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Week 1 Finding Nemo (1)

1.1 First Day of School随堂测验

1、超星In the movie Finding Nemo,影视英语 who is entitled Jellyman by aquatic animals?

2、通题According to the lecture,目答 Dory is described as .

1.2 Excitement or Anxiety,答案 Different Moods随堂测验

1、Which of the following are incorrect descriptions about Nemo on his 学习first day of school?

2、Sandy Plankton is Nemo's best friend in real life, who is knowledgeable, living around the neighborhood or school.

1.3 Key Words and Note-taking随堂测验

1、Which of the following belong to content words?

2、Generally speaking, which of the following words are NOT stressed in utterances?

1.4 Confined to the Fish Tank随堂测验

1、Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
A、"Neck of the woods" refers to a neighborhood or nearby region, especially the rural area where one lives.
B、"Gotta" is a shortened form of "have got to" when used informally, which indicates obligation or compulsion.
C、In Finding Nemo, Darla, the dentist's niece, is a lovely and popular girl.
D、"Hitch a ride" means "hitchhike" or "get a free ride".

2、"See a man about a wallaby","wash one's hands", "powder one's nose", and "answer the call of nature" are used as euphemisms for going to the toilet.

1.5 Phonetic Skills随堂测验

1、Loss of plosion or incomplete plosion happens to one plosive consonant when it is followed by .
A、another plosive/stop consonant (爆破音)
B、a fricative (摩擦音)
C、a nasal (鼻辅音)
D、an affricate (破擦音)

2、In the pronunciation of the phrase "that look", the plosive /t/ is partially or slightly pronounced and moves quickly to the next consonant /l/ following, which is called incomplete plosion.

Quiz 1

1、Which one of the following words can be used to describe Dory who suffers from short-term memory loss?

2、On the first day of school, Nemo gets stuck. After helping Nemo to get out, Marlin asks Nemo a few questions in a row to .
A、test whether Nemo is a clever boy
B、make fun of Nemo
C、check whether Nemo is not hurt
D、check whether Nemo previews lessons

3、In English pronunciation, "linking" does not occur in .
A、"both of us"
B、"function words"
C、"not at all"
D、"come on in"

4、Which of the following does NOT belong to content words?

5、Which of the following are function words?

6、"Weak form" occurs in the following utterances
A、"Look at him."
B、"Sit down."
C、"He told us a story."
D、"The kids have gone."

7、How does Gill help him to get out when Nemo gets stuck in the fish tank?
A、Gill asks Nemo to calm down.
B、Gill teaches Nemo to alternate wiggling his fins and tail to get out.
C、Gill asks Nemo not to move and pulls him out.
D、Gill asks Nemo to get out on his own.

8、There are 6 plosives in English consonants: /p/&/b/, /t/&/d/, /f/&/v/.

9、In the pronunciation of the word “goodbye”, loss of plosion occurs to the plosive consonant /d/, so there is only preparatory posture with a soundless pause for the pronunciation of /d/, but soon pronounce the following plosive /b/ directly.

10、In speech, elision occurs to words in weak forms. Therefore, the dropping of /h/ happens in “touch him”--/t?t? im/.

11、Notes should be concise, effective and readable, with standardized format.

12、Representing the ideas, notes can be words, abbreviations and symbols.

13、On the first day of school, Marlin seems worried and curious about the outside world.

14、In the pronunciation of the phrase“that look”, incomplete plosion occurs to the plosive /t/, which is partially or slightly pronounced and then moves quickly to the next consonant /l/ following.

15、Key words can be noted down as retrieval cues to our memory.

Week 2 Finding Nemo (2)

2.1 An Escape Plan随堂测验

1、What phonetic skill can be applied in pronouncing Nemo's new name "Sharkbait"?
A、Weak form
B、Loss of plosion

2、Shadowing is speaking the words a split second after hearing them. In this practice, therefore, we listen, imitate and parrot the speaker, just like a shadow.

2.2 Optimism or Pessimism, Different Life Attitudes随堂测验

1、Which of the following are incorrect to describe Dory in the whale?

2、Marlin's half-full mind shows us that he concerns and feels thankful for what is owned with optimism, living at present with endless life passion.

2.3 Parenting随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements are correct for a helicopter parent?
A、Helicopter parenting may cause long-term mental health problems to the offspring.
B、Helicopter parenting can limit a child's independence.
C、Helicopter parenting can make children less able to regulate their own behavior.
D、Helicopter parenting is a practical and effective style of raising children as the parent is dedicated.

