



68 min read


Chapter 1 EST Reading

Exercise 1

1、尔雅Please list the main features of EST

Chapter 3 Scientific Writing

4. How to Write an Introduction随堂测验

1、大学答案Which of the following is 英语英语业答not included in a statement of purpose of writing an academic essay?
B、科技Action verbs
C、学习Adverbs of Manner
D、通课Purpose nous

List referencde

1、后作Source 1 Title: Gobal Ctastrophes: A very Short Introduction Author: Bill McGuire Source: Oxford University Press,尔雅 2001

2、Source 2 Title: Global Warming & Its Effects Author: Nicolas Dalleva Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4933674,大学答案 retrieved 2007/3/28



1、Part II Reading Comprehension (20’) Section A (1’×10=10’) Directions: In this 英语英语业答section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet. You may NOT use any of the words more than once. 注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答。 What do we know about love?科技 Is it, as some people would suggest, a mysterious force? Or can it be explained and possibly even (31) __________? Well, even in this scientific and reason-driven age, love seems still to (32) __________ total understanding. We can, however, know something about love and make stronger (33) __________ between individuals. One thing that seems to (34) __________ love is distance. The common idea is that the love between people grows as they are (35) __________. Sometimes it is true that longing for someone who has gone overseas becomes more (36) __________. Something that (37) __________ love is danger. Send both lovers to dangerous places and they will end up loving each other more. This could be caused by the worry it develops. It could also be that feelings of (38) __________ or need transform into love with time. Love gives us warmth, courage, and a feeling of being safe, but it also (39) __________ selfless devotion and sacrifice. If you are truly (40) __________ to finding true love, you should make yourself more interesting. Do things that you enjoy and try to meet people who share identical interests. A. intense B. uncertainty C. demands D. commands E. nourishes F. comforts G. connections H. affect I. alter K. isolated M. forbidden O. created J. defy L. separated N. committed Section B (2’×5=10’) Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。 Passage One Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage. Brazil has become one of the developing world’s great successes in reducing population growth — but more by accident than by design. While countries such as India are making great efforts to reduce the birth rate,学习 Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard. Brazil’s population growth rate dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.63% a year between 2000 and 2010, and now Brazilian women have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure will continue to fall in the coming decades, an achievement that makes Brazil the envy of many other Third World countries. Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment (分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both have played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world’s biggest producers of soap operas. Global, the nation’s most popular television network, broadcasts soap operas for at least three hours every night. “Most soap operas are based on stories happening in wealthy families. They describe the values of the middle and upper classes — not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working,” says Martine. “They have sent the images to all parts of Brazil and managed to make people conscious of the values and the patterns of behavior.” Meanwhile, the installment plans may encourage the poor to become consumers. “This has led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption seems incompatible with unlimited reproduction,” says Martine. 41. According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth ____________. A. by educating its citizens B. by careful family planning C. by making great efforts D. by chance 42. According to the passage, many Third World countries ____________. A. are unconscious of the importance of birth control B. will soon join Brazil in successfully reducing their birth rate C. haven’t found effective measures to control their population growth D. have a good understanding of the role soap operas play in family planning 43. The phrase “puts it down to” (Line 1, Para. 3) is close in meaning to ____________. A. attributes it to B. finds it a reason for C. sums it up as D. compares it to 44. Soap operas have helped Brazil lower its birth rate because ____________. A. they can keep people sitting long hours watching TV B. they have gradually changed people’s views of life C. they have turned most Brazilians into members of the middle and upper classes D. they can popularize birth control measures 45. What is Martine’s conclusion about Brazil’s population growth? A. The increase in the birth rate will promote consumption. B. The desire for consumption helps reduce the birth rate. C. Consumption can be compatible with unlimited reproduction. D. A country’s economy has nothing to do with its population growth

