and Dairy Produts 畜奶类

Listening for Unit Six

1、Yangzhou Fried Rice Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds beef 1 , 2 8 ounces fresh mushroom 3 2 medium sized 4 , thinly sliced 1 finely chopped 5 clove 1/4 cup 6 1 1/2 cups of 7 broth 1/2 teaspoon of 8 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup of 9 1 1/2 cups of sour cream 3 cups of hot cooked 10 noodles

Translate the recipe into Chinese

1、英文中表时间的状语翻译成中文时可以提前到句首、 英文中表位置的状语翻译成中文时,有时可以提前到句中、句首,有时保持在原来位置 英文中动词的宾语部分翻译成中文时,有时可用“把”、“将”这样的结构放到动词之前 单词不认识,可以查字典 诚实守信,独立完成 Vanilla Sauce Makes 32 fl oz/960 mL 1 lb/454g milk 1 lb/454g heavy cream 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped 8 oz/227 sugar 14 egg yolks 1. Heat the milk, cream, vanilla bean pod and seeds, and half of the sugar until the mixture just reaches the boiling point 2. Combine the egg yolks and the rest of the sugar and temper the mixture into the hot milk. 3. Stirring constantly, heat slowly to 180度F/82度C 4. Remove the custard sauce immediately from the stove and strain it through a fine-mesh sieve directly into a container set in an ice water bath. 5. Cool to 40度F/4度C and store in the refrigerator This sauce can be cooked over a water bath for more control of the heat source Substitute 1 tbsp/15mL vanilla extract for the vanilla bean. Add it just before straining the sauce. All milk or light cream can be used in place of heavy cream split scrape heat reach the boiling point combine temper .. into .. stir remove . . from.. strain.. through..into set. 放置(这里是过去分词作定语) cool 冷却 store be cooked over substitute .. for.. strain in place of 常用计量单位 fl oz lb g oz tbsp vanilla bean pod mixture egg yolks custard sauce a fine-mesh sieve container in an ice water bath in the refrigerator the heat source vanilla extract vanilla bean light cream heavy cream

Unit Eight Fish and Shellfish水产

Oral Test for 19081

1、海旅游高等专科学校 2019-2020学年第2学期期末考试试卷 课程:烹饪与餐饮专业英语2 (口试) 班级:19081班 命题老师:张浩然 Part1.Read the following aloud. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (25%) 1. Vanilla Sauce 2. a fine-mesh sieve 3. Mushroom Forcemeat 4. Pan-Smoked Chicken 5. Crucian and Bean Curd Soup 6. Boiled Fish with Sichuan pickles 7. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish 8. Sweet and Sour Pork Tenderloin 9. Sirloin Steak with Black Pepper Sauce 10. Breast of Rock Cornish Game Hen with Mushroom Forcemeat Part2: Translate the following sentences into English orally(口译下列句子) (40%) 11. 把鳗鱼切块 12. 沙拉蘸酱汁 13. 把打好的奶油抹在蛋糕上 14. 用刷子刷洗土豆 15. 对奶酪过敏 16. 挖去南瓜籽 17. 切掉洋葱两端 18. 预热烤箱至220℃ 19. 薯片涂上番茄酱 20. 莲藕磨蓉 21. 银耳用清水浸1小时 22. 羊腿上抹上橄榄油 23. 鸡肉洗净,拍干,用盐和胡椒调味 24.慢慢不断搅拌,加热到180°F/ 82°C 25. 所有牛奶或淡奶油都可以用来代替浓奶油 Part3: Make up a dialogue by using at least 7 or 8 words in the box. (编对话,至少选用表格中最少7—8个单词)(35%) cucumber water chestnut carrot black mushroom salt sugar pepper sesame oil cornstarch peel cut.. into.. scrape wipe..dry scald mix stuff steam high heat remove add high heat 注意:口试试卷,三部分全部用手机或电脑录音,以“19081姓名”形式命名,务必在上午9:30前把录音发送到zhanghr@sitsh.edu.cn