2、Speaking of parenting, sea turtle father Crush is open-minded, who thinks children should learn how to face and deal with some challenge and emergency to grow up on their own.

Quiz 2

1、What is Nemo expected to do before he is officially accepted by the tank gang family?
A、To promise to be cooperative.
B、To agree to join their escape plan.
C、To swim through "The Ring of Fire".
D、To agree to be the present of Darla.

2、In this movie, Nemo is chosen as a pioneer to carry out the new escape plan mainly because .
A、he is small
B、he is brave
C、he can swim well
D、he is experienced

3、Which one of the following expressions CANNOT be used to describe Marlin in the whale?

4、Helicopter parenting shows us parents in raising children.

5、Which one of the following is NOT an appropriate expression for Marlin-style parenting?
A、A helicopter parent
B、Free-range parenting
C、A cosseting parent
D、A micromanaging parent

6、Which of the following are correct to describe Dory in the whale?

7、Which of the following statements are correct for a helicopter parent?
A、Helicopter parenting may cause long-term mental health problems to the offspring.
B、Helicopter parenting can limit a child's independence.
C、Helicopter parenting is a practical and effective style of raising children as the parent is dedicated.
D、Helicopter parenting can make children less able to regulate their own behavior.

8、Which of the following are part of the escape plan?
A、Nemo gets inside the filter with a pebble and jams the gears.
B、The fish roll themselves down the counter.
C、The fish roll themselves out of the window.
D、The fish roll themselves off the awning.
E、The fish roll themselves into the bushes.
F、The fish roll themselves across the street.
G、The fish roll themselves into the harbor.

9、Both Helicopter parenting and Tiger mothering are considered "extreme parenting", which can result in negative effects in children's growth.

10、As the saying goes, a contented mind is a perpetual feast, which justifies the significance of half-full mindset.

11、The tank gang family are very confident of Gill's escape plan.

12、"Aye" in lecture video 2.1 means an affirmative vote or voter.

13、In the whale, Marlin's half-full mind shows us that he concerns and feels thankful for what is owned with optimism, living at present with endless life passion.

14、Generally speaking, people with half-empty mind will give attention to what is lacking with pessimism, living in the past or the future with worry or anxiety.

15、"Nuts" in "I think you are nuts" in lecture video 2.1 means "dry fruits consisting of edible kernels or meat enclosed in woody or leathery shells."

Week 3 Pocahontas (1)

3.1 Generation Gap随堂测验

1、Native Americans are also called the American Indians or the Indians.

3.2 First Meeting and Disagreement随堂测验

1、Due to cultural differences, people tend to judge other cultures based on their own cultural preferences or norms. Thus, cultural ____ occurs.

3.3 Human and Nature随堂测验

1、Human civilization has witnessed four stages. In the film Pocahontas, the white people were probably in the stage of ______.
A、primitive civilization
B、agricultural civilization
C、early industrial civilization
D、modern industrial civilization

Quiz 3

1、When Pocahontas and John first met each other, they tried to exchange information. Which one of the four wasn’t introduced in the process of their communication? __________
A、The way to express love.
B、The way to express “Goodbye”.
C、The way to express “Hello”.
D、The compass.

2、The strange clouds in Pocahontas’ dream turned out to be __________.
A、the flag on the white settlers’ ship
B、the sails of the white settlers’ ship
C、the tent of the white settlers
D、the sheet of the white settlers

3、John thought Pocahontas and her people were uncivilized because __________.
A、they were cruel and primitive
B、they were like animals killing each other
C、they were living in a poor condition without enough food and shelter
D、they hadn't developed a modern way of life

4、We should not simply call other people “uncivilized” if we share different cultural background and social standards. In China today, which one is considered uncivilized? __________
A、People wear slippers at the airport.
B、No spitting and smoking in public.
C、Men roll their tops up to keep their bellies cool in summer.
D、People wear shorts in the community.

5、According to Pocahontas, __________.
A、bears also have love towards their family
B、one can cut down the sycamore tree to build houses
C、one cannot eat fruit in order to protect trees or plants
D、one can own the earth and make the most of it

6、Besides the film Pocahontas, which one of the four films also touches upon the relationship between human and nature? __________
D、Toy Story

7、In Chinese history, __________ happened to have similar views with Pocahontas and her people.
B、the Taoist philosophy
D、The Confucius philosophy

8、Pocahontas (1595-1617) was a real person in British history.

9、The film Pocahontas was loyal to the history of Indian-white interaction.

10、Pocahontas’ father tried to persuade her to choose the smoothest future.