2、Part I Listening Comprehension (30’) Section A Understanding Short Conversations (1’×10=10’) Directions: In this 通课section, you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。 1. A. An actor asked for her name. B. An actor asked what names mean. C. An actor asked someone to give her a name. D. An actor asked for the name of the play. 2. A. Because he wondered how our names affect us. B. Because he believed names were of no importance. C. Because he thought names were of great importance. D. Because he wanted a more important name. 3. A. Because she thought her parents’ names elegant. B. Because she thought it would make her better understood. C. Because she believed people didn’t understand her name. D. Because she wanted a more elegant name. 4. A. Because her English teacher told her not to. B. Because she is 后作proud of her own name. C. Because the new name is not Chinese. D. Because the teacher is not at all right. 5. A. They can make a person great. B. They can shape a person’s identity. C. They can help make a person more sociable. D. They can identify a person’s social class. 6. A. It is the best way. B. It is reasonable. C. It is shallow. D. It is the second best way. 7. A. It is very impressive. B. It is a name that gives her luck. C. It does not express her identity. D. It sounds very beautiful to others. 8. A. Because he thinks the act of naming a child after a parent isn’t creative. B. Because he thinks his name isn’t creative and he doesn’t like it. C. Because he agrees that parents should do that. D. Because there are many creative names that they could choose. 9. A. 17. B. 50. C. 600. D. 600,000. 10. A. Brother and sister. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife. D. Mother and son. Section B Understanding Long Conversations (1’×10=10’) Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear five questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。 Conversation One Questions 11 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 11. A. She left her job. B. She did her usual work. C. She found love. D. She bored her friends. 12. A. She does nothing but work. B. She knows only boring people. C. She dreams instead of working. D. She fails in finding love. 13. A. Interests that will take her outdoors. B. Interests that will help her work better. C. Interests that will bring her friends like herself. D. Interests that will be different from work. 14. A. To have a date. B. To have another dream. C. To do more typing. D. To read more books. 15. A. He’s her next love. B. He’s an exciting guy. C. He has a boring life. D. He’s important to her. Conversation Two Questions 16 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 16. A. Because he hasn’t learned any English. B. Because he has failed an English test. C. Because he doesn’t know how to study English. D. Because he doesn’t want to study English. 17. A. She believes she needs more practice. B. She thinks it’s useless for her to try. C. She feels it’s very poor. D. She thinks it’s pretty good. 18. A. Reading aloud in the morning. B. Going to a foreign country. C. Refusing to lose confidence. D. Starting an English Corner. 19. A. He should improve his 尔雅English. B. He should talk with foreigners. C. He should not lose hope. D. He should not continue studying English. 20. A. He thinks it will help build up his confidence. B. He feels it will help him right away. C. He believes it may be correct. D. He considers it to be of no help. Section C Understanding Passages (1’×10=10’) Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。 Passage One Questions 21 to 23 are based on the passage you have just heard. 21. A. At a crossroads. B. At a bus stop. C. At the side of the road. D. Outside the library. 22. A. It was a foreign car. B. The engine looked very bad. C. There were no tools. D. He did not know anything about the car at all. 23. A. They worked in the library. B. Their home was near the library. C. The girls wanted to borrow a book about cars. D. The girl liked books very much. Passage Two Questions 24 to 27 are based on the passage you have just heard. 24. A. An unmarried young lady. B. A mother of a child. C. An English teacher. D. An old woman. 25. A. She seldom uses the bicycle. B. She uses the bicycle all the year round. C. She uses the bicycle mostly on fine days. D. She uses the bicycle only when she goes shopping. 26. A. Bad weather. B. Accidents. C. Missing of the wheels. D. All of the above. 27. A. The husband likes riding a bicycle very much. B. The husband likes fresh air and a lot of exercise. C. The husband doesn’t want his wife to ride a bicycle. D. The husband doesn’t like to wait a long time for a bus. Passage Three Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard. 28. A. The first rocket. B. A trip into outer space. C. A Russian movie star. D. The first man-made satellite. 29. A. A live passenger. B. Two passengers. C. Instruments only. D. Several white mice. 30. A. An animal lover. B. A rocket engineer. C. A space traveler. D. A space scientist.

3、Part III Translation (5’×5=25’) Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答。 46. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量的时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 47. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 48. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。 _______________________________________________________________________ 49. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 50. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。 ___________________________________________________________________________

4、Part IV Guided Writing (15’) Directions: Write a one-paragraph composition discussing the impact of online game addiction on college students. Begin the paragraph with the topic sentence: “Online game addiction does serious harm to college students.” Complete the paragraph with the help of the outline given below. You should write at least 80 words but no more than 100 words. 注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答。 General Statement: Online game addiction does serious harm to college students. Details: l take up much of the time for study l isolate students from reality l lead to physical and mental problems l expose students to violent and unhealthy materials Online game addiction does serious harm to college students.(从此处开始作答)_________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (请不要超过字数限制)



