



88 min read


1.The英语演讲 Introduction to English Public Speaking 英语公众演讲简介


1、Public Speaking is 公众_________________.
A、a communication
B、期末a self-fufillment
C、答案答案a show
D、慕课a test

2、完整Which of the following do you think is 英语演讲not the form of Public Speaking?
A、An interview.
B、公众A presentation.
C、期末A reserach process.
D、答案答案A lecture.

3、慕课One of the major differences between public speaking and ordinary conversation is 完整that public speaking usually requires__________________.
A、adapting to feedback from listeners
B、英语演讲a more formal manner of delivery
C、公众organizing ideas for effective communication
D、期末tailoring the message to the audience

4、English Public Speaking is regarded to be helpful to ______________________.
A、increase personal competence
B、enhance professional growth
C、improve the integrated skills in English
D、cultivate all-round qualities

5、What is the power of Public Speaking?
A、To enlighten
B、To share
C、To influence
D、To motivate

6、Which element of the speech communication process involves the time and place in which communication occurs?

7、For nations, as for individuals, public speaking is a vital way of expressing ideas and achieving objectives.

8、In classical Greece and Rome, public speaking was studied extensively and played a central role in civic life.

9、As discussed in your text, speech-making becomes more complex as _________ increases.

10、What are the three primary differences discussed in your textbook between public speaking and conversation? a. Public speaking is more highly structured. b. ______________________ c. Public speaking requires a different manner of delivery.



2.The Introduction to a Good Speaker


1、Critical thinking involves all of the following related skills EXCEPT __________.
A、distinguishing fact from opinion
B、judging the credibility of statements
C、controlling nervousness and stage fright
D、assessing the soundness of evidence

2、As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will enhance your ability to think __________.
A、clearly and accurately
B、effectively and clearly
C、logically and accurately
D、cohesively and logicaly

3、All of the following types of language have little place in public speeches EXCEPT __________.
D、bad grammar

4、Ethics for a speaker to get ready for his speech include_________ .
A、making sure the goals are ethically sound
B、being fully prepared for each speech
C、being honest in what the speaker says
D、avoiding man-calling and other forms of abusing language

5、Plagiarism is a serious matter. It is classified into ___________.
A、global plagiarism
B、patchwork plagiarism
C、incremental plagiarism

6、The three guidelines for ethical listening are ___________.
A、discussing while listening
B、being courteous and attentive
C、avoiding prejudging the speaker
D、maintaining the free and open expression of ideas

7、As a speaker, you need to be alert to the listeners’ reactions and adjust your message accordingly.

8、In public speaking there are four kinds of interference.

9、The is the means by which a message is communicated.

10、lets you know how your message is being received by your audience.

11、Concern by a listener about lawn mower noise outside the room, an upcoming test, or a sick relative are all examples of , when you are making a speech.



3.The Presentation of a Speech


1、Which of the following factors is NOT relevant to your success as a speaker?
A、Your manner of speaking.
B、Your circle of friends.
C、Your personal credibility.
D、Your knowledge of subject.

2、For most people, the __________ part of stage fright is the fear of the unknown.

3、One professional speech consultant estimates that proper preparation can reduce stage fright by __________ percent.

4、Certain situations require certain kinds of speeches.

5、Stage fright is a global phenomenon that cuts across language, culture, and national borders.

6、Positive nervousness is controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation.

7、If you make an obvious mistake during a speech, it is a catastrophe.

8、Li Wei opened her first speech with a little joke to grab the attention of her audience, but to her disappointment, none of her classmates seemed to get it. It seems Li Wei’s ____________ could be more effective.

9、When delivering your speech, try to use your voice as __________ as you would in normal conversation.

10、When delivering your impromptu speech, maintaining with the audience can avoid vocalized pauses.


1、请就演讲题目“The person I can't lose”写一个大纲

4. The Organization of Speech Draft — How to make a logic body


1、Most people speak best about subjects_____________.
A、in which they are most interested
B、with which they are most familiar
C、about which they are most curious
D、at which they are most surprised

2、If you are having trouble selecting a topic, there are a number of __________procedures you can follow to get started.

3、You have to make sure you do not ______________, if you want to get an accurate quotation.
A、misquote someone
B、violate the meaning of statements you paraphrase
C、quote out of context
D、quote only the most authorative sources

4、Which of the following statements does not contain effective use of statistics?
A、The population of Saudi Arabia is approaching 29 million.
B、Lake Poyang has a surface area of almost 3,600 square kilometers.
C、The world land speed record is 1,228 kilometers per hour.
D、Mount Kilimanjaro is 589,514 meters high.