11、The term "generation gap" was first used in the 17th century.

12、The key words in the definition of the generation gap were “difference” and “understand(ing)”.

13、Cultural bias leads to cultural differences.

14、According to Pocahontas, human and nature were closely related and we should make the most of nature.

15、In the early industrial civilization, people began to excessively exploit natural resources and tried to do things against natural rules.

Week 4 Pocahontas (2)

4.1 Trying to Keep Peace随堂测验

1、First impressions are likely to be misleading and might cause misconceptions.

4.2 Grandmother Willow's Suggestion随堂测验

1、Faced with conflicts, some people would rather have a cold war and suffer from stress or frustration than communicate with each other and solve the problem. This conflict resolution style is _________.

4.3 Pocahontas' Brave Decision随堂测验

1、__________ played a key role in improving the relationship between her people and the white men.

Quiz 4

1、In our daily lives, misconceptions are everywhere. Which one of the four is not a misconception? __________
A、People living in the northern part of China must suffer a lot in the freezing winter.
B、People with sweeter blood are more attractive to mosquitoes.
C、The British are well-known for their gentlemen culture.
D、Americans are individualistic and do not care about family or friends.

2、John Smith and Governor Ratcliffe had totally different impressions upon the Indians mainly because __________.
A、John was smart while Ratcliffe was stupid
B、John wanted to marry Pocahontas
C、Ratcliffe came across the Indians before
D、John tried to communicate with one of them

3、Most of us think Chief Powhatan was a great leader because __________.
A、he was sensible and prudent before he made any decisions
B、he was kind to his people
C、he was smart enough to choose Kocoum for Pocahontas
D、he led his people to win the battle with the white men

4、Grandmother Willow used the ripple metaphor in order to ___________.
A、stop Percy and Meeko's fight
B、enlighten John to take the initiative to talk
C、show her wisdom
D、encourage Pocahontas to persuade her father

5、When Grandmother Willow said to John“Young man, sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.” She tried to tell him ___________.
A、to choose the easiest way
B、to pursue true love
C、the easiest way to solve conflicts
D、the difficulty of solving conflicts

6、Based on the conflict resolution style, an evader would most likely to ___________.
A、thrive on conflicts
B、run away from conflicts
C、come up with solutions
D、gather necessary information

7、Based on the conflict resolution style, a negotiator would most likely to ___________.
A、resolve the conflict as quickly as possible
B、back down or give in
C、look for a solution that meets everyone’s needs
D、feel uncomfortable or under stress

8、When an evader meets a negotiator, ___________.
A、it’s possible to strike a win-win deal
B、it’s easy to solve the conflict
C、it’s impossible for the evader to be satisfied
D、it’s impossible to strike a win-win deal

9、Pocahontas played a key role in improving the relationship between her people and the white men.

10、Pocahontas told her father that cultural bias had caused all the conflicts between her people and the white men.

11、According to the last lecture, once we come across people who are not the same as us, stay away from them since they might be dangerous.

12、The majority of people in different cultures have enough cultural knowledge in cross-cultural communication.

13、We'd better learn to promote our own culture when we have the chance to communicate with people from other cultures.

14、Modesty is a traditional virtue for Chinese people. Yet the Americans prefer self-promotion. That's why Americans often perceive the Chinese as less confident.

15、The white people and the Indians had lots of misconceptions towards each other.

Week 5 Mulan (1)

5.1 Females in Chinese Tradition随堂测验

1、What are the four virtues for women according to Chinese tradition?
A、Proper speech
C、Physical charm
D、Labor and work at home

2、In The Ballad of Mulan ,“Mulan is weaving cloth of topmost class”(木兰当户织) shows us a traditional image of woman.

5.2 Tradition versus Pursuit of Freedom随堂测验

1、In Disney Mulan, which one of the following statements does NOT interpret the value of pursuing freedom?
A、Mulan and Shang fall in love with each other.
B、The emperor encourages Shang to pursue his true love.
C、Mulan was trying to impress the matchmaker.
D、Grandma Fa hopes Shang would like to stay forever.

2、In The Ballad of Mulan, it fully shows us an image of Hua Mulan who breaks the life bondage of traditional culture, pursues freedom and achieves self-realization.

5.3 Family Priority and Collectivism随堂测验

1、Which one of the following does NOT belong to collectivistic characteristics?
A、Group opinion is important.
B、Direct communication.
C、Loss of "face", shame.
D、Relationship is given priority over task.

2、According to the lecture, which of the following countries score high on collectivism?