Unit Seven Poultry and Eggs 禽蛋类

Put the following into Chinese

1、1. 英文中表时间的状语翻译成中文时可以提前到句首、 2. 英文中表位置的状语翻译成中文时,有时可以提前到句中、句首,有时保持在原来位置 3. 英文中动词的宾语部分翻译成中文时,有时可用“把”、“将”这样的结构放到动词之前 4. 单词不认识,可以查字典 5. 诚实守信,独立完成 A 组: 8101,8104,8107,8110,8113,8116,8119,8122,8125 Pan-Smoked Chicken Makes 10 servings Ten 6-oz/170-g boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1/2tsp/1.50 g salt 1/4 tsp/0.50g ground black pepper MARINADE 8 fl oz/240 mL apple cider 2 fl oz/60 mL cider vinegar 1/2oz/14 g minced shallot 2 tsp/6 g minced garlic 1. Rinse the chicken, pat dry, season with salt and pepper, and place in a shallow hotel pan. 2. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade and pour over the chicken, turning to coat evenly. Marinate, covered, in the refrigerator for 3 hours or up to overnight. 3. Place the chicken on a rack over lightly dampened hardwood chips in a roasting pan. Cover tightly and heat in a 450度F/232度C oven until the smell of smoke is apparent, 6 to 8 minutes. Smoke for 3 minutes from that point. Transfer the chicken to a baking pan and finish roasting (without smoke) in a 350度F/177度C oven until cooked through (165度F/74度C),10 to 12 minutes more. 4. Serve immediately or cool and refrigerate until needed. pan-smoked minced rinse pat dry season place..in.. combine.. for .. pour..over turn coat marinate place..on lightly dampened cover tightly smoke transfer ..to.. finish roast servings boneless skinless chicken breasts marinade apple cider cider vinegar shallot garlic shallow hotel pan ingredients marinade evenly in the refrigerator up to overnight rack hardwood chips the smell of smoke apparent a baking pan cooked through B组:8102,8105,8108,8111,8114,8117,8120,8123 Breast of Rock Cornish Game Hen with Mushroom Forcemeat Makes 10 servings Ten 1 lb 4-oz/567-g Rock Cornish game hens 2 lb 12 oz/1.25 kg Mushroom Forcemeat 1 tbsp/10 g salt 11/2 tsp/3 g ground black pepper 2 tbsp/30 mL clarified butter, melted 20 fl oz/600 mL Madeira Sauce 1. Remove the breasts from the hens and make them into suprêmes. Refrigerate until needed. Remove the leg and thigh meat and prepare the mushroom forcemeat. 2. Loosen the skin from the breast meat. Season the breasts on all sides with salt and pepper. Pipe about 2 oz/57 g of the forcemeat between the skin and meat of each breast. Smooth the surface to spread the forcemeat evenly. 3. Place the stuffed breasts in a baking dish. Brush lightly with butter. Roast in a preheated 350度F/177度C oven to an internal temperature of 165度F/74度C, 20 to 25 minutes. Baste with additional butter or any pan juices during baking time. 4. Heat the Madeira sauce and serve 2 fl oz/60 mL with each breast(2 supremes). NOTE: Optional plating: slice each breast on a slight diagonal into 4 slices and fan the slices out on a warm plate. melted remove .. from.. make .. into.. refrigerate prepare loosen ..from season pipe smooth spread place .. in.. brush..with.. roast..in.. preheated baste..with.. heat serve slice fan..out breast rock Cornish game forcemeat mushroom ground black pepper clarified butter Madeira Sauce suprêmes 法语单词 on all sides forcemeat surface evenly the stuffed breasts a baking dish lightly internal temperature additional pan juices the Madeira sauce optional plating on a slight diagonal slices C组:8103,8106,8109,8112,8115,8118,8124 Mushroom Forcemeat Makes 2 1b 12 oz/1.25 kg 12 oz/340 g Rock Cornish game hens leg and thigh meat, small dice 2 tsp/6.50 g salt 1/2 tsp/1 g ground black pepper 21/2 oz/71 g minced bacon 1 oz/28 g butter 1 oz/28 g minced shallot 1 garlic clove,minced 10 oz/284 g minced white mushrooms 10 oz/284 g minced morels 1 thyme sprig 1 bay leaf 4 sage leaves 4 fl oz/120 mL Madeira 1 egg 5fl oz/150 mL heavy cream 1. Season the meat with salt and pepper and refrigerate until needed. 2. Place the bacon and butter in a sauté pan over medium heat. Render the bacon until crisp. Add the shallots and garlic and sauté until aromatic. Add all the mushrooms and sweat until barely tender. Add the thyme, bay leaf, sage, and Madeira. Reduce until almost dry. Remove and discard the bay leaf, thyme, and sage. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Chill the mixture to below 40度F/4度C. 3. Process the diced meat and egg to a paste in a food processor, scraping down the bowl periodically. Add the cream and pulse the machine on and off until the cream is just incorporated. Transfer to a bowl. Fold in the cooled mushroom mixture. Hold chilled until ready to use. NOTE: This forcemeat can be prepared using any lean diced poultry meat to replace the leg and thigh meat from the game hens. ground minced season refrigerate place .. in.. over.. render sauté sweat reduce remove and discard adjust seasoning chill process.. to a paste scrape..down pulse 这里是动词 transfer to fold in hold 这里是系动词“保持”,翻译时可灵活翻译 prepare replace mushroom forcemeat rock Cornish game thigh dice bacon shallot garlic clove morels thyme sprig bay leaf sage leaves Madeira heavy cream a sauté pan medium heat crisp aromatic barely tender almost dry in a food processor periodically on and off incorporated cooled chilled lean diced poultry meat

