



98 min read


Chapter 1: Introduction to public speaking


1、中国章节Which description about informative speeches is 大学答案答案incorrect?
A、Informative speeches are about objects.
B、英语演讲Informative speeches are about processes.
C、公共Informative speeches are about changing people’s beliefs.
D、完整Informative speeches are about events.

2、中国章节What strategy helps to deal with nervousness?大学答案答案
A、Prepare thoroughly
B、英语演讲Think positively
C、公共Use the power of visualization
D、完整All of the above

3、中国章节Public speaking is 大学答案答案a vital means of communication, only verbally by one person to another.

4、Noise is 英语演讲an interference in communication process of public speaking.

5、If you follow your rules in speaking,公共 you can be called an ethical speaker.

Chapter 3: Organizing the public speech


1、Which of the following functions about the opening of the speech is 完整incorrect?
A、Get the attention and interest of the audience
B、Reinforce the central idea
C、Preview the body of the speech
D、Establish your credibility and earn support

2、Which of the following statements about speech preparation outline is incorrect?
A、Label the information of speaker and audience
B、Label the opening, body and ending
C、Label main points and subpoints
D、Attach a bibliography

3、Which of the following strategies about supporting the ideas is incorrect?

4、Clustering is a technique to brainstorm for topics.

5、The central idea of the speech can be stated as a declarative sentence or a question.

Chapter 5: Speaking on academic occasion


1、Which of the following is attended by all participants?
A、Plenary sessions
B、Poster sessions
C、Parallel sessions

2、Which of the following statements about giving a presentation is incorrect?
A、Keep your slides simple and clean.
B、If you feel nervous, you can speak very fast.
C、You can get the audience involved by asking them questions sometimes.
D、The opening is important because it sets the tone of the talk.

3、How to organize ideas when structuring materials in your academic writing?
A、Through a logical way
B、From general to specific
C、Using cause and effect analysis
D、All of the above

4、Concrete words can be used to make speech language vivid.

5、Speaking impromptu is a method of delivery.


1、Prepare a 2-minute speech of self-introduction that you will present in class. You can talk about your background, personality, beliefs, or goals. Follow the principles of speech preparation discussed. Develop your ideas by writing a manuscript.

Chapter 6: Speaking on special occasions—6.1 Speaking in competitions


1、What are the basic requirements of a successful speech in a competition?
A、Content judgement
B、Artistic judgement
C、Language judgement
D、Ethical judgement

2、What are the procedures for a speech competition?
A、Topic-assigned speech
B、Unprepared speech
C、The Q & A session

3、The topic-assigned speech is usually given a limit for ____.

4、The contestants should better fix their eyes on the judges when answering the questions in the Q & A session.

5、It is inevitable to be nervous in speech competitions, so there is nothing to be ashamed about it.

Chapter 6: Speaking on special occasions—6.2 Speaking on other occasions


1、What are the goals for a good speech of introduction?
A、It builds enthusiasm and expectation among the audience for the upcoming speaker.
B、It generates interest in the speaker’s topic.
C、It establishes a climate that will boost the speaker’s credibility.
D、It helps to consolidate the confidence of the upcoming speaker.

2、What are the basic rules of an award-giving speech?
A、Speeches of presentation should usually be fairly brief.
B、The speech should point out the achievements for which the recipient is receiving the award.
C、The speech should always reveal the relationship between the presenters and the recipients.
D、If the recipient won the award in a competition against other candidates, the speech of presentation should consider praising his/her peers or colleagues as well.

3、Occasions for toasting usually include:______.
A、Birthday celebrations
B、Engagement gatherings
C、Wedding ceremonies

4、A good acceptance speech is often marked by three features, brevity, humility and graciousness.

5、The theme of a send-off or farewell party or dinner is usually related to past events instead of showing resolutions or hopes for the future.


1、Prepare a 4-5-minute informative speech introducing an object, explaining a concept, describing an event, or demonstrating a process. Develop your ideas by writing a preparation outline.

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