Quiz 5

1、In feudal China, a Chinese woman should keep to the following traditional codes of conduct except that .
A、she should obey or assist her husband during married life
B、she should be subordinate to men
C、she should take part in social politics and life
D、she should be an obedient daughter

2、Which one of the following countries does NOT score high on collectivism?
A、The United States

3、Which one of the following does NOT belong to collectivistic characteristics?
A、Group opinion is important.
B、Indirect communication.
C、Task is given priority over relationship.
D、Loss of "face", shame.

4、In Disney Mulan, which one of the following statements does NOT interpret pursuing freedom?
A、Mulan was trying to impress the matchmaker.
B、Mulan and Shang fall in love with each other.
C、Grandma Fa hopes Shang would like to stay forever.
D、The emperor encourages Shang to pursue his true love.

5、What are the social virtues Mulan should follow in the Disney film clip?
B、Quiet and demure

6、According to Chinese tradition,
A、Chinese people have had strong sense of family honor and responsibility.
B、Chinese people value family relationship.
C、Chinese people adhere to the values of collectivism.
D、Chinese people go after freedom of personality.

7、According to the lecture, which of the following countries score high on collectivism?

8、What are the four virtues for women according to Chinese tradition?
A、Proper speech.
C、Physical charm.
D、Labor and work at home.

9、What are the key steps in doing shadow reading practice in listening?

10、Owing to the deep-rooted traditional culture—"Filial Piety" (Xiao), Chinese children feel a lifelong obligation to their parents, preserving the honor and continuity of the family.

11、In The Ballad of Mulan, Mulan was absolutely an image of patriotic and filial daughter.

12、In the Disney cartoon, Mulan was far from traditional, but a girl with freedom of personality.

13、In The Ballad of Mulan,“Mulan is weaving cloth of topmost class”(木兰当户织) shows us a traditional image of woman.

14、Compared with women in feudal China, Chinese women nowadays have more individual freedom and decision-making power with enhanced social status.

15、"Poised" is used to show "being composed and self-possessed in the face of trouble". (沉着的,镇定的)

Week 6 Mulan (2)

6.1 Gender Discrimination and Hierarchy随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements exemplify gender discrimination?
A、According to religious stories, a woman is made from man's rib.
B、Women were prevented from conducting business without a male representative.
C、Women had little or no access to education and were barred from most professions.
D、Women were compelled to cover their heads in public.

2、Gender discrimination is an inequality phenomenon only existing in oriental countries.

6.2 Chinese Dragon (Loong) versus Western Dragon (1)随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements are true?
A、Great Ancestor decides to send the real dragon, the Great Stone Dragon, to fetch Mulan.
B、Mushu is proud to have the power to produce a flame.
C、After negotiation, Mushu volunteers to replace the Stone Dragon to accompany and protect Mulan on her journey.
D、Western audience may feel uneasy the first time they hear the voice of a dragon named Mushu.

2、Chinese dragon is an auspicious emblem and stands for sacred, supreme imperial power.

6.3 Chinese Dragon (Loong) versus Western Dragon (2)随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements indicate dragon is a negative cultural symbol?
A、In the Bible, Satan is the great dragon.
B、In Beowulf, as the treasure it protected had been stolen, the dragon breathed fire to the houses and fields.
C、Harry Potter battled the dragon and got back a golden egg from its nest.
D、In Journey to the West, the third son of Dragon King accompanied Tang Seng all the way to the west.

2、Zhuge Liang was named The Crouching Dragon because of his noble ambition, great learning and outstanding ability.

Quiz 6

1、Which statement is incorrect about Chi Fu in Disney Mulan?
A、Chi Fu complained that Mulan intended to murder him.
B、Chi Fu said Mulan was not worth protecting.
C、Chi Fu was fair in judging Mulan's doings.
D、Chi Fu bore gender discrimination against women.

2、Generally speaking, the following are correct descriptions about Chinese dragon (Loong) except .
B、"spouting fire"
C、"bringing prosperity and good fortune"
D、"auspicious and noble"

3、The following are usually correct descriptions of Western dragon except .
B、"fierce and sinister"
C、"a symbol of evil, greed, and destruction"
D、"the god of thunder and rain"

4、The following statements indicate dragon is a positive cultural symbol except that .
A、Zhuge Liang was named The Crouching Dragon
B、Chinese people perform Loong dancing and Loong boat racing
C、originating from Greek legend, there is an English idiom, "sow dragon's teeth"
D、the dragon brings rain to the thirsty land and controls flood when it is to cause losses

5、Generally speaking, which of the following cannot describe Chinese dragon?