1、PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (3’× 5=15’) Directions: In this section, you will hear a lecture. The lecture will be spoken twice. After hearing the lecture, you are required to answer the following questions. Then write down your answers on the Answer Sheet. The following questions are based on the lecture you have just heard. 1. What can we learn by studying the twinkling lights of the planetary system? _______________________________________________________________ 2. How many potential new planetary systems have been found during the two-year operation of Kepler Mission? What is the figure prior to the mission? _______________________________________________________________ 3. What does the example of the campfire mean? _______________________________________________________________ 4. What can we see from the sun if we had UV eyes of X-ray eyes? _______________________________________________________________ 5. What does Kepler study? and why is the measurement it makes precisous? _______________________________________________________________

2、PartⅡ Vocabulary (1’×15=15’) Directions: Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed in the box below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Each choice in the box is identified by a letter. Please write down the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the box more than once. A. network B. specter C. disperse D. displacement E. symbolic F. unfounded G. profile H. implement I. strategy J. analyst K. devastating L. rigorous M. neutralize N. straightforward O. optimism 6. a(n) _____(象征的) gesture of love 7. start with a pretty _____(直截了当) question 8. be absorbed in the social _____(社交网络) 9. learn the _____(概要) of the project 10. result in substantial population _____(转移) 11. unrealistic _____(乐观) 12. financial _____(分析员) 13. raise the _____(恐惧) of the oil crisis 14. _____(履行) a promise 15. _____(中和) acids 16. _____(战略) of sustainable development 17. _____(传播) knowledge 18. _____(严格的) discipline 19. _____(没有根据的) suspicions 20. a(n) _____(毁灭性的) hurricane 6-10 ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ 11-15 ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ 16-20 ______ ______ ______ _____ ______