5、Once you establish your main points, you need to decide the order in which you will present them.

6、It is easier to create an effective introduction after you know exactly what you will say in the body.

7、If your main points are not stated expressly in your specific purpose, they may be difficult to project from it.

8、How well a speech is organized affects how listeners view the speaker’s competence and trustworthiness.

9、Quotations or paraphrases used to support a point are called __________.

10、Using expert testimony is an excellent way to lend __________ to your speeches.


1、请就演讲题目“Value every minute.”写一个outline。

5. The Organization of Speech Draft —How to Make an Effective Beginning


1、If you were giving an informative speech to your classmates on the subject of zoology, you would probably include a __________ in your introduction.
B、startling statement
D、rhetorical question

2、Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in a speech introduction, you should always __________.
A、startle the audience
B、use a rhetorical question
C、tell an interesting story
D、relate the topic to the audience

3、__________ is the audience’s perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.

4、Which of the following are basic objectives of a speech introduction?
A、Establishing credibility and goodwill.
B、Supporting your main points.
C、Revealing the topic of the speech.
D、Previewing the body of the speech.

5、When used in a speech introduction, which of the following are the methods of gaining the attention of the audience?
A、Telling a story.
B、Asking a question.
C、Making a startling statment.
D、Arousing curiosity.

6、Regardless of what other methods you use to gain attention, you should always relate the topic to your audience in the introduction of a speech.

7、Under normal circumstances, the introduction should comprise about 10-20 percent of a speech.

8、The preview statement in a speech introduction identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.

9、Creating goodwill is especially important in the introduction of a(n) __________ speech.

10、The best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is ______ you prepare the body of the speech.

6. The Organization of Speech Draft —How to Make a Good Ending?


1、Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?
A、A reference to the introduction.
B、A statement of goodwill.
C、A preview statement.
D、An announcement of the topic.

2、In addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speech conclusion should also __________.
A、secure the audience’s attention
B、build your credibility as a speaker
C、signal the end of the speech
D、reveal the topic of the speech

3、Which of the following statements about speech conclusions is true?
A、The conclusion should take up about 25 percent of a speech.
B、All four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a single conclusion.
C、Ending a speech abruptly is an excellent way to reinforce the speaker’s central idea.
D、The last sentence of a speech should usually offer to answer questions from the audience.

4、Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?
A、A causal argument.
B、A provocative quotation.
C、An internal preview.
D、An extended example.

5、Which of the following would you likely find in a speech conclusion?
A、A provocative quotation.
B、A reference to the introduction.
C、A credibility statement.
D、A call to action.

6、A speech conclusion that builds in power and intensity as it moves toward the closing line is known as a dissolve ending.

7、The only way to convey that your speech is ending is through the use of words such as “In conclusion.”

8、Referring back to the introduction in your conclusion is a good way to give the speech psychological unity.

9、When a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on an emotional note, she or he is using a __________ ending. (crescendo ending /dissolve ending)

10、A(n) __________ ending is a conclusion that builds force until reaching a peak of power and intensity. (crescendo ending /dissolve ending)

7. Rhetoric in EPS


1、1、写一个明喻句子(metaphor) 2、写一个暗喻句子(simile) 3、写一组动词排比句(parallel sentence) 4、写一组名词排比句 5、写一组句型一致的排比句

8. Informative Speeches


1、“To inform my audience about the major parts of a 35-millimeter camera” is a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n) __________.

2、Speeches about __________ are often more complex than other types of informative speeches.

3、If your specific purpose statement were “To inform my audience about the three major types of pet lizards,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

4、Which of the following is mentioned in this unit as a guideline for effective informative speaking?
A、Personalize your ideas.
B、Don’t overestimate what the audience knows.
C、Involve the audience with a call to action.
D、Relate the subject directly to the audience.

5、If your specific purpose were “To inform my audience how windows are manufactured,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

6、If the specific purpose of your informative speech is to recount the history of an event, you will usually arrange the speech in chronological order.

7、Research shows that using personal terms such as “you” and “your” in an informative speech can increase listeners’ understanding of the speaker’s ideas.

8、Informative speeches are seldom organized in topical order.

9、If your specific purpose statement were “To inform my audience about the different layers of the atmosphere,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

10、“To inform my audience about the causes of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution” is a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n) __________.

9. Persuasive Speeches


1、“To persuade my audience that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause serious health problems” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of_____________.

2、“To persuade my audience that downloading music from the Internet for personal use is ethically wrong” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of __________.