6、Concerning dragon culture, differences between Chinese Dragon and Western Dragon are embodied in the following aspects:
A、Different images.
B、Different nature.
C、Different behaviors in mythologies.
D、Different symbolic meanings.

7、Which of the following statements indicate dragon is a negative cultural symbol?
A、Harry Potter battled the dragon and got back a golden egg from its nest.
B、In Journey to the West, the third son of Dragon King accompanied Tang Seng all the way to the west.
C、In the Bible, Satan is the great dragon.
D、In Beowulf, as the treasure it protected had been stolen, the dragon breathed fire to the houses and fields.

8、Which of the following statements exemplify gender discrimination?
A、Women were compelled to cover their heads in public.
B、Women had little or no access to education and were barred from most professions.
C、Women were prevented from conducting business without a male representative.
D、According to religious stories, a woman is made from man's rib.

9、A hierarchy is a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

10、In a male-dominated society, the status of females is higher than males.

11、Western audience usually think Mushu is a pleasant sidekick the first time they see the scrawny dragon.

12、Western dragon is usually an embodiment of evil and greed, a vicious monster against which the hero must battle.

13、Gender discrimination is an inequality phenomenon only existing in oriental countries.

14、Chinese dragon is an auspicious emblem and stands for sacred, supreme imperial power.

15、Western people usually see dragons as cold-blooded reptiles or cruel killers, who lay waste to valleys, kill and eat humans.

Week 7 Chicken Run (1)

7.1 Appreciating English Humor随堂测验

1、Irony is a play on words that produces a humorous effect by using a word that suggests two or more meanings, or by exploiting similar sounding words that have different meanings.

7.2 Getting the Implied Meaning随堂测验

1、Which one of the four sentences said by Rocky doesn’t have implied meaning?
A、It's a cruel world, doll face. You might as well get used to it.
B、What kind of crazy chick are you? Do you know what'll happen if he finds me?
C、Is your father by any chance a vulture?
D、You want to get every chicken in this place out of here at the SAME TIME?

7.3 Parody and Humor随堂测验

1、___________ is an imitation of an individual or a piece of work, exaggerating it deliberately for comic effect or in ridicule.

Quiz 7

1、The newcomer Rocky attracted the chickens’ attention NOT because he was ___________.

2、Due to cultural differences and ___________, it has always been a headache for Chinese audience to appreciate English humor.
A、different tastes
B、common habits
C、language barriers
D、eating habits

3、Irony is commonly used in short sketches or cross talks. But if you use it too often in daily lives, you will be considered to be ___________.

4、Which one of the four sentences does NOT have a pun? ___________
A、In order to keep fit, she eats like a bird.
B、"Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won't pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy--I'm taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night."
C、During the summer vacation, my brother and I ate my grandparents out of house and home.
D、You look worried. What’s eating you?

5、After Rocky said to the chickens “Listen. SSh. You hear that?”, all the chickens quieted down and tried to hear something. Rocky then proudly announced “That’s the open road calling my name, and I was born to answer that call.” This type of humor is called ___________.

6、Ginger: Mr. Rhodes, um, perhaps I didn’t explain our situation properly. We lay eggs day in and day out and when we can’t lay any more, they kill us. Rocky: It’s a cruel world, doll face. You might as well get used to it. Which one of the following interpretations of Rocky’s words is least likely? ___________
A、“You deserve it!”
B、“It’s none of my business.”
C、“I can do nothing to help you.”
D、“Your situation is miserable.”

7、The implied meaning is often used to express feelings, opinions or attitudes towards someone or something with different purposes. Which one of the four is not among them? ___________
A、To be humorous.
B、To avoid embarrassment.
C、To show politeness.
D、To show off one’s high IQ.

8、When Rocky commented on Ginger “You’re certifiable!”, he meant Ginger was ___________.

9、Which one of the four used parody? ___________
A、Where there is a will, there is a way.
B、I’m a Lone Free Ranger. Emphasis on FREE!
C、Rocky: “I just decided. I don’t like you.” Ginger: “I just decided. I don’t care.”
D、You wanna keep it down? I’m trying to lay low here.