3、Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (20’) Section A (2’×5=10’) Directions: There is 1 passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. The health-care economy is filled with unusual and even unique economic relationships. one of the least understood involves the peculiar roles of producer or "provider" and purchaser or "consumer" in the typical doctor-patient relationship. in most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price, quality, and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. Such condition, however, does not prevail in most of the health-care industry. In the health-care industry, the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer. Once an individual has chosen to see a physician- and even then there may be no real choice - it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return next Wednesday", whether X-rays are needed , whether drugs should be prescribed etc. It is a rare and sophisticated patient who will challenge such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price, especially when the disease is regarded as serious. This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed, and announce when the patient may be discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions, but in the main it is the doctor's judgments that are final. Little wonder then that in the eye of the hospital it is the physician who is the real "consumer." As a consequence, the medical staff represents the "power center" in hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration. Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants - the physician, the hospital, the patient, and the payer (generally an insurance carrier or government) - the physician makes the essential decision for all of them. The hospital becomes an extension of the physician; the payer generally meets most of the bills generated by the physician/hospital, and for the most part the patient plays a passive role. We estimate that about 75-80 percent of health-care expenditures are determined by physicians, not patients. For this reason, the economy directed at patients or the general is relatively ineffective. 21. What's the author's main purpose in writing this passage? A. To criticize doctors for exercising too much control over patients. B. To analyze some important economic factors in health-care. C. To urge hospitals to reclaim their decision-making authority. D. To inform potential patients of their health-care rights. 22. In the health-care industry, the patients _____. A. perform the role of being "providers" B. decide which physician to consult C. never raise questions about price D. never consult with the doctors 23. According to the author, when a doctor tells a patient to "return next Wednesday", the doctor is in effect _____. A. instructing the patient to buy more medical services B. warning the patient that a hospital stay might be necessary C. advising the patient to seek a second opinion D. admitting that the initial visit was ineffective 24. Doctors are able to determine hospital policies most probably because _____. A. it is doctors who generate income for the hospital B. a doctor is ultimately responsible for a patient's health C. most of the patients don't challenge the doctor's decisions D. the administration doesn't know about medicine as much as doctors 25. The author is most probably leading up to _____ A. an analysis of the role of the hospital administration B. a study of lawsuit against doctors' malpractice C. a discussion of a new medical treatment D. a proposal to control medical costs Section B (2’×5=10’) Directions: There is 1 passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions. You should write down your answers to each question on Answer Sheet. Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The Trouble with Biofuels Maybe it was simply too good to be true. For proponents, biofuels — petroleum substitutes made from plant matter like corn or sugar cane — seemed to promise everything. Using biofuels rather than oil would reduce the greenhouse gases that accelerate global warming, because plants absorb carbon dioxide when they grow, balancing out the carbon released when burned in cars or trucks. Using homegrown biofuels would help the U.S. reduce its utter dependence on foreign oil, and provide needed income for rural farmers around the world. And unlike cars powered purely by electric batteries or hydrogen fuel cells — two alternate technologies that have yet to pan out — biofuels could be used right now. But according to a pair of studies published in the journal Science recently, biofuels may not fulfill that promise — and in fact, may be worse for the climate than the fossil fuels they're meant to supplement. According to researchers at Princeton University and the Nature Conservancy, almost all the biofuels used today cause more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels, if the full environmental cost of producing them is factored in. As virgin land is converted for growing biofuels, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere; at the same time, biofuel crops themselves are much less effective at absorbing carbon than the natural forests or grasslands they may be replacing. "When land is converted from natural ecosystems it releases carbon," says Joseph Fargione, a lead author of one of the papers and a scientist at the Nature Conservancy. "Any climate change policy that doesn't take this fact into account doesn't work." Many environmentalists have been making the case against biofuels for some time, arguing that biofuel production takes valuable agricultural land away from food, driving up the price of staple crops like corn. But the Science papers make a more sweeping argument. In their paper, Fargione's team calculated the "carbon debt" created by raising biofuel crops — the amount of carbon released in the process of converting natural landscapes into cropland. They found that corn ethanol produced in the U.S. had a carbon debt of 93 years, meaning it would take nearly a century for ethanol, which does produce fewer greenhouse gases when burned than fossil fuels, to make up for the carbon released in that initial landscape conversion. Palm tree biodiesel in Indonesia and Malaysia — one of the most controversial biofuels currently in use, because of its connection to tropical deforestation in those countries — has a carbon debt of 86 years. Soybean biodiesel in the Amazonian rainforest has a debt of 320 years. "People don't realize there is three times as much carbon in plants and soil than there is in the air," says Fargione. "Cut down forests, burn them, churn the soil, and you release all the carbon that's been stored." Worse, as demand for biofuels go up — the European Union alone targets 5.75% of all its transport fuel to come from biofuel by the end of the year — the price of crops rises. That in turn encourages farmers to clear virgin land and plant more crops, releasing even more carbon in a vicious cycle. For instance, as the U.S. uses more biodiesel, much of which is made from soybeans or palm oil, farmers in Brazil or Indonesia will clear more land to raise soybeans to replace those used for fuel. "When we ask the world's farmers to feed 6 billion people and ask them to produce fuel, that requires them to use additional land," says Fargione. "That land has to come from somewhere." Industry groups like the Renewable Fuels Association criticized the studies for being too simplistic, and failing to put biofuels in context. And it's true that the switch to biofuels can have benefits that go beyond climate change. Biofuels tend to produce less local pollution than fossil fuels, one reason why Brazil — which gets 30% of its automobile fuel from sugar-cane ethanol — has managed to reduce once stifling air pollution. In the U.S., switching to domestically produced biofuels helps cut dependence on foreign oil, and boosts income for farmers. But in all of these cases, the benefits now seem to pale next to the climate change deficits. Fargione points out that if the U.S. managed to use 15 billion gallons of ethanol by 2015 — as is mandated in last year's energy bill — it would still only offset 7% of projected energy demand. That won't put Venezuela or Iran out of business. This is all depressing news, especially if you're a corn farmer. Biofuels are one of the few alternative fuels that are actually available right now, but the evidence suggests we be better off not relying on them. But even Fargione doesn't argue that we should ditch biofuels altogether. Biofuels using waste matter — like wood chips, or the leftover sections of corn stalks — or from perennial plants like switchgrass, effectively amount to free fuel, because they don't require clearing additional land. "There's no carbon debt," notes Fargione. Unfortunately, the technology for yielding fuel from those sources — like cellulosic biofuels — is still in its infancy, though it is improving fast. In the end, the right kind of biofuel won't be a silver bullet, but just one more tool in the growing arsenal against climate change. 26. What are the biofuels? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 27. What are the benefits of using biofuels? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 28. Why are many environmentalists against using biofuels? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 29. What is the “carbon debt”? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 30. The corn ethanol produced in the U.S. has a carbon debt of 93 years. What does it mean? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

4、Part Ⅳ Translation (5’×4=20’) Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 31. This can refer to gaining access to the stored contents of a computer system, gaining access to the processing capabilities of a system, or capturing information being communicated between systems ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 32. Is A.I. (artificial intelligence) a new sort of automation, one that undercuts the brain work that became the mark of late 20th century employment, one that will only eliminate the better jobs? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ available technology, if 1% of the taxes paid by the nuclear industry were used to further implement the technology, 80 cases of genetic disease would be averted for each case caused by the nuclear industry. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 34. Genetically modified, virus-resistant crops can reduce that damage, as can drought-tolerant seeds in regions where water shortages limit the amount of land under cultivation. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