3、At which of the following would you be most likely to hear a persuasive speech on a question of fact?
A、An awards ceremony.
B、A jury trial.
C、A political convention.
D、A retirement banquet.

4、Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy. They are __________.

5、The three kinds of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of , questions of , and questions of .

6、“To persuade my audience to contribute to the campus blood drive” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of policy whose aim is passive agreement.

7、Even though a persuasive speaker’s goal is to influence the audience’s beliefs or actions, he or she still has an ethical obligation to present evidence fairly and accurately.

8、When you discuss a question of policy, you must deal with three basic issues–need, plan, and practicality.

9、The burden of __________ always rests with the persuasive speaker who advocates change.

10、“To persuade my audience that cheating on schoolwork is never justified” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of __________.

10. Speeches in Special Occasions


1、Which of the following is an example of a speech for a special occasion?
A、A speech presenting an award to a retiring newspaper editor.
B、A presentation on marketing strategy at a sales meeting.
C、A talk to new college students about how to register for classes.
D、A lecture by a visiting professor in a college class.

2、A speaker introducing the president of a university to an audience of prospective students and their families will best accomplish this goal by __________.
A、praising the president as the finest public speaker on campus
B、presenting a detailed biography of the president’s entire life
C、discussing the history of the university and its tradition of excellent athletic teams
D、summarizing the president’s major accomplishments at the university

3、Before presenting the college’s Athlete of the Year Award, the athletic director made a point of praising the two athletes who were runners up in this year’s competition. According to your textbook, was this choice appropriate for a speech of presentation?
A、No. It is almost always in poor taste to mention the losers.
B、Yes. It is often appropriate to praise the losers of a competition.
C、Yes. Identifying the losers makes the winner look even better.
D、No. Naming anyone other than the winner usually irritates the audience.

4、Which of the following is not an example of a commemorative speech?
A、A soccer coach’s pre-game pep talk.
B、A daughter’s eulogy in honor of her father.
C、A speaker’s acceptance of an award.
D、A teacher’s lecture on banking ethics.

5、If you attended the Academy Awards and heard the following speeches, which one would not be an example of a commemorative speech?
A、A speech accepting the best actor award.
B、A speech explaining the history of the Oscar statue.
C、A speech explaining the balloting system and new security measures.
D、A speech honoring Audrey Hepburn for her lifetime achievements.

6、A graduation address and a toast at a wedding are both examples of speeches for special occasions.

7、The purpose of a speech of introduction is to introduce the person receiving an award or an honor.

8、When giving a speech of introduction, you should be sure to praise the speaking skills of the main speaker.

9、According to your textbook, a speech in which an individual gives thanks for a gift or award is termed a(n) __________.

10、When your fundamental purpose in a speech is to inspire the audience, you are most likely going to be giving a(n) __________ speech.





1、Almost all cultures have an equivalent of the English word “__________” to designate someone with special skills in public speaking.

2、Intercultural communicative competence builds upon traditional communicative competence but adds the __________ required to make one’s way in an interdependent, culturally diverse world.
A、awareness and skills
C、linguistic fluency

3、Because public speaking is an act of __________ communication, it involves the use of English as a working language.

4、One of the major differences between public speaking and ordinary conversation is that public speaking usually requires __________.
A、adapting to feedback from listeners
B、a more formal manner of delivery
C、organizing ideas for effective communication
D、tailoring the message to the audience

5、For __________ speeches, you can think of subjects about which you hold strong opinions and beliefs.

6、You should choose a specific purpose you can achieve __________.
A、in no more than an hour
B、in the allotted time
C、in the least possible time
D、in no less than 10 minutes

7、If you want to persuade a skeptical audience, which of the following is it most important for you to do in your speech?
A、Define unclear terms in the introduction.
B、Answer the reasons for the audience's skepticism.
C、Organize the speech in problem-solution order.
D、Focus the speech on questions of value

8、“To persuade my audience that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause serious health problems” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of_____________.

9、Good public speakers are __________.

10、Which of the following elements usually has the greatest impact on the length a speech should be?
A、The audience’s disposition toward the topic.
B、The physical setting for the speech.
C、The occasion of the speech.
D、The audience’s attitudes toward the speaker.

11、You need to keep an eye out during your speech for audience __________.

12、Quotations or paraphrases used to support a point are called __________.

13、The process of organizing the body of speech begins when you determine the __________.
B、main points

14、The most effective order depends on all of the following things EXCEPT __________.
A、your topic
B、your purpose
C、your title
D、your audience

15、Spatial order is especially useful for __________ speeches

16、Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in a speech introduction, you should always __________
A、startle the audience
B、use a rhetorical question
C、tell an interesting story
D、relate the topic to the audience

17、__________ is the audience’s perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic
B、Good will

18、An appeal to action is most appropriate in the conclusion of a(n) __________ speech

19、Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?
A、Prescription medicine
D、Health care

20、Which of the following words is the most general and abstract?