10、When Rocky asked Ginger “Was your father by any chance a vulture?”, he wanted to ___________.
A、know if Ginger’s father was a vulture
B、praise Ginger for her bravery
C、humiliate Ginger since she was a hen
D、condemn Ginger for being so nasty

11、Ginger: I thought you were going to teach us how to fly. Rocky: That’s what I’m doing. From this conversation and the scene of Rocky having a massage, we can see that ___________.
A、Rocky was thick-skinned
B、Ginger was mean
C、Rocky was responsible
D、Ginger was a busybody

12、According to the videos we have watched in this lecture, humorous effects can be achieved by using the following three rhetoric devices except ___________.

13、When the two mice Nick and Fetcher were watching the chickens’ flying exercise, they seemed to be ___________.

14、Which one of the following doesn’t use parody? ___________
A、Birds of a feather flock together.
B、Poultry in motion!

15、Which sentence is used by Rocky to encourage the chickens? ___________
A、Right, four feet. From the roof to the ground!
B、Poultry in motion!
C、The pain you're feeling is a good thing.
D、Now they're over easy!

Week 8 Chicken Run (2)

8.1 Ginger and Rocky's Disagreement随堂测验

1、Ginger insisted that if one wanted to motivate others, he should never mention death.

8.2 Ginger's Prospects and Rocky's Reflections随堂测验

1、American writer and educator William White said, “In ____________, we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life.”

8.3 Happy Ending versus Reality随堂测验

1、According to the survival of the fittest, strong and steady chickens like Bunty and Babs could survive in the forest.

Quiz 8

1、Hearing the phrase “chicken pies”, the chickens were very frightened. Then Ginger said to them “Ladies, please. Let’s not lose our heads.” She wanted to ___________.
A、threaten the chickens
B、encourage the chickens
C、remind the chickens to stay calm and keep sober-minded
D、persuade the chickens to keep escaping

2、When Rocky returned to Fowler’s room with a burdened state of mind, he saw Fowler standing there in a respectful manner. So he asked him “All right, Pops, what did I do now?” Which one of the underlined words has similar meaning with the word “Pops”? ___________
A、Rocky: Up and at them, gals. Let’s flap. (Chicken Run)
B、Rocky: What’s eating Grandpa? (Chicken Run)
C、Squirt: You rock, dude! (Finding Nemo)
D、Powhatan: My brothers, we must know more about these visitors. (Pocahontas)

3、Ginger and Rocky had a discussion about life outside the chicken farm. Ginger was eager to escape from the chicken farm for many reasons, among which one of them was to ___________.
A、feel grass beneath her feet
B、climb the hills
C、eat greener grass
D、hatch her eggs

4、___________ once said “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
A、William White
B、William Shakespeare
C、Winston Churchill
D、Abraham Lincoln

5、The chickens finally led an ideal life mainly thanks to ___________.
A、Fowler’s contribution as a great leader
B、Ginger’s intelligence and perseverance
C、Rocky’s plan and inspiration
D、the mice’s help with all the eggs

6、The beginning of the film Chicken Run resembled ___________.
A、a British summer camp
B、an American military camp
C、a French healing camp
D、a German detention camp

7、Chicken Run is based on a 1963 film named ___________.
A、The Great Depression
B、The Last Break
C、The Great Escape
D、The Last Escape

8、Before the chickens decided to fly over the fence through the crate, ___________.
A、they knew they could make it
B、they were aware of the risk
C、they blamed Ginger for giving them hope
D、they knew Rocky would come back

9、Ginger and Rocky’s conversation reminds us of the difference between making a living and making a life. Which one of the four persons is most likely in a state of making a life? ___________
A、Tom goes to work nine to five without thinking about the future.
B、Lucy has a stable job which she doesn’t really like. But she accepts it.
C、Joe is a delivery man. He plans to start up his own delivery company when he has earned enough money.
D、Mary's life centers around her kids and husband.

10、Babs hadn’t laid any eggs for three days, so she was frightened to death when Mrs. Tweedy approached her.

11、It is agreed that generally speaking, the British are more optimistic than the Americans.

12、The term “American dream” was first raised in the United States Declaration of Independence.

13、According to the interpretation of “American dream”, people from a lower social class can move upward as far as they are optimistic enough.

14、Rocky firmly believed if Ginger wanted the chickens to perform, it was most effective to tell them what they wanted to hear, rather than frightening them.

15、Fowler was the one who came up with a brand-new idea of making a crate.

Week 9 Dead Poets Society (1)

9.1 Elite Education: Welton Academy随堂测验

1、Which one does not belong to the four pillars of the Welton Academy?

2、The Welton Academy is one part of a university.

9.2 An Unorthodox Teacher随堂测验

1、Mr. Keating asks the students to stand upon the desk to feel tall.

2、The Latin term for the sentiment "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" is Carpe Diem.

