


超星Hospital Management Practice答案(学习通2023课后作业答案)

69 min read

超星Hospital Management Practice答案(学习通2023课后作业答案)

1 Process management


1、超星Please briefly summarize implementation of “BPM” approach in the healthcare domain. (No more than 200 words)

3 Mobile Medical Healthcare


1、答案Please briefly summarize implementation of Mobile Health Clinics.

4 Economic Management


1、学习Please briefly summarize the two commonly used theoretical perspectives for studying costs,通课 micro- economic theory and industrial organization theory. (No more than 200 words)

6 Health Communication


1、(No more than 200 words)

7 Integrated Healthcare System in China


1、后作Do you have any suggestions for Luohu Model and Huadu Model for their further constructions and improvements?业答(No more than 200 words)

Final Exam

Final Exam of Hospital Management Practice

1、Please introduce a representative case of hospital management practice in your country. You can introduce the case overview,超星 practice, theoretical basis, tools, forms, organizations, reform measures, and other contents. (No more than 200words)

2、Please list the characteristics and effects of the hospital management practice case you introduced. You can list the aspects of improving efficiency,答案 social impact, saving medical costs, strengthening team building, and other contents. (No more than 200words)

3、Please briefly describe what information or database you consulted during the case analysis 学习of the hospital management practice, the confusion during the analysis or what you have gained, your thoughts, and any suggestions for this course.(no more than 200words)