21、“My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together” is an example of __________.

22、“Just like an iceberg, the most important dimensions of culture are below the surface” is an example of __________.

23、“Our mission is to right wrong, to do justice, and to serve humanity” is an example of __________.

24、In an informative speech, the speaker acts as a(n) __________

25、A is a systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product

26、If your specific purpose statement were “To inform my audience about the three major types of sleep disorders,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

27、“To persuade my audience that the use of cell phones by car drivers has contributed to a growing number of automobile accidents” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of __________

28、When giving a speech of presentation, you should usually __________
A、tell why the recipient is receiving her or his award
B、present the main speaker briefly and accurately
C、avoid mentioning the losers of the award competition
D、adapt your presentation to the main speaker

29、Which of the following is an example of a commemorative speech?
A、A soccer coach’s pre-game pep talk.
B、A daughter’s eulogy in honor of her father.
C、A speaker’s acceptance of an award
D、A teacher’s lecture on banking ethics

30、__________ usually makes the difference between an ordinary speech and a superb one.
D、Critical thinking

31、Which of the following is mentioned in the unit as a guideline for effective informative speaking?
A、personalize your ideas
B、don’t overestimate what the audience knows
C、involve the audience with a call to action
D、relate the subject directly to the audience

32、Which of the following are not among the methods recommended for avoiding too many abstractions in an informative speech?
A、Use statistics and testimony
B、Use narration and dialogue
C、Use testimony and examples
D、Use comparison and contrast.

33、Which of the following statements about articulation is true?
A、Articulation and pronunciation are identical.
B、Most of the time, poor articulation is caused by laziness.
C、Sloppy articulation is the failure to form particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly.
D、Speakers should avoid careless blending of two short words such as saying “lemme” instead of “let me.”

34、Critical thinking involves which of the following related skills?
A、distinguishing fact from opinion
B、judging the credibility of statements
C、controlling nervousness and stage fright
D、assessing the soundness of evidence

35、Which of the following types of language have little place in public speeches?
D、bad grammar

36、The basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking is _____, ______, _______.
A、using language clearly
B、using language vividly
C、using language appropriately
D、using language technically

37、To use language vividly your textbook recommends that speakers employ _________and .
B、concrete words

38、For nations, as for individuals, public speaking is a vital way of expressing ideas and achieving objectives.

39、Critical thinking is a matter of being able to spot weaknesses in other people’s arguments and to avoid them in your own.

40、Stage fright is a global phenomenon that cuts across language, culture, and national borders.

41、Your speech will have two parts—an introduction and a body.

42、It is a good idea to write out your first speech like an essay and read it word for word to your listeners.

43、Usually general purpose will fall into one of two overlapping categories—to inform or to persuade.

44、When you use numerical data, make sure your statistics are representative of what they claim to measure.

45、Once you establish your main points, you need to decide the order in which you will present them.

46、How well a speech is organized affects how listeners view the speaker’s competence and trustworthiness.

47、Chronological order and spatial order are especially useful in informative speeches.

48、A speaker should avoid using familiar words because they make a speech sound trite

49、Language needs to be appropriate to a speaker herself or himself, as well as to the audience, topic, and occasion.

50、Establishing goodwill is more likely to be necessary in the introduction of a persuasive speech than in the introduction of an informative speech.

51、The only way to convey that your speech is ending is through the use of words such as “In conclusion.”

52、A “rhetorical question” is a question that the audience answers mentally rather than out loud.

53、Referring back to the introduction in your conclusion is a good way to give the speech psychological unity

54、A speech conclusion that builds in power and intensity as it moves toward the closing line is known as a dissolve ending.

55、Once you establish your main points, you need to decide the order in which you will present them.

56、Problem-solution order is most appropriate for persuasive speeches.

57、If you were giving a speech with the specific purpose “To inform my audience of the major geographical regions of Mexico,” the most effective organizational pattern for arranging your main points would probably be chronological order.

58、The __________ is whatever a speaker communicates to someone else

59、The means by which a message is communicated is termed the __________

60、__________ lets you know how your message is being received.

61、Regardless of your topic, your speech will have __________ main parts

62、For __________ speeches, you can think of subjects about which you hold strong opinions and beliefs

63、Speeches arranged chronologically follows a __________ pattern.

64、Spatial order is especially useful for __________ speeches.