9.3 Father-son Relationship: Order, Obedience and Defiance随堂测验

1、Neil's father takes pride in his son's performance in a play.

2、Neil loves acting, but he fails to persuade his father to support his acting business.

Quiz 9

1、The Welton Academy is one college of a university.

2、The education mode of Welton Academy is innovative, modern and interesting.

3、In Welton, teachers only care about preparing the students for college.

4、Mr. Keating uses unorthodox teaching style to bring vitality to the school.

5、Other teachers mainly adopt a teacher-centered approach to teaching.

6、Mr. Keating expects the boys to make their lives extraordinary.

7、Mr. Keating asks the students not to walk off the edge like lemmings.

8、Neil's father is very proud of him because he is good at acting.

9、Neil dares to tell his father about his true feelings.

10、Neil's father is very angry with him when he finds out that Neil stills acts in the play.

Week 10 Dead Poets Society (2)

10.1 Traditional Way of Appreciating English Poems随堂测验

1、The traditional way of appreciating English poems presented in the film is absolutely scientific.

10.2 Keating’s Way of Appreciating English Poems随堂测验

1、According to Mr. Keating, we live for .

10.3 Some Poems Mentioned in the Film随堂测验

1、Keating uses the line 'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may' to stimulate and encourage the students not to squander their precious time.

Quiz 10

1、Which of the following are often mentioned when it comes to appreciating a poem?
D、Figures of speech

2、The value of a poem can be calculated by measuring its artfulness and importance.

3、The students love this kind of traditional way of appreciating poems.

4、Mr. Keating thinks that people can use some quantifiable scores to measure the greatness of poems.

5、Lord Byron is considered one of the historical leading figures of the Romantic movement of his era.

6、Mr. Keating believes that words and ideas can change the world.

7、Mr. Keating asks the students to learn to savor words and language.

8、Mr. Keating says that the human race is filled with passion.

9、Mr. Keating overlooks the importance of other pursuits like medicine and law.

10、Mr. Keating believes that we can resort to poems to find the inner passion of our life.

Week 11 Pride and Prejudice (1)

11.1 Love or Money随堂测验

1、Mrs. Bennet forces Elizabeth to marry Mr. Collins mainly because ___________.
A、Collins is rich
B、Collins is a respected gentleman
C、their marriage can save the family
D、Collins has proposed to Elizabeth

2、Charlotte believes that her marriage with Mr. Collins can be as happy as everyone else.

11.2 Proud Darcy随堂测验

1、Darcy belongs to loyalty, because he is a member of the highest class in the movie.

2、When Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth, he is ardent and humble.

11.3 Etiquette随堂测验

1、According to the etiquette mentioned in the lecture, which one is proper?
A、Mrs. Bennet leads her daughters to visit a strange gentleman.
B、Mr. Collins introduces himself to Darcy.
C、Miss Bingley asks Jane to stay at Netherfield when Jane is ill.?
D、Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth.

2、Darcy persuades Bingley to leave Jane because he believes Bingley’s love is seemingly unrewarded.

Quiz 11

1、According to the etiquette mentioned in the lecture, which one is improper?
A、Mr. Bingley danced with Jane twice.
B、Mr. Bennet visits Mr. Bingley first, then introduces him to the female family members.
C、The five Bennet girls are out at the same time.
D、Elizabeth goes to Netherfield to take care of her sister.

2、According to the lecture, which of the following statements is incorrect?
A、The Bennets belonged to gentry class, and they ranked below Darcy.
B、The Bingleys represented a new kind of wealth rising in England.
C、Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth at the Meryton ball because of her family’s bad manners.
D、Elizabeth accuses Darcy of his lack of propriety as a gentleman.

3、Mrs. Bennet’s only concern is ______________.
A、to lose her property
B、to be driven away from her house by Collins
C、to marry off her daughters
D、to force Elizabeth to marry Collins

4、The movie tells us a courtship story in England near the close of_________.
A、the 17th century
B、the 18th century
C、the 19th century
D、the 20th century

5、A good marriage for Charlotte is her husband can ___________.
A、offer her a luxurious life
B、financially support her
C、be an aristocrat in the future
D、be very rich in the future

6、In 18th-century England, if a woman refused a proposal, the most severe risk she had to run is that______________.
A、no one would propose to her again
B、her family would abundant her
C、other people would criticize her
D、her reputation was ruined

7、Elizabeth is brave because she has courage to pursue _________ in her marriage.
A、higher social status
C、financial support

8、Elizabeth is independent because she rejects_____________.
A、an aristocrat family
B、an advantageous marriage
C、the marriage with Collins
D、the marriage with Darcy

9、Elizabeth believes in ____________, because she refuses to sacrifice herself to keep the house and save her sisters from destitution.