5、Part Ⅴ Writing (20’) Section A (1’×10=10’) Directions: Reading the following sentence patterns which are often used in academic essays and identify their respective functions which have marked from A to J. Then write down the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet. 35. There have been several/detailed studies on ... 36. The research has tended to focus on ... rather on ... 37. It would thus be of interest to learn how … 38. ... is of particular interest with respect to ... 39. The aim of this paper is to apply ... to give detailed information on ... 40. We first consider ..., and argue that ... we then propose ... 41. ... method is employed. 42. The change mainly stems/arises/results from ... 43. It may produce/bring about a marked/drastic change in … 44. In terms of cost, it outweighs the benefit we gain from … Function A: compare and contrast Function B: establish the specific topic Function C: state the previous studies’ limitation Function D: review the previous related studies Function E: introduce the present methodology Function F: analyze the effects Function G: state the purpose and / or the principal activities Function H: offer a brief structure of the whole paper Function I: describe the causes Function J: announce the direction for further studies 35-39 ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ 40-44 ______ ______ ______ _____ ______

6、Part Ⅴ Writing (20’) Section B (10’×1=10’) Directions: Summarize the main ideas of the following source material by using different wording and structures from the original. Source material Objects that are vibrating make sounds. Rhythmic sound vibrations produce sound waves which travel in every direction. The frequency of a sound is the number of waves that pass a given point each second. The more rapidly an object vibrates, the greater the frequency of sound it makes. Frequency is measured in hertz. One hertz equals one sound wave per second. The frequency of sound determines the degree of highness or lowness of the sound. A high-pitched sound has a higher frequency than a low-pitched sound. Humans hear sounds that have frequencies from about 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz. Sound with a frequency higher than 20,000 hertz is called ultrasound which is too high-pitched for humans to hear. However, many animal can hear ultrasound. Bats can hear higher sounds than any other animal. Some can hear up to 210,000 hertz. Bats sent out lots of high-pitched squeaks and then listen to the echoes bouncing off things like insects. The shorter the time interval between the squeak and the echo, the closer they to the insect. Using sound to find or "see" things is called echolocation. Another animal that uses ultrasound is the dolphin. Dolphins can hear sounds up to about 150,000 hertz. Dolphins use sound waves to find food underwater. They make clicking sounds that hit whatever is around them and then bounce back to the dolphins. Dolphins can send as many as 2,000 clicks per second. Dolphins' ultrasound ability is so sensitive that they can detect small fish from 10 feet away. 45.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7、Part Ⅵ (5’×2=10’) Directions: Answer the following questions based on the knowledge you have learned in this course 46. What are the main features of EST(English of Science and Technology)? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 47. What makes a good abstract in EST? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





  • Unit 1: Introduction to Computers(计算机基础)
  • Unit 2: Computer Parts and Functions(计算机组成部分及功能)
  • Unit 3: Computer Networks(计算机网络)
  • Unit 4: Information Security(信息安全)
  • Unit 5: Telecommunications(电信)
  • Unit 6: Biotechnology(生物技术)
  • Unit 7: Electronics(电子)
  • Unit 8: Energy and Environment(能源与环境)
  • Unit 9: Space Exploration(空间探索)
  • Unit 10: Emerging Technologies(新兴技术)



  1. 内容全面:该课程所涉及到的科技英语方面的知识非常全面,能够为学生提供一个良好的科技英语学习平台;
  2. 教学方法灵活:该课程采用了多种不同的教学方法,例如听说读写,案例分析,小组讨论等,让学生能够在不同的学习环境下进行有效的学习;
  3. 实用性强:该课程所涉及到的科技英语方面的知识非常实用,能够为学生今后的学习和工作带来实际的帮助;
  4. 互动性强:该课程采用了在线互动的方式进行教学,学生可以通过在线讨论和互动的方式进行学习和交流,能够提高教学效果。



  1. 掌握科技英语方面的基础知识;
  2. 能够理解和运用科技英语方面的专业术语;
  3. 能够在不同的学习和工作环境下有效地运用科技英语方面的知识;
  4. 提高英语听说读写等方面的能力;
  5. 能够通过在线互动的方式进行有效的学习和交流。

