



63 min read


Week1: Course Introduction and Effective Word Choice

Lesson 1-Course Introduction and Meanings of Words随堂测验

1、英语业答Which one is 写作not the standard for foreign language proficiency in America?

2、英语业答According to Dr. Herron James,写作 the most effective way of cultivating a critical mind is to give him a comprehensive training in writing.

Lesson 1-Course Introduction and Meanings of Words随堂测验

1、What is 课c课denotation of a word?
A、Denotation is 后答后作the dictionary definition of a word.
B、It is 案m案basically the literal meaning.
C、It is 英语业答the direct or explicit meaning of a word or phrase.
D、All of them.

2、写作Synonyms always have the same connotations.

3、课c课Connotation is 后答后作a ______________ or idea that a word makes people think of. It is the mental, emotional and social connections our minds make with a word.

Lesson 2-Levels of Words随堂测验

1、From a stylistic point of view,案m案 how many different groups of words do we have in total? What are they?
A、formal words
B、common words
C、colloquial words

2、We use formal writing when writing essays for school or cover letter to apply for jobs.

Lesson 3-Specific and General Words随堂测验

1、The question “How to choose words?” largely depends on:
A、What kind of feeling you are expressing: positive, or negative?
B、What kind of writing style you are adopting: formal or informal?
C、How to make your writing vivid & clear?
D、All of them

2、Which one is more general than others?
A、A good man
B、A warm-hearted man
C、A brave man
D、An honest man

3、The word "scientist" is a specific word when compared with "professional"; while it may be called a general word when compared with "chemist".

4、What are five senses? They include: the sense of sight, hearing, ________, smell, and touch.

Week2: Effective Sentences

Lesson 1-Types of Sentences随堂测验

1、According to function, sentences can be divided into ______________.
A、declarative sentences
B、interrogative sentences
C、imperative sentences
D、exclamatory sentences

2、From a rhetorical point of view, sentences are divided into _____________.
A、loose sentences
B、periodic sentences
C、balanced sentences
D、complex sentences

3、According to function, sentences can be divided into simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentences.

Lesson 2-Common Problematic Sentences随堂测验

1、Which sentence is not correct about misplaced modifier?
A、Misplaced modifiers are words that, because of awkward placement, do not describe what the writer intended them to describe.
B、A misplaced modifier can make a sentence confusing or unintentionally funny.
C、To avoid misplaced modifier, we can place words as close as possible to what they describe.
D、A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase, often a participle or participial phrase, that doesn't actually modify the word it's intended to modify.

2、Faulty pronoun reference refers to a pronoun that doesn't refer clearly and unambiguously to its antecedent.

Week3:Effective Paragraphs

Lesson 1-Understanding of a Paragraph随堂测验

1、Generally speaking, how many parts does a paragraph include? What are they?
A、topic sentence
B、supporting sentences
C、concluding sentence
D、thesis statement

2、A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or long as ten sentences. The number of sentences is unimportant; however, the paragraph should be long enough to develop the main idea clearly, and completely.

Lesson 2-Components of a Paragraph随堂测验

1、What are the main features for a topic sentence?
A、It contains a subject and a verb or predicate.
B、It makes a statement.
C、It gives a general statement.
D、It states an opinion.

2、What are two purposes that a concluding sentence serves?
A、It signals the end of the paragraph.
B、It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember.
C、It gets the readers interested in reading.
D、It carries the main idea.

3、All those supporting sentences should give full support to the topic sentence by all means.

4、“By saying specific details” means you should give vivid and persuasive support to your point.

Lesson 3-Structure of a Paragraph随堂测验

1、Which statement is correct about subtopic sentence?
A、A subtopic sentence is similar to a topic sentence.
B、A subtopic sentence also states an opinion that needs support.
C、A subtopic sentence also has two parts: the limited topic and the controlling idea.
D、All of them.

2、There are two types of structures for writing paragraphs, including a simple version— stage I model, and a more sophisticated version — stage II model.

Lesson 4-Principles for an Effective Paragraph随堂测验

1、Which statement is not correct about “unity”?
A、Unity means oneness.
B、Unity means each sentence in the paragraph should clearly relate to and support the main point, as expressed in the topic sentence.
C、Your paragraph should exclude any ideas that are irrelevant to the main point.
D、Your paragraph should include as many ideas as possible.

2、As for the principle of “support”, what should we pay attention to in advancing an idea?
A、We must remember in writing, any idea that we advance must be supported with specific reasons or details.
B、Is there specific evidence to support the opening point?
C、Is there enough specific evidence?
D、All of them.