Listening in Unit Seven

1、Fill in the blanks with the words you get from MP3 1. Old eggs are easier to s___________ 2. S________ as the egg a_____________ 3. P_________ f________ eggs can be difficult. 4. D____________ it off 5. With the back of the spoon, just c_________ the s___________ 6. Just generally with the side of your thumb, s________ p _________the eggs 7. Don’t m_______ this too far in advance 8. Hold them in slightly s___________ water 9. It is too t___________ 10. You can try adding about a tablespoons, also, of warm water to l________ it up





  • 厨房设备与用具
  • 食材与营养
  • 西餐制作
  • 中餐制作
  • 调酒与饮品
  • 餐饮服务与管理




  1. 与实际工作相结合。本课程旨在帮助学生更好地掌握英语,并为日后从事烹饪与餐饮相关工作做好准备。
  2. 讲解详细易懂。本课程的讲解方式通俗易懂,深入浅出,帮助学生轻松掌握各种英语表达方式。
  3. 帮助掌握文化背景。本课程不仅仅帮助学生掌握英语,还帮助学生了解西方与东方的不同饮食文化背景。



  1. 多听多练。英语学习最重要的就是听说读写四项能力,掌握了这四项能力,就能轻松应对各种场景。
  2. 注重学习文化背景。烹饪与餐饮不仅仅是技术活,更是一门文化学科,了解背后的文化背景能够更好的理解各种英语表达方式。
  3. 多做练习题。本课程中有大量的练习题,通过做题可以更好地巩固所学知识,提高语言表达能力。







  • 厨房设备与用具
  • 食材与营养
  • 西餐制作
  • 中餐制作
  • 调酒与饮品
  • 餐饮服务与管理




  1. 与实际工作相结合。本课程旨在帮助学生更好地掌握英语,并为日后从事烹饪与餐饮相关工作做好准备。
  2. 讲解详细易懂。本课程的讲解方式通俗易懂,深入浅出,帮助学生轻松掌握各种英语表达方式。
  3. 帮助掌握文化背景。本课程不仅仅帮助学生掌握英语,还帮助学生了解西方与东方的不同饮食文化背景。



  1. 多听多练。英语学习最重要的就是听说读写四项能力,掌握了这四项能力,就能轻松应对各种场景。
  2. 注重学习文化背景。烹饪与餐饮不仅仅是技术活,更是一门文化学科,了解背后的文化背景能够更好的理解各种英语表达方式。
  3. 多做练习题。本课程中有大量的练习题,通过做题可以更好地巩固所学知识,提高语言表达能力。