10、Darcy shows respect to Elizabeth in his first proposal to her.

11、People were unwilling to marry their social inferiors in 18th-century England.

12、The chief mark of a gentleman was that he did not have to work for a living.

13、Elizabeth rejects Darcy only because she thinks him too arrogant.

14、“You were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.” In this sentence, "prevail" means to be common among a group of people.

15、Genteel ladies in 18th-century England depended on their husbands the whole life.

Week 12 Pride and Prejudice (2)

12.1 Irony随堂测验

1、What does Mr. Bennet want to express by saying the following sentence to Mrs. Bennet? ______ “If Jane does die, it will be a comfort to know it was in pursuit of Mr. Bingley.”
A、Mr. Bennet tries to comfort his wife not to worry about Jane..
B、Mr. Bennet thinks pursuing Mr. Bingley is very important.
C、Mr. Bennet thinks Jane deservesMr. Bennet thinks Jane deserves it it.
D、Mr. Bennet criticizes Mrs. Bennet’s arrangement.

2、Mr. Bennet usually speaks ironically when he teases his wife.

12.2 First Impressions随堂测验

1、Darcy has all the goodness and Wickham all the appearance of it.

2、The elopement of Wickham and Lydia ruins the reputation of the family, but it won’t affect the other Bennet girls.

12.3 An Ideal Marriage随堂测验

1、Charlotte marries Collins without illusions of _________.
A、being rich
B、being loved
C、being respected
D、being protected

2、Pride and Prejudice tells us that in a healthy relationship, lovers will grow together.

Quiz 12

1、Which is not mentioned in the lecture? Irony can be used _______.
A、to tease people
B、to create a humorous situation
C、to express opinion intelligently
D、to praise people

2、Elizabeth says to Darcy, “I’m no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.” What does she want to express?
A、Elizabeth agrees only few women are accomplished.
B、Elizabeth thinks Darcy’s picture of an accomplished woman is unrealistic.
C、Elizabeth criticizes Darcy for being too proud.
D、Elizabeth persuades Darcy to change his opinion.

3、According to the lecture, which one of the following statements is incorrect?
A、Wickham revenges Darcy by eloping with Lydia.
B、Elizabeth thinks“Wickham is twice the man Darcy is” because of Wickham’s good manners.
C、Elizabeth dislikes Darcy because he is so conceited that he slights her when they first meet.
D、The story tells us first impressions can be misleading.

4、___________ marriage is based on money.
A、Lydia and Wickham's
B、Jane and Bingley's
C、Elizabeth and Darcy's
D、Charlotte and Collins's

5、Elizabeth is lucky to gain the love of _______ before she marries Darcy.
A、Darcy's aunt
B、Darcy's sister
C、Darcy's parents
D、Darcy's friends

6、Mr. Bingley is so easy-going that _________ opinion is considered the highest one.
B、his sister's
D、Mr. Bennet's

7、Elizabeth’s uncle thinks Darcy is “very civil”. “Civil” here means ________.
A、relating to the ordinary people of a country
B、polite and formal
C、not military
D、not religion

8、Lydia seems incapable of learning from her ______ and feels no shame.

9、Mr. Bennet says to Mr. Collins, “How happy for you, Mr. Collins, to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy.” What does he want to express?
A、Mr. Bennet praises Mr. Collins for his talent.
B、Mr. Bennet thinks Mr. Collins knows how to please ladies.
C、Mr. Bennet ridicules Mr. Collins to have so-called talent.
D、Mr. Bennet feels happy for Mr. Collins to possess the talent.

10、Lady Catherine visits Elizabeth at night to ________.
A、separate Elizabeth and Darcy and she succeeds.
B、humiliate Elizabeth and Elizabeth promises her that she will never marry Darcy.
C、move Elizabeth away from Darcy, but her action actually facilitates Darcy to propose to Elizabeth again.
D、order Elizabeth to tell her where Darcy is.

11、Darcy looks down upon Elizabeth only because she is not beautiful.

12、Darcy hates Wickham because he envies him.

13、Miss Bingley says to Darcy, “We are a long way from Grosvenor Square” because they miss home.

14、Darcy helps the Bennets to find Lydia because he feels responsible for her elopement.

15、Elizabeth admits her mistake of believing in first impressions by telling Jane: “I was blind.”