3、What are the four principles for an effective paragraph?
D、sentence skills

Week4:Effective Essays

Lesson 1-Effective Introduction随堂测验

1、Generally speaking, what is a well-organized essay made up of?
A、a strong introductory paragraph
B、well-developed central paragraphs
C、an effective concluding paragraph
D、All of them

2、Which statement is true about blueprint?
A、The blueprint is a summary of the main points you are about to present in the body part.
B、The blueprint is a list of the ideas to be presented in your topic sentences of following central paragraphs.
C、The blueprint is an outline of your support.
D、All of them.

3、What elements should an introductory paragraph include?
A、a motivator
B、a thesis statement
C、a blueprint
D、a topic sentence

4、A thesis statement is a sentence that clearly tells the reader what the essay will be about, and it often has an opinion to be proved.

Lesson 2-Effective Central Paragraphs and Conclusion随堂测验

1、How many parts should a topic sentence for a central paragraph include? What are they?
A、a transition from the preceding paragraph
B、a reminder of the thesis statement
C、the main idea of the paragraph
D、a blueprint

2、A conclusion generally includes two elements: reworded thesis statement and clincher.

Week5:Narrative Essays

Lesson1-What is a Narrative Essay随堂测验

1、What are the basic traits of a narrative essay?
A、They make a central point.
B、They contain specific details in support of that point.
C、They're clearly organized in time.
D、All of them.

2、What is the structure of a narrative essay? It includes:
A、An Introduction
B、Central paragraphs
C、A conclusion
D、A topic sentence

3、Thesis statement for a narrative essay should include one of two things: the overall theme of the narrative or a lesson learned.

Lesson 2-How to Write a Narrative Essay随堂测验

1、Except for prewriting, what other process does the writing of a narrative essay involve? It involves:

Week 6: Cause and Effect Essays

Lesson 1-What is a Cause and Effect Essay随堂测验

1、How can we organize the cause and effect essay?
A、Through chronological order.
B、Through order of importance.
C、Through categorical order.
D、All of them

2、An essay focusing on the reasons for the problem or situation is called a Cause Essay.

3、What is a cause essay?

Lesson 2-How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay随堂测验

1、What is the structure for a cause and effect paragraph? We can follow the structure like this:
A、Topic sentence Cause 1 Cause 2 Cause 3 Reworded topic sentence
B、Topic sentence Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Reworded topic sentence
C、Topic sentence Cause 1 Effect 2 Cause 3 Reworded topic sentence
D、All of them

2、What are the two patterns of organizing a cause and effect essay?
A、Multiple causes→one effect
B、One cause→multiple effects
C、Multiple causes→multiple effects
D、All of them

Week7:Comparison and Contrast Essays

Lesson 1-What is a Comparison and Contrast Essay随堂测验

1、Why do we do comparison and contrast?
A、for cognition
B、for decision making
C、for social reasons
D、All of them

2、In order to do comparison and contrast, what elements do you always need to have in mind?
B、Main points to be compared
C、Purpose of comparison
D、Coherence and cohesion

Lesson 2-How to Write a Comparison and Contrast Essay随堂测验

1、What are the two approaches that writers most often adopt to organize their comparison and contrast paragraphs and essays?
C、Time order
D、Space order

2、List at least five transitional words in comparison and in contrast.

Week8:Definition Essays

Lesson 1-What is a Definition Essay随堂测验

1、Which of the following statements is true about "definition"?
A、A definition is a statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
B、It is a method of identifying and making the meaning clear.
C、By defining, you answer the question, “What is the meaning of something?”
D、All of them

Lesson 2-How to Write a Definition Essay随堂测验

1、In order to fulfil your purpose, what other writing skills may you employ in the development of a definition essay?
A、illustration or narration
B、cause and effect
C、comparison and contrast
D、None of them

Week9:Argumentative Essays

Lesson 1-What is an Argumentative Essay随堂测验

1、Which statement is true about an argumentative essay?
A、An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue.
B、You should use reasons to support your opinion.
C、Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right.
D、None of them.

Lesson 2-How to Write an Argumentative Essay随堂测验

1、For an argumentative essay to be effective, it must contain certain elements that will persuade the readers to see things from your perspective. For this reason, you must take a few minutes to plan and prepare before you jump into writing an argument essay. You should
A、Find a good topic
B、Consider both sides of your topic and take a position
C、Gather evidence
D、All of them

Week10:Writing Format

Lesson 1-How to Write an Effective Title随堂测验

1、Which of the followling statements is correct?
A、A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.
B、A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.
C、A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.
D、A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.

Lesson 2-How to Use Punctuations Properly随堂测验

1、Which of the following statement is correct?
A、To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).
B、To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ).
C、To indicate the exact words of the quoted speaker/writer, we should use comma (,).
D、